How to increase the level of vitality. What is vital energy and how to increase it? Where does free energy go

Let's determine our current free energy level. If you are too lazy to get up in the morning, reluctant to go to work or school, if you become limp in the afternoon, and you feel sleepy, if in the evening you have no other desires but to settle down near the TV, then your free energy level is negligible. It is, perhaps, only enough to maintain the current state. So, whatever your energy level is at this moment, it can always be increased. 12 ways to boost your vitality

There are 2 approaches to increasing your free energy level:

1.reduce the cost of free energy
2. to increase the arrival of free energy.

First, let's talk about what free energy is spent on:

- Any kind negative emotions... Anything that causes bad emotions siphons creative energy from you! In particular, the feeling of guilt, experience, fear.

- Stress. Any stress is triggered by a sense of importance.

- Waste of energy on little things. Tell me, do you have clear priorities in your life? If not, do it now. This will save you from wasting energy on little things. Why waste your energy on something that isn't even on your priority list? For example, do you like football? Does it really have great importance which team will win?

When you worry, you waste energy, because the result is important to you. Are you experiencing what is happening in the country, in the country's economy? If so, then again you are wasting energy. But notice that you cannot change anything with your thoughts. Until you make a fortune, you cannot influence the economy. And is it worth giving your energy to this?

But think, for sure one of your highest priorities is your family and children. You can significantly influence their life. Maybe it is worth spending your energy to improve their lives?

Once you set your priorities clearly, you will realize that everything that is not on the list is not worth spending your energy on! Spend 80% of your energy on the first 3 points of your priorities: 50% on the first, 20% on the second, 10% on the third, and the remaining 20% ​​on everything else! When you waste energy on little things, you give it up irrevocably. By spending energy on really important things, you are investing it, for which you get even more energy.

Now let's talk about how to increase your energy level:

1. Dreams, goals

Having dreams and goals that you strive for day after day gives you an enormous amount of free energy. But this only happens when dreams and goals are yours and not imposed on you by other people. When the soul and mind are united in their aspirations, you gain a huge amount of energy for your use. There is no better feeling than the feeling that your dream is moving towards you. If you go your own way, then the Universe will accompany you in everything and supply you with the necessary amount of energy always!

2. Faith
Believe in Yourself, in this Supreme Being, which will give you sufficient free energy.

3. Love
Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you have tremendous enthusiasm and the feeling that you can accomplish anything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

4. Energy gymnastics

5. Acknowledgments
How do you feel when you wholeheartedly thank someone for a service? Try to be grateful for all the good things you have. This will provide you with an additional amount of free energy.

6. Art
Art revives the soul. When you practice art, you are a conductor of Divine energy.

7. Music
Music is pure energy. Play the music you like. You can make it louder so that the energy flow is greater, and take as much as you can.

8. Hobbies
A hobby is nothing more than an occupation for the soul. Everything you do for the soul. gives you energy.

9. Communication with people who have high energy
There are people who have a very high amount of energy. They have enough of this energy with abundance and even overflows. When communicating with such people, this energy involuntarily passes to the interlocutor. Everyone feels great positive feelings for such people. Sometimes they don't even know why. Everything successful people have a high level of energy, and therefore, after communicating with such people, you always go out in high spirits. When they enter the room, it is simply filled with invisible light.

10. Self-hypnosis
For this it is enough to use contemplation and energetic gymnastics.

11. Pets
I think there is no need for an explanation. Whenever you look at your favorites, they always evoke pleasant feelings.

12. Exchange for physical energy
While doing sports, active rest you are physically tired, but your vitality always going up. Morning jogging, ice skating and skiing, swimming, gyms always gives you extra energy.

Has it ever happened to you that you did not want to wake up in the morning, did not have the strength to go to work, and upon returning home you wanted to immediately lie down and fall asleep? Have you ever thought that strength and energy for some reason becomes less and less over the years ... And the joy of life too.About why our energy is weakening over the years and how to increase your energy, read this article.

1. Why increase your energy

  • Your wishes come true faster
  • Is increasing self confidence
  • Appears feeling of satisfaction from life in general
  • Is increasing vitality and performance, you have time to do more things

Man with high energy always cheerful, energetic, he has enough strength for everything. He realizes his desires quickly and easily. There is a feeling that he is lucky in everything, everything is so easy for him.

A person with low energy everything turns out "with a creak", he meets obstacles and resistance. This makes him not very happy and he falls into negative emotions and his energy goes down even more. The circle is complete.

2. Reasons for low energy

There are several such reasons and they can be divided into two groups - external(shown in physical world) and internal(unmanifest in the physical world).

External causes of low energy:

1. Not proper nutrition

If a person eats unhealthy and non-living food (fast food, convenience foods, etc.), then he gets very little real energy from food. Such food even depletes the body, that is, lowers the energy.

2. Sedentary lifestyle

If a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, then his energy begins to circulate poorly and various stagnant phenomena develop in the body, the maintenance of which already requires much more energy.

3. TV, communication with people you dislike

If you constantly spend time in front of the TV or in the company of people who are unpleasant to you, then you do not rest and gain strength, but waste your precious energy outside, instead of directing it to yourself, to your affairs, plans or tasks ... You voluntarily give your energy and it will never come back to you.

4 negative emotions

Negative emotions like anger, fear, anger, resentment, envy, disappointment, weaken the energy and take away the energy needed for other useful things. You are giving your energy to nowhere.

5 unfinished business

Every unfinished business takes away your energy, because there you left your attention. Where attention is, there is energy. You still return there with attention, until you finish this matter or accept final decision finish this business at the stage at which it is. When you do this, you will immediately notice how you stop returning there with your thoughts, which means you can use this energy for something else.


