An example of filling out 2ndfl per year. What personal income is subject to tax? Removed mention of print

Very soon Defender of the Fatherland Day, and for this reason the entire female half is extremely puzzled: how to congratulate men on February 23. It so happened in our country that this day - holiday for all men, despite their age and attitude to the army.

How to congratulate a loved one on February 23?

You can congratulate the man on February 23 in romantic style . For example, on an early festive morning you can wake up long before your beloved defender of the Fatherland, serve breakfast in bed, cook romantic dinner with his favorite dish and present a gift. It all depends on your fantasies and possibilities.

And if a generation is already growing up in your family, then can be presented in the form of collective holiday greetings by doing a little scene.

What can be presented for men on February 23?

Let's talk a little about what give men on February 23. After all, they also like to receive gifts, and therefore we recommend that you treat this issue with all care and attention.

Everyone can surprise with gifts related to hunting and fishing, such as barbecue camping kits, picnic accessories (thermos and mugs). A gift for him on Defender of the Fatherland Day maybe a souvenir weapon - they love it very much. Also can serve as a gift beautiful carved chess or backgammon.

Knowing your abilities can be donated on February 23 and more useful things like mobile phones, cufflinks, watches and so on. It would be appropriate to gift an item from his favorite collection.

When choosing gifts clothing or accessories is very important to understand: the older a person gets, the more prone to classic style. For example, men especially appreciate belts, elegant Wrist Watch with strap from genuine leather. In such gifts there should be nothing superfluous, and the details should exactly match tastes and individual preferences.

If you think what to give classmates on February 23 or classmates, in which case as a present there may be original pens, flash cards and other items that may be required for study.

If you are planning congratulate your co-workers corporate, we recommend organizing interesting event scenario with contests, and as prizes: small poems on postcards, original souvenirs . It is also known that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Show your own culinary skills and men will appreciate you!

Congratulations on February 23 men at work

Traditionally on this day women congratulations to all men, regardless of whether they defended their Fatherland, whether they served in the army. That's why before the holiday the fair sex is really concerned about how congratulate men on February 23, their family and relatives, friends and colleagues. Particular difficulties arise in how organize this holiday for colleagues. In the office we celebrate this holiday so as not to offend anyone, but at the same time not to spend so much, because it is necessary buy gifts another husband, father, brother, son, etc., to combine these conditions, you can congratulate men on February 23 in every possible way.

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23: a budget option

In most cases budget option holiday organization is an congratulations to colleagues greeting cards from February 23 in pictures and verses. In addition to the standard phrases, there may be personally composed short funny poems addressed to each colleague individually. If you do not have a poetic talent, then find something suitable on the Internet. Select ready-made congratulations with photos or images and create personalized Greeting Cards.

Congratulations on February 23 in pictures:

Alternative, more cost effective option for congratulating men on February 23 there may be postcards on which you can list the names of all your colleagues, as well as their best quality and words of congratulations.

When the team is good relations, congratulations to colleagues on February 23 may be playful. Photos of male colleagues can be processed in Photoshop in a variety of ways and make on one poster. This gift can be put in such a way as to attract the attention of others, then everyone's mood for the whole day is simply guaranteed! Just do not get carried away with banter - remember: after all soon March 8.

Options for congratulating men on February 23

If your finances allow give gifts to all male colleagues, you can use following tips. The choice of gifts is varied and depends only on your imagination and finances.

For example, gifts for colleagues can be lighters, perfumes, sets of accessories for mobile phones and computers. valuable gift can serve and gift Certificate at an auto parts or office supply store. Your colleagues will probably appreciate tickets for all entertainment events such as a boxing tournament, Soccer game or hockey.

Collective congratulations of men on February 23

Option number 1. Collective gift can be creative or even a little spicy. In offices distinguished by their free policy, it has become fashionable to order strippers as congratulations of men on Defender of the Fatherland Day(just not during work).

Option number 2. If it is customary in your team to celebrate all events at the same table, then if possible, try to secretly organize the delivery of ready-made dishes to the office, or let each one bring their own branded homemade dish. Decorate the place where will you be celebrate February 23, balloons, posters with congratulations.

Under each napkin on the table, hide a surprise for colleagues: these can be lottery tickets or a small personalized postcard.

  • 1. - holiday screensaver for your computer;
  • 2. - festive wall newspaper;
  • 3. - meat pies, caviar, pancakes, cutting vegetables;
  • 4. - gifts.

