Developing Your Brain: Guidance and Exercise. Why is stimulation of sensory development so important? Stages of speech formation in children

Everyone knows that the eyes are the organ of vision, the ears are the sense organ, the skin is the organ of touch (tactile perception), the nose is the organ of smell, the tongue is the organ of taste. True, not everyone knows that a person has another sensory organ: the muscular-articular apparatus, which is responsible for proprioceptive perception, that is, the ability to determine the position of the body in space with closed eyes.

The development of some feelings begins even before the baby is born. These feelings are sometimes referred to as basic feelings, and their stimulation during the first year of a child's life has a decisive influence on the development of his brain.

The perception of movement and balance begins to develop in the third month of pregnancy. In this case, the stimulation of the fetus is carried out by the movements of the mother.

Tactile perception begins to develop during the last third of pregnancy. feels the touch of the mother on the belly.

Proprioceptive perception begins to develop in the 4th and 5th months of pregnancy. The stimulation is done when the baby pushes the mother's belly. This gives him a sense of the muscles "working" to overcome resistance.

Auditory perception. Around the sixth month of the mother's pregnancy, the baby becomes able to hear her voice and sounds. environment.

Experts do not attribute visual perception to basic feelings. According to the results of experiments, the infant begins to distinguish between light and darkness several weeks before his birth. But, having been born, the baby must still learn to look and see. For the development of visual perception, stimulation is very important.

The sense of smell, in all likelihood, begins to develop from the moment of birth.

Gustatory perception is developed through the stimulation provided by food and drink. In our life, smell and taste no longer play such a big role as in the life of our ancestors, however, for self-knowledge and the emotional side of a person's life, the significance of these feelings is quite large.

Why is stimulation of sensory development so important?

It was found that stimulation of basic senses, visual perception, smell and taste during the period early development acts on the brain and evokes a response in the form of a motor reaction.

Detailed description of development motor reactions it is not worth bringing. It is important that through movements the child explores the relationships in which his body and space are, begins to comprehend the relationships between objects, and the development of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is the development of intelligence.

Ordinary children receive stimulation of all these senses from the environment. However, even practically healthy children living in boarding schools are deprived of many incentives, and therefore normal development it is necessary to conduct additional classes on psychomotor development.

Children with developmental disabilities are not always able to gain all the rewarding and varied experiences themselves as easily as ordinary children. It is known that children with the syndrome often have sensory impairments. In such cases, the brain cannot realize its full potential due to insufficient sensory stimulation. Sometimes, in order for weakened senses to respond to stimulation, or for the brain to be able to cope with a particular stimulus, a stronger, more repetitive stimulation is required, produced in the absence of other stimuli.

Intensive sensory stimulation for children with special needs, when done from the age of six months, plus early intervention, has amazing results even in very severe cases!

How to stimulate sensory development

Perception of movement and balance

Baby. Carry it everywhere you go. You can tie it to your body with a piece of cloth, as women do in some countries of Asia and Africa, you can hold it in your arms, swing it in a cradle fixed to the ceiling.

The child is older. Allow him to spin the cradle himself, play any games in which the child can be circled, change his position quickly or rhythmically, as well as games with dance elements.


Baby. Lubricate the baby's body with cream, do baby massage, play such "tactile games" as "Horned goat", "Magpie-crow", roll a tennis ball over its body, stimulate tactile perception with objects of different textures.

The child is older. Encourage him to recognize objects by touch with his eyes closed, play tactile memory games.

Proprioceptive perception

Baby. Place your baby in the water, play with him in the pool with sides, do vibration massage.

The child is older. Encourage the child to walk backwards, avoid obstacles while blindfolded (remembering the precautions), play statues (you adopt a funny pose and the child should copy it).

Auditory perception

Baby. Make sure that the baby can hear as many different sounds as possible: strumming a rattle, ringing a bell, singing, drumming, xylophone sounding. An important technique is stimulation with sounds of very low frequencies... Place the sound source from different sides (this will be a good incentive to turn your head towards the sound source), encourage the baby to make sounds himself. You can put headphones on his head through which he will listen to calm stereo music (conditions under which he will hear for some time with his right ear, then for a few seconds with both ears, then only with his left).

The child is older. Encourage your child to listen to different sounds and identify who or what makes them. This, for example, can be a tape recording of sounds made by animals, or sounds Everyday life... Encourage him, blindfolded, to follow his partner, focusing only on the sound that he makes.

Visual perception

Baby. Hang your toddler over the crib multicolored items, get his attention bright toys, encourage you to reach for them. Encourage him to follow a moving toy or light source (sometimes blinking), turn his head to follow the movement of an object, play Ku-ku (cover the child's head for a moment with a handkerchief, then remove it by saying “Ku-ku”, or encourage him to pull the scarf off his head, or you can hide behind the screen and reappear).

The child is older. Play in a dark room with an electric flashlight. You can stand facing the child and describe circles in the air with a flashlight with a weak light. In this case, the child must follow the movement of the light with his eyes, without turning his head.


