How to become an authority in the city. Working on inner strength: how to be a bossy woman

Having achieved a certain status in the field of business or taking a leadership position, many people begin to ask questions of authority and. In some cases, becoming an authority in the team is a forced need.

It does not matter at all whether a person has to manage a large department, or he has several employees under his command, or he plans to take a leading position, being a good performer. For the successful implementation of work projects, every manager, or just an employee striving for leadership, must know the components that make up the concept of "authority".

The importance of authority figures. Why is status in the team so important?

Authority at work is the recognition that an employee enjoys among his subordinates, as well as among superiors. The status of a person in a managerial position is often divided into two categories:

  • Official status. Formal functions of the position held.
  • Subjective status. The real influence of the leader's personality on the work of the team.

Having a real status of influence, a person fully corresponds to the position held, has solid moral principles and is guided by them when making decisions. It is the subjective status of the individual that determines the true authority among colleagues.

Under an authoritative boss, the team works smoothly, performs production tasks successfully. Also high level the authority of the manager affects the comfortable state of each employee during work. Because the boss-leader will always be able to "protect" his subordinates in front of higher management, is responsible for the work process, gives advice, puts clear goals... This is the importance of the authority of the leader.

Authority and pseudo-authority. Perceptible differences

Traits of a pseudo-authoritative leader

  • Excessive pride.
    It is generated by the arrogance of a boss or an informal leader, his desire to overestimate his own merits, to a painful reaction to criticism. This behavior pattern creates depression and fear in the team;
  • Pedantry.
    Such a boss can never assess his team objectively, suffers from his own incompetence, trying to hide it behind excessive pettiness. From here follows the dissatisfaction of employees, failure to fulfill the set goals;
  • Resonance.
    Extensive lectures, which the leader likes to "pour", quickly bore his subordinates, do not carry any benefit. There are no specifics in the tasks, respectively, the risk of their incorrect execution increases;
  • Love of bribery.
    The principle "you - me, I - you" is good when encouraging subordinates, but if everything is built on it interpersonal relationships among employees, the microclimate of the team runs the risk of giving a "serious crack";
  • Kindness and understanding.
    Leaders who are overly empathetic to employees are likely to blur the lines. business relationship... This leads to absenteeism "for good reasons", violation of subordination, failure to fulfill assigned tasks and a complete collapse of authority.
  • Increase the distance.
    When does the boss minimize all relationships with the team? communicates with employees only through dry orders, by these actions he deprives himself of the opportunity to competently manage the work process as a whole.

In contrast to all of the above models that lead to ineffective functioning at work, there is a model of "man-leader" who can gain respect due to his business qualities, personal characteristics, and interpersonal skills.

Methods of influencing people in a team

Complete self-confidence is the factor that goes hand in hand with success. How to make yourself respect? How to influence people in your own team? How to become an authority? To answer these important questions and certain methods of influencing people were created, which are used by many leaders and authoritative subordinates. Let's consider them in more detail.

Active listener method

Mutually beneficial cooperation built on sincere respect, implies that the collective leader knows how to listen to other people, isolating the most important thing from their problem. Active listening contributes to most successful projects, because only by listening can one understand the needs of the interlocutor. Pauses, repetitions, clarifications, expressing an attitude to what has been said are guaranteed to benefit all participants in the dialogue.

High reputation method

It is personal qualities, moral behavior and a keen interest in the work process that add up to the concept of “ good reputation”, It does not matter how high the status of this person. An employee with a bad business reputation will never be able to achieve due recognition either among colleagues or among partners. Preservation high status achieved by daily work on oneself, the right approach to solving problems, self-confidence.

Compromise method

Since a leader is not a robot giving orders, but a person living in the interests of his team, his status will also depend on his sociability. Effective search a compromise will bring the leader a lot more "points" than an open confrontation with anyone. The ability to find a compromise is a whole art, how to neglect less for the sake of more, and a competent leader must be able to correctly prioritize.

