How to quickly find the topic. The most interesting topics for discussion. How to offer an interesting topic for conversation. What should not talk to a guy

Found all themes for conversation, and you do not know what now to talk to the guy who likes? How if you meet find a topic that will be interesting to both? In fact, find points of contact with unfamiliar man simply! And we will tell you how to do it. In addition, you will find our list universal topics For a conversation with any guy at the first meeting, and learn how to support the conversation right and what to keep silent about.

How often you had to see girls capable of supporting almost a conversation with a completely unfamiliar man who know how to listen to, ask need questions? Such a bit, because the ability to lead a conversation - sophisticated art, it is possible to study throughout life. The newcomer immediately arises a lot of questions. What to talk about guys? What themes choose? What should not be discussed?

The first thing that is worth thinking is - the topic of the conversation. But how to pick it up, if you are practically not familiar with the interlocutor? Excellent chance Learn more about the guy - to ask him directly about hobbies. Perhaps your addictions will coincide.

That's what should be unobtrusive to find out at the first meeting:

  1. what is engaged in B. free time, his hobbies, hobby;
  2. favorite film, book;
  3. how often he spends time - hangs around clubs with friends, or prefers calm rest at home;
  4. what plans do you have for the future;
  5. you can ask if he ever crazy, rapid acts;
  6. where does it like to spend vacation / vacation.

It is possible that already at this stage you will find several points of contacting interests.

Universal topics for conversation with any guy

If there is no interest in the intersection - do not be discouraged, there are several win-win conversations that are suitable for communication with any guys. These are these topics:

  1. Sport. What kind of sport is engaged? Does the sports room visit, fitness club, swimming pool? Leads Lie healthy image life?
  2. His family, relatives and friends. Are there brothers and sisters? Favorite uncle and aunt? Who does he get most of all? Perhaps he will tell a few interesting stories From your childhood. You can tell something about your childhood. It brings very well.
  3. Animals. Does he have pets? If not, does he dream of starting someone?
  4. Technics. Many guys are fond of technology, they are well understood in electronic novelties. You can ask for advice, help in choosing a new phone, configuration of a computer, etc.
  5. Gastronomic preferences. All guys love to eat, and this can also be used.

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Another inexhaustible topic for conversation with any guy - latest news And the events of your city. Here are some examples:

  • new films;
  • theatrical premieres;
  • concerts held in your city;
  • music festivals;
  • sport events.
  • latest news;
  • discussion interesting placesin which you had to be;
  • fashionable nightclubs;
  • beaches;
  • parties.

In a conversation with a guy, you should not forget about the ability to listen to the interlocutor. Not after each phrase, exclaimed: "Can't be", "That's yes!", "Cool!". Similar "template" shouts often sounds taller. Try to listen to the interlocutor calmly and very carefully, you can ask relevant questions.

This should be avoided

Obviously, it is impossible to continue the conversation on the topic, if you see that it is not interesting to a man.

In addition, there are so-called " forbidden topics" Their discussion is undesirable if the guy is not a friend to you. These are these topics:

  1. His and his past relationships. Home Danger Such conversations are a comparison of the former and current relations, which leaves an unpleasant precipitate and hurts pride. Do not touch this topic, especially if you practically do not know your interlocutor;
  2. His failures. The guys are very hard to experience any trouble: failures at work, loss in sports - perceived by them very painfully. A conversation about past trouble affects self-esteem. In such a situation, it is better to switch his attention to something positive;
  3. Bad habitsWeaknesses. If you start discussing in a negative key, its bad habits, he will perceive it as a rude interference in his life. This topic should not be raised at the very beginning of relations. In the future, when you get closer, you can return to this.
In addition, unsuccessful topics are:
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Nationalism

Your views on these topics, can escape significantly, so these at first should be avoided.

In general, if you came to the first date with a guy, then it is better to talk about something fun and positive. Too serious topics It is better to leave for a conversation for later.

