Tver regional hospital paid services. Tver regional hospital: address, photo and reviews

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State state-financed organization health care of the Tver region Regional clinical Hospital(OKB, Tver) (GBUZ TO " Regional Hospital, Tver "), is a medical diagnostic and consulting center. Provides outpatient and outpatient (both planned and emergency), and round-the-clock - stationary, corresponding to the most modern medical standards, assistance to both residents of its own and other regions. On the basis of the institution, high-tech medical care is also provided.

On the base Regional hospital, Tver, provided as free, as part of the compulsory program health insurance and the Territorial program of state guarantees, and paid medical services... Within paid medical services you can get expert advice, laboratory, diagnostic, medical and other types of services.

Regional hospital, Tver equipped with modern therapeutic and diagnostic medical equipment. The institution is constantly introducing achievements modern science and techniques, preventive techniques. The service is carried out by highly qualified specialists. On the basis of the institution, all conditions have been created for the provision of different types medical, organizational, methodological and advisory assistance.

Regional Hospital- a constantly developing and improving medical and preventive institution. The organization uses the most modern information Technology... For the convenience of patients in work, the opportunity is widely used electronic record to the doctor online via the international Internet, including in Regional hospital You can also make an appointment with a doctor using the "Electronic Registry" service.

In addition to the population attached to the city of Tver, the population served, residents of other regions can also receive help here.

In structure Regional hospital, Tver, in the complex, there are inpatient departments and outpatient clinics that allow you to receive quality care in various areas. The diagnostic and paraclinical service is represented by an X-ray room, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, a physiotherapy room and other structural units.

Controlling function Regional hospital, Tver carry out:

  • Ministry of Health of the Tver Region;
  • Territorial body of Roszdravnadzor in the Tver region;
  • Territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance of the Tver region.
  • V modern world it is difficult to imagine life without multidisciplinary hospitals. Fortunately, today they are available in many cities, especially in large ones. And of course, the city of Tver is no exception to this rule.

    Here long years the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Regional Clinical Hospital" (Tver) operates, in which planned and emergency medical intervention to many citizens of the region. This article will go into detail about the structure of the hospital, its contact details and the impressions of its patients.

    The history of the hospital

    This institution has existed in Tver for a long time. Back in 1937, the executive committee of the Kalinin Regional Council decided to organize a clinical hospital in the city. It was arranged at the Institute for Physical Methods of Treatment. At that time, the regional hospital (Tver) was designed for only 300 beds and included three auxiliary departments and five somatic departments.

    Unfortunately, during the Great Patriotic War the medical facility was destroyed by fascist troops. But in 1953, the hospital settled in a restored building and acquired new departments and services. Of course, all this required expansion, so the construction of an entire medical town began. And when in 1954 a medical institute was opened in the city, the hospital took the place of its main base, where 6 different departments were organized.

    1974 was marked for medical institution completion of the construction of new buildings. Thanks to them, the hospital was able to open already 21 treatment departments, which offered 1,140 beds, and 14 auxiliary services. It also became possible to equip all units with more advanced medical devices.

    Hospital in Tver today

    Today the regional hospital (Tver) is headed by Sergey Kozlov, who has been the chief physician since 2010. The day hospital offers patients 50 beds, and the 24-hour hospital - 930.

    All departments of the hospital are equipped with only the most modern equipment, which allows for the most accurate studies and diagnostics. The staff consists of more than 300 doctors with the highest and first categories, as well as more than 500 nurses.

    Any resident of Tver and the region can apply here for help, the main thing is that the person has a compulsory medical insurance policy. Although services are also provided here on a paid basis, it is enough just to mention this point in advance.

    Where is the Tver hospital

    All those who are going to go to the hospital or just come for a consultation with a doctor, of course, need to know where the regional hospital (Tver) is. The address of this health care institution is as follows: Peterburgskoye Shosse, house number 105. It is here that all the buildings of the hospital and its polyclinic are located. There is a regional perinatal center named after E.M.Bakunina, medical college and diagnostic center.

    How to get to the hospital

    The hospital is by no means located in the city center, but more on its northwestern outskirts. However, judging by the reviews of patients, they can easily find the place where the regional hospital (Tver) is located. How to get there? Very simple: there are several stops right next to the hospital public transport... Bus 31, following from Mamulin, and buses 118, 114, 127 and 138, following from the Tver bus station, stop there. About a kilometer from the hospital there is the Doroshikha railway station, which can be reached by train. And of course, the most convenient view transport, on which many have the opportunity to come, is the car.

    What is included in the hospital

    The regional hospital (the city of Tver) is a fairly large organization, the structure of which is not limited to simply medical departments, which are in many hospitals.

    First, the hospital offers the services of a regional consultative polyclinic to all those in need. In it, residents of the city and region can always be examined, visit necessary doctors and get the opinions of highly qualified doctors.

    In 2010, the Regional Vascular Center was organized on the basis of the hospital, where people with disabilities are treated and consulted cerebral circulation, coronary syndrome, rhythm disturbances, dissecting aortic aneurysm and pulmonary embolism.

    The hospital has its own boarding house for temporary accommodation of patients and a special telemedicine center, in which remote consultations with patients are carried out. Also, the regional hospital (Tver) organized a regional scientific and medical library and a museum of the history of medicine, which will be of interest to all concerned citizens.

