What you need to have a healthy baby. What is the likelihood that the doctor will prescribe surgery? The danger of post-term pregnancy

Renata Ravich, naturopath: In fact, the prevention of miscarriages should begin at least a year before conception, when reasonable parents, like zealous owners, prepare their bodies to receive a long-awaited guest. ?The health of the unborn child is closely related to the emotional and mental mood of a woman for a healthy pregnancy.

A. I. Zakharov in the book "How to prevent deviations in the behavior of a child" notes that most children who were "not expected" (according to the results of questionnaires) later fell ill with anxiety neurosis, since the primary uncertainty of parents that they want this child , to a certain extent, manifested itself in the future in his self-doubt. It is not for nothing that any healer, wise by experience and intuition, could, by the look of an adult, determine whether his mother wanted him. Rejoice in the gift of Destiny and do everything so that you do not have a miscarriage!

Prevention of miscarriages in emotionally extremely important during pregnancy: joyful and confident expectation of the child, constant quiet conversations with him, greeting every push, gentle stroking of the abdomen by mother and father and older children - all this is vital for the future baby. Remember, according to the latest scientific research future child he hears everything, feels everything and understands everything much earlier than previously thought.

The best thing is to quit smoking, drinking, and, of course, taking drugs.

Leading a healthy lifestyle for a year for both a man and a woman is not easier than suffering all your life with a sick or handicapped child?

According to the latest scientific research, the excessive need for artificial stimulants (among which drugs, alcohol and smoking are the most common) is largely due to inferior nutrition, when in the daily set of products not enough amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Therefore, my dear young women, if you really are not theoretically, but practically If you want your unborn child to be healthy, try to change your daily diet for the better. Start using more than just natural products, but also dried fruits, nuts, pollen and honey (if there is no allergy), fresh and dry herbs, bran, sprouted wheat flakes, seaweed, be sure to include high quality natural dietary supplements.

Above, we have already mentioned folic acid, vitamin E and B vitamins. To prevent miscarriage (especially if this trouble happened to you in the past), it would be wise to adhere to such a diet for a year before conception.

Under modern environmental conditions, it is reasonable, in addition to food as close as possible to healthy food, to take - especially for those women who live in big cities - high-quality dietary supplements based on natural ingredients, so carefully study the composition... What natural ingredients? It - seaweed, green plant juice, sprouted wheat oil, pollen, royal jelly, soy proteins and other gifts of Nature. They will help you avoid miscarriage.

It is extremely important to check on the annotation whether the natural multivitamins you are taking contain folic acid, since a sufficient amount of it is prevention various deformities in future children.

Foods containing vitamin E are especially needed, which is the main in the prevention of miscarriages... It is found in nuts, seeds, unrefined vegetable oil, nettle.

Sprouted wheat is especially rich in vitamin E.

Consider that natural vitamin E made from wheat germ oil is dozens of times more effective, so don't fall for cheap synthetics.

It should be noted that during pregnancy, the daily intake of vitamin E doubles - that is, a young woman during this period needs at least 25 mg per day. Now we have wheat sprouts in the stores in the form of flakes. They can be added to cereals and salads.

American physician V. Shota gave future fathers and mothers vitamin E for years before conception... In addition, both potential parents were consuming a diet with sufficient satiety. essential amino acids(i.e. ate enough proteins) and natural vitamins. As a result, the same mothers, who had previously given birth to defective children or had previously had miscarriages, began to give birth on time and their children were strong and healthy.

Do not be lazy in early spring on the windowsill to put a plate with sprouted wheat and sprouted oats so that they sprout green sprouts, as it has been done in Russia before Easter from time immemorial. Cut these greens with scissors and sprinkle them on salads and vegetable dishes since in spring in pregnant women, special exhaustion is noted (unless, of course, they are too lazy to adhere to naturopathic recommendations and they do not use natural dietary supplements). Put in jars to sprout not only onions, but also beets, dill, parsley. These greens are extremely useful, especially in winter and early spring months when everyone is deficient in vitamins.

Plant dill, cilantro and parsley roots in flower pots, you can use for a window garden boxes with earth or micro-greenhouses, which are sold in the shops "Priroda". The window garden will provide a pregnant woman with all the necessary trace elements that help prevent miscarriages.

Let's hope that in your friendly family there are men who can arrange such a garden, and older children will take care of the plants. Maybe the best way to start equipping Russia is from your home?

One of the most fateful and important events in the family is the birth of a child. A lot of fears haunt future parents from the moment of preparation for conception to the very birth. They all want their baby to be born healthy, happy, strong and intelligent. But modern environmental conditions, a large number of stress and hereditary diseases put big question in front of parents - how to give birth and raise a healthy child? This topic is especially acute when what risks does the mother take after 35 years and how to minimize them - read more in the article.