Of course, it all depends on the budgetary possibilities and the relationship between colleagues in the team. Can original congratulations to men on February 23 even if you are the only woman among male team. On the eve of the holiday linger in your office and wait for your colleagues to disperse, then put images with this theme on their computer work screensavers.

Make your own wall newspaper, on it place photos of men from your team with words of congratulations in verse, you can also print photos on a printer, attach them to whatman paper, and write by hand congratulations verses for men on February 23.

One of the most important events is laid festive table. The main thing is not to confuse anything: leave the cakes and sweets on March 8, let men better give them to you. Best Option for strong half humanity will meat dishes: cook homemade delicious meat pies, buy a jar of caviar and bake pancakes for them, cut vegetables. It will be perfect gift for men. If possible, put alcohol on the table so that you don't have to worry about who will have to run to the store later.

Present- this important element congratulations to men on February 23. So if you are not very familiar with colleagues, to give everyone individual gifts, then just give preference to presents that fit most men. It can be hats, towels, T-shirts with original inscriptions. You can also buy a bottle of cognac or other alcoholic drink and attach a photo of the perpetrators of the identity to them, listing best qualities colleagues on each. If there are few women in the team, you can limit yourself festive table Colleagues will appreciate your attention and efforts.

If the team has informal relations, then you can arrange playful contests, sing patriotic songs for colleagues. You can even act out a skit in front of men arrange a parade: get together women's team and change into elements military uniform and vests. Men will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts and on March 8 they will mutually delight you.

Gifts for February 23 for men photo

Originally and with humor, we suggest considering some ideas and options for congratulations

As the people say, prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter. It doesn't matter what time of year it is, but oh holiday greetings should think ahead. This also applies men's holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day, which everyone celebrates on February 23.

Usually it happens like this: early in the morning, women congratulate at home dear husbands, fathers, children and give them gifts. They come to work, where the whole team also gives men congratulatory gifts. This celebration takes place every year.

Suppose that we start preparing for the holiday on February 23 today. What kind of contests, quizzes, original congratulations can you suggest?

Long searches on the Internet have been successful, and we offer big variety original competitions that will help answer the question of how to congratulate men on February 23 in an original and humorous way.

Recreational activities

Preparation usually consists in the fact that you think over the atmosphere that should reign during the celebration. The ideal option is a festive table in a chic cafe or restaurant. There you can sit at the table, raise your glasses, say congratulatory speech. It is here that there is enough space for the implementation of an entertainment program.

Festive wishes for February 23

Congratulations can be both in verse and in prose. of great importance it doesn't matter which particular style you're going to choose, as long as it's fun, interesting and original.

Consider some examples

1. Our dear men. You always stand guard over our well-being and peace. You are not afraid of the situation when difficulties arise. At the first call, with your broad back, you close wives and children, mothers and fathers, friends and acquaintances, even (if necessary) strangers from adversity and trouble. Allow me to congratulate you, dear defenders of the Fatherland, on the holiday that honors your sons. Thanks for just being you.

2. Dear men. Congratulating you on the holiday, we want to wish that only kind, honest, true friends are next to you, those who, not in word, but in deed, have proved their loyalty to the general idea. With all our hearts, we wish you never had a chance to protect your loved ones and loved ones. If you have to defend your Motherland from danger, we are sure that you will be 100% victorious. Happy holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day.

3. Every year, on February 23, we celebrate the day of real men. Allow me today to congratulate those who are on guard of their Motherland. We congratulate the men who served in the army, who today and tomorrow are ready to join their ranks. This holiday is the memory of daughters, sons, grandchildren of those who fell defending our Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. They gave their lives for the freedom and independence of our state.

4. February 23 is a holiday not only for people in uniform, but also for men who protect us every hour of our lives, and we can lean on them in a difficult moment. They protect and support us. Our dear men, this holiday we wish you good health, peace of mind, great true love. You were, are and will be on top, for women you always remain the ideal of courage and courage. We are proud of you.

5. Honored and ordinary people who are in the ranks of the army or are just going to join its ranks in the near future, our dear men, we congratulate you all on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. We wish that you and we never know the horrors of war. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, husbands and fathers proved that our country has someone to take care of us.

