Congratulations on the day of the physician to the doctor man. Beautiful congratulatory pictures for the Day of the Medic. Best congratulations on Medic's Day to a female doctor

Medicine is akin to creativity, in which there is no place for mistakes, where human life and health are perfect result and the main reward for the labors. A person who decides to become a doctor must cultivate the most unique character traits in himself: mercy, selflessness, honesty, frankness, patience, the ability to sympathize and empathize.

The doctor's profession is the most noble and revered in all the globe, it is not surprising that a separate specialized holiday is dedicated to her - the Day of the Medical Worker. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians celebrate it annually on the third Sunday of June. On this day, a concert and addresses of officials are broadcast on radio and television, the best specialists in the field are awarded for high achievements, all other men and women working in the field of healthcare are given congratulations on the Day of Medic 2017 in solemn prose and in beautiful poems. Even at home or in a work team, doctors are presented with bouquets of flowers, small awards and themed postcards with pictures.

Beautiful congratulations to colleagues on Medic's Day 2017

Health workers are not just doctors and nurses. These include chemists and biologists, pioneer scientists important drugs and apparatuses, engineers and technologists who create entire batches of new equipment, laboratory assistants and orderlies who provide all kinds of support to doctors, teachers and students of medical schools striving to become the best specialists in your profile. All healthcare workers deserve the most beautiful and good congratulations on Medic's Day from colleagues, relatives, friends and ordinary linear consumers. Not only the life of every person depends on doctors, but also its quality. Beautiful congratulations to colleagues on Medic's Day - a kind of gratitude to doctors from employees for close and mutually beneficial daily work.

Texts of beautiful congratulations on Medical Day 2017 to colleagues and boss

One of the Sundays
July hot summer
Let's not celebrate fools day
And not even a holiday of the planet -

We honor all medical professionals
From chief to orderlies,
We wish, seeing success,
Create a soulful couple with him!

Let the eyes of the sick heal
(Only your wonderful views).
Long live the medic! Vivat!
Everything will turn out the way it should!

"Hooray! Hooray!" I shout today to all doctors,
Nurses, orderlies all - cheers!
Interns modest and venerable doctors,
Even for those who are about to retire.

You are enemies of microbes and dangerous viruses,
In the fight against diseases, a syringe helps you.
"Hooray!" today to all the beautiful magicians
Outpatient clinics, clinics and hospitals.

May everyone love, appreciate, respect you,
Awarded prizes, gifts and flowers.
Suffer from loving you and lose
Consciousness from your beauty.

Happy Medic's Day - healer's soul and body,
Walking proudly under the red cross!
I wish you live in clover
With a satisfied, happy and well-fed face!

Let your patients get better
"Thanks a lot!" they tell you.
Colleagues let you smile
Success and luck are knocking on the door!

Congratulations on Medic's Day 2017 to a woman in verse

Women in healthcare are having a hard time. Often, excessive emotionality and sympathy becomes a difficult obstacle to overcoming terrible diagnoses and rare diseases. But just like hundreds of years ago, women doctors work hard on patient health, disease prevention, and so on today. Since 1980, by decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a professional holiday for medical workers has been established on the third Sunday of June. On this day, I would like to congratulate all women on the Day of the Medic with kind and soulful verses, wish them success in their work, grateful patients, decent pay, patience, health, peace and tranquility in the house. Best congratulations happy doctor's day to a woman in verse, we have collected in the next section of the collection.

Examples of congratulatory verses for women on Medic's Day

Congratulations on Medical Day!
May you have enough will and strength
Treat any patient
No matter how difficult it is!

Let there be enough hope and faith
Let there be enough love, warmth,
Put the patient on his feet
Forget injections and bandages!

I know that you are merciful
No Doubt - Hippocrates
With people like you to work
I was overjoyed and overjoyed!

I will decorate the syringe with ribbons,
I will attach flowers to it ...
Search at least a hundred hospitals
The best nurse is you!

Medicine is your forte
People in a noisy crowd
Cheerfully rushing from all legs
Your office to be treated.