In this video, a few more useful Soviets:

Find interesting general topic For a conversation - half of the success, the conversation still needs to be skillful. Here are some useful tips to maintain a conversation:

Many girls make mistakes in communicating with guys. Here are the most common of them:

  • Talk about several things at the same time. It is not necessary to quickly and often "leap" from the topic on the topic. It is a tip of the interlocutor. Focus on something one.
  • Interrupting. Many girls are committing this error, seeking to make a conversation more "alive", but the guys perceive such behavior as aggression. Need to learn to listen.
  • Talk to hints. This is a "female" way to talk. If you want to produce good impression - Speak straight. Hints are perceived as a way to manipulate.
  • Do not complain. No need to complain about bad life, lack of finance, bad friends, neighbors. Such behavior may cause pity. Much more pleasant to communicate with positive person. Make focus on your achievements, successes.

Interesting topics for conversation with a girl.

Dating on the street or online, success depends on how you talk. Sometimes external data of the interlocutor depart into the background, as it is very interesting to communicate with a person. In this article we will help start a conversation with a girl so that she does not refuse you.

If you introduced you to a girl friends or you found an advertisement on a dating site, then comes the moment of the first telephone conversation. From how much interesting to the girl will communicate with you, depend on your further relationship.

Topics for conversation by phone:

  • Pets. Find out if the girl has a pet, whom she loves, cats or dogs. Perhaps you have something to talk about. It may be care for animals or feed, vitamins, vaccinations, increments.
  • Children. This topic may be interested in a young mother or a girl who has junior brother or sister.
  • Sport. This topic will be interesting if your chosen is watching your body. And you also visit the gym. You can discuss vitamins, proper nutrition and nutritional supplements.
  • Holidays. If you are waiting for the holiday, this is a great reason to support the conversation. It is necessary to ask about gifts and holiday options.
  • Travels. The most pleasant topic is a holiday. Therefore, you can talk about warm countries and the sea.

Topics for conversation in VK:

  • Work. Try to ask the girl about her work, whether she likes. If she delight speaks of his work, you can develop the topic.
  • Money. The topic of money make money is interesting to all. But you should not talk a lot about money, so as not to seem like greedy or the opposite wasteful.
  • Hobby. Ask what the girl is engaged in free time. Perhaps she has a strange hobby.
  • Religion. This topic should not touch if you are a believer, and the girl is an atheism. But you can talk about religions in other countries.

Best, interesting topics for conversation with a girl in contact

Topics for communication with a stranger:

  • Start the conversation based on what has seen in social networks. Perhaps start a conversation with an interesting proverb or expression from the girl's page. Tell me that you are interested in philosophy or works by Laosza.
  • If there is a lot of culinary recipes on the page, you can talk about food. If a girl says that he loves to cook, you can tell you how you are cooking a specific dish, or you love it.
  • If you found a questionnaire on a dating site, write, for what purpose do you get acquainted and brief information About Me. Write a little my hobbies.
  • If you do not know anything about fashion, it is not worth writing about it. Write by Ob. interesting film. This can be an excellent reason for inviting movie.
  • Find shared topics based on its page. If there are photos with a cat on the wall, ask about his nickname. Pet will be a great reason for dating.
  • If the girl has a photo, as she rides on the rollers, offer her to ride together. This also applies to the bicycle.

List of cool topics:

  • Museums and memorable places. Talk about some interesting and unusual places. Interesting can be pottery workshops, chocolate factories with a demonstration.
  • Computer games. Use this topic only if the girl really is interested in it.
  • Toys. Ask, maybe a girl makes or collect toys. I can be stuffed Toys Or kinders.
  • Collecting. You can talk about brands, coins, antiques. But this theme is quite subtle and not all interesting.

If you are familiar with the girl, and you know each other well, it is sometimes more pleasant to simply deal with each other's company. It is not necessary to talk about something.

Topics for conversation with your beloved:

  • Future plans
  • Interesting Travel Time or Leisure
  • Joint purchases
  • Study or work
  • General acquaintances and news about them

Here is an exemplary dialogue with a girl in VK:

- Hello, I am interested in your page, you are very interesting to me.

- Hello.

- We have mutual friends, You're on fitness go to the club Sport Life?

- Yes, I go to fitness, and we are familiar.

- No, I saw you several times, maybe you will get to know?

- Okay.

- Have you long go to the hall?

- Approximately one year

- You have a beautiful appearance.

- Thank you.

