Dating in italy for marriage. Marry an Italian Free dating with Italