Types of human energy. Types of energy vampires and how to calculate a bloodsucker by date of birth. Does fuel consumption change over time

Incredible facts

As each of us probably knows, there is a wide range of human sensory abilities. Some people see very well, others not very well. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity.

All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people perfectly understand the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when there is a lot or little of it. They can easily sense the "good" and "bad" vibrations.

Not all energy-sensitive people have all of the following characteristics all the time, but if you notice even a few of them, you are most likely quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

Strong human energy

1. You know how to deeply empathize with other people

Often a person with a strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or in upset feelings. Energy-sensitive people are often the first "recipients" of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

Energy-sensitive people are very sensitive to the emotions of others (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who are suffering.

2. Emotional roller coaster

The presence of a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person feels "high" energies around him, he is on an emotional lift and vice versa. Have a few options ready to deal with in case of an emotional downturn.

3. Dependency

Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To escape the feeling of low vibrational energy, often such people can use alcohol or some other relaxation method to reduce the intensity of the negative energy sensations.

These people may be prone to other types of addictions, such as food, gambling or shopping.

Man and his energy

People with a strong energy often understand very well the motives of people's behavior, in some cases they catch and feel right on the go when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it does not matter.

This is a very useful feature, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

5. People with strong energies are most often introverts.

Not all sensitive people are introverts, but many are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very exhausting mentally, so often energy-sensitive people after such "sessions" need rest and recovery.

They often feel exhausted after prolonged social interactions.

6. A person can see signs

People with strong energies are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider coincidental.

Human energy

As we can see strong energy Is a double-edged sword. Focusing on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some heightened stimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

If you think you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to properly use your gift and not deplete so much.

First of all, the first thing that can help you to strengthen your vibration "receivers" or better feel the vibration of the environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical lifting. It's also a good idea to clean up your home and workspace regularly.

Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with and stay away from toxic individuals, events and circumstances, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gift.

If you came into this world as a person who is sensitive to the perception of energy, then some responsibilities automatically fall on you. However, the constant influx of energy from the environment can be overwhelming and painful.

But if you learn to manage your gift, amazing things will begin to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge benefit.

Energy-sensitive people have the power to push the world for positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers and teachers.

Now let's look at what types of energy people exist today.

Energy of the human body

1) People are energy mirrors

If energy is directed at such a person, no matter positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, a person-mirror reflects energy.

These properties of the energy inherent in certain people can and should be used, and with high degree efficiency, in order to protect oneself from negative energy, and first of all, from its purposeful flows.

People - mirrors perfectly feel the people around them, so if they have to reflect negative energy, being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contacts with this person.

True, it should be added that the carrier of negative energy at a subconscious level is trying not to meet with such "mirrors", because getting back his own negative will not affect him the best way, right up to development various diseases or at least ailments.

And vice versa, for a carrier of positive energy, contact with people-mirrors is always pleasant, because the reflected positive returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

As for the person-mirror himself, after he quickly realized that he is a bearer of positive energy, in the future he will only be glad to communicate with such a person and will maintain warm relations with him.

2) People are energy leeches

There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us almost daily encounters and communicates with them. These can be work colleagues, relatives, or good acquaintances.

In essence, energy leeches are the same as energy vampires. That is, these are people who are experiencing problems with replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to stick to another person, taking away energy from him, and with it vitality.

Such people are persistent and aggressive, they emit negativity, and they have an inherent method of siphoning energy from others, which is quite simple. They create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

After what happened, their well-being significantly improves, vigor comes to them, and they feel a surge of strength, because they have drunk enough energy from a person to feed themselves. A donor person who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels empty, depressed, and sometimes he may even have physical ailments.

In order for the leech to feel well, there must always be donors around it, and they themselves strive to keep such people in their field of vision, to whose energy field one can stick.

The impact of energy on humans

3) People are energy walls

Person - energy wall Is a person with a very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any, appear on their way of life, fly away from them literally like from a concrete wall.

However, there is a negative side to interacting with such people. Negative energy directed at them naturally bounces off and does not always return to the one who directed it. If at the moment there are other people near the "wall", then the negative can go to them.

4) People are energy sticklers

These people, from the very moment they meet them, begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on the interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately spread all the negative that they have accumulated.

Each person has a certain energy. By understanding what type of energy field you are, you can use your potential by bringing prosperity, health, and luck into your life.

Have you noticed that with some people you find mutual language literally from the first minute of acquaintance, but for someone there is a momentary feeling of hostility and a clear understanding that you do not want to communicate with this person under any circumstances?

On the subtle plane, this is explained by sensitivity to the properties of the energy field of your interlocutor: people from whom emanates inner strength and confidence, most often are conductors of powerful positive energy and are able to unconsciously raise its level. The owners of a weak and negative energy field, on the contrary, cause irritation and a desire to stop communication, to move away as soon as possible.

Types of human energy fields

Many parapsychologists studying energy have come to believe that energy fields a person can be divided into several types.

Energy type "Mirror"

People of this type are very slightly affected by negative emotions. They do not lend themselves to manipulation and provocation, it is quite difficult to piss them off. People-mirrors return any energetic or emotional message back to the sender unchanged, and also intuitively feel which field his interlocutor has: positive or negative.

Such people prefer not to show their negative emotions openly, behave extremely restrained, very rarely allow themselves to cry and be openly angry in front of someone, preferring to be alone at the moment of a strong surge of negative emotions.

"Leech", or energy vampire

With representatives of this energy type each of us has encountered at least once in a lifetime. Such a person is easily identified: he is always on the verge of a scandal with all the people around him, subtly presses on the psychological sick corns of any person, causing a violent quarrel, after which he instantly calms down and comes into a benevolent mood.

The energy field of the "leech" is extremely weak, and therefore such people need to constantly feed on the emotions and energy of other people. Since it is much easier to evoke negative emotions than positive ones, leeches eventually become a real weak resemblance to energy vampires, harassing and bullying everyone around them, just to get the much-desired energy.

Energy type: "fish-stuck"

Unlike leeches, sticky people do not provoke conflicts. They strive to cling to the chosen person with all their might and constantly complain about life, ask for sympathy, participation and advice. In this way, adhered people increase their energy potential with the help of compassion and participation of other people.

Interacting with Sticky people is energetically safe as long as you have high levels of positive energy. But at the first signs of emptiness and apathy after communicating with such a person, it is best to reduce or completely stop contact with him.

Energy converters

People of this type most often choose the profession of psychologists, psychotherapists, medical professionals and public figures.

Conversion of energy from negative to positive is much more common than the opposite. On the subtle plane, these people are a kind of energy filters: you communicate with such, and it becomes easier. The opposite situation can be if the Transformer received a strong energy blow or processed a huge amount of negativity at a time and has not yet had time to recover.

Energy donors

Such people have a large and stable supply of their own positive energy, they know how to find good in everything around them, are more often devout or adhere to a certain philosophy of life, which gives them a kind of constant inner core.

The problem with donor people is that they do not know how to hold and use their energy for the benefit of themselves or those around them. They are easy enough to bring to emotions, they are compliant in little things, even if these little things can bring them quite a lot of discomfort.

Meditation and meditation sports such as yoga can help raise resilience and strengthen donor protection. With proper work on oneself, the donor can eventually become a Transformer.

Knowing the main types of human energy, you can determine your strengths and weaknesses in the aura by seeing its color. We wish you to remain in a harmonious and balanced state, smile more often, and do not forget to press the buttons and

03.10.2016 03:58

Being surrounded by negative people, we feel uncomfortable. After communicating with them, our energetic ...