- I go for 2 years, but without fanaticism. 2 times a week, cardio training and running.

- I also run, however, not in the hall, but in the park)

- Maybe we will organize a joint jog, when you plan?

- I will be on the lighthouse at 7.00

- OK, then until tomorrow, for now.

What to talk to a girl in VK: Example

As you can see to get acquainted with the girl, it is enough to know a little about it and you can talk about common interests.

Video: Topics for conversation

The girl and the guy can talk to each other about anything, even on the themes for adults. But in order not to offend another person, you need to talk on the themes in which you are trying together. So, for example, a guy shakes in computers or cars and tells the girl such words that she does not understand at all. It is unlikely to succeed good conversation. Therefore, it is important to find common topics. You can talk about what everyone knows about - about the weather, about work, about relationships. If you have close friends, you can start up in a conversation with this, and then you will find other points of contact. If you have common hobbies, you can talk about it all. In general, the main thing is to start talking to a girl or a guy on some topic and then from this topic will pop up new topic For conversation. It may happen so (yes so basically and happening) that starting talking to one topic, you will speak at the end of the conversation completely about something else. For example, a conversation began with the topic of study, and at the end already talked about travels, about the sea.

Topics of conversation with a girl or a guy can be completely different. As a variety of world, and different themes may be. It is necessary to find topics that will be interesting to you both. It is necessary to find points of contact.

Some topics for communication with a girl (boyfriend):

1. Movieuniversal theme. You can discuss films, cartoons, discuss what movies like, what movie did you look at the last when the last time was in the movies.

2. Hobbies. If they are passionate about some kind of business, then you can talk about it with enthusiasm. Maybe you will be able to infect with this passion of the interlocutor. And even better, if you both enjoy the same.

3. Literature. The topic for conversation to those people - who loves to read.

4. Discussion of museums, memorable places. Such places in any city mass.

5. Bad habits. It is better to communicate about the shortcomings of a small "cute" character: for example, the habit is constantly losing your hands or find them, constantly late. It should be fun.

6. Money. You can talk about the cost of certain things, food, travel in transport. But long about this topic is better not to talk.

7. Food. You can discuss family dinners, exotic food. After discussing good cafes and restaurants you can go there. This is a great pretext for this.

8. Travel, Walking. Ask the interlocutor about the last journey, about where he likes to ride, walk where he likes to walk.

9. Transport, cars. You can ask about the presence of transport, drive ability, about the desired car.

10. Work and studies. You can recall the cool situations that were to work or school, and tell about them.

11. Relaxation. Discuss the topic of weekends and rest than a person is doing at this time.

12. Sport. Tell about your favorite sports, about what kind of sports. There are many things under the topics: football, famous athletes, swimming types, gYM's, Sport tourism and others.

13. Health. Just do not read the moral lectures, from which the interlocutor will fall asleep.

14. Religion.It can be a lot of things to talk about: about faith in fate, in God, about the history of religions, about faith in the case (everything is no coincidence), about faith in predestination of over or in independent creation your own destiny.

15. Relations. What do you expect from relationships, what preferences in men (women)? What do not be patient in relationships: greed, treason, bore and other things. But, only discussing the topic of relationships, do not remember the past girlfriends (if you are a guy) or about past guys (if you are a girl).

16. Children. Condemn you kids younger sisters and brothers, tribes and just other acquaintances. Here I will definitely find a lot of interesting things, because the kids are very interesting creatures, they constantly say something funny, capricious.

17. Gifts, holidays. What gifts do you prefer? What is your favorite and long-awaited holiday for you? What do you like to give or get gifts?

18. clothing. You can make a compliment to the interlocutor on his account external view. Jold over your clothing.

19. Pets.To tell about your pet pets and ask if your interlocutor has pets: cat, dog, parrot, fish, hamster, rating.

20. Intimate relations . It is better to talk about this topic when your relationship will be more or less close. Do not shock the interlocutor immediately with your intimate questions.