Late pregnancy risks

Of course, today the average age of women giving birth has dropped significantly. It falls on the period from 25 to 32 years. But nevertheless, the expectant mother after 35 is considered old-bearing. What problems does this promise the child and the woman in childbirth herself?

First, our body, unfortunately, has a tendency to wear out. With age, more and more chronic diseases appear, perhaps there are consequences from sexually transmitted diseases. For some, it is also an aborted early pregnancy.

Secondly, the female uterus is no longer as capable of bearing as at the age of 25-30.

Thirdly, according to statistics, older women are more likely to have children with chromosomal abnormalities. 70% of children with Down syndrome were born to mothers over 35 years old.

Fourth, it is frequent complications during gestation, difficult pregnancy, toxicosis, premature discharge amniotic fluid, weak generic activity, the need for a cesarean course.

In addition, there may be problems with lactation, child development.

In general, the difficulties are countless, but there are also a lot of examples when after 35 years healthy and happy kids... The conclusion from the above is that the first late pregnancy must be necessarily planned, before its onset, a woman must undergo a thorough full consultation with a doctor. So after 35?

Pregnancy planning

To avoid many problems with the health and development of the child will allow early medical examination dads and especially mom. How to give birth and raise a healthy baby? Komarovsky advises to first identify the hereditary genetic risks that may arise during late pregnancy. To do this, both parents must visit a geneticist, who will conduct a blood test for chromosomal balance. If the chromosomes of the mother and father do not correspond to each other, if the woman has a risk of inferior offspring, the doctor will inform after the examination.

The second step is a woman's visit to a gynecologist who will do everything required analyzes and smears for genital diseases, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C and some others, will check for breast cancer, do an ultrasound. If any diseases and abnormalities are identified, they must be dealt with before pregnancy occurs. It's good if the father also passes full examination at the urologist and venereologist.

And of course, the main thing that is needed to give birth to a healthy child is healthy image the lives of both parents, complete early cessation of smoking and alcohol, physical health, playing sports, walking on fresh air and proper nutrition.


There are many scientific and non-scientific tips on how to successfully conceive a baby.

First, you should stick to your menstrual cycle. Most the right time for conception, ovulation is considered (12-14 days after the start of the cycle). You can determine it either by your own health (strong discharge, sometimes bloody, pain in the lower abdomen, strong sex drive), or use more accurate means, such as ovulation tests.

Secondly, you should remain calm both during intercourse and after, when you are waiting for the result. Scientists have proven that posture does not affect positive result... After the act, you should also not run, jump or lie with your legs raised to the ceiling. It is enough just to lie on your back for 20-30 minutes, this position is considered the most favorable for the sperm to reach the walls of the uterus.

Thirdly, continuous intercourse during ovulation does not increase, but, on the contrary, reduce the chances of getting pregnant, since sperm after several ejaculations loses its rudimentary properties. It is best to accurately adjust ovulation and try during it.

Pregnancy: the first steps

As soon as a woman finds out that she will become a mother, first unrestrained joy arises in her head, and then fears appear: how to give birth and raise a healthy child? Yes, she knows that she is completely healthy and prepared for pregnancy, but will everything go well at such a mature age?

Don't panic. Primarily because it can negatively affect pregnancy.

After taking a test or determining a delay in yourself, you should first visit a gynecologist. He will do tests and conduct an ultrasound scan, thereby confirming the pregnancy and its term. Then he will register you for pregnancy, keep a medical record, take anamnesis and send you to go through many, many doctors, from a dentist to a surgeon. This will allow you to check again if everything is in order with your health.

Also, the gynecologist is obliged to advise you about nutrition and your behavior during pregnancy. For example, in the first weeks, doctors do not recommend playing sports and even having a sex life, since the egg has not yet fixed on the walls of the uterus and your activity can lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, in the first trimester, a woman in a position should be as calm and relaxed as possible, should not worry and be nervous.

Pregnancy: nutrition and vitamins

The gynecologist, explaining to you how to give birth and raise a healthy child, will have to prescribe a course of vitamins. In the early stages, it is vitamin D and folic acid. Further to this list will be added magnesium B 6, iodine, calcium and others. The doctor will prescribe them himself in accordance with the course of the pregnancy and the need. Buy and accept by yourself vitamin complexes without consultation is not worth it.

As for nutrition, in the first 2 trimesters you can eat almost everything that your body requires, with the exception of alcohol, excess coffee and strong tea, carbonated drinks, raw meat and fish, preservatives and chemicals, stale products.

Listen to your body, it will tell you exactly what to eat.

Pregnancy: rest and sleep

One of the main things you need to carry out and give birth to a healthy baby is good rest and dream. Depends on this and psychological condition mother. Treat pregnancy like a vacation before difficult year sleepless nights, whims and tears of children. This is your chance to relax, so do not burden yourself with tedious work, get enough sleep, spend more time in the fresh air, take your time and enjoy this serene time.