Issues under consideration:

1. Definition of energy.

2. Types of energy

3. Purpose and use of energy.

In the world around us, matter exists in the form of matter, field and physical vacuum. In the form of matter and field, matter has mass, momentum, energy. A necessary condition for any action, interaction and existence in general is the consumption of energy, the exchange of energy. In human society, the level of culture, both material and spiritual, is in close connection with the amount of energy consumed. The level of power supply determines the economy of any country. So what is energy?

1. Energy and its types

Energy- the universal basis of natural phenomena, the basis of culture and all human activities. At the same time, energy is understood as quantitative assessment various forms of motion of matter, which can transform one into another.

According to the ideas physical science, energy - it is the ability of a body or a system of bodies to do work.

There are about 20 scientifically proven types of energy in nature. There are also different classifications types and forms of energy. A person in his daily life most often encounters the following types of energy: mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic, thermal, chemical, atomic (intranuclear), gravitational and other types. In practice, only 4 types of energy are directly applied: thermal ( 70-75%), mechanical (20-22%), electric(3-5%), electromagnetic- light (15%).

More than two thirds of all consumed energy is used in the form of heat for technical needs, heating, cooking, the rest - in the form of mechanical, primarily in transport installations, and electrical energy. Moreover, the share of the use of electrical energy is constantly growing.

If energy- the result of a change in the state of movement of material points or bodies, then it is called kinetic; it includes mechanical energy the movement of bodies, thermal energy due to the movement of molecules.

If energy is the result of a change in the mutual arrangement of parts of a given system or its position in relation to other bodies, then it is called potential; it includes the energy of masses that are attracted by the law universal gravitation, the energy of the position of homogeneous particles, for example, the energy of an elastic deformed body, chemical energy.

Energy in natural science, depending on nature, is divided into the following types.

Mechanical energy- manifests itself during the interaction, movement of individual bodies or particles. It includes the energy of movement or rotation of the body, the energy of deformation during bending, stretching, twisting, compression of elastic bodies (springs). This energy is most widely used in various machines - transport and technological.

Thermal energy- energy of disordered (chaotic) movement and interaction of molecules of substances. Thermal energy, obtained most often from the combustion of various types of fuel, is widely used for heating, carrying out numerous technological processes (heating, melting, drying, evaporation, distillation, etc.).

Electric Energy - the energy of electrons moving along the electric circuit ( electric current). Electrical energy is used to obtain mechanical energy using electric motors and to carry out mechanical processes for processing materials: crushing, grinding, mixing; for carrying out electrochemical reactions; obtaining thermal energy in electric heating devices and furnaces; for direct processing of materials (electrical discharge machining).

This type of energy is the most perfect due to the following factors:

  • Possibilities of obtaining it in large quantities near deposits of fossil fuels or water sources;

  • Convenience of transportation on long distances with relatively small losses;

  • The ability to transform into other types of energy;

  • Lack of environmental pollution;

  • Possibilities of creating fundamentally new technological processes with a high degree of automation and robotization of production.
Chemical energy- This is the energy "stored" in the atoms of substances, which is released or absorbed during chemical reactions between substances. Chemical energy is either released in the form of thermal energy during exothermic reactions (for example, fuel combustion), or converted into electrical energy in galvanic cells and batteries. These energy sources are characterized by high efficiency (up to 98%), but low capacity.

Magnetic energy- the energy of permanent magnets, which have a large supply of energy, but "give up" it very reluctantly. When an electric current passes through a circuit, a magnetic field is created around the conductor. Electric and magnetic energies are closely interconnected with each other, each of them can be considered as the "reverse" side of the other. Since electrical and magnetic energy are closely related, in practice, the concept of electromagnetic energy is used.

Electromagnetic energy Is the energy of electromagnetic waves, i.e. moving electric and magnetic fields. It includes visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays and radio waves.

The listed emission ranges differ in wavelength (and frequency):

  • Radio waves - more than 10 -2 cm;

  • Infrared radiation - 2 * 10 -4 - 7, 4 * 10 -5;

  • Visible light - 7, 4 * 10 -5 -4 * 10 -5; (420-760 nm);

  • Ultraviolet radiation - 4 * 10 -5 -10 -6;

  • X-ray radiation - 10 -5 -10 -12;

  • Gamma radiation is more than 10 -12 cm.
Thus, electromagnetic energy is radiation energy. Radiation carries energy in the form of electromagnetic wave energy. When radiation is absorbed, its energy is converted into other forms, most often heat.

Nuclear power- energy localized in the nuclei of atoms of radioactive substances. It is released during the fission of heavy nuclei (nuclear reaction) or the fusion of light nuclei (thermonuclear reaction).

There is also an old name for this type of energy - atomic energy, but this name inaccurately reflects the essence of the phenomena leading to the release of colossal amounts of energy, most often in the form of thermal and mechanical.

Gravitational energy- the energy due to the interaction (gravitation) of massive bodies, it is especially noticeable in outer space. In terrestrial conditions, this is, for example, the energy "stored" by a body raised to a certain height above the surface of the Earth - the energy of gravity.

Often they release into special types of energy biological and mental energy. However, according to modern views of natural science, mental and biological processes are special group physical and chemical processes, but they are carried out on the basis of the types of energy described above.

Thus, depending on the level of manifestation, energy of the macrocosm- gravitational, energy of interaction of bodies - mechanical, energy of molecular interactions - thermal,

To energy formed at the level microworld, include - the energy of atomic interactions - chemical; radiation energy - electromagnetic; the energy contained in the nuclei of atoms is nuclear.

Modern science does not exclude the existence of other types of energy, which have not yet been recorded, but do not violate a single natural-scientific picture of the world and the concept of energy and the law of conservation of energy.

In the International System of Units SI as energy units adopted Joule(J). 1 J equivalent
1 newton x meter (Nm). If the calculations are related to heat, with the calculation of the energy of biological objects and many other types of energy, then an off-system unit is used as a unit of energy - calorie(cal) or kilocalorie (kcal), 1 cal = 4.18 J. To measure electrical energy, use a unit such as Watt hour(Wh, kWh, MWh), 1 Wh = 3.6 MJ. To measure mechanical energy, use the value of 1 kg m = 9.8 J.

Energy directly extracted in nature (energy of fuel, water, wind, thermal energy of the Earth, nuclear), and which can be converted into electrical, thermal, mechanical, chemical is called primary... In accordance with the classification of energy resources on the basis of exhaustion, primary energy can also be classified. In fig. 1 shows a scheme for the classification of primary energy.

Energy of the tides

Geothermal energy

Energy of sea waves

Biological fuel

Wind energy

Solar energy

Unconventional types of energy

Gaseous fuels

Liquid fuels

Solid fuels

Atomic Energy

Hydropower of rivers

Fossil fuels

Traditional forms of energy

Primary energy

Rice. 1. Classification of primary energy

The energy received by a person, after the conversion of primary energy in special installations - stations, is called secondary(electricity, steam, hot water, etc.).

Slightly more than half of all consumed energy is used in the form of heat for technical needs, heating, cooking, the rest - in the form of mechanical, primarily in transport installations, and electrical energy.

Electrical energy can rightfully be considered the basis of modern civilization. This is due to its advantages and ease of use. The overwhelming majority of technical means of mechanization and automation of production processes (equipment, instruments, computers), the replacement of human labor by machine labor in everyday life have an electrical basis.