6. Dear boys, perhaps you only learned about the horrors of war from books, but I really want you to prevent its repetition. We believe in you, your fortitude and strength of mind, courage and honesty to yourself, relatives and friends, those who expect you to take a decisive step forward. Happy holiday dear men. Let there be only bright and joyful moments in your life. Your wives, sisters, mothers, daughters are sure that you will lend your courageous shoulder to any difficult moment You are our strength and pride.

7. In a conversation among themselves, men speak of women as sweet, helpless and funny creatures. And it is true. We allow ourselves to be like that, because we can always hide behind your broad backs. We allow ourselves not to strain our smart, beautiful head behind inflated muscles. Happy holiday, dear men, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to always be the better half of humanity. It is today that we weak women, we raise these glasses to the strongest, most beautiful and courageous men our city.

8. Now we live in peace and tranquility, not knowing sorrows and troubles. Nearby there are those who, at any moment of our lives, can lend a shoulder and hide behind their broad back. Dear men, we want to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you to continue to remain as wise and strong as you are. We know for sure, no matter what danger comes along the way, we have reliable protection. Happy holiday, dear men. May peace and tranquility reign in your life, and we, your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, will take care to provide rear, comfort and a pleasant environment.

9. Defense of the fatherland, the business of real men. Today, when the whole country is celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, we have gathered in a close circle to congratulate dear men our team with this significant holiday. Looking at you, we can confidently say that next to you we will always feel confident and at ease. You are our strength and support, happy holiday, dear men.

10. This holiday went beyond the borders.
It is not an easy holiday for soldiers.
And do not need titles on the buttonholes
For those who are just happy with life.
Who was born a man, he knows
Where is his calling, what is his goal.
Who calls himself a patriot
And ready to defend, sees the distance.
All men are happy to congratulate.
And we'll raise a glass to you.
Your women Lyudmila, Sveta, Lada
They know you are their protectors.

Original decoration of holiday tables for Defender of the Fatherland Day

It's no secret that festive atmosphere you can create with my own hands. This does not require expensive decorations. Congratulating men on February 23, you can use some of our refinements.

For example, you can decorate the festive table with an original ikebana (a composition of fresh flowers) with St. George ribbons. As a basis, you can take a spruce or pine branch and beautifully lay out an ikebana from it. Craft decorations in the form of walnut shell boats will look amazing.

You can fill the inside with ordinary paraffin. In a few minutes you can create festive mood, using colorful napkins. Of these, you need to make beautiful sails, pre-attach to a toothpick or match.

Have fun while celebrating

To award the winner, you can use original crafts made by hand. As an option, we can offer small cute pendants made from the most common shelled peanuts. A little imagination, and now you have a snowman and an elk, grandfather Mazay or another fairy tale character, which can become part of your imagination.

What gifts are nice to receive on Defender of the Fatherland Day? Most often they give wine glasses and glasses, not differing in great originality. You can make gifts with your own hands that will amaze with sophistication and will always remind men of hospitality.

For example, you can do group photo, print to required quantity and prepare original do-it-yourself frames, decorated with real masculine attributes, such as a frame and bolts. You can make original medals using improvised means, paper, cords.

Any of your creative idea will be supported by the strong half, they so often lack female attention. If you show care, believe me, they will carry you in their arms. Tell me, please, what do men love the most after hours? They enjoy sitting noisy company with friends over a glass of beer and dried ram.

Why not make one for them real surprise? Buy the right amount of dried ram in the fish department of the store so that you have five pieces for each man. Connect the fish with tails, wrap in wrapping paper, tie a trendy red bow on top. It turns out original bouquet from dried fish on February 23rd. Your men will not forget such creativity until March 8, and you can expect something unusual.

The celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day together with colleagues can be organized in an unusual, fun and relaxed way even at the workplace. The main concerns for the preparation and holding of the men's holiday fall on the shoulders fair half team, but it is their imagination that will make the corporate event unforgettable. First of all, you need to prepare original script February 23 at the office. You will need the most interesting and funny contests. It is better to start organizing well in advance of the event so as not to miss anything.

Original ideas for a corporate party on February 23

Careful creative preparation is the key to the success of the holiday at the workplace or in a cafe. The most accessible will be options for a buffet table at work with thematic design and the presentation of comic awards to team members for their success during the working year. At the same time, it is necessary to hang pre-prepared signs “Headquarters”, “Military enlistment office”, “Nurses” and “Radio shack” on the doors of the offices.

