The power of thought is how to attract a person at a distance. Is it possible to attract the love of a particular person to oneself? Theoretical Foundations of Using the Law of Attraction

Is it possible to attract a person by the power of thought? More often girls think about this, for whom a sense of pride and dignity does not allow to openly confess his feelings for a man. works, and you can use it not only in personal relationships, you can attract a person, and things, and events.

How does this happen?

This information is not just fiction. Scientists who have conducted research have come to the conclusion that thought, although it cannot be seen, is a material substance. With the power of thought, you can influence the state of your body and other people. Therefore, it is not for nothing that they say that you need to think positively, and the expectation of trouble attracts them.

The basics

What is needed for the power of thought to start working:


From the first try, almost no one succeeds in attracting the desired object with the power of thought. This requires extended training, so if you want to achieve your goal, you will have to tune in to serious and long-term work.

  1. You need to relax, accept comfortable posture - lie down or sit in a chair. Close your eyes and imagine the object you want to attract. At the same time, it should be presented in detail - clothes, gestures, facial expressions. Man must be in good location spirit, let him smile at you. Visualize as between you arises energy connection, send him your positive impulses, watching how responses come from him to you.
  2. Watch what the person is doing now, how he is distracted from his studies, remembering about you, picks up the phone and dials your number. It may seem impossible, but it works very often.

Writing affirmations

Combining visualization with verbal expression of desire enhances your energy flow and speeds up its movement. Many girls try to find conspiracies that will help find a soul mate or attract a person who already exists in life.

What is a conspiracy? This is all the same energetic message, an appeal to the Universe. Whether or not to turn to magic, each person decides for himself. Some of the proposed texts can also carry negative, attempts to enslave the will of another person, which is fraught with destruction.

Therefore, it is safer and more effective to create your own affirmation - filled with kindness, tenderness and love. If you want a familiar person to call you, then say this desire, specifying the time at which the call should sound.

At the same time, experts in the field of esotericism talk about how important it is to let go of your desire and not think about a person, not wait for this call. That is, at first you concentrate as much as possible on your desire, put all your positive energy and let go to work in the universe. Constant retention of thought in your head does not allow it to “detach” from you.

Don't expect results to come the first time. And don't forget about the difference in energy - if your partner is stronger and more stable emotionally, then it can be difficult to “break through” to him. But this does not mean that it is impossible. To attract a person with your thought, you must be calm, confident and act in a planned manner. Do not give up training, continue to develop these abilities in yourself. And you will see that anything is possible.

Elizaveta, Izhevsk

Absolutely all people want to please others. When a person begins to communicate with someone on a more serious level, he can create a persistent good impressionwhich may result in new professional or personal relationships. The ability to attract people to you will open up new opportunities for you to develop connections and contacts. Learning to do this will require you to master proper body language, learn to speak correctly, and begin to develop attractive personality traits that will make those around you feel comfortable in your company.


Applying body language

    Take care of your neat appearance. Pay attention to how you appear in front of other people. Before any upcoming situation social communication be sure to comb your hair, shave, do not forget to wash your face and neck. If you want you can do light makeupTo create a first impression of yourself, it must be natural. Choose a style of clothing and color that suits your figure. Don't dress vulgar, too open, or inappropriate for your upcoming event (don't wear a suit for an informal meeting or jeans for a formal event).

    Smile. From a smile you will be in good mood, and others will be more willing to make contact with an outwardly friendly and contented person. However, do not start smiling as soon as you see someone. First, pause, look the person in the eyes, greet him, and only then give him a warm, sincere smile that is reflected in your eyes. This will make the person think that your smile is for him.

    Support eye contact. When you make eye contact with someone, it sends a signal to the person that you are open to communication and ready for it. If you are interested in someone, periodically look at him, regardless of which of you is speaking. This will demonstrate that you are monitoring the reaction of the other person. During a conversation, maintain eye contact for as long as is comfortable.

    Address your interlocutor with your body. People pay attention to how you feel about them. When you first meet someone, turn your torso fully towards that person to face them. This will show him your special attitude.

