What to do so that the child does not shove. Jumping in infants: causes, prevention and concern for concern. When a specialist help is needed

Your child only poked, and suddenly began to jump off the milk back. You are confused and do not understand what is happening. Such a problem arises quite often and familiar to all young mothers. So you need to know how to properly treat the child's joins at the first months of his life. It should also be understood whether it is possible to somehow avoid such a phenomenon and are there any reasons for concern.

Why does a child often jumps out?

Jumping milk, which is sometimes observed in babies, is a process in which a certain amount of Food returns to the throat and oral cavity from the stomach or esophagus. Sometimes, along with milk, the air comes out that the child swallowed during feeding. Jumping happens in most kids under the age of half a year, but the reasons for this can be different, starting from the wrong feeding process, and ending congenital pathologies organism. All reasons can be divided into two main groups. At the same time, in the first group, the reasons should include breach of feeding, swallowing with air milk, not proper position Body during feeding. The second group includes pathologies that can also cause such unpleasant phenomenon. In the case of pathology, the child will need to provide appropriate treatment.

Jumping through the persistence

The volume of the stomach in the newborn is small, and if the child overeats, then the stomach is trying to get rid of the excess milk. Jumping when the child overproofing is a protective reaction of the body. What do you need to do in this case? Some children's doctors and nutritionists recommend feeding babies to the established mode, as it helps to clearly track and limit the volume of milk or nutrient mix. This means that the child will not overeat and, accordingly, jump off an excessive amount of food. On the other hand, there are recommendations of specialists who are reduced to the so-called therapeutic feeding regime of children. This means that for the treatment of flashing in a child should provide more frequent feedingbut smaller portions than accepted. This approach corresponds to the so-called "feeding on demand", in which the infant is more likely to apply to the chest, and therefore the child receives a smaller amount for each feeding cycle. Nevertheless, during the day, the kid eats its norm in any case. The question of compliance with a certain regime or its absence should be solved individually.

Switching a large amount of milk air

The child's jumping sometimes happens when swallowing large number Air during feeding (so-called aerophagy). The sign is this restless behavior Child after feeding. The child can cry, his bloating is observed. Open after swimming air with milk is characterized by a specific loud sound Air emerging from the stomach. It should be mentioned separately about children included in the so-called "risk group" in which premature children and babies with a delay intrauterine development. In children from the risk group, the formation and maturation of all processes lasts about 6-10 weeks after birth. During this period, the child masters the complex process of coordinated sucking, swallowing and breathing. Since it is quite difficult for the baby, there may be quite intensive bumps during the formation period. Nevertheless, in the absence of other complicating factors, after ripening the body, the toddler joins is completely stopped.

The reasons for switching air (aerophagia) can be quite a lot. For example, a child can be very hungry, restless, cry. During the crying, breathing is disturbed, the child hurries and captures the mouth of the air. Another reason for Agroogaism may not be proper attachment for breastfeedingwhen the child does not capture or incorrectly captures Areola, or the mother has a flat, tightened nipple. It should also be paid to the correct position and shape of a bottle of feeding, as well as the magnitude of the hole in the nipple.

If the child woke up very hungry and worries, you need to postpone all the hygiene measures for later and first feed it. At the same time, it should be strictly observed for feeding techniques, that is, the child must protect the AREOLU correctly, and not just a nipple. If the child eats from the bottle, then it must be kept so that the whole nipple is filled with milk, and the size of the opening corresponded to the child's age. In order for the air that the baby could be swallowed during feeding, it is enough to hold it vertically, putting on his shoulder, for 3-5 minutes. This can be done both after feeding, and during feeding, if the child is worried and cries. It is possible that the child heated air. If the air does not go out, you can put a child on the belly on soft pillow. However, it is necessary to ensure that the baby can breathe freely when feeding. To do this, it should be regularly cleaned the baby's nose from mucus and crusts, and with breastfeeding, make sure that the child does not rest in his chest.

Incorrect body position when feeding

An uncomfortable posture, the active movement of the baby during and after feeding can lead to belching. What can be done in this case? The mattress in the crib or stroller should be raised at an angle of about 20 degrees to top part The bodies of the child was a bit raised. During feeding a child suffering from frequent joins, it is important to ensure that it is such that the upper part of the body is raised by 50-60 degrees relative to the horizontal position. For example, a child can be put on a large not too soft pillow, or feed in a comfortable chair. After feeding, the child should not move actively, because a sharp change in the body position can trigten. Therefore, it is not worth actively playing with the child after he hung. It is also very important to wear a baby correctly. His stomach should not be compressed, so you do not need a tag to swaddle a child, and the sliders on the rubber band is better to replace with a jumpsuit.

