Three ways to make your energy positive. Teacher MM “On the energy of the Sun and the Earth. "Airing the heart": a cure for unhappy love

Today, the issue of providing mankind with energy resources is quite acute. Everyone knows that scientists have long been struggling to find alternative sources. It's sad what last years on the household level there was no clear breakthrough in this industry. Solar technologies are not available to our people. Humanity has found many unconventional ways to obtain energy: geothermal stations, wave and tidal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, wind turbines, hydrogen and space energy, biofuels, and even a thunderstorm. This is an incomplete list of human finds.

Second place in alternative energy

The second place after wind turbines, in terms of the combination of advantages and disadvantages, was taken by the energy of the sun. Endless source, which always remained before our eyes, although we have not yet learned how to use it effectively. In practice, silicon batteries are able to demonstrate no more than 22% of the coefficient useful action... They will show an efficiency of 75-80%, but they are used only as heating elements. Flat vacuum manifolds are more demanding in terms of use, vacuum is more difficult to hold in such a large system, which is sensitive to body deformations.

Although we are most interested in the use of this source in heating. Many do not mind heating their home at the expense of natural energy, and not at the expense of the wallet. Here the most unpleasant thing awaits us. The cost is so high that the alternative is no longer tempting.

Therefore, I propose to look at this problem from the side familiar to our person. Namely, to see how you can warm up without laying out exorbitant amounts. It is now difficult to understand who first came up with the idea of ​​using beer in this way, but air collectors from beer cans are now being constructed in America, Europe, and indeed around the world. They are equipped with a thermostat, microcontroller and additional pressurization. In your performance it will be the right size and much less cost. Although, if you drink beer on purpose, then I'm not sure about the latter.

DIY panels

Devices from aluminum cans

You don't need to be experienced craftsman... You can still catch the energy of the sun. To do this, you will need a certain number of beer cans, several square meters of chipboard, approximately the same amount of insulation and silicone glue.

The ends of the cans are carefully opened along the collar. If desired, clean the outer surface for better adhesion and glue the pipes of the required length. After that, they are glued in rows into a box, the dimensions of which will tell the master the imagination and painted in black. Preferably heat-resistant paint.

All internal surfaces are insulated. We recommend using extruded polystyrene foam, subsequently painted black paint... And experiment with insulation. The pipes themselves, as a result, should be arranged vertically, and the upper and lower ends should be connected to each other, like battery registers.

DIY aluminum cans collector

Above and below they make supply and air intake pipes, which will need to be brought into your home. Put a small cooler on the inlet, and a slightly modernized car thermostat on the hot outlet, or use another method of thermoregulation. Practice proves that it can be a good help for your heating system. The main thing is a high-quality, sealed assembly and location of the battery. From the front, cover the box with glass, or better with polycarbonate. According to the calculations of specialists, 15 square meters of collectors are needed to heat a house of 100 square meters. Such a wonderful alternative will be significantly inferior to industrial designs, but still ...

Parabolo - concentric mirror concentrator

In Europe, they are used, limited to only the perforated surface of aluminum alloys.

The cost of such heaters is high due to their large size and expensive materials... Therefore, it is not worth considering homemade flat heat exchangers. The next option will interest suburban residents. Its difference is radical in almost everything. In fact, it is a parabolic-concentric mirror concentrator of the sun's energy. But the main benefit lies in the materials used. A concentrator is a mirror curved in one plane that concentrates the sun's rays at a certain point. Three tricks apply here.

Mirror material, reflective surface size and heat accumulator. A frightening curved mirror turns out to be made of mirror film. The mirror film is glued to the concave surface in the form of a groove. The basis for the mirror is to choose the same notorious polystyrene foam.

And as supporting structures, various materials will act: from wood to metal. The required number of mirror segments is produced, which are attached to the supporting frames.

In a sense, the whole structure resembles a children's swing, where mirrors protrude instead of a seat, and a pipeline is located on the axis - a heat exchanger. Since this is a suburban solution, the dimensions here can be impressive.

Solar concentrator from a satellite dish

Water sun traps

A number of such devices are located along the movement of the sun. The mirror focuses in one line, from where the coolant will take power. The coolant will be ordinary water, which runs through thin-walled pipes running in several rows. Use stainless steel or regular thin-walled steel pipes of the correct diameter. With such a serious approach, this system cannot do without an overall heat accumulator.

There are ready-made solutions here, but a flight of imagination is welcome. For example, a “pool” for several cubes, made of polystyrene and wooden supports. Inner surface lined with a dense greenhouse film. And the strength of the sides is expected to hold several cubes of water. A roof covering this mini-pool, in the shape of a pyramid, is also made of similar materials.

Such simplicity of design, coupled with uncomplicated materials, provide high maintainability. And replacement of worn-out parts. The cost will also vary significantly. It is better to place such a heat storage in an open space, this will provide easy access if necessary.

Mirror on load-bearing structure, must be able to rotate vertically. In this case, the concentrator follows the luminary all year round... The pipeline is included in the general heating system to save money.

Solar vacuum collector

Further, the rates begin to rise. Unfortunately, we are talking about the price. Their cost is quite high, although the efficiency is also quite high. It is impossible to make it yourself, because the production uses high-strength borosilicate glass with a low metal content.

A barium getter is used to control the vacuum. If the tightness is not broken, then the tube has a silvery color, if it turns white, then the integrity is broken. Vacuum collectors are less dependent on weather conditions than others, since the heat channel is separated from the atmosphere by vacuum. And the vacuum, as you know, is an excellent heat insulator. IN bad weather they absorb infrared radiation passing through the clouds. Another plus in favor of this technology.

Types of vacuum collectors

There are several of them, some of them of a more successful design, but they are more expensive. The most successful is a collector with a feather tube and a direct-flow heat channel. The principle of the device is approximately the same in all cases. The flask is an elongated, thin thermos with a vacuum between its walls. A highly absorbent coating is applied to the inner glass, and a heat pipe with a coolant is placed inside.

Heat carriers are fundamentally different. In one case, it is an easily evaporating liquid, heat transfer occurs through evaporation and condensation. With a straight-through channel, the coolant flows through each of the heat pipes, transferring and releasing energy. The main disadvantage is the high price and difficulty in repair. In case of repair of some vacuum collectors, the coolant will have to be drained from the solar system. The difference in efficiency depending on the manufacturer is quite significant and can even be doubled.

With vacuum tubes, it is easier to assemble the system, since the main element is ready. It remains to ensure the contact of the copper absorber with the coolant of the entire system, and place the batteries from the vacuum tubes in a safe casing in an illuminated place. Of course, it is better to entrust the assembly and installation of a large system to specialists. A solar system with such elements often overheats and boils and needs some control over it. If your main heating has a large displacement and there will be no overheating, try assembling the auxiliary module yourself.

We divide them into three types:

  • based on mono elements
  • based on poly-elements
  • amorphous, they are also film. They also include panels based on cadmium telluride, based on copper-indium selenide and polymer panels.

There are pros and cons here. The plus is that at the output we get electricity, the use of which is very wide. Polycrystalline panels have an average efficiency of 12-18% and are cheaper to manufacture. Monopanels, on the contrary, are more expensive and have a higher efficiency - 18-22%. Amorphous panels have the lowest efficiency of 5-6% but show a number of advantages. Optical absorption is 15-20 times higher than that of poly and single crystals. The thickness is less than 1 micron. Has good performance in cloudy weather, high flexibility. Polymer batteries are used where elasticity and environmental friendliness are of the greatest importance. In addition to the panels, charging systems, voltage transformations, and power distributors will be required. These are inverters, batteries, controllers. Silicon cells are sensitive to contamination, and at high temperatures a cooling system may be required, although modern designs allow for this.

More recently, Australian scientists have managed to set a record of 35% efficiency, a fundamentally new development in this area. Although the French claim to develop modules with an efficiency of 46%, by Soitec, CEA-Leti and the Fraunhofer Institute. But mere mortals will not see this for a long time. In addition, silicon batteries also have disadvantages. In America, the use of such panels began in the sixties, but our craftsmen seem to be making similarities from cheap analogs from the east for a long time. It's still too valuable a way to save money for common man... Although, it is very attractive to get a certain autonomy in the power supply.

There are also innovations in the automotive, aviation, and shipbuilding industries. Exhibition, single or experimental specimens exist, but so far, it remains a luxury. Sometimes, well-forgotten old things arise from the past, for example, lighting with the help of light wells. The method is familiar since the days of the gray pyramids.

Some want to bring the idea of ​​solar roads to life. There were transparent elements and an aircraft capable of flying around the earth on a light sail. Germany has set a record for the amount of energy received per day, and in India, an entire airfield has switched to feeding on a natural resource. Surely the day is near when technology will allow us to take from the sun exactly as much as we need.

Due to the combination of ultra-high pressures and temperatures in the central area Suns nuclear reactions occur in which great amount energy. The average amount of energy generated by nuclear reactions per gram of matter per second is 1.92 erg. Part of this energy is used to maintain the superhigh temperatures required for nuclear reactions in the central region, and the rest is radiated by the Sun into interplanetary space. Total solar radiation power 3,831026 W from which falls to the Earth about 2.1017 W, i.e. approximately one part two billion. From 1 cm 2 of the surface of the Sun in 1 sec. emitted energy of 6000 watts. The energy flux emitted by the Sun carries away 1.41013 tons of matter annually. And although this value, according to our concepts, is huge, in comparison with the mass of the luminary, it is negligible: it will take an incredibly huge time for the Sun to spend all its matter on the radiation of energy and, thus, cease to exist. But the Sun is far from such a state - about 10 billion years.

A.B. Severny gives such an interesting comparison of the enormous power of the energy emitted by the Sun with the effect of its use: " The radiant energy lost every second by the Sun is enough to melt and bring to a boil 2.5 billion km within an hour 3 ice, i.e. to melt a layer of ice around the Earth with a thickness of more than 1000 km. " Radiation emanating from the central region of the Sun, as it moves to the outer spheres, is reconstructed from short-wave to long-wave. If in the center there are ordinary X-rays, gamma rays and X-rays, then in the middle layers of the solar ball, ultra-violet rays, and in the emitting surface of the Sun (in the photosphere) they are already transformed into waves of the light range of radiation. In accordance with the range of lengths emitted by the solar surface (photosphere), its temperature is taken to be 5600 K.

The sun generates and releases two main streams of energy into outer space - electromagnetic radiation, or solar radiation, and corpuscular radiation, or sunny wind... Energy flows have a high power within the space bodies located close to the luminary.

And, conversely, to bodies far from the Sun, energy flows reach strongly weakened, and therefore their value in energy balance planets are getting smaller. Nevertheless, the thermal field of the surface of all planets in the solar system is created almost exclusively by solar radiation, since the arrival of endogenous energy of the planets to the surface is extremely insignificant and is ignored by many natural scientists in relation to the Earth. That is why for the planets of the inner group - Mercury, Venus and Mars - the value of solar energy is especially great.