    Don't fuss. Excessive fuss and frequent hand gestures in the immediate vicinity of the face can make your interlocutor feel your disinterest in communication or the desire to quickly end the conversation. People may even get the impression that you cannot be trusted. Therefore, gain the trust of the other person by maintaining eye contact, rather than fussing, twitching, wiggling, fidgeting, scratching, or twisting your hair around your finger.

    Maintain correct posture. An upright yet comfortable posture can create an impression of confidence. Keep your head high, take your shoulders back, and walk with light steps. Move with confidence and keep your back straight when sitting. Do not lower your gaze to the floor, and you should also not make your back overly rigid or, on the contrary, limp powerlessly.

    Treat anyone you meet as an old friend. Think about someone you know and know well and transfer their image to a new acquaintance. With this mental trick, you can relax the muscles of your face and body, becoming an outwardly more open and friendly person. For example, your brow line will soften and your smile will naturally appear. Plus, pretending that you enjoy interacting with the person will help you actually enjoy your new company.

    Be open, honest, and helpful. These qualities are important in any relationship, but are especially useful in a professional setting, where sometimes not all information is available. If you don't know something, but you can find out for someone, let the person know that you will try to help him. This will demonstrate your willingness to take proactive steps to help.

    • Try using the following phrases: "Do you need something? How can I help? I will try to find out for you."
    • Help offer - great way win appreciation and good relationship... If you are able to help the other person succeed, do so. People who will like your proactivity and goodwill will notice you and begin to reach out to you more.
    • Don't be afraid to admit your weak spots... People like those who are ready to admit the need to work on themselves in some moments, as well as those who are not afraid to ask for help when it is needed. Demonstrating ordinary human qualities will make you like other people.
  1. Don't skimp on verbal support. Support makes people work harder and do more. Are you able to provide positive influence per person with elementary words of support. A simple phrase "I believe in you" can inspire and reassure the interlocutor. Plus, it can increase your attractiveness in his eyes.

    Try to talk more. People like those who are not afraid to interrupt an awkward silencethat arose in the conversation. When there is a pause in communication, everyone tries to imagine what the interlocutor thinks about him, whether he likes the communication. If you directly voice your thoughts, you relieve communication of all speculation, which makes it easier for everyone.

    End the conversation when you make a good impression of yourself. When you say goodbye, apologize and remember to refer to the person by their first name to leave a good impression on them. The main thing is to make the person want something more, perhaps another conversation, or to make him curious to know more about you or what you said. Before doing other business or talking to another person, apologize and try to exchange phone numbers or email addresses.

Development of attractive character traits

    Cultivate positive emotions, thoughts and conversations. People are drawn to those with whom they feel good. Practice an optimistic outlook on life and share your positives with others.

Love accompanies humanity throughout its life - the history of mankind is based on love, because of it wars began and civilization died, it moved not only progress, but also moral development people. That's what I thought last year, when I realized that the last romance was over, and the new one was in no hurry to begin.

Of course, there was some sympathy, I went on dates, struck up relationships, but that was not it. But where it is, this "that", I still could not understand. There are people around. Men, beautiful and amazing - are. And love is not. Such, you know, to take your breath away, so that you don't want to eat or sleep - just swim in this sensation and enjoy ... And I thought, but how to attract love into my life? Well, I can't sit and wait for her to fall on her head, I'm an active girl.

As it turned out, it is actually possible to attract mutual love to oneself - by the power of thought and a few tricks. I'll tell you about them today.

What it takes to find love

  • The object with which this mutual love will arise.
  • Desire on both sides, energy and thoughts of love.
  • The positive energy around is love for oneself and for the world.
  • A little push for yourself and your partner.
  • Mood for positive changes.

Step one

The objects around me were mediocre - they are, and at the same time they are not of particular interest to me. I decided that the experiment should take place in the field and that we should work with what we have. Per recent times I've been on a few dates, and basically they all went well. So there were enough candidates.

At the same time, I assessed myself as a candidate for a large and great love... You can pull her to yourself, I had no doubt, but am I worthy of her? Psychology books convinced me that everyone is worthy of love, but just in case, I believed in my thoughts that if I became better, then mutual love will come sooner, quit smoking and went to the gym - it seemed natural to me to get a little better in anticipation of great feelings.