Accept congratulations
Happy sisters and doctors day!
Into the hands of your patient
Get - already healthy!

Like a fish in the sea, yeah
You are difficult at work.
May you always be like this
Paramedic all the way!

Put away the bandages, needles, stethoscope,
After all, today is your personal holiday!
Rest bacillus, virus and microbe,
May everyone have a day off today!

I wish you, my chief worker,
Our medicine, very expensive ...
So that every patient is glorious,
Already healthy and with a generous soul!

Congratulations to the man in prose on the Day of the Medic 2017

There is nothing more important in life good health. Everyone dreams of living a century without diseases, injuries and other ailments. Health is our most valuable wealth! But, alas, no one has yet managed to live life without getting sick. Viruses, bacteria, infections and other pathogens are ruthless and indiscriminate when choosing a victim, so sooner or later they overtake each of us. At such moments, you stop hoping for a lucky break and completely trust the specialist. It is doctors - men and women - who help us competently cope with diseases, for which we thank them beautiful congratulations in prose on Medic's Day.

Of course, the best congratulations to a man in prose on Medic's Day - sincere words from pure heart, supplemented purely men's gift: a stylish pen or diary, a bottle of cognac, a ticket to a hockey match. But even simple good wishes will be enough to convey sincere gratitude and gratitude.

Examples of congratulations in prose to men on Medic's Day

Human life is priceless, but the medicine that supports it, unfortunately, is not. Therefore, everyone involved in this the most important profession I wish to meet the needs of both doctors and patients! Namely, free medical care and unlimited wages! Happy Medical Worker's Day!

Only those who have never been their patient are not afraid and are not afraid of doctors. Congratulations on the Day of the Medical Worker - a holiday of one of the most formidable, but respected and sought-after professions. I want to carry my honorary title with pride and never lose inspiration.

On the Day of the Medical Worker, I wish you patience and inspiration. In order not to promise a large number visitors who are not always healthy, I wish productive activity bringing brilliant results. Let patient satisfaction be the key to a successful career.

Congratulations on the Medic's Day 2017 in cool pictures

Medical students often resort to cool pictures to congratulate each other on Medical Day. Young boys and girls choose bright animations, funny postcards, funny GIFs and simply beautiful images with flowers and wishes in quatrain format. Modern electronics, which supports all possible formats, allows you to congratulate friends in time, despite the distance and other trifles.

Congratulations on Medic's Day in funny pictures- it's interesting, stylish, modern and very funny. Most best options choose from our library.

Beautiful congratulatory pictures for Medic's Day

Funny and funny congratulations to the doctor on Medic's Day 2017

The doctor's working day is filled with the most different processes: providing first aid, searching for diagnoses, making appointments, communicating with patients. Indeed, often people come to the doctor not only for discharge or sick leave, but also for psychological help support, compassion. In a tense atmosphere of general ailments, medical workers have a hard time, and to relax and defuse the situation, doctors joke. Medical humor is very specific and very witty. We offer you to choose funny and funny congratulations to the doctor on Medic's Day 2017, without departing from genre features. Sometimes there is nothing more amusing than to make fun of yourself or others like you from the heart. And the coolest and funny congratulations Happy Doctor's Day 2017 to doctors, we have already prepared for you in the next section.

Texts of cool congratulations to doctors on Medic's Day 2017

The day of the celebration of the physician, very unusual. After all, it is worth remembering that it is the people of this profession who do everything possible to make a person healthy. That is why everyone should understand how important it is to respect them, and even more so always congratulate them on their legitimate holiday. And now, if you have a favorite doctor, then you should definitely make some kind of surprise for her. And you don't have to come up with something weird. Just say congratulations to her. If you can't make it, just don't worry. Go to our website, and it is there that you can find all the words you need. And when your girlfriend sees or hears the words of recognition, she will be touched, and she will never be able to forget it. So try your best.