Baby. When the baby is no longer fed with milk alone, he should be given a variety of foods, without mixing the dishes with each other, so that each of them retains its own taste.

The child is older. When giving the child small pieces of different foods, encourage him to guess with his eyes closed what he is eating (you should not, however, give him anything bitter or spicy).


The child is older. Stimulate your sense of smell by changing scents and making them less harsh. Encourage the child to notice the difference, ask what smells he likes. Bring different spices, items with characteristic smells and let us smell them. While walking, pay the child's attention to the smells of fresh flowers and pine needles. Play scent memory games. Among several smells, encourage to find the same.

It is important to start at an early age and to stimulate the development of all senses without focusing on just one. While observing your child, try to determine what he needs most, at what stage of his development he begins to "respond" to stimulation. Always strive to get his reaction and make him a part of your joint activities.

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Ir, mine is also alalik, my IMHO - only classes with good specialists in the complex + nootropics give an effect.
But after all, you run from 6-ki .... and it is there that they pull us, the specialists who at work with such children "ate the dog."

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18.07.2013 01:17:46

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Almost everything that a 2-year-old baby encounters in his life contributes to the development of his intellectual potential. There is no need to give him "lessons" or conduct any formal classes. Everything around is the learning process!

How to stimulate child development

Find toys suitable for different types game activity. Toys designed to be used in one way only, such as toy phones or cash registers, have limited use in games. The more different possibilities application of a toy, the greater the "educational" potential it carries in itself. When choosing toys for your child, pay attention to multifunctional ones that encourage you to “turn on” your imagination. Toys in sets such as a barn with animals, a farmer and a tractor stimulate more intense and inventive play than fun with just a few animals.

Provide developmental items and materials to stimulate your child's development creative activity... Any safe items that the baby is able to handle can be considered beneficial for his development. Indeed, simple items household items, such as rolled paper napkins or plastic boxes, make great toys because children themselves use their imaginations to transform them into some kind of toys. If a child drives a car through a tunnel from paper napkin, she is already becoming a toy. If he rolls up another napkin and plugs one end of the "tunnel" with it, the car will no longer be able to drive through it. Now he has a more complex toy. The most common items such as wooden spoons, plastic food containers, mugs, bowls and pans can give your little one a lot of joy when he sorts them, puts them out and puts them in place. And do not forget about such a valuable thing for the development of the child as empty box from under the shoes, which he can make a crib for a doll, a horse stable, a funny shoe, etc.

Don't demonstrate how to use something “right”. It is good if you show your kid how the toy works when he first gets to know it. But in the future, let me use it the way he wants. If he plays with her in his own way, it will do more good for his development than following. strict regulations.

Encourage role-playing games

If a child asks you to take part in his game, join him. Let him decide what your role will be and what you should do. On the other hand, if the kid does not ask for your support, it is better not to interfere so as not to take away the initiative in the game. If during the game his ideas run out, resist the urge to offer yours. Instead, ask him questions like, "What do you think is going to happen next?"

Engage your child in counting games

Games and rhymes in which counting fingers and toes or other body parts such as ears or elbows are counted can help to stimulate the development of the child, and contribute to the understanding of the relationship between objects and numbers. Since this is connected for the baby with his body and sensations, he realizes this ratio much faster than with simple counting of other objects.

Help him consolidate his knowledge of counting and the concept of “one piece for each” by setting the table and explaining: “Each needs to cook a napkin. One for you - one. One for me - two. One for dad - three. " Then, helping the child to lay out the napkins on the table, say, "One, two, three napkins."

Use regular household activities as learning opportunities

A good reason for learning to group objects according to similar criteria, the sorting of laundry for washing provides: towels - here, T-shirts - there. Take special care of socks to develop your ability to distinguish between objects by color and find matching pairs at the same time.

Bathing - a great opportunity to study concepts such as "quantity" and "volume". Just give your baby several vessels of different sizes to fill and empty. And as you walk, pay attention to the names of familiar shapes and figures, such as circles, squares, or triangles.

Make reading fun

If reading gives a child pleasure, he develops the opinion that books are interesting and funny. Thus, you will instill in him a love of learning for life. It is important that you do not turn reading into some kind of lesson or compulsory activity. Let him choose the books himself. If the choice is difficult, offer your child several books. Once you start reading, let him set the rhythm and theme himself. Remember, kids of this age are not impressed by simple monotonous reading.

Your toddler may repeatedly stop you and ask questions. He can turn several pages forward at once. He may not be interested in the text, he will like the pictures. Do not forbid him to do this. Treat questions as opportunities for conversation. If the child turns the pages, do not insist on going back. Don't turn reading into a lesson.

And don't just limit yourself to books. Use interesting pictures from magazines, newspapers, and postcards to encourage your child to create stories or stories of their own. You can even write them down and help him make his book.

Maintain a balance of gaming capabilities

For development, children need different situations and changes in the environment. If your little one is mostly indoors - at home or in kindergarten, - compensate for this with games and walks on fresh air.