And I also wrote to myself almost immediately - it seems to me that this method will help to attract anything with the help of thought. With willpower, I forced myself to repeat and repeat my miraculous mantras every day (I believed in their effect), and noticed that everything around me began to change somehow. People around me became kinder, one colleague began a passionate affair, best friend got married...

After another friend went down the aisle, I decided that I was doing everything right - here it is, the atmosphere happy love, and that means my happiness is also not far off.

Step two

Where to get the energy and desire for love is a more than difficult and ambiguous question, and it is difficult to give an answer even to yourself. My opponents, among whom the chosen one was hidden, were active - we met from time to time, supported friendly relations and they didn't mind continuing. And I just burned with energy, but did not know where to apply it.

I was helped by a two-day free training on finding my own femininity - now I knew what love meant to me and was ready for it. In fact, before the training, it seemed to me that love and happiness are something like a terminal station, where every locomotive person comes sooner or later.

And at the training, I realized that my true understanding love lies in the feeling of flight and omnipotence. Love is not only warmth, but also energy, great strength. I understood why I needed a man, and what he should be, the only thing left to do was how to attract a loved one and, most importantly, a loving person.

Step three

The attitude to positive change is very important. HIGHLY. At the very beginning of my journey, I thought - here, I will fall in love, and ... So what? My life was planned in detail, I devoted a lot of time to myself, my work and study, my development.

There was no time in my life for true love and serious relationship - I was quite satisfied with Saturday dates, cultural outings to some exhibitions and bouquets of flowers that dried up by Monday. A man who was supposed to adore me passionately would fit into this life either as an interlocutor or as a driver.

This definitely did not suit me, and I began to slowly change everything. From a couple of articles on the Internet, I realized that love is a diverse thing, and if a person creates it around himself and in the world, then sooner or later it will descend on him in personal life... Therefore, instead of regular courses, I unexpectedly enrolled as a volunteer.

The logic was simple - by caring for old men and abandoned pussies, I create care and love in the world. The same people surround me. And good deeds and thoughts are clearly taken into account somewhere by higher powers.

Step four

Any event that allows people to open up to each other and to themselves can become a small push from the point of view of psychology and Internet experts. We are all closed, closed, and what kind of love is there, it's hard to be friends here. I thought, thought, and found a curious experiment on how to attract love.

Dr. Aron's experiment

About twenty years ago, a psychologist from an institute in New York wanted to do the impossible - to create love out of the blue just with the help of thought. Dr. Aaron invited different men and women to participate in the experiment, the essence of which was that men and women would be randomly seated opposite each other.

Then they will receive a list of questions, and will have to answer them - each to his partner, and after that about four minutes need to look into each other's eyes. After the completion of the experiment, Dr. Aron noted that the couples who participated in the experiment showed a strong emotional attachment to each other and increased sympathy, and several even have a state of love.

At this, Dr. Aaron considered the experiment over, and it would have been so if in six months several couples who met during the experiment had not got married. Dr. Aaron managed to evoke love between completely strangers - they were just sincere with each other and talked about for real important things, told each other the most intimate thoughts. How to attract love, if not sincerity?

Happy end

I decided to use a strong emotional push. Dr. Aaron's questions are, of course, a good thing, but I had another idea. I consistently called each of my fans and offered to join me during the volunteer action - there are never too many extra hands, and the situation is quite strong in terms of emotions.

Two people considered this idea not very successful, and one young man responded with joy, and at the end of the conversation added that he was ready to go with me not only to a nursing home, but anywhere. I counted it good sign... Our trip went exactly as I thought - the emotional intensity of all such events was simply the highest levelDuring the trip, we were not too busy, and we managed to talk - about childhood, about our grandmothers, about how we are afraid of death and loneliness ...

During this day, I learned much more about a person than in a few months, and I felt that I really care about him and I am truly in love with him. It all ended, as in a good fairy tale - with a wedding and great love, we are happy together, and this means that I was able to attract love into my life, putting my thoughts and feelings in order - and if I could, so can you!

Every thought that has arisen in us sends from itself vibrational waves that affect the world around us.

Thoughts are things that, moreover, are capable of very powerful action. Understanding the nature of this amazing strength and the laws governing it, we will be able to subjugate it and make it our instrument and helper.

Every thought that arises in us, whether it be weak or strong, good or bad, healthy or sick, sends vibrational waves from itself, affecting, to a greater or lesser extent, all those with whom we come into contact or who find themselves in the circle of vibrational waves of our thoughts.

