Natalia StepanovaYour personal protector. Conspiracies and charms of the Siberian healer. So that no one jinxes you on the way and does not bring damage. How to talk yourself out of thieves

There are times when external influence jeopardizes every effort you have made. To prevent this from happening, do this. At the morning dawn, light a wax candle and place it on the table, fixing it in a silver candlestick. Take right hand a handful of salt, put your palm to your lips and whisper three times: “Where there is salt, there is also cleanliness. Where the salt fell, there the goal disappeared. As the broom swept, so did the garbage from the house. The path was opened, the intrigues of the enemy were ruined. May it be so! Amen!"
Put on your outer garment (without letting the salt out of your palm!) and go to the third crossroads from the house. Open and close the front door with your left hand. Throw the spelled salt in front of you with the words: “Paid in full!” Turn around over your left shoulder and, without looking around, without looking back, return home. Now open and lock the door with your free right hand. Wash your hands under running water and dry them over a lit candle flame. Then extinguish it with your fingers and hide it in a secret place until the next use. If necessary, you can reproduce this ritual only after a month.
Front important meeting rub your palms together, put them together as if holding a ball in your hands, and in this position bring them to your lips. Blow inside and whisper: “As the wind hovers freely in the field, as the sun shines brightly in the sky, so the soul of the human soul meets, all matters are resolved in peace and harmony. Amen". These manipulations are especially effective for business people when meeting with partners, concluding contracts, major transactions.
You can read this conspiracy to solve various problems after you hear the rooster crow.
“The rooster sang, he ordered me to read: against a black eye, against various infections, against painful and itchy pain, against bad luck. And what does not leave, then I will send it to the swamp, where the rooster itself sits, pecking not for one, but for two. I type with a cock's crow, but on the mustache of grandfather Philip I wind that he sits on a dry branch and praises the cock's "crow". The conspiracy was taken out and hidden, sealed with a word of a cock. Usually it is read for any drink. even number once; on the front door before going to an important (including romantic) meeting; before starting any business (for tools) an odd number of times, but not less than three.
If it is problematic for you to hear the rooster crow, then your own crowing is allowed (as it will) * At the same time, you should stand facing the east and read only at sunrise or at noon. During the reading of this plot, no one should be present.

Each person wants the business he started to be successful, so the conspiracy to business is in constant demand.

To attract success and good luck in business in your life, you can use several ways:

Conspiracy to deal number 1.

This conspiracy guarantees the success of any undertaking, especially it, it is good to apply it for business success.

Each of us knows that a good start- a very important matter, since the outcome of the case depends on how it was started. It is desirable even before the start of any event, to attract good luck and ensure a successful start. Exists a large number of conspiracies that allow you to attract luck and good luck to your side, to avoid various troubles and problems. If you have any risky business ahead of you, then in order to minimize the risk, you need to read the conspiracy for business.

This conspiracy is read on water. Subject to all conditions, it will become reliable protection for you when starting a business.

Pour into a glass of water and place it next to your bed overnight. In the morning, without touching the glass with your hands, you need to bend over and whisper the words of a magical conspiracy three times into the water:

“The holy martyrs followed me. They carried a bowl of water! In order for our cause to develop, so the saints will be for us (the names of all business partners) to pray. Fold once, fold two, fold three for today, for tomorrow, for all time. The saints are standing guarding the treaty! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

After reading the plot, you need to drink three sips from a glass, and wash your face with the rest of the water.

Conspiracy for a successful business number 2.

Pick up a piece of sugar that has an uneven or slightly broken surface. Then sugar should be put on an inverted white saucer, and a drop of red wine should be dripped on top.

Then on this piece of sugar you need to read the plot for the case:

Treat good luck with wine and sugar,

Come to me luck at least during the day, at least in the evening!

Help us Lord God

Help Virgin Mary

Our task is to complete and get happiness!

So that everything is without delay, without stopping,

So that my business will burn out, so that everything will grow together, so that everything will be possible!

Sugar is eaten sweetly, but things are going smoothly! Amen!".

The charmed sugar should be left on the kitchen table for the whole night. In this case, the window must be open all night.

Conspiracy for good luck and attracting happiness

To attract good luck, you can do the following rite:

Have to take small bela a plate and pour it carefully, first three tablespoons of coarse salt, then three tablespoons of sugar, and on top three tablespoons of rice.