Doubt takes away the lion's share of energy. People who cannot make a decision often never make it until something from the outside pushes them in one direction or another. That is, in this case, it is not you who make the decision, but it is imposed on you. Also, while you are in doubt, you are wasting your energy.

7 stress or uncontrolled running of thoughts

Stress, rush, and panic are stealing your energy. Think of yourself after a day at work, when you come home and you only have the strength to fall into bed. Your energy has gone into dealing with stress. Moreover, if you are constantly spinning some thoughts in your head or replaying conversations with your boss or other people, then this process also devours your energy.

9. Alcohol, smoking, bad habits

Alcohol is a poison for the body, so the body throws all its strength to neutralize this poison. At the same time, your energy goes down.

10. Bad ecology

Bad ecology works the same way as alcohol and other poisons for the body. To live in big city- this is a big load for the body, especially if the environment in this city is bad. It's good if you have the opportunity to get out into nature regularly. In nature, you are energized.

Internal causes of low energy:

These reasons are directly related to work. energy system.

The human energy system consists of the following elements:

Subtle bodies

There are several thin bodies. Together they form a person's aura. The etheric body consists of bioplasma secreted by the physical body.The astral body is associated with feelings and is colored in the colors of emotional states.

The mental body is associated with thoughts and intelligence, and it grows when you focus on mental processes. Its boundaries extend beyond the head and upper body to a distance of 7-20 cm.

The karmic (casual) body is formed by a set of cause-and-effect relationships that make up the fate of a person. Usually its size is 70-100 cm from the body.


Meridians are located throughout the body. Energy flows through them. Acupuncture points are usually located on the meridians.


Chakras are energy centers, they do not have a direct physical embodiment in the human body. The locations of the seven major chakras correspond to the major nerve plexuses of the physical body. Each chakra transmits certain information about you to the outside world.

When happens failure in the subtle bodies, meridians or chakras, then your energy goes down. Cause of failures- negative emotions, wrong thoughts, distorted perception yourself or reality. If you do not pay attention to the failures and do nothing about it, then the distortion in the energy can lead to diseases of the organs in this place.

Diseases are first formed in the subtle bodies of a person, and then they are projected onto the physical body. Even those diseases that are associated with improper care behind a physical body, for example, we sat in a draft, dressed not for the weather, caught a virus at work from a sick colleague, etc. also arise in subtle bodies.

An energy failure is felt as a general depression or aggressive reactions, pain in some organs, etc.

3. Ways to increase energy

There are a lot of ways to increase energy and they can also be divided into two groups - external(through physical actions) and internal(through working with your thoughts and emotions).

External ways (through actions):


Playing sports in any of its forms fills the body with energy. Here, regular classes are very important, 1-2 times a week, and not less than an hour. It is also important that you like the sport you choose.

2. Bath, hardening, water treatments

Bath, cold and hot shower, winter swimming and other water procedures fill the human body with energy and bring many benefits for general well-being. The simplest type of hardening is a contrast shower, when you alternate hot and cold water.

3.Healthy Adequate Sleep

If a person always sleeps his rate of hours, then this adds strength and energy to him. Everyone has their own sleep rate. 6 hours is enough for someone, and 10 is not enough for someone. But good news is that when your energy rises, your need for sleep decreases. For example, I used to have a sleep rate of 8 hours, and now it is 5-6 hours.

4. Relaxation

Relaxing the muscles of the whole body is beneficial for the body. As you relax, try to focus all of your attention on your body, shifting your attention from one part of your body to another and relaxing it. At the same time, there should be no thoughts in the head. In this state, your body is gaining energy. Use relaxation for 20-30 minutes when you come home after work and see how your state will change and you will have enough strength for another whole evening.

Relaxation is also useful before bed, just before falling asleep - then your muscles will be relaxed throughout sleep, which means you will have a good rest during the night and wake up full of strength and energy. It is very important that when you fall asleep, your brain is completely calm, and not spinning any thoughts, otherwise your sleep will be restless.

5. Meditation

Meditations are relaxing as well as harmonizing. After meditation, there is a feeling of calmness, pacification, purification.

6 breathing exercises

If you want to increase energy and increase efficiency, then you definitely need to engage in breathing exercises - yoga, qigong, or others that you like. I recommend starting your day with breathing exercises, it will activate your energy right in the morning.

7. Special exercises on the accumulation of energy and concentration

There are such exercises in qigong, yoga, oriental martial arts and they act as follows: you concentrate your attention on some harmless object, for example, your own nose or a point on the wall, stop the running of thoughts, stay in this state for some time, say half an hour. And during this time, your energy increases, because the attention is inside you and it is not distracted by different thoughts, and where attention is, there is energy. You are imbued with energy and besides this you train concentration of attention.


what to increase energy alone by external means can be dangerous. Because if some of your chakras broadcast some destructive information (for example, you have an internal aggressor, etc.), then if you pump such a chakra with energy, it will broadcast the same quality (i.e., aggression ) but many times more. And then from the outside world you can also jump out. That's why you need to work with chakras from the inside, through understanding what kind of information they broadcast from you to the outside world and changing this information, purification of the negative.

Internal ways (through working with thoughts and emotions)

Internal methods of increasing energy supply mainly involve working with the energy system.

Work with meridians directly hard. But the work of the meridians improves when you remove the blocks in the meridian path.

Blocks are a kind of stones that prevent energy from flowing freely.

