What can piss a person off. How to piss off a person. Reception of psychological protection "Kindergarten"

Everyone knows that violence is not the best way to solve a problem, and it should be resorted to only in the most extreme cases, when a person understands nothing but force. Not everyone has the muscle mass or the ability or desire to physically hit a person, so many prefer to hit a different kind. Finding out how to morally humiliate a person is not difficult: you need to find him weak spots and know a few techniques of humiliation. The main rule in this technique is to show your superiority over the "victim". It is not necessary to insult or call a person names, carefully select the content of the phrase. How? How to humiliate a person morally, simply by showing him where his place in this world is, and where is yours? The easiest way is to humiliate a person with the help of words, because they have great power: they can offend, heal, give or take away hope, sometimes even kill. So, let's take a closer look at how to humiliate a person morally with words.

Find the enemy's weak point

The first thing you should pay attention to if you want to know how to morally humiliate a person, on his shortcomings, any - physical, spiritual or mental, that is, to find weaknesses. You, as the humiliating party, must be completely free from this shortcoming otherwise the humiliation will lose all meaning. First, you can say this to a person directly, in private and follow his reaction. If he looked offended, then to consolidate the effect, repeat the same words in public, it is better if it is with your mutual friends. In public, you should not express yourself openly so that accusations of tactlessness do not fall on you, it will be enough just to hint. You can also joke about the shortcomings, not meaning specific person, but that he was nearby, and it became clear to everyone that this concerns him.

Even if the meaning of your joke does not reach someone around you, the person you are trying to humiliate will feel 100% out of his element, and this is exactly what you wanted. If your enemy seems almost perfect to you, and you cannot find any visible flaws in him, do not despair, it does not happen, keep an eye on him, and you will definitely see some kind of his mistake.

Fix result

How to humiliate a person morally, so that he does not forget about his humiliation for a long time, and constantly feels it? Well, you showed the person how bad he is, thereby humiliating him. Now let's imagine that he came home and, surrounded by friends and relatives, immediately forgot about you. The question arises of how to humiliate a person morally with words in such a way as to leave a trace in his soul. The best way- connect other people. Come up with a sonorous nickname that reflects well the appearance or person, tell it to friends and acquaintances, most likely they will pick up the idea.

Now your enemy will hear the new one everywhere offensive nickname and never for a moment forget his humiliation. It is better if the nickname is not banal, then it will tightly cling to the enemy. Here's how to morally humiliate a person at any age. You should not persuade people to call a person by his nickname, just in a side conversation it is enough to call him exactly that word, and if it is witty and funny, then at first the nickname will spread in conversations where its “happy” owner does not participate. Then the person will be called so openly. I think now you have no questions left about how to morally humiliate a person. But while practicing, think about it, are you doing the right thing and are you any different from your offender? ..

Psychology is a very interesting science. With its help, you can learn how to manipulate people to your advantage. But this article is about personal experience from which several conclusions are drawn.

Unintentional ignorance

I have noticed more than once that if you do not listen to the interlocutor and do not support his topics for conversation, he begins to “boil”.

For example, Vasya, Petya, Vanya are talking about cars. If Vasya began to express his thoughts, and Petya and Vanya immediately switched to the topic of clothes without listening to the end of the story of their interlocutor, Vasya is going through the first stage nervous tension. When this happens three or four more times, he may take offense at Petya and Vanya and leave the meeting place. In this case, Vasya was pissed off by his interlocutors, who themselves could not have guessed the final result of their actions.

The more people in a certain team do not pay attention to one person, who, in turn, seeks to maintain communication with everyone, the faster stress develops in the object of ignore. He begins to think that he looks the worst or simply lacks the ability to maintain interesting conversation so everyone rejects it. A person has a breakdown sooner or later.

The victims of neglect are divided into two types: the first can quietly step aside and cry, and the second can scream loudly, blaming those present for all his problems. This method is very cruel, in my opinion. Show a little concern and take time for your interlocutor if he is sinking into sadness before your eyes.

Deliberate ignorance

Not uncommon at work. The middle manager Ivan Semyonovich ordered to carry out the amount of work according to the instructions he had drawn up. The operator Denis, having come up with his own solution, coped with the task faster and better than the rest of the employees. The authorities encouraged his initiative, but Ivan Semyonovich was furious. Why? When the leader believes that the only the right decision only he can accept, considering himself better than others, and, thinking that for this reason he was appointed to such a responsible position, then excessive pride in this case can play a cruel joke on a person. A month later, the operator is appointed the head, and this is the one who gives instructions to the leaders. What happened was as expected. Ivan Semyonovich quit, turning over the table at Denis's workplace.