What is solar radiation.

According to modern quantum theory, the radiation of the Sun's electromagnetic energy, including light, does not occur continuously, but in portions - quanta. Each quantum carries a certain energy. It is usually measured in electron volts (eV). An electron volt is the amount of energy that a free electron acquires, accelerated electric field with a potential difference of 1 volt (V). An electron-volt is equal to 1, 6. 10 - 19 J. Solar quanta can have very different energies - from millions of electron-volts to millionths of an electron-volt. In other words, quanta of electromagnetic radiation can differ in energy by billions of times! Electromagnetic radiation has a wave character. Each quantum with a certain energy is characterized by a radiation wave of a certain length. Electromagnetic radiation can be characterized not only in quanta of different power, but also in the corresponding wavelengths. They are measured in different units of length: short waves quanta of high energy - angstroms (A), which is 1/100 million of a centimeter (10 -8 cm). For example, a quantum with an energy of 1 eV corresponds to a wavelength of ?? l = 12400 A. Longer waves are measured sequentially - in millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, meters and kilometers. There are also intermediate units - micrometers (μm) = 104 A.

The aggregate of all types of quanta, arranged sequentially with an increase in their energy, is called the spectrum of the Sun's electromagnetic radiation. Accordingly, the spectrum of solar radiation can be expressed in terms of waves different lengths... The continuous spectrum of electromagnetic radiation is conventionally divided by wavelength into ranges: gamma radiation, X-ray, ultraviolet; all this is ultra-shortwave radiation, characterized by high values energy and not its perception by the human eye. This is followed by the optical, or light, range. It is again followed by two invisible ranges of electromagnetic waves - infrared and radio waves.

The distribution of energy over the spectrum is uneven. For the entire short-wavelength part of the spectrum - from wavelengths less than one angstrom to about 4000 A, i.e. gamma rays, X-rays and ultraviolet rays account for only 7% of the energy of solar radiation. The optical range of the spectrum - electromagnetic waves in the range of 4000 - 7600 A - accounts for 48% of the energy. It is to the optical range that the maximum radiation is confined, corresponding to the blue-green interval of the light gamut of radiation. The remaining 45% of the energy of solar radiation is contained mainly in infrared radiation - in waves longer than 7600 A; of this amount of energy, only a small part comes from radio emission. Waves of electromagnetic radiation, depending on their length and, accordingly, energy have many individual properties, which has great importance for the formation of natural conditions on the planets.

The longest waves - radio waves - have the highest permeability. Not a single even the densest atmosphere is an insurmountable obstacle for them, while waves of all other ranges at different altitude levels can be completely absorbed by the atmospheres. Since radio waves freely penetrate gaseous media, they can be used to study the surface of many celestial bodies, where rays of the light range cannot penetrate due to the atmosphere. The unusually dense atmosphere of Venus makes it impossible to use optical means to get acquainted with its surface. Using radio waves (using radar), scientists study the topography of the planet's surface.

What is corpuscular radiation.

This is a stream of plasma - the incandescent ionized gas of the solar corona, the temperature of which is estimated at 1 million degrees. The term "corpuscular radiation" means that the removal of matter from the Sun - ionized gas - is carried out not as a continuous process, but occurs in some portions, or particles, - corpuscles. The basis of the plasma flow is formed by hydrogen nuclei, to a lesser extent - helium and other elements, as well as electrons. The flow of energy in the interplanetary medium can be thought of as the propagation of gas from the place of its generation and concentration (solar corona) to vacuum. In this case, the force of attraction of the Sun weakens with increasing distance. It is thanks to for these reasons the plasma flow in the process of movement increases its speed from tens of kilometers per second near the solar corona to 500 km / s at the distance of the earth's orbit. The flow energy at this distance is defined as 4104 erg / cm 2 sec.

Ionized gas of corpuscular radiation, continuously emitted by the solar corona, gradually weakening in its power as it moves to the periphery of the solar system, fills the entire interplanetary space. Moreover, in a stream strongly weakened by distance, it also penetrates into interstellar space. One of the characteristic features of the solar wind is its inherent magnetic field. Those planets that do not have their own magnetic field (Moon, Venus) allow solar wind freely penetrate through the atmosphere (where it exists) to their surface and at the atomic level interact with its substance. It is different if the planet has a strong magnetic field. A striking example of what has been said is the Earth, where the process of interaction of magnetic fields is well studied. The strong magnetic field of the planet prevents the penetration of the plasma flow to its surface.

Feminine and masculine energy

Even the ancient Chinese, Indians and even the Slavs believed that the main female task- to accumulate energy. Easy to say. But what does this mean in practice? What kind of energy to save? Through what sources? How to save it if every day you are emptied to the bottom?

To begin with, it is enough to turn to the knowledge that has passed from generation to generation. Due to your busyness and abundance of information, you could be in the dark. Now is the time to fix it.

Ancient scriptures divide energy into two types - solar and lunar. And only one of them should be accumulated by a woman - the energy of the Moon. And the power of the Sun is intended for men.

The sun warms and sometimes incinerates. These are qualities such as riskiness, activity, determination and aggression.

The moon, on the other hand, cools. She is characterized by softness and calmness, without unnecessary fuss and disputes.

The energy of the Sun reveals in a person the need to prove himself in a career, nurtures ambitions, makes him move towards the goal and break down obstacles on the way. It is the energy of leaders who are confident and temperamental.