During regular walks in the park, he will gain new experience and new knowledge. Even the usual trips to the store or to the laundry can be interesting for him.

As for children who spend a lot of time outside the home, it is necessary to balance this with indoor play. And if your baby spends most of the day among other children, give him the opportunity to be in silence, when no one bothers him. The better the time spent indoors is balanced with the time for walks in the fresh air, the more interest the child shows to the surrounding reality, the more he learns about the world and himself.

Stages of development of the child's own / expressive speech.

Stages of development own speech child:
Screams - arise from birth
Gulenie is a drawn-out pronunciation of vowels and syllables with throat consonants (gu, agu, ge) from 2 to 5-7 months.
Against the background of the melodious humming, syllables with labial and front-lingual sounds appear, which are then transformed into babbling.
Babbling - repeated repetition of syllables, with labial and front-lingual consonants (ma-ma-ma, bu-bu-bu) beginning from 4-7.5 months
Words - the transition is carried out against the background of ongoing babbling: babbling words (mom, dad, bobo, bang, am, give) from 11-12 months
The appearance of the words of the adult vocabulary (milk - moco, mami - take, poppy - small, titiki - hours) began from 1 year 7/9 months. The coexistence of words, correctly and incorrectly pronounced, is the basic pattern initial stages the formation of speech in children.

The growth of a child's vocabulary from a year and older
1 year -5-9 words
1.5 years from 20 to 40 (from different authors)
2 years from 50 to 200 words
3 years from 800 to 1000 words
3.5 years - 1100
4 years 1600 - 1900
5 years 1900 - 2200
Development of phrasal speech
The emergence of phrases from two lexical units (Lala bach, papa am) - beginning from 1 year 9 months to two years
The emergence and development of proposals - from two years
By the age of three he begins to use complex subordinate clauses, the questions "why?" "when?", uses almost all parts of speech, prepositions and conjunctions.
Uses singular and plural
By the age of four, speech is framed grammatically correctly, suffixes and more complex phrases are used.
The further development of speech is assessed, mainly, not by the number of words, but by the ability to answer questions, the presence of initiative in a conversation, the construction of logical chains, the ability to compose a story from a picture, tell about an event, retell a fairy tale.
Comprehension of complex grammatical structures is assessed in parallel.

Some patterns of speech development in young children

An indicator of the further (after a year) development of children's speech is not the correct pronunciation of sounds, as parents for some reason think, but the timely development of the child's ability to use the words of his vocabulary in various combinations with each other, i.e. development of the ability to combine words into sentences.
A characteristic feature of children's speech up to 3 years old is that many sounds of the native language are omitted or replaced by similar ones in sound or articulation. This happens because the articulation of sounds is not developed immediately, but gradually, and the perception of speech is far from perfect. Children speak words consisting of available sounds:
a) early ontogenesis of speech: vowels a, o, y, u, consonants m, n (b), t (d), n ", k, g, x, s, -jot;
b) the average ontogenesis of speech: vowel s, differentiation by softness, hardness, voicing of all consonants, l ";
c) late ontogenesis of speech: p, p ", w, w, h, w (requiring raising the front of the tongue), l, c.
The first words of children are characterized by polysemantism: the same sound combination in different cases serves as an expression of different meanings, and these meanings become understandable only thanks to the situation and intonation.
How less words in the child's vocabulary, the greater the percentage of words that are correctly pronounced. How more words in the child's vocabulary, the greater the percentage of words contoured and distorted, which can be explained as physiological unpreparedness speech apparatus a child to reproduce difficult words he learns again,
After the appearance of 5-6 words, the vocabulary development may stop for 4-6 months.

Sound reproduction

The child's sound reproduction raises many questions and concerns of parents.
At first the kid spoke 10-20 words and everything was clear. Baba, mom, bibi - bang - all these words were clear to those around him. And so, with the expansion of the vocabulary, speech became blurry and incomprehensible. What do you mean "tutite mutiti" or
"dati lyapaka". It is not at all easy to guess that the child is asking for music or wants an apple. Parents are especially embarrassed by the fact that one of the neighbors' children began to speak immediately and correctly.
Let me remind you once again that all children are different. Rapid increase vocabulary (lexical explosion) prevents the child from coping with the correct pronunciation. Someone pronounces sounds purely, but his syllable structure is broken, for example, instead of a tank dog, someone can withstand the number of syllables, but pronounces babaka, sometimes already being able to speak the sound "with" the child can say "basaka"
What to do about it? First, take it easy. Second, try not to speak very quickly. There is no need to correct the baby, it is better to correctly repeat his request and fulfill it. For example, a child asks for a macaque, you say: "I'll give you milk now."