What energy block? This is some a bunch of energy that impedes the flow of energy, blocks it somewhere. This clot of energy appeared as a result of some situation in which a person experienced emotional reaction... The more often this situation was repeated or the more stronger man reacted, the stronger or the larger this block.

Blocks prevent energy from flowing freely through the body. Blocks consume a huge portion of your energy. Besides, blocks rule your reality, when you can no longer react differently in such situations. As soon as a similar situation arises, or with the same person, then you react in the same way. This is similar to the program that you yourself have written without knowing it. This program is based on some of your thoughts (idea, expectation), supported by negative emotions. You experience these negative emotions every time the situation repeats itself.

Example. You can fight the fear of public speaking for a long time, but if you remove the reason- an emotional charge from the first situation when this fear appeared - then you have a chance to experience other emotions (besides fear) from your public speaking. As long as fear sits inside you, it controls you, and therefore your reality.

This exercise will help you identify and work with your blocks:

1. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that causes you strong emotional reaction- both negative (irritation, anger, hatred, aggression, apathy, self-pity) and positive (for example, admiration for some qualities in other people) - in other people.

For example, "It pisses me off when they swear!" etc. or "Well, how cool he is, how he manages everything!"

Write down at least 100 of these statements.

2. Work with this list to remove blocks that cause these emotions. To do this, take each statement and work with it as follows. For example, the statement from the previous paragraph “It pisses me off when others swear”.

Then sit down, close your eyes, focus your attention within yourself, remember the situations when you yourself cursed. After that, you will have no reason to complain to swearing people.

How this method works: in each of us there are things that we DO NOT want to know about ourselves and were once ousted into shadow part US. Why ousted? Because they thought it was wrong to do that, or they explained it to us in childhood, or even scolded us for it. We now believe that it is impossible to do this and cannot admit to ourselves that we are doing this. Thus, we deny the part of ourselves that is swearing. You haven't stopped cursing, have you? But you think that this should not be done. Then our subconscious mind pays attention to other people who do it. "They can, but I can't."

The main indicator of the "shadow side" (that which you do not want to see in yourself) is an emotional reaction to others.

Having done this exercise well, you can remove many blocks from yourself and cleanse your energy.

How to work with chakras

How to work with chakras there is a lot of information. But in order to change the quality of your life, it is enough to know what information broadcast healthy balanced chakras, and compare it with that what are your chakras.

After all, chakras are energy centers, which broadcast certain information about yououtside world... Depending on what you broadcast outside, then you attract into your life. "What's inside is outside."

But often a person does not even know what is inside him.

But if you scan your chakras and read the information that they transmit to the outside world, then you can understand what to expect in the near future, and if you don’t like it, then work with the chakra and remove what you don’t like. Work ahead of the curve. And at the same time increase your energy.

At the same time, the energy rises for the simple reason that you remove blocks from your chakras - energy is released from blocks, which was held there all this time while the block was, and which now you can use for yourself.

4. What you need to know about the chakras

(taken from the site of Alena Starovoitova)

1st chakra - Muladhara, root chakra

It is the foundation of the entire energy system. Located at the base of the spine, perineum. Affects your career and manifestation in the material world. Responsible for resistance to stress and will to live. It is associated with the instinct for survival and self-preservation.

The balanced chakra translates vitality, trust in the world, security, love of money, financial well-being, prosperity. Emotion that destroys chakra - fear. Every time you experience fear, you destroy the root chakra.

healthy balanced Root Chakra:

  • I feel comfortable in a physical body.
  • I have the right to be and have.
  • I appreciate everything I get out of life.
  • I am grateful for the way money has supported me.
  • I am always supported in all areas of life.
  • I live and prosper.
  • I have a healthy, loving relationship.
  • I play a significant role in this world.
2nd chakra - Svadhisthana, sacral chakra

It is the energy center of sexuality and vitality, the center of passion, pleasure, feelings, intimacy, desires, movement and change. Located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. The task of this chakra is to make energy move, pleasure triggers the flow of energy.

The balanced chakra translates sexual satisfaction, physical pleasure, enjoyment of life, intimacy in relationships, acceptance of movement and change. Emotions that destroy chakra - shame and guilt. Every time you experience these emotions, you destroy the sacral chakra.

Here's what information is broadcast healthy balanced sacral chakra:

  • I am a creative being.
  • I express my creativity.
  • I create wonderful experiences in my life.
  • I create beautiful intimate relationships.
  • I am satisfied with my sexuality.
  • I feel comfortable getting love.
  • I am comfortable in my relationship.
  • I love who I am.
3rd chakra - Manipura, solar plexus chakra

It affects your self-esteem and credibility. Located above the navel. Affects your personal strength and ability to translate it into the world. It is the center of willpower, personality and your uniqueness. The task of this chakra is to transform the inertia of matter and movement in a conscious direction by volitional action.

The balanced chakra translates confidence, good self-esteem, welcoming challenges and trials, balanced will, responsibility, and a sense of personal strength. Emotion that destroys chakra - shame. Every time you experience shame, you destroy your solar plexus chakra.

Here's what information is broadcast Healthy Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • I'm in tune with my strength.
  • I have a comfortable relationship with my strength and with myself.
  • My strength leads to changes in the world.
  • I express my strength in appeasement.
  • I am changing my life and the lives of other people.
  • I encourage those around me to use their own power.
  • I broadcast confidence wherever I go.
4th chakra - Annahata, heart center

It is the center of love, relationships, self-acceptance. Located in the center of the chest.

The balanced chakra translates love for people and the world, compassion, empathy, love for oneself, altruism, balance and peace, good immune system... The emotion that destroys chakra is sadness. Every time you feel sad, you destroy the heart center.