Pathological causes of tightening

One of the common pathological reasons Jumping may be dyspeption in a child, that is, a disruption of digestion. Probable reason Dyspepsia can be a specific composition maternal milk or nutrient mixture. During the feeding of the mother, it is necessary to monitor its diet, because overdue and low-quality products often cause into a child intoxication and infectious diseases transmitted together with milk. It should be remembered that far from every food mixture, even if it is quite the road, suitable for nutrition. In particular, newborn children in no case cannot be replaced by some mixtures by others, if the children's doctor did not give permission.

The pathologies of the central nervous system of the child can also lead to jerking. However, in this case, only a neurologist and a qualified pediatrician can be able to establish the reason, who prescribe a child to the child.

There are also violations of development gastrointestinal tract. One of these abnormalities of the stomach development is pylorostenosis - a narrowing of the junction of the stomach with duodenalist. There are also anomalies of the esophagus, that is, the narrowing of the transition between the stomach and the esophagus. Usually eliminate this kind of anomaly without surgical intervention It is impossible.

Infectious diseases - one more of possible causes Jumping children. At the same time, the most frequent infection that causes belching in children is a staphylococcal infection. If children's doctor There is a suspicion on infectionHe prescribes the appropriate analyzes, based on the results of which the necessary course of treatment is established.

Correction of child nutrition

Even if the child is breastfeeding, but at the same time observed, a nutritionist or a pediatrician can recommend the mother to apply special therapeutic food mixtures that are usually given to children before feeding. All mixtures of this type typically contain an increased concentration of casein - a protein that easily addresses the infant stomach under the action of the digestive juice and turns into a thick mass. In addition to casein, therapeutic food mixtures for babies contain thickeners such as potato, rice and corn starch. Also in the composition of children's special food can be a gum extracted from the seed of the horn tree. It is also known that the gum contributes to speeds up the transfer of food from the stomach into the intestine. If the child jumps, and special medical mixes at this moment Unavailable, it can be given before breastfeeding a little rice or buckwheat cereal cooked on a conventional mixture. It will also serve a thickener for breast milk. Nevertheless, whatever the way to overcome the adaptation from a child is chosen, you need to know how much milk is placed in the stomach of the child during feeding.

And now let's figure it out if there should be a reason for concern to join the child. If you believe the statistics, then the absolute majority of children, tightening, as a rule, is not caused by pathology and subsequently passes upon reaching a child of six months. Nevertheless, with very intense jerking in large volumes after each feeding, it may cause anxiety. But it is more important that as a result of frequent intense swollen, the child is not typically gaining weight, and sometimes even loses it. Therefore, in any case it is necessary careful examination The child so that you can discard the option of congenital pathology.

The kids often jump, cry or just can look at one point - it is certainly not clear to moms, but sometimes it is alarming and requires attention.

Why a child is jumping

The newborn sphincter (muscular ring) which has not yet completely matured and cannot yet keep food often diverge, especially if the baby moved or after eating it is too active. Jumping comes out due to the fact that the stomach could not, did not have time to digest the milk or the mixture (luch) and the child jerks the curd masses. There are several main reasons for pediatrics allocated:
  • Incorrectly takes the chest and swallows air.
  • A sharp change in body position after receiving the food of the child.
  • Overeating. It is not necessary to put the baby too often to the chest (not taken into account painful condition Kid or teething tooths).
But in fact there is nothing terrible in joinding and it is quite natural process, the baby knocked down and then calmly picks up weight, eats, plays and so on, the tummy works and everything is in order. But there are some reasons when the child has problem jokes, and it is urgent to flee to the doctor immediately. List:
  • The child jumped with blood.
  • The child dug off a rich fountain and quite abundantly.
  • Jumping, the kid does not gain weight, refuses to eat and drink.
  • Jumps off rapidly.

Baby joining norms

  • After feeding, he jumped for 5-15 minutes, quite a bit. It is gastroelectric reflux and is a physiological norm.
  • Plot air when feeding. It will also go fine, you should simply learn how to properly apply your baby to the chest.
  • Incorrect position When feeding.

How to help a child lean less

  • Do not overflow without need.
  • Quick when the baby requires, but without fanatism (you see that milk flows out of the mouth, take it out).
  • Feed correctly. Do not put the baby horizontally, hold the head, and direct the nipple and keep your hand to grab tightly, while sucking your chest, do not move, and do not dry the baby (let it feel calmly).
  • After the child does not play with him, do not make a massage and do not activate it at all. Let the food digest in 20-30 minutes. The child will negle all the same, most likely, so keep the head necessarily raised.
  • Jump the booler (whirl). When he breaks up, at least, does not spite you or himself.