Physical activity, if there is no doctor's indications, should not be minimized. For example, swimming and leisurely walking can help prepare your muscles for future labor. Do not run, jump, lift weights, or hold your arms up for a long time.

Do not forget about positive emotions, because the baby inside feels and understands everything. And if you're upset or stressed out, he gets the same emotions.

Prevention of deviations

What to do to give birth To rest, sleep, eat tasty and healthy food, do not get nervous. The rest should be entrusted to doctors. It is not worth worrying about possible deviations of the child, since the gynecologist will see you every month and monitor the progress of the pregnancy. For 9 months of waiting, multiple blood and urine tests, 3 ultrasounds, consultations of various kinds of doctors - a therapist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist, dentist and others are waiting for you. If any problems arise, you will be informed about it, so wind yourself up less and do not be nervous.


If you think that the issue of carrying a pregnancy is the most important, then you are mistaken. This is important, but even more important is the question of how to give birth and raise a healthy child.

Childbirth is a big stress for both the baby and the mother, especially after 35 years. Most likely, you will have a cesarean section, since labor activity during this period in a woman is already weak. But you should not be afraid of such an operation either, since many mothers go through it for various reasons.

It will be better if you are both mentally and practically prepared. Take courses for moms, training in breathing, contractions, pushing, and more.

Remember that with the right approach, you greatly increase your chances of having a healthy and happy baby.

Pregnancy does not always occur immediately after the spouses have decided to have a child. Many couples who do not receive a positive pregnancy test in their first month are immediately worried. And in vain! Reproductive statistics show that within the first six months after giving up contraception, 60% of couples get pregnant. In 20% of couples, pregnancy occurs within 1 year. Within two years - for another 10%. Therefore, if a woman became pregnant only 2 years after the couple decided to have a child, this is also a variant of the norm.

However, these months of "normal" waiting can be a source of constant anxiety and excitement for expectant parents. We advise you instead of looking for advice, how to conceive a child quickly, take care of the birth of a healthy child. And for this, you should prepare for conception.

Expectant parents should give up bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol. Harmful compounds in tobacco smoke can reduce fertility in both men and women. Nicotine causes disturbances menstrual cycle in women, leads to a deterioration in sperm quality and a decrease in sperm motility in men. Therefore, mutual cessation of smoking - mandatory step planning pregnancy. The expectant mother should plan to conceive after three months of abstinence from smoking.

It is also better for both parents-to-be to give up alcohol. Contained in alcoholic beverages ethyl alcohol can cause mutations, lead to intrauterine death, fetal malformations, severe physical and mental disorders in children. Therefore, already at the stage of planning pregnancy, expectant parents should refrain from drinking alcohol.

Get tested and undergo general clinical studies: general analysis blood and urine tests, tests for hepatitis, ToRCH infections and sexually transmitted infections.

It is recommended to determine the group and Rh of the blood of both future parents in order to prevent the Rh-conflict. You should also assess the hormonal background of a woman, the concentration of hormones in the blood, taking into account the phase of the menstrual cycle.

To identify various diseases of the pelvic organs, in which the ability to conceive is impaired, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan at the stage of pregnancy planning. As a rule, such a survey is recommended to be carried out in the first phase of the cycle.

V compulsory program for future mother It also includes a visit to a therapist, dentist and ENT doctor. Sometimes you will need to visit an endocrinologist, geneticist and other narrow specialists.

If your spouse is also asking the question “ how to conceive a healthy child”, He must take an equal part in the planning of pregnancy. Sedentary work, excess weight, bad habits- all this leads to a deterioration in blood circulation in the pelvic region. As a result, the male fertility and the quality of the sperm deteriorates.

The father-to-be should be tested for sexually transmitted infections without fail. It is also advisable to take a spermogram. After all, if, according to the results of the spermogram, problems with the mobility, concentration or structure of spermatozoa are found, it will be possible to quickly start treatment and not waste precious time.

2-3 months before conception, it is better for the future father to adjust the diet, excluding from it semi-finished products, fast food, fatty, fried, canned food.

It should also be borne in mind that sperm production is a hormone-driven process. Hormonal background can be broken by anabolic steroids (drugs for building muscle mass). Therefore, athletes and those who dream of perfect abs need to be careful when choosing anabolic steroids.

Another factor affecting reproductive function in men, it is a temperature. For future fathers, any conditions that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees are undesirable. You can get a cold for 3 days, but for the recovery of a man's reproductive system it takes up to 3 months. It is important to control not only the internal, but also the external temperature, therefore, it is better for future dads to refuse to visit the bath and sauna during the planning period of conception.

By the way, the quality of sperm and its ability to fertilize have nothing to do with potency. The "sex giant" may not be able to become a father, and men with weak potency often have very good sperm for conception.