Here's what information is broadcast a healthy balanced Heart Center:

  • I am a loving, gentle creature.
  • My heart is healed. My heart is open.
  • I express love freely.
  • I love myself and other people.
  • I am a conductor of peace, love and joy.
  • My heart is huge.
5th chakra - Vishuddha, throat chakra

This is the center of your "true voice". Affects your self-expression. This is the ability to show love in creativity, to connect the incompatible. Located on the throat, it is responsible for the creative, spontaneous beginning in a person. The task of this chakra is to show your image to the outside world, to tell about it.

Balanced chakra translates deafness to listen, good sense of timing and rhythm, clear communication, creative expression, resonant voice. Emotion that destroys chakra - Lying. Every time you lie, you destroy your throat chakra.

Here's what information is broadcast healthy balanced Throat Chakra:

  • I express my truth.
  • I express my truth with ease.
  • I am supported in expressing my truth.
  • I feel comfortable expressing my truth.
  • My thoughts are clear and easy for me to express.
  • I respect people who express their truth.
  • My throat chakra is open.
  • I am grateful for the ease with which I express myself.
6th chakra - Ajna, third eye chakra

This is the center of the manifestation of love in the ability to form images, which then become reality. Acts as your internal compass. Filters all information, all your beliefs are here. Located in the center of the forehead.

Balanced chakra means good intuition, high sensitivity, good imagination, good memory, symbolic thinking, the ability to visualize.

Here's what information is broadcast healthy balanced third eye chakra:

  • I trust my inner knowledge.
  • I have a good intuition.
  • My inner vision is clear and I trust him.
  • I am walking on my spiritual path.
  • I listen to my intuition.
  • They lead me, they support me.

7th chakra - Sahasrara, crown chakra

This is the chakra of divine consciousness that affects your connection with the source. Located at the top of the head. The task of this chakra is to merge with divine consciousness and realize its true nature.

A balanced chakra means the ability to perceive, analyze and simplify information, awareness, thoughtfulness, openness, spiritual connection, wisdom, a broad outlook, the ability to question. Attachment and rigid boundaries destroy this chakra. Every time you tightly tied to something, you are destroying the crown chakra.

Here's what information is broadcast healthy balanced Crown Chakra:

  • I am connected to the Divine.
  • Divine love supports me every moment of every day.
  • I am one with the universe.
  • I am living my divine nature.
  • I get inspiration, insights, revelations.
  • I am in contact with my Divine Self, with my divine wisdom.

Check yourself

Read the above affirmations of healthy, balanced chakras and track your internal reaction to them - how much they resonate with you or cause resistance. If there is a reaction of rejection or tension, then perhaps your chakras are out of balance and are transmitting something else to the world.

Why is the balanced work of ALL energy, and not individual chakras important?

For correct work the entire energy system needs active functioning ALL chakras. If you deal with only one specific chakra, then imbalances will arise in your energy and in your life.

For example, by increasing the energy of the heart center while the solar plexus and root chakras are clamped, other people will use your kindness and step on your personal boundaries, but you will not be able to stand up for yourself.

Or, if you increase the energy of the sacral chakra, but at the same time your root chakra and heart center are closed, then of course you will have relationships with men, but they will not suit you, to put it mildly.

The conclusion is simple - do increasing the energy of ALL chakras, and not some separate ones.

Watch the video in which I give the chakra activation exercise. This exercise will help energize the chakras.

So I only told you about several ways how you can increase your energy. But even these methods are enough to improve the work of your energy system and with it - your life. Try all of these methods and choose the most suitable for yourself, and practice them constantly. And the effect will not be long in coming. If you have a serious case, then you can ask for help and sign up for a consultation

Ecology of life: Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can roll a mountain without out of breath

Life energy is such a strange thing that no one sees, but can easily feel. When you have a lot of it, then the mood splashes over the edge, and you understand that you can move the mountain without out of breath. And, on the contrary, when the energy runs out, thoughts and movements become sluggish, you feel tired, and gradually you realize that you have only two urgent needs: where to sleep, and how to make sure that no one interferes with it.

The Chinese call it "Qi", and even created a whole Chinese medicine Qigong, which translates as "qi control". But, perhaps, today I do not have enough Qi to write an article about Qigong, and I will just tell you about several ways available to everyone to pump your life energy.

Exercise every day

Regular charging is the easiest way to boost your vitality. Exercise increases breathing and blood flow, which means that every cell in your body gets more oxygen and nutrients than at rest. And the better your cells feel, the better you feel, and the more energy you have.

If you are not a fan of sports and your goal is only to raise energy, then you do not need to stick to the system. Do any exercise that stresses your muscles, but do it regularly. Exercise in the morning, run, jump rope, swim, ride your bike - any activity is good.

Healthy eating

Your Vital energy directly depends on what you eat. Stuff your mouth with junk food and your energy level will drop. If you regularly eat unhealthy and artificial food, then depending on your attitude to religion, your energy will either be deposited in the fat compartments of the body, or flow out through a special point in the middle of the forehead.

Products that have gone through a long and complex industrial processing cycle cannot contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and others. nutrients, So necessary for the body... If they can be there at all. And that is why you should turn your attention to the most natural and healthy food. If you want meat - take raw chicken breasts and cook instead of buying sausage or sausages. If you want milk - take ordinary cottage cheese instead of the beautifully packaged "Miracle Cottage cheese". And, of course, your very great friends should become fruits and vegetables. It is they who will increase your vitality.


