Kurkin course personal account. No one owes nothing to nobody

Vadim Kurkin is known today as an effective coach-trainer in business sales and relationships between people. His activities are aimed at revealing the deep foundations of interactions in the family, between people in general. Each of us wants to be in demand and successful, but in fact only a few achieve this. Why does this happen? You need to know how to properly move towards the desired goal.

Vadim Kurkin is the founder of the so-called psychology of the future; he touches upon the desires of people themselves in his seminars. His performances have enjoyed considerable success. Vadim Kurkin is the author of various courses and trainings. His work is aimed primarily at personal growth and the development of each participant.

A bit of history. Biography

Vadim Kurkin began his career relatively early - at the age of seventeen. In the beginning, it was focused only on successful sales. For some time he combined employment with his own training and development. However, I wanted more. The young man understood that significant success can only be achieved through tremendous dedication, patience and hard work. At the same time, he never had the desire to simply work for hire and earn money.

I have always dreamed of finding a source of my own driving force, inspiration that would lead me. Vadim Kurkin owes his own victory to himself. His biography once again confirms that for a purposeful and active person nothing is impossible.

From sales coaching to relationship coaching

When the young specialist started giving useful lectures on management, talking about it, he noticed one peculiarity. His seminars were most often attended by women, men were relatively not a large number of... Moreover, young girls attended meetings, they listened to the coach with the greatest attention... Suddenly Vadim realized what was the matter: all these lovely ladies came not to study effective sales, they wanted to know the secrets of relationships with the opposite sex. They were interested in how to create a harmonious, happy family, to strengthen relations with an existing partner, to bring more trust and attentiveness into them.

Kurkin began to answer questions from the participants and became interested in these topics himself. Then the realization came to him that abstract success does not give much, which a person actually strives for, does not satisfy his inner personal need - to be loved and needed.

As a result, the coach was able to combine the two components and came up with a single concept of individual success. It is this that he currently shares in his seminars, online courses and trainings.

Center for Practical Psychology

Was created to successfully implement all those new ideas and thoughts that literally attacked young man... The Vadim Kurkin Center has become an excellent addition to the existing knowledge. With his help, he was able to convey to people directly his own thoughts and views of the world.

Center practical psychology includes courses on harmonious relationships, seminars and webinars for women who dream of changing their lives in the better side... Further, the main trainer courses will be considered, theoretical aspectswhich he pays close attention to at these meetings.

"Secrets of a Happy Relationship"

This seminar covers a large number of issues on the interaction of spouses with each other. Vadim Kurkin expresses an interesting idea that in real, holistic relationships there is complete interdependence, the belonging of spouses to each other. There are people who want to be independent and avoid attachments in their lives in every possible way. Vadim Kurkin very competently debunks the myth of chanting own freedom... Such a person, as a rule, suffers from oppressive loneliness, unfulfillment, but it does not even occur to him that he is doing wrong and it is time to change something.

Another important postulate is the statement that it is important for a woman to motivate a man for success, to create additional inspiration for him, an incentive for action. According to Vadim Kurkin, a man needs very little for himself, and everything he does is achieved only for the sake of his second half. If the stronger sex is deprived of the opportunity to take care of the well-being of his companion, then he will not take any steps in order to delight himself with some purchases. A man will not find meaning and satisfaction in this.

At the seminar, the author, together with the participants, examines the role of men and women in each other's lives. To create a harmonious union, you first need to come to an understanding of how everything works. The greatest mistake is trying to live selfishly and the woman to take responsibility for the whole family. This is the prerogative of the stronger sex, there is no need to take away such a right from him. This is what Vadim Kurkin is talking about. His books confirm the correctness and reasonableness of this position.

"The time for happiness is now"

This course is designed for an audience that is focused on action. Learning ways effective development and attracting good luck is relevant for many people. Some of us are not ready to take concrete steps today, which is why we suffer. and finding time to communicate with your family when you are very busy - these are the main burning questions. The training helps to believe in yourself, to find inner balance.