As for the artificials, everything is the same, but still it is better to consult with a pediatrician. Perhaps it's in nutrition.

When a child appears on the light, all its organs and systems are not yet fully generated, and therefore they work is not too glorious. The consequence of this is the various troubles that cause many concerns to parents. Especially mothers and dads frighten the states associated with the work of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, including tightening.

Parental fears sometimes can not even dispel the consultations of qualified doctors and reading special literature: the symptoms are so contradictory, and the line between the norm and pathology is so incomprehensible that moms and dads, unable to distinguish serious disease From a hazardous state, they may not spare on.

Such manifestations also refers to the newborns, which can scare inexperienced parents, but is not always dangerous. To determine when the child is required by the doctor, and when nothing but observation and prevention should be aware of how shinking arises, which is its reason and what measures should be taken to get the frequency of this not too pleasant phenomenon to the minimum.

Why kid joins after feeding

Causes of Jumping baby Lack in imperfection digestive systemwhich in the newborn baby continues to be formed, but quite for a long time It differs from the gastrointestinal tract of an adult. The stomach of the baby is not elongated, but a spherical shape, the esophagus is still too short, and the sphincter (the muscle that opens the passage for food from the esophagus in the stomach and closes it in the process of digestion and the state of rest, and also prevents the emission of hydrochloric acid In the body) rather weak.

As a result crossing the sphincter cannot hold back a large amount of food. It opens, and part of the non-refined or not until the end of the digested milk is pushed back. As a result, it arises that experts are called gastroesophageal reflux. Do not be afraid - this is a professional term denoting to join in infants or problems with digestion in adults.

Another phenomenon, provoking jagging - swallowing the child in the process of feeding too much air. Differently it is called aerophagia . In the stomach, an air stopper is formed by an impressive size, which presses on its walls, and to get rid of excess pressure, the stomach is sharply reduced, pushing the plug into the esophagus.

As a result, the air comes out with a characteristic sound and is accompanied by joining a small amount of milk, which left the stomach with the plug. It can be unchanged or partially digested (the so-called swollen curd in infants). Despite the volume of sound and even stray milk, the child does not feel much discomfort.

Thus, the reasons for shinking in a newborn can be everything that provokes pressure on the digestive organs and abdominal cavity Baby, namely:

  • crossing;
  • wrong applying to the chest or too wide a bottle hole, which leads to excessive air inlets;
  • problems with intestines - flatulence, colic, creating overpressure in the abdominal cavity and make it difficult to promote milk from the stomach;
  • excessive child activity: turning or crawling immediately after feeding;
  • prenatal delay in development or prematurity: while the gastrointestinal tract of the baby will have long way development, and breathing, and reflex not yet coordinated, which can lead to aerophagia;
  • serious violations in the development of digestive organs: the stomach shift up towards the diaphragm, the valve defect that regulates the passage of food from the stomach in the intestines (pylorostenosis), the deficiency of development and weakness of the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach (Chalasia), excessive esophagus narrowing (Ahalasia).

As a rule, it is enough to observe right mode Feeding and applying to the chest, as well as keep a child vertically 15-20 minutes after eating so that food fell into the stomach, and the air rose and came back. However, if despite all taken measures The frequency and volume of joins increase, and the child feels bad and loses weight in weight - this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Vomiting and tightening: how to distinguish one from the other?

The main question that is worried about the majority of parents - is it normal to join the newborn? In fact, it is absolutely natural phenomenondue to the immaturity of the digestive system of the kid - as the child grows and improvement internal organs The problem will disappear by itself. However, tightening should not be confused with vomiting - hazardous conditionwhich is a sign serious problems with health.

If a child jershits a small amount of milk, which practically does not smell and is not changed (or looks like white cottage cheese), it does not cause him discomfort, it is healthy, cheerful and perfectly adds in weight, not worry about. In this case, even frequent tights in infants can be considered as an option of the norm.

When vomiting the picture is a bit different: The child with power is stretching eaten immediately after feeding (especially complex case Almost everything that ate before it) - such a phenomenon is also called fountain shinking. At the same time, the baby feels discomfort, frightens, crying, may also be marked by pale, sweating, and in the case of regular episodes of vomiting - and sharp loss in weight. If such manifestations are repeated regularly, and the milk jumped with a child has a pronounced yellow tint (which is typical of pylorosenosis), you need to show the kid as soon as possible by a specialist.

