"Hipsters" - the history of the subculture. Twist on cardboard: we take care of the shoes. Classic styles of dandies

Hipsters are not just one of the men. This style is the originality of the appearance, a special mood, life values- a vivid answer to the gray everyday life, enclosed in a dull uniform. Let's consider the main features of the dandy style - with a photo of clothes, hairstyles for women, as well as all the "chips" that are inherent in it.

Basic principles of creating an image in the style of a dandy

Dresses with fitted silhouette and a flared skirt. Such models effectively emphasize the figure, making the waist visually narrower and slimmer. To create additional volume and splendor, girls use one or even several petticoats made of hard tulle.

Sleeves, draperies and wide straps. In addition to original skirts in dresses of this style Special attention paid to the top of the outfit - additional decorative elements accentuate the deep and open neckline.

Color and pattern. The style of the dudes provides for bright shades, contrasting combinations and rich drawings - prints in the form large peas, horizontal and vertical stripes, floral motifs and geometric ornaments.

Skirt length. The classic and most memorable is the mid-knee skirt. However, in modern interpretation shorter mini skirts are also permissible in this style - they will look spectacular on cocktail parties and graduation parties however, for everyday look the traditional length is still recommended.

An abundance of extravagant decor. This style is simply impossible to imagine without a huge number of accessories and bright decorative elements - the most popular are all kinds of ruffles, lace and draperies. Wide bright ribbons are often used as belts, which are tied with a large bow at the waist under the bodice.

The main details that characterize the style of the dudes. Photo

Clothes and hairstyles are fundamental elements for women in this genre. However, when creating an image in this genre, it is necessary to think over every little thing, down to earrings and bows on shoes. What is the image to be made of? So this could be ...


In addition to the most popular style of dress in this style - with a fluffy skirt, there is also a second - a tight-fitting sheath dress. Regardless of the model, dresses must be made of fabric bright shades, have a fairly narrow top and have a deep neckline. In addition, it provides for the presence of small sleeves, a turn-down collar and an abundance of lace or ruffles. The waist in a dress is often additionally accentuated with a contrasting strap.


As in the models of dresses, diversity reigns here: along with a narrow pencil skirt, voluminous pleated skirts and skirts-sun. Due to the prevalence of petticoats (to create the splendor of skirts), a special trend has emerged that adds some originality to the image - petticoats must necessarily be contrasting and not match the tone of the main material of the outfit. They often peek out a little from under the skirt and add a little lightness and coquetry to the image.

Blouses & Tops

These wardrobe items for dudes have a fairly simple and uncomplicated cut, differ in the presence of sleeves (both especially short and 3/4) or their complete absence... Popular models with various turn-down collars- both with pointed and with round edges... In such outfits, the use of shoulder pads is strictly prohibited.

Trousers and pants

Dudes are still more favorable to skirts, so the pants are in female images are much less common. If this still happens, then shortened models (breeches, capri pants or bermuda shorts) with a bright monochromatic color and a high waistline are chosen.


Particularly popular in this style are sophisticated models - pumps, sandals on medium stiletto or bright textile ballerinas. It was during the days of dudes that a tendency appeared - to wear under classic shoes short lungs socks (white or bright contrasting shades). Shoes are often chosen with sharp nose or open fingers.


This theme is the broadest and most diverse in this style: accessories and decorative elements are used by dudes in huge quantities. Bags for this style are preferable to choose small size- especially popular are clutches on thin strap and bright envelope bags.

A distinctive feature of this style is a special love for gloves - they are also selected to match the outfit or to create a certain contrast with it.

Bright and massive bijouterie made of various materials(even plastic): dudes adore all kinds of beads and bracelets (wearing several pieces at once) - the design of the product must be bright, but completely monochromatic.

In one image they can safely combine:

  • variegated beads;
  • a scarf in a contrasting shade;
  • several bright bracelets;
  • rounded earrings;
  • bright belt.