Funny collage on military theme with the faces of all employees can be hung on the wall in the form of a wall newspaper. Balloons green or camouflage and Russian flags will complement big picture. Haven't placed multi-colored yet paper flags. Don't forget about musical accompaniment, which will help add entourage to your holiday.

In what thematic style to celebrate February 23 in the office?

The choice of theme for the holiday determines the style of its design. Most often, of course, this is a military theme, to which everything will be subordinated on this day - from the decoration of the hall and dishes to military-patriotic songs.

  • A historical party would be appropriate, including a thorough study of the costumes of different military eras and branches of service. Budyonovka, Cossack caps, musketeer hats, hussar shakos are obligatory. Made by the hands of lovely ladies, hats will be an excellent eyeliner for thematic competitions and board games. At the same time, you can smoothly move from one era to another, from knightly duels to a hussar feast.
  • The military style is very popular among many. It is perfect for this kind of event. Moreover, beautiful and warlike outfits can be chosen not only for men, but also for women. Photos will be the envy of everyone!
  • original party in Japanese style involves an exquisite organization of congratulations with a dance from geishas and a Japanese-style menu. Competitions for real samurai and oriental ornateness in holding a holiday will impress the strong half of the team.
  • Stylized " Olympic Games» will allow men to compete in comic competitions and worthily receive one of the wreaths of the Greek gods.

Unusual and cool dishes for February 23

The main principle when choosing food for a men's holiday is that it should not be bulky, satisfying and meaty, and also look beautiful at the same time. Boiled potatoes in uniforms, bacon and onions will make up the entourage of the classic holiday table. Making meat and vegetable cuts in the style of a holiday will bring a fresh touch to the organization of the buffet table. If the team appreciates, you can supplement the menu with soldier's porridge and stew in open jars. Required element- cucumbers, tomatoes and other homemade pickles. Also, fresh vegetables and fruits will not interfere. Portioned snacks would be appropriate - sandwiches with caviar, chicken rolls with cheese, baskets with minced meat and mushrooms, cocktail salads, a pepper appetizer.

As for drinks, it is better to put this responsibility on the shoulders of the men themselves. They better know what they want to drink on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

The original script for a corporate party in the office on February 23

The entertainment part involves the participation of work colleagues. The desired number of participants is at least 6 people. For holding you will need a spacious room, an office is suitable. Don't forget to prepare rewards for the participants. To organize competitions and games, rare props are not required.


Hello hard workers! How is your mood?! Ready to rock like a man while the boss is kind?! Let's start our program! Calling the first candidates!

Contest "Radio Operators"

The audio records different sounds of the nature of animals, machines and other mechanisms. The host turns on the recordings in turn, the task of the participants is to guess where this or that sound comes from. The prize is awarded to the radio operator who gave the most correct answers.

The game "Forward, step march!"

The task is simple: a military song is turned on, and the participants begin to march to it. But not just, but squatting. The one of the participants who does not get lost and does not stop until the end of the song wins and is awarded a prize.


Well shaken up, huh? Shall we continue? Or are you already exhausted, defenders? ABOUT! Well, let's continue!

Soft Friends Rescue Contest

This team competition. Players from each team line up one after another and pass from hand to hand Stuffed Toys, finally placing them in the trash. The team that quickly "evacuates" all the toys into the basket wins.

Competition "I have the honor"

Participants are divided into several teams with an equal number of people. The task of each of them is to take 4 steps on the spot, stand at attention, salute and clearly say the phrase “I have the honor!”. The team that completes it the fastest wins.


Have any of you been in the army? Haven't forgotten how it is to gather at speed?! Let's see how fast you can get ready for a hike!

Competition "Ready to Go"

When, if not February 23rd, test your skills in operational fees. Optimal quantity participants - from 3 to 6. Volunteered men receive lists with a list of things that need to be collected. Within the office, it can be stationery, books, dishes, small decor items. To complicate the task, you can rearrange things in advance from their usual places. At the signal of the leader, the participants go in search of "tourist" belongings. The first person to collect their "backpack" wins.


And now we have a small role-playing game! Not the one you think! I want to know which of you is the best guard, and who will spare no stomach to save a comrade!

The game "Oh, the guard gets up early"

First you need to assign roles. Required: one prisoner, two or three guards, two or three saviors. The prisoner is tied to a chair in the middle of the room. Strong enough not to run away, but without bigotry. The host blindfolds the guards and marks the time. The task of the guards is to blindly fight off the saviors, to keep them away from the chair. The task of the saviors is to free the prisoner. If after five minutes the prisoner remains in captivity, then the guards receive the prize. If the prisoner can be rescued, then he shares the reward with the liberators.