Pathological processes

If the burden in principle is considered normal, then abundant and frequent joining in the newborn is a pathology? It depends on what is considered frequent and abundant. As an option, the norm of the child can be removed after each feeding 5-30 ml of milk (up to 2 tablespoons), or a total of up to 3.5 tablespoons of milk per day.

Spoons of jeeping, of course not to measure, so many parents, seeing the wet stain of impressive sizes on clothes or pelleon, are very worried. In fact, everything can be not so scary. In order to approximately imagine the number of food by the child, a simple experiment should be conducted: pour to the pellets in different places One dining room and one teaspoon of water. Approximately matching the size of the stains with traces of the broken milk, you can determine how much kid "rejected".

Even if the child initially jumps a lot, then after 3-4 months it repeats less and less, and by the time the baby begins to sit and eat more hard and dense food, jeeping stopped almost completely, finally disappearing by 10-12 months.

True, there are exceptions: if the child begins to actively crawl earlier than sitting, he can start jumping again, since with this belly will constantly be under pressure. You can avoid this, if you do not give the baby to turn over after feeding and carry it in a vertical position before the air exhaust.

However, if the child jumps very often and more norm (at some cases - All the portion eaten for feeding), becomes pale, sluggish and flexible, and as he is heard, it does not change, we are most likely about pathology - disorders in the development of digestive and nervous systems.

The causes of frequent pathological joining in infants, as a rule, become:

  1. Defeats and violations of the development of the central nervous system - hydrocephalus, perinatal encephalopathy and etc.
  2. Problems with the development of the gastrointestinal tract - Ahalasia, Pylororenosis and other diseases.
  3. Poisoning and infectious diseases.
  4. Kidney diseases - in some cases.

In addition to frequent jigsawsThese deviations are accompanied by an increase in temperature, pallhery, delay in growth and weight, rare urination and the lack of chair, weakness and increased excitability. For successful treatment Or correction of the main disease of the fracture is gradually passing.

What to do in moments of jigging

If after feeding the child did not jumped the air in a vertical position, this does not mean that he does not swollen later. However, if you put it on your back, there is a risk that when tugging the baby will begin to rock. To avoid this, it is necessary to lay the baby after feeding strictly on the side, putting a small pellery under the cheek: so frightened milk is quickly absorbed.

Another trouble - jumping through nester . This happens if, when feeding or further laying the legs of the child are slightly above the head or the kid stroke too much air. The milk who fell into the nose can irritate the mucous membrane, so, laying the child, it is necessary to raise his head a little with the help of two-three folded flannel pellery.

If the child jumped lying, it should immediately take on the hands and hold a little in a vertical position: it is possible that the air was not fully released. If the baby jumped during feeding, it should also be held by the "Stage" and in no case do not to remember, afraid that he has been happily: most likely, everything is just the opposite. But in any case, leave the baby one immediately after eating should not be, since tightening - the phenomenon is unpredictable: its appearance and the intensity is difficult to predict.

How to deal with a problem?

To get rid of joins or minimize them, it is necessary to understand why this happens. If the reason for joining the newborn has become overgrown or aerophagia, it is necessary revise the mode and feeding method : Proper attachment of the child to the chest, at which it should capture the nipple together with the AREOLA, or the narrowing of the hole in the bottle can reduce the frequency of joining at about half of the cases.

Feeding with small portions through small intervals will help to avoid overeating and contributes to the best digestibility of milk. Moreover, if the child jumps after immediately after eating, it is better not to feed it lying, and pick up the pose, closest to the vertical. Regular massage and laid out the baby on the stomach before feeding also helps: while stomaching is stimulated.

If the burden is caused by excessive pressure on the belly of the baby, it is necessary to avoid tight Pelennia , close clothes And the sliders on the rubber band, as well as try to squeeze less and press the child for at least one hour after feeding. If the baby began to actively turn over, they will have to wear it in his hands for 20-25 minutes after eating so that the milk "faced" in the stomach is finally.

If the problem of the baby is a reflux or sphincter weakness, it may be necessary special meals . Antirefluxus milk mixtures with natural thickeners or increased content Casein contributes to the rapid flow of milk, which makes it difficult to rise from the stomach.

However serious pathologies the gastrointestinal tract to the baby, it is quite possible, it will be necessary operation . Before that, a thorough examination will be conducted with mandatory inspection Surgeon, gastroenterologist, ultrasound examination and passing all the necessary analyzes.

With pylorostenosis and ahalasia, operations are usually simple: almost immediately after it, the baby is beginning to feed little, and in the absence of complications for 4 days apply to the chest. AT further kid It develops absolutely normal, and most likely, it will not even know that it was operated on in early childhood.

