May 12, nurse's day congratulations. World nurse day

A nurse is not a service attendant, but a certified specialist. But not only. A nurse is the legs of a legless man, hands of an armless man, eyes of a blind man, a mouth of a mute, support of the weak, an assistant to a mother, a nanny of a baby. Also, a nurse is a psychologist who listens and helps.

The work of a nurse is very difficult both physically and mentally. Only truly strong in spirit, patient, kind, sensitive and sympathetic remain in this profession. It's not for nothing that nurses used to be called sisters of mercy. Do not put in hospitals healthy people and where there is pain, there is suffering. Nurses not only follow the instructions of the treating doctor, but also help patients cope with suffering.

The Sisters of Mercy undoubtedly deserve their own holiday - the day they are given Special attention... When they talk a lot about this profession, they say many kind words to the nurses and even give them gifts. And there is such a holiday - Nurse Day is celebrated around the world on May 12 .

Nurse's Day: holiday history

In Russia, the work of sisters of mercy was organized during the reign of Peter the Great - women assisted doctors in the treatment of the sick and wounded. However, after the death of Peter the Great, the work of sisters of mercy in Russia was stopped for many years. It resumed in the first half of the 19th century.

The hospitals worked different women- both commoners and aristocrats. They did not receive special education, after all, it was believed that in a woman by nature itself is the ability to help a suffering person. Today our medicine is impossible without nursing work. This work, though not prestigious, is always respected. It's great that nurses have their own professional holiday!

History international holiday under the name International Nurses Day has its roots in the beginning of the Crimean War (since 1853)... Florence Nightingale, an Englishwoman, organized a nurses' service to help the wounded. The nurses went to the front and, showing unprecedented courage, saved the lives of soldiers. Among those sisters of mercy were Russian nuns, famous for their bravery.

In January 1974, it was decided to establish international holiday International Nurses Day... The date of celebration - May 12 - was not chosen by chance: on this day, the most famous nurse, Florence Nightingale, was born. In Russia Nurse Day celebrated since 1993.

In honor of Florence Nightingale, an award was established - it is presented annually on May 12 to the best nurses in the world. Various prizes and awards are presented to nurses in many countries - the awards are organized by local authorities and hospital administrations.

On May 12, it is imperative to congratulate the nurses and thank them for their hard and humane work.

International Nurse Day: What to Present for a Nurse?

According to statistics, doctors and nurses are most often given champagne and sweets. In honor of the holiday, you can add variety to the traditional set. In many countries, it is customary to present to nurses and doctors gift baskets gourmet ... The contents of the basket may vary. For example, "sweet": a pack of coffee beans, a can of good tea, natural cocoa and a beautiful coffee spoon or cup. You can complement the present with chocolate or cakes. Another option is a "canning" basket: jars of caviar, pineapple, peaches, olives, etc. Such a hearty present can be supplemented with a bottle of wine.

A dental clinic nurse can donate original piggy bank tooth-shaped or ballpoint pen in the form of a toothbrush. You can present a pen in the shape of a syringe to a nurse from the clinic.

Nurses are women, and none of female desires they are not alien. That's why good gift on nurse day will become a bouquet of flowers or a bouquet of sweets / cookies.

Nurses with humor can give cartoons: kind sister mercy can be portrayed as a strict lady in a white coat and with a huge enema or a giant syringe in her hands. You can order photofilms: substitute the faces of real nurses for images of nurses-models in erotic uniforms or nurses-heroines of movies. Photographs to print and place in frames. Nurses with a sense of humor will appreciate this gift.

Nurse's Day: congratulations

On the Internet there is a large number of congratulations to the Nurse's Day ... We could not stand aside and made two congratulatory texts.

Nurse ... How much in this word

For everyone's heart it merged.

After all, the main thing for everyone is health,

To sing, eat and live.

There is no cure without a nurse,

There is no comfort without a nurse.

Who will give the pill for torture?

Re-bandaging trauma trail?

Will the injection deliver and warm up?

Who will help everyone, regret it?

How much there is in the word "Nurse"

Soul, care and diligence.

Doctors will not be able to treat

Without the hands of the sisters of mercy.

Today is a nurse's holiday!

You deserve congratulations

Success, happiness, beauty!