Today is your professional date on the calendar
Congratulations, my love, I'm in a hurry to you,
I wish you happiness, joy, good luck,
And good health to boot.
Let work inspire
Always let the mood be great
Let you be lucky in everything, always
Let my love be a guardian for you.

On the day of the doctor, accept congratulations,
In joy and happiness, the sun, live,
From patients, accept gratitude words,
May the Lord keep you from harm and evil.
Be desired and loved
And most importantly, be happy
All the best to you, endurance, patience,
And always in a great mood.

WITH professional holiday darling, congratulations
I wish you great happiness in life
Let everything be fine at work,
And everything is in openwork in personal life.
May you be appreciated, loved, respected,
Let reliable friends surround
Let the constellation of love shine over you
Sadness let your address forget.

For you, my love, all congratulations, flowers,
You are the hero of the occasion today
Happy Medic's Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I sincerely wish you all the best.
Your profession is the most responsible on earth,
In all success, dear, I wish you
Let the sun of luck shine on you
Let beautiful love inspire.

Beloved, on the day of the physician, accept congratulations,
Let work give only inspiration,
Energy to you, cheerfulness, good luck,
AND great patience in addition.
Always live in harmony with happiness,
So that all cherished dreams come true
So that you are always healthy
So that life flows like a full river.

You have a responsible profession
You restore people's health
WITH wonderful holiday medica,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Let all sorrows pass by
Be always kept by fate
Always be loved and desired
Let the path illuminate bright Star.

Beloved, I congratulate you on the day of the doctor,
Always be in great shape I sincerely wish
I wish your dreams come true
And the heart beats for a long time.
May health be strong
Sadness let your address be forgotten,
All the best to you, good luck, prosperity,
To make life sweet, sweet.

You work, my love, you give yourself in full,
Today is medical day, congratulations
I wish you grateful patients
May everything be fine in your destiny.
Fortune always smiles
Let life go on for a long, long time
Peace, joy, prosperity, happiness,
Let all bad weather bypass.

They don't call you a guardian angel for nothing,
You give your all to your work,
Beloved, happy doctor's day, congratulations,
Let your work inspire you.
God bless you and good luck
And the mood of beauty in addition,
May the sky be peaceful above your head,
Be always kept by fate.

Today is the day of the doctor, congratulations,
All the best to you, my love, I wish
Always be surrounded by love
Let there be only a white streak in life.
Let every day turn into a holiday
Let good luck rush to you on wings,
Let good news surround
Troubles and sorrows let them forget about you.

Beloved, your golden hands are capable of much,
Today the holiday of your profession is on the threshold,
And I want to congratulate all medicine in your face,
Thank you for your courage, hard work and discipline.
Thank you for your kind gentle hands and patience,
The fact that you are a doctor is not just a coincidence,
It is your life, your heart your calling,
I love you dear and wish you professional recognition!

Happy Medical Day, my love, I want to congratulate you,
And present a modest bouquet in this honor,
You can not only improve my heart, improve health,
You can take trouble away from anyone with kindness.
I want to note your gentle hands and cordiality,
And the eyes of caring burning, disinterested warmth,
You spend all eternity at work
And you give yourself to the profession one hundred percent!

Dear, I hasten to congratulate you on your holiday,
Happy professional day, happy doctor's day,
At this hour I want to leave flowers at your feet,
And wish you all the best!
It suits you, my beloved nurse,
This little white, short medical gown,
Let all sorrows fly away like a high-speed train
Leaving you only a cheerful charge of health!

Darling, Happy Medic's Day, I congratulate you,
I know how serious your approach to work is,
And there is no more caring in the hospital and more attentive than you,
So let your work bring healing to patients.
And I wish you good, good health,
To have the strength and patience of others to heal,
And so that your work is always paid adequately,
May you always be loved and happy!

Happy Medic Day to you, my beloved girl,
I know that your profession is not easy,
This is a lot of work, very painstaking work,
After all, you save lives every day.
I want to wish you health and patience,
May your kind heart help you
And may fate protect you from worries,
Let life inspire you!