When do you need to call a doctor?

If the tights differ in a small volume and do not cause a kid of discomfort, there is no reason to worry. However, urgently apply to the doctor is necessary in the following cases:

  1. Abundant swollen "fountain" more than 2 times a day.
  2. Changed color and honeycomb intake in jumped milk.
  3. Sharp weight loss.
  4. Failure to eat.
  5. No stool, urination.
  6. Pallor, temperature rise.
  7. Capriciousness, loud long crying.

All these symptoms are signs of serious malaise of the baby, requiring an urgent consultation of a specialist. It is expensive to "go through itself" or try to treat the child on its own is extremely dangerous. Timely health care will help you quickly get rid of the problem and return the child good health, healthy appetite and normal digestion.

I like!

To begin with, each young mother needs to be completed with the fact that the babies up to 4 months regularly jerk. it normal phenomenonwhich indicates proper work and the development of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's try to figure out the mechanism of shinking in a child.

The baby was hung and greedily captures together with food (breast milk or mixture) some kind of air. After eating the baby behaves restlessly, spinning, grinding and humpy, presses the legs, how? These are the symptoms that the air has accumulated in the ventricle and he needs to jump. To facilitate this process, hold the baby vertically (column), pressed to yourself and stroking or easily tapping on the back. If the baby is not yet a month, and he does not hold the head, hold her hand. A minute later, the air will be released, and together with him and some number of food: milk or already sophisticated milk. This process is quite normal and physiological!

What is normal tightening from the baby?

Pediatricians say that in the norm of joining the infants go closer to six months of life. And even if your kid has already converts this threshold, but still continues to jump after meals, until nine-month-old age, this process is still considered the norm. By the way, there are certain signs normal tightening The child hasWhen you worry my mother on this account:

  • If the crumb is jumping over for the first hour after feeding;
  • If there is no shinking, the "fountain", the jet;
  • If the baby is well gaining weight, he has good health and appetite

Important! It happens that jerking in the babies after meals occur in two stages: when changing his body or without reason. This is also within the normal range. It seemed to you that the crumble burned too much? If it did not happen before this, it did not repeat during the day, there's no need to worry about.

When do you need to go to the doctor when jerking?

There are several symptoms when the babies of the baby should alert the mother and make her go for a consultation to a specialist:

  1. Jeeping "fountain" is the most important anxious symptomwhich indicates that the baby has a neurological problem or violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes they can signal the poisoning of crumbs. In this case, you must definitely show the pediatrician and neurologist.
  2. The newborn baby does not jump off immediately after eating, and more than an hour and it is worried about constipation? Pediatricians say that this indicates that the presence of such a diagnosis as "lazy stomach". Visit the baby pediatrician and the gastroenterologist.
  3. If the karapuz jumps off every 5-10 minutes after eating, then this is also a reason to go on a visit to the gastroenterologist and neurologist. Directions to these specialists should issue a pediatrician.
  4. Kroch eats very little, after which he jershits almost the entire portion of the mother's milk or a mixture, he badly adds in the weight, constantly humps or crying, then this signals the pilorostenosis. Pylorostenosis is congenital anomalywhich is characterized by narrowing the infant digestive tube. Because of this, too little food falls in his stomach. In this case, you need to visit the surgeon with the baby.

What to do with abundant joins?

Usually, for the treatment of atypical joins, the doctor prescribes special antirefluux funds or if the babe is on artificial feeding - antirefluxus mixtures. Remember that without the recommendation of the doctor to give a baby or drugs in no case.

The child jars the curd: Are there standards?

As we have already written, tugging in newborns is most often physiological process. And normally, this is a sinking milk mass with an admixture of saliva and air. You should not worry if the crumb ships the curd no more than 6 times in the day and within 15-20 minutes after the completion of feeding. Also pay attention to the clock itself: there is no blood impurities in it. If the tightness does not cause the mood change of the mood (it does not cry, not sluggish, its well-being is normal), then everything is fine. In any other case, it is necessary to urgently visit the pediatrician who will decide to some doctor to send you to a clock to a consultation: a neurologist, a gastroenterologist or infectious background.

Is it possible to avoid joining the curd?