The operator did not even want to harm his supervisor and piss him off. Denis, starting to work, believed that by completing the assignment in his own way, and not according to the instructions, he would only spend less time. It was not in his mind to jump over Ivan Semyonovich on the career ladder. The only thing the operator did was to deliberately ignore the instructions of his superiors, giving his method of solving the problem a higher priority.


The cause of such situations is excessive feeling own importance. A person, considering himself a very significant figure in this world, becomes furious from a lack of attention. If not taken seriously, he can be observed to become nervous, feeling offended and unappreciated. But that's just his opinion. In fact, nothing has changed...

Have you ever thought about how to morally kill a person? I think everyone thought about it. Starting from an early age, when a person is faced with a social environment, he begins to experience pressure. Peers test each other for strength, gradually transferring such behavior to adulthood. Someone leaves these childish pranks in the past. But there are people who like to humiliate others. How to fight back and forever discourage the desire to exercise on you?

How to morally kill a person while maintaining dignity

Suppose an insolent person speaks publicly, insultingly, sarcastically, makes inappropriate jokes, and scoffs in every possible way. The friendly laughter of his buddies surrounding anyone can unbalance. But... this situation can easily be turned against the offender. What does he expect from you? In Russian speaking, bummer. To show their superiority, such people assert themselves at the expense of others. This is a kind of duel: whose spirit is stronger? Now I will list a number of tips on how to morally kill a person in such a situation:

  • Maintain equanimity. A calm, ironic attitude to attacks sobers up the offender, intrigues observers.
  • To insulting questions like "Well, how is it ... so-and-so?" you can just say: I don’t know, you know better.
  • All nasty things can be turned against the attacker, calmly mocking his words without dirt or insults. Don't stoop to the level of your opponent.
  • Observers will quickly lose interest in the incident or even laugh at your clumsy attempts to humiliate you.
  • Seeing your spiritual superiority, inner strength, the taunter will quickly retreat in search of a weaker prey.

There are times when we experience treacherous betrayal. Most immediately think about revenge, mentally savoring the details, imagining how they will act in response. But it is much more possible to morally kill a person, while maintaining dignity, spiritual nobility. Believe me, squabbles, plans for revenge, various nasty things in response humiliate you, making you petty. Later it will be most unpleasant, maybe even ashamed.

It is much wiser to act reasonably, prudently. Refute slander. Hidden intrigues to make public. Turn the meanness of the offender against him. Worst of all - public condemnation. However, think a hundred times, punishing others like this: maybe people deserve a second chance?

The best way to morally kill a person is to show him his meanness so that he clearly understands it. Pangs of conscience, mental humiliation, condemnation of others will make you seriously think about your own behavior. Maybe even fix it. I wish everyone to be worthy, wise, strong people able to fight back any insolent!

Men and women are completely different, so it is not surprising that they often do not understand each other.

We present a list women's actions which annoy almost all men. Perhaps this will make life easier for many of our readers.

1. Mentions about the former
Many women believe that they will increase their value in the eyes of a partner if they talk about what stunning men were in their lives. And they achieve this only a fall in the self-esteem of a loved one. After all, if he is compared with someone, then it means that he is worse. Who is pleased?

2. Tears

Men have long known that women use tears whenever they run out of arguments. But this is not a fair move, because men cannot help but react to tears and are trying to find a way to calm the woman down. That is, in the end they give her what she achieved with tears.

3. Lack of initiative

When you invest your love, time, attention in a person, you expect in return at least some action or reaction that can be considered approval. But some women believe that a man is obliged to "steer" the relationship, and never take the initiative. Men perceive this as dissatisfaction with what they are doing.

4. Overprotective

The question "Have you eaten, darling?" given for the 5th time, it ceases to seem cute and begins to infuriate, not touch. Care in the wrong dosage is perceived by men as an attempt to control.

5. Ignore

Men have long been convinced that women suspect them of telepathy. Otherwise, why do girls turn on the "guess-why-I-offended" mode during each spat? Is it really so difficult to name the reason, and not hope that the man himself will understand?

6. Inability to accept compliments

For many women, it is considered the highest chic to respond to any compliment with a denial of their merit. For example, a guy says: “You look so wonderful today!” And the girl replies: “Oh, how wonderful it is ... I didn’t even put on makeup.” She wants to say that even without makeup, she is so beautiful that a man complimented her. But a man only sees how his good words, and feels the inappropriateness of his compliment.