Happy holiday, Happy Medic's Day to you, my love!
Today I will congratulate you all day
I want you to be my happiest
I won't wish for anything more.
Anything can happen at work
I want you to believe in yourself and always in strength,
So that you never be sad and cry,
And so that your cherished dream comes true!

All my friends envy me now
'Cause I don't need to go to the hospital
After all, my beloved doctor is from God,
And I won't have to say goodbye to life if something happens.
Today I wish you success, my doctor,
And so that there is health and strength for many years,
May patients love you all in the world,
May love always be in your heart!

Today, my dear, is only your holiday,
And even though you often disappear at work,
I rejoice and feel your destiny with my soul,
I want you to have everything you want in life.
Today, on Medic Day, I need to tell you:
Even if I don't know much about your profession,
I am always ready to listen and support you,
And I will try to help you with any problem!

Darling, I congratulate you on the day of the paramedic,
And I show you my boundless admiration,
You are a doctor from God, you high degree professional,
And this makes me proud and respectful!
I want you to develop in your profession,
To deservedly receive the gratitude of the award,
And today I brought you beautiful flowers
Dear, you are my doctor - what you need!

Happy Medical Worker Day to you, my love,
Know that I respect you immensely and am proud of you!
I know what an indispensable specialist you are,
After all, you live in the profession with your soul!
I wish you great success in the field,
So that you bring a lot of good and good,
May patience and strength help you,
Fulfill missions and lofty deeds!

People dedicated to this profession are invaluable to us. And what can be more selfless and nobler than daily salvation human lives. Many doctors will have to be on duty on their professional holiday, but they will be very pleased if you please him with a touching, funny or simply beautiful congratulation.

Beautiful congratulations on Medic's Day in verse


Every day you save a life
Sewing, cutting
Appoint, explain.
You are a reliable shoulder.

On this holiday, without a doubt,
I want a raise.
Strong nerves, inspiration,
Oh, and an award.

You will help and advise
Help first.
Bandage, bandage,
You will be with us until the morning.

Lung patients nearby
To be treated with one glance.
And the boss - what you need.
Happy holiday to you! Hooray!


Happy Medic's Day, Happy Salvation Day,
Happy noble medical labor day.
May your life be like a spring day,
And fruitful and beautiful, like a dream.

May your eyes never cry
Let the legs never get tired
So that you live without pain and pointers.
And let the birds sing for you in the morning.

May the sun shine on you with the smile of God,
And the sky is always smiling.
You have a lot of good people and happiness,
And courage for many years!


Your profession is sacred
Important and difficult.
You are not repairing a mechanism,
A complex human body.

To the joyous "Gaudeamus"
Healing the hypothalamus
Angina and measles will disappear
And any other sickness.

Both internally you and externally
Assign everything you need:
Pills, diets, regime...
And we all appreciate you.

Following in the footsteps of Avicenna
Keep your experience priceless.
We wish you strength and good luck
In solving difficult problems,

And the practice is only excellent,
And a successful personal life,
Pleasant events and words,
Health, prosperity, love!

Congratulations in prose


With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the Day of the Medic! You take care of the health of patients every second, but on this day I would like to wish that you also do not forget about your health. May there be more happy moments in life and happy memories, gratitude and understanding of people. Good mood and success in every endeavor!


The work of a doctor is invaluable. You give people happy full life. And sometimes even save her. It is thanks to you that millions of people around the world can see the smiles of their children, meet the dawn and see off the sunset, enjoy every minute spent in this beautiful world. Congratulations on the Day of the Medic, and I wish you even more success in this difficult and noble cause. May your sensitive heart never cool down, but always be warm and sympathetic!


It is difficult to imagine the world without your profession. medical worker It's not just a person who writes prescriptions. This is a person who saves lives, who helps kids see the light, who gives hope even when the patient no longer believes in anything. And this work is priceless. So may you have success not only at work, but also at home: may the children be happy, may the family hearth May harmony and mutual respect reign in your life. Simple human happiness to you, Happy Medic's Day!