It's time to stir up a little and our ladies! Moreover, in a war without beautiful and smart nurses, well, nothing!

Competition "Nurses to the rescue"

Both men and women are invited to participate in this competition. They need to break into pairs so that each has a wounded soldier and a front-line nurse. The host supplies the men with notes, where the received "wounds" are announced. Injuries can be both plausible (deep lacerated cut of the lower leg) and fictitious (triple dislocation of the ankle with a double fracture). On a signal, the "wounded fighters" explain to the nurses what injuries they received. Women need to quickly bandage the indicated parts of the body. The pair that coped more correctly and faster wins. The audience, depending on the sympathies, can cheer the participants, give good advice or interfere and distract.


And we have a couple more ahead of us interesting competitions! Who is ready to fight for the award?!

Contest "Hercules vs. Antey"

Leading chooses among the volunteers of two men of approximately the same physique. One is called Antaeus, the other - Hercules. Opponents stand in a 2-3-meter circle. Hercules, in order to win, needs, as in the ancient Greek myth, to tear the giant off the ground and take it out of the circle. Antey is trying at all costs to stay on his feet. 3 minutes are given for the "battle". For the second round, the participants change places.

Competition "Die Hard"

A competition where men will need ingenuity, dexterity and strength. Each participant is given five walnuts. It is necessary to extract the kernels using improvised means. It is forbidden to gnaw, crush into porridge too. Perhaps the strongmen will have enough fists, the rest will have to try everything: forks, spoons, a corkscrew, chairs, doors. The one who turns out to be quicker and quicker and the first to get the cores is declared the winner.


And now it's time for the last competition, friends! Who wants to try their hand?

Competition "Bulk apples"

It will take a kilogram of green and red apples. The host mixes them in one container. Blindfolded men need to get apples of the same color. They may try to distinguish them by smell or touch, or they may simply grab them at random. At the end, the host talks about the symbolic side of the competition. Those who pulled out predominantly red fruits are passionate natures. Those who collected the green ones are prudent.


Dear friends, did you like our program? Did you have a good time? Wonderful! I, too, was very happy to attend this celebration! It's a lot of fun with you and even somehow at home! In parting, I want to once again congratulate everyone on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you to remain as courageous, brave and capable people! Happy holiday, friends! Goodbye!

Such an original scenario for February 23 in the office will unite your team even more and give you a lot of pleasant impressions!

On February 23, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, women congratulate all the men they know on this holiday: they admire the masculinity of the stronger sex, wish them success in all areas of life and present pleasant surprises. But if there are a lot of ways to congratulate a loved one and relatives, and every woman knows the preferences and desires of her close men, then the question of how to congratulate men on February 23 in 2018 at work in an original and beautiful way puts many of the fair sex in a difficult position . It is especially difficult to come up with sketches and scenarios for congratulating male colleagues in the office if there are more of them or if there is one woman in the team. But in fact, there are many ways to unusually congratulate colleagues on February 23 and make this holiday leave only good memories for them: play interesting scenes, hold a thematic corporate party, read original and beautiful congratulations in verse or prose, or simply congratulate in your own words beautifully.

Ideas on how to originally congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work

IN old days at all enterprises on February 23, male employees were gathered in assembly hall or in another spacious room, then the director read them a standard text of congratulations from a piece of paper and handed them to everyone symbolic gifts. Of course, this way of congratulating men could only cause boredom and unwillingness to spend their time on the official part of the event, so it’s better not to adopt the methods of Soviet party organizers, but to come up with something more interesting and original.

There are actually many ways to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way. And when choosing one or another method, several factors must be taken into account at once:

  • possibility / impossibility to decorate the room
  • the number of women participating in the congratulation
  • number of male colleagues
  • time allotted for congratulating colleagues from February 23
  • specifics of the enterprise / company
  • the budget allocated for congratulating male colleagues on February 23, etc.

Depending on these factors, the female half of the work team needs to choose where and how the congratulations will take place, as well as pick up original and unusual gifts. You can congratulate colleagues both in the office and in the office rented for the event banquet hall. But even if a corporate party is planned for the evening on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day, it is better to congratulate the men in the office in the morning, and in the evening the whole team goes to a festive event - a strong half of the team will definitely appreciate such attention.