Our body has two states: hungry and full. In a hungry state, the body supplies energy to all systems and organs harmoniously and evenly, while cleaning it and removing toxins. In a well-fed state, almost all the energy goes into the stomach, and this is what explains the sleepy and dull state of satiety after a hearty meal. Intermittent systemic fasting will allow you to better cleanse the body, and not spend most of your energy on digesting food (especially harmful from item 2). I didn't just say systemic - you need to starve according to the mind, and not at random, and this is a topic for a completely different article.

Drink water

It would be logical to write “drink coffee” in this place, since coffee is a well-known and simple energetic. However, I am opposed to increasing some body parameters at the expense of the deterioration of others, and coffee in this regard is a very controversial drink. That's why the best drink to increase vitality, I can call the usual drinking water... Water helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, water is a source of oxygen and nutrients, after all, our body is largely composed of water. Therefore, to increase energy instead of alcohol and coffee, drink plain water, and not less than a liter and a half a day.

Normal sleep

This is another prerequisite for maintaining high level energy. The body of a person who does not get enough sleep does not have time to properly cleanse itself, recover and prepare for a new day, and as a result, every such day is given more and more difficult. The presence of a computer, the Internet, and many entertainment in it, such as games and social networks, gives many temptations to stay awake. It even comes to information addiction - this is when you are sitting at your computer, you have done everything, you seem to have to get up and go to bed, but you cannot tear yourself away from the screen and climb to read or watch at least something else. In this case, a weak vital energy is provided to you - and not only due to lack of sleep.

Eliminate multitasking

All sorts of energy gurus are often silent about this, but I’m not a guru, and I’ll say it. Our multitasking consumes a lot of energy when we take on several tasks at once. Therefore, if such situations are common to you, think about how you can avoid it. Perhaps some time management and organization techniques can help. work activities... In general, do things in order, do not start the second business without completing the first, and you will be happy.

The above tips are just the beginning. Choose what is most convenient for you, and soon your energy will increase. But if you do not know where to start, I will offer you something that helped me a lot - observe a normal sleep pattern, paragraph 5. Perhaps, sleep gives the most significant influx of energy. published by

Drugs that increase performance, help to cope with temporary physical and mental overload, relieve the feeling of fatigue, stabilize and harmonize the psycho-emotional state of a person - that is, in to a large extent improve his health.

In addition, there are quite a few pharmacological agents to increase the adaptive capabilities of the body in situations when, under the influence of certain external negative factors there is a failure of autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation of natural physiological processes.

However, it must be borne in mind that - in order to avoid negative consequences- drugs that increase performance should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor, since many of these drugs have contraindications and serious side effects.

Indications for the use of drugs that increase performance

A decrease in a person's performance is a clear indication that, as they say, fatigue has accumulated in his body from prolonged physical work or (much more often) constant mental stress, from experience or suppression strong emotions, from an irrational regime (in particular, lack of sleep), unhealthy image life, etc. When the feeling of fatigue does not disappear even after rest, doctors state a very common painful condition. modern man- syndrome chronic fatigue... And indications for the use of drugs that increase performance, first of all, relate to this syndrome, that is, they are aimed at increasing resistance to physical and mental stress.

Drugs that increase mood and performance are also prescribed for autonomic neuroses and asthenic disorders, depression, loss of strength and muscle weakness, in cases of a pathological decrease in the ability to concentrate attention in the process of work or study. Medicines of this pharmacological group are effective for violations cerebral circulation accompanied by dizziness, impaired memory and attention; in conditions of anxiety, fear, increased irritability; with somatovegetative and asthenic disorders associated with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

It is almost impossible to list all the names of drugs that increase performance, but we will consider their main groups and dwell on the use of some of them in more detail.

To increase physical endurance and eliminate the consequences of many painful conditions that reduce the level of the body's adaptability to external factors, drugs of the group of adaptogens are used. In order to improve memory and increase mental performance in clinical practice, nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants) are widely used. Moreover, in both cases, doctors prescribe vitamin preparations that increase performance - vitamins of group B.

Drugs that increase mental performance: pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Drugs that increase mental performance, which belong to the group of nootropics, are presented in a wide variety. These are Piracetam, Deanola aceglumate, Picamilon, Calcium hopantenat, Phenotropil, Cereton and many others.

The pharmacodynamics of drugs that increase performance is based on the ability of their active substances to activate the metabolism of nucleic acids, the release of serotonin from sensory neurons, and also to stimulate the synthesis of dopamine, norepinephrine, acetylcholine and the main source of intracellular energy - adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP). In addition, drugs in this group increase the synthesis of RNA and proteins in cells. The result of such a therapeutic effect is an improvement in the energy state of neurons, an increase in the transmission of nerve impulses and a more intensive metabolism of glucose in the cerebral cortex, nerve nodes of the subcortex, cerebellum and hypothalamus.

Also, the pharmacodynamics of drugs that increase performance directly affects the normalization of the structure of the cell membranes of neurons, and during hypoxia it helps to reduce the need for nerve cells in oxygen. In general, these drugs make nerve cells more resistant to various negative influences.

The pharmacokinetics of performance enhancing drugs depends on the biochemical properties of their specific components. Since nootropics are predominantly amino acids and their derivatives, their bioavailability reaches 85-100%. After ingestion, they are well absorbed in the stomach and enter various bodies and tissues, including the brain. At the same time, they do not bind to blood plasma proteins, but they penetrate the BBB and the placenta, as well as into breast milk. Maximum concentration in blood plasma is from 1 to 5 hours, and the time during which is reached highest concentration drugs in cells, ranges from 30 minutes to 4 hours.

