How to make 100,000 out of 10,000. The greatest return on investment. Stable and safe types of investments

At the beginning of the article, we will consider the issue of investing with psychological point point of view, we will tell you about who has the opportunity to invest today and how much money you need to have for this. In the second part, we will specifically tell you where you can invest. small amount of money.

Most often, in the mass subconsciousness of most citizens, there is an opinion that an investor is a person who invests hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars and receives a good income. His fortune is growing and he invests again and again. For mere mortals who do not have great wealth, the world of investment is closed, at least until they themselves earn any significant amount. However, these are just stereotypes. Firstly, investment does not always bring a huge income; secondly, it is available to everyone. It is about the fact that absolutely anyone can start investing right now, regardless of his condition, we will talk today.

Let's remember what investing is. Investing is investing money for the purpose of making a profit. That is, we invest the Nth amount of money in any financial instrument, and we get N +% profit. This is how the world's greatest investors made their fortune - Buffett, Dreman, Soros, Miller and many others. And the point is not that they knew how to invest, so they made a profit. And the fact that they learned how to do it. It took someone 5-10 years, and someone became a billionaire only in old age, having devoted this skill all their lives. In addition, not many of them at the beginning of their journey had a lot of money at their disposal, some even started from scratch. Moreover, they all had a desire to become rich and incredible strength the will to achieve this in spite of many setbacks. After all, being the first is always harder than being among the masses.

Subscribe to the site and you will learn how to earn online up to 24% per month with only $ 10. A monthly detailed report of our investment portfolio, useful articles and life hacks that will make you richer!

Therefore, if you began to be interested in the issue of investing, albeit not large amount, this suggests that you are thinking differently from those around you. Specifically, the moment has come when you increase your financial literacy and you are waiting for changes and want to increase your well-being. Therefore, read the article carefully and do not back down.

Investing in the modern world

Today, in an era of development modern technologies, globalization, anyone can become an investor without even leaving home. The Internet, as a worldwide communication network, is able to bring potential investors to practically any available financial instruments and fulfill the desire to make a profit by investing money.

In order to start investing, we need to fulfill only two conditions:

  1. Have funds for investment
  2. Choose an investment instrument

Funds for investment can be accumulated or earned. The more you have, the more diversified your investment portfolio will be. This means that investment risks will decrease and investment reliability will increase.

Choosing a source of investment

The majority of people will not name even five options where you can invest money.
Everyone knows about the classics - precious metals, real estate or business. But ask your opponent where you can invest 500 rubles or 1000. And he will no longer be able to answer you or say that nowhere - better drink it or put it on a savings account. And this is again an indicator that a person is not competent in financial matters.

Long gone are the days when investing required significant capital. Today there are many sources of investment, where the starting investment amount starts from the mark of one thousand rubles. And there are quite a few such investment instruments. We have compiled our own list and organized it as follows: the most reliable investment methods come first, so that our readers do not take it into their head to immediately lose what they have accumulated. Then there are more profitable, but at the same time risky from a financial point of view, instruments, we need them to show how much you can earn following an aggressive strategy.

The best option would be to combine multiple sources. Understand which one is right for you. How much are you willing to risk for profit. You should start with small amounts, gradually increase your investment and, of course, study the structure of the market.

Deposit in a bank with interest capitalization

Don't be surprised that ordinary bank deposit comes first. The point here is precisely in compound interest. How does he work? We receive a monthly percentage of profit from our deposit, according to the contract. We do not withdraw this percentage, but report it to a deposit account (capitalization), thereby increasing the amount of our deposit. Our contribution will work for it in the new month and so on until the end date.

So, if we open an account in the amount of 1000 rubles at 8% per annum and we deposit another thousand each month, then taking into account the compound interest at the end of the deposit term, we will receive about 12% of net profit.

Minimum amount for opening a deposit: from 1000 rubles
Insurance: partial - up to 1.2 million
Risk level: minimal
Profitability level: average

You can open a deposit with interest capitalization in almost any bank. The main criterion is that the higher the deposit interest, the better.

High yield assets

There is a special type of investment - high-risk assets, which is perfect for investing just small amounts. These can be venture and mutual funds, startups, mlm business, piggy banks, matrices, HYIPs, and so on. main feature- low entry threshold, from 500 rubles and a high percentage of profit up to 30% per month! This type of investment allows short time receive superprofits. Suitable for those who want to get 2, 5, 10 times more than they invested. The disadvantage of such investments is high non-investment risks. More details can be found in this article.

The minimum amount for investing in high-yielding companies: from 500 rubles
Insurance: no
Risk level: high

Buying a bond

Bonds are debt securities with a guaranteed yield. You can read in more detail in. Good tool investment, for those who want to get acquainted with the securities market, while not risking their own capital. The essence of the work of a bond is simple - you buy this security and receive dividend income. The maturity is from 3 to 10 years. The yield is on average 4-5% per year for ruble bonds and 1-2 for dollar bonds. At the same time, OFZs are insured in the same way as bank deposits.

The minimum amount for the purchase of OFZ: from 1000 rubles
Insurance: partial - up to 1.2 million
Risk level: minimal
Profitability level: low

Buying a stock

Stocks are the most profitable securities. And also a classic tool for any investor. Unlike bonds, their price is not fixed, it is constantly changing - both up and down. In this regard, there are certain financial risks associated with the possibility of a fall in the share price together with their expected profitability. Meanwhile, it was investments in stocks that brought huge fortunes to many investors and entrepreneurs. In addition, the price of a share of some companies can be only a few tens of rubles, which means this is the most massive segment for novice investors. Below is a graph of the growth of the S & P500 stock (500 largest US companies) over the past 5 years.

The minimum amount to buy a stock: from 500 rubles
Insurance: no
Risk level: medium
Profitability level: high

Read how to buy stocks without leaving your home.

Investment in mutual funds

Investing in mutual funds is another way to make passive income without having a large starting balance. PAIs have different yields, but on average it is higher than a regular bank deposit, and there are also very profitable products. It all depends on what the fund is formed from and what strategy its managers adhere to.

The minimum amount for the purchase of a mutual fund: from 1000 rubles
Insurance: no
Risk level: medium
Profitability level: average

Each large bank has a line of deposits in mutual funds, the most profitable and reliable are those of large ones, such as Alfa or Sberbank. On average, the level of profitability of mutual funds is 8-11% per year.

P2P investing

We talked about it in our previous article. In short, you give a microloan to someone who needs it, while working through a special p2p lending platform. A kind of analogue of an online MFO. In this case, you yourself choose at what percentage you are willing to lend money. Unfortunately, there are quite a few such services at the moment. The most famous of these is WebMoney Transfer. This method investing money is quite risky, since there is no 100% guarantee that they will be returned to you. But if you are willing to risk a small amount for the sake of obtaining good income then you can try.

The minimum amount for investing in p2p: from 500 rubles
Insurance: no
Risk level: high
Profitability level: very high

P2P - platforms: WebMoney Transfer, loanberry,

Investing in PAMM accounts

Pamm system is a trust management in the forex market. You deposit money into the account, and the trader disposes of it (trades) while receiving a commission for the work. Of course, you shouldn't rely on much for a thousand rubles, but this money is quite enough to open an account with one trader. And the results of his work will be your earnings or losses. Watching how it works. Below is a graph of the profitability of Alpari's TrendingFund pamm account:

The minimum investment amount in PAMM: from 1000 rubles
Insurance: no
Risk level: high
Profitability level: very high

Forex brokers with a small amount of entry - Alpari, aMarket, InstaForex. You can also find an overview on them on our blog.

Investing in cryptocurrency

The excitement around the crypto market is gradually decreasing. The cryptocurrency rate rises and falls again. However, oddly enough, this is where experienced investors earn. On the volatility of the market, that is, the change in the value of assets. Today the conditional bitcoin fell to $ 7000 and we purchased it, and tomorrow it increased to $ 8500 and we successfully managed to sell it. Thus, earning a good profit in a short period of time. Moreover, it is not bad way earnings outside the traditional financial system. In addition, there is alternative options making money on cryptocurrency is mining it through cloud mining or following trading signals.

