How to stop being an energy donor. Energy vampire or donor. who you are? Combination of energy types

It's hard to believe, but there are energy vampires by date of birth. Calculating whether a person has such a gift is quite simple. To do this, you just need to pass the test, which will show the vampire you or the victim.

In the article:

Energy vampires by date of birth - how to determine?

Sometimes it's easy enough. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to how a person behaves in society. There are separate, there are certain signs by which you can determine whether a person is a vampire or not.

But sometimes it happens that primary signs it is impossible to determine whether a person is a vampire or simply has a short temper or a whiny temperament. Perhaps, quite unconsciously, you yourself can be a real energy vampire. If you are afraid of harming your loved ones, friends and just acquaintances, then take this test and determine if you are an energy vampire.

With this test, you can easily find out who from your environment is involved in energy vampirism, and who is regularly forced to “feed” such personalities with their energy. How to dispose of the information received is up to you. For example, you can make sure that the person influencing you is a vampire, and take action, because you can protect yourself from any evil.

Energy Vampire Test

Thanks to this test, you can determine what type of person you are. There are five in total:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims are donors;
  • neutral characters;
  • white magicians;
  • black mages.

To test, you just need to know full date the birth of a person, have a piece of paper and a pen with you.

You need to write your date of birth in full. For example: 06/18/1994. After that, add up all the numbers that are written in front of you (1+8+0+6+1+9+9+4=38).

But the result should not be represented by a two-digit number. Therefore, take and add up the two resulting numbers (3 + 8 = 11). If you succeed again two-digit number, as in the example, then add the numbers again (1 + 1 = 2).

As a result, you will get one number. In our case, this is 2. It is by it that you can determine your belonging to energy vampires.

One or two

If as a result of passing the test you got the number 1 or 2, then you can be sure that this person is a vampire. Consciously or not, he draws energy from those around him and uses this resource to achieve his goals. But do not immediately push this person away from you. Perhaps he is just a victim of circumstances and is not to blame for the fact that nature has given him such a gift.

Try to find out if the person knows about their unusual opportunities. If such a gift does not bring him pleasure, and he wants to get rid of it himself, help him. By cultivating willpower, you can cope with vampirism. Such a person should learn to control this process and not succumb to the desires of his evil self.

But you should also be afraid if an energy vampire lives with you under the same roof. In fact, many people are able to draw energy from other people. It is not fatal if it happens unconsciously. In order to protect yourself, you should learn how to properly set up barriers and defend yourself even from involuntary attacks.

If your acquaintance quite consciously replenishes his resources at the expense of other people, then you should protect yourself from communicating with this character. There are several techniques that will help you both and.

Numbers five and seven

People who receive these numbers as a result of passing the test should be especially careful about those with whom they communicate. Such people - donors. They are especially susceptible negative influence Vampires are the easiest to attack.

In this case, you should always carry with you, which will protect you from the effects of evil forces, repel the attack of a vampire. Learn to build mirror, energy barriers. They will help protect against the effects of a vampire.

In addition, you should regularly restock your vital energy, since it tends to dry out quickly. To do this, visit places of power. It is important that these are not cemeteries (where you can become easy prey for sorcerers and vampires), but places filled with positive energy:

  • temple;
  • churches.

Frequent walks in nature are obligatory for you, since it is contact with nature that will allow you to restore lost strength.

Threes, sixes and eights

If as a result of passing the test you got one of these three numbers, then you are especially lucky. you do not possess supernatural abilities and you can't take them away from other people vitality. But you also can't fall prey to a vampire.

These people are absolutely neutral. Their energy is so powerful that it automatically creates a very powerful barrier around this person, and the vampire rarely manages to break through it.

Therefore, you are practically invulnerable. As a precaution, you can be advised to carry a talisman against evil forces with you and learn how to build protective barriers, but such a skill may never be useful to you.

number nine

If you passed the test for calculating the energy vampire by date of birth, and you got the number nine, then this means that you have supernatural powers, but you are not a vampire.

The number 9 is characteristic of people who have very powerful positive energy and can be white magicians. They have a very large supply of energy, which they can easily control.

Initially, these people have great potential, but if it is not developed, then it will remain unmanifested. You need to work hard to become a good wizard. But, rest assured, if you make every effort for this, then you will succeed.


People born under this number really have unusual gift. They are able to move from one state to another. Such people are strong black magicians. If they have a sufficient supply of vitality, then they can remain in a neutral state and will be reliably protected from any extraneous negative impact.

If they realize that their strength has run out, they can easily become very strong energy vampires and feed off their victims.

If the black magician wants to, then he can adopt the abilities of people born under the number 4 and easily manage energy flows.

The most successful unions

Being an energy vampire is actually not as bad as it sounds. People who can take someone else's energy can be very useful.