Most performance-enhancing drugs are not metabolized and are excreted by the kidneys (urine), the biliary system (bile), or the intestines (feces).


Piracetam (synonyms - Nootropil, Pyramem, Piratam, Cerebropan, Ceretran, Cyclocetam, Cintilan, Dinacel, Oxiracetam, Eumental, Gabacet, Hericitam, Merapiran, Noocephal, Noocebril, Norsetam, etc.) capsules (available in the form of 0.4 g) , tablets (0.2 g each), 20% solution for injection (in 5 ml ampoules), as well as granules for children (2 g piracetam each).

Piracetam tablets are recommended to be taken 3 times a day, and 2 capsules a day (before meals). After improving the condition, the dosage is reduced to 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment is from 6 to 8 weeks (it can be repeated after 1.5-2 months). Dosage and administration of Piracetam in granules for children (after 1 year, with cerebrostenic disorders): 30-50 mg per day (in two divided doses, before meals).

Deanol aceglumate

The release form of the drug Deanol aceglumate (synonyms - Demanol, Nooclerin) is a solution for oral administration. This drug, which improves mood and performance, has a positive effect on the state of brain tissue, improves well-being in case of asthenia and depression. Its use is justified, if necessary, to facilitate the processes of memorizing and reproducing significant amounts of information. According to experts, Deanol aceglumate has a positive effect on elderly patients in a number of neurotic conditions caused by organic lesions brain or craniocerebral trauma.

Dosage and administration of Deanol aceglumate: for adults, the drug should be taken orally, one teaspoon (5 ml of solution contains 1 g of active ingredient) 2-3 times a day (the last dose should not be later than 18 hours). The average daily dose is 6 g (with the maximum allowable - 10 g, that is, 10 teaspoons). The course of treatment with this drug lasts from one and a half to two months (2-3 courses can be carried out during the year). During treatment, special care should be taken when driving vehicles or industrial machinery.


Nootropic drug Picamilon (synonyms - Amilonosar, Pikanoil, Picogam; analogues - Acefen, Vinpocetin, Vinpotropil, etc.) - tablets of 10 mg, 20 mg and 50 mg; 10% solution for injection. The active substance nicotinoyl gamma-aminobutyric acid increases the efficiency of the brain and improves memory due to vasodilation and activation of cerebral circulation. With strokes, Picamilon improves the condition of patients with movement and speech disorders; effective for migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, asthenia and senile depression. For preventive purposes, it can be prescribed to people who are in extreme conditions - to increase resistance to both physical and mental stress.

Dosage and administration of Picamilon: it is recommended to take 20-50 mg of the drug twice or three times a day (regardless of food); the maximum daily dose is 150 mg; the duration of therapy is 30-60 days (a second course of treatment is carried out six months later).

To restore working capacity, a 45-day course of treatment is indicated - 60-80 mg of the drug per day (in tablets). In severe cases, a 10% solution of the drug is injected drip into a vein - 100-200 mg 1-2 times a day for two weeks.

Calcium hopantenate

To restore working capacity with increased loads, as well as with asthenic syndrome in adults, the drug Calcium hopantenat (in tablets of 0.25 g) should be taken as a tablet three times a day (20-25 minutes after meals, in the morning and in the afternoon).

This medicine also widely used in complex therapy dysfunctions of the brain and congenital cerebral dysfunction in children with developmental delay (oligophrenia), with treatment of cerebral palsy and epilepsy. The dosage in these cases is 0.5 g 4-6 times a day (treatment lasts at least three months).

When treating Calcium with hopantenate (trade names - Pantocalcin, Pantogam), it is not allowed to simultaneously prescribe other nootropic drugs or drugs that stimulate the central nervous system.


Medicinal product Phenotropil - release form: 100 mg tablets - nootropic with the active ingredient N-carbamoyl-methyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone. Its use is recommended to increase the resistance of brain cells and stimulate its cognitive (cognitive) functions, as well as to improve concentration and mood. The drug, like all nootropics, stimulates the blood supply to the brain, activates intracellular metabolism and normalizes disturbed redox reactions in the nervous tissue associated with the breakdown of glucose.

Doctors prescribe Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam) depending on individual characteristics pathology and condition of patients. The average single dose is 100 mg (1 tablet), the tablets are taken 2 times (after meals, in the morning and in the afternoon, no later than 15-16 hours). The average daily dose should not exceed 200-250 mg. The duration of the course of therapy is on average 30 days.


The therapeutic effect of Cereton (generics - Gleacer, Nookholin Rompharm, Gliatilin, Delecit, Cerepro, Holitilin, Choline alfoscerate hydrate, Choline-Borimed) provides it active substance choline alfoscerate, which supplies choline (vitamin B4) directly to the brain cells. And choline is needed by the body to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Therefore, the drug Cereton not only normalizes the functioning of receptors and brain cells, but also improves neuromuscular transmission and increases the elasticity of neuronal cell membranes.

Among the indications for the use of this drug are dementia (including senile) and impaired cognitive functions of the brain, impaired attention, encephalopathy, the consequences of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage. Tsereton capsules are taken in these cases, one piece 2-3 times during the day (before meals). Treatment can last from 3 to 6 months.

Contraindications to the use of drugs that increase performance

It should be noted right away that the use of drugs that increase performance during pregnancy, as well as during lactation, is contraindicated, although in many cases the tyratogenic and embryotoxic effects of the listed drugs have not been studied by their manufacturers.