To congratulate men on February 23 in an original way in the office, it is not necessary to have a very large budget. The main thing is to come up with a good and unusual idea how to surprise and at the same time please the strong half of the team. For example, they are successful the following ways congratulations to men from February 23 at work:

  1. Office decoration in a certain themed style / optional on February 23 to decorate the office in military style - you can pick up any original style from cowboy to pirate/
  2. Organization holiday dinner during lunch break/to congratulate men in an original way, it is advisable to put on the table not ordinary dishes, but something more interesting, ranging from food sets that repeat army rations to a cake in the shape of a tank or an airplane/
  3. Creating an original photo collage or video greeting for male colleagues/the office will surely have photos of all employees that can be used to create a creative surprise/
  4. Games and entertainment/paintball, airsoft, shooting range and others Interesting games will be a great surprise for men on February 23/
  5. beautiful and sincere congratulations / to congratulate men on February 23 in an original way, you can play an interesting scene or read beautiful congratulations, composed in such a way that it was pleasant to hear it for each of the colleagues of the stronger sex /.

Original congratulations for men from February 23 at a festive corporate party

At a festive corporate party in honor of February 23, men should also be congratulated in an original and unusual way. The whole holiday can be held in a certain style, and entertainment, contests and presents can be chosen for this style. For example, if a military style was chosen for a corporate party, then as a gift, you can give men personalized army mugs or caps.

If the celebration will take place outside any specific theme, you can congratulate the men in a beautiful and original way by playing interesting scenes in front of them or by showing a pre-prepared video sequence with their photos and congratulations. But at the same time, you need to remember that the words of congratulations should be sincere and warm.

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work: scenarios for congratulations in the office in 2018

The most proven and easiest way to congratulate men on February 23 at work is interesting congratulations scenarios that can be played both in the office and at corporate parties. As leading celebratory event both employees themselves and hired animators can perform. The script for the celebration of February 23 can be found on the Internet or compiled independently. The main thing is to make everything interesting, fun and unusual.

To find finished script on the Internet - this is the simplest solution to the question of how to originally congratulate men on February 23. And here we have posted the script "Real Colonel" for the celebration of February 23 in a small office. This scenario can also be used if there are many men in the team (there are more of them than women).

Start the holiday with congratulations. Let men feel warmth and respect from your words.

you can start competitive program as soon as the men sit down at the table. And start with the "Real Colonel" contest. For him, you will prepare cards with various inscriptions (Conqueror female hearts, Dunce, Experienced, Ideal husband…) And all evening, you can call them these comic nicknames. It will work if your colleagues have a great sense of humor, and there will be no offense. If you are not sure, then just write the inscriptions funny and without “jokes”.

Give your men a real test. You must know which of them is the most dexterous, strongest, bravest, etc.

So start running competitions. Men, they are like children, so sports excitement is always present in them. Start with the competition "The most accurate shooter". This competition involves the presence of darts. Whoever throws darts the best is the most accurate.

Continue the contests. You can find out who is the strongest of men. And arrange competitions, for example with dumbbells. And of course, the competition for erudition, and the knowledge of "The most clever man". Make up a few questions and read to the men. You can ask anything from men and women's themes(cars, football, racing, cosmetics and perfumes).

After you have held contests, be sure to award the man with diplomas. And then start the dance program.

The most original and unusual congratulations from colleagues on February 23

The Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday is celebrated in each company in its own way. And employees of a number of organizations in past years managed to come up with very original and interesting congratulations. These congratulations can be seen in the videos below, and perhaps they will be able to draw a few interesting idea for your own holiday scenario on February 23, 2018 in the office.

How to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in an original way: interesting scenes and unusual gifts

Of course, all women want to congratulate the strong half of the team in an unusual and original way, but in many companies, the authorities do not devote too much working time to congratulations. Therefore, there may simply not be enough time to implement a long and interesting scenario. And the way out in such a situation is how to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in an original way - skits played out by employees.

Short and funny sketches with congratulations to each colleague will defuse the working atmosphere and cheer up the whole team. And at the end of the original short congratulations You can give pleasant and unusual gifts to all men. Interesting presents will certainly please male colleagues and provide them good mood before the end of the working day and festive corporate party.