Consistency and honesty method

If an authoritative leader promises something, then he will always keep his word. Those who like to "lie for a catchphrase" should get rid of this bad habit, as people will soon stop taking what was said seriously.

Calm method

If you want to be heard, speak low. An immutable truth followed by most successful leaders. The ability to control oneself even in stressful situations, to control the voice and intonation help to properly influence the interlocutor and maintain authority.

Manipulative methods

A bad leader is who does not know how to resort to. Even mild forms of manipulation will help to change the interlocutor's attitude to the situation, to persuade him to his point of view. You need to know and be able to apply them, however, in order to increase the status in the team, it is better to use civilized methods of influencing the interlocutor. It is they who contribute to the development and strengthening of business relationships, the personal value of the leader.

So how is it guaranteed to gain respect in the team?

It is enough to be a professional in your field, possess interpersonal skills, radiate self-confidence, give good advice and recommendations, always keep your word. A good leader does not think about how to influence people, he is with them interacts... People with clear principles and developed business qualities usually occupy leadership positions, and those of them who still know how to keep their distance and get along with people are completely doomed to success.

Authority must be earned - to deceive others, flaunting smart phrases and puffing up your cheeks when needed moments will not work. But it is possible and even necessary to speed up the process a little. We encourage recognition of merit so as not to waste years proving the obvious.

Before we begin our discussion, we need to define what it is like to influence others. And what does that mean to you.

Let's define this concept: Influence - the ability of a person or object to be an irresistible force or to produce an effect on the actions, behavior, opinions, etc. of other people.

Influence - to force or persuade (someone) to take any action. John Maxwell, author of many bestselling books, says that "Being a leader means having an impact. No more, no less."

If leadership is influence, then the opposite should also be true. So influence is leadership. Is it so? I would add that influence only turns into leadership when it leads to positive results.

Authority is a delicate matter. A person who has respect has "benefits" for many things, for example, for mistakes. A person who does not have authority, or does not use it, has no room for error. Therefore, if the bosses are the real authority for subordinates, then they do not make mistakes at all. This is how the authoritative management subjectively perceives the personnel. We ask ourselves the question - what to do to be just such a boss?

Authority- a property (skill) of a person, which determines his ability to influence the opinions, beliefs and behavior of people around him. The basis of authority is respect, reverence, conviction in the correctness of the actions of an authoritative person. If the level of authority is high, the influence is significant, if it is low, it is insignificant.

Leader- the one who determines the work of other people within the framework of the authority and competence given to him.

Authoritative leader- is respected, has the ability to influence decisions, beliefs, opinions, others. Carries out management, combining administrative methods and the power of his authority.

After the definitions have been given, it is correct to talk about ways to increase authority.

1. Personal - creating a reasoned conviction among subordinates in the positive and strong personality traits of the leader. Such as:

    Active leader position... Remove from the lexicon the words and expressions of the victim, for example: “I have to, I have to, it happened, I didn’t succeed ...” Victims of circumstances are not authoritative. Track your speech - both written and spoken. Here is an example of the phrase: "the leader is always in an active position." Is everything okay? If so, then you are not quite a leader yet. Pay attention: "the leader is located." Worth it. What, someone put it there? And he obediently obeyed? More precisely and more strongly, one can formulate: "the leader puts himself in an active position." From such seemingly trifles, an authoritative personal quality is formed - the leadership of the leader.

    Confidence... It is formed and perceived by others from the form of expression of their thoughts, business communication. rules confident communication... - Stop forgiving - start suggesting where there is such an opportunity. You can ask when it is known in advance that the other person will happily fulfill the request, otherwise why? If you offer, then it should be an offer that cannot be refused.
    - Replace the word "must" with the word "I want", sometimes it is more correct - "I require." The word "must" is impersonal and not specific. Compare: “it is necessary to conclude more contracts"And" I demand that you make more contracts. " In the first case, “it is necessary” is a sign of uncertainty, in other words: “excuse me for asking, it’s just necessary”. In the second case, it is a confident demand.
    - Replacing a request with a statement. Requests in business communication acceptable, but confident man, more often, to feel the importance of what has been said, makes statements. For example: "Could you bring me a report?" and another option: "I need your report, please bring it."
    - Do not seek approval, judge yourself. Limit the use of phrases seeking approval. "Do you understand what I mean?" or "all right, right?" - when you ask that, you are, in fact, begging for approval. And the authoritative leader does not need this at all. You have to be sure of what you say.