The energy of the moon works in the opposite way. Tenderness, flexibility, sensitivity and the ability to adapt - this is what prevails in a person. Such a lady, like a peach with a velvet skin and a sweet filling. It is impossible to refuse it.

In this case, you cannot break into two parts. A rare woman manages to be an active careerist and caring wife and mother. The solar energy is so active that it will easily overshadow the lunar energy.

The most annoying thing is that the girl won't even notice it. She will raise her voice to her beloved, scold him for his behavior, as she would do at work. And he will also be surprised: “So what? After all, he is wrong! "

A man with such a sharp lady of the heart has two options. First, he can adjust, tolerate and calm her down. The result is a kind of "man": a woman's essence in a man's body. It sounds funny, but he really will have to cultivate the lunar energy in himself, which his girlfriend so lacks.

Or he will aggressively suppress her, subjecting the poor thing to even more stress. In both cases, the couple will not last long.

Either hot sparks will fly between them, and a fire will break out, or the man will one day be torn from the inside, and she will be bombarded with fragments. None of the paintings seem attractive to me.

You've probably noticed that the roles of lovers are distributed in different ways. There can be four types of pairs.

Option one. He has the energy of the Sun, she has the energy of the Moon.

The most harmonious combination... As a rule, such a man is reliable, responsible and proactive. She listens to his opinion, pliable. Both cherish and enjoy each other, because they do not contradict nature. I wish you all!

Option two. Both have the energy of the Sun.

The most dangerous combination. In such couples, loud scandals and passionate reconciliation alternate. A man is unhappy because he has to fight for power not only at work, but also within the family. A woman gets tired of misunderstanding, lack of support and attention. Both waste vitality and end up parting.

Option three. He has the energy of the Moon, she has the energy of the Sun.

He, by virtue of his kindness or laziness, concedes leadership to her. She becomes a breadwinner, a dictator, he becomes a quiet householder. I am ready to sit with children and take them to developmental activities. She disappears from morning to evening at work. In the end, the woman gets tired of pulling an overwhelming burden, and the man feels inferior. Inevitably, one of them meets another person who reveals in him the true essence.

Option four. Both have the energy of the moon.

Quite a rare and almost implausible combination. There is no development and no passion. They are together exactly until such time as someone with the blinding energy of the Sun appears on the horizon.

If not for the circumstances, a woman would always choose the moonlight, and a man - the sun. This is what nature wants. And the force of nature is one of those that are little subject to man.

Men in particular would make a voluntary choice. It is extremely difficult for them to receive the cold energy of the moon. It is difficult for them to calm down, restrain themselves if the lady behaves loudly and cheekily.

It is not difficult for girls to accumulate both energies thanks to the womb. The woman is the originator, the originator of life. The womb is the center of her energy and strength. Through the womb, we absorb both enterprise and peace. We are either rushing ahead of the locomotive, or we can spend a day in the spa center.

we energy donors for a man. Most of them can "cool off" only through a woman.

Store shelves are full of books on how to get things done, how to manipulate people and become a master of persuasion. Women are buying literature detailing male tactics behavior. They are building a business, raising children alone, not giving themselves a moment's rest. But there is still no happiness. Conscience repeats: “You are not doing anything. You have not achieved anything. "

The thing is that male ways finding peace and satisfaction on women does not work.

A woman can only seem like an iron lady and convincingly lie about her joyful, albeit painted in seconds, life. But she will secretly tell her friends that she is exhausted.

If a woman behaves like a man, then she loses lunar energy and lets in solar energy. Due to its emotionality, it begins to dominate not only activity, but nervousness and anxiety. A girl can become hostile, resentful, and painful.

And now her man, having spent all day on the "battlefield", returns home. He came to recuperate, rejoice and just relax. He wants coolness and tranquility, like an oasis in the middle of the desert.

But his woman wasted lunar energy instead of storing it up. She does not cool, but burns her man: she does not smile, expresses dissatisfaction, reproaches, argues and complains. She crushes and forces any little thing to do as she wants. Manipulates him and takes offense. He is forced to defend himself.

He's like a bull in a bullfight. After the "fight" at work, a red rag is again waving in front of him in the walls of the house. Rivalry again. He weakens and ceases to understand why he is with this woman at all.

His beloved can be a beauty queen and madly interesting companion... But something will alienate him. She will not give a man what is vital to him - appeasement.

He leaves to collect his thoughts. And unexpectedly for himself, he meets a girl who has been saving up the energy of the moon all the time. Even after a short communication, he feels like this new girl gives him confidence in his abilities. Calms his mind and inspires him to act.

Her inner beauty is not inferior to the outside. Now he is ready for achievements and great deeds, because paradise awaits him at home. Her femininity is like fuel for his car, like air for life.

A man gets energy from a woman. He can't get it from friends, coworkers, or going to the cinema. His whole essence is aimed at achievement, he is not given the power to draw strength from the world around him.

The woman is arranged differently. There are many ways she can absorb energy. Many of them are described in detail in the book, in the following chapters.

For now, I will just say that nature itself - water, air, fire and earth give a woman strength. Any leisurely process that brings joy is able to fill it from within. And it's so nice to be aware of your influence! Especially if she hadn't even known about him before.

Nature gives energy to a woman. And a woman to a man. This is the law. A woman gives a man energy, which he transforms into achievements and material goods.

Like a thirsty wanderer, the man is looking for a source of "water." It is the energy that attracts him to the woman. Without a lady of the heart, it is difficult for him to reach heights, realize dreams and earn his first million.

Usually, the older a woman gets, the weaker her energy. Work, stress, fears deprive her of peace. Therefore, some males are eventually attracted by younger beauties, exuding the energy they need.

But this happens only with women who do not know about their abilities. You can feed a man to your old age. This is what we will learn.

Save the energy of the Moon - the energy of goodness and peace. This is not only your happiness, but also peace in your family. Success in personal life, health and prosperity. And the main thing is that the influence of age is minimal. You will keep your family forever if you exude peace.

A lady who moves through life at a moderate speed does not waste energy. She magically attracts worthy men, connections, money and luck.

Do not think that I am calling for voluntary slavery and submission to a man. On the contrary, I believe that a woman is a goddess. It's just that it's easier to give up the reins for your own peace of mind.

Yes, it is worth keeping silent more often than running into a "fight". But you need to distinguish between inappropriate arguments and defense of your principles.

You can and must defend your honor. You have the right to give a reaction when a man is rude or unworthy with you. Not every gentleman is worthy of you until he shows himself pretty well. But look at the everyday little things that make up the main life.

Why am I talking to you? Why don't I go with fiery propaganda to the ranks of men? It so happens that it is women who are more likely to try on the wrong shirt. We more often than men make a mistake and choose the wrong path.

Instead of being a river that bends around stones, driftwood and rocks, we turn the course of the river in the other direction. We make super-efforts, we influence events, we fight. Although you need to stop and take time for yourself.

The statistics are merciless: there are many times more unhappy women, men happier than women... 70% of men say they rarely feel sad or have mood swings. Only 50% of women can say the same about themselves. For most men, stress occurs once a month or less. For most women, once a week or more.

How to understand that you are filled with soul? How neglected is everything in your life?

I have highlighted the symptoms by which you can accurately determine the level of required energy in the body.

Low level

You have deep fears every day. Hysterics follows hysterics, and the word antidepressant is familiar to you firsthand. You are constantly looking for insulting subtext in the words of those around you, you explode from scratch, or, conversely, withdraw into yourself.

You often forget everything, do not absorb new information well and put off most of the work for later.

You are not satisfied with almost all areas of life. You don’t know how or don’t want to take care of your family. It's hard for you to forgive your mother or father. Children are not part of your plans or are a burden.

A very neglected case.

Average level

There is a moderate fear in your life, but it constantly accompanies you. Your emotions can change several times a day - from tenderness to rudeness.

You are restless, have a hard time finding the positives in situations and tend to think about the bad.

You are dependent on loved ones - attached to children, mother. Sometimes you take the role of a dependent or treat your relatives like a consumer. You can insist that children receive a specific promising education, without taking into account their interests. At the same time, strangers may not arouse your compassion.

Sometimes you feel happy. But these hot flashes are short and depend on other people and circumstances. Constant feeling that there is no soil underfoot.

Most women suffer from these symptoms. But I am glad that it is easier to get out of this pit than in the first case.

High level

You want to take care of people and animals. Friendliness reads on your face and in your actions. A feeling of happiness, independent of what is happening around.

You are calm and slow. It is easy to control emotions and find mutual language with others.

You are grateful for what you have. You are ready for your children and you even feel that you can raise strangers.

The joy of life fills you from the inside, attracting new opportunities and a successful combination of circumstances. Great wishes for a toast, isn't it?

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Is life possible on Earth without the Sun?

To answer this question, let's imagine something that in fact cannot be. Imagine that the Sun has suddenly disappeared, or that some huge shutter has blocked the path of its rays to our planet. Then the Earth will suddenly plunge into darkness. The moon and planets that reflect the sun's rays will also stop shining. Only the dim light of distant stars will illuminate the Earth. Green plants will die because they can only absorb carbon from the air when exposed to sun rays.

The animals will have nothing to eat, and they will begin to die of hunger. In addition, all living things will freeze from the terrible cold, which will quickly spread across the Earth. Air, oceans and land will very soon give to the world space the energy that they constantly receive from the Sun. The winds will cease to blow, and all reservoirs will freeze. The air will begin to liquefy, and the Earth will rain down from liquid oxygen and nitrogen. As a result, our planet will be covered with a layer of ice from solid air. Will life be able to exist in such conditions? Of course not.

Fortunately, none of this can be, and every day the Sun sends its life-giving rays to the Earth, heating land, water and air, forcing water bodies to evaporate, leading to the formation of clouds and winds, contributing to precipitation, giving warmth and light to animals and plants.

Energy radiated by the Sun

The energy of the Sun is enormous. Even that negligible fraction of it that falls on the Earth turns out to be very large. Assuming full use energy of the sun's rays falling on a square meter of the earth's surface, you can make an engine work with a power of about two Horse power... The entire Earth as a whole receives from the Sun tens of thousands of times more energy than all sources of electricity in the world could generate if they worked at full capacity.

From Earth, the Sun appears to us to be comparatively small. It is easy to obscure it with a pea at a distance. arm outstretched... If such an experiment is performed with great accuracy, then it can be calculated that the distance to the Sun is 107 times its diameter. And the diameter of the Sun is very large, it is 109 times the diameter of the Earth, which, as you know, is about 13 thousand km. Now it is easy to calculate the size of the Sun and the distance to it in kilometers.

Knowing the distance to the Sun and the amount of energy that comes from it to us, you can determine the amount of energy emitted by its surface. The closer we get to the light source, the more concentrated its radiation is. If the Earth was twice as close to the Sun, then it would receive 4 times more energy from it than it does now. In the same way, if you come close to the surface of the Sun, you can find that the radiation power will increase 46 thousand times.

Where does the sun get its energy from?

Imagine that each square on the Sun, the size of a cell in a school notebook, is heated by two ordinary electric stoves, and you will get a rough idea of ​​the radiation power of the Sun's surface. It is known from physics that a body heated to a temperature of about 6000 ° has such a radiation power. Therefore, this is the temperature of the sun's surface. Therefore, 1 sq. see the surface of the Sun emits more than 6 kW of energy.

In terms of mass, the Sun is 333 thousand times larger than the Earth, and in volume it is 1 million 301 thousand times larger. Therefore, the density of the Sun is less than the density of the Earth. On average, the Sun is one and a half times denser than water. But this is only on average. Inside the Sun, matter is strongly compressed by the pressure of the overlying layers and is ten times denser than lead. But the outer layers of the Sun are hundreds of times more rarefied than air at the Earth's surface.

Pressure is the weight of all layers above the pad, one square centimeter. If a column of matter with a cross section of 1 sq. cm and weigh it using an imaginary balance, then you need a weight with a mass of two hundred thousand tons! On the Sun, where the force of gravity is many times greater than on Earth, such a weight will be thousands of times heavier. Therefore, the pressure in the interior of the Sun exceeds 100 billion atmospheres.

With such a huge pressure, the temperature rises to a value exceeding 10 million degrees! It turns out that under these conditions the substance is in a gaseous state. However, in terms of its properties, this gas is very different from the usual gases familiar to us, for example, air. The fact is that in it, almost all atoms completely lose their electrons and turn into naked atomic nuclei... Free electrons detached from atoms become part of a gas called plasma under these conditions.

Thermonuclear energy of the sun

Plasma particles heated to 10 million degrees move at tremendous speeds of hundreds and thousands of kilometers per second! In this case, due to excessive pressure, the particles come close together, and individual atomic nuclei sometimes even penetrate each other. At the moments of such penetration, thermonuclear reactions take place.

The helium atom has a slightly lower mass than the four hydrogen atoms that went into its formation. This mass defect is released in the interior of the Sun in the form of energy, which is the source of the inexhaustible energy of the Sun.

Basically, the Sun is made up of the same chemical elements as the Earth. However, there is incomparably more hydrogen on the Sun than on Earth. We can say that the Sun is almost entirely composed of hydrogen, while all other elements are much less. Therefore, hydrogen is the main source of energy emitted by the Sun due to thermonuclear reactions.

Over the entire period of its existence, which, apparently, is at least 6 billion years, the Sun has not yet used up half of its reserves of hydrogen nuclear fuel. During most of this time, the radiation from the Sun is about the same as it is now. So it will shine for many billions of years - until all the hydrogen in the interior of the Sun turns into helium.

How is nuclear energy released inside the sun?

When the nuclei of one element (for example, hydrogen), combining, form the nuclei of another (for example, helium), special gamma rays with tremendous energy arise.

All rays are emitted by atoms in the form of separate portions, called quanta. The energy of gamma ray quanta is very high. The atoms of matter in the interior of the Sun have the property of greedily absorbing any radiation. In this case, as a rule, absorbing a quantum with a very high energy, the atom emits two or more quanta with a lower energy. Until the gamma rays generated by thermonuclear reactions reach the surface of the Sun, there will be a lot of such fragmentation of the quanta of the original gamma rays. As a result, predominantly rays with much lower energy will be emitted from the surface of the Sun: ultraviolet, visible and infrared.

Nuclear reactions take place in the core of the Sun, and energy is released here. The diameter of the core is about 1/3 the diameter of the Sun itself. The largest part of the solar matter is concentrated in the core.

The most extended layer of the Sun adjoins the core, in which, as a result of absorption of quanta, their fragmentation and re-emission, energy is transferred from the inside to the outside. Above, there is a layer about 1/10 of the solar radius, called the convective zone. This zone is already noticeably colder. It passes into the outermost layers of the Sun - its atmosphere. Due to its lower temperature, the convective zone cannot ensure the transfer of all the energy coming from below, only through absorption and re-emission.

Therefore, in the convective zone, the matter itself takes part in the transfer of radiation: individual streams of hotter gases rise up from the depths, transferring their energy directly to the outer layers. The solar atmosphere also has several very different layers. The deepest and most subtle of them is called the photosphere, which in Russian means “the sphere of light”. An overwhelming amount of light and heat rays, sent by the Sun into space, arise here.

The photosphere is the very surface of the Sun that can be observed through a telescope, previously equipped with a special dark filter. If this is not done, then the observer will inevitably go blind.

The thickness of the photosphere is only 200-300 km, and we no longer see the deeper layers of the Sun at all. This is because the substance of the photosphere is opaque, like a dense fog.

The deeper the elephant in the photosphere, the hotter they are. When we look at the center solar disk, then we see the deepest layers of the photosphere. This is for the same reason that the earth's atmosphere at the zenith is always noticeably more transparent than at the horizon. When we look at the edge of the Sun, we see layers that are not as deep as in the center. Because these layers are colder and give less light, the Sun's disk appears darker at the edge, and the edge itself is very sharp.