"Education without punishment"

The course talks about how to properly build relationships with your own children. Some parents cannot do without the use of punishment, and this negatively affects the personal development of the growing child. According to Kurkin, children need to be raised with love, demonstrating in practice their protection and patronage. Words are important, but they cost comparatively less than actual actions and actions. Give your child warmth and participation, he wants to feel parental support in everything!

Vadim Kurkin. Reviews

Participants of the trainings note one amazing feature: after completing a course, they feel filled, inspired to implement any ideas. Women often admit that they were already in despair, and only this meeting with knowledgeable person helped them to realize their true role and purpose in the family.

The relationship between a man and a woman is one of the foundations of any person's life. We can have a favorite and well-paid job, loyal friends, a hobby ... But if there is no half, then all the other delights of life do not please. Or there is a relationship, but with the note "everything is complicated." Quarrels, misunderstandings, conflicts out of the blue. Better to be alone at all!

The life of many of us revolves in this vicious circle - close together, boring apart. Hence the betrayal, parting, pain, another experience unsuccessful relationship... Vadim Kurkin - successful psychologist, the author of articles and lectures, who undertakes to teach anyone the secrets of happiness in relationships.

There are only two ways in a relationship.

What does the Vadim Kurkin Center do? Secrets happy relationship - this is what the visitors of his trainings and lectures will learn. Without contentment in love, it is impossible to become happy in other areas of life.

Take a look at your relationship with your partner from the outside. Where are you going and are you going at all? Vadim Kurkin claims that there are only two ways to develop any relationship. This is either development and growth, or joint degradation.

Why did the wrong person meet again

"And again I was disappointed in her, she turned out to be the same as all the previous ones." Surely you have heard similar phrases from others, if you did not say similar things yourself. Often we blame the loneliness of the world, which stubbornly slips us the wrong partners.

Vadim Kurkin's training will reveal a hard truth for you - we meet only those people who are worthy at this level of development and whom we attract ourselves. Any woman is a mirror image of a nearby man, and vice versa. Not satisfied with your partner? Stop looking for the reasons for failure in it, and pay attention to yourself. Give up for a while from relationships, engage in self-improvement and return to the search after a while refreshed.

The importance of choice

Vadim Kurkin believes that often relationships do not work out only for the reason that a man or woman is afraid to make a choice. The choice is the beginning of the path, the recognition that this is “my man” or “my woman”. It is the choice that is considered the starting point of your relationship.

But keep in mind that it is difficult to make a choice, since it means accepting responsibility, and not only for your decision, but also for a specific person chosen, says Vadim Kurkin.

The psychologist argues that, on the other hand, after making a conscious choice, relationships are simplified. A man is a breadwinner in his role. Having chosen a woman, he can begin to give her gifts, invest in the development of "we are together." It's hard for a woman without a choice. She cannot love a man, look after and take care of him, until he is "her".

There is one "but" in the matter of choice. You cannot accept any person who has entered your life. Like, well, I choose him, I will try with him, and if anything, I will re-choose. When choosing a partner, you must imagine that he will be with you forever, and feel joy from this. If the thought of long term relationship from specific person does not cause you enthusiasm, then you should wait and wait for a more suitable pair.

What if this is not my man?

Another reason that makes us delay the choice is the fear of error. You will spend time, effort and money, and this is simply not your person, but just passed by. What does Vadim Kurkin say about this?

The reviews of those who attended his training are enthusiastic - the psychologist calls not for philosophical research, but for action. Your fears will go away when you make a choice. Take a chance, and then time will tell.

Or such a situation - for some reason, you choose between two potential partners and mark time. As long as you do nothing, Vadim Kurkin believes, nothing good will happen in your life. Choose, even if not your own, and then you will understand. After all, experience is a consequence of action, not reflection.

The floors of a house called relationship

In the developed lectures, the Vadim Kurkin Center asserts the following: relations are not a haphazard chaotic movement from quarrels to a truce, but a structure that can be successfully managed and improved. Everyone has a role to play in a relationship, and if you follow it and “play honestly,” you have a chance to build a strong “home” in which you two will be comfortable and cozy.

