Crepe SHOES: The history of shoes "on the manna caress. Mod Creepers Plus - new cries in minecraft ne

If it seems to you that in the game Minecraft PE, there are not enough diverse types of cries, then the mod Creepers Plus will love and add 12 new types of criespers. Each new cryper has its own unique abilities and does not explode just as it makes everyone famous for him. After the explosion, these cries will leave, both useful things and fatally dangerous.

Item Items in Modes Creepers Plus:

  • Fire cryper (ID - 500)
  • Water cryper (ID - 501)
  • Magma Cryper (ID - 502)
  • Ground cryper (ID - 503)
  • Electric cryper (ID - 504)
  • Ice cryper (ID - 505)
  • Light cryper (ID - 506)
  • Spiritual cryper (ID - 507)
  • Dark cryper (ID - 508)
  • Gingerbread cryper (ID - 509)
  • Confectionery cryper (ID - 510)
  • Sunny cryper (ID - 511)
After installing this fashion, you no longer stand convulsively look at the sound of "PSS", now after such a sound you can find a delicious cake and even cookies. Of course, you should not completely forget that the cryper is a predator and a meeting with some of them, it can still end fatly.

Fire cryper

After meeting with this criterion and his death, everything around his death will hide fire, so if you meet him to kill him stands at a distance.

Water cryper

This is pretty without dangerous view Cryer, after the death of which a huge geyser of water is formed, which will be filled with water. It is not categorically imparting to his home, otherwise, it can be completely flooded.

Lava cryper

A very dangerous kind of creeper, whose death is accompanied by a huge emission of Lava, which in a matter of seconds begins to cut off, to wait for and destroy everything on its path.

Earthy cryper

A rather safe view, after the explosion of which several blocks of land will appear, which no danger for your life represent, but just in case should not be fate.

Electro cryper

After the death of this creeper, in the place of his death will begin to beat lightning and when it still happens to be away from this place, a lightning strike can kill you.

Ice cryper

Very similar to earthlings, after the death of which the blocks of the earth remain, only in this case they will be replaced by blocks of ice that you can pick up with yourself when acute need.

Light cryper

A rather interesting representative of his species, after the death of which glowing blocks will be formed, which nicely illuminate the nearby terrain around, especially at night, and you will be extremely helpful.

Spiritual cryper

It is very similar to an ordinary creeper, but has the best mobility and more advantage of its relative, but despite it causes a similar damage from the explosion.

Dark cryper

After the death of this creeper, regardless of what time of day, game world Immerse yourself in the night darkness. There is no particular danger, except that it can become dangerous in case you are not ready for what suddenly becomes dark.

Gingerbread cryper

After the death of this creeper on Earth, you can find very tasty cookies, which will not only restore you health, but also lifting the moral spirit and mood.

Confectionery cryper

A collateral of a gingerbread creeper, leaves the cake after death with candles and you will have good reason Celebrate victory.

Sunny cryper

The full opposite of the black creeper, if you kill it at night, the time of day will change on the day and it will not be able to save you life.

1. Unpack the archive with the mod according to the instructions

Cryper - a quiet killer-fuse, sneaking unnoticed to make her black business. Picking up the player (at a distance of 1 block from the player), the cryper swept, flashes, hits and flies after 1.5 seconds. This is a very cunning creature, an unofficial symbol of Minecraft.

The cryper is ordinary and cryper charged. As you can see, a charged creeper surrounds a blue halo. This glow is the result of a lightning strike in a creeper during a thunderstorm.

  • Powder (0-2) - at death (if not exploded).
  • Plate when killing a skeleton.
  • Experience (0-5) - when killing a player.

Appearance and behavior

Crouper without hands, with four legs, color green with gray.

The cryper does not lose mobility in the sun and does not burn under sunny rays. Dangerous enemy - capable of infant huge damage to the player and his house.

Crypers appear on the surface at night and in dark caves. The level of illumination above 7 prevents its spa, as well as the spoony of other hostile night mobs. If the cryper appeared within the radius of 16 blocks from the player, then it will certainly spend the player. On the way to the player, this Kamikaze will overcome the most complex obstacles: corridors, labyrinths, slopes, stairs, water. The only way out will get rid of the persecution - it is to flush from it to a distance more than 16 blocks.

Cookiers are afraid of cats and ocelovot and run off, noticing the cat, but stop at some distance. And it can again start moving to the player and unfold, freezing the cat, and repeat it for a long time. In this situation, the player does not prevent caution, because the runaway cryper can explode if you get too close to him.
It is necessary to try to kill Cryper until he exploded, then the explosion will not be or departed from Cryer to a safe distance (3-5 blocks).