A large telescope can be used to study the characteristic structure of the photosphere

The alternation of small (actually about 1000 km in size) light specks surrounded by dark gaps gives the impression that rice grains are scattered on the surface of the Sun. These specks are called granules. They are separate elements of convection that have risen from the convective zone. They are hotter and, therefore, brighter than the surrounding photosphere. The dark gaps between them are streams of colder gases descending.

The motion of the granules in the solar atmosphere produces waves very similar to those that appear in the earth's atmosphere during the flight of a jet plane. While propagating upward in the solar atmosphere, these waves are absorbed, and their energy is converted into heat. Therefore, in the solar atmosphere above the photosphere, the temperature begins to rise, and the farther from the photosphere, the more. In comparatively thin layer called the chromosphere, it rises to several tens of thousands of degrees. And in the most rarefied, outermost shell of the Sun, in the corona, the temperature reaches a million degrees!

The chromosphere and corona can be seen in rare moments of complete solar eclipses... When the Moon completely covers the brilliantly bright photosphere, around its disk, which appears to be black, suddenly a silvery-pearl radiance flares up in the form of a crown, often with long rays. This is the solar corona - an extremely rarefied shell of gas. It extends from the Sun at a distance of many of its radii. The shape of the crown changes greatly over time, as can be judged by comparing various photographs of it. Directly around the black disc of the Moon during an eclipse, a shiny, thin pink border is visible. This is the Sun's chromosphere, a layer of incandescent gases 10-15 thousand km thick.

The chromosphere is much more transparent than the photosphere. It has a line spectrum emitted by incandescent vapors of hydrogen, helium, calcium and other elements. Therefore, the chromosphere can be observed if, with the help of special devices, the rays emitted by these elements are distinguished.

There are many neutral atoms in the photosphere. In the chromosphere due to high temperature hydrogen and helium atoms begin to pass into an ionized state. This means that they lose their electrons and become electrically charged, and their electrons begin to move like free particles. In the corona, where the temperature is incomparably higher, the ionization of matter is so strong that all light chemical elements completely lose their electrons, while heavy atoms lack more than a dozen. This is because at a temperature of a million degrees, individual particles move so fast and collide with such force that, figuratively speaking, "chips fly away" from them. Thus, the atmosphere of the Sun, like its interior, consists of plasma.

In the corona, the plasma is very rarefied. Each of its cubic centimeters contains no more than 100 million "stripped" atoms and free electrons torn from them. This is 100 billion times less than the molecules in the air. If the entire corona, stretching over many solar radii, were compressed to the density of air on Earth, then an insignificant layer a few centimeters thick would surround the Sun.

Due to such a large rarefaction, the corona is even more transparent to visible light than the chromosphere. For the same reason, the amount of light emitted by it is negligible: the brightness of the corona is a million times less than the brightness of the photosphere. That is why at normal times it is invisible against the bright background of the daytime sky and is visible only during total solar eclipses. Thus, although the outermost layers of the solar atmosphere have a temperature of a million degrees, their radiation makes up a negligible fraction of the total energy emitted by the sun.

Almost all of this energy is emitted by the photosphere, which has a temperature of about 6000 °. Therefore, this temperature is attributed to the sun as a whole. The value of the temperature of a million degrees, established in the corona, only says that its particles move at tremendous speeds, reaching hundreds and thousands of kilometers per second.

However, how did you know that the temperature of the solar corona is so high if it emits so little? The fact is that, along with other rays, the Sun emits relatively many radio waves, in any case, much more than a body heated to 6000 ° should give. The solar corona absorbs radio waves very strongly. Therefore, the radio emission of the Sun reaching us mainly arises not in the photosphere, but in the corona. Measurements with the help of special radio telescopes of the power of this radio emission made it possible to determine the temperature of the corona.

Solar Activity

From time to time, so-called active regions appear in the solar atmosphere, the number of which is regularly repeated with a period of about 11 years on average.

The most significant manifestation of the active region is the sunspots observed in the photosphere. They appear as small black dots (pores). In a few days, the pores develop into large dark formations. Usually the spot is surrounded by a less dark penumbra consisting of radially elongated veins. It seems like a "hole" on the surface of the Sun, so large that you can freely throw a "ball" the size of the Earth into it.

If you observe the Sun from day to day, then, by the movement of the spots, you can make sure that it rotates around its axis and after about 27 days this or that spot again passes through the central meridian. It is interesting that at different latitudes the speed of rotation of the Sun is different: near the equator the rotation is faster, and at the poles it is slower.

Some time before the appearance of spots, a bright region appears in a small area of ​​the photosphere. In shape, it resembles a heavily smeared puddle of bizarre outlines with countless veins and bright dots. These bright areas called torches. They are several hundred degrees hotter than the photosphere. The atmosphere above the torches is also hotter and somewhat denser. Torches always surround the spots.

As the plume grows, the magnetic field gradually increases in the active region, especially in a certain small area, where a spot can form in the future. Such spots have a strong magnetic field, stopping all movements and flows of ionized gas, from which convective motions are stopped in the region of the spot under the photosphere, thereby stopping the additional transfer of energy from deeper layers to the outside.

Therefore, the spot temperature turns out to be about 1000 ° lower than in the surrounding photosphere, against the background of which it appears dark. The appearance of the torch is also explained by the magnetic field. When it is still weak and unable to stop convection, only the chaotic nature of the movements of the rising gas jets in the convective zone is inhibited. Therefore, it is easier for hot gases to rise from the depths in a torch, as a result of which it appears brighter than the surrounding photosphere.

Many interesting phenomena are observed in the chromosphere and corona above the active region. These include chromospheric flares and prominences.