If the family has vampire(or black magician) and white magician, then this is an ideal union, since the white magician may not know where to put all his energy. That is, the vampire will take her remnants, and there will always be an energy balance in this pair.

Neutrals and white magicians - harmonious combination. These people will always be able to understand each other, support. But in this pair will be given preference business relations and friendship than love.

Donors and white magicians- great couple. If the donor does not have enough of his own strength and energy, then the magician can charge him. In this case, the exchange of energy will be mutual agreement without the use of force.

A strong friendship is possible between donor and neutral. If the neutral wants, then he will be able to protect his friend from the harmful effects, and then both representatives will be reliably protected from extraneous influence.

Vampire and black magician- not the worst combination. The black magician is able to control energy flows, like white magician. Therefore, his companion will not have to starve from a lack of energy.

A rather controversial combination - vampire (or black magician) and neutral. If these two people live in the house, then there will be no harmony in their relationship exactly until the vampire learns to control his hunger and stops attacking the neutral. Or it will be fueled by energy, using other sources.

Not the best alliances

Union will not be the most successful vampire with vampire. In this pair, both representatives will constantly starve from a lack of energy forces. There can be only one way out of the situation - if both representatives agree to feed on energy somewhere on the side, or to receive strength from joint recreation, pastime, hobby. Otherwise, vampires will not be able to be near each other.

Energy Donor

Donor people are those who donate energy. They themselves are not able to take it from other people, so if donors often come into contact with energy vampires, then their vitality leaves each time. Donors need to be very selective about their environment. They are especially susceptible to the negative influence of vampires, and they are the easiest to attack.

Like any person, a donor may have a low or high level spiritual development.

A low-level donor is obsessive, always out of place and out of time trying to help everyone, regardless of whether they asked him for help or not, so his help does more harm than good and he is offended by the environment for not recognizing his aspirations.

Donor higher order Healer and clairvoyant, able to work with energy. He will not impose his help, but if asked, he will never refuse. Its powerful field easily penetrates the barriers of time and space.

Donors should be able to build mirror energy barriers, protect themselves with prayer and carry special talismans with them, for example, the icon of their saint, an aspen cross, a bagua mirror or Fatima's eye. It is best for them to replenish their energy reserves in the so-called places of power or in nature: in the forest, in the mountains, near water bodies.

Several simple tips For Vampire Protection Donors:

  1. Try to find out if the person is aware of their unusual abilities. If such a gift does not bring him pleasure, and he wants to get rid of it himself, help him. By cultivating willpower, you can cope with vampirism. Such a person should learn to control this process and not succumb to the desires of his lower self.
  2. To feel normal, a vampire often needs a scandal. Do not give in to provocations. If a vampire yells at you, shows aggression and practically attacks with his fists, do not answer him in the same way. Be calm, avoid verbal skirmish.
  3. If the subject regularly complains, do not feel sorry for him! Ignore his negativity, rather tell him how good you had last night. This will depress him.
  4. Meet him with an adequate blow negative energy. When a person complains, instead of pitying him, tell him that you also have a lot of difficulties. Start crying into his vest yourself. This will put him in a stupor.
  5. Stop talking to this person. If your future or career advancement does not depend on him, save your nerves, just ignore this vampire. The more you ignore him, the faster the vampire will lose interest in you.

And we discussed where the donor's energy goes. But I did not have time to answer the question of what to do when meeting with a vampire. And of course, to complete the picture, it is worth taking a closer look at energy donors, understand what their problem is and think how to stop donating. I will also share how my personal story of meeting with a vampire ended. Go!

What to do when meeting with an energy vampire

In fact, we should not run from vampires, but bless their appearance on our way. Because they, like litmus papers, show us our problems. And only in communication with them can we learn to behave honestly and make sure that problems are solved. After all, they don’t “stick” to everyone, but only to some - like “forest orderlies”. We will recover - we will unhook.

There is one more aspect. The more significant a person is for us, the more and more painfully his manipulations affect us. It is unlikely that a passer-by on the street will “pump out energy” from us if he suddenly sticks with heartfelt conversations or swears. But mom, girlfriend, beloved husband - it's easy! Is it about love? No - depending. Unfortunately, the most painful relationships are the closest ones. This is where our neuroses and passions truly flourish!

Internal resistance may begin, fear of “losing yourself”, literally even dying. Do not believe it - this neurosis is afraid of losing itself, but nothing will happen to you. What, you don't lie to yourself and your motives are as pure as a baby's tear? But then, when meeting with vampires, you should remain calm and happy, and not even notice such meetings!