Minimum investment amount in cryptocurrency: from 1000 rubles
Insurance: no
Risk level: high
Profitability level: very high

You can buy cryptocurrency through special exchanges or brokers.

Investing in your knowledge

It is not for nothing that at the end of the article we stopped at this point. Knowledge is the best investment of all time. If you know or can do something better than others, you will definitely get rich. Today there are many so-called coaches on the Internet - people who, for a small fee, can give you a lot of valuable and useful information... They host webinars, sell information products, and teach their wards. For a relatively small amount of money, they will help you master a demanded Internet profession, teach you useful skills or set you on the right path. In addition, there is a lot of free open information, the usefulness of which is also high.

Conclusion: It doesn't matter how much you want to invest - be it 1,000, 50,000 or 100,000 rubles - the main thing is to do it wisely. Your first priority is not to lose what you have earned. So try different investment vehicles and don't put your eggs in the same basket. We have presented the most popular and affordable options for investing funds today. This list not final and anyone can offer their own version. Therefore, feel free to write to us in the comments. Thank you for the attention!

The problem of profitable investment of free money is faced not only by large investors with significant sums of money. The process of increasing finance can begin with little money, which is available to the bulk of the population. Here we will discuss where to invest 10,000 rubles.

The amount is very small for a serious investment, even for students and public sector workers. However, you can try to "probe" investment instruments.

So, you have free ten thousand rubles a month. Consider investment options that can contribute, albeit small, but profit.

Fast but risky

If you are able to take risks, then in order to make quick money, you can open a PAMM account in Forex. At the same time, dividing the available 10,000 rubles into several accounts. On this moment a more or less adequate instrument is the Alpari exchange

The ratings of active PAMM accounts are easy to find on the Internet. To choose the most suitable for you is the task # 1. At first, preference should be given to the most successful traders with high profitability and a short trading period.

Of course, trading on the foreign exchange market involves a lot of risk. But, if you analyze the ratings of PAMM accounts, you can see that in some trading weeks the profit reached 15-20%, in others the trading was not so successful.

But the average profitability of 5-10% per month can be considered guaranteed. Precisely in order to minimize the risk of defeat, it is best to scatter the available money across several accounts and exchanges.

In the meantime, there are trading sessions, you can start to study the technology of Forex trading. There are more than enough free webinars and video tutorials on the Internet, and the acquired knowledge will help you start trading on your own, without involving traders. Moreover, they will have to give up to 15% of the profit received.

For those who do not like to take risks

For those who do not like to take risks in the best way investing can become a traditional bank deposit. You can find banks that allow you to make a deposit at - 17,% per annum.

With a free amount of 10,000 rubles, there are not so many investment options. You can buy a certain amount of precious metal for the available money. But in order to make a profit, you will have to “catch” the moment when the price of gold will be minimal to open an account, and close the account at the peak of the price of precious metals.

This is a rather tedious task, therefore, in the case of investing money in gold or platinum, it will be preferable to “forget” about its existence for a year or two after opening a metal account. Then you have a better chance of making a profit if the price of gold rises significantly.

Would you like to know where you can profitably invest 10,000 rubles? This question clearly has great importance since at the present time, and saving money can be difficult from inflation, and increasing and making it work is even more difficult.

In fact, there are many options and areas of activity where you can invest a small amount of money. The most popular way to earn money, which does not require practically any participation and special knowledge from you, is a bank deposit.

Bank deposits

This is the most popular type of investment, widespread among individuals... It is not fraught with risks, your money will be reliably insured by the state if you open a bank account, which is a joint venture with the DIA.

The highest percentages of profitability can be offered in the following companies.