    Responsibility, discipline and dedication... They say about such leaders: "if you said something, it will definitely be so." I promised - I did. Gave an assignment - asked for execution. I set a goal - I got a result. Authority grows with every confirmation of correctness the decision, achievement of the set goal.

    Emotional resilience... The leader should not be subject to uncontrollable emotions, he needs to be able to set himself up for work and easily create the atmosphere around him that is necessary for work. Let me give you all familiar situations. Morning meeting. The boss shouts, his face is red, distorted by righteous anger, he can hardly find words that replace the Russian language that everyone understands. Employees listen, not because they like it, but because their salary depends on the manager. But inside, response emotions are born, there are words that inner voice speaks without any censorship, since they will not be spoken out loud. As a result, negatively emotionally charged employees go to clients and throw out all the contents of their spiritual basement in the form of emotions on them. Customers are unhappy, they are outraged, so emotionally they convey their outrage at poor service to that very boss. Emotional resilience is the quality of an authoritative leader.

    External attributes of the position(demonstration of power).
    - Nice study.
    - Technical equipment.
    - The presence of a company car.
    - Limiting the reception of visitors.
    - Awards, diplomas, distinctions.
    - High material assessment of a person in this position.

    Official powers of the head- the amount of rights that is necessary for the successful management of subordinates. The higher the powers and the ability to use them, the higher the authority of the position, and, consequently, the leader. It should be noted here that the presence of a "respected" position is not a sufficient condition for the authority of a leader, but only necessary.

    Large amount of knowledge on all questions arising in the course of work.

    Experience- learned abilities, skills, abilities. The manager must have personal experience solving professional problems.

    Quick understanding of questions subordinates and the ability to respond to them correctly.

One of the key points in forming an opinion about a leader among subordinates is orders, instructions. Often, opinions are formed in people on emotional level, therefore, effective management is not just the transfer of information from a manager to a subordinate. This is a system of emotional, verbal, motivational influence, which forms in people a belief about the authority of the boss, his competence.

Each order should be another step towards increasing authority.

Attracting the attention of a subordinate. Usually, in companies with a good corporate culture, a scheme for calling a subordinate to a manager has been worked out. This can be a call through a secretary, assistant, at the selector, using a local network, by phone, etc. The main thing is that the subordinate has a clear understanding - his name is in certain time and place to guide. This means that you need to get distracted from current affairs and turn your attention to the upcoming communication with the leader. Most likely, attracting attention should be accompanied by calm, businesslike, firm intonations. In some cases, to highlight the significance of the upcoming conversation, emotions that convey seriousness, urgency, the need for a meeting, for example, a slight anxiety on the face, a quick voice, short phrases... Accordingly, these emotions can only make sense when a boss personally addresses a subordinate. If the call follows through the secretary, then a direct emotional impact is impossible.

Demonstration of authority. Quickly directs the employee to comply with the subordination and other corporate etiquette established in the organization, and, just in case, reminds where he is and about his duties. As a rule, the office of the leader and the situation in it testifies to his capabilities and powers of authority. Better and larger table, more chairs, etc. In addition, power of authority can be demonstrated by voice, emotions. For example, a friendly instruction: "come in - sit down" may be benevolent in form, but in content it is also an indication of a demonstration of authority. The power is with the one who gives the orders.