    The main departments of the hospital

    Tver Clinical Hospital is a very large medical institution. It has departments of three main profiles: therapeutic, surgical and paraclinical.

    The first profile includes cardiology, gastroenterology, neurology, hematology, rheumatology, occupational pathology, endocrinology, nephrology, and the department of allergology and immunology.

    The surgical profile includes urological, traumatological, orthopedic, surgical, neurosurgical, cardiosurgical, otorhinolaryngological, burn departments, department of pregnancy pathology and eye microsurgery.

    The departments with a paraclinical profile are as follows: resuscitation, reception, endoscopic, pathological, X-ray, reception and physiotherapy. This also includes the ultrasound department, bacteriological and clinical diagnostic laboratories, functional diagnostics and a department for planned and emergency counseling.

    All departments of the regional hospital (Tver) employ highly qualified doctors and other medical personnel. According to patients' reviews, many of them know their business very well and are quite friendly. Other visitors to the hospital complain about the incompetence of some doctors and even accuse them of negligence. Unfortunately, this happens in almost all hospitals. Some people come across very good doctors, and others have no luck with them.

    Regional polyclinic

    The polyclinic, which is part of the Tver regional hospital, has a good capacity: it can receive up to 500 people per shift. In addition to the standard doctors' appointments, there are specialized centers, to which citizens can also feel free to contact. These include the following centers: diabetological and rheumatological, treatment of labor and war veterans, hearing aids and audiology, as well as preventive angioneurology.

    Some doctors working in the polyclinic do not even meet in most other medical institutions in the city. Among them are audiologist, deaf teacher and teacher-defectologist, hematologist, cardiac surgeon, podiatrist surgeon, neurosurgeon and endocrinologist surgeon.

    By appointment only, you can get an appointment with any specialist of this polyclinic located on the territory occupied by the regional hospital (Tver). The polyclinic's registry provides quick registration of patients with the specialists they need, both by phone and during a personal visit. However, based on the feedback from visitors, it is very problematic to make an appointment by phone, since very often the reception desk phones are busy, it is difficult to get through here. Many people also don't like standing in line at the reception desk. Since it can take a long time.

    You can also sign up here using special system electronic registration on the Internet or through terminals installed inside the clinic. According to citizens' impressions, this is the most convenient option.

    Provision of paid services

    The regional hospital (Tver) and its consultative polyclinic carry out the reception and treatment of patients not only free of charge under compulsory medical insurance policies, but also on a paid basis. For money, you can either stay in the hospital or simply get consultations from the right doctors.

    Many residents of Tver and the region note in their reviews that sometimes it is not difficult to distinguish a budget patient from a paid one. Some doctors treat them much better, and they often receive service at the highest level. At the same time, sometimes, for extra money, a patient can begin to be treated for unnecessary or completely non-existent diseases for the sake of medical benefit.

    Where are the young residents of the city treated?

    Of course, in the Tver region there is also a special medical institution, in which help needed can be obtained by underage citizens. It is the children's regional hospital (Tver), whose history began back in 1954. It is located at 23, Stepan Razin Embankment.

    As many as 10 branches function here. These include two pediatric wards for younger and older children. The first even has a department of newborn pathology, where babies with various developmental anomalies are admitted every day, for example, congenital malformations heart or pathologies of the central nervous system... Among the departments of the hospital there are also two surgical departments, infectious, orthopedic and traumatological, intensive care, uroandrological and neurosurgical departments.

    69 beds have been allocated for the day hospital in the hospital, and 409 for round-the-clock stay. About 12 thousand children receive treatment here annually, and more than 150 thousand children apply for counseling, which can also be obtained in this institution.

    The last type of assistance is provided by the children's regional clinical hospital (Tver) in the polyclinic available here. It employs highly qualified doctors of 24 specialties, who are always happy to welcome young patients in their offices. Among them are well-known specialists, for example: a neurologist, pediatrician, speech therapists and a surgeon. There are also doctors of more narrow specialties, for example: a defectologist, audiologist, hematologist, maxillofacial surgeon, nephrologist and pulmonologist.

    So, residents of Tver and the Tver region, regardless of their age, have a place to receive highly qualified medical care, whether it is just a consultation or a treatment course in a hospital. All this can be provided both under the compulsory medical insurance policy, and on a paid basis. But in any case, those in need of treatment are never denied here.


    I will slightly clarify my opinion (about the work of the Neurological Department for patients with acute cerebrovascular accident of the State Healthcare Institution "Regional Clinical Hospital", Tver):

    Impartial and objective: I am very pleased with everything. Treatment itself loved one was carried out in the Department of Neurological for patients with cerebrovascular accident of the State Healthcare Institution "Regional Clinical Hospital" in Tver.
    Worked perfectly in conjunction: the ambulance team medical care", headed by the neurologist Grek Oleg Anatolyevich - ward intensive care Departments of the Neurological Department for patients with cerebrovascular accidents of the State Healthcare Institution "Regional Clinical Hospital", Tver - the entire staff of the Department of Neurological for patients with cerebrovascular accidents of the State Healthcare Institution "Regional Clinical Hospital", Tver. Despite the youth of the medical staff, everyone showed themselves excellently. An excellent example of how to work and how to relate to business.
    Unfortunately, all of the above medical staff v to a large extent eliminate what came before