  • Bank Zenith - for a period of at least 500 days, you will be charged a maximum rate of up to 8% per year under the Delight for New Clients program. The minimum contribution amount is from 10.000 rubles, for registration you need to get a promo code on the portal;
  • In you can count on the "New Year's maximum" account, where it is offered maximum percentage at the rate of 8% per annum with an investment of 10 thousand or more for 12 months;
  • Credit Europe Bank accepts small amounts from 3.000 rubles. at a yield of up to 8% per year, while the term of the contract must be chosen at least 12 months;
  • You can also profitably invest 3 thousand rubles for 4 years at a rate of up to 8% per annum on the product "Profitable (at the end of the term)";
  • Fora-Bank - there is a "Savings Plus" deposit with a replenishment option. Accepted from 5000 for 1.5 years, yield up to 8%;
  • BCS Bank - the "New Year" deposit is valid here until the end of January, it accepts contributions from 10 thousand for 1 year at 8%;
  • BaikalInvestBank offers its clients the Maximum Income program with similar conditions.

As you can see, passive income for small investments will not bring a lot of income. However, it is also the most reliable, because you will definitely not lose the initially invested funds, and you will also know in advance the size of your profit, and when you will be able to withdraw it.

What other options are there?

In the event that a classic deposit is not suitable for you, you can consider alternative options:

  • If you are ready to take risks and receive high percentages of your profits, then you need to turn your attention to playing on the stock exchange, Forex or investing money in corporate events. Note that if you have not previously studied the intricacies of the game on the stock exchange and do not know by what "laws" it takes place, then you had better resort to the help of a broker who will place bets for you. You can choose the direction of investment yourself, or you can withdraw yourself and make it passive income.
  • Also today, trust management is widespread, when you transfer your money under an agreement to a trader or another player who independently makes decisions about investing funds. You will only have to transfer to the account required amounts and pay the employee a small percentage of the work.
  • You can consider the option of reselling things that you will buy in an online store or from a wholesale supplier, and then sell at a premium in your city through Avito and social networks... Let's make a reservation right away - there should be a commercial streak here, because you need to clearly know what kind of product will now be relevant for the audience you want to work with;
  • If you have knowledge in the field of programming and, you can create your own page on which you will post interesting articles or announcements. You will have to spend money on competent content, but you can "recoup" the costs with the help of advertising.

Money is an economic instrument that requires constant movement. Most in a simple way to make money move is to invest it for the subsequent generation of income. In order to make financial investments, it is absolutely not necessary to have a large amount of money; this can be done with capital within a thousand rubles.

As you know, money is the main economic instrument; it expresses the usefulness of goods and services. Their cost, which is important. Before the advent of money, people used exchange operations when goods were exchanged for goods. At that time, the value of a commodity was called exchange value. And the goods were invested in the goods. But now money is invested in any activity, even in health.

How does this happen? Any good acquired that is beneficial has a price. And the effect of the purchase is expressed in the obtained positive result. Trading is one of the first options for investing money that was known to people. Investing money in a product, the sale of which then brings profit. Here the profit of that is the result of investing money in trade. Of course, this type of economic activity may not always bring profit, there are also losses, but this is just a temporary inconvenience. Because the economy tends to be cyclical.

What is the need to invest in various values ​​expressed? The fact is that, unfortunately, they tend to depreciate. After all, the concept of inflation has been known to economists for many years. It is important to understand that if the money supply does not increase, then in the end a thousand rubles a couple of years ago will cost, if this value is expressed in a product, only a couple of hundred. To put it simply, a couple of years ago, one thousand rubles could buy a lot more food, clothing, and other valuables. And it is true. This is where the depreciation of money is expressed.

In order to offset inflation, it is necessary to invest in economically profitable activities.

Economically beneficial, these are those that will bring profit to their owner. And yet, if the money is allowed to circulate for a long time, for example, in a couple of years, without using the profit from operations, then the amount of money will increase several times. How does this happen? Each period of time, for example, a month, will be added to the total amount of funds, and the profit from investments will also be added, and the profit will be calculated for the increased amount.

Of course, you need to take into account the riskiness of operations with investing money, since it has already been noted that in addition to profit, you can incur losses. But this is just one of the options for the development of economic events. So what to do in order for the money to start working for its owner? ... But what minimum amount for a deposit? There are practically no restrictions here. The only thing to consider is what more money invested, the more profit you can get from this investment.