Explosion of Cryer.

Cryer explosion power is 4 times less than dynamite. Depending on the difficulty level of the game, the player's equipment. Damaged may be different. Blocks withstand an explosion depending on their strength. Blocks are not damaged, which is more than 63.5. Such explosive materials includes obsidian, which is not damaged from explosions. If the explosion occurred in the water, the non-living environment will not suffer, but mobs and players can suffer damage.

If you climb from the creeper on the blocks height in 3 block, then the cryper will not explode. However, if you try to hit it from there, the cryper can take care of the blow and still explode.

Explosion of charged cripe

If zipper will hit the zipper, the glowing blue sphere will appear near the creeper - this means that the cryper has become charged and the strength of his explosion has been halved, the damage to the surrounding will become twice as large, and the player in most cases will not survive the explosion and die. But the charged cryper is weak in battle. Such a charged crieper is found rarely during a thunderstorm or after it and the zipper is amazed rarely. The charged creeper is better shot from the bow, keeping away from it.

Benefit from creeper

In the explosion of the Cryper, the gunpowder does not fall, and if you kill the creeper, you can go gunpowder. The powder is useful for the crafting of dynamite (TNT) and to create exploding potions. A plate will fall out of the creeper, only if it is killed by a skeleton. And the hunt for Cryer is better to lead on the surface without obstacles that you may interfere, and without cats and Ocelovota nearby.

Hunting cripe

You can become a running bait for creeper until the skeleton shoots into it, but it dangerous game. It is easier to organize traps from the pistons, just a hole for a creeper will not be frozen, the cryper will cost it. It is desirable slightly hurt the creeper, then the skeleton will be easier to cope with him.

With a cryper, it is easy to cope if it is noticed in time. But he managed to imperceptibly approach the cryper or melted on his head in the cave causing a significant damage. If the player only heard the sound of someone's steps, but does not hear sounds characteristic of other mobs, then the cryper is selected. Cryer is better to kill two shots from Luke with a fully stretched guy and finish with one blow to a sword. In the near battle of Cyrus, you need to beat the sword and immediately run away, so as not to get into the zone of the possible explosion.

Tactic Defense

To protect your buildings from Crira, highlight the area around the house, roof and housing inside. Protect the entrance to your home from penetration inside the Cryer and other mobs. To do this, the pressure plate, working on the principle of a simple switch, should be placed on the inside of the door. Pressure-powder on the inside of the door will close the door after each player's pass, eliminating the need to follow the door. On the solid iron door you need to place a button. It is better to protect its territory better than the usual fence or fence of the lower world, a cobblestone or a suede wall. If you protect the territory of a high wall from ordinary building blocks, then you can not notice the submissions of the creeper.

Obsidian has the greatest explosion resistance, but if you do not have it in sufficient quantityUse it only to the most important buildings. In the stone and cobblestone, the explosion can make a gap of 1-2 block, and the earth, sand or hellish stone will hurt even more.

You can make the construction of hanging or lay it on the island and light everything inside. Such buildings are not available for Cryer. You can create a kind of fence from cats, seeding them around the home at a distance of no more than 9 blocks from the cat to the cat.

IN Lower world There are no cryper. If you are satisfied with the dangers of this measurement, you can live there.

Crimes, cries, criespers - all this names of fashionable Andgudo-Punk shoes on a thick sole. Although such boots and shoes are associated most often with subcultures, they excellently show themselves in the images of other style directions. Learning to combine criespers with skirts, dresses and classic pants.

History of Brothel Shoes, or why the cries are called "banden shoes"

The World Wide Web suggests that the shoes called the cryper was originally not just a male and soldiers. We wore such boots on the platform of the British military during World War II. After serving, all the ex-soldiers in the same shoe were walked by the streets of large cities and often looked at the light to the night butterflies. It is from here that the name Brothel Shoes went.

In the original Creepers are shoes with which rubber sole. One of the types of rubber is called Crepe, so the name of such boots is absolutely logical. Rubber gave soldiers the opportunity to move smoothly and silently. Another theory of the origin of the word "crips" is associated with this fact. Creep is translated from English as "sample".

From what moment the cryper became fashionable? In the 50s of the last century in England, the subculture of Teddy Boyz appeared. Men wanted to be stylish, they turned pants, put on white socks and coarse shoes on a high platform. A jacket, a tie, and the image of the rocabilly amateur brought to perfection.

In the 60s, in the USSR, the crowd of styles was distinguished in the same way. The movie of the same time has a lot of frames that show the enthusiasm of the youth of that time. high platforms. Why in our edges, the crips called "shoes on the manna kashe"? The platform of vulcanized rubber was bright and fine-grained. Outwardly, she reminded manna Kishu., And this joking name quickly styled in the style.

Later, the crypers looked at the punks and goths. With their images today such shoes and are associated most often. As for the ready, this is not necessarily black color from the head and thoughts about the life-pain. Pastel goths, or goths-light, for example, wear the most different colors. Several gothic accessories or accessories or dark Makeup And everything is in order, the main dress code of the subculture is observed. Crypers in a flower or pastel finish for them are an allowable shoe option.

Types of cryper

The traditional version of the cryper is shoes, which are topped with suede, corrugated sole - from rubber. Clasp can be in the form of one or two straps or lacing. Plus, dead thoughts and Kant along it.

Today except classic options This shoe is the same term called shoes on the figure platform, as well as Kedi-Brogi-Monkey-Chelsea with a non-standard high rise. Yes, and the color of the vertex is very different from the initial one. Now the cries are not only in monochrome, they can be leopard, futuristic shiny, transparent and with floral prints. Any caprice for your money will perform manufacturers, if only you bought your favorite couple from them.

Crypers are not only on the platform of one height, but also on a wedge and even on a heel. For the most bold - cryper-irons. Special approval of designers received sandals and shoes on a thick curly platform this season.

With what and how to wear cries in order not to guess

The following options are the most typical among bloggers and amateurs to fix your Street Style in the photo. Get ready to add pictures to yourself Add To Favorites: Here there is a way to beat criespers for every taste!

Socks with crypers: wear or not worn?

Traditionally, white socks are worn with cryipers. Another option - choose neon colors that become a center detail of the image, or sports short socks dark shades. Speaking of criespers, it is impossible not to remember the high black stockings and dense leggings. Gray lovers will appreciate the images with ripped tights. Stockings and leggings, by the way, for special carelessness, you can slightly shine to the middle of the ICR. Images with cripows and patterned pantyhose are welcome.

Crypers with trousers

Best of all, the crips look with the stuffed to the bottom pants that do not reach the ankle. Too long pants can be subjected. Boyfriends under such an option also fall.

Wide pants wear with cryipers rarely, but not less than apt. As it may sound strange, but such shoes do not spoil even the most classic images, well combined with free pants.

Crimes with leggings - classic way Wear shoes on the platform, which, however, try it should be carefully. Such a fitting bottom is not advised to combine with a short riding. This is especially true for women size. plus Size. It is better to come up with an image with long cardigan, jacket or skirt than attracting passersby attention in the most negative sense of the word.

Separate mention is worthy of pants and leggings of striped. Option on the top five!

Crypers and jackets

Stylishly Crepe Shoes fit into images with classic pants and jackets. An excellent way out for those who like to dilute the dress-coded outfits of non-pie details. Creeps and coats are also a combination of the category of success.

Creepers with skirt

Shoes on a cruise sole looks heavy, no dispute, but with skirts it does not interfere with the skirts. Among top options It is worth noting short leather skirts, Pencil skirts, long lungs Products. You can safely try clothes with an overwhelmed waist.

Crypers with a dress

Dresses with lush and arched skirts, smoothly falling long models, modest midi - such wardrobe items can be safely worn with cripers. FROM summer Sundars and light dresses This shoes are appropriate to wear on a barefoot.

Shoes with creeper soles + shorts

Super-short or up to the middle of the hips, from denim or lace, with a long stretched sweater or glamorous T-shirt - no limits to excellence. You can bring your images to the ideal infinitely. The main thing is to try different combinations, stably progressing in fashionable knowledge.

Crimes here for several years already appear on the podiums as one of the most fashionable species shoes. If you still have not purchased sandals or shoes on rough sole, you missed a lot. Insert claries B. casual imagesinteresting questwhich can be a good entertainment and another confirmation of your overeactivity!

Posted by: Oksana Gavrilyuk
Illustrations:,,,,,,,,, Chicwish. COM,,,,,,,,,, Dapperdean.Tumblr. com,,,,,,,,, WheretoGet. IT, IEMMAFASHION.COM, TUKSHOES.CO.UK, THEMYTHICALMUSE.WORDPRESS.COM, SECONDSTREET.RU, HARPERSBAZAAR.COM, BLOGMODAPOPULAR.BLOGSPOT.COM, TLIFE.GR, OASAP.COM, FASHIONGUM.COM, DEATH-BY-ELOTION.,,,,,,,,, Farm9.StaticFlickr. com,, fashionbombdaily.c om,,,,,,,,,,,