Let me remind you that there are sounds that are simple and complex in articulation. I have already written about the sounds of early, middle and late ontogeny. But this does not mean at all that the baby's sound "C" must necessarily appear before two years of age. Hissing (w, z) whistling (s and h) afrikats / double consonants (c, h, w), sonorous (p, l) are not learned immediately by many children. For example, at 2.5-3 years, instead of sound with the child can make sounds at first t, t(there, cham instead of myself), at 3-4 years old - sound sit(here) by 4 - 5 years old he can assimilate this sound and pronounce it correctly. The same happens when assimilating other sounds that are difficult to pronounce.
Thus, the assimilation of the correct sound pronunciation can be formed for a rather long time and in all children in different ways. If one child can correctly pronounce all all sounds by the age of 3-4 years, then the other can master them by the age of 5-6.
Whether the child needs classes with a speech therapist needs to be decided at a full-time face-to-face consultation.

About the diagnosis of RRD - delayed speech development.
The keyword is DELAY. Not a violation, but a delay. They can be delivered to a child at two years old.
According to the old norms, 200 words were demanded by the age of two, therefore, children are sometimes given 50 words with an RRR, but I already wrote that this is a temporary diagnosis, in the absence of problems, it is removed automatically at 4-5 years of age.
According to new data, a child's good understanding of addressed speech, the presence of 50 words in the dictionary, including babbling and onomatopoeia, their active use, as well as the appearance of two-part structures (lala bah, mama di) suggests that speech is developing normally. But there is a need to pay attention to the child's speech. In particular, it is important that with the child talked rather than being asked to repeat the words.
Remember that prolonged TV viewing, constant background sounds (audio equipment) reduce the activity of the child's own speech.
Speech has arisen and is developing for communication, bias towards listening, prevents the child from "talking"

Dear parents, you got acquainted with the stages of development of a child's own speech. The question arises, what to do if the baby does not fit into the given norms? First of all, you should tell your pediatrician about your concerns. The doctor may consider it necessary to prescribe additional examinations baby. Of course, one of the first should be a hearing test. If the doctors think that there are no problems with the development of the child, you can take some measures yourself to stimulate the child's speech. Everything that I describe below is intuitively done by every mom, but these guidelines will help you to act more purposefully.
Note: After six months, the child begins to develop an understanding of the speech of others (impressive speech). This side of the development of speech, closely related to thinking, playing, objective activity and socialization of the child, together with active / expressive speech, it serves the child's communication with others. And this means that speech needs to be developed in the process of communication and playing together child and adult.

Stimulation of humming
Draw the child's attention to your face. Call him, blow, click the baby, waiting for his gaze.
Talk to your baby, conducting a kind of dialogue with him. Making sounds that resemble humming, cooing, pause, allowing the baby to answer you. Repeat the sounds your toddler makes. Remember, that " speaking face"Is the strongest stimulus to attract the child's attention. At this age, children like flowing, melodious speech. They listen carefully to the intonation, not yet understanding the meaning of speech.
Be attentive to the child's signals, he may also want to communicate with you. This is evidenced by his look, smile, cooing sounds.
While talking with your baby, tickle him, stroke him. Your speech and your smile, combined with tactile-motor stimulation, will help your baby smile for you. In addition, such "braking" stimulates the revitalization complex.
If the child looked away, turned away, threw his hands behind his head - this is a signal that he is tired and you need to take a break from communication.
Stimulating babbling
Play with your baby while sitting face to face. To do this, you can use a special reclining chair (children's chaise lounge, Car seat). Sitting comfortably, your child will be happy to play with you.
Repeat after the child the sounds that he makes. Pause to give him the opportunity to respond to you.
At the time when the baby pronounces lingering vowels, put your forefinger under lower lip and help him close his lips. Repeat these movements so that the child pronouncing a _________ has the syllables ba-ba-ba.
Encourage your toddler to put comfortable toys in his mouth. They create additional bows in the mouth, which also stimulates the appearance of syllables with consonants.
Use a combination of chains of movements with chains of syllables: while pronouncing syllables, for example, ba-ba-ba, ma-ma-ma, make jumping with the child. To do this, you can put the child on big ball, another springy surface, or just on your knees.
Stir up, throw the baby, usually it makes him laugh, loud exclamations.
Imitate a baby babbling. Try to fully maintain the tempo, timbre and pitch of the child's speech. Draw the baby's attention to your mouth when pronouncing mouth sounds and syllables. Pause to give your child time to repeat the sounds.
If possible, record the babbling speech of another child and let your baby listen to it. If your child has periods of active vocalization, usually in the morning, record your child's “speech” and give it to him to listen to.

From babbling to babbling words
Below is an example of work on stimulating expressive speech from a year to 2, 2.5 years. If it seems to you that the baby is lagging behind in the development of his own (expressive) speech, you can try the following tricks methods of stimulation.
Making sense of babbling: if the child says "mom" - a positive reaction of mom (mom, dad, woman, drrr (car) aaaa (to sleep) bang (fell) -

Step 2. stimulating the use of the first 5-7 words. Ask questions: "Who came, who is this, call your mother." Use babbling words and onomatopoeia yourself along with the full words "How did Vanya fall? Bang!" Estimated age - from one to one and a half years

Step 3.
While observing the child's play, record his "speech production"
1. Available words (any sounds, syllables and onomatopoeia that carry meaning)
2.existing babbling (various sounds and syllables that do not make sense)