Well, and in additions to the salary.

What could be better in the world

How to bring light and kindness?

Love people and be responsible,

For life, health, beauty!

Treat, regret, endure and believe,

Not everyone can - that's a fact.

Inject prick, measure pressure,

Showing sensitivity, tact.

Who is capable of this work?

Nurses! This is their name

When it hurts, when it is anxious.

How can you be without sisters in the hospital?

Congratulations to the nurses

We wish you success and joy.

Health, happiness, beauty,

May your dreams come true!

"A nurse is not a servant, she is a certified and full-fledged specialist." (V.V. Samoilenko)
In Russia, Nurse Day was officially recognized in 1993, although it has been celebrated for more than a hundred years since the day of the unification of sisters of mercy into a professional public organization- International Council nurses from 141 countries. Although in Russia female health care sick and wounded in hospitals was organized under Peter the Great. But after his death, these undertakings were interrupted for 100 years. For the first time, the service was organized during the Crimean War by the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale. Then a stable stereotype was formed: a nurse is a nurse who takes out the wounded from the battlefield or stands at the operating table.
Restraint and patience are the foundation medical profession, medicine is based on these qualities. Today, the nursing profession is consistently among the top three most respected. Nursing is an independent science and an independent profession. But all without exception medical specialists must have knowledge and skills in patient care. A real nurse, in addition to professional skills, must have a rich, kind soul... After all, we all so lack in this life someone's sympathy, empathy. Indeed, sometimes it is not the pills distributed with a cold-blooded hand that are so important to patients, and not the thermometer under the armpit at the appointed time, but a warm look, kind word, sincere conversation.

With a light hand will smooth out the pain from the injection,
At the first call, he will come to help.
Spend the whole night by the patient's bed
He will find time for everyone else.
We are grateful to you for your work,
Which is often not easy at all
Medical sisters love and care -
And our health is in good hands! ©

Nurses celebrate their holiday today.
You are the mainstay of medicine, everyone knows about it.
I want to wish all sisters medical
Let fewer cases come to the doctor.
May the sun smile for you more often,
Let flowers, friends, smiles delight your eyes.
May dreams come true, let the nightingales sing!
I sincerely wish you happiness and love! ©

May happiness, without knowing obstacles,
Brings you gifts today
And the birds sing, congratulating
Happy Nurse Day!
So let the compliments ring out
And wishes sound!
Today may all patients
Thank you with flowers! ©

Companion eternal to doctors,
It helps all people.
We are a nurse
Health improves.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For your heart and care!
And now we want to wish
May work bring joy. ©

You help all the wounded, sick,
That require care and attention.
One - injections, bandage - the other.
You will support up to the doctors of the parish.
I am international nursing day
I would like to congratulate all the assistants,
And wish that all dreams come true
And so that spirit and body are in harmony. ©

They will heal the bruise and remove the bruise,
After all, a simpleton cannot figure out medicines.
Should an injection be done, or is it time for a compress?
It is not for nothing that there is a position in medicine - a nurse.
We know that your work is important, and it is not at all simple.
And we are raising a toast for you today!
We wish you success and congratulations to the helmet.
He who lives good will help a person. ©

Sisters, dear, dear, soldiers called you to war.
And someone saw them as a friend, and someone, perhaps, a wife
And on themselves, just girls, they pulled out those
Who was wounded on the battlefield, tanker, gunner or marine.

But they have a holiday today, world holiday nurses,
And let a huge chorus of voices merge in congratulations.
After all, medications are not always important and I am “FOR” with both hands,
And just a sincere conversation and these kind eyes. ©

You sit quietly on a gurney
Since this morning ...
You sit down - we do not mind!
Let the nurse rest -
Rarely does she do that
In the turbulent flow of days ...
Let the patient turn
Not your buttock!
Let it appear for some reason
A lot of all kinds of luck:
There will be less work
The head doctor will become kinder,
The ships themselves will cleanse themselves,
Breaking through the floor with a gong;
Will suddenly become gray everyday life
On a festive joyful day;
Bathrobes will become white
Suddenly elegant, variegated;
The salary will rise sharply ...
Will dream already! Enough!
Closer to reality it is necessary -
Happy Holidays! Happy Nurse Day! ©

Surround me with care
Pay attention to everyone.
Always watch out for the sick -
Support, cheer.
Lovely and kind infinitely,
You are the purest soul man!
Thanks for everything, nurse!
I wish you health, happiness forever! ©

Let's say thanks to her together,
For her hard work,
She can't make mistakes
You have to be here and there,
Whom to put a thermometer,
And who to inject,
Do not leave without attention,
Or issue validol.
Everything in the world is in time
Our (name) is a nurse,
And in the world, let everyone know
Where she is, there is kindness. ©

© - Congratulations on the day of the nurse written especially for holiday portal site . Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our site.