Interesting questions, like topics for a conversation with a guy (girl), which will help break the ice in communication:

  1. Why are you a unique (s)?
  2. What do people misunderstand you?
  3. What are you underestimated for?
  4. Wanted (-Ah) you would become famous? If so, what?
  5. What helps you feel like a woman (man)?
  6. Why do you smear soul? What is holy for you?
  7. What brings you the biggest pleasure?
  8. What is the most acute your desire Not yet implemented?
  9. What do you think is the most an important achievement in your life?
  10. What are your weak (strong) sides?
  11. Do you like pets?
  12. When did you feel (-a) the greatest freedom?
  13. The most pleasant event for you last year?
  14. What are your favorite entertainment, holidays, TV shows?
  15. What would you do (was) if you had a billion dollars and you could not work?
  16. What hobbies, games, companies, sports and other occupations prefer?
  17. How do you usually spend your free time?
  18. Did you have a case in life that you shook you to the depths of the soul?
  19. You are romantic? If so, how and what is it expressed?
  20. Tell your childhood, about interesting childhood moments. The presence of any good qualities In your character you owe (-A) family education.
  21. Who did you dream (s) in childhood?
  22. What are you waiting for close man? What should (- on) be the perfect (woman) man (woman) in your opinion?
  23. What is in the relationship between a man and a woman in your opinion is the main one?
  24. What can make you happy (s)? What can seal?
  25. What and who is most expensive to you in life?
  26. If you were invited to act in movies, then what role would you play (-Ah)?
  27. What do you think you are distinguished from others?
  28. How do you imagine the perfect vacation?

Now you know the topics for a conversation with a girl (boyfriend) and will definitely find what to talk about.

Our life. How to make it fascinating and enjoyable? By virtue of of various reasons Not all people are able to start, develop and maintain a natural conversation. Especially if you have to talk with unconscious man Or someone you are in love with. What to do? Output one - learn art casual conversation. This article contains the most interesting topics and ideas for discussion that will help navigate in any situation and get maximum pleasure From communication with people.

Start talking

For many people, this is the most difficult part of the conversation. Not knowing what to say, they start internally panicing, embarrassing and pronounce phrases of the nepopad. To avoid this, first, calm down. Communication should be pleasure, and not torture. In addition, your interlocutor can be confused at no less and in the same way to try to come up with interesting topics for discussion.

The British argue that the best opportunity for the tying of a relaxed conversation is a discussion of the weather. It sounds trite, but in some cases it really helps to overcome the feeling of awkwardness. As an option - you can attract the attention of the interlocutor to something that happens next or outside the window ( unusual clothing Passely, an interesting signboard).

However, no one will give warranty that another person will be interested in your comment. Therefore, it is better for sure. Most people are happy to share their opinions or tell about how they live. This will not only give interesting topics for discussion, but will make communication comfortable.

If you know little man, ask:

  • about his attitude to any situation;
  • about what is associated with his life (where he was born, he studied, worked, traveled; what was remembered in those places);
  • about children if your interlocutor is a parent;
  • how he met the owners of the house (if you met on a visit).

When talking with those who have not seen for a long time, ask:

  • what did it changed in life during this time;
  • about family, children, work;
  • whether in common acquaintances.

Chatting with those who see often (colleagues, fellow students, classmates), ask this person:

What can I be interested in talking to most people?

Find a common topic:

Good communication is impossible without genuine interest of the interlocutors to each other and to the topic of conversation. There will be no problems between friends, but what about unfamiliar people?

Be sincere

If you want to produce pleasant impression On his interlocutor, you need sincerity and what you are talking about. Impeccable, but cold manners and stretched smile can hardly be located to themselves. Unrestrained chatter - also; Who will like to listen to a twenty-minute monologue without the possibility of inserting a word?

Make sure that the person felt comfortable in conversation with you. Look for you both interesting topics for discussion, interest the opinion of a person, and speak less about yourself and only when they ask. You can alternate: a replica about your affairs is a question for the interlocutor.

A good way to win the sympathy is a compliment, but made from the soul and non-bank.

Discuss actual

If you do not know how to offer an interesting topic For conversation, think that I would like to discuss the person with whom you are talking. Sociable people will offer you the topic, it will only remain to support it. With less conversational interlocutors, you can discuss current news (choosing something pleasant), novelties of film distribution or something related to the situation (work, food, skills, cute detail of the wardrobe, etc.).