Analyze the child's articulatory abilities, for example, the child uses words and babbles. following letters and syllables .:
MA, pa, ba, aaa da-da-da, va-va-va, ka-ka, u, ha-ha

Step 4. Compiling a hypothetical vocabulary using babbling words
The word onomatopoeia
Drum bam bam bam
Fell bang, bang
Swing, swing swing
Rain drip-drip
Goose ha-ha-ha
frog kva-kva
Give, give? give
Dog av-av
Crow car-car
Sleep ah-ah, bye-bye
Perhaps your child will name almost the same rain, crow and swing (ka-ka), but it will be three words. And if you listen, the baby will say them differently.
Step 3 and 4 - about a year and a half

Step 5 Appearance of the words of the adult vocabulary:
Babaka (dog)
Titics (watch)
Mochi (look)
The appearance of a halophrase, for example, a child says "dad" in response to the presentation of a hammer, which means "dad knocked with this hammer"
The emergence of two-word constructions: yaya bah (Lyalya fell)
The approximate age of the beginning of this stage is 8 months.

For the appearance of words of an adult vocabulary, we suggest playing the game "Repeats" *
All children are different. Some people hear what their parents say and repeat it as best they can, that is, they seem to have the ability to simplify a word and pronounce it. For example, he hears "Bolshaya", says "ayaya" and everyone is happy, instead of the word "tractor" he says "takta" or "tata" and again it's good. These are already adult words, the child says them incorrectly, but this is permissible for this age.
There are children whom I would call maximalists "or all or nothing". They seem to think like this:
"I do not know how to say" big ", and I will not speak, I will shake my head negatively if I am asked about it or if I ask to tell an adult using pointing gesture and interrogative intonation. "
What to do? We cannot ask "say" ayaya ", offering an example of distorted speech. repeaters with syllables ... They don't mean anything. Just fun game... But the child learns to repeat consciously (!) different combinations sounds and syllables. Besides that it develops auditory attention and expands the pronunciation possibilities, it helps the child to say "a piece of the adult word.
It involves the child's conscious repetition of sounds, syllables and their combinations, offered to an adult.
... Always start with the same thing: For example, with the sound "A". This will allow your child to tune in to the game, and also tell you that he wants to play the repeat. It is enough for the kid to come up to you and say "ah!"
... Speak only those sounds and syllables that are in the child's repertoire
... Use one to three repetitive syllables (this is the average number of syllables in the words of the Russian language. For example, pa, dad, dad.
... If the child pronounces the wrong syllables, for example, instead of "ha-ha", says "pa-pa" do not correct him, do not say "no", just repeat "ha-ha"
... When the child will easily repeat the chains after you identical syllables, start teaching him to switch from one syllable to another: pa-pu (vowel change) pa-ta (consonant change)
... If you have achieved success here, you can suggest simple words consisting of syllables well pronounced by the child: bye, go, leg, doll (the child will say "cook"), grass (tava). Always speak the words correctly, but accept any utterances of the words by the child.
... Gradually expand the child's repertoire by offering him syllables that he has not yet begun to pronounce himself. Do it in this order:
1. Familiar syllable syllable syllable (same)
4.familiar syllable
5. Familiar syllable.
Familiar syllables can be different, it is important that the child repeats them easily.
* It often happens that a child repeating a word / sound / syllable spontaneously, at the height of emotional uplift, cannot repeat it at the request of an adult. This means that there is no voluntary repetition yet, and it is necessary to create emotionally rich situations when the child's word “fly out” involuntarily. Over time, the child will learn to repeat at your request, that is, arbitrarily.

Remember that all this should be interesting and attractive to the child. Good luck.


PRAGMATICS or the socio-psychological aspect of the development of speech

I realized that I needed to talk about another important aspect of the development of speech.
It is often forgotten, taking it for granted, for the same reason I did not immediately write it. This is the so-called pragmatics of speech or its socio-psychological aspect. All this fully applies to adults, but we will only talk about the beginning of the formation of speech.

First of all, let us remember that speech arose and develops in communication, that is, in dialogue. Two people usually participate in a dialogue, one of whom speaks, the other listens and then answers, that is, there is a certain sequence of signal exchange.
Attention: when one asks the other to repeat something after him - this is no longer a dialogue !!!