What materials to choose for clothes in the style of dudes? Photo examples

As for fabrics and textures, this style is most often used artificial materials, because it is they who can boast of the necessary abundance and variety of colors, which are so necessary for self-expression and disclosure of the full depth of the described style. Most often, 2-3 dominant shades are chosen to create a fashionable image, which are favorably combined with each other. The use of more colors in one outfit increases the risk of looking gaudy and clumsy, completely leaving the style of the dandy.

For fashionable images designers are chosen absolutely various shades spectrum, however, white and black are much less common and not so popular. Pastel and faded colors are completely unacceptable in the style of dudes. Photos of such clothes:

Hairstyles for women

A special charm to an image in the style of a dandy is given by a colorful hairstyle - the famous "babette". It is quite simple to do it in 3 steps:

  1. Is being done high tail, but part of the hair in the front should be left unused;
  2. The tail must be carefully combed and wrapped in a kind of roller;
  3. And last of all, you need to style the front hair beautifully (combing it over the top of the roller made). The finished hairstyle is fixed with the help of “invisible” hairpins and fixed with hairspray.

Just a high tail, made on the top of the head, is also suitable for the style of dudes. This hairstyle is most often complemented with a ribbon or a colored headband with a decorative bow. More hairstyles:

The desire to stand out from the crowd, without merging with the gray mass, to bring charm, enthusiasm and bright notes - these were the main motives of the dandies of the last century. Born in the 60s. During the Soviet era, the style of dandies affected not just the fashion industry: it was a way of life, behavior, manner of speaking.

Inspiration was drawn from overseas, from distant and unattainable America. Dudes often copied movie characters. Note specific traits style:

  • Print and color palette . A riot of colors - all shades of the rainbow - this is the main touch in clothes. Polka dot prints, bright flowers, stripes are also welcome.
  • Women's clothing. She assumed outfits from crepe de Chine, satin, bouffant skirts and dresses with a fitted bodice. The waist is always highlighted with a bright belt.
  • Women's shoes. Popular shoes with a pointed toe and a small heel (4-5 cm) were comfortable and at the same time allowed ladies to look spectacular.
  • Men's clothing. Jackets with patch pockets, broad shoulders, pipe trousers, colorful shirts, jumpers and pullovers with deer and snowflakes and certainly colorful herring ties - this is a set of clothes for a dandy guy.
  • Men's footwear. Shoes were all the rage white, but it was allowed to wear and multicolored models... The rubber outsole was prized.
  • Decorations ... Earrings, short and long beads and bracelets in bright colors were very popular.
  • Makeup. This item concerned female half... Eyeliner, painted bright lips- constant accompaniment of the image of the dandy.
  • Hairstyle. Lush, tall hairstyles under the names "Babette", "Corolla of the World" completed the image of girls and women. Men had a topical hairstyle "kok" with a pile.

At the very beginning, the clothes of such an image assumed several attributes and accessories: flared trousers, an awkward jacket, a colorful tie, plus wide-brimmed hat... After some time, the style acquired the features already familiar to many. Fashion style clothes for men and women embodies the main principles of stylish style - "no" dullness and routine!

Main subject men's wardrobe dudes, as noted, are tight pants-pipes. Length - certainly to the bones. She performs additional function: "Reveals to the world" multicolored socks and tight shoes... The second most important attribute is the jacket. Large cage, strip - these are 2 popular prints. A shirt echoing in unison with trousers and a jacket suggests juicy shades: pink, orange, blue. Variegated options are also allowed. A narrow tie, which is tied in a miniature knot, completes the men's set.

Women's fashion of this style is fluffy skirts with several petticoats (as bright as the skirts themselves) or crinolines. The length reaches the knee or slightly below. A contrasting satin belt accentuates the waist. Large, eye-catching jewelry is quite simple design: bracelets, rings, earrings, beads. Headbands from the same satin as at the waist, as well as headbands, hairpins and bows act as a decoration for the hairstyle. A small hat is also used.

Photo of clothes in the style of dandies of the 60s

"Everything new is well forgotten old." This dictum fits modern fashion trends... Memorable images of young people are popular, and the style of dandies is the embodiment of brightness, originality, the desire to stand out from the crowd. Designers recreate forgotten images of the 60s. XX century, following the interest and relevance. Take a look at photo of clothes in the style of dandies, and you will certainly want to try on this extravagant and carefree image.