If you weigh less than 45 kg or follow a strict diet, losing more than 10% of your weight every month, there is a risk of developing amenorrhea (no ovulation), as a result of which pregnancy will not be possible.

Women with overweight getting pregnant is also not easy. The fact is that adipose tissue is capable of producing estrogen and accumulating it in the body. Both increased and decreased estrogen production lead to hormonal disorders... Therefore, it is advisable to normalize weight and get rid of extra pounds even before you start planning a pregnancy.

Council number 5. Provide yourself and your unborn child with vitamins

The diet of future parents should be as balanced as possible. Lack of certain nutrients- a kind of signal for the woman's body about "unfavorable conditions" during external environment... As you might guess, conception is unlikely in such a situation. But even if it happens, in conditions of a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, the cells of the fetus will not grow and divide well, the placenta and blood vessels in the uterus will not be able to form properly. Also in conditions of scarcity nutrients high risk of developing defects neural tube... This can lead to either spontaneous interruption pregnancy, or to the fact that the child is born with abnormalities.

By the way, the development of neural tube defects in a child is often the result of a lack of folic acid in a woman's body. A magnesium deficiency can also provoke a miscarriage. Deficiency of vitamin C in the mother's body is associated with an increased risk of premature rupture of the membranes, and with a lack of zinc there is a likelihood of premature placental abruption and a high risk of developing congenital diseases in the child. Therefore, at the planning stage of conception, it is important that the mother's body regularly receives all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

It is better to completely abandon semi-finished products, canned food, caffeinated drinks. And here are fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, fish (especially seafood) and seafood will only benefit the expectant mother. It is also recommended to consume vegetable protein, which is found in legumes and nuts, and complex carbohydrates, which are found in brown rice and grain bread.

Unfortunately, in our time, food does not always contain sufficient amounts of nutrients. Therefore, even the most balanced diet cannot guarantee that the mother's body will be provided with all the micronutrients necessary for conception. So, the required dose of folic acid can be obtained by eating 1 kg (!) Of cabbage every day. Moreover, only in raw form, because during heat treatment 80-95% of folic acid is lost. Agree, very few people can do such a "feat".

How to conceive a healthy baby in such conditions? In fact, making up for micronutrient deficiencies is pretty straightforward. This will help special vitamin and mineral complexes.

A vitamin and mineral complex "Pregnoton" has been developed for expectant mothers. It contains L-arginine, folic acid, vitamins B2, B6, E, C, minerals selenium, magnesium, zinc and iodine, as well as extract of sacred vitex (prutnyak). To start taking the drug "Pregnoton" should be 3 months before the intended conception.

Often this period is quite enough for the drug to have time to normalize the reproductive system and prepare female body to conception.

In the composition of "Pregnoton" there are no hormones, but the drug contains substances that help to eliminate hormonal imbalance in the body of the expectant mother. In particular, "Pregnoton" eliminates the increased production of prolactin - a hormone that prevents pregnancy.

We will not ignore the role of the future father in conceiving, because about 50% of couples who cannot conceive a child for a long time have impaired reproductive health men.

The drug "Speroton" will help to normalize the male reproductive system. Its constituent folic acid, vitamin E, zinc, selenium and L-carnitine stimulate spermatogenesis, increase the concentration of spermatozoa, improve the morphological structure of male germ cells, and increase their mobility. Start taking "Speroton" should be 3 months before the planned conception.

When is the best time to conceive a child? The only thing favorable time for conception - the period of ovulation. During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the ovary. She is ready for fertilization within a maximum of 48 hours. If during this period she meets with a sperm, then conception occurs. If not, the egg dies.

It should be borne in mind that sperm cells remain viable in a woman's body for 3-7 days. Thus, the egg can be met by sperm that have been waiting for it for several days. fallopian tubes.
With a regular menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, the onset of ovulation most often occurs on days 12-16 of the cycle. Conception in this case is most likely if intercourse occurs between the 10th and 18th days. However, every woman's body is unique, and ovulation must be calculated individually. To do this, you can use urine or saliva ovulation tests or basal temperature charts.

Sexual intercourse should be regular, but it is not necessary to have sex several times a day. Moreover, there is a possibility that with such an intense sexual life male body will not have time to produce the required number of cells ready for fertilization, and all efforts will be in vain. Very rare sexual intercourse is also undesirable - when the ejaculate stagnates in the testicles, sperm motility deteriorates. The optimal frequency of having sex for the onset of pregnancy is once every 2 days or 3 times a week.

As for the preference for conception of a particular season, there is no definite answer to this question - the results of studies on this topic are not indicative, and the opinions of specialists are contradictory. Therefore, it is impossible to advise in any way categorically on which season one should (or should not) plan the conception of an abstract married couple.