Remove the pin from your clothes (you can take the pin that you wear to protect yourself from the evil eye). Unfasten the pin and stick it up the hill on the plate. Thus, the pin should stand all night. In the morning it can be taken out and fastened back to wrong side clothes. In this case, you need to cling the pin so that it is not visible to others.

Conspiracy for an important matter.

On the day before some fateful business, you need to wake up at sunset, and looking at the first rays of the sun, smiling, pronounce the words of a magical conspiracy:

The sun, you shine from the sky for everyone, and bestow your warmth!

Give me good luck so that my case is resolved successfully!

The sun, you are the source of life, the light of the life-giving stream,

Give me success and good luck so that I am the happiest of all!

Charged like this solar energy you can do all the important things.

Many people know the feeling when at the beginning of an important business everything goes like clockwork. And suddenly, at one fine moment, the situation changes and gets out of your control. Bring it to the end and get desired result a special prayer for good luck will help.

We all learn from mistakes, and more often they are ours, not someone else's. Each of us has many plans that are just waiting for their implementation, and now, after lengthy calculations and preparation, we begin to act. But the next stage comes and everything does not go as planned. In such cases, a quick response is needed, decisive action and positive attitude. But even if you have done your best, the most ambitious project may not end as originally intended.

It is at such moments that prayer helps for the successful completion of affairs. Knowing that you have, for example, a big deal, it is enough to read the prayer text once, so that everything will work out and go according to plan.

It also happens that even magic phrases do not have the desired effect. This does not mean that nothing worked: thus Higher power can protect you from larger losses and disappointments. After all, it is impossible to predict in advance all the options for the development of events. Therefore, you should not be upset and curse Fate, it is better to calm down and look at things from the side without prejudice.

In order not to start a deliberately losing business, first contact your Guardian Angel with a request to give a sign if you need to abandon your plan. If nothing new, tinged with negativity, happens within three days, you can safely proceed to the realization of the goal.

Prayer for the successful completion of affairs

Once you get down to business, be prepared to see it through to the end. After all, it is not in vain that you ask Heaven for patronage and help. The text of the prayer is quite small, so it is better to learn it by heart. But in extreme cases, you can also read from a sheet of paper, after rewriting the prayer with your own hand.

Hear me, Heavenly Powers. I bow before your power and justice. Protect me from obstacles in my work, direct me along the True Path, which gives joy. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.

It should be remembered that one prayer is not enough to achieve the final result. She supports only those who are really moving towards their goal. Sometimes the Universe helps us the most in an unexpected way, so trust yourself and the whole world, look at things with optimism and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.11.2015 00:10

If you have just recently embarked on the path of Christianity and faith in God, then it is extremely important ...

If you find it difficult to cope with difficulties on your own, seek help from your Guardian Angel. He definitely...

Conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for good luck and wealth Smorodova Irina


There is a good Russian saying that a good start is half the battle. It may be so, but there is still half left. And very often, having started something, we still cannot finish it: maybe out of laziness, maybe out of cowardice. Well, if the matter is not urgent, and you can wait, but if not? Do what you don’t want to do, rape yourself, suppress your will? Of course not! Violence is unacceptable not only to others, but also to yourself.

We need to tune in to a decisive breakthrough that will help complete the job, but we do not always know how to do this, and it is not always possible to persuade ourselves. Do you think that our great-grandmothers did not encounter such problems and were happy to take on any business? You are wrong. This problem has been with people at all times. Therefore, they laid down special conspiracy, which helps to tune in to finish what you started, so that you are lucky and no troubles happen.

They talk about lump sugar. Choose the piece that is slightly broken or has an uneven surface. Put a sugar cube on a white upturned saucer, and drop a drop of red wine on it, it is better to take homemade. After that say:

Eat yourself, good luck

Wine and sugar

Come to us good luck

Even at night, even during the day,

Help us, Lord Jesus Christ,

Help, ever-virgin Mary,

Finish the job

happiness to receive

Yes, without delay

Yes, non-stop.

For the business to burn

So that everything in your hands burns,

For everything to grow

Our business succeeded.

Sugar is sweet

And things will go smoothly!

Don't break my word

Don't break

Yes, do not turn back.

Forever and ever.


You can do this plot at any time, but the hexed sugar is left in the kitchen for the night. Leave the saucer with sugar on the kitchen table, and leave the window ajar.


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