Indication of a form of behavior on this moment... For example, "write down what I am going to say" or "there is an important task, I will formulate it, and you listen, note what is not clear, then ask a question." Emotions - business cooperation, care, interest.
General formulation of the problem. This is a statement of any facts, circumstances, events. Maybe a message to an employee of previously unknown information. The problem is presented in a businesslike, calm tone, if there are no special tasks to exert an emotional impact on a person. If you need to influence at this stage of giving orders, for example, to show the seriousness of the problem, then some dramatization of the transmitted information is possible, accompanied by excitement, concern, urgency.

Formulation of the problem. It is possible to solve the problem, but it is better to solve the problem, so the manager should not pose problems to his subordinates, but tasks. The wording should be clear. What the employee needs to do in relation to the problem outlined. It is useful to speak firmly about a task, expressing confidence in the possibility of its solution.

Specifying the task step by step. If the task is large, then it is correct to give instructions on what specific steps need to be taken to solve it.

Designation of the time allotted for solving the problem. There are people who are time-oriented, they clearly understand how many days, hours, minutes they will need for a certain job. Other people are process oriented, they will solve the problem without considering how much time it takes. It may so happen that the result will not be needed, because it is too late. The task of the manager is to establish and agree on a time frame for solving the problem.

Warning about possible mistakes... The manager knows more, so it is better to immediately warn of possible obvious mistakes that a subordinate can make in the course of performing the assigned task. It is better to talk about possible mistakes, showing concern, attention and focus not on the qualities of a subordinate, which can lead to the indicated mistakes, but on some objective circumstances, without taking into account which the task can become more complicated. This is important for two reasons, firstly, to optimize work, and secondly, to motivate the employee, because speaking openly about possible difficulties, the leader shows, on the one hand, the complexity of the task, on the other hand, trust in the subordinate, who will be able to cope with all the difficulties.

Motivation by benefit and / and possible negative consequences. In other words, what will the employee get by following the order, or what will he lose if he does not cope with the task. It is important to accompany positive motivation with emotions of joy, success, pleasure, and Negative consequences present, accompanying with emotions of disappointment, regret, sadness. Depending on the specific subordinate, you can limit yourself to only positive motivation, or only negative, since the manager must know what is most effective for the employee.

Completion with a positive, motivation "first step". When the subordinate understands the task, it is important to end the conversation with a positive one. It can be gratitude for cooperation, confidence that everything will turn out the most the best way, since the performer is an intelligent, professional, competent, promising person. Emotional uplift, inspiration from communication, confidence in success will be very appropriate. In conclusion, it is useful to ask what the subordinate will do to achieve the assigned task in the first place, to approve this decision, to end the conversation with an emotional parting word: “Go ahead, everything will work out!”.

IN practical application the sequence of giving an effective order by the head to the subordinate can be changed depending on the specific circumstances, for example, the presence of high motivation in the subordinate, then there is no need to spend a lot of effort on additional positive attitude, everything is good in moderation.

Many executives have difficulty articulating positive statements (after all, - approx. TokaDoka). It so happens that the negative is born on its own, easy and simple, but reformulating it in the opposite direction can be difficult. Therefore, it is helpful to learn the rules for making positive statements.

    Use short, energetic phrases... They are better remembered as slogans. Energy gives them weight. Emotions of confidence, calmness, significance, make the phrase convincing.

    Speak in the present and future tense, all actions in speech should take place now, aimed at a successful and attractive future. The past tense directs attention to what has already passed. Better to talk about what is and what will be.

    Using positive language... Talk about what to do, not what to avoid. For example, “do not put no real goals", It is better to say:" we need to set real goals. "

    Use beautiful images , the words should be pleasant. Create attractive images... As in the film "12 chairs" Ostap Bender painted a picture of the great chess city to the residents of "New Vasyukov". But why can't we talk about real projects in an attractive way?

Authority a leader in a rapidly changing modern world cannot be earned once and for all. For some time it can be used, but at the same time it is necessary to constantly develop, learn, confirm your right to be an authority in the eyes of subordinates.

"He who does not go forward, he goes back: there is no standing position." V.G. Belinsky

Pichugin V.G.