Electric Energy- the most versatile form of energy. She found wide application in everyday life and in all sectors of the national economy. There are over four hundred names of electrical household appliances: refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, fans, televisions, tape recorders, lighting devices, etc. Industry cannot be imagined without electric power. In agriculture, the use of electricity is constantly expanding: feeding and watering animals, caring for them, heating and ventilation, incubators, air heaters, dryers, etc. Electrification- the basis of technical progress in any branch of the national economy. It allows replacing energy resources inconvenient for use with a universal type of energy - electrical energy that can be transmitted over any distance, converted into other types of energy, for example, mechanical or thermal, and divided between consumers.

Benefits of electricity:

1. Electrical energy is universal, it can be used for a variety of purposes. In particular, it is very easy to turn it into heat, light. This is done, for example, in electrical light sources (incandescent bulbs), in technological furnaces used in metallurgy, in various heating and heating devices. The transformation of electrical energy into mechanical energy is used in the drives of electric motors.

2. When electrical energy is consumed, it can be infinitely split. So, the power of electric machines, depending on their purpose, is different: from the fraction of a watt in micromotors used in many branches of technology and in household products, to huge values ​​exceeding a million kilowatts in generators of power plants.

3. In the process of production and transmission of electrical energy, it is possible to concentrate its power, increase the voltage and transmit any amount of electrical energy from the power plant, where it is generated, to all its consumers, both over short and long distances.

The development of natural science throughout the life of mankind has irrefutably proved that energy is never created out of nothing and is not destroyed without a trace, it only passes from one type to another, i.e.

the sum of all types of energy remains constant. This is the essence of one of the most fundamental laws of the universe - law of energy conservation.

In any discussion of issues related to the use of energy, it is necessary to distinguish the energy of ordered movement, known in the art as free energy (mechanical, chemical, electrical, electromagnetic, nuclear) and chaotic energy, i.e. heat. Any form of free energy can be almost completely used. At the same time, the chaotic energy of heat, when converted into mechanical energy, is lost in the form of heat. We are unable to completely regulate the random movement of molecules, turning its energy into free energy. Moreover, at present there is practically no way to directly convert chemical and nuclear energy into electrical and mechanical energy, as the most used ones. It is necessary to convert the internal energy of substances into thermal energy, and then into mechanical or electrical energy with large inevitable heat losses. Thus, all types of energy after they have completed useful work turn into heat with a lower temperature, which is practically unsuitable for further use.

The law of conservation of energy has been confirmed in various fields - from Newtonian mechanics to nuclear physics. Moreover, the law of conservation of energy is not only a figment of the imagination or generalization of experiments. That is why one can fully agree with the statement of one of the greatest theoretical physicists Poincaré: “Since we are not able to give general definition energy, the principle of its conservation means that there is something that remains constant. Therefore, no matter what new ideas about the world future experiments will lead us to, we know in advance: there will be something in them that remains constant, which can be called ENERGY. "

The educational discipline "Fundamentals of Energy Saving" is designed to equip the future specialist with knowledge of general laws and approaches to calculating the processes that occur during the receipt, transformation and transmission of energy.

3. Problems of human energy use

Of all types of energy resources, the energy of the Sun has special meaning... All types of energy resources are the result of natural transformations of solar energy. Coal, oil, natural gas, peat, oil shale and firewood are the reserves of the sun's radiant energy extracted and transformed by plants. In the process of photosynthesis reaction from inorganic elements of the environment - water H 2 O and carbon dioxide CO 2 - under the influence of sunlight, organic matter is formed in plants, the main element of which is carbon WITH... At a certain geological epoch over millions of years from dead plants under the influence of pressure and temperature regime, which, in turn, are the result of a specific amount of energy from the Sun falling on the Earth, and organic energy resources were formed, the basis of which is carbon previously accumulated in plants. Water energy is also obtained from solar energy, which evaporates water and lifts steam into the high layers of the atmosphere. The wind comes from different temperatures heating by the sun different points our planet. In addition, the direct radiation of the Sun, falling on the surface of the Earth, has a huge energy potential.

Thus, the formation of fossil fuels is the result, on the one hand, of natural transformations of solar energy, and on the other, the result of thermal, mechanical and biological effects for many centuries on the remains of flora and fauna deposited in all geological formations. All of these fuels are carbon-based, and energy is released from them mainly through the formation of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Throughout its existence, mankind has used the energy accumulated by nature over billions of years. At the same time, the methods of its use were constantly improved in order to obtain maximum efficiency.

So, at the very beginning of its evolutionary development, only the energy of the muscles of his body ... Later, man learned to receive and use fire energy ... Another round of evolutionary development human society brought the opportunity to use energy of water and wind - the first water and windmills, water wheels, sailing ships, using the force of the wind for their movement, appeared. In the 18th century, the steam engine was invented, in which thermal energy , obtained as a result of burning coal or wood, was converted into the energy of mechanical movement. In the 19th century, a voltaic arc, electric lighting was discovered, an electric motor was invented, and then an electric generator, which was the beginning of the century. electricity ... The XX century was a real revolution in the development of mankind's methods of obtaining and using energy: thermal, hydraulic, and nuclear power plants of enormous power are being built, transmission lines for high, ultra-high and ultra-high voltage electric energy are being built, new methods of production, conversion and transmission of electricity are being developed ( controlled thermonuclear reaction, magnetohydrodynamic generator, superconducting turbine generators, etc.), powerful power systems are created... At the same time, powerful oil and gas supply systems appeared.
Thus, the world around us has a truly inexhaustible source of various types of energy. Some of them are not yet fully used and at the present time - the energy of the Sun, the energy of interaction between the Earth and the Moon, the energy of thermonuclear fusion, the energy of the heat of the Earth .

Now energy plays a decisive role in the development of human civilization. There is a close relationship between energy consumption and output. Energy is of great importance in the life of mankind. The level of its development reflects the level of development of the productive forces of society, the possibilities of scientific and technological progress and the standard of living of the population. Unfortunately, most of the energy consumed by humans is converted into useless heat due to the low efficiency of using the available energy resources.

The approximate distribution of consumed energy for the year in the world is given in table. 1.1. The amount of energy is given in the amount of coal in megatons(Mt), which, when burned, would give the same energy.
Every year about 400 Mt are used to feed people, of which about 40 Mt is converted into useful labor. For domestic needs about 800 Mt are spent, for social production - 1000 Mt.

Annual energy consumption in the world

Form of energy

Quantity, MT

A source

Food for humans and fodder for draft animals





(in the past)

Hydroelectric power plants


Water movement

Coal, oil, gas, peat

6 600

(in the past)

Thus, out of the annual consumption of 7500 Mt, 2200 Mt are used useful, the rest is wasted in the form of heat. But even with the efficiency of 2200/7500 Mt, mankind cannot boast, since the solar radiation falling on the Earth, which is 10,000,000 Mt per year, is not taken into account.

Rice. 2 Distribution of energy from sunlight.

The uneven use of energy by the population is shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Uneven use of energy by the population.

Energy has played a decisive role in the development of civilization. Energy consumption and information storage has approximately the same nature of change over time, there is a close relationship between energy consumption and the volume of products. It has been established that a modern man needs about the same amount of energy to satisfy his physiological needs as a primitive man. At the same time, the growth in energy consumption is strikingly high. But it is thanks to him that a person can devote a significant part of his life to leisure, education, creative activity, and has achieved the present high life expectancy.
We consider energy to be something we need, capable of working for us.