Yes, there are some methods for the prevention of joining the kids. So that the crumble did not jump out the remnants of some kind of food, you need to stick to several uncomplicated rules Feeding:

  • half an hour before feeding lay down the baby on the tummy;
  • when breastfeeding, give preference to those posses, in which the baby shoulder is in a slightly highlighted position ();
  • sometimes the rich flow of milk from the chest becomes the cause of jeaning. Baby has to very quickly pull it out, which contributes to getting into his ventricle;
  • if the babe is on artificial feeding, pay attention to the nipple that you use when feeding it. Now there are special anticolique and antirefluxic nipples that do not allow air to fall into the baby's mouth;
  • after feeding the baby, be sure to hold it 10-15 minutes by the "Stage";
  • during the night feeding, turn the baby on the right barrel: so a small ventricle will be much easier to cope with the eating;
  • do not feed baby forcibly if he does not want to eat;
  • follow the hygiene breast during breastfeeding;
  • the baby, which is on artificial feeding, the dairy mixture is prepared immediately before feeding;
  • children who suffer from frequent joins, specialists are recommended to feed small portions and more often.

90 percent of jeeping occur in healthy children, they only need to help a little. How to do it?

One of the most frequent problems, exciting parents of the kids of the first year of life, are jeeping. Many parents believe that because of jeeping, the baby gets less food, it may get sick or he will develop dangerous complications. I have a hurry to reassure: in most cases, there is no shinking of the disease and are only a manifestation of the immaturity of the digestive system from your crumbs. However, parents should be able to clearly separate jeeping into physiological, that is, permissible, not requiring correction, and pathological, when at least the doctor complain to the doctor to carry out a detailed examination.

Shrinking syndrome in children

Jumping (or differently they are called regurgitation) is the return back of the contents of the stomach into the oral cavity. It occurs passively, is not accompanied by the tension of the muscles of the tummy and the diaphragm (as it happens when vomiting), while the child has no excessive salivation and pallor, sweating, self-election disorders.

Often, kids can also be marked and vomiting, including the fountain. These are complex neuro-reflex motor acts that are under direct control of a special "vomit center" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe oblong brain. They occur with the participation of muscles abdominal press, diaphragms and contraction of the muscles of the stomach.

W. healthy child The vomiting does not happen, but there are ships, although they are considered a variety of vomiting. But they can only be normal one year old, and the frequency of episodes with age should decrease.

Because of the general mechanisms for the development of joining and vomiting, doctors combined them into one group of manifestations: "shinking syndrome and vomiting in children." Scientists noted that up to three months almost half of the kids are celebrated at least one episode of jeeping, they are observed by a quarter of children by half, and by year, only 5% of kids arise episodically. And more often from this problem, kids suffer, fed artificially or on mixed feeding, less often infants.

What is the norm and why?

In general, the kids up to the year of joking are regarded as physiological stateWhen there are rare, non-human episodes. Currently understood the volumes of up to 2 tablespoons. For ease of comparison, doctors usually ask to take 2 tablespoons of milk, pour over a diaper and compare. In addition, to jump off the baby is allowed for an hour and a half after feeding.

Factors contributing to jigsgings are the features of the structure of the digestive system of infants - they have a short esophagus, special form stomach and very excitable nervous systemresponsible for muscular tone, including intestines. In addition, there is still immaturity in the regulation and coordination of the work of sphincter - muscles, locking the entrance to the stomach and output from it. Also, the baby reacts strongly to the blown of the tummy, pain, stress, nervousness of the mother.

Often, parents and grandparents themselves are guilty of jerking. They are afraid to leave the child with hungry and, learning, overwhelm the baby, especially mixtures. In addition, unreasonable decisions will lead to jeeping early Prikorma, violation of feeding regimens, swallowing air during sucking nipple.

The first thing to be done in the event of shinking is to eliminate:

  • violation of child feeding techniques, persistence - to accurately recalculate with the doctor;
  • , Eating a tight sticker in connection with, flatulence, a long cry (all of these factors contribute to an increase in intra-abdominal and intragastric pressure, which in turn overcomes the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter).

If all this is eliminated, and toddles a lot of things and often is a reason for conversation with a doctor.

Why do they jump off?

There are a lot of reasons. Some of them are called organic, that is, when there is a real disease or malformation, preventing the normal passage of food on the esophagus and finding it in the stomach, and then the intestines of the crumbs. That's it precisely these problems, first of all, the exceptions in the event of juggling in children - as it is better to start treating the problem at once when the state of the baby is still satisfactory, because some states, unfortunately, can only be corrected by a surgeon.

Require a mandatory exclusion from a surgeon with abundant regular jerking or vomiting fountains, which began almost from birth and amplifying, while the child does not gain weight or loses it. So the abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract (atresia - the metering of the digestive channel can be manifested; stenosis - sharp narrowings; congenital short esophagus; congenital cardia chaloss -Bodian; unfinished intestinal turn, etc.). Abundant increasing jerking, which begin to manifest themselves in a couple of weeks from birth, is manifested - narrowing of the pylorarial (weekend) department of the stomach.