The floor called "security"

Take it as an axiom that the man leads, he is the first, and the woman follows him, she is the second - this is what Vadim Kurkin claims.

The opinions of psychologists vary, but this assumption makes sense. The base for life is built on the ground floor of relationships. A man is a breadwinner. On his shoulders lies the responsibility for food, life and safety of relationships. At this stage of building relationships, it is important for a woman to learn to be weak and be able to ask for help. Even if you can do it yourself, allow yourself to accept your partner's help.

No one owes nothing to nobody

Second floor - desires

On this "floor" of relations, a woman is in charge. Healthy, beautiful woman must have desires, and that's fine. But there is a huge difference between a beggar caprice and wise womanwho knows how to correctly present her desires. Imagine a girl who is always capricious and whines that she needs this and that. “I want a new dress, like Katya's! Let's go to the restaurant! And Masha gave her a new phone, and you gave me nothing ”.

And imagine a girl who, hugging her beloved, talks about her dreams, how they will move from a rented room to their own apartment, where she will put things in order and comfort. Or how she will be irresistible in a new dress while walking with her beloved.

The first girl causes annoyance, while the second encourages action and the search for means to realize desires. A woman can desire anything, the only difference is how it is presented. If you know how to wish and ask correctly, then your man will gladly carry it out.

Of course, there must be common sense in requests and in what the woman wants. For example, it is silly to paint as you want mink coat for 100 thousand rubles, if your total monthly income is only 40.

Third floor - goals

A man, fueled by the desires of his beloved, can not only set goals, but also achieve them, while earning money. It is good if a woman has a favorite business that generates income, but if she "leads" or earns bigger than men, then it will be more difficult to build relationships. It is better for a woman to stimulate and motivate her beloved, while not forgetting about the desires from the second floor.

Fourth floor - admiration

This is the women's floor, Vadim Kurkin believes. On this site of the relationship, a woman should admire her man, words inspire him to action. When a woman believes in her man, even in case of failure, he will not lose heart.

How should a woman behave if a man has become a victim of circumstances? Do not set yourself the goal of "pulling" him out of depressive state, you are not a mother, you are a companion. Your man is strong. Leave him alone with you, give him the opportunity to concentrate and think about everything yourself. But at the stage of life, where everything develops, be there and share the joy of success.

Creativity lives on the fifth floor

A man should be in charge of a relationship on this floor. Ideas for spending time together, relaxing, what to do together on the upcoming weekend. Every man has a huge creative potential, which should be shown in the form of a hobby - sports, fishing, creating something with your own hands or digging in the garage. If a man does not give out this energy, quarrels are inevitable, where the creative energy will be transformed into destructive one.

Sixth floor - intuition

Any woman, whoever she is by profession and role in life, has a deep inner connection with space. A woman's sense is not a fiction, but a real "sixth sense" that will work especially well if you are not afraid to trust him.

A man should listen to the advice of his beloved if she says "I feel", "I have a premonition." A woman, on the other hand, should not be silent about her feelings about future events, any upcoming plans or work affairs of a man.

Everyone's place in the "house" of relationships

Now think about where your place and your partner are in the built house. Are you encroaching on the territory where your half should be in charge, are you taking on too much? Or, on the contrary, don't you refuse to dominate where you should?

Refuse to control not your floors, from putting things in order there. Take on your part of the responsibilities so that everything is good and smooth on your "field". In harmoniously arranged relationships I want to find it, because they do not burden, but inspire and push both partners to development, Vadim Kurkin believes.

The educational center named after him encourages everyone to analyze the state of their own "home". If you understand that not everything is going smoothly, then do not rush to destroy it, and hastily build a new one with the next partner. It is easier to renovate than to build a building from scratch. Use the best practices of Vadim Kurkin to embody all your plans for a happy relationship.