In addition, the question “ when is the best time to conceive a child"Is also associated with the characteristics of each specific family - its financial and social status, profession, heredity, chronic diseases and etc.

Modern life is unimaginable without stress. With short-term exposure, stress acts as a kind of training for human body... However, with chronic exposure, stress passes into a pathological phase - the phase of distress, or "bad" stress, when it begins to have a destructive effect on the body, destabilizing the functioning of organs and systems, including the reproductive system. Women may experience problems with ovulation against a background of chronic stress, and men may develop sexual dysfunction.

Completely exclude stressful situations unfortunately, it won't work out of our life. However, it is in our power to learn to be more calm about life's troubles. Will help in this matter various techniques yoga, relaxation, breathing exercises, self-hypnosis. Do not deny yourself viewing good movie, a walk in the park and a trip to an exhibition or skating rink. Positive emotions contribute to the production of endorphins (hormones of pleasure), as a result, mood and well-being improves, and the adverse effect of stress is leveled.

Physical activity (fitness, swimming, dancing, yoga, etc.) also contributes to the production of endorphins, but it is important to observe the measure - overload is unacceptable, since it leads to waste of energy and oxygen starvation.

How to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby

Having a healthy child, conceiving a child, examination before pregnancy, pregnancy infections affecting the fetus Any person who has already become a parent or is just waiting for this joyful event, more than anything else wants one thing - that his child was born healthy. However, this desire does not always come true. What to do - even the smallest children are prone to serious ailments, and I don’t want to talk about the possibility of any congenital disorders and diseases. But you need to! After all, many of them can be prevented, taken away from a small fragile creature long before it is born! And future parents should worry about this in advance - as soon as they decide to "give birth to a child."

Preparations for pregnancy should begin even before conception. Unfortunately, many married couples, especially young ones, neglect family planning, believe that everything will work out by itself - they say, nature will help ... Alas, it does not help. Human nature is unable to cope with many adverse consequences those loads and shocks that are found in our time on the body of the "average person".

This is especially true for residents of large cities: and from the point of view of ecology, megalopolises are far from the best place for living, and an urban lifestyle leads to constant, chronic stress, overloads of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, physical inactivity, and poor nutrition. But all this affects not only our health, but also the development of our children even before their birth.

Yes, and we often do not follow our health too much, we do not pay attention to many symptoms until they become completely obvious - and, as a result, in a latent or chronic form We "carry" in ourselves many diseases that may be far from the best way affect the condition of the unborn child.

Examination before pregnancy

Based on the foregoing, during pregnancy planning, you need to try to eliminate as much as possible all possible deviations and violations - both in the external environment and in the health of the parents themselves (and both!) - so that conception occurs normally, and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and in the future it is necessary to undergo examination.

If you decide to have a baby, there is no need to be afraid and ashamed of the examination before pregnancy! Even before conception, as soon as the decision is made that the family should appear little man, you need to take care of him. To begin with, the expectant mother should contact a gynecologist - preferably one who regularly observes her and is better than other specialists aware of possible individual deviations and problems.

Most likely, the spouse will have to come to the same doctor: a detailed survey of future parents is needed in order to assess their health and heredity. V individual cases consultation of other specialists may be required - a therapist, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, cardiologist ... and, of course, quite detailed and thorough examination spouses.

The closest attention, naturally, is paid to the health of the expectant mother. In order to exclude possible defects and deviations in the development of the genital organs, an examination by a gynecologist is shown, to check for oncological diseases - examination of the thyroid and mammary glands, a smear for cytology, in doubtful cases - a more thorough examination.

The usual inspection in our time is necessarily supplemented ultrasound examination(Ultrasound), which is best for a woman after critical days- in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Infections affecting the fetus

Give birth to a healthy child, conceive a child, examination before pregnancy, pregnancy Infections affecting the fetus hidden form and cause fetal death or congenital malformations. All viruses and microorganisms are usually divided into unconditioned pathogens of infections that can cause intrauterine infection fetus, and conditional, whose role in the development of disorders has not been proven.

The most common pathogens are: viruses (herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus infection, rubella, coxsackie (enterovirus), hepatitis B and C, adenovirus, HIV infection); bacteria (chlamydia, treponema, listeria, streptococcus, staphylococcus, klebsiella); protozoa (toxoplasma, plasmodium malaria); fungi of the genus Candida (causing thrush).

But the detection of microorganisms in the tissues of the fetus does not always lead to the development of any disorder - it only increases the risk of adverse changes. Thus, even a woman who has suffered an infectious disease during pregnancy may well have a healthy baby.

There are two main routes of transmission of infection from mother to fetus: with blood through the placenta and through the infected genital tract of a woman. To infect a child, not only the presence of an infection in the mother's body is necessary, but also a large number of microorganisms, which usually happens with an acute infectious or with a serious exacerbation chronic infection during pregnancy. Even so, the baby does not always get sick.