On the other hand, our thoughts, acting on others, affect ourselves not only from time to time, but constantly. It is in the thoughts inherent in man that his "I" is manifested; therefore, the biblical expression - "what a person thinks in his heart, that is what he really is", should be taken literally. We are all the products of our spiritual creativity. A thought systematically directed at the same object is seen not only in character, but even in a person's appearance. This is a proven fact: you just have to look around you to be convinced of it. You have probably already noticed how a person's occupation is reflected in his appearance and in general nature... If you have ever changed your activity, then your general character, as well as your appearance, followed the same change. Your new occupation brought with it new row thoughts, and the latter were reflected in matter.

The attractive power of thought

Another very important phenomenon manifestations of thought are its attractive power. The attractive property of thought operates on the basis of the law: "like attracts like." Having in your mind constantly certain definite thoughts, you attract thoughts and beliefs of the same kind from the vast environment of thoughts around you, albeit elusive, but powerful: good thoughts attract other good thoughts, while bad thoughts attract bad ones; cheerful thoughts - like them; dull thoughts and thoughts of doubt follow the same rule, and so it happens with all your thoughts.

This property is one of the greatest in nature and, properly applied, will attract help from sources completely unexpected. Thoughts are "material realities" that have the property of attracting other thought waves of the same vibration and quality.

Thought is not a dynamic force, it is a completely real thing, like some material object. Thought is a refined form of matter or a rather crude form of spirit, you can quite correctly consider it to be both. Matter is the gross form of spirit, and spirit is the subtle form of matter. Everything in our universe consists of one type of matter, which manifests itself in different types, starting with material forms and ending with the thinnest form spirit.

When we think, we spread around ourselves the vibrations of the subtlest etheric substance, which is as real as the subtle vapor or gas of a liquid and solids... We cannot see thought, but we cannot see subtle vapor or gas either. We cannot smell and taste of thought, nor can we smell and taste clean air.

The nature of the mental vibrations emanating from us is determined by the essence of the thought itself. People with supernormal abilities who can see thoughts say that thoughts have a specific color. Our fearful and bad thoughts hang over the earth itself in the form of dark heavy clouds; clear, cheerful, happy and confident thoughts are noticeable in the form of light cirrus, gaseous clouds, quickly rushing and mixing with others like them, forming cirrus cloud chains, high above the heaps of dense, suffocating, disgusting vapors formed from fearful and envious thoughts.

The distance the thought waves move away from us does not matter; but they always have a connection with you and always have some effect on you and on others. It is not easy for you to free yourself from the influence of these manifestations of your spirit. If you distribute bad thoughtsthen you become the main object for their action, and your only hope to neutralize and neutralize them is to spread new strong positive thought waves.

The definition "like attracts like" very well reflects the tendencies of thought waves; the manifestation of such a property of thought is one of the most striking signs in a series of mental phenomena. Your thought attracts to itself the corresponding thoughts of others and thus increases your stock of this kind of thoughts.

Fearful or unpleasant thoughts attract all other thoughts of the same kind and connect with them. The more persistently you think about it, the greater the influx of such unwanted thoughts will be. The result will be expressed in the fact that you will not only suffer from the thoughts created by your mind, but also from the thoughts of others, so that a difficult situation is formed. And the further you think this way, the more difficult your situation will be. But think: "I am not afraid," and every bold thought in your environment, like an arrow, will rush at you and help you. If you have bright, cheerful and happy thoughts, then you will attract others like them to yourself and you will feel more cheerful, joyful and happier due to their combined action. Try it!

In the world of thought, you get back everything you give with a good percentage. If you send only good thoughts, then good thoughts will return to you with a significant increase, and you will feel good in the company of disposed, benevolent people, thanks to this you will only benefit. Even from a personal point of view, it's best to have good thoughts.

To achieve your goals, you must constantly maintain and spread around yourself a firm, confident fearless thought wave: "I can", which will attract similar thought waves of others to you; such waves will have on you good action, will strengthen your strength and help you fulfill your aspirations.