The supply of energy to society is necessary for: heating premises, ensuring movement, releasing the goods we need, maintaining the performance of various machines, mechanisms, devices, cooking, lighting, maintaining life, etc.

These examples of energy applications can be divided into three broad groups:
a)power supply . It is more expensive than other types of energy: wheat per Joule is much more expensive than coal. Food provides heat to maintain body temperature, energy for movement, for mental and physical labor;
b) energy in the form of heat for heating homes and cooking. It makes it possible to live in different climatic conditions and diversify the human diet;
v) energy to ensure the functioning of social production. This is energy for the production of goods and services, the physical movement of people and goods in space, to maintain the operability of all communication systems. The cost of this energy per capita is significantly higher than the cost of energy for food.

Unfortunately, the dynamics of the development of civilization is such that every year mankind needs more and more energy for its existence and development. Despite the presence of a large number of energy resources and the use of various types of energy by mankind, the rate of consumption of energy resources significantly exceeds the possibilities of their renewal by nature. This primarily concerns non-renewable natural resources. Human needs are growing, people are becoming more and more, and this causes huge volumes of energy production and the growth rate of its consumption. Today, traditional energy sources (various fuels, water resources) and technologies for their use are no longer able to provide the required level of power supply to society, because these are non-renewable sources. And although the proven reserves of natural fuels are very large, the problem of depletion of natural pantries at the current and projected rates of their development, they are moving into a real and near-term perspective. Already today, a number of deposits, due to depletion, are unsuitable for industrial development, and for oil and gas, for example, one has to go to hard-to-reach, remote areas, to ocean shelves, etc. Serious forecasters prove that if the current volumes and growth rates of energy consumption remain at 3 ... 5% (and they will undoubtedly be even higher), the reserves of organic fuels will completely dry up in 70 - 150 years.

Another factor limiting the significant increase in energy production from fuel combustion is all increasing environmental pollution by waste from energy production... This waste is significant in weight and contains a large number of various harmful components... Thus, in the production of 106 kWh of electricity at a modern power plant operating on solid fuels, 14,000 kg of slag, 80,000 kg of ash, 1,000,000 kg of carbon dioxide, 14,000 kg of sulfur dioxide, 4,000 kg of nitrogen oxides are discharged into the environment. 100,000 kg of water vapor, as well as compounds of fluorine, arsenic, vanadium and other elements. But the amount of electricity generated per year is calculated in hundreds and thousands of billions of kilowatt-hours! This is where acid rains, poisoning of farmland and water bodies, and the like phenomena come from. Moreover, nature is no longer able to process these pollution and self-recover by natural physicochemical and microbiological methods.

In nuclear power, environmental problems of a different kind arise. They are associated with the need to exclude the ingress of nuclear fuel into the environment and reliable disposal of nuclear waste, which at the current level of development of technology and technology is associated with great difficulties.

No less harmful is thermal pollution of the environment environment that can lead to global warming of the Earth's climate, melting of glaciers and rising sea levels. In the light of the above, the widespread practical use of the so-called non-traditional and renewable energy sources, which, among other things, are also environmentally friendly, not polluting the environment, is becoming more and more urgent. These sources include solar energy, wind energy, energy of sea waves and tides, biomass energy, geothermal energy, etc. The nature of each of these energy sources is not the same, and the ways of their application and use are different. At the same time, they have common features, in particular, a low density of the generated energy flow, which necessitates its accumulation and backup.

4. Energy security and energy saving

Scientists predict that hydrocarbon fuels and nuclear fuel will remain the main source of energy for the foreseeable future. But humanity is already approaching such a limit for increasing the total capacity of traditional power plants, overcoming which will inevitably entail ecological disaster... Therefore, modern "non-traditional" energy is the reserve that gives hope and the opportunity to overcome many seemingly insoluble problems and meet the growing human needs in the future. As technology and scale improve practical use a part of “non-traditional” power plants will become a traditional “large” power industry, another part will find its niche in “small” power generation for power supply of local facilities. One way or another, unconventional energy sources have a great future, and we must do our best to make this future more likely to become the present. The issues of life and death on our planet depend on this, and it is this that determines the urgent need for rational energy consumption, reducing its unit costs in all spheres of human activity. This direction has received the name - energy saving.

One of the results of energy saving is a direct severalfold reduction in costs for accelerating the pace of constant searches for energy sources and their development. The desire to solve these and other problems has been observed practically from the very beginning of large-scale power engineering. It is being implemented both in the search for other primary energy sources (electrochemical and thermonuclear converters), and in the development of new methods for converting the energy of primary sources into electrical energy, for example, in thermoelectric or thermionic devices, in MHD generators.

Energy saving- organizational, scientific, practical, informational activities government agencies, legal entities and individuals. This activity is aimed at reducing the consumption (losses) of fuel and energy resources in the process of their extraction, processing, transportation, storage, production, use and disposal. Energy saving is a set of measures to ensure efficient and rational use of energy resources.

Currently, the following areas of energy conservation are recognized as the most effective:

1. Creation of regulatory and legal framework energy saving.

2. Creation of the necessary economic mechanisms.

3. Creation of financial mechanisms for energy saving.

4. Pursuing a pricing policy that reflects the costs of energy resources, manufactured products, services and determines the standard of living of the population.

5. Creation of an energy saving management system.

6. Creation of an information system for promoting energy conservation problems, training, retraining of personnel, managers working in this area.

The basis of energy saving - rational use of energy resources and reducing their losses. Energy saving policy is widely applied in all advanced countries.

Based on the definition of the concept energy saving as a set of measures aimed at efficient use energy, there is a requirement to limit the possibilities of using material resources of the external environment, if we are talking about the so-called non-renewable primary energy sources in the form of organic mineral fuels. The desire of many countries to modern conditions to maximum use, but on new principles, renewable energy sources - wind, sun, biomass, etc. Using them will allow today solve mass environmental issues, which creates the prerequisites for reserving part of the fossil fuel reserves for posterity(if, at the same time, they will not yet be exported abroad), including for non-energy needs: the production of chemical products, medicines, all kinds of drugs.

Under energy security the state of the state is understood when all the consumers who need them do not experience a shortage of all types of energy. More broadly -

  • this is the state of the fuel and energy complex, which ensures sufficient and reliable energy supply to the country, which is necessary for sustainable development of the economy and comfortable conditions population in normal conditions and minimization of damage in emergency situations.

  • - It is the state of society to maintain the required level of national security
The main principles of energy security are:

  • Availability of energy resources or reserves energy raw materials

  • Reserves of electrical and thermal power(at least 15% compared to peak load)

  • Reliability of power equipment

  • Power system control country to state

  • If the state's energy sector is based on the import of energy resources - purchases should not be made in one country... The share of each source of energy supply should not exceed 50%

  • Energy saving policy of the state- legal, organizational, financial and economic regulation of activities in the field of energy conservation. An example of realizing the importance of solving the problem of energy conservation is the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Energy Saving", adopted in 1998. This law regulates relations arising in the course of the activities of legal entities and individuals in the field of energy conservation in order to increase the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, and establish legal basis these relationships. ... To implement energy saving at the state level, energy saving programs.

  • Republican - for 5 years, starting from 2001.

  • Regional - for 1 year

  • Sectoral scientific and technical - there are long-term (for 5 years) and short-term (for 1 year)

  • Belarus faces a task energy saving and reducing the energy intensity of the gross domestic product.