The rubella virus is considered the most dangerous, since it is almost always transmitted to the fetus and causes serious disorders. Most often, congenital rubella leads to the combined development of cataracts, deafness and heart disease. In some cases, blood disorders, pneumonia, physical underdevelopment occur.

The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, sick children are usually the source of infection, so the expectant mother should avoid this kind of contact. The most dangerous for the fetus is infection on early dates(up to 5 weeks), since at this time there is a greater likelihood of developing congenital malformations. Rubella also manifests itself in spontaneous abortion, stillbirth and death of newborns.

If a woman suffered rubella in childhood or was vaccinated against it, you do not need to worry about the baby's health - immunity will prevent the development of infection. In all other cases, you need to take a blood test for rubella antibodies as soon as possible. If pregnancy is planned, then as a preventive measure, a few months before conception, it is worth getting vaccinated and passing a control test for antibodies to make sure that there is immunity.


The second most dangerous is cytomegalovirus infection, transmitted by airborne droplets and sexually. Most worst case Is infection of a pregnant woman from a sick person with acute form infections, since the absence of antibodies in the mother's body allows viruses to freely penetrate the placenta and damage the fetus.

If, before conception, a woman was infected with the causative agent of cytomegaly, and an exacerbation of the disease developed during pregnancy, the existing antibodies weaken the virus, which reduces the possibility of its penetration through the placenta and negative effects on the fetus.

If a child is infected in the early stages, there is a high probability spontaneous miscarriage or fetal malformations. If the infection has occurred in more late dates, often develops polyhydramnios, premature birth and "congenital cytomegaly" of the newborn. Such a baby is characterized by an enlarged liver and spleen, jaundice, anemia, serious damage to the central nervous system, eyes and hearing.

As a prophylaxis for cytomegalovirus infection, one thing can be advised: avoid contact with patients in the acute stage.


The least dangerous among viral infections is the herpes virus, since the likelihood of infection of a child and the development of any pathologies in in this case small. A serious situation can only be considered an exacerbation of genital herpes in an expectant mother, after the 32nd week of pregnancy.

If doctors have confirmed the presence of an exacerbation, they most often resort to caesarean section so that the baby does not become infected while passing through the birth canal. For own peace of mind at the beginning of pregnancy, you can take a test to detect the herpes simplex virus.


Having a healthy baby, conceiving a baby, examination before pregnancy, pregnancy Infections affecting the fetus Little is said about the danger of influenza viruses for a pregnant woman, although such an infection can lead to serious consequences. It is not the virus itself that is dangerous, but its complications on the kidneys, cardiovascular and immune system... The most unpleasant thing is the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, after the flu, it is much easier to get a pneumococcal or staphylococcal infection.

The most severe consequences of influenza on early stages fetal development - up to 12 weeks, when the laying and development of the most important organs and systems occurs. Hence the conclusion about the need to increase the mother's immunity: hardening, vitamins and good nutrition.


From bacterial infections the greatest danger to the health of a pregnant woman and her baby is toxoplasmosis. They get this infection through infected meat or contact with a cat (most often). If a woman has suffered from this disease before pregnancy, immunity remains for life.

The danger of toxoplasmosis increases with pregnancy. Infection in the first trimester is unlikely to have any consequences. In the second trimester, the likelihood of congenital toxoplasmosis increases to 20% - pathogens accumulate in the brain, affect the eyes and central nervous system fetus. The most frequent consequence- increased intracranial pressure, mental retardation, epilepsy and blindness. In the third trimester, the probability of the disease is 50-60%.

Yet toxoplasmosis is not an absolute indication for termination of pregnancy. If the tests are normal, and the ultrasound does not reveal organic changes, then everything is in order. As a preventive measure, a pregnant woman should avoid contact with cats and only eat well-cooked meat.

Other infections

Such infectious diseases, as candidiasis (thrush), gardenellosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomonadosis, chlamydia and listeriosis can also pose a danger to the mother and fetus, since in severe cases they increase the risk of spontaneous miscarriage and stillbirth. However, with timely diagnosis and adequate treatment they are quickly suppressed and leave no traces. It is important to take the necessary tests on time and consult a doctor.

Prevention of deviations in a child

If the couple has already had problems or unsuccessful pregnancies leading to miscarriages premature birth, the birth of sick children, etc. - such spouses need Special attention and a more thorough examination with detailed analyzes, consultation of genetics and ultrasound on different stages the menstrual cycle to determine the state of the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium).

With the onset of pregnancy, even an absolutely healthy woman needs to repeat many studies and consultations in order to identify possible violations and deviations in advance. Already with a delay of menstruation of 7-10 days, ultrasound can determine the size fetal egg and its location in the uterus.