Every year, on May 12, the world celebrates the noble holiday "International Day nurse".
In Russia, this holiday began to be celebrated in 1981, and was officially recognized only in 1993.
The profession of a nurse is very responsible and difficult, but at the same time she is one of the three most respected and valued professions not only in Russia, but all over the world.
A nurse has to constantly show mercy and participation in the suffering of people and her work is one of the most important components for the recovery of patients.
So let us pay tribute to this noble profession and congratulate our esteemed nurses on their professional holiday with worthy words of congratulations.

Congratulations on the day of the nurse

You are on duty without reproach
You deliver injections to patients flawlessly
You hand out pills on time
You treat patients cordially.

You are a nurse in a hospital
Reliable support and doctor's assistant.
Without pain, you will inject with a syringe
You take care of the sick like an angel at night.

So let on this wonderful holiday
The nurses will find gratitude.
Let the boss write out more bonuses,
As in the film, you are lucky in love. (WITH)

Nurses' day has come,
And colleagues are all at the table,
We will raise toasts,
Congratulations to nurses!

And wish that kindness
Always surrounded you
So that the sick love you,
Your hands to be appreciated!

So that families have comfort,
There love has found shelter
Happiness female, simple,
A faithful husband, dear!

Nurse Day - congratulations and wishes

We want to congratulate in verse
Dear nurse
Deliver pleasant words to her
And great sympathy ...

May medicine be on your holiday
Life will add positive
Let the grief go away with longing,
It will become straight, what is crooked

Let work bring joy
And the bosses do not scold,
Let it come down to you from the firmament
What you are missing ...

We raise our glasses
In your honor, only nurses,
Congratulations on your triumph
To this kind, sonorous toast!

So elegant and beautiful
Our nurse.
It is impossible not to fall in love
As soon as I entered the ward

So pretty and lovely
But flawlessly smart and strict
Nurse she's just wonderful
And fair, like fate. (WITH)

Few please you with attention,
And you live well, it's not easy,
But work with understanding
Our valiant nurses -
Quartz, systems, ducks,
And does not tolerate all delays:
You have no free minute
Even listen to congratulations;
But I'll try to be brief,
I'm not going to keep you on the run!
May everything be in order
Both today and constantly!

Congratulations on the day of the nurse in verse

Happy Nurse Day
We must remind about the profession.
Health is their concern.
Yes, let there be less sick every day.
Once a change - so that it goes calmly.
And the prize - once a month and worthy!
Always keep up with the call of the heart,
To forget about the difficulties of working at home.
Good health excellent
Joy in business and personal life!
Let luck be reliable, familiar.

The doctor couldn't have done it without you
With my most difficult patient
And in the fight against the disease of luck
Wouldn't have done it with another assistant.

With my experienced, kind hand
You tried a lot for health
We can't find a nurse like that
Paramedic, you are clearly from God.

Congratulations on the nurse's day in verse

On this day and to you, nurse
I want to thank you personally
Add to your congratulations.
You are suffering from someone else's grief!

I want to wish you health,
So that you go to the doctor
Only on business and for work,
Not when something grabs you.

So that things go well,
To make you smile more often,
From a smile from your kind
Life immediately becomes more beautiful.

Nurse dear
Congratulations on the holiday,
And we wish you not to get sick
And do not grow old in soul!
Your affection and patience
They will cheer us up
May you always be lucky
And always good luck awaits!

International Nurses Day - Happy Holidays

Like an angel nurse
It saves us from illness.
Painlessly she
He gives us injections.