Where to buy style clothes?

Of course, for those who, having looked into the grandmother's closet, found the actual outfit, we will simply envy. This is a rarity: do not refuse such an outfit! It will not be difficult to sew clothes in the style of dudes and for needlewomen. In this case, the advantage will be that it is sewn according to your own sketches and will fit you perfectly. But what should the rest of the category of people do? Where to buy style clothes? Huge selection provide both regular and online stores. Of course, among the many models you will find the one that suits your internal state outfit. Besides, in specialized stores you can rent these outfits.

In the 1950s, the USSR was separated from almost the entire world by the Iron Curtain. Everything connected with the West was banned in the country. And it was at that time that a social "capitalist" phenomenon appeared - dudes.

Who are the dudes? Forerunners of modern hipsters? Soviet "golden youth"?

In our article, we will analyze in detail this vibrant youth subculture.

The hipsters were distinguished by their deliberate apoliticality, cynicism in judgments, indifference to the norms of Soviet morality, they wore bright, sometimes ridiculous clothes and showed a special interest in Western music and dance. Among these young people there were quite a few children of party workers and officials of various ranks.

The appearance of dudes in the USSR falls on the post-war period. The imitation of the Western style was traced among the dandies of the entire Soviet period, this was expressed in the style of clothing, a kind of slang and interest in foreign music.

Stylish dances

In every major city there was a relatively small group of young people who stood out from the gray mass. The typical monochromatic modest clothes of the Soviet style did not suit the most "educated" students, of whom the dandy movement was mainly composed.

The subculture got its name from the word "stylish", and they really had their own style. Young men usually wore tight trousers, wide-shoulder blazers, Hawaiian shirts, ties in flashy colors, and cane umbrellas. In footwear, boots with thick rubber soles were considered the most chic. Girls wore heavily fitted dresses v american style, tight knee-length skirts and trouser suits.

Almost American fashionistas

People from intelligent families had access to foreign goods brought by their parents from beyond the "hillock". Metropolitan dudes were better off materials to match the chosen image. Citizens working in foreign embassies, diplomatic missions and departing on a business trip abroad could bring clothes, shoes, music, tape recorders and other products of foreign production with them to their homeland. Behind the Iron Curtain, these goods were long time in short supply, and were objects of desire and envy.

Representatives of this alternative culture in other large settlements received all the things necessary for styling from the capital or port cities, which were visited by foreign ships. But in most cases, dudes dressed in handicraft clothes. They were reshaped from materials produced by Soviet factories.

The most fashionable guys in Moscow

If necessary clothes and could be obtained in finished form, then with shoes things were more complicated. Boots with thick rubber soles and pointed-toed shoes were not sold in Soviet shoe stores. Abroad, such shoes were expensive, and only the children of the nomenklatura could afford it. Soviet dudes they themselves added several layers to the sole of footwear produced in the Union. This achieved the desired sole height and gave a "unique" style. Such "shoes" could often be seen on representatives of this colorful, stylish culture.

Many dudes themselves reshaped a few colorful things of the Soviet style, giving them the desired style. Consumer goods and the flea market also helped create stylish image outstanding youth. Individual tailoring of clothes and footwear allowed everyone to become representatives of this "stylish" culture.

Stylish couple

The hairstyles of the young people emphasized their belonging to a foreign style. A billionaire cook, a combed thick forelock, long hair singled out a dandy guy from the crowd. Neatly glued or grown "scoundrels" mustaches were also in vogue, which complemented the abnormal external image. The stylish hairstyles of the girlfriends of the dudes were "Babette" (like Brigitte Bordeaux in the film of the same name) and short haircut"Under the French". Bright red lipstick was mandatory in the girls' makeup, which caused a sharply negative reaction from conscious representatives of the public.