Title, note and emphasis from TokaDok

Gone are the days when a young worker came to the first place of work and plowed a furrow from the dawn of his working career to its decline in the same field. The labor market has become diversified, flexible and dynamic. Most likely, you cannot imagine your decades of life within the same walls or in one position. But the exit for each new job invariably entails stressful situation associated with infusion into an unknown team and promotion in it. In this article, you will learn how from the start to declare yourself and become influential in your new (first) job.

Prepare for new acquaintances

You have to meet with a large number of new employees - from an ordinary hard worker to a boss. If you have enough time to chat with the first one, then managers are usually very busy and appreciate every minute. Therefore, prepare a 30-second self-presentation that explains your role and tasks in the company. Be sure to include in your speech those key questions that new contacts should ask you about.

Don't neglect this step. One day you will enter the elevator with the person on whom your career advancement may depend. It is very important at such a moment to cope with your nerves, overcome your fear and correctly present yourself. It is advisable to start with interesting fact or impressive statistics of your success in order to grab a person's attention and interest him during the conversation. Record the speech on paper and present it to your friends and family. Believe me, they will have something to reproach you with and what to suggest. Keep track of the tonality and speed of speech, for this, make an audio recording of your presentation. Eliminate confusion, fragmentation, and repetition from speech. Add confidence, cheerfulness and consistency.

Be sure to introduce yourself to every employee you don't know by talking about your skills and the help you can provide. This consistent path will gradually make you a valuable person to turn to for issues outside of your job description.

Establish closer contact with an influential person

Find someone who has wide circle connections and are respected in the team. This can be a team lead or a project manager. Ask him for lunch together. Mention that their opinion is very important to you. The purpose of the conversation is to find out the organizational structure of the company and collect information about its most significant figures. Who are they? How to behave with them? What questions can you ask them?

From the responses you receive, create a name checklist and schedule an appointment with them in the first month of operation.

Take a dating tour

It's time to expand your network of influence. Talk to each person on your list. In doing so, be sure to remember that A good conversationalist first of all, he knows how not to speak, but to listen correctly. Hide your phone, close your laptop, and move the papers away. These simple movements you will let you know that you are ready to immerse yourself in the conversation. Pay attention to your body language. Take a comfortable open pose, take your crossed arms off your chest, get rid of external manifestations nervousness (twitching of the leg, tapping with a ballpoint pen).

Facial expression should not contain bright emotions- a neutral mask is best. There is no need to insert your comments into the interlocutor's speech, even the smallest interruptions do not go into the hands of the conversation. When you finish, feel free to ask clarifying questions so that you don't have any gaps in the information you received.

Build Your Influence

If the idea of ​​dating one influential person has been of great benefit to you, imagine how much you can get from this network of contacts. Be constantly interested in other authoritative people working in the organization, and without reference to their position. The following should get into "development":

Information heavyweights. These people keep their finger on the pulse of events taking place in the organization and the industry as a whole. Based on their experience and knowledge of new trends, it will be easier for you to make strategic business decisions.

Authorities. Pay attention to colleagues who have a lot of influence in the team, regardless of the seat they occupy. Supporting such people will help promote your new ideas. They are able to get things off the ground and give impetus to sluggish processes.

It's not enough to have bright idea... I've seen many projects led by great leaders. They only failed because they tried to break through alone. The right people should be sailing with you in the boat.

Sophie Vanderbrock, Chief Technology Officer, Xerox

Coalitions. You can easily identify groups that work effectively together and freely exchange information, resources and opportunities among themselves. Analyze what unites them. This will give you an idea of ​​how to collaborate with groups.

Don't waste your first month of work just mastering your assigned tasks. Take some time to accurately determine your place in the team and the mechanism of the organization. Get comfortable, meet, listen and establish yourself as a key player in your new company.

John Maxwell, Jim Dornan

How to become an influential person.