Congratulations to nurses
Happy holiday
Together we wish
Lives of wonderful days. (WITH)

Sister of mercy is a high title,
How much warmth and patience are needed!
They are afraid of you in pain and suffering
To defeat them is your destiny.
Sometimes it's so difficult with the sick
Please everyone, make everyone heal,
Give medicines and give everyone injections,
Help not to come to terms with the disease.
May life give you love and joy
And heaven will be supportive
For giving people health,
Let your eyes shine with happiness.

Congratulations on international nurse day

Our nurse is kind
She is very experienced.
And when he puts the injections
Her hand does not tremble.

We wish her health
More money, quiet shifts,
To always be with love to her
Addressed among the hospital walls. (WITH)

Girls, nurses, health to all of you,
Carry for the sick to all of us!
And even pricks from your hand
Not painful at all, very light!
We congratulate you, wish you well,
We know the spark will not go out in the soul,
And you will bring us health,
And we will praise you on the way!

Nurses Day Poems

You are a very early bird
Medical sister.
Like a seagull you flutter
You never rest.

A lot of things to do all the time:
Someone got sick again.
You urgently give an injection
Analgin and diphenhydramine.

Sit down, little sister, rest
On your holiday, on the day of medicine,
All men congratulate.

Pretty beauty nurse
A languid look, a gait from the hip,
He walks slowly through the chambers,
Like a white swan floats!
Congratulations on your holiday,
And with love, together, we say-
Darling, be always like this
Sweet, gentle, and dear to all of us!

Congratulations to the nurse on the holiday

Our dear nurse
You won't leave us in trouble.
You give us injections pleasantly
Nimble as a mischievous bird.

Hope grows stronger with you
Sadness and sadness pass.
And everyone knows for sure
That all their diseases go away.

We are all grateful to you
Your love and affectionate care
So together we wish you
Good luck at your job. (WITH)

The work of a nurse is not easy
She will always help relatives and friends,
For a nurse, a hospital is a home,
Thank you for your concern - let us tell her alone.

On a festive day, may wishes come true,
Parting will disappear forever in life,
And let your life be sweeter than honey,
And there will be no ice at all in the relationship.

Congratulate the nurse on the holiday

You were always called affectionately nurse.
Always only tenderly, tenderly, loving.
It must be a bad habit
But I boldly want to hug you!
I have a gift, you only one,
That protects us both night and day.
We have no such nurses.
You will not find, my dears, in the afternoon with fire.

Sister of mercy is loved by us
She is flawless, construction and beautiful
Injections skillful hand will put,
The pills will make you drink in time.
She looks affectionately, but her gaze is stern
Try to disobey - you will know right away
Who is the lady and the captain of the ship.
We all recognize her seniority,
her experience and her skill.
So let her continue to be
The most best sister medical
for all patients within the walls of the hospital. (WITH)

Congratulate the nurse

Despite personal hardships,
By following the doctor's prescription,
Does not leave the patient's bed
Sister on night watch.

We are grateful for your diligence,
For attention and warmth.
Happy holiday, sister of mercy!
We are indebted to you!

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Video congratulations:

One of the most humane professions in the world is a nurse. History shows that without them the mortality of patients would be much higher, the treatment process depends on their labor, no less than on the doctor. These humane people deserve their professional holiday, when every grateful patient can sincerely congratulate and thank them.

When the holiday is celebrated

International Nursing Day is celebrated annually on May 12. On this day, you can congratulate not only the nurses, but also another auxiliary medical staff: paramedics, orderlies, laboratory assistants. The holiday received its official status in 1974, after the organization of the association of the council of nurses. In Russia, the celebration began to be celebrated since 1993.

A bit of history

May 12, 1820, was born kind and Strong woman Florence Nightingel. She can be called the pioneer of nursing, before her it was a little respected profession, which was equated to the category of cleaners, people went to work there either because of special need, or completely fallen people. Florence Nightingel was born into a wealthy family and from virginity aspired to knowledge. In the 19th century, only men could work as doctors, but the young girl was drawn to new knowledge, and she kind heart wanted to help the helpless. At the age of 20, she left for Germany, where she joined the ranks of the nurses and began to study medicine. After returning to London, Miss Nightingell became the manager of the private clinic, nonsense for that time. At 34, she, already an experienced and respected nurse, along with the British Secretary of War and 38 volunteer nurses, went to Turkey to help the sick and wounded. Her experience and knowledge allowed her to implement new system sanitary care. It is thanks to her methodology that patients are sorted into departments, and special care for patients, mortality in the hospital under her leadership decreased from 44% to 5%. After returning to England, Florence Nightingel took up charity work and became one of the organizers of the school for the training of nursing staff.