How then to proceed if funds are limited? Where to invest small money? It's not a problem. The start may not be very fast, but stable, because a stable income is very important in the economy. And you should not postpone the opportunity to start investing today, because every day you lose possible profit from investments.

How can you invest a small amount of money from 1,000 to 10,000 rubles?

How to invest? Simple enough. Is it more difficult to decide where to invest a small amount of money? Why? Because there are a lot of options for this.

Bank deposits

One of the simplest is placing a small amount on a bank deposit. In order to issue a deposit, you need a very simple package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of Russia;
  • individual tax code;
  • card account number in the bank.

Of course, some banks may ask for more additional package documents, but this is only in the case of placing large sums of money. What do you need to consider in order to place a deposit profitably?

  • the bank's reputation, which is confirmed by long-term work in the capital market;
  • optimal conditions for placing a deposit;
  • high interest on deposit operations.

It is the interest on the deposit that is the profit from its placement. Some banks deliberately overestimate the interest payments on deposits, but at the same time, you can withdraw money from the deposit, as well as interest on it, only after the end of the transaction. At the same time, some banks provide placement of a deposit at a lower interest rate, but with the ability to withdraw interest payments on a monthly basis and early termination of the contract. Another issue when placing a deposit is the issue of placement in national currency or foreign.

Where to invest 1000 rubles? On deposit. And make an annual profit.

Buying shares

Another option for a profitable placement of funds is shares large companies. Shares are securities that qualify for dividends. However, they can be easily bought and sold. Where to invest 5000 rubles? In the stock of a company that has had a consistently high profit for at least five years. Usually such companies openly show the results of their economic activities, this is required by law. Therefore, you can get information about the availability of profit through the official website.

Information on the sale and value of the shares can be found there. And about the profitability of them. In addition, there is a very high probability that the shares will be redeemed by others who want to make money. Indeed, on their sale and resale, intermediaries earn large sums of money. If the received dividends are also invested in shares, then over time it is possible to acquire a large block of shares, which will make it possible to take part in the shareholders' council. Decide the fate of the enterprise.

Where to invest 10,000 rubles? In trading on the financial exchange. But this is risky and requires special knowledge. Brokers have been specially trained to ensure the quality of the financial exchange. These are intermediaries between asset owners. They provide the entire process of movement of financial assets in the market. Now it has become very profitable business foreign exchange trading. It is quite easy to win on the exchange rate. And if you also involve an experienced intermediary for this, then positive result guaranteed. And at the same time, risks are minimized.


In addition to stocks and foreign currency, you can also invest small amounts of money in bonds. The lowest riskiness is possessed by bonds of internal government loan... These are bonds issued by state-owned enterprises. That is, when buying a bond, there is a process of lending to a state enterprise. In this operation, the guarantor of the subsequent redemption of the bond is the state. And these are solid guarantees. The profit on bonds is the interest earned on the buyback of the bond.

In order to become a member of an investment fund or process, of course, even 10,000 rubles will not be enough. But in order to provide a loan to a small enterprise, it is quite enough.

The loan will be provided for general conditions taking into account the general provisions:

  • urgency;
  • chargeable;
  • profitability.

The maturity of the loan provides for the term of its provision prescribed in the loan agreement. At the end of which both the amount of the loan and the interest on it are paid. Paid, this is the most important condition. It cannot be otherwise. And, of course, the availability of decent interest payments. Thus, you can participate in the activities of the enterprise and receive part of its income. And possibly, and become its co-owner in the future.

Thus, any of the nesting options is small sum of money beneficial. It all depends on the investment term and interest payments, and of course, on the initial investment. The market for economic instruments is so vast that everyone will find on it their own individual option for investing free funds. And at the same time will be able to get a stable profit from this operation, which is the initial desired result investing money.

The list of the most successful investments will help determine where it is best to place funds in order not only to defeat the inflation rate and stay with your own people, but also to make good money.

Where to invest $ 10,000: 7 best projects

It should be said that all investment methods, which will be described below, are capable of making a profit and do not contradict Russian legislation.