3. Having thoroughly rummaged with our motives and understanding everything, we, of course, have become theoretically smarter and more honest, but we have not yet changed in reality. Who does not know how various insights and understandings are sometimes forgotten without a trace, without exerting any influence on our lives. It’s easy to think, but to do, and even taking into account inertia ... Therefore, the process of real recovery from energy donation will not take place without milestone- practices.

The bottom line is that we have to practice learning how to respond and behave differently. The work consists of two parts:

  1. We analyze our specific reactions, emotions and actions from past experience and model how it should be, taking into account the unearthed information - not as a donor, but honestly. Thus, we mentally "train" to be different.
  2. Carefully observe ourselves in real conditions communication with the "energy vampire", we note our mistakes and try to behave differently. The first time will not work, because the inertia is strong. But one shift has already taken place - we are no longer passively involved in the situation, but also observe it from the outside, noting our mistakes. We analyze the results of observations at our leisure, finding along the way what escaped the analysis at the second stage (there will always be), we model it in the right way - and again into battle.

Sooner or later, new patterns of behavior and response will begin to enter our lives and become habitual, and the old ones will become a thing of the past. The stage of practical consolidation is the longest. The initial analysis and self-opening of the eyes will not take much time, and you will not go through the practice in a couple of days. It may take half a year, and a year, and even several, accompanied by an understanding of our problem, but as a result, we will be reborn from a miserable donor into a healthy person.

It is at this stage that we need our beloved vampires - only they can give practice, and it will be very good if we have not yet managed to shoot them all in the district with silver bullets to expel them all from our lives. Otherwise, you will have to look for new ones, or wait until life sends them to us, which it will definitely do, taking care of our health :) But it’s somehow more familiar with vampires you already know, agree? Although it is more difficult too - there the inertia is stronger, and from both sides.

How did my story with the loss of energy end?

Armed with a diary, I realized all of the above in relation to the situation. I realized that it was a hello from the past. My first visitor was once a very significant person for me ... Then I was terribly dependent on him. We haven't been in contact for a long time, and that's why our relationship hasn't developed. Accordingly, as soon as they met, the old, habitual patterns of behavior woke up in me, although I felt that now it was alien to me ... and the old neurosis also woke up.

I realized how I should have behaved honestly, why I didn’t, and what to do next time. Moreover, now I saw his illness and I can change something, maybe even help him, the poor ... Stop! Again pulling to save the drowning? However, before I did not see his problems - I took everything at face value! That's true, the easiest way to fool a liar. The second person is not worth attention here - this episode only aggravated the first, but in itself would mean nothing.

As soon as I understood everything, I immediately wanted to live again. I did a set of bodyflex exercises, overcoming the pain - and the next day everything went away, no matter how it happened. returned and normal condition body and soul: and lack of sleep passed, and fatigue, and mood improved, and I wanted to work again :)

There was another interesting observation in this story. When I completely fell apart, I caught myself in an acute desire love yourself, and not somehow, but right on that list from Narushevich. This is very revealing and sheds light on why in an enhanced mode, so as not to lose shape - it seems that this is their way of coping with an internal conflict in the face of around-the-clock lies to themselves and loved ones. Will have to talk about it think again

P.S. In no way do I urge you to specifically look for energy vampires on your head and force yourself to live with them. In a good way, there is nothing to do with a neurotic. But since fate has collided with such an instance, and you have suffered, it means that the time has come to work on yourself, and you should not miss this chance. Therefore, I advise you to first use it as a mirror of your dynamics - unless, of course, this directly threatens health and life.

Thanks to the hint in the review, I’ll add that this should not be just a cynical “use” - at the same time, we are giving the tyrant a second chance (just don’t forget about the use, imagining ourselves again as noble ladies - saviors)! Yes, most likely, he does not use this chance, but on our part, it is still more honest and humane to give him this choice. In addition, knowing that we did our best and that he made his own choice will make it much easier for us later life, relieving unnecessary doubts and feelings of guilt.

Well, here, I tried to describe in detail what the problem of an energy donor is and how to stop being this donor and what to do with vampires. If something is not clear or raises doubts - write in the comments, we'll talk;)

© Nadezhda Dyachenko

We are all different. We have a different worldview, personal qualities and way of life. In addition, we have different energy. The nature of human connections and contacts depends on it. Have you thought about why you are friends with this particular person, and the other is completely unpleasant for you, although he is not bad in character and very attractive in appearance ... The thing is that people communicate with each other thanks to a compatible energy background.

All people can be divided into five energy types: vampires, donors, neutrals, white magicians and black magicians. You can determine your type using numerology. To do this, add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Let's say your date of birth: 02/17/1990 = 1+7+0+2+1+9+9+0 = 29; 2+9 = 11; 1+1 = 2. The number 2 is an energy type number. Now you need to find its decoding and find out your energy type.