  • To solve this problem it is necessary:

  • - creation of a training system for specialists in the field of energy saving, energy saving technologies and energy management;

  • - to ensure the restructuring of the thinking of society as a whole, to radically change its attitude to the problem of energy and resource conservation.

Lecture 2

Energy resources of the world

Issues under consideration:

1. Basic definitions

2. Types of energy resources and their classification.

3. The structure and state of the world energy economy

2.1. Energy resources and their classification

According to the law The Republic of Belarus "On energy saving", which was adopted on June 29, 1998, the source of energy is energy resources:

Energetic resources- these are material objects in which energy is concentrated, suitable for practical human use. An energy resource is any energy source, natural or artificially activated. Energetic resources- energy carriers that are currently in use or may be useful in the future.

fuel and energy resources(FER) - a set of all natural and converted types of fuel and energy used in the republic. Energy resources are classified according to the following scheme (Fig. 1).

Primary natural energy resources- naturally formed as a result of the geological development of the Earth or manifested through cosmic connections (radiation from the Sun), are divided into non-renewable (coal, oil, natural gas, shale, peat) and renewable (river energy, solar radiation, tidal energy, biofuels).

Renewable include resources renewable by nature (land, plants, animals, etc.), to non-renewable- resources previously accumulated in nature, but practically not formed under new geological conditions (oil, coal and other subsoil reserves) .

Secondary energy resources(VER)- energy obtained in the course of any technological process as a result of underutilization of primary energy in the form of a by-product of the main production and not used in this energy process. This type of resource includes: household and industrial waste, hot waste heat carriers, waste combustible organic substances, agricultural waste.

R&S 1. The structure of energy resources.

One of the classifications of natural resources is the classification on the basis of exhaustion, according to which energy resources are divided into exhaustibleandinexhaustible (fig. 3)... In turn, the exhaustible can be divided into renewableandnon-renewable.

TO inexhaustible include space, climatic, water resources.

Fig. 2. Exhaustible and inexhaustible energy resources.

All inexhaustible sources of energy are considered renewable.

In fact, there are no inexhaustible energy resources in the universe. Sooner or later they will run out. So, for example, in 4.5 billion years our star, the Sun, will enter its next stage of evolution and turn into a white dwarf. This transition is called a supernova explosion. At the same time, a huge stream of energy will be emitted into outer space, which will reach our planet, destroy (burn) the Earth's atmosphere, evaporate the oceans and the Earth will turn into a lifeless space body.

However, in comparison with human life and during the existence of human civilization, such sources are considered inexhaustible. Thus, renewable energy sources are called sources, energy flows of which constantly exist or periodically arise in the environment and are not a consequence of purposeful human activity.

Renewable energy resources include energy:

The World Ocean in the form of the energy of the ebb and flow, the energy of the waves;

- wind;

Sea currents;



Produced from biomass;


Solid household waste;

Geothermal springs.

The disadvantage of renewable energy sources is low degree of its concentration. But this is in to a large extent compensated by wide distribution, relatively high ecological purity and their practical inexhaustibility. It is most rational to use such sources directly near the consumer without transferring energy over a distance. Energy, working on these sources, uses the energy flows that already exist in the surrounding space, redistributes, but does not violate their overall balance.

About 90% of the currently used energy resources are non-renewable(coal, oil, gas, etc.). This is due to their high energy potential, the relative availability of their extraction. The rates of extraction and consumption of these resources determine the energy policy. The most commonly used energy resources today are called traditional, new types of energy resources, the use of which has begun relatively recently - alternative ( energy resources of rivers, reservoirs and industrial drains, wind energy, solar energy, reduced natural gas, biomass (including wood waste), sewage and municipal solid waste) .

In modern nature management, energy resources are classified into three groups

participating in a constant turnover and flow of energy(solar, cosmic energy, etc.),

- deposited energy resources(oil, gas, peat, shale, etc.) and

- artificially activated energy sources(atomic and thermonuclear energy).

From an economic point of view, there are gross, technical and economic energetic resources.

Gross resource represents the total energy contained in a given video energy resource.

Technical resource this is the energy that can be obtained from this type of energy resource with the existing development of science and technology. It ranges from a fraction of a percent to ten percent of the gross, but it is constantly increasing as the power equipment is improved and new technologies are mastered.

Economic resource energy, the receipt of which from this type of resource is economically profitable with the existing ratio of prices for equipment, materials and labor force... It makes up a certain share of the technical one and also increases with the development of the energy sector.

It is customary to characterize energy resources by the number of years during which this resource will be sufficient for energy production at a modern quality level. From the report of the World energy council(1994) at the current level of consumption, coal reserves will last for 250 years, gas - for 60 years, oil - for 40 years. At the same time, according to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, global energy demand will grow from 9.2 billion tons in terms of oil (late 1990s) to 14.2-24.8 billion tons in 2050.

Energy efficiency indicator- scientifically based absolute or specific amount of consumption of fuel and energy resources (taking into account their regulatory losses) for any purpose, established by regulatory documents.

Efficiency the use of energy resources is determined by the degree of transformation of their energy potential into the final used products or final consumed types of energy and is characterized by energy utilization factor:

where η drecovery factor potential supply of energy (the ratio of the extracted to the total amount of the resource),

η Pconversion factor(the ratio of the received useful energy to all supplied energy resources), η andenergy utilization factor(the ratio of the used energy to the energy supplied to the consumer).

For some types of fossil fuels η d is:

for oil  30,… 40%, for gas  80%, for coal  40%. When burning fuel η P equals 9498%.

The concept of energy efficiency is associated with the concept of efficient and rational use of energy resources.

Energy balance Is a system of indicators reflecting the quantitative correspondence between the income and consumption of energy resources, distribution by type and consumers (see Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The structure of the energy balance.

Rational use of resources - it is a system of activities designed to provide economic resource use and reproduction taking into account the promising interests of the developing national economy and the preservation of people's health.

Efficient use of resources - the use of all types of energy in economically justified, progressive ways with the existing level of development of technology and technology (implies the secondary use of resources, reduction of consumption, energy saving, not exceeding the ecological threshold of ecosystem sustainability).

Users of fuel and energy resources- business entities, regardless of the form of ownership, registered on the territory of the Republic of Belarus as legal entities or entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity, as well as other persons who, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, have the right to conclude business contracts, and citizens using fuel and energy resources.

Fuel and energy resource producers- business entities, regardless of the form of ownership, registered on the territory of the Republic of Belarus as legal entities, for which any type of fuel and energy resources used in the republic is a commodity.

Under the energy or energy system, one should understand the totality of large natural (natural) and artificial (man-made) systems designed to obtain, transform, distribute and use energy resources of all types in the national economy.

Energy is considered as a large system that includes parts of other large systems as subsystems.
The second interpretation of the power system, adopted among power engineers, is as follows: energy system- is a set of interconnected power plants, substations, power lines, electrical and heating networks, centers for the consumption of electrical energy and heat.
The following large systems function as part of the energy system, which meets the needs of the entire economy in electrical and thermal energy:

electric power system (electric power industry), which includes a heat supply system (heat power engineering) as a subsystem;

oil and gas supply system;

coal industry system;

nuclear energy;

unconventional energy.

Power generation provide power plants; transformation- transformers, transport;

distribution of electrical energy- power lines; consumption- various receivers.

2.2 Types of fuel, characteristics and reserves

According to DI Mendeleev's definition, "fuel is a combustible substance deliberately burned to obtain heat." Mineral fuel is the main source of energy in the modern economy and the most important industrial raw material. Processing of mineral fuel is the basis for the formation of industrial enterprises, including petrochemical, gas chemical, peat briquettes, etc.