Cool congratulations


Day of the medical worker has come!
We will arrange a carnival in your honor.
Let the paramedic dress up as a dentist
And the obstetrician will be an oculist,
The head physician will become a therapist for a while,
The surgeon will get a phonendoscope,
Let the ENT defile with a scalpel,
And the speech therapist, burr, will intervene in the conversation.
Everyone have fun, because today is a holiday.
After all, tomorrow again in weekdays we will all get bogged down.
So appreciate every moment
Draw inspiration and inspiration from it.


There are no diplomas
And they do not give such letters
The people who save lives
The people who save lives.
Can't be described on paper
Their whole titanic work.
They are in white clothes
They keep watch for life.
We consider it an honor to bow
their courage and experience.
For years, let joy sparkle
In the eyes of dear doctors.

Comic congratulations


Once treated with leeches,
The shaman danced to the tambourine
And different herbs smoked,
And the needles were hidden in the pocket ...
But in the age of technology,
Throwing away superstitious dust,
They are like the same demigods
All shifts at their posts.
All those bound by an important oath,
And who has saved people more than once,
All dressed in white cotton,
Congratulations on this important day.


Dentists and therapists
ENTs and surgeons throughout the country,
On this day, all odes are sung to you,
Toasts are dedicated to you alone.
It is priceless, a huge contribution is important
Yours in the health of your nation.
So accept the gratitude of the humble
Patients, relatives and friends.
Let it cherish, undead, hug
Happiness is in your arms,
Let your health blind you
Be an example for others.

How to congratulate a woman on Medic's Day?


I wish you simple female happiness,
I wish you well, good luck, wealth,
I wish to decorate the whole world with beauty,
I wish you never to suffer!

Also, only good patients,
There are many cases, but not difficult ones,
More obedient, rich patients,
To lie in private wards.

A lot of rest, high salary,
To make your dreams come true by the way,
To not know grief and evil,
Congratulations on Medical Day!


You took the Hippocratic Oath
Now you heal all the sick.
I congratulate you on the holiday
And wish you all the blessings of the earth!
For mercy and generosity
Souls whiter than a bathrobe
I wish not to know about poverty,
May you all be happy!


Congratulations to your beloved girl today
I carry now with the Doctor's Day in verse!
I wish you a lot of inspiration in life
So that you leave a trace in the hearts of a century!

For a wonderful mind, great knowledge
Today I will raise a toast!
You are always better than the rest!
I wish everything in life come true!

Official congratulations on the day of the medical worker


Dear medical workers! Please accept my congratulations on your long-awaited professional holiday. We sincerely want to thank you for the health that you tirelessly and daily give to your patients. May there be more happiness, joy, love in your life. And may you get a piece of that huge health that you sincerely and generously give us. Congratulations!


Dear nurses and doctors, congratulations! Your profession is noble and unique. And it is you who receive the most generous pay in the world for your work: the gratitude of happy, healthy people. May your experience multiply, and patients recover easier and faster. Keep giving people hope and boundless faith that everything will be fine. More kindness and tolerance to you. Happy holiday!

Congratulations to the man on Medic's Day


May the Lord reward the distant
Unprecedented and good health,
To feel young
To make life seem like a dream.
You always help people
Although your work is not aesthetics,
Let the star burn above you
On the noble and glorious Day of the Medic!


There is no nobler occupation
How to restore people's health.
And I congratulate you today
With special love.
You save human lives
And I want to wish you
So that the guardian angel protects you
And did not let you lose heart.
I wish you big salaries
And more patience
So that a white doctor's coat
You wore it without regret!


Medical worker's day congratulations sms
Let the mood be on the rise
Prosperity always reigns in your house,
Hearts are filled with goodness and love
Happy Medic Day! And happiness without end!


May medicine flourish
And doctors don't know.
Let everything be in order:
Love, family and life in abundance!


If all doctors were like you, there would be fewer patients. If all people were like you, happy people there would be more. Thank you! Being a doctor is your calling, and on the day of the doctor, I sincerely wish you health, love, kindness and happiness!