Contraindications to the use of drugs that increase performance are as follows:

  • the drug Piracetam is not used for children under 1 year old;
  • the drug Deanola aceglumate is not used for hypersensitivity, infectious diseases of the brain, fever, blood diseases, renal and hepatic failure, epilepsy;
  • the drug Picamilon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, acute and chronic forms kidney pathologies;
  • the drug Cereton cannot be prescribed to patients under 18 years of age, as well as with acute stage stroke;
  • Acetylamino-succinic (succinic) acid is not used for angina pectoris and glaucoma;
  • the drug Pantocrinum is contraindicated in atherosclerosis, organic pathologies of the heart, increased blood clotting, inflammatory diseases kidney problems (nephritis); and stool disorders (diarrhea).
  • tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchurian aralia are not used in the treatment of children, with acute infectious diseases, bleeding, hypertension, epilepsy, tendency to seizures, insomnia and liver pathologies.

Side effects of drugs that increase performance

When prescribing to patients, physicians should consider side effects drugs that increase performance. Namely: Piracetam can cause dizziness, headache, mental agitation, irritability, sleep disturbances, pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, convulsions; Deanola aceglumate is able to provoke headaches, sleep disturbances, constipation, weight loss, itching, and in elderly patients - a state of depression.

Side effects of the drug Picamilon are expressed in the form of dizziness and headache, irritability, agitation, anxiety, as well as nausea and itchy skin rash. For some, the use of Phenotropil is fraught with insomnia, irritability, dizziness and headache, an unstable state of mind (tearfulness, anxiety, as well as the appearance of delirium or hallucinations).

The drug Cereton has such possible side effects as nausea, headache, convulsions, dry mucous membranes, urticaria, insomnia or drowsiness, irritability, constipation or diarrhea, convulsions, anxiety.

But the side effects of Melatonin are quite rare and are expressed in the form of headaches and discomfort in the stomach.

Drugs that increase physical performance

Drugs that increase physical performance include such means for increasing the general tone of the body and activating its adaptive abilities, such as Acetylamino-succinic acid, Melatonin, Calcium glycerophosphate, Pantocrin, alcoholic tinctures of ginseng, Eleutherococcus and others medicinal plants.

Release form Acetylamino succinic acid(succinic acid) - tablets of 0.1 g. General tonic effect this tool is based on its ability to stabilize and simultaneously stimulate the neuroregulatory processes of the central nervous system... Thanks to this, the intake of succinic acid relieves fatigue and removes depression associated with it.

Method of administration and dosage of Acetylaminosuccinic acid: the usual dose for an adult is 1-2 tablets per day (only after a meal with a glass of water). Children under 6 years old are prescribed 0.5 tablets per day, after 6 years - a whole tablet (once a day).

The drug Melatonin increases the content of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotin in the brain and hypothalamus, and also acts as a powerful antioxidant. As a result, this drug is used in complex therapy depressive conditions and disorders of the central nervous system, insomnia, reduced immunity.

Melatonin is prescribed for adults 1-2 tablets at bedtime. While taking it, you must not drink alcohol and smoke. This medicine is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age; children over 12 are given one tablet a day (just before bedtime).

Calcium glycerophosphate (tablets of 0.2 and 0.5 g) is used as a drug that increases efficiency, due to the fact that this substance can enhance protein synthesis, and more active anabolic processes in the tissues of the body, in turn, increase the tone of all systems. Therefore, doctors recommend taking Calcium glycerophosphate with a general breakdown, chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion. In addition, calcium is very beneficial for strengthening bones.

The drug must be taken one tablet three times a day (before meals), but it cannot be combined with acidic foods and drinks, as well as with milk.

Pantokrin - a liquid alcoholic extract of young (non-ossified) antlers of maral, red deer and sika deer - is a stimulant of the central nervous system and is used for asthenic conditions and low blood pressure... Method of administration and dosage: orally, 30-40 drops 30 minutes before meals (2-3 times during the day). The course of treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, repeated course is carried out after a break of 10 days.

For many decades, drugs that increase physical performance have been presented by the classics - tincture of ginseng (root), Eleutherococcus, Manchurian aralia and Schisandra chinensis.

The presence in the composition of these biogenic stimulants of triterpene glycosides, which affect the energy processes in the body, explains their unconditional effectiveness in regulating glucose metabolism. Doctors recommend taking these tinctures for physical and mental fatigue, increased sleepiness and low blood pressure.

Form of release of drugs based on data of medicinal plants - alcohol tincture... Dosage and administration: ginseng tincture - 10-20 drops (dissolved in a small amount of water at room temperature) 2-3 times a day (for 1-1.5 months); tincture of eleutherococcus - a teaspoon twice a day (before meals); tincture of Manchurian aralia - inside, 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day; tincture of schisandra chinensis - 20-25 drops twice a day.

  • taking acetylamino succinic acid with sedatives (sedative antidepressants and tranquilizers) can significantly neutralize their effect.
  • the use of tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and Manchurian aralia enhances the effect of psychostimulant drugs, as well as cordiamine and camphor-containing drugs. And the simultaneous reception of tonic tinctures with tranquilizers or anticonvulsants completely blocks therapeutic effect the latter.
  • Overdose of the above drugs can lead to undesirable consequences... In particular, there may be insomnia, increased irritability, tremors of the limbs (tremors), and in patients over 60 years of age - attacks of heart failure and sharp fluctuations in blood pressure.

    The storage conditions for drugs that increase performance are almost the same and imply their storage in a dry, dark place, with room temperature(not higher than + 25-30 ° C.). Required condition: the place of their storage must be inaccessible to children.

    And the manufacturers, as expected, indicate the shelf life of these drugs on the packaging.

    It's important to know!