It was more difficult for the dandy girls to conform to the chosen semi-legal style. The norms of behavior and clothing for a Soviet girl were distinguished by modesty, and the established morality did not at all allow taking a step towards an alternative. Skirts just above the knee were seen as depravity, and were immediately condemned by the older generation.

Rock and roll, boogie-woogie, foxtrot and other foreign directions in music and dance prevailed among dudes. Audio recordings were brought from abroad, and were also cut by specialists in a handicraft way, on X-ray film. But the most popular and accessible was listening to foreign radio programs, in which the music needed by the dandies was broadcast.

Many of the dudes were creative individuals and made their own clothes and accessories. Some with my own hands created musical instruments or converted acoustic guitars into electric ones for jazz. And they also recorded records with their favorite music themselves - on old X-rays. In addition to the style of clothing and hairstyles, in the subculture of dudes there was a very important music... The hipsters mostly listened to jazz and swing, but their favorite song was "Chattanooga Chu-chu" from the soundtrack to the movie "Sun Valley Serenade".

Baby X-ray plates

Dressed in bright colorful outfits, dudes made the central squares and streets of large cities places for their parties. Listening to stylish music and dancing took place on dance floors and in clubs. Soviet styling became the prototype for alternative youth movements in modern Russia.

Twist on cardboard: we take care of the shoes

And although the subculture of dudes ran counter to communist ideology, the motives of these young people, as a rule, were far from politics. It was more of an escapist subculture than a group of cultural protesters: the dudes essentially created their own colorful world under an egalitarian regime with many restrictions. The behavior of the dudes was not so much a protest as a way of self-expression. The generation of post-war youth no longer wanted to fight for communist ideals; young people wanted freedom. At the same time, the system and society dictated their own rules: “be like everyone else”, “do like everyone else”. There were practically no opportunities left for the manifestation of one's own individuality. Unless, of course, you were going to (or could not) set labor records.

The covers of Western magazines are the subject of desire of all dudes

Since the dudes were, as a rule, representatives of the golden youth, they had free access to western magazines, music and films. And this is understandable: high-ranking parents were ready to do everything for their beloved children, even to open the forbidden curtain. Young people not only listened to Western music and danced "forbidden" dances, young people imitated Western musicians in everything. For example, many dudes have styled their hair in the style of Johnny Weissmüller, who starred in the Tarzan film series.

This is what the dudes were aiming for

The appearance, values ​​and behavior of dudes were in complete dissonance with the norms of Soviet morality, so dudes were sometimes ridiculed and openly negative from ordinary people.

Despite the fact that the dandy subculture was extremely provocative, these unusual youth did not participate in any events that were officially prohibited by law, and no one forbade changing clothes and meeting with interest groups. To solve this problem, the authorities began to try to present the dudes as antisocial, “alien human society»Elements.

The Soviet realities of the mid-20th century were such that it was considered unacceptable to stand out from the crowd (literally and figuratively). A peculiar phenomenon of that time became dudesyouth subculture 50s. Bright clothes, sometimes ridiculous hairstyles and non-standard music have become their "business card".

The subculture itself arose among the so-called "golden youth". The children of party workers, diplomats and other high officials had the opportunity to use foreign goods and tried to imitate foreign culture. The post-war devastation played an important role in the emergence of this subculture. Most of the theaters, museums, clubs were destroyed, access to entertainment is limited.

The hipster singled out appearance: Tapered trousers, wide jackets, handmade boots with thick soles. The girls had high hairstyles bright dresses... In fairness, it is worth noting that the dudes dressed then, who in what way. The main thing is brighter, as opposed to the "gray" mass.

Of course this is open deification American culture contrasted sharply with the communist regime. Due to the fact that the dudes dressed differently and listened to Western music, they were persecuted by society. Campaign posters directed against the dudes were issued, "exposing" articles were written.

By the beginning of the 60s, during the "thaw", the style gradually faded away. Society was no longer provoked by bright outfits and non-standard music. It is worth noting that many of the "former" dudes have become famous directors, writers, and musicians.

It would seem that slickness has long disappeared into the past, and only bright costumes flashed at theme parties. However, in African country The Republic of the Congo exists. Some Congolese dress in the French manner. But this fashion is not modern, but 50 years ago.