Short congratulations on Medic's Day


With all my heart I congratulate you on the Day of the Medic and I want to wish you to skillfully and skillfully cope with your work, defeat any diagnosis and eliminate any illness, be proud of your vocation and love your profession, never break the oath given to Hippocrates and find happiness and joy in every day .


I congratulate you on the Day of the Medic and from the bottom of my heart I wish to be sharp, like a syringe needle, with my ill-wishers, to remain soft and fluffy, like cotton wool, with loved ones and close people, to be able to heal any bodily or mental wound, always have on hand aseptics and antiseptics from envy, resentment and life's bad weather.

Congratulations to students on the Day of the Medic


Medic Day! Medic Day
Come visit us today!
All Medics! All Medics!
We wish you happiness!

We wish you mood
Good luck and love
mutual understanding
With loved ones on the road!

We also wish you
Get some rest
And, quite naturally,
Help all people.


Today, on a wonderful day,
On Medic's Day, charming
I want to congratulate you
And I want to wish loving:

To be bright days life,
Didn't have to give enemas
To heal patients
He gave them hope in life.


Eyes have long been accustomed to pain,
And your souls are torn all the same,
When you have someone else's share
Pull from a world where it's always dark...

Let your hands never get tired of beating
For life, health, joy and warmth.
Saved eyes look at you wearily
And thank you for your kindness!

Let your people love you
And give happiness every single day.
And let all things be in order,
A shadow will not fall on the forehead of sorrow!

Congratulations in pictures

Happy Chemist's Day

More more lyrics about professional and public holidays you will find in our constant .


Happy Medic's Day, my love!
I'm immensely proud of you
May joy surround you
May your success be true.

I will fulfill all your dreams
I will always be with you, my dear.
'Cause my love has no limits
You are a miracle in my life.

My beloved, I congratulate you on the Day of the Medic. I wish to be a real angel in my white coat, I wish for patients to always remain a salvation, for loved ones - a dear little man, and for me you will always be loved, desired and most wonderful. strong forces you, the sun, patience for each of the patients, more lucky cases and, of course, happiness.

Darling, I congratulate you on the Day of the Medic. Sunny, I wish to heal patients with only my beautiful smile, I wish to improve my medical talent every day, I wish, in addition to work, to have time to achieve success in personal interests I wish you always have everything you need in life. And I will always be there and support my doctor at any moment.

You are my golden doctor
From the profession of a saint.
Congratulations and wish -
Let life beckon with beauty.
For you to receive
Everything for you is a dream.
And conquered the spaces
Where is the delight, love, flowers.
Your life will be glorious
How pleasant the whole whim.

Happy Doctor's Day, I congratulate
Beloved you!
How diligent you are, I know
I remember this.
Your cute little white robe,
He is so gentle and charming
That every moment is at your feet
Incredibly pleasant to me.
May all your desires
We will fulfill with enthusiasm!

Happy Medic's Day, my dear,
My best doctor in the world.
In honor of the holiday, kisses to me
More, my dear, appoint.

I surrender to you wholeheartedly
You heal with a word and a hand,
Smiling relieves pain.
I'm proud of you, my love.

I wish you joy and happiness
Health, as always, to give,
Love, tenderness and affection,
My desired, treat.

My personal doctor, the best doctor
I wish you on Medic's Day
More good luck
Be successful, my dear!

Let you all patients
Thank you for honest work
Give pleasant moments
And fresh vivacity charge!

Happy Medic's Day, my love
I congratulate you
And you, my
Native, I admire.

time and strength
You don't feel sorry for the sick
Heart and soul
You are rooting for them.

I wish you
Luck smiled
For love for me
To keep time.

Steel to be healthy
All your sick
And so that with you each other
We loved deeply.

My beloved, my dear physician,
My beauty, my hope!
I love you and cherish you
And I'm crazy about you, as before.

I greet you with all my heart
On this holiday, dear, dear!
I wish you peace and endless warmth,
And let health only grow stronger.