You can use these or any other interesting questions For discussion, to learn about your interlocutor something new, and the conversation to do is more unpredictable and exciting. Just do not use too many questions, it will cause an awkward person. Perfect option - This is a binding issue to the discussed on this moment Topic. Start about something about the conversation, and the questions to the interlocutor alternate with small portions of information about you.

Know Underwater Stones

What the better to avoid:

  • diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • diets;
  • trouble;
  • relationships, marriage, children (if you do not know a person);
  • parents (suddenly the interlocutor problems in the family?);
  • cash issues;
  • religion, politics, sex and other "slippery" topics in which you can offend a person with a random remark.

Focus on the interlocutor

If you communicate with the company, involve all participants in the conversation. Wake up interesting topics for discussion through questions and do not get carried away by long monologues.

If you see that the interlocutor misses, change the topic and shed a little, giving the initiative. You should not be afraid of pauses in a conversation, because it would be much worse to say nonsense or offend a person with a rapid phrase. Short silence will help relax and think over the next course of the conversation.

If you notice that some topic caused interest from your interlocutor, remember her to talk about it next time. If a person, on the contrary, I clearly did not like it or seemed boring, take note - more this question is not affected.

Brief conclusions

In communication, the main thing is an authentic interest in who you are talking to. In any situation, the most interesting topics for discussion are reduced to the following:

And although communication is one of the most difficult classes in our lives, nevertheless, he can learn how to exercise sincere interest in what other people are told about and what other people want.

It happens that we have to communicate with people unfamiliar to us. We begin to fuss, because they are accustomed to their friends and loved ones, and here is a stranger. Quietly, there is nothing terrible. The conversation should be done, but before this should be left behind the excitement, and only then go to enjoy communication. Here are some instructive instructions:

1. Ask to imagine you

There is nothing reprehensible if you ask you to be presented at a party or some holiday by adding a comment to this, such as my girlfriend Nina and she is an architect for construction).

Such a presentation gives one hundred percent guarantee that the conversation will begin, as there will probably have common topics and questions, and you are already not an unfamiliar person.

2. How to find a topic for conversation

You can always find a topic for conversation. Just you take a look at a person. Maybe he is tall, slim or his mole on his cheek, like yours. Try to notice the highlight, i.e. What is not in others. After you notice this, your face will change and will not look so cautiously, and the interlocutor will notice this and will already be more predisposed to communicate with you. Tuping the question of interest to you.

If your interlocutor is a girl, then make it a compliment, for example: what is your beautiful hairstyle.

3. Topics for conversation around

Pay attention to the place where you are, notify anything from what surrounds you and your interlocutor. Even if you pronounce any completely neutral thing regarding the place of your mutual stay, for example, "and here is cute!", This will already be enough to establish a psychological connection and the beginning of communication.

If it happened that your opposite interlocutor, then ask questions on the merits. For example, how do you like the interior of this room or what you know about cars. Feel free to say that you do not know asked question - It can generalize your interests and thus the conversation will be delayed. Be sure to offer a lady to drink anything.

4. Search for common interests

It reads that the more the person is comprehensively developed, the more he is interested in others. Walking to the company, look at the news that you can tell your companion, friends. You can affect the topic about politics, about your city. There will always be people who, with a great desire, discuss these topics, and so you will be an interesting interlocutor.

5. Specify the right questions.

Before you ask a question to the interlocutor, first formulate it, think over it. The question should not contain a brief response, like "yes - no". It is quite suitable for you the question of the type "What do you do in your free time? Love whether to relax on the sea. " People like to talk about themselves - this proves statistics, so take advantage of this, as many questions can be asked for such issues, who will be happy to tell about himself.

6. Non-verbal communication

If the interlocutor is still silent, try to add gestures to your stories, change the fairs, smile when talking - it has a positive effect on the person and then he feels confident.

7. Celling

This non-verbal way is invented so that a person with the interlocutor felt confident. Demonstrate this way is easy, just repeat the gestures of the interlocutor, only on the turn, for example, the interlocutor lies right leg On the left, you do on the contrary, put the left on the right. Such calmness will not attract attention, but will perform its functions. After some such gestures, the interlocutor on subconscious level will take you for your. By the way, you can read more about this here.