Ideas for scenes with congratulations from February 23, 2018

Ideas for scenes for congratulating men on February 23 must be thought out based on the theme of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. If the holiday is not thematic, you can use the standard ideas:

  • When congratulating, play scenes from army life
  • Give every man honorary title imitating military rank
  • Play mini-sketches from famous patriotic films
  • Arrange a quest to find gifts, etc.

Ways to congratulate men on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 at work in an original way in verse

One of the simple and beautiful ways congratulate male colleagues, if there is one woman in the team, is a congratulation in verse. Read out beautiful poem with warm and heartfelt congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and then invite all representatives of the strong half of humanity to the table or hand them nice presentsgood way congratulate male colleagues, if there are more of them.

Beautiful and original poems for colleagues on February 23, 2018

To make it easier for women to find an answer to the question of how to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in an original way in verse, we have posted here a selection of beautiful thematic poems. If desired, women can supplement them with a couple of lines addressed to each of their colleagues.

We wish you a man's holiday, friends,

What would better health, take it easy.

And joy longer, sadness for a moment,

Serious accomplishments, masculine accomplishments.

What would be proud of your native team,

Every man was smart and handsome.

And the title was proudly worn throughout life,

Sounding simple - Defender of the Fatherland!

February twenty third

Colleagues, rest!

Our day off is not in vain

We know history!

For Russia and soldiers

For brave men

Today everyone is happy to drink

And many twice!

Army honor and glory,

Salute to all defenders!

We will find control over the enemy,

If somewhere ours are being beaten!

We are happy to congratulate everyone on Men's Day

(And wish for the best, no doubt) -

Who is with us every day

Working hard steadily.

On the February famous holiday

Accept wish lines

And gratitude: not in vain

All your feats are efforts!

Forever just as noble

Stay strong, stay smart!

Be healthy and free

Achieve new successes!

Our team celebrates the date today

We congratulate all the defenders of the country.

Well, in our men we don’t have souls,

And on such a day, full of special pride.

We give gifts to our colleagues,

We wish you all the best, love, warmth.

Let it get a little hot in February

At our holiday at a friendly table!

Men have a holiday today!

We want to congratulate you!

Wish love and happiness

So many thousands of times!

We wish you good luck

Energy and strength

So that every day in the world

He brought pleasure!

And we wish you health

And harmony with yourself

And financial success

And mischievous smiles!

To congratulate men on February 23 at work in your own words is beautiful and cool - it's easy

Sincerely congratulate men on February 23 at work in your own words beautifully - this is another idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to bring congratulations to male colleagues if there are more of them in the team than women. Depending on the corporate culture and the specifics of relations with colleagues, the text of congratulations can be written in both formal and informal style. For example, if colleagues have developed friendly relations, it would be a good idea to insert jokes and good jokes into the congratulations.

Video with a beautiful congratulations to male colleagues

So that the readers of our site can better understand how to compose a beautiful congratulation for men at work from February 23, we picked up on the network suitable videos. From these videos you can get ideas for compiling your own congratulatory texts.

Ways to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in prose: the best congratulatory texts

For those women who have a technical rather than a humanitarian mindset, it is sometimes difficult to compose beautiful texts congratulations. And especially for them, we have collected the best, in our opinion, texts to congratulate colleagues on February 23, 2018 in the office in prose. To these texts, you can add a few phrases about each of your colleagues and wish each of them what he wants.

Dear men! On behalf of female half of our team I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, faithful! I wish that fighting qualities never come in handy in your life, and we - women - will be proud of you in peacetime!

Dear men, colleagues, from February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and things are solved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you peace and tranquility. Prosperity, development, achievements, prospects and growth! May there always be strength and desire, opportunities and goals. Best wishes to you!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you on this holiday I want to always remain brave defenders of my families and loved ones, strive for my goals and achieve high results, do beautiful and kind deeds, remain real and faithful men.

Our courageous, congratulations! Even within the walls of our peaceful office, we feel under your protection, guardianship and patronage. Let your battles be only for increasing efficiency, battles with competitors, and the trophy will be increased salary. Happy Defender's Day Dear Colleagues!

How to congratulate the men in the team so that they will definitely like it?

Thematic corporate holidays, interesting scenarios, funny skits, congratulations for men in poetry, prose or in your own words - these are just some of the ways to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in a beautiful and original way. And which of these methods would not be chosen, it is important first of all to congratulate the colleagues of the stronger sex sincerely and from the heart, and then they will definitely like the congratulation, regardless of the budget of the holiday and the cost of gifts.