Fuels are classified into the following four groups:




The earliest type of solid fuel was (and in many places still is) wood and other plants: straw, reeds, corn stalks, etc.

The first industrial revolution, which in the 19th century completely transformed the agrarian countries of Europe, and then America, occurred as a result of the transition from wood fuel to fossil coal. Then came the era of electricity.

The discovery of electricity had a huge impact on the life of mankind and determined the origin and growth of the largest cities in the world.

The use of oil (liquid fuel) and natural gas in combination with the development of the electric power industry, and then the development of nuclear energy, allowed the industrialized countries to carry out grandiose transformations, the result of which was the formation of the modern appearance of the Earth.

Thus, to solid fuel include:

Wood, other plant products;

Coal (with its varieties: stone, brown);


- oil shale.

Fossil solid fuels (excluding shale) are the decomposition products of organic matter in plants. The youngest of them peat, which is a dense mass formed from the decayed remains of marsh plants. The next oldest are brown coals- an earthy or black homogeneous mass, which, when stored for a long time in air, partially oxidizes (erodes) and crumbles into powder. Then go coal, having, as a rule, increased strength and lower porosity. The organic mass of the oldest of them - anthracite has undergone biggest changes and is 93% carbon. Anthracite is very hard.

Oil shale are a mineral from the group of hard caustobiolites, which, during dry distillation, gives a significant amount of resin, which is close in composition to oil.

Liquid fuels obtained by refining oil. Crude oil is heated to 300 ... 370 ° C, after which the resulting vapors are dispersed into fractions that condense at different temperatures:

Liquefied gas (yield about 1%);

Gasoline (about 15%, tк = 30 ... 180 ° С);

Kerosene (about 17%, tк = 120 ... 135 ° С);

Diesel (about 18%, tк = 180 ... 350 ° С).

The liquid residue with an initial boiling point of 330 - 350 ° C is called fuel oil.

Gaseous fuels are natural gas, produced both directly and incidentally with oil production, called associated. The main component of natural gas is methane СН4 and a small amount of nitrogen N2, higher hydrocarbons СnНm, carbon dioxide СО2. Associated gas contains less methane than natural gas, but more higher hydrocarbons, and therefore releases more heat during combustion.

In industry and, especially in everyday life, is widespread liquefied gas obtained from primary oil refining. At metallurgical plants, as by-products they receive coke oven and blast furnace gases... They are used here in factories for heating furnaces and technological devices. In areas where coal mines are located, a kind of "fuel" can be methane released from the layers during their ventilation. Gases obtained by gasification (generator) or by dry distillation (heating without air access) of solid fuels have practically been replaced by natural gas in most countries, but now there is a renewed interest in their production and use.

Lately everyone greater application finds biogas- a product of anaerobic fermentation (fermentation) of organic waste (manure, plant residues, garbage, sewage, etc.).

Nuclear fuel is an Uranus. The efficiency of its use is shown by the work of the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin" with a displacement of 19 thousand tons, a length of 134 m, a width of 23.6 m, a height of 16.1 m, a draft of 10.5 m, at a speed of 18 knots (about 30 km / h). It was created for escorting caravans of ships along the Northern Sea Route, the thickness of the ice along which reached 2 meters or more. He consumed 260-310 grams of uranium per day. A diesel icebreaker would need 560 tons of diesel fuel to carry out the same amount of work as the Lenin icebreaker.

Analysis of the assessment of the supply of fuel and energy resources shows that the most scarce type of fuel is oil. According to various sources, it will be enough for 250 years. Then, after 35-64 years, the reserves of combustible gas and uranium will be depleted. The situation is best with coal, the reserves of which are large enough in the world, and the supply of coal will be 218-330 years.

2.2 Conventional fuel, calorific value, energy potential.

Economic calculations, comparison of indicators of fuel-using devices with each other and planning must be carried out on a single basis. Therefore, the concept of the so-called equivalent fuel was introduced.

Conventional fuel is a fossil fuel accounting unit used to compare the efficiency of different fuels and total accounting. The use of equivalent fuel is especially convenient for comparing the efficiency of various heat and power plants.

As a unit of equivalent fuel, 1 kg of fuel with a calorific value of 7000 kcal / kg (29.3 MJ / kg) is used, which corresponds to good low-ash dry coal. For comparison, let us point out that brown coals have a calorific value of less than 24 MJ / kg, and anthracites and bituminous coals - 23-27 MJ / kg. The ratio between conventional fuel and natural fuel is expressed by the formula

W = (Qnr / 7000) Int = E Ext,

where W is the mass of the equivalent amount of equivalent fuel, kg;

VN - mass of natural fuel, kg (solid and liquid fuel) or m3 -gaseous;

Qнр - the lowest calorific value of the given natural fuel, kcal / kg or kcal / m3.

Ratio E = Qнр / 7000

called calorie coefficient, and it is accepted for:

Oil - 1.43;

Natural gas - 1.15;

Peat - 0.34-0.41 (depending on humidity);

Peat briquettes - 0.45 -0.6 (depending on humidity);

Diesel fuel - 1.45;

Fuel oil - 1.37.

Calorific value of various fuels, kcal / kg, is approximately:

oil - 10,000 (kcal / kg);

natural gas - 8,000 (kcal / m3);

hard coal - 7000 (kcal / kg);

firewood with a moisture content of 10% - 3900 (kcal / kg);

40% - 2400 (kcal / kg);

peat moisture content 10% - 4100 (kcal / kg);

40% - 2500 (kcal / kg);

The parameter that determines the possibility of using an energy source is Energy potential... It is expressed in units of energy J or kWh. The energy potential of the Earth's energy resources, measured in exajoules, (eJ = 10 18 J), is estimated by the following values:

  • nuclear fission energy 1.9710 6

  • geothermal energy 2.94 10 6

  • energy of the Sun at the level of the Earth, for 1 year 2.41 10 6

  • chemical energy of chemical fuel 5.21 10 5

  • thermonuclear energy 3.60 10 5

  • energy of tides, for 1 year 2.52 10 5

  • wind energy, for 1 year 6.12 · 10 3

  • bioenergy of forests, for 1 year 1.4610 3

  • energy of rivers, for 1 year 1.19 10 2
2.3 Energy resources of the world

The structure of the world energy economy today has developed in such a way that 80% of the consumed electricity is obtained by burning fuel at power plants, where the chemical energy of the fuel is converted first into heat, heat into work, and work into electricity. A significant percentage is also provided by hydropower (about 15%), the rest is covered by other sources, mainly nuclear power plants. Human needs are growing, people are becoming more and more, and this causes huge volumes of energy production and the growth rate of its consumption. Today, traditional energy sources (various fuels, water resources) and technologies for their use are no longer able to provide the required level of power supply to society, because these are non-renewable sources and their number is rapidly decreasing. And although the proven reserves of natural fuels are very large, the problem of depletion of natural reserves at the current and projected rates of their development is turning into a real and near-term perspective. Already today, a number of deposits, due to depletion, are unsuitable for industrial development, and for oil and gas, for example, one has to go to hard-to-reach, remote areas, to ocean shelves, etc. Serious forecasters prove that if the current volumes and growth rates of energy consumption remain at 3 ... 5% (and they will undoubtedly be even higher), the reserves of organic fuels will completely dry up in 70 - 150 years.