Energy vampires. Numbers: 1 and 2. Vampires can take the energy of the people around them. They need a constant supply of other people's vitality. Energy vampires can take energy both consciously and unconsciously. The process of absorption of energy, as a rule, occurs as a result of quarrels, conflicts, intimate conversations and in the case of other emotional contacts.

Donors. Numbers: 5 and 7. Human donors are those who give energy to vampires. They themselves are not able to absorb it, so if they often come into contact with energy vampires, then their life forces leave each time.

Neutrals. Numbers: 3, 6 and 8. People of this type do not take, but do not give energy. Their energy field is quite protected and strong, which allows them to always be in good shape.

white magicians. Number: 9. White magicians have an amazing ability to control their energy. They can give it away when necessary, but they themselves never seek to take energy.

black magicians. Number: 4. Representatives of this type can be neutral, and can turn into energy vampires. They, like white magicians, can control their energy charge.

Relationships between people are built on the basis of these types. Oddly enough, but the union of the donor and the vampire can be very successful for both, unless, of course, the energy of the donor is enough for two. And if the donor himself suffers from energy devastation and lack of emotions, then any contact with the vampire will only bring him negative. Neutrals and white magicians are very successful union. There will always be a calm and stable relationship between them. Black and white magicians are a balance. These types of people tend to be very friendly. It is easy for them to establish contact with each other and find common ground.

Vampires and black magicians are an unsuccessful union. Each of them will try to draw energy from each other, which will lead to the devastation of both. Neutrals will not get along with black magicians, who will not be able to right moment charge the magician with energy. The remaining combinations of energy types of people are neutral.

We are interested to know if you managed to calculate your energy number, tell us in the comments who you are, a vampire or a donor? If this information was useful to you, click on and

While you live well and quietly, the “vampire” toils, suffers, walks in circles around. He is hungry: peace is not his element. And since he feeds on your negative emotions, then will do everything possible to piss you off. As soon as he succeeded, the aggressor fed on and fell away like a leech. He is pleased, and with trembling hands you drip valerian into a glass.

There are many such provocateurs around, and there is no getting away from them. They surround us at work, on the street, in transport, in queues, on the Internet, and are just waiting for a reason to release their sting. Even if you stand quietly and peacefully in line at the checkout, without touching anyone, immersed in own thoughts, the provocateur will find a way to get in touch with you. He will ask a harmless question and, no matter how you answer, skillfully pretend to be offended and begin to spin the tangle of your emotions, getting to the nerve endings and exposing them. Then you yourself will not know how it happened that it was you who turned out to be a brawler and a boor?

What to do in order not to be in similar situation? And we apply the reception scorpion effect!

Learn to maintain not only calmness, but also politeness, accompanied by a smile! And it's not from holy scripture at all - "If you get slapped on one cheek, turn the other". It will become clear why later.

I understand that without practice it seems impossible (and humiliating for some) to respond with politeness and a smile to rudeness, but in fact, politeness is your weapon and armor at the same time. Once you manage to apply it once, you will no longer be able to deny yourself this pleasure. Yes, it's pleasure. After all, nothing crushes the “enemy” like underlined politeness. And what could be more pleasant than victory?

The provocateur, seeing how all his barbs bounce off you, will be ready to tie a knot with anger. He was counting on you to recharge. His batteries are already dead, and then you still had to spend your strength with the rest of your health, and you not only have the audacity not to get angry, but also: “What are you, what are you, my dear. No problem".

I exaggerate, of course, but - the more kind you are, the more angry your offender will be (here you "scorpion effect"). The main thing is that the tone of your answer should not be ingratiating, but confident. The more angry the provocateur is, the more pleasant you are. Such sadism, and nothing to do with holy scripture. But why sadism? We are all taught to be polite as children. So put the acquired skills into practice. And if it jars on someone, it is, as they say, his problems and lack of education.

There is another option - not to respond to the provocateur's remarks, not giving him food for further slander. True, in real life this is difficult to achieve. Well, except to pretend to be deaf and dumb. But on the Web, this is not a problem at all. Without fueling your responses, his attack will choke on its own.

Finally, an old, bearded anecdote.

Evening. A crowded bus. A thin student in glasses and with a battered briefcase under his arm is squeezed from all sides by the crowd. Nearby, staggering either from fatigue or from ethyl alcohols, furrowing the channels of the veins, or from the combination of the first and second, a man of working appearance is trying to maintain balance. The bus shakes on a rough road, the student steps on the man's foot.
Student (adjusting his glasses on his nose): "Excuse me."
Man (looking at the young man in glasses): "Are you an intellectual?" (contemptuously)
Student: “What are you, what are you! I'm just as bad as you!"

Smile gentlemen, smile!