REIT funds or a smart way to invest $ 10,000 in Russia and Ukraine

If you are thinking about where to invest $ 10,000 in Russia or Ukraine in order to earn money, we recommend that you consider REIT funds. This kind investment is practically unknown to the general public in Russia, but critically popular in the West, as it allows the local middle class to invest in expensive real estate.

The abbreviation REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust, which means Investment Trust Real Estate... As the name implies, such a fund invests in the most valuable real estate located in the resort areas of the European Union.

The principle of such an organization is very simple. Collective investments (money of equity holders) are used to purchase highly liquid real estate, which is rented out or resold profitably.

The key feature of a REIT fund is that at least 90% (sometimes 100%) of all profits earned goes to equity holders, and they are relieved of the need to pay taxes on the profits received.

The answer to the question which is better, a bank deposit or a REIT fund, can be answered as follows. Having invested free funds in such a fund, you can expect to receive 5-6% per annum in foreign currency. This is much more than any deposit or other type of investment in Russia. Suffice it to say that Sberbank offers only 1.3% per annum in foreign currency! Follow the link !! link to the topic Why do we give% more than in the bank !! you can get more detailed information about income.

In addition, the cost of liquid foreign real estate in the southern region of Europe is growing with enviable constancy, as you can see by following the link !! link to the topic Prospects for the growth of foreign real estate !!.

Advantages of REIT funds

The main advantage is the high profitability that bank deposits cannot provide. Thus, it is possible to protect the money he inflation, and get a lot of profit.

Also, the advantages include high liquidity, because a fund share can be sold much faster than a house or apartment. Do not forget about reliability, because for long time not one REIT fund has gone bankrupt.

Bank deposits as a way to preserve savings

This is the classic and easiest way to invest, where you can invest $ 10,000. It is enough to contact a bank (public or private, at your own discretion), open a deposit and the money will start working without your participation.

As practice shows, it is best to opt for a large bank with state participation (Sberbank, VTB, etc.), as this will reduce the risk of losing money to an absolute minimum.

Recent events have shown that even large banks (UGRA) are not immune from sudden bankruptcy. Of course, the amount of $ 10,000 (about 600,000 rubles at the exchange rate for August 2017) is protected by law and will be paid for by insurance in any case, but it is better to save your nerve cells, which, as you know, cannot be restored.


Stability and reliability. The profit will be accrued without any participation of the depositor.


Minimum profit. It will be enough to cover inflation, but it is difficult to call it earnings. For example, a $ 10,000 investment in VTB-24 will not exceed 1.45% per annum, which is three times less than the return on a REIT fund.

Naturally, 10 thousand dollars is not enough to buy one-room apartment even in the provinces, but this amount is more than enough to get a mortgage and purchase housing in this way. One of the most attractive destinations for the purchase of real estate is North Cyprus, at the moment the company REITINVEST can offer you to become the owner of an apartment in North Cyprus with a first installment of 25% of the value of the object + installments for 2 years. Apartment example: Medium height the cost of real estate in Northern Cyprus is about 6-7% per annum.

Having bought an apartment, you can start renting it out. How less term lease, the higher the profit, but also the greater the involvement in this business. The most profitable option is to rent out real estate for rent, but this will require living nearby and moving in and evicting clients every day.

Do not forget that taxes must be paid on rent, and the tax police may have certain questions if they do not register their activities officially.

Advantages of buying real estate:

100% protection against inflation, since apartments will always be in price, and by selling housing you can get back the money spent. Good profit if you rent an apartment for rent. Moderate profit if you rent on a monthly basis.


To make a big profit, you need to work as a hotel employee. If you rent a room on a monthly basis, then the income will be extremely small. Problems with tax authorities are possible.

Where you can invest $ 10,000: opening an online store.

Trading in the global network is developing by leaps and bounds. According to experts, by 2020 online trade, and classic retail will be equal and will bring the same profit.

It is best to focus your business on the trade of goods from China. Special shop electronics and household appliances"Made in China", shop good tea and goods for the tea ceremony - all this can be done by having a large supplier with Aliexpress.