If the husband has problems with his career, is pursued by setbacks, and there are no positive changes, how can we help him? Psychologist Vadim Kurkin continues to answer the girls' questions in the project "100 Questions from Relationships". In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the right line behavior with him - analysis interesting situations and cases in the relationship between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

Why married man starts to change? What is the reason? Can treason be prevented? What should a woman be so that her husband does not have the thought of looking to the side? Psychologist Vadim Kurkin continues to answer the girls' questions in the project "100 Questions from Relationships". In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the correct line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

How to make a man understand that it is important for you to hear words of love, tenderness, confirmation that he needs you? Psychologist Vadim Kurkin continues to answer the girls' questions in the project "100 Questions from Relationships". In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the right line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

How do you know what keeps you from staying with this person - love or attachment? How to distinguish feelings of love from attachment? Psychologist Vadim Kurkin continues to answer the girls' questions in the project "100 Questions from Relationships". In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the correct line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

My man communicates with other girls on the Internet, endlessly evaluates their photos, saying that they are just friends. Should we look for any pitfalls in this communication? Flirting on the internet for unfree man - is this normal behavior in a couple? Should we take it for granted, or is it time to sound the alarm? Vadim Kurkin, a psychologist, specialist in building personal relationships, author and presenter of women's training programs, continues to answer the girls' questions in the project "100 Questions about Relationships". In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the correct line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

Is it worth trying to build a relationship with a man from whom you ask for help and constantly come across refusal. At the same time, the man connects his refusal with the consumer attitude. Psychologist Vadim Kurkin, the author and presenter of training psychological courses for women, continues to answer the girls' questions. Another video from the series "100 Questions About Relationships." In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the correct line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

How to keep the relationship warm after 10 years of marriage? when you know a person by heart with all his merits and demerits. How not to get stale and bore each other? Another answer from psychologist Vadim Kurkin, author and presenter of training programs on the psychology of relationships between men and women, from the series "100 questions about relationships." In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the correct line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

If you live with your husband's parents, then situations may arise when the husband takes their side in some matters. What if he does it constantly contrary to your opinion? How to convince your husband that his parents are not always right, and that you also need to listen and support you? Another video from the series of video podcasts "100 Questions about Relationships" by Vadim Kurkin, the author and host of educational programs for women, psychologist of happy relationships. In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the correct line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

Why does your husband not have a desire to surprise and please, although you yourself arrange surprises and give gifts? Why does he not show any response when he sees how you care for him? What can you do to make a man so desire? Use bribery or genuine interest in his true desires? Another video from the series of video podcasts "100 Questions about Relationships" by Vadim Kurkin, the author and host of educational programs for women, psychologist of happy relationships. In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the right line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

What to do when the husband is on edge? Everything annoys him, he explodes, constantly expresses dissatisfaction with everything that you do. Another video from the series of video podcasts "100 Questions about Relationships" by Vadim Kurkin, the author and host of educational programs for women, psychologist of happy relationships. In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the right line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

Why in our modern world only women work on themselves, read books, go to seminars, communicate on forums, sharing their experiences? And men at this time do nothing and at the same time blame women for all the problems? Another video from the series of video podcasts "100 Questions about Relationships" by Vadim Kurkin, the author and host of educational programs for women, psychologist of happy relationships. In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the correct line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

How to get care and support from a man? What kind of women are men willing to value, respect and support? 100 questions about the relationship between a man and a woman - an exclusive project of the author and presenter of women's trainings, psychologist of happy relationships Vadim Kurkin. In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the correct line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin

Is it possible to constantly maintain in a man the desire to achieve a woman? How not to go too far, and not get tired of chasing fleeing prey all the time? The first video opening a series of video podcasts "100 Questions About Relationships" by the author and host of educational programs for women, psychologist of happy relationships, Vadim Kurkin. In each video: - answers to the most burning questions from real girls, - tips on how to understand a man, build the right line of behavior with him, - analysis of interesting situations and cases in relations between a man and a woman. Even more interesting things about relationships from psychologist Vadim Kurkin http://vk.com/love.vadimkurkin http://vadimkurkin.com https://www.facebook.com/VadimKurkinBlog https://twitter.com/VadimKurkin