Flares are one of the fastest processes on the Sun. Usually, a flash begins with the fact that the brightness of a certain point in the active region greatly increases in a few minutes. There were even such strong flashes, which exceeded the dazzling photosphere in brightness. After ignition, a gradual weakening of the glow lasts for several tens of minutes, up to the initial state. Flares arise as a result of special changes in magnetic fields, leading to a sudden compression of the chromospheric material.

Something like an explosion occurs, as a result of which a directed stream of very fast charged particles and cosmic rays is formed. This stream, passing through the corona, carries away plasma particles. Like the strings of a violin being swayed by a giant bow, these particles vibrate and emit radio waves in the process.

The small area occupied by the flare (only a few hundred thousand square kilometers) creates very powerful radiation. It consists of X-rays, ultraviolet and visible rays, radio waves, rapidly moving particles (corpuscles) and cosmic rays. All types of this radiation have a strong impact on the phenomena occurring in the earth's atmosphere.

Radiant energy of the Sun

Ultraviolet and X-rays most quickly reach the Earth, primarily its ionosphere - the upper, ionized layers of the atmosphere. The propagation of radio waves and the audibility of radio transmissions depend on the state of the earth's ionosphere. Under the influence of solar ultraviolet and X-rays, ionization of the ionosphere increases. As a result, short radio waves begin to be strongly absorbed in its lower layers. Because of this, there is a fading of audibility of radio broadcasts at short wavelengths.

The ionospheric layers reflect short radio waves and partially absorb them.

At the same time, the ionosphere acquires the ability to better reflect long radio waves. Therefore, during a solar flare, a sudden increase in the audibility of a distant radio station operating on a long wave can be detected.

The stream of particles (corpuscles) reaches the Earth approximately only one day after the outburst occurred on the Sun. "Making its way" through the solar corona, the corpuscular stream pulls out its substance into long rays characteristic of its structure.

Near the Earth, the flux of corpuscles meets the Earth's magnetic field, which does not allow charged particles to pass through. However, it is difficult to stop particles moving at a speed that is only a few hundred times less than the speed of light. They break through the barrier and, as it were, press the magnetic lines of force surrounding Earth... From this, the so-called magnetic storm occurs on Earth, which consists in rapid and incorrect changes in the magnetic field. During magnetic storms, the compass needle makes random vibrations and it becomes completely impossible to use this device.

Approaching the Earth, the stream of solar particles bursts into the layers of very fast charged particles surrounding the Earth, forming the so-called radiation belts. Having passed these belts, some particles break through deeper into the upper layers of the atmosphere and cause very beautiful air glow, observed mostly in the polar latitudes of the Earth. These glowing iridescent rainbow colors, sometimes taking the form of rays, or hanging like curtains, are called aurora borealis. Thus, solar flares lead to important consequences and are closely related to various phenomena occurring on Earth.

In the corona above the active region, grandiose phenomena also occur. Sometimes the corona matter begins to glow brightly and you can see how its streams rush into the chromosphere. These clouds of incandescent gases, ejected from the chromosphere and upwards, tens of times larger than the earth's globe, are called prominences. Prominences amaze with the variety of their forms, rich structure, complex movements individual nodes and sudden changes, which are replaced by long periods of a calm state.

Prominences are colder and denser than the surrounding corona and have about the same temperature as the chromosphere.

The movement and appearance of prominences, as well as other active formations in the solar atmosphere, are strongly influenced by magnetic fields. Apparently, these fields are the main cause of all active phenomena occurring in the solar atmosphere. The periodicity of solar activity is also associated with magnetic fields - perhaps the most interesting of all the features of solar phenomena. This periodicity can be traced across all phenomena, but it is especially easy to notice if one counts the number of spots on the Sun day after day.

The period when there are no spots at all is called the minimum. Soon after the minimum, sunspots begin to appear at a great distance from the solar equator. Then gradually their number increases and they appear closer and closer to the equator. After 3-4 years, the maximum comes sunspots characterized by the largest number active formations on the Sun. Then solar activity gradually subsides, and after about 11 years, the minimum comes again.

Perhaps the "secret" of solar activity is associated with the amazing nature of the rotation of the Sun: at the equator, rotation is faster than at the poles. After 1 revolution of the Sun (about 27 days), the details located on the same meridian will again pass through it simultaneously.

The periodicity of solar activity still remains fascinating riddle The sun. Only in recent years has it been possible to come closer to solving it. Apparently, the reason for solar activity is associated with a complex interaction between the ionized matter of the Sun and its general magnetic field. The result of this interaction is a periodic increase in magnetic fields.

Using alternative energy from the sun

Some people are wrong when they talk about solar thermal energy. Solar energy reaches our planet in the form of rays, radiation. Therefore, it is reasonable to speak of the radiant energy of the Sun. Today it is fashionable to mention alternative sources. But the Sun is perhaps the most uncontested source of energy. It is clear that the guardians for the green planet are calling to abandon gasoline and refuel cars with the Sun.

But if there were no Sun, there would be no gasoline, no oil, no gas, no guardians for the green planet themselves. You should not juggle words and substitute concepts. Deception and self-deception never gives better result and, moreover, has the property of being disclosed. Solar panels and biological concentrators, like hydrogen, are not alternative, but more efficient (in the future) energy sources. And since there are no alternatives to the Sun, let's continue to rejoice without alternative energy which our luminary gives us and try to use it, with the highest possible efficiency. Give an increase in efficiency!