How is the day of nurses celebrated?

This celebration is celebrated by the middle medical workers health systems, students and teachers medical institutions. Main tradition this day to choose the theme of the holiday, which is determined by the international council of nurses. In 2005, the motto of the holiday was “nurses against counterfeit medicines”, in 2011 - “equal medical service for all ”, in 2012“ from scientific theory to practice ”. conduct seminars, refresher courses, round tables. Every two years an international organization Red cross, medals are awarded to them. Florence Nightingel, only the most the best specialists who distinguished themselves in the hard work of nurses.

On May 12, you have a chance to congratulate your friends and acquaintances who have chosen the profession of a nurse. Remember that 80% of your time is not spent by the doctor, but by them. They work selflessly, despite the difficult and sometimes irregular work schedule and low wages taking care of you and me. It deserves respect and respect.

May 12 International Nursing Day

"A nurse is not a servant, she is a certified and full-fledged specialist." (V.V. Samoilenko)

For the first time, the service of sisters of mercy was organized during the Crimean War

International Nurses Day is celebrated annually on May 12. In other words, today it is necessary to congratulate and thank the representatives of one of the most humane professions.

The professional nursing holiday is celebrated on the birthday of one of the famous English women, Florence Nightingale, who organized the world's first nursing service during the Crimean War (1853-1856).

It is known that among the sisters of mercy who went to the front of the Crimean War, there were also Russian nuns from the Moscow Nikolskaya monastery. Subsequently, many Russian aristocratic women worked in hospitals, including the wife and daughter of Emperor Nicholas II.

It was during the war years that a stable stereotype was formed: a nurse is a nurse who takes out the wounded from the battlefield or stands at the operating table.

Although in fact the holiday is already more than one hundred and fifty years old, it was only in January 1974 that an official decision was made to celebrate this day on May 12. Nurse Day is celebrated since the unification of sisters of mercy from 141 countries into a professional public organization - the International Council of Nurses.
Restraint and patience are the foundation of the medical profession, and medicine is based on these qualities. Today, the nursing profession is consistently among the top three most respected. Nursing is an independent science and an independent profession. But all medical professionals, without exception, must possess the knowledge and skills of patient care. A real nurse, in addition to professional skills, must have a rich, kind soul. After all, we all so lack in this life someone's sympathy, empathy. Indeed, sometimes it is not the pills distributed with a cold-blooded hand that are so important to patients, and not the thermometer under the armpit at the appointed time, but a warm look, a kind word, a sincere conversation.

In Russia, the holiday has been celebrated since 1993.

With a light hand will smooth out the pain from the injection,
At the first call, he will come to help.
Spend the whole night by the patient's bed
He will find time for everyone else.
We are grateful to you for your work,
Which is often not easy at all
Medical sisters love and care -
And our health is in good hands! ©

Nurses celebrate their holiday today.
You are the mainstay of medicine, everyone knows about it.
I want to wish all sisters medical
Let fewer cases come to the doctor.
May the sun smile for you more often,
Let flowers, friends, smiles delight your eyes.
May dreams come true, let the nightingales sing!
I sincerely wish you happiness and love! ©

May happiness, without knowing obstacles,
Brings you gifts today
And the birds sing, congratulating
Happy Nurse Day!
So let the compliments ring out
And wishes sound!
Today may all patients
Thank you with flowers! ©

Companion eternal to doctors,
It helps all people.
We are a nurse
Health improves.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
For your heart and care!
And now we want to wish
May work bring joy. ©

You help all the wounded, sick,
That require care and attention.
One - injections, bandage - the other.
You will support up to the doctors of the parish.
I am international nursing day
I would like to congratulate all the assistants,
And wish that all dreams come true
And so that spirit and body are in harmony. ©

They will heal the bruise and remove the bruise,
After all, a simpleton cannot figure out medicines.
Should an injection be done, or is it time for a compress?
It is not for nothing that there is a position in medicine - a nurse.
We know that your work is important, and it is not at all simple.
And we are raising a toast for you today!
We wish you success and congratulations to the helmet.
He who lives good will help a person. ©

Sisters, dear, dear, soldiers called you to war.
And someone saw them as a friend, and someone, perhaps, a wife
And on themselves, just girls, they pulled out those
Who was wounded on the battlefield, tanker, gunner or marine.