An amount of $ 10,000 is more than enough to purchase high-quality online store and rent a small warehouse for goods.

However, if you are engaged in online trade on your own, it will require a lot of effort and constant employment.

Advantages of an online store:

Fully legal and promising business. If you get into the stream, you can earn good money, and in a few years you can double or even triple the initial invested capital.

Disadvantages of your own online store:

Constant employment. If you are engaged in a store in the global network independently and without assistants, then this will become the main activity, and will not leave time for other types of business.

A farm for mining cryptocurrency is a new promising direction where you can invest $ 10,000

Bitcoins, Leitcoins and Ethereum are virtual money that caused gold rush 21st century. Today it is difficult to find a person under 25 years old who would not try to engage in "cue ball farming".

But not everyone can really make money on this. The point is, in order to make good money on the mining of cryptocurrencies, significant initial investments are required. An ordinary home computer is definitely not enough. It is best to purchase a specialized motherboard with a large number of PCI-E connectors, 5-9 powerful video cards and an excellent 1 kilowatt power supply.

Such equipment will cost (taking into account the jumped up video cards in price) several thousand dollars. You will need to build and then configure the farm. If any necessary skills, then you can configure it yourself, but it is better to use the services of a specialist.

However, do not forget that this is not the only investment. The farm must work 24 hours a day without shutting down, and this will require a significant amount of electrical energy that will have to be paid.


With a successful combination of circumstances, you can earn a lot of money every month, and recoup your investments in 3-4 months. In the future, the farm will only be profitable.


Vending machines for food and drinks - current business

This direction is actual business where you can invest $ 10,000 and get a good income the right place able to bring a hundred thousand rubles a month. If you install such a machine in mall, not far from the checkpoint large plant or close to the institute, it will be able to pay for itself in 2 months.

Currently, you can buy machines that sell soft drinks, chocolate bars, coffee, tea and even instant noodles.

The cost of a vending machine is up to 300 thousand rubles, but most devices are cheaper. Do not forget that in the expense column you need to include the rent of space for a vending machine in a shopping center, which can cost more than the device itself.

It is best to have lemonade vending machines for the summer season and coffee and tea machines for the cold season. This will help you earn decent money all year round.

Advantages of vending machines:

High profits, excellent payback. Ease and ease of maintenance.

Disadvantages of this direction:

The profit depends entirely on the place where the device will be installed. If this is a place with a lot of people passing by, then the income will not be long in coming. If the flow of people is small, then you cannot count on a quick payback.

Buying precious metals is a worthwhile option

Gold, silver and platinum are the most stable precious metals and should be considered as an option where you can invest $ 10,000. If oil and gas prices are constantly changing, and the exchange rate does depend on a dozen factors, and may collapse in an unfavorable political situation.

Do not forget that the aforementioned precious metals are used not only for making coins and jewelry... It's hard to believe, but the vast majority precious metals goes to the production of expensive electronics. This is especially true of silver, the value of which has tripled over the past ten years, and there is a constant lack of it on the stock exchange, which forms a deficit and an increase in value.

At this point in time, trading in gold, silver and platinum is absolutely legal, and you can buy them in any major bank absolutely freely. Moreover, the purchased metal can be left in the bank for storage free of charge (Sberbank) or for a nominal fee (VTB-24).

Gold and silver are not growing in price as fast as Bitcoin, but their growth is stable, transparent and completely justified. Ideal as a long-term and passive investment of money.

Advantages of precious metals as an investment object

Disadvantages of buying precious metals

When selling precious metals, VAT will be taken (18% of the total value of the money received), therefore, this direction can be considered as an option where to invest $ 10,000, only for a period of at least 4 years, in order to compensate for both the deduction of VAT and accumulated inflation.

Let's summarize

And whatever type of investment, where to invest $ 10,000 in Russia or Ukraine, you choose, it will bring a stable and absolutely legal income that allows you to earn even in conditions of long-term financial crisis... For more in-depth study investment topics, we recommend studying materials from our headings "" and "".