7. Whine

Probably everyone has a friend who, instead of "Hello!" says "It's bad." Such people almost never have close friends, because no one is able to withstand constant whining and complaining. Now imagine that this chronic whiner is a person who, in theory, should make you happy. So it's hard to judge men for hating whining.

8. Long fees

men appreciate appearance beloved and the efforts that she puts into it. But when the time for training exceeds all reasonable limits, it begins to seem to a man that all this is not being started for his sake. Yes, and then it's great annoying - to sit and wait, like Hachiko.

9. Refusal to eat

Classics of the genre. The girl refuses everything but salad, and the man scolds himself for taking her to a restaurant with such an uncomfortable menu and feels guilty over his plate of steak. Then the girl, hungry, begins to steal food from her beloved's plate. As a result, she herself did not eat, and did not give it to another. And if he cooked himself, then refusal would be just an insult.

10. Demanding constant attention

When does it end candy-bouquet period, the man relaxes: theoretical rivals are aware that the woman is busy, you can take a break from public displays of courtship. But this does not mean that attention ends. Just a man starts to render it differently. Not a bouquet, but care during an illness, not going to a restaurant, but bringing food, not a romantic walk through the city at night, but fixing an ever-leaking tap. And when a girl starts a conversation about the fact that attention has gone out of their relationship, it becomes very unpleasant for a man that he is not appreciated.

11. Shopping

Men are not against shops. They are against the tedious running from store to store with a dozen packages in hand, which is reminiscent of the actions of the protagonist of the movie about the end of the world. And when all this madness is still paid from his wallet, then the saint will howl.

12. Surveillance

There is no such woman who would not look at the account of a girl who likes her boyfriend or leaves a comment under his publication. But after that, to arrange an interrogation with a passion for a man is superfluous. Everyone has friends of both sexes. Secret viewing of correspondence and contacts on the phone is generally considered by men to be a betrayal.

People come up with a variety of reasons for avoiding work on themselves and relationships. After all, if a person is dear to you, you will learn both his language and the recipe for your favorite dish, and, of course, you will not act out of spite.

From this useful article You will learn about how to humiliate a person clever words without using fists.
Sin to offend good man, remember this.
For any humiliation of the innocent, you will have to pay the penalty from above.
But there are cases when you are smeared on the wall, uttering phrases of obscene content.
Of course, you can answer the offender in the same way or hit in the teeth with all your might.
But this is not a very delicate method, my friends.

It is much more difficult to humiliate a person without putting him on his shoulder blades, but by choosing such phrases that they destroy him in a moral sense.
That's what we're going to do.

Phrases that humiliate a person for insulting dignity

If your dignity was called into question, no matter who You are a man or a woman, try to answer with these phraseological units:

one). Only a moral impotent or a creature lowered by life can offend a woman.
2). You are now throwing insults because you stubbornly hide your own inadequacy.
3). My dignity is not at its height, but it is not at the bottom either. And you give out in yourself a weak and morally wretched person.
four). Your insults sound like a helpless attempt to prove your superiority.

With these phrases you humiliate a person carefully and delicately. Intelligently lowering it, you yourself do not become like an evil offender.

Phrases that morally kill a person for humiliation

I want to warn you right away that they should be used with great caution. The thing is that you are endowed with the ability to program a person to Negative consequences. His payment for the offense caused to you will be an unfavorable event that will occur in close connection with verbal "prophecy".
Not quite clear?
Now you will understand everything.

Examples of phrases that morally kill and fatally program the offender for “eternal memory”:

5). I won't answer you. But then you will understand that you have accumulated all the misfortunes from that day on.
6). The queue to the oncologist is very long, and you will be at the end. (Say these words only in case of severe humiliation.)
7). You have to pay for everything in this life. Do not forget this day, so that later you do not think about what God punished you for.
eight). From this moment on, misfortune will begin in your life. I'm not afraid, but I know about it.

With a little fantasizing, you can pretty much supplement the proposed list.
Just do not go too far and do not program a good person for bad fatalism.
It is quite possible that you were humiliated by a rather hypochondriac and weak personality, which will begin to fade away after all that has been said.

Now you know about how to morally humiliate a person with clever phrases.
And do not forget yourself that you will have to pay for a word as well as for a bad deed.

The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.