If you try to think in this way in practice, even for the duration of one month, then you will soon notice a tremendous change in your life, a tremendous change in yourself. You will have a disgust for the old unworthy, bad mental activity and you will not agree to return to it under any conditions and at any price. Before the month passes, you will already notice useful force returning thought waves, and your whole life will change completely. Try it. You will never regret it!

How to Succeed with Attractive Thinking

It is considered a reliable fact that all people who enjoy success achieved it thanks to their powerful, strict, full of strength, concentrated waves of thought. They directed their minds to a specific goal and used the help of the will to give thoughts a certain direction. This line of thought contributes to the development of their character, and thanks to this they go directly to the goal that they have chosen for themselves from the very beginning. Others had the same goal in front of them, but did not achieve it, since they did not give the proper persistence and concentration to their thoughts.

For the successful achievement of the mentally outlined ideal, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bfirstly, an irresistible desire, and secondly, full faith in their ability to fulfill their desire (and not a timid assumption); thirdly, a firm decision to achieve their goal (and not a simple intention: "I will try").

The specified qualities of thoughts, of course, guarantee success if they are exactly fulfilled. They will develop character and develop the ability to achieve goals, as "thoughts are expressed in action"; they will give you firm strength to influence circumstances; they will trigger thought waves that will attract others like you to help you.

If you have the thought, "I cannot," then you are spreading vibrations that will make you feel like you really cannot. A sense of self-preservation leads other people to mistrust and avoid these types of people. No man feels attracted to someone who thinks "I cannot"; this form of thinking creates conditions that are repulsive rather than attractive.

When you have thoughts: “I want and I can,” the vibrating waves begin to move, producing an exciting effect; everyone will feel attracted to you and everything will be done according to your wishes. Strong people they will feel sympathy for you and will be happy to work with you; weak people, aware of your strength and needing it, will feel attracted to you and unconsciously submit to your influence.

This is an example of the attractiveness of thought. Try to experience!

The attractive power of thought can also do much more. She can attract people to you who are interested in the same case, just like you. The latter will feel attracted to you, and you to them, and each of you will help the other - for mutual benefit. This power will attract people to you who can help you and promote your interests. She will also attract to you those who need your services or help; they will benefit from you for your benefit. Of course, you've had to feel good about like a person and help him. You certainly had similar cases... Why? Why do you willingly patronize one and distrust another, who is no worse than him? Through the power of thought fluctuations. This is the whole secret. The same quality of thought attracts you to those whose vibrations are of equal length to yours, so that you will instinctively find those who can do you a favor and help you.

It must also be said that the degree of your success depends on your belief in your own strength. A shaky, wavering faith will bring you incomplete success, and a firm, determined, complete belief that you can control your will and power of thought creates results bordering on miracles. Try to cultivate this belief in yourself and always combine it with a firm mental demand for what you need: then you will always be successful. "Ask and it will be given to you; knock and it will be opened"; however, be sure to accompany your demands with firm faith and expectation of success.

But this does not mean at all that all problems can be solved and everything can be achieved only by the power of thought. A person, seized by his striving and concentrated mental impulses, should never sit back and wait for something. Thoughts are expressed in actions; the more persistent the thought, the stronger action... You can strive for some very unattainable goal and be quite sure that you will achieve it; you will always do it. Everything that you will firmly and confidently desire will belong to you, think about it. Try everything. Try it seriously and you will succeed. All this is based on the operation of a powerful law.

Based on the book by William Atkinson - The Power of Thought.

If you feel lonely, if you are bored with your surroundings, you need to know how to attract the people you like to you. Most often it includes those with whom we meet at work or in the course of study. How about attracting people you like into your life?

What attracts or repels people in interpersonal communication?

Communication is the most important part of our life. If you want to draw to you interesting people, then they themselves must become such a person. First of all, you need to figure out what attracts or repels people to interpersonal relationships... Perhaps it's worth starting with positive qualitiesthat others like:

  • neat appearance;
  • tact;
  • competent and clear speech;
  • breadth of outlook;
  • respect for someone else's point of view;
  • openness;
  • the ability to listen;
  • sense of humor;
  • interest.

Remember not only to purchase attractive qualitiesbut also get rid of the negative. The latter include such as:

  • sloppy appearance;
  • selfishness;
  • narcissism;
  • rudeness;
  • excessive mannerism;
  • talkativeness;
  • neglect of someone else's point of view;
  • isolation.