So, what is needed for the child to speak:
The child must have a need / interest / need for communication. Everyone remembers the anecdote about the boy who, at the age of 7, said that the porridge was not too salty and did not say it before, because everything was in order.
Both interlocutors should be tuned in to the same wavelength, that is, focused on one topic. If the child brought the ball to play, and the mother asks if he wants to go to the potty, this is vivid example what may prevent a child from turning to an adult again. (I write to mom, because dads in this case are usually more adequate, if they bring a car, they play in the car, and do not start wiping the child's nose)
What is being discussed should be in the field of interests of the child The child's speech develops in an activity that is usually joint with an adult. If this is a game that is interesting to the child, for example, throwing a ball into the trash can and shouting "Bang!" speech activity child than in the case when he, at an insistent (very persistent request), sorts objects.
It is very important not to lose sight of the importance of non-verbal communication: look, pause, facial expressions, gestures, movements, tempo, timbre and volume of the voice. The adult himself must actively use them and accept them from the child as a response. If a child brought a book to your question about what to do, this is his answer. "Shall we read?" you specify and sit down at the book.
The benevolence of the listening adult is important, his ability to understand and correct interpretation of any signals from the child. For example, a kid brought a paddle with which he goes for a walk. If it is clear and friendly to comment on his request and respond to the child, he will again and again initiate communication.
An adult interlocutor should clearly understand the child's speech capabilities: on the one hand - the level of his understanding of speech, and on the other - to imagine how the child will be able to answer, that is, to know his expressive vocabulary. If an adult knows that there is no child in the dictionary the right word, then he should offer the child other forms of response.
For example, the question "What do you want: an apple or a pear?", In the case when the child does not have these words in the dictionary, not only does not make sense, but also puts the child in a position of failure. If you are holding an apple and a pear in your hands, then the baby will gladly answer you with a gesture, which means that the dialogue will take place. In addition, you can comment on his choice and give him what he wants.

Everything I wrote about can be briefly described as the presence of a RESPONSIBLE interlocutor and an ADEQUATE situation in the child.

Comprehension of speech / development of impressive speech

Dear Parents. Many questions have arisen regarding the development of the understanding of addressed speech.
What is speech comprehension?
This is the correlation of the subject, object, quality, action, etc. with their words.

The sequence of work on understanding speech

The basic rule, which is absolutely necessary to follow for the successful development of understanding of speech: the correlation of the word and what it means should be as obvious to the child as possible.
Classes begin with the fact that the child is taught to understand the word in a certain situation... Usually these are nouns, then verbs, then simple signs such as large and small.
Acquaintance happens gradually, better on purpose organized play, then it is fixed in everyday life.
The most convenient and interesting game is hide and seek. During this game, there are multiple appearances and disappearances of an object such as a toy while naming it at the same time. All this helps the baby to correlate the word and the object / family member / pet.

I will describe the sequence of vocabulary accumulation :
... The subject is presented and named.
... The child is introduced to the purpose of the subject.
... A game is organized, during which the object is called repeatedly, for example, hide and seek. (Here is the ball! Hid the ball. There is no ball! Where is the ball? Here is the ball! Throw the ball to mom)
... The child finds an object by word when choosing from two.
... The child finds an item on request, choosing from more items.
... To form a concept, the child is presented with objects that are similar but differ in color, size, texture and their images.
... The name of the subject is included in games, songs, work begins on the inclusion of the word in the baby's active vocabulary.

... Acquaintance of the child with the action, or with a picture depicting the action. For example, familiarity with the verb "eat".
... A game is organized, during which this action is repeatedly played out and called (a bear eats, a bunny eats, a boy eats).
... The child chooses one of two actions (the bear is eating - the bear is sleeping). Usually carried out in simple laconic plot pictures.
... Choose from more options.
... Incorporation of words into everyday life and games.
... The inclusion of a word in the active dictionary.

Acquaintance with other parts of speech occurs in a similar manner.


Types of simple sentences:
Instructions: Give me a bear.
Descriptions: Give me a big bear.
Questions: Do you want a bear?
Denials: Is it a bear? (showing the bunny)

Examples of possible questions :
... Want...?
... What do you want? (choice of two)
... Where...?
... Which...? (big or small)
... Who is awake?

Difficulty levels of sentences.
The complexity of sentences depends on the number of words that affect understanding (so-called keywords).

Level 1:
Equipment: bear and bunny.
Options for requests: "where is the bunny", "Where is the bear"
Note: hereinafter, words carrying information are underlined.

Level 2:
Equipment: bunny, bear, comb, spoon.
Options for instructions: "Hair the bunny", "Hair the bear", "Feed the bunny", "Feed the bear".

Level 3:
Equipment: big bunny and small bunny, washcloth, towel
Instructions like: "Wipe the pens for the big bunny."

Level 4:
Equipment: bunnies and bears in two sizes, boxes in two colors.
Instructions like: "Put the big bear in the red box."

It is possible to complicate sentences only after the child can easily cope with the previous level. A new level given on special lesson, and already familiar is used in everyday situations.

Similar work is carried out using pictures and photographs.

The levels are the same, only instead of performing actions, the child chooses one of the proposed pictures.

Level 1:
Pictures are shown: "Bear-dog",
an older child can offer these words in a sentence
« bear eating", " Bunny eating".
Questions: "Show me: The bear is eating."

Level 2 assumes two keywords.
Pictures are shown: "The boy is eating", "The girl is eating", "The boy is combing his hair."
The instructions are for selecting a suitable picture, for example, "Boy eating"

Level 3:
Pictures are shown: "A boy puts on a hat", "A girl puts on a hat", "A boy hangs up a hat", "A boy puts on a jacket."
The instructions are directed to find: "The boy puts on the jacket."