The limited reserves of non-renewable resources used to generate electricity, even taking into account the savings, are reflected in Table 2.1. Development modern technologies requires an increase in the level of electricity use. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the rate of population growth makes it possible to predict that in 40 years from now 12 billion people will live on Earth, which is why the problems of energy conservation are so tough.

Table 2.1. Energy resources of the world

The electric power industry is the most important branch of the economy of any country, since its products (electrical energy) are a universal type of energy. It can be easily transmitted over considerable distances, divided into a large number of consumers. Without electrical energy, it is impossible to realize many technological processes how it is impossible to imagine our daily life without heating, lighting, cooling, transport, TV, refrigerator, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron, using modern means of communication (telephone, telegraph, telefax, computer), which also consume electricity.

In most developed foreign countries the electrical component of the entire fuel and energy complex reaches 35–40%, and by the beginning of the 21st century it exceeded 50%. Electric energy is being introduced into almost all new areas of industry, Agriculture and everyday life.

The US produces about 2.5 trillion. kWh of electricity, in the CIS - about 1.75 trillion. kWh. The total capacity of the power plant in the USA is 660 million kWh, in the CIS - about 350 million kWh, with 30% of them in the US in the hot standby. In the CIS, there is no hot reserve, and the cold one is 6-8%, while the standard is 13%. The degree of electrical equipment in the Republic of Belarus is 22%, which is significantly lower than the indicators of not only developed countries, but the world average (27%).

Although developed countries have stopped increasing their per capita energy consumption over the past 25 years, consumption growth remains high, driven by increased per capita energy consumption in developing countries. At the current rate, the growth of the electric power industry will continue for a long time, including ours.

People use different types of energy for everything from their own movements to sending astronauts into space.

There are two types of energy:

  • ability to commit (potential)
  • actual work (kinetic)

Supplied in various forms:

  • heat (heat)
  • light (radiant)
  • motion (kinetic)
  • electric
  • chemical
  • nuclear power
  • gravitational

For example, the food that a person eats contains chemical and the human body stores it until he or she uses it up as kinetic during work or life.

Energy classification

People use different types of resources: electricity in their homes, produced by burning coal, nuclear reactions or hydroelectric power plants on the river. Thus, coal, nuclear and hydro are called the source. When people fill the fuel tank with gasoline, the source may be oil, or even growing and processing grain.

Energy sources are divided into two groups:

  • Renewable
  • Non-renewable

Renewable and non-renewable sources can be used as primary sources for benefits such as heat, or used to produce secondary energy sources such as electricity.

When people use electricity in their homes, the electricity is likely generated by burning coal or natural gas, a nuclear reaction or hydroelectric power station on a river, or from several sources. People use crude oil (non-renewable) to fuel their cars, but they can also use biofuels (renewable) like ethanol, which is made from processed corn.


There are five main renewable energy sources:

  • Sunny
  • Geothermal heat inside the Earth
  • Wind energy
  • Biomass from plants
  • Hydropower from running water

Biomass, which includes wood, biofuels and biomass waste, is the largest source of renewable energy, accounting for about half of all renewables and about 5% of total consumption.


Most of the resources currently consumed from non-renewable sources:

  • Petroleum products
  • Hydrocarbon liquefied gas
  • Natural gas
  • Coal
  • Nuclear power

Non-renewable energies account for about 90% of all resources used.

Does fuel consumption change over time

Energy sources change over time, but change is slow. For example, coal was once widely used as a fuel to heat homes and commercial buildings, however specific use coal for these purposes has declined over the past half century.

Although the share of renewable fuels in total primary energy consumption is still relatively small, its use is increasing in all sectors. In addition, the use of natural gas in the power industry increased by last years due to low prices for natural gas, while the use of coal in this system has declined.

When we hear the phrase "energy of people", then for us most often it means how attractive, nice man how it evokes feelings in us.

You can hear that a person is energetically strong or weak. Energy can be good or bad, it somehow affects others. So let's figure out what this concept is, what it is and how to manage it.

What is human energy

Everything in the world has its own energy. It is accumulated, spent, renewed, gives and takes strength, depending on its amount. But energy and energy are not exactly the same thing. The first, from the point of view of esotericism, means the ability to assimilate, use, take and give energy to something.

If you try to draw a person and his biofield, then it will look like the sun that surrounds the body. This "luminary" sparkles different colors, and its rays can be both long and short.

People who know how to control their biofield will never lose their vitality, and the energy sun of this person will have long, bright and multi-colored rays.

Thanks to the correct distribution and use of these forces, you can feel much better than usual, increase your efficiency, have strength for sports, entertainment, family. The influence of energy on a person and his life is simply invaluable. Therefore, it is so important to know as much as possible about her.

Distribution of the concept of "energy"

Energy of people is only general concept many components of the physical and psychological state person. The so-called channels of a person can be responsible for different events, emotions, thoughts. And in order to learn how to perfectly manage your energy, you must first understand all of its channels that exist in a person.

Various types of energy are usually called bodies, which are interconnected by the channels mentioned above. In their practice, yogis always use knowledge about esoteric bodies, which helps them to reach a new, non-physical level.

In addition to the physical body we are familiar with, there is the etheric, mental, astral, causal, buddhic and atmanic. All of them exist in every person, it's just that some of the bodies are better developed, while others are worse. But you can always develop and learn to control your bodies, which are designed to solve many life problems.

Atmanic body

This body is what we consider to be the meaning of our life. Each person lives, realizing or not realizing that he came to this world with some mission. If you feel that you have your purpose here, then this body is developed quite well.

If you have any goal, then this body will give you the strength to achieve it, enthusiasm, aspiration, self-confidence.

But it happens that the energy of people in this body is too weak, then they will feel oppression, self-doubt, may lose the meaning of life. To protect yourself from losing awareness of your life purpose, you need to learn to meditate.

Let your meditation start out like a regular rest from work. Just sit comfortably, relax, think about something pleasant, dream. Do not "litter" your thoughts with problems and questions, devote only ten to fifteen minutes to meditation and you will feel how strength comes to you to achieve goals and fulfill desires.

If you imagine something that you dream about very much as often as possible, then the energy of the atmanic body will help you get what you want. Imagine how you will feel when you get what you want. Think that you already have it. Trust that you can get what you dream of.

Body buddhic

These are our values. What we live for, what worries us. But do not confuse the buddhic body with the atmanic body. The first, unlike the second, can direct a person to accomplish any deeds, helps to distinguish true values ​​from false ones.

Suppose you have lost interest in some business, you are not fulfilling the assigned tasks conscientiously - then the energy of the buddhic body stops flowing.

But if you are doing what you love that you like, then the energy will constantly arrive and give you more and more strength to fulfill your dreams.

In order not to lose strength, you need to do only what you love, which brings you pleasure, and not be led by fashion, trends, requests.

A person with a strong energy of the buddhic body will certainly achieve great success and become a first-class master of his craft. Do not get lost among the many projects, focus on one activity, and then you will become more productive.

Causal body

The action of this body is periodic and short-lived. But it also makes us do what we love. For example, an applicant is forced by his parents to enter a university, which he does not want, but he has to submit documents there, take exams. And suddenly, at the last moment, this applicant takes the documents and enters the university he dreamed of. The moment of entering the desired university is the moment when the energetics of the causal body is active.

How this, now a student, will study at this institute, will he find a job later, the causal body will no longer be responsible for this. It worked quickly and for a short time, and thanks to it, even at the very last moment, a person was able to weigh priorities and choose what is more important to him.

