How to make an appointment in the Rostov Regional Polyclinic. Reception - Portal of Medical Services of the Rostov Region

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I need to record a child to the endocrinologist in the direction! When I go to the site electronic record RUSSIAN ONLY paid doctors! I call to the registry, they say that nothing can not help that only paid doctors so I will be taking into account what I agree on the record in a month! So we now have all paid medicine ??? or you only need to write to Putin or donate to a straight line so that something has been for free!

I'll start the story first. Child 2.5 years. with bronchitis turned to the local pediatrician. She listening to a light child heard an anomaly in the heart and recommended to do ultrasound and ECG. ECG showed a blockade of a 3rd degree. Cito was sent to the regional children's hospital. In the hospital in the reception, I was told that the cardiologist was closest only in September. I turned to the Deputy Chief Doctor for Polyclinic Work Stankevich Irina Viktorovna. She agreed to urgent reception. The registry discussed the number without time, i.e. The doctor will take when the window will be. When the doctor cardiologist collected the card and saw that I had a number without time, she asked what kind of urgency. I explained to her that the child had a blockade. It is necessary to urgently examine and decide what to do. What a doctor's answer was received is that children with the blockade do not behave this way (it was already 12 hours of the day and the baby wanted to eat and sleep and, of course, capricious). These are professional doctors in the children's regional hospital. I swallowed it and stayed on. If only it would take. The doctor perepened the pressure discharged Oak, OAM, another ECG and endocrinologist. She said to the endocrinologist to go now. I went. To which the endocrinologist told me, so that I walked for a number. I went for the number. The number was only for September. Is it waiting for a month ???? I went to the cardiologist, said that the number only for September. She said that he would call a doctor now, so that I went to 44 Cabinet. I went again to the 44th Cabinet. What the doctor said that she did not care, go, take the number. I had to go again to the Deputy Chief Doctor Stankevich I.V. Only after her call, the doctor Endocrinologist Fokeeva A.V. agreed to accept us. During the reception, the doctor solen the growth and weight of the child and gave recommendations: Sugar control 1 time in 6 months at the place of residence !!! And control hormonal background at the place of residence!!!. Even ultrasound thyroid gland I did not appoint !!! After that, he stated that in vain I swore with her and it is not known where I still have to fall.
Conclusion from this? Doctors with pleasure take paid patients. They are artificially created queue, so that people in the hopeless situation are not waiting for the month, but bought paid services.
I don't call the name of the cardiologist, because she is still treated with a child, but I have a question, how to be when the road every minute, when a urgent examination is needed, and doctors agree to work only with Pink head. chief doctor? And this is just two doctors we passed, and how much is still to be?

Good day! I had to unwitting to contact the polyclinic department, urgently needed a consultation of the cardiologist, ultrasound of the heart and ECG in hand. To come there in the reception, I was told that there is a record, but if you talk to your doctor, then the coupon will give us. I agreed with your doctor, but returned to the coupon, I saw that there is no girl there, but a woman walks, as it turned out
Danilevskaya Elena Grigorievna, she was engaged in his affairs and did not pay attention to me. After 10 minutes, I asked to write me a coupon, but learning that I was not recorded, began to talk about what you need to sign up, etc., without giving me a word. Just interrupting her tirade of words, I found out that I needed completely to another window. Asking her not to raise his voice, I heard that I didn't know how she screams. To my question, give me a plaintive book, the answer was murderous, they have no book. It is quite natural that when you are answered by rudeness, a person begins to defend themselves, I asked once again, but she demonstratively left the registry. I stood as if glamorous, from 2 summer child on hands. Turning to another window, I told the girl for the first time, made history, gave a coupon, pre-clarifying from the doctor that we will be taken, and asked to climb to the head, so that she would give their permission. We got up, I have told this history, but in response to my question heard that we should have a direction from the place of residence (we have registered regional), and the pediatrician must explain everything, registration is temporary, but we are attached to the clinic 18, we have been living here for many years The consultation was needed only because the other day the child has a child, and our cardiologist on vacation. I told all this, but I didn't even listen to me. Ultimately, we consulted, but how many nerves were spent. Why should I listen to this, I even trivially sorry, no one said. I did not expect this, I myself work in medical sisterso that I allow yourself to treat patients like that? For a long time why one person can explain everything, but the other is not? Danilevskaya female senior age, can it be necessary to think about her behavior? I ask my complaint to consider, but most likely in this clinic I will never turn

Hello! For several weeks, I can't get through to the hospital registration to make an appointment. I call for 4 rooms (255-29-79,222-66-12,219-04-35,224-25-03), everywhere or occupied, or most often, no one is answered. Through the Internet, it is not possible to sign up, it is not possible to go to the hospital for 200 km to simply sign up - non-disabilities.
Understand, please. And as if there is a registry, the rooms are indicated, but it is not visible, and it is not clear what kind of hospital staff do.

Hello!!! A complaint against the doctor of the Children's Regional Hospital, the head of the Nephrology Department Savelyev Larisa Vasilyevna. For insulting me and mine two-year-old child! Please take appropriate measures! Also, I ask you to explain why in the department of nephrology there are no sanitary cars and the work of the Sanitars perform moms who take care of their children?

In MBUZ " CRB of the Tselinsky district of the Rostov region»A preliminary recording on reception to Rockb specialists No. 1 is underway (Rostov Regional clinical Hospital № 1), ODB (Regional Children's Hospital). You can sign up on working days from 8.00 to 17.00 to cab. 51, cab. 52 (receiving chief physician).

Each patient can make an appointment in GBU RO " Rockb »:

Through the network " the Internet " Use the site LLC " Vista "(Email address: or the main page of the site of GBU RO" Rockb "(Http: //rocb.ruy After passing the registration, you will receive a barcode coupon (it must be printed on the printer or write an individual registration number from the screen displayed on the same coupon). The coupon is issued to the reserved time of receiving a particular specialist. With This coupon (or simply registration number), you must minimize 30 minutes before the specified time to contact the Registry window No. 9-10 of the main building consultative Polyclinic For an extraordinary design of a medical card of an outpatient patient and an outpatient patient coupon for a consultative reception. With it, you must have the originals of the standard required documents: a passport, policy, direction from the place of residence, the survey results according to the disease profile.

By fax, after receiving the directions from a doctor at the place of residence, 3 days before a trip to the regional institution, you need to perform the following actions: Contact the medical recorder of GBU RO Rockb "By calling 8-863-224-36-29, convey a copy of the direction, passport and policy by fax.

By e-mail [Email Protected] - scanned direction, passport and policy, get from the medical register of the regional institution data on the reserved date and time of reception and appear in the registration of GBU RO " Rockb "(Window No. 9-10) 30 minutes away from the originals of the passport, polishes, destinations from the place of residence and the results of the survey according to the disease profile to obtain an already decorated medical card of the outpatient patient and the outpatient patient's coupon for a consultative reception.

Disabled working patients need to have an open sick leave With the resolution of VK for departure in Rostov-on-Don.

The direction to the outpatient consultation, in the absence of instructions on the time and the date of consultation, is valid within 1 month from the date of issue.

Travel order :. Travel to GBU RO " Rockb ": Bus number 26 (from the central market), route taxi number 40 (from Selmash, an old bus station on the street. Great garden) and 40-a (from Selmash, an old bus station on the street. Krasnoarmeyskaya) before the stop" Regional Hospital ", Ul. Gracious, 170. Tel. Registry: 222-03-36.