Level 4:
Pictures are shown: "The boy puts on blue shoes",
"Girl puts on blue shoes", "Boy cleans blue shoes", "Boy puts on blue boots"," The boy puts on yellow shoes. "
The instruction suggests finding a picture: "The boy puts on blue shoes."

When working on mastering each level, it is necessary to use sentences different types, the words in them must perform different functions. For example:

Affiliation: "Wash Daddy's Plate."
... Moving the object: "Put the spoon in the box", "Put the plate on the table."
... Transfer of the subject: "Give the ball to Kolya"
... An action performed on a subject or object: "Brush your daddy", "Stroke the doll."
... Questions: "Where is the bag?"
... Denials: "Show the girl who is awake."


These exercises involve 5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.

Neurobicspsychological exercises reminiscent of cross-fitness for the brain.

These exercises involve 5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. Their systematic implementation stimulates the development of new nerve connections in various areas of the brain, makes nerve cells stronger, promotes production nutrients that improve memory.

We are happy to share these simple exercises. Doing them in the morning, after a while, you will feel the positive effect.

1. Brush your teeth with your non-working hand

Studies have shown that using the opposite hemisphere of your brain (as in this exercise) results in a rapid and significant expansion of areas of the cerebral cortex.

How to do: brush your teeth with your non-working hand, and remember to open and use the tube of toothpaste with the same hand.

2. Take a shower with your eyes closed

Tactile sensations activate other areas of the brain. Your hands notice what you can't see and send signals to your brain about it.

How to do: try using only touch from your senses (do everything very carefully to avoid injury). Turn on the taps and adjust the water, trusting your senses. Then wash with your eyes closed.

3. Change Your Morning Routine

Brain research shows that new tasks enlarge areas of the cerebral cortex, recording an increase in the level of brain activity.

How to do: dress up after breakfast, take your dog for a walk in a new area, change your favorite channel to a TV or radio station.

4. Turn familiar objects upside down. Literally

When you look at things turned right, your left, "verbal" side of the brain quickly recognizes them and immediately sends your attention elsewhere. When you flip them upside down, your right side of the brain comes into play and tries to recognize the shape, color, and attitude of the picture it doesn't understand.

How to do: flip your family photos upside down, Wall Clock and a calendar.

5. Swap places at the table

In most families, everyone has their own own place at the table, but your brain is constantly in need of new experiences.

How to do: swap places to change the position you are in and look differently at the room, and the people, and even at how you get to the pepper and salt.

6. Breathe new scents

You probably don't even remember how you “learned” that the smell of coffee is associated with the start of a new day. Involve new nerve pathways it is possible by associating unusual aromas, for example, vanilla, cinnamon, mint, with any kind of activity.

How to do: keep the extract of your favorite scent near your bed all week. Open and inhale it as soon as you wake up, then when you wash and dress.

7. Open the car window

The hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for memories. They will be brighter if smells, sounds and images are involved.

How to do: try to recognize new sounds and smells on your way. An open window will help you with this.

8. Explore the groceries in the supermarket

Stores are designed with the most profitable items at eye level, so when you shop, you don't see much.

How to do: stop near any row in the store and look down at the shelves. If you saw something that you didn't notice before, take this, read the composition and think about it. You don't have to buy it, you have already broken your routine and gained new experience.

9. Increase the number of communications throughout the day

Scientific research has proven time and again that lack of communication has a serious negative impact on overall cognitive ability.

How to do: do you want to drink? It is better to buy a drink from a store clerk than from a soda machine. Out of gas? It is better to pay a check at the cashier than with a card at the terminal on the street.

10. Read differently

We use different parts of the brain when we read ourselves or listen, when we read aloud or silently.

How to do: read aloud to your interlocutor, alternating the roles of listener and reader. You may be reading the book for much longer, but you will spend more time together. published by

There are children who use up to 15 words at 10-11 months, and there are two-year-old "silent" - while doctors do not note any abnormalities in their psyche or health. The most amazing thing is that guys who do not speak for a long time can suddenly start giving out long correct phrases, much ahead of those who had speech earlier. In any case, if you listen carefully to the baby, take an interest in his statements, analyze what he is trying to convey to you, and answer him, you will definitely hear the first words.

Child psychologist S. Bueller calculated the minimum and maximum vocabulary children of different ages and found out that at 1.3 years old the dictionary can be from 0 to 232 words. So the speech of children develops in different ways, and there are only approximate "normative indicators".

Stages of speech formation in children

There are concepts of active and passive vocabulary.

  • Passive vocabulary accumulation - when the baby can understand you, but does not reproduce the words himself.
  • Active vocabulary accumulation - this is an intensive mastering of sounds and the folding of words and phrases from them.

Passive speech is much ahead of active speech, and if the child does not speak or speaks a little, but at the same time understands your statements well and listens with interest, there is no need to worry.

Now let's look at how old children start to speak. In the table below - approximate terms formation of speech skills, which are allocated by specialists.