How wonderful that there is in the world,
Profession - which is not more important!
And adults, and old people, and children -
Find help from caring doctors!

Thanks for the last hope
For the life saved once again!
With diseases you go into battle boldly,
Thank you for this!

We wish you joy, success,
Health, happiness and love!
May luck smile upon you
More than once on the path of life!

We congratulate all doctors today,
And doctors, and paramedics, and nurses.
We wish you all-round success,
So that your mind is both clear and sharp.
After all, sometimes our lives depend on you,
Here patience, knowledge and warmth are needed.
So that the eyes burn with joy,
Well, the soul is light-light.

Our health should be grateful to you
For warm care and such care,
And today we give you a verse,
After all, your approach to us is amazing
It makes us recover faster.
And our poem is ready for you,
Today we heartily congratulate you -
Nurses, assistants, doctors!

For healthcare workers with love
I'm ready to raise the cup!
For their success and health!
Let them treat!...but NOT ME!

There is a calling in the world - to be a doctor,
Treat people, save their lives.
And do not feel sorry for yourself night and day,
Taking away all the chances of the disease.

Thank you for your kindness and hard work
For kindness in the eyes and understanding.
And we wish on this holiday to health workers
Love, health, fulfillment of desires!

Congratulations on the day of the doctor are cool

I congratulate you today -
You deserve congratulations
On the day of the doctor, I wish
To live many happy years
Always good patients
To make them easy to treat
And many happy moments
To always be cheerful!

Let's drink to the people
Dressed in white coats.
For nurses and doctors
Who is in office not for a salary.
Let's wish them
Health, happiness and good luck
Let the sky be blue
And all problems are solved.
Let's also raise our glasses
For the rest of the people
To become more healthy
And there were fewer problems.

Medic day holiday. Congratulations

Health worker, your holiday has come,
I found my addressee.
Congratulations. It's a pity the holiday will pass
And knock with a timid hand.

Do you remember, disciple of Hippocrates,
For health and holiday - not a date.
You are busy, I will celebrate your holiday
And I don't see any health issues.

Our dear Aibolit,
Master of the scalpel and syringe!
Our souls are open to you
Like favorite book pages.

In them you will find wishes
All the best and new
And scientific daring
Healthy population!

Happy birthday greetings to colleagues

Medical worker today
His great will celebrate the holiday,
And our rhyme is the most complete,
Wish different gifts,
May your calling in life
Brings you only joy and laughter,
Your knowledge will benefit you
And they will bring success to fate.

On Medic's Day, we kiss hot,
We wish you love and good luck
To you, doctor or nurse,
Veterinarian or village doctor!

Let there be no tools, chambers
Old at times and cramped,
But your souls are like bathrobes
Svetly. In them - the first spirit of spring!

Heal us: patch, glue,
Take a chair, give iodine!..
But only yourself - do not get sick,
And happiness will find you!

Poems for Medic's Day

Medic Day is coming to us
And the nurse notes!
Let him be rewarded for deeds -
I sincerely wish you all!
Let there be happiness - do not take away
To never know worries
Forever you do not lose heart
Forgetting worries and sorrows!

Your work is responsible and important,
because every, every person
gives his life once
in the hands of physicians.
Today I want to say "thank you"
tell you wholeheartedly
and wish only to live happily,
desired to reach the top!

Congratulations on Medic's Day

Today congratulations on the noble
Happy Medic Day, we welcome you.
In truth, this holiday has become popular
After all, you save us all from diseases.

Let joy be your reward
Natural wealth and success will come
We congratulate all doctors on the holiday date
May all your hopes be fulfilled without interference. (WITH)

Treat, save - what could be more important?
More humane, whose work will be?
Whose hands can be stronger and more tender?
Who is asked for help and called?
The doctor inspires good hope in us,
He collects faith bit by bit.
Takes risks, risking himself before
And he fulfills his duty to the end.
We wish you what the struggle is for,
Health to you in a difficult task and patience!
Never know wrong decisions
Choosing your own path at the moment of doubt!