How to positively impact people's lives


When, a few years ago, we met, we immediately felt a huge attraction to each other. We almost felt like brothers. We had a lot in common, despite the fact that everyone was engaged different activities... Jim has been in the business community for the past 30 years, teaching people how to be successful. During this time, he founded a world famous organization. John has worked for a non-profit organization for the past 28 years. He is a pastor, spiritual leader, and speaker. In the United States, he is recognized as one of those who make a major contribution to the development of principles of leadership and spiritual growth.

Join us and keep reading this book. We'll give you a lot of advice, fun and educational stories, and share amazing ideas that will help change your life, as well as the lives of all the people you influence.


There are special people in our life whose help and support helped to write this book.

Thanks to Margaret Maxwell, whose support has helped her husband become an influential person.

Thank you Nancy Dornan for her incredible ability to influence her husband, family and hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Thanks to Mia Brink, her ideas and help helped to develop this project.

Thanks to Stephanie Wheetzel for editing the book and proofreading.

Thanks to Linda Eggers for huge help that have ever been shown to a man.

Thanks to Charlie Wheatzel, our writer, for collaborating on this book.


What did you want to become as a child? Have you dreamed of becoming a famous singer or actor? How about becoming the President of the United States? Or maybe you wanted to become an Olympic champion or the richest man in the world? Everyone has dreams. There is no doubt that you have managed to implement some of them. And it doesn't matter what success you have achieved, because you still have dreams that you want to realize in life. And we, in turn, want to help you make your dreams come true and realize your potential.

Let's start by doing a little experiment. Take a look at the list of people below. Here are the most different people, but they all have something in common. Try to understand: what is it?




Dennis Rodman








Pablo Picasso









The ability to influence does not appear immediately in a person.

It develops gradually.

Did you manage to understand what is in common between all these people? Of course, it is not their profession that unites them, since the list includes writers and statesmen, athletes and artists, missionaries and dictators, actors and businessmen. This includes both men and women, some are married and some are not, all of different ages... Different ethnic groups and nationalities are represented here. Some of them are famous and you probably know their names. But we are sure that you have never heard of some of them. So what's the answer? What do they all have in common? And the answer is: they are all people capable of influencing people.

Everyone has the ability to influence

We have compiled this list at random by placing there like famous people and the people we are familiar with. You can just as easily make your list. We did this to illustrate the following point: everyone has the ability to influence people. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do. A politician, for example, the President of the United States, - a huge impact not only for the lives of hundreds of millions of people in their own country, but all over the world. Artists such as Madonna and Arnold Schwarzenegger often influence an entire generation of people in one or more countries. And teachers, for example, Glenn Letterwood, from whom John and hundreds of other boys studied Sunday school, influence the lives of their students and, indirectly, all people who will be influenced by their students when they grow up.

But in order to influence people, you do not have to engage in public activities that constantly require you to be in sight. In fact, if in life you come into contact with people in any way, then you can influence them. Everything you do - at home, in church, at work, or on the football field - makes an impression on people. American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "Every person is a hero and an oracle for someone, and everything he says is perceived as an immutable truth."

If you want to be successful and have a positive impact on your world, then you need to learn how to do it. For example, if you are a sales manager and want to sell even more products, then you need to be able to influence buyers. If you are a director of a firm, your success depends on your ability to influence employees. If you are a coach, you will be able to create a winning team if the athletes feel your influence. If you are a pastor, your ability to touch the souls of people and attract more and more parishioners to the church depends on the ability to influence them. If you want to have a strong healthy family, then we must learn to provide positive influence for children. Whatever goals you set for yourself in life, you can achieve them faster, more effectively, and your contribution will last longer if you learn to influence people.

If in life you in any way come into contact with people, then you can influence them.

A funny story related to the theme of this book happened during the reign of President Calvin Coolidge. President Coolidge had breakfast one morning with a guest who had arrived at the White House the night before. The guest wanted to make on the president good impression... He noticed that when Coolidge was served coffee, he took a cup, poured the coffee into a deep saucer, and then leisurely put a lump of sugar in it.