    Who is an occupational pathologist and what does he do? This is a very common question, despite the fact that the profession has existed in medicine for almost a century. The occupational pathologist is studying the influence of unfavorable and harmful conditions work on the state of human health.

    - Energy of the body
    - Why is it important to have high energy?
    - Reasons for low energy and ways to fill the gaps
    - The easiest way to restore energy
    - How to increase energy constantly?
    - Restoration of body energy in 5 minutes

    The energy of the body is a force that fills a person from the inside. Each person should be able to preserve, accumulate and correctly distribute their energy. Because when there is not enough of it, a person becomes lethargic, his working capacity decreases, and he begins to tire quickly. Someone might think that this mainly applies to older people, but also in young generation there is also a decrease in the energy of the body.

    The energy of an organism is its potential and a certain amount of energy within each person required for life. Energy fills every person and everyone has their own level of energy. Our health, vitality and, of course, our mood depend on its quantity. At enough energy in the body, we are less likely to get sick, feel enough strength to take action and enjoy life. We are always in high spirits and we do not notice the negativity around us. Also, the energy of our body is responsible for intellectual growth, physical processes occurring within us and immunity.

    It is believed that our body receives energy from food or physical activity, after which we feel a surge of strength. We need loads to keep the body in good shape, and food is just building material for cells. These processes generate only rough energy for the vital activity of the physical body. The energy of the body is completely different, it is more spiritual and enters the body through completely different channels.

    It is very good if a person's physical energy is on the same level with the energy of the body, then everything is in order for a person and all processes are proceeding normally.

    The energy of the body must always be maintained, developed and increased, then your the physical state will be OK.

    - Why is it important to have high energy?

    When a person has everything in order with his energy, he is full of strength and desire for various actions that are pleasant to him. If there is no strength, then there can be no question of any attraction. This is the first thing.

    Secondly, you have probably already heard about the law of attraction, and so with high energy it works much faster and you can speed up the process of materializing your desires. If you haven't heard, I will now briefly tell you about it.

    Our thoughts and desires are material. And we can attract what we think about (naturally, combining the work of thought with physical activity). All our desires can become reality if a person knows certain laws and technologies.

    - Reasons for low energy and ways to fill the gaps

    Low energy can be caused by negative thoughts and the emotions that we have already considered, as well as bad habits, poor nutrition and overwork.

    Therefore, in order to restore your etheric body you need to use the knowledge that you already know, that is, learn to manage your emotions and free yourself from fears, resentments, anger, guilt.

    In addition, you need to monitor your diet, give your body timely rest and sleep, Fresh air, physical activity. Well, it is desirable to become free from bad habits - alcohol, smoking and drugs.

    You also need to remember about the environment. If you are surrounded by depressed people who are always complaining about their life, then they take your energy. Therefore, look for new people with whom you will exchange positive vibrations.

    If you want to most quickly and effectively replenish and then maintain vital energy at the proper level, then sign up for yoga or qigong. Moreover, it is better to do it in the morning, so your energy will be enough for the whole day.

    And don't forget to do breathing exercises... Here is one of them:

    By adopting comfortable posture and relax your body, lay forefinger on the bridge of the nose, and the large and medium ones near the nostrils. Pinch the right nostril and inhale with the left nostril, then pinch the left nostril and exhale with the right, then inhale with the right nostril, keeping the left pinched, and then pinch the right nostril and exhale with the left. Continue this breathing cycle for 5-10 minutes.

    - The easiest way to restore energy

    Often there are situations when a person after a certain situation feels completely drained. In this case, it will be very useful to him pretty much simple tips how to restore human energy. Using a method called the "Sun Disc", you can lead to normal condition the body in a few hours.

    1) You need to imagine a big solar disk... First, he must definitely spin in reverse side pulling out the remnants of the negative from the human body. In this case, the disc should gradually grow, which will indicate that the body is being cleansed.

    2) Next important stage- imagine how the disc changes its direction and fills the human body with light, golden vitality and energy.

    4) The last very important stage in technology, which tells how to restore human energy: send this solar disk into the bowels of the earth. You also need to imagine how there negative energy completely transforms into positive.

    I would like to say that today there is a huge number of different ways how you can cleanse your body of negativity and restore lost energy. However, the above method is one of the simplest, moreover, it does not require special knowledge and skills and is available even to a beginner.

    - How to increase energy constantly?

    It is imperative to talk about how to increase energy, or rather even how to increase it constantly. This must be done by every person, because this is the only way to constantly maintain excellent shape not only the body, but also, which is very important, the spirit.

    So, there are some simple, but pretty effective ways how to constantly keep yourself in good shape:

    1) Faith-Hope-Love. And although this may seem ridiculous to many, however, both psychologists and energy specialists recommend believing in everything good, in a bright future, hope that life will turn out the most the best way, and love not only loved ones, but everyone around. Maximum positive and only good emotions- this is the guarantee of a strong, healthy human energy.

    2) Gratitude. You also need to be grateful for everything that happens in life. So, you should always say "thank you" to those around you, to thank the higher forces for all the good things that happen in life.

    3) Passion. Very important advice how to increase the energy of the body - to do what you love. And if the main place of work is not related to a hobby, close to heart you still need to devote a lot of time to the lesson. Enjoying the process, a person already develops positive energy, which feeds his body.

    4) Communication. It is worth remembering that energy can be charged. So, communicating with positive people, you can perfectly replenish your reserve of strength. However, it is important to remember that there are people - energy vampires who steal energy. It is better to be wary of such personalities and to keep communication to a minimum.

    The material was prepared by Dilyara specially for the site