Sometimes tightening, which began suddenly, can characterize the acutely arising situations - invagination (that is, the instrument and infringement of one intestine of the intestine of another), acute intestinal obstruction or appendicitis.

If a surgical problems Excluded, then when jerking over two times a day, in an hour and later, after meals, the child will need to examine the abundance of jeeping. Perhaps, tightening is caused by the so-called functional reasons - When the organs are arranged correctly, but due to immaturity work incorrectly or not agreed.

Such reasons include: Cardiospasm - disruption of the lower part of the esophagus; Pathological gastroesophageal reflux - throwing the contents of the stomach in the esophagus and the mouth; (severe course of pregnancy and childbirth, low digits of apgar scales, increased intracranial pressure). The crumbs may have anxiety, tremor handles and chin and other neurological symptoms.

All this is clinically manifested by jerking and periodically vomiting, during or after feeding, sometimes in a dream. Unlike physiological, pathological tights usually manifest themselves during horizontal position. In addition, with such jugs, the kids have a nutritional deficit and poorly gain weight. Frequent irritation of the esophagus contents of the stomach can cause esophagitis from them - it is usually manifested by swallowing disorders, refusal of food, crying, anxiety during food or sleep. Often, such crumbs occurs a night cough.

Influencing factors

An important role in the development of jeeping plays the state of mother and relationships in the family and surrounded by the baby. If the mother is anxious, not confident in herself, the advice and dicks ("You bad mother, incorrectly do this or that ... ") - permanent depressive conditionaffecting the child's psyche. Moreover, an important role play I. hormonal perestroika In the body of a woman.

The factors of nutritional mothers play an important role, its correctness and optimality - the Council "Eat for Two" or "Sit on strict diet"It's not useful here, as the excitement for food and weight also change the psychological background. Influence different fashion techniques Raising kids with early swims, diving underwater, and sometimes in the dawn in winter, other stressful effects of temperatures, movement (tumble, throwing, throws) and other things.

In 90% of cases of tightening, they are simply simply eliminated with timely assistance, since they do not have a real anatomical cause. However, tightening is very frightened and worried about parents, they try to take measures that eventually lead to the opposite effect and consolidation of pathology or enhancing jagging. Doctors noticed that the firstborn, long-awaited children, in the elderly parents and in those families, are more often suffering high levels income.

Support mom and dad

Starting the treatment of jeeping is necessary with supporting parents and ensure a positive attitude surrounded by the baby. Special attention We appeal that the baby with jerking in most cases turns out to be completely healthy. Just he needs time to set up his digestive system and teach it to work simply. While he still does not work. Do not be offended by him and do not blame yourself - this is not your fault and not the fault of the baby. Do not be annoyed to the child for evaporated clothing - just bring the crumb into order and calm it. Even newborn children very sensitively catch the mood of parents and their psychological setting: If parents are worried, the baby will also be nervous, and this will aggravate the problem.

If the child has trends towards jeeping, you should not start active dynamic exercises with it, practicing the swap, swimming in the pool and leisure. Provide him temporary peace, at least in the first 3-5 months.

If the mother is overly disturbed - it is worth increasing walks and sleep, recommend it warm baths or souls, sedative fees - with a mother-in-law, Valerian. If you cannot deal with anxiety yourself - talk to a psychologist. Very good effect And for the crumbs and music, the music, quiet and peaceful, playing the background in the room constantly.

For infant

When feeding a child on gv, first of all, you need to create calm atmosphere For mom and baby, eliminating air in sucking - there should be no chasing, clapping and other sounds, only the sound of swallowing the milk. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate doping liquids, independent use of medicines. For prevention and reduction, colic must be applied to the baby to the chest often, do not save the milk in the chest. In addition, it is also the prevention of air swallowing during sucking and accumulating, as the baby sucks gradually, not throwing eagerly on the chest.

If there is no additional measures to join and small volumes, no additional activities are required - only wearing some time after feeding in the vertical position of the "Stage" so that the baby jumped into the stomach.

With pronounced jumps, it is necessary to explain to parents that this is not a reason for cancellation. breastfeeding, I do not have a reason to remember or translate completely on the mixture - the problem will not be solved. And most often only aggravate. Usually, most children are reduced by the three-four months of joining, and by the year are completely eliminated. If, on breast feeding, the kid jerks a lot after three months - this is a reason to examine it in detail.