In another two weeks, the expectant mother needs to go comprehensive examination with a visit to a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist. The next (and obligatory!) Ultrasound scan is prescribed at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy - it is necessary in order to exclude pronounced disturbances in the development of the fetus.

If you suspect chromosomal abnormalities(especially common in women over 35), parents may be asked to genetic analysis single cells fetal membrane(chorionic biopsy). Such a study allows for 2-3 days with high degree reliability to exclude a number of serious diseases and disorders in the development of the unborn child.

And, starting from a period of 20-24 weeks. With the help of ultrasound, it is already possible to directly observe the condition of the fetus: during the study, all its organs are visible, the state of the placenta and blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and the umbilical cord, the amount of amniotic fluid and other important indicators are easily determined.

Pregnancy lifestyle

Having a healthy child, conceiving a child, examination before pregnancy, pregnancy infections affecting the fetus However, planning a pregnancy includes not only monitoring the health of the parents and the unborn child. It is also necessary to carry out prevention possible violations and deviations, and it should be started 2 months before conception by both parents at the same time (it is during this time that the "stock" of spermatozoa is completely renewed in men).

Avoid if possible nervous stress and physical overwork, beware of colds and other "accidental" diseases, completely eliminate alcohol and, if possible, quit smoking (or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked as much as possible).

Taking medications and biologically active additives at this time, it is permissible only with the agreement of a doctor, with the obligatory exclusion of drugs that are contraindicated for pregnant women.

A pregnant woman must comply correct mode eating and living a healthy lifestyle. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, the diet should contain fish or meat every day - irreplaceable sources of protein, cottage cheese and others dairy products- the calcium contained from them is vital for the proper formation of the fetus, especially its skeleton and teeth, and for maintaining the health of a woman.

You should limit the consumption of sweet and starchy foods ( overweight adversely affects the course of pregnancy), salty, carbonated drinks (except for slightly salted mineral water, from which it is necessary to "remove" the excess gas). Strong tea and coffee create an extra burden on cardiovascular system- it is much more useful to replace them with juices and fruit drinks from fruits and berries.

Moderate and carefully planned physical activity is useful: you cannot "sit up"! To preserve the health of the mother and child, various sets of exercises and procedures have been specially developed to prepare for childbirth, about which you need to consult with your doctor.

If your city has an indoor pool, go in for swimming, it prepares well the muscles of the back, abdomen, and pelvis for the upcoming stress. Many pools now have special groups wellness gymnastics- aqua aerobics, and a number of complexes designed specifically for women with different terms pregnancy.

But swimming in open waters, unfortunately, will have to be limited - in most of them there is too great a risk of catching an infection. Exercise reasonable care, combine activity with rest, eat right, get regular check-ups and consult a doctor - in this case everything will go well and your baby will be born healthy!

For 9 months you have been waiting for a meeting with your baby. And finally, this long-awaited day has come. But the child is in no hurry to leave his first home - his mother's belly. How to give birth faster without harming yourself and your little one? This question interests many expectant mothers.

Speeding up labor

Give birth faster than women want to various reasons... Some of them carried the child for more than the prescribed time and are worried about their own and his health, others are simply tired of their position. But, even if you are tormented by swelling, back pain and a large abdomen that interferes with normal movement, this does not mean that you can provoke the onset of labor whenever you like.

For the baby to be fully formed, at least 38 weeks of pregnancy must pass. In addition, the body of the expectant mother must be ready for childbirth.

What methods do women use to stimulate the onset of contractions?

Having sex

This is the most common and enjoyable method used by many. It even happens that the gynecologists themselves recommend using it. Sexual contact, of course, does not immediately cause childbirth, but thanks to it, the cervix is ​​smoothed and softened. As a result, the period of contractions is reduced.

If a woman has an orgasm, the muscles in the uterus contract sharply. At long periods of pregnancy, this can be the impetus for the onset of labor.

A few tips:

  • Choose a position so that there is no pressure on the belly as well as on the chest of the pregnant woman.
  • Use a special lubricant for sex. Since the female body during pregnancy is not tuned to "intimacy", the use of such funds will make the intimacy more comfortable.

Having sex shouldn't hurt your baby if you follow these rules.

Nipple stimulation

The hormone oxytocin is responsible for the onset of labor. Its production can be enhanced by massaging the nipples. Artificially produced oxytocin is used in gynecology to stimulate labor.

The woman herself can carry out this procedure or resort to the help of her husband. You need to knead the nipples very carefully and gently for 20-25 minutes. Smear your fingers massage oil or regular baby cream. It is allowed to repeat the massage up to four times a day.

This method will not only help speed up the onset of uterine contractions, but will also prepare the nipples for future feeding of the baby.