A little about visual appeal

The first thing that attracts people in interpersonal relationships is, of course, appearance. Follow some simple rulesto evoke pleasant emotions in others:

  • Observe There shouldn't be any unpleasant odors, skin and hair should be clean. Monitor the condition of your hands and nails.
  • If you are a girl, go to a meeting, do light makeup to hide skin problems and emphasize facial features. If you are a man, be sure to shave off the stubble or trim the contours of your beard.
  • Find your own style in clothes that will emphasize your unique personality. These should be peculiar, but not vulgar things.
  • Your clothes should be appropriate for the occasion. If you are going to an official event, you must business suit, and it is quite possible to come to an informal meeting in jeans.
  • Watch your posture. A straight back and extended shoulders are characteristics of a confident person.

Eye contact

Making eye contact is important in order to attract the people you like to keep in touch with them. Thus, you will demonstrate to the interlocutor your interest in him. If you are embarrassed to look in the eyes and cannot maintain contact for a long time, use the following techniques:

  • when the interlocutor starts talking, start counting the number of blinks he has;
  • imagine that your gaze is glued to the pupils of the interlocutor, and if you take him away, then you will experience severe pain;
  • if you feel that a person is embarrassed by your gaze, periodically break off eye contact by moving your gaze to some objects (but this should be done as if reluctantly).

Learn body language

Non-verbal communication is much more informative than any words. Gestures can help you figure out the true mood and intentions of the other person. Here are the key points to master if you want to know how to attract people to you:

  • Pay attention to the smile. If a person rejoices sincerely, the cheeks rise along with the corners of the mouth, and the eyes are moistened and become a little narrower. If such signs are not observed, this indicates a strained smile.
  • Look at the toes of the other person's shoes. If they are directed to you, then the person is interested and fun. Otherwise, it is better to end the conversation so as not to seem intrusive.
  • Being interested in you and your story demonstrates the body position of the interlocutor. If he bent over to you, this is an auspicious sign. Otherwise, the person has no desire to continue the conversation.

Learn to find the right words

How do you attract people you like? Learn to talk to them by choosing the right topic. So, the person is already in front of you, and you need to somehow start a conversation. Use these recommendations:

  • A successful acquaintance begins with a compliment. Find something to praise the person for. Maybe he has an original outfit, or maybe he gave a very good speech. In any case, a compliment will defuse the situation and initiate further dialogue.
  • If you are interested in a person with whom you have mutual acquaintances, this will be an excellent occasion for dialogue. Talk about your relationship with your friend and ask how your friend met him.
  • If you can't find common ground, "eternal themes" will come to the rescue. Cinema, music, television, art - in one of these areas you will surely find common ground.

Be the initiator of further communication

Let's say the acquaintance was successful. But how to attract people to you in order to establish long-term and productive contacts with them. Most likely, you will have to initiate further communication. Take note of these recommendations:

  • Use the topics that you discussed during your acquaintance to continue the conversation. So, for example, if you were talking about work, send to email some useful information on this occasion. If the topic was art, follow the announcements of exhibitions or concerts. Invite a new friend to attend the event together.
  • Try to find out about important dates... For example, such as birthday, wedding anniversary, or professional holiday your new friend. Remind yourself periodically by sending congratulations by email.
  • Use social networks... Be sure to add to your friends, "like" photos, share interesting information.


In achieving success important role the power of thought plays. How do you attract the person you like? Use self-hypnosis or meditation techniques. Whenever you have an important event or acquaintance with important people, do this exercise:

  • play relaxing music or audio recordings of nature sounds;
  • take a comfortable position in which you can relax all the muscles;
  • mentally or aloud, give yourself positive attitude the fact that everything is good in your life, you are interesting to people, you will easily get new acquaintances;
  • in 10 minutes you will feel that your body has become light, and your thoughts are light.

Be active

Surely everyone wants to know the secret of how to attract people like a magnet. The main rule is activity. You have to be constantly on the move, constantly visible, take part everywhere. Be proactive in your work, organize friendly get-togethers, visit public places (concerts, shopping centers, cafe, gym). You will become so recognizable that you will no longer be looking for an approach to others, but will dream of meeting you.