Mental body

These are our thoughts and feelings. For example, in some inexplicable way, getting out of bed today, you feel that you need to go to work on a different path. Or buy something different from usual.

If the energy of the mental body is well developed and manageable, then a person is able to read cards, coffee grounds or runes, read lines on his hands and predict fate.

Astral body

The body of our emotions. Why might people react differently to the same events? It's all about the reaction of the mental body, which transmits signals to the astral body. Simply put, each of us treats an event in his own way and perceives it as the body of thoughts and feelings reacted to it. The astral and mental bodies are more closely related to each other than other energy bodies.

The astral body, in turn, is strongly connected to our physical body, as our emotions directly affect health. Instability, inconsistency and imbalance in psychological health, one way or another, will lead to physical illness.

Watch your emotions, try to live your problems more calmly, take a philosophical attitude towards troubles.

Etheric body

We feel the energy of the etheric body as vitality, physical strength. Also, it is she who is responsible for sympathy, pleasant and unpleasant energy.

The surest way to restore and replenish the energy of the etheric body is through food and fresh air. If a person has a good, "healthy" etheric body, then he will certainly seem to the rest of them beautiful, intelligent, interesting.

Strong human energy. Signs of powerful energy

Human energy is fickle and tends to change. Its level can be more or less, depending on different life situations, health and mood.

If a person is sick or is in some kind of stressful situation, then his energy is close to the minimum level.

And if, for example, a person has started to play sports, eat right, visit theaters, listen to good and pleasant music, then it will continue to be in full swing.

But most importantly, the energy level of each of us is individual. This can be compared to a vessel that has its own boundaries. If you develop your strength, then this imaginary vessel will become more and more and will be able to contain more and more energy.

A person with powerful energy can be easily recognized by some signs. This representative of the human race will rarely get sick, he will rarely be seen in a bad mood, he does not suffer from depression and is easier for others to cope with stressful situations. Since energy affects a person extremely powerfully, it will not be difficult to notice it by the behavior of others. It is enough to take a closer look at your friends and family to learn to recognize the level of vitality.

How date of birth affects energy

A person's energy by date of birth is the fastest and easiest way to determine the level of one's capabilities. Another common name for the concept under consideration is bioenergy. Now you can even find such a profession as bioenergetic. This specialist knows what is the connection between man and the stars, space, numbers, etc.

Together with numerologists, bioenergetics found a connection between the date of birth and the vitality, energy of a person.

With the help of light mathematical operations with numbers, namely with the date of birth, you can calculate how the coming year or even the whole life will turn out for a person. Using these numbers, you can build a graph and monitor the changes in the curve. The higher the curve, the more energy for the accomplishment of any deeds will be. And the lower, the, accordingly, it will be less.

How is the energy of a person calculated by date of birth

For example, your date of birth is 1980, October 11 (1980.10.11). Multiply the year of birth by the month and the day of birth, thus: 1980 × 1011 = 2001780.

Now add all the digits of the resulting number: 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 7 + 8 + 0 = 18.

The energy of this person is considered low from birth. Average energy is considered to be numbers from twenty one.

Check the energy of politicians, artists, actors and you will see what high performance can be.

But if the number turns out to be small, this is not a reason to believe that there is no strong human energy. Signs can be completely different. So, for example, the famous actress, photo model, Oscar winner, mother-heroine Angelina Jolie, the number vital energy equals thirteen.

Interesting facts about human energy by date of birth

By the presence of energy potential, individuals can be classified into:

  • Energy vampires (whose potential is below twenty).
  • People with normal energy (from twenty to thirty).
  • Donor people (the coefficient is more than thirty).

If a person does not have enough energy, that is, the coefficient by date of birth is less than twenty, then he unconsciously becomes an energy vampire and draws the vitality necessary for him from donor people, who may have it in excess.

If a person's energy potential is high, then many people strive for it. Such a person will be considered attractive and interesting.

They will want to be friends with him, build relationships, create a family, even if he does not particularly shine with intelligence and beauty.

The opposite situation occurs in people whose energy potential is low. They often suffer from setbacks in personal life and loneliness.

How to increase energy levels

If you think about how to increase a person's energy, and think that this is almost impossible, because the date of birth cannot be changed in any way, then you are deeply mistaken. Even if you don't change your birthday, you can improve your vitality, which means you can feel happier.

If, according to the results of the test, you find that you are an energy vampire, do not despair, because even this can be fixed. In order not to draw bioenergy from other people, not to be unpleasant and alien to them, you just need to find an alternative source of energy. It can be the activity of the Sun, earth, water, fire, wind - everything that nature gives us.

Yoga classes can help you relax and tune in the right channel to receive natural energy... But there is an even simpler way to increase the energy of a person. The most important thing is good rest and food. Remember that if you are looking for how to restore a person's energy, and you think that it is very long and difficult, you will not succeed. You have to believe in what you are doing. You need to tune yourself in only to positive thoughts, and this is exactly what will help. healthy sleep and proper nutrition.

It is not necessary to sleep ten to twelve hours a day, because you can disrupt the physical and mental channels, which means that the bad energy of people can easily get to your esoteric bodies. Watch not quantity, but quality of sleep. You need to go to bed when your body and mind are clean, the room is ventilated, you are not hungry or overeat. If you follow these simple rules, then five to six hours of such a full sleep can replace and even surpass the quality of ten hours of sleep.

If you are worried that negative energy a person who was rude to you or just passed by with negative thoughts, can harm you, then it is necessary to establish a protective channel of the etheric body. As already mentioned, to maintain and restore the etheric body, you need to eat right and be in the fresh air. To cleanse a person's energy from harmful and negative impacts, you can give him a soothing chamomile tea that will calm his body and mind. Give him a rest and feed him healthy food.

First of all, it should be carbohydrates and proteins. A little cereal, meat or beans will surely restore a person's physical and etheric body. Eat fruits and vegetables daily and your mood will certainly improve as you become stronger and healthier.

Important for maintaining, cleansing and restoring energy are physical exercise... It doesn't have to be yoga. Do any sport, go to gym or just run in the morning. Through daily physical activity, you will feel more energized. You will feel less sick and feel refreshed and happy.

How to learn to feel the energy of another person

Feeling the energy of a person is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Sometimes we, without noticing and not understanding it ourselves, can in unfamiliar person recognize some of his character traits. We may or may not like it at first sight. The energy of another person is transmitted to us through open own energy channels... It is not even necessary to touch the interlocutor, it is enough just to look at him and understand what his intentions and feelings are.

For example, today you were rude on public transport, you are driving angry and gloomy to work. And there an evil boss comes to you, who quarreled with his wife in the morning. When you are irritated, your channels are open and your energy bodies are vulnerable to all sorts of influences. Your boss will transmit his negative energy to you, thereby only aggravating your well-being. If this happens often, then soon you will not avoid health problems. Try to abstract yourself from problems at home and on the street when you are at work. But it’s not worth it, being at home, to remember all the troubles of the workers.

It is best if you learn how to deal with the problem as soon as it arises. You may not be able to avoid being rude on public transport, but you can change your attitude towards this rudeness. Then your protective channels will work without interruption and you will be protected from the negative energy of other people.

Try not to be annoyed or rude in return. It may be difficult for you to deal with it at first, but the result will not be long in coming. No small nuisance can spoil your mood, your health will be in order, at work you will cope with things quickly and easily, and you will be less tired.

By learning how to manage your energy, you will begin to better understand other people. On the street, at work and at home, with your family, you will feel comfortable.