Physical activity

This method of speeding up labor requires special care. Pregnant women are forbidden to lift heavy objects, run, it is dangerous for both the woman and her unborn baby. Such actions contribute to the exfoliation of the placenta. While waiting for the child, you can, for example, do the cleaning in the apartment, this is also a kind of physical education.

The future woman in labor should do not too intense gymnastics, which contributes to the general support of the physical condition.


There is an opinion that the use certain products helps to stimulate the birth process. And although there is no medical confirmation of this, some pregnant women still resort to this method to speed up labor.

What are these products?

  • Any spicy food, including traditional Japanese cuisine.
  • Olive oil. You need to drink it several times a day, a tablespoon before meals. The oil increases the elasticity of the perineum and cervix, which accelerates its dilatation and reduces the risk of rupture.
  • Tea made from raspberry leaves. Tones up the muscles of the uterus, small pelvis. You need to start drinking it after 34 weeks. Such tea drinking is widely used in American medical practice, the main thing here is not to overdo it, 1-2 cups of tea a day will be enough.
  • Tea made from ginger, cinnamon and clove causes the uterus to contract. You need to drink it from 39 weeks several times a day.
  • Primrose oil, which can be purchased over the counter. Release form - capsules. It is recommended to drink one a day. The oil from this plant contains fatty acids.
  • Some drink Castor oil... It causes an upset stomach, the intestinal walls are intensely contracted, thereby provoking the cervix to contractions.

Acceptance of decoctions, fees and oils from medicinal plants must be agreed with the doctor with whom you are registered. He will warn you about possible contraindications, adverse reactions and prescribe the correct dosage of the product.

Other methods

You can speed up the onset of labor with a cleansing enema. In the enema process, back wall the uterus becomes irritated and begins to contract, the mucous plug quickly departs. This method is suitable for women who bring the child before the due date.

Helps some acupressure... It is necessary to warm up the point on the foot, which is between the large and forefinger, and upper part feet near the ankle.

Bathing and aromatherapy are also very enjoyable methods. But don't do too much hot water, the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Inhalation of rose, lavender, jasmine or clove oil vapors has a beneficial effect on the development of labor.

Do not get carried away with the use of aroma lamps if you are allergic to oil vapors.

Medical methods

When there are indications to stimulate labor, doctors resort to the following methods:

  • Amniotomy - opened fetal bladder, after which an intensive production of prostaglandins begins in the body. This procedure promotes reflex uterine contraction. It is painless and does not take long. You can only pierce the bladder if the cervix is ​​ready to open. Indications for this method: polyhydramnios and weak labor.
  • The introduction of oxytocin or Enzaprost preparations into the vein, the required dose of which is selected individually. During this procedure, doctors constantly monitor the condition of the fetus by listening to its heartbeat.

The doctor's choice of the stimulation method is based on the examination of the pregnant woman, taking into account the indications and possible risks. Do not self-medicate and self-prescribe procedures.

In the delivery room

When contractions appear more and more often, the woman is sent to the delivery room. The task of every woman in labor at this time is to do everything possible so that the birth ends as soon as possible.

Here are some tips on how to behave during childbirth:

  • The most important thing is not to be afraid. The chilling feeling of fear will keep you from relaxing and focusing on generic process... It is imperative that you try to calm down and do everything in your power so that the birth ends faster.
  • Provide yourself with freedom of action. What does it mean? A woman very often herself, with her body, feels what she needs to take in this moment to relieve your condition during childbirth. It is worth noting that doctors do not approve of such amateur performances. Discuss this behavior with your doctor or go to give birth in a private clinic, where they are more loyal to "progressive methods."

It is necessary to prepare for the birth process in advance. Sign up for a mum-to-be preparation course that teaches breathing techniques. This will help reduce pain and then correct breathing promotes the acceleration of labor.

The danger of post-term pregnancy

The gestation period for a child is 38 weeks, with a deviation of one to two weeks in both directions. After forty weeks, the baby is considered to be post-term and in mother's womb mortal danger threatens.

In addition, one can distinguish whole list complications caused by post-term pregnancy:

  • Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus, since the placenta no longer provides the baby's need for oxygen.
  • The slowdown of biochemical processes in the umbilical cord and placenta also negatively affects the baby.
  • Problems arise when the baby passes through the birth canal due to hardening of the skull bones and an increase in the size of the fetus.

Plus, in such cases, women have a very weak labor activity, the amount of bleeding increases, and fetal asphyxiation (suffocation) is possible during childbirth.

Drawing conclusions

If none of the suggested methods helped you, don't worry. Nature has come up with everything in such a way that the child himself knows perfectly well when his time has come to be born and believe me, this will not depend on you. Try to switch your thoughts to something else positive and try to relax.

There are times when doctors get it wrong when setting a preliminary due date, so just wait. Well, if experts insist that you carried the child, then you need to trust them so as not to harm the baby.