But they have a holiday today, a world holiday for nurses,
And let a huge chorus of voices merge in congratulations.
After all, medications are not always important and I am “FOR” with both hands,
And just a sincere conversation and those kind eyes. ©

You sit quietly on a gurney
Since this morning ...
You sit down - we do not mind!
Let the nurse rest -
Rarely does she do that
In the turbulent flow of days ...
Let the patient turn
Not your buttock!
Let it appear for some reason
A lot of all kinds of luck:
There will be less work
The head doctor will become kinder,
The ships themselves will cleanse themselves,
Breaking through the floor with a gong;
Will suddenly become gray everyday life
On a festive joyful day;
Bathrobes will become white
Suddenly elegant, variegated;
The salary will rise sharply ...
Will dream already! Enough!
Closer to reality it is necessary -
Happy Holidays! Happy Nurse Day! ©

Surround me with care
Pay attention to everyone.
Always watch out for the sick -
Support, cheer.
Lovely and kind infinitely,
You are the purest soul man!
Thanks for everything, nurse!
I wish you health, happiness forever! ©

Let's say thanks to her together,
For her hard work,
She can't make mistakes
You have to be here and there,
Whom to put a thermometer,
And who to inject,
Do not leave without attention,
Or issue validol.
Everything in the world is in time
Our (name) is a nurse,
And in the world, let everyone know
Where she is, there is kindness. ©

Happy Nurse Day
I wish to keep a lot of patience
And always helping patients
Only give care and affection.
There are many important and difficult professions.
You save people so easily.
You also help them spiritually
In this you are a master, almost a sorcerer.
Helping to save body and soul
You treat with your care, your smile
And I congratulate you today
I will give a verse and a little rubles. ©

Congratulations in prose
Dear Nurses!
You are real angels, it's not for nothing that you are dressed in snow-white robes! It can be seen in your faces, kind, beautiful eyes and gentle smiles! You are the personification of spirituality, femininity, mercy and help! Your labor is honorable! I wish you health for many years!

Happy Nurse Day
White robes
And the hands are strong
Always skillful
In the fight against disease
You are selfless
And there is no more useful
Callings of this.

Happy Nurse Day
Sister of Mercy,
Just a sister ...
An ancient profession
It’s very difficult.
After all, it is known -
Anyone will tell you -
Not everyone is interested
Listen to pain.
And you need people
To love selflessly
And with an eternal idea
Work and live.
We wish the nurses
Always good luck.
Sincerely congratulate
The time has come.

Your skillful smart hands
We are saved from troubles and misfortunes,
Your finest knowledge of science
Gives people health and happiness.

Measure pressure, listen to the pulse!
Give a potion, drip drops,
The temperature rises suddenly
Everyone calls the nurse again!
Today we congratulate you,
We wish you love and joy!
Health, happiness, beauty
And dreams come true!

Give us hope
White clothes!
And they really would
Nimbuses would do.
Us with any wounds
Will be cured in the end.
Happy holiday, angels!
Happy holiday, gods!

If people do not get sick, -
It's not a pity to stay without work!
Your work is glorious! Your labor is hard!
May God grant you health and happiness!

The world owes a nurse
To many in this life.
Help in any trouble -
An unbreakable principle.
Thanks for the labors
We send her
And good luck all the days
We wish the nurse.

The concept of enduring hope
The concept of participation and kindness,
They are still connected with you, as before,
Our caring nurse.
You helped, you saved in battles,
You walked forward, generous with warmth.
And I started all over again,
Hurrying to the call: "Hurry, nurse!"
Reverently taking over the baton,
Today you are wiser than yesterday
Direct roads to you, big light
Victory for all ailments, nurse!

Your profession does not know random people!
She accepts only those who are devoted to her oath!

Be faithful to the chosen path,
And let him get wisdom and strength
Live happily, calmly, without anxiety,
And so that your work only brings joy.

Sources -