To assist in a decrease in shinking, the doctor will recommend treatment with position - "Postural therapy". It helps to cleanse the esophagus from the content, reduces the risk of esophageal inflammation and falling into airways. This means that the baby will need to feed in a pose when the baby's body is located at an angle of 45-60 degrees, usually this is the pose on the hand - a cradle or a pillow. In addition, after feeding, it is necessary for about 20-30 minutes to hold it in such a raised position.

Sometimes there is a need to add more dense food to meals. This is done in order to condense the milk in the stomach. It is usually recommended for this purpose. special mixeswho add to small quantityeither rice Kishu. or rice decoction. Moreover, it is better to use specially cooked ready-made decoctions. Usually they are added to the first released portion of milk, fed from spoons or from a syringe, and then reconciled with breasts to the saturation of the baby.

For artificial

Of course, for kids, eating mixtures, relevant and recommendations for parents, and postural therapy. Fundamental difference For them consists in nutrition: all the same mixtures are very different from breast milk. Therefore, the first, where to begin aid measures to begin - together with the pediatrician, recalculate the volume of the mixture on the actual weight of the child. This will exclude overgrown.

In addition, it is recommended to feed down by smaller volumes with a decrease in the intervals between meals, and the volume of the liquid is taken into account, which is introduced on the dopping of the child between feeding. The doctor must carefully ask about the technique of preparation of the mixture and eliminate the shortcomings; To draw the attention of parents on the quality of the nipples on the bottles and their capture and sucking the baby: there should be no extraneous sounds in food except for swallowing.

It should be paid attention to the mixture that the child is fed, its degree of adaptation and the species - which protein is prevalent there. For kids with jersey, the so-called - similac is preferable, since the casein in the stomach is in the stomach, more dense clot is formed, which often helps to cope with jerking.

If no of the listed measures do not help, there is a sufficiently high frequency and volume, it is recommended to transition to specialized antirefluxus mixtures. This is a group of milk mixtures whose viscosity increases by introducing special thickeners into their composition. Two types of polysaccharides are used as such thickeners:

  • unsecured (gums that make up the basis of the gluten of the horn tree);
  • digested (rice or corn starch).

Specialized antireflux milk mixtures of industrial release, registered in the Russian Federation

Antirefluxus mixtures have good tolerability, provide the need for children in basic nutrients and energy, good dynamics of mass indicators and are effective in 60-90% of cases.

The ar-mixtures should be applied differentiated, depending on the thickener they contain.

A quick effect is achieved on mixtures with gum, for example, a mixture "Nutrilon Antirefluux" (nutrition) and "Friesov" (Nervrishn). These mixtures are particularly advisable to recommend children with a propensity to the constation, since the components included in their composition have a stimulating effect on the intestinal peristalsis. Such mixtures are recommended both for all feeding and partial replacement, and the volume of the mixture is determined by the onset of the resistant effect. However, it should be remembered: these mixtures do not apply for a long time and gradually, after 3-4 weeks from the moment of normalization of the power, it is started to smoothly cancel.

Indications and features of the use of antireflux mixtures containing gum:

  • with pronounced tightening (3-5 points);
  • with the tendency of children to constipate;
  • in general, the volume or in the form of part of each feeding;
  • the effect of the therapy for the 2-3rd day.

The mixtures, which, as a thickener, Krachmal - "Samper Lemolak" (Samper), Enfamil AR (Johnson MFA) - act softer. Compared to the products containing gum, the effect of their application occurs in a more distant period, in the first second week. These mixtures are shown by those kids, who have no fracture expressly expressed, with a normal or unstable stool. The starch-containing AR of the mixture is advisable to recommend for the complete replacement of the previously obtained dairy mixture. To achieve a resistant effect, these mixtures require longer applications than mixtures containing gum.

Indications and features of the use of antireflux mixtures containing starch:

  • when jeeping (1-3 points);
  • with a normal and unstable stool;
  • in full;
  • the effect of the therapy for the 6-10th day.

However, all the therapy should clearly control the doctor, the antirefluxic mixtures cannot be applied at the discretion of the parents. In addition, these mixtures cannot be mixed with usual, they are prepared in a special way and apply immediately after cooking.

When do you need medicine?

In rare cases, when there is a neurological component of joins, if the baby does not become better when performing all the previously described events, the doctor may supplement the treatment with Mothilium or Coordinix drugs. However, they have a very impressive list of unwanted effects and are used extremely careful. The baby will often make an ECG, monitor its condition, and a neurologist can prescribe the work of the nervous system.

Pareskaya Alena
pediatrician, Member of the Association of Consultants
by natural feeding, member of the Association of McMa
early children's nutrition specialist
project Manager "Children's Doctor"