1-3 months

Gulenie - quiet, drawn-out sounds, then syllables ("a-a", "gu-y", "wa-a")

4-5 months

Laughter, squealing, "singing" - drawn-out sounds with a change in intonation

6 months

7-8 months

Comprehension of many words and simple requests("Take a typewriter", "give a hand"). Expansion of the stock of consonants and vowels. The emergence of onomatopoeia ("woof-woof", "ko-ko"). Recognizing the names of objects, trying to find them with a glance

9-11 months

Simple monosyllabic and two-syllable words: "give", "baba", "lala". Increase the "onomatopoeic" vocabulary up to 10 words

1-1.5 years

Use of at least 5 simple words in speech. The ability to show in the picture at the request of adults, objects, animals, people. Building two-word sentences

2-3 years

Understanding of simple questions. The appearance of interrogative words. Delimitation of concepts ("up" - "down"). Fulfillment of complex requests ("take a mug and give it to me"), making up a phrase of 2-3 words. Names of all known objects, colors, body parts. Telling simple poems, stories

3-4 years

Answers to simple questions: what? who? where? The child is well understood not only by relatives, he actively communicates with strangers... His phrases consist of 4 or more words, the sounds are pronounced correctly

Of course, these are approximate parameters, but generally accepted. And if you find many discrepancies in what time your children start talking, it is better to consult with a neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist-defectologist in order to exclude a delay in both speech and mental development.

A similar delay in a baby may be indicated, for example:

  • slurred speaking;
  • hyperactivity, inadequacy of behavior;
  • inability to chew food well;
  • open mouth (there may be a lot of saliva);
  • absence eye contact with the people around;
  • active refusal to communicate.

The sooner you show your child to specialists and start working with him, the faster you will achieve good results, and by school he will not differ at all from other children.

Age of the first word

Whenever your baby says his first word, it doesn’t have to sound familiar to you. Speech therapists say: it is quite enough that it is a recognizable set of sounds that denotes a person, object, phenomenon ("ka" instead of "porridge", "cho" instead of "aunt", "bang" instead of "fell"). In science about early development all of these are full-fledged words!

If you have heard that at 1 year old children should know 10-20 words - most likely, they do not mean complete, namely "speech therapy" words-syllables, onomatopoeia.

Usually a child speaks the first word by 7-8 months, sometimes a little later. These are onomatopoeia or words from the same syllables. By one year, vocabulary can increase to eight words. How to determine that these are not random statements? You may not understand them, but if they are repeated under the same circumstances, this is a pattern. Therefore, consider that the baby is already speaking as best he can, just so far it is indistinct. Don't play along by babbling like him. It is better to immediately teach the correct pronunciation, only then the child will master correct norms... He screams "BBC!" - you answer: "Yes, it's a car." Ask where the car is - the kid will point to it. And if you ask him directly: "What is this?" - you encourage him to pronounce the learned concept.

Most early age when the child starts to say "mom" - 4-5 months. This word is also born from the babbling repetitions of "ma". Of course, it does not have to be the first: children first of all pronounce what is most convenient for them, and, perhaps, in the beginning it is easier for them to say "Lala". Do not be alarmed if at first the child calls all adults in a row "mother": it will soon become clear to him that each person has his own "name", and he has only one mother.

Age of phrasal speech

By the age of two, the baby has phrasal speech: sentences of two words (even babbling) also belong to this concept. Ideally, by the time the child should start speaking in sentences, the vocabulary is 250-300 units. Active use includes verbs, adverbs, prepositions, which allow you to compose phrases.

In the third year, the baby is already building complex sentences, using adjectives and prepositions. And at the age of 4 and 5, speech is gradually improving, the little "why" asks a lot of questions - and here you will also help him, learning the world, to increase the vocabulary.

In the absence of two-word phrases at the age of 2.5 years, you need to contact a speech therapist. Teachers, defectologists are sure: without special support it will be difficult to catch up with peers, since the "base" for speech has not been formed - and there may be enough reasons for this: from birth trauma to illness or simply an unfavorable environment.

To help your child master phrasal statements, you should do the following:

  • stimulate children's desire to ask and satisfy curiosity with detailed answers;
  • do not lisp, speak fluently, clearly and not quickly;
  • read books every day - by all means suitable for age;
  • enrich the baby's life with new experiences (without overloading his memory and psyche) and discuss them;
  • encourage play and communication with other children, especially if they already speak well;
  • listen to music with a child, sing, dance (rhythmic movements develop not only physically, but also mentally).

It is important to pay special attention to the moment when children begin to speak even simple words, and to consult with specialists. If the baby does not communicate as expected at his age, it must be remembered that many factors affect the development of children's speech, especially - neurological disorders... The identified problems can be eliminated, but for successful rehabilitation it is necessary to maintain constant communication with doctors.

A speech therapist will also provide you with invaluable help. He will conduct training activities according to his own program, advise exercises and games for the formation of articulation, the development of fine motor skills (coordinated fine and precise movements of the fingers), which can be regularly practiced at home. All this has a beneficial effect not only on speaking, but also on thinking, memory, and shapes the personality of the baby as a whole.