Sometimes it is just necessary to make bright colors into your life. Well, who can learn this from, if not the dudes? They, like no one else, understood the meaning in everything bright, but at the same time beautiful. The dudes knew how to live to the fullest, not thinking about who and what would think of them.

They appeared on the territory of our country at the end of the 40s. It was then that the spontaneity and relaxedness of all American youth opened up in front of them. Soviet fashionistas called themselves "staffers". The way we know them now, as a dude, was invented by a parody journalist. After all, it was they who knew how to stand out among the usual gray mass. Bright, unexpected dudes became the face of the youth of that period.

Classic styles of dandies

Both men and women who decided to dress according to stylish fashion for themselves had distinctive features... Well, if an exquisite suit, a colorful tie was obligatory for the first, then for the fair sex everything became a little more complicated.

A distinctive feature of this colorful style for them it was the presence of a rather immodest, for those times, dress. It should have been bright, always with cheerful pattern that would attract attention. In addition, the girls chose open-top outfits and short sleeves... As for the styles, two were preferred:

  • "flower".

The names of these styles of dresses were derived from the forms that were created when worn. Dresses of the first style hugged the thighs of their owner and, moreover, also tapered to the knees. The second type was characterized by the presence of a fluffy skirt that came out from under thin waist... They tried to visually reduce the thin waist using a wide belt. It was he who had to highlight the graceful curves. The hipsters of the Soviet era added a big bow to it.

Color defines everything

They brought from those dashing fifties dudes to us and color palette... The most popular, both then and now, among fans of this style are the following color schemes:

  • large peas;
  • bright circles;
  • color print.

Today's pastel-lovers also use these colors a lot. But modern women of fashion often move away from too pretentious outfits. Soft shades in combination with the styles of that period also began to enjoy popularity.

Together with fluffy skirts and a light bow, such an outfit gives its owner a unique airiness, lightness and dreaminess. In addition, you can be sure that he will draw attention to himself in any case, which was main goal image. A win-win option it is considered a solid bottom and a bright top, or vice versa. It is beautiful and tender.

Little secrets of retro style

The length of outfits for girls - fans of this style in the past was mostly not above the knee, but in modern world outfits are becoming more and more relevant short cuts... Lush skirts, which are slightly shorter than guipure petticoats, look especially gorgeous. The latter, besides the fact that they "look out" a little, should also contrast in color, additionally paying attention to this piquant detail.

This is a classic of dandy style, but not the limit. There are many more options that can be selected to emulate this reckless youth. For example, you can wear cropped trousers. But it's worth choosing them bright colors and together with a contrasting sweater. Maxi dresses with a deep neckline will also look good. The main rule is to separate from everyday life and create a good retro mood for yourself.

Of course, these are not dresses for every day. Less colorful outfits can be worn more often: for a walk, on a date. The image of a Hipster girl is perfect for celebrating the New Year. But, of course, it will look perfect on theme party dedicated to those years. Then you can come off in full.

The image of Hipsters in detail

What else is great about the dresses of dudes, that they are suitable for almost all girls, regardless of build. The only condition is not to overdo it and not turn yourself into a tasteless parrot. Do not wear clothes together with different pictures even if they are otherwise perfect.

It is also worth choosing accessories carefully. You can use a large brooch or large beads, lightweight openwork scarf... TO open dresses perfect fit long gloves... A very popular accessory was a scarf tied over the head with the bow on top. Its color is matched to other accessories or the texture of the outfit. Often the girls of those years also wore knee-highs, which added innocence to the image.

As for shoes, handbags, you can safely choose bright patent leather shoes and a handbag. But it is always worth remembering that it is better not to use more than three colors even in the most striking images.

Makeup to create the image of Hipsters should be bright. Black arrows red lips, blush - all this draws attention to you and emphasizes individuality.

Hipsters have left an indelible mark on the history of fashion. Their images still excite the fantasies of many designers and fashion designers. So why don't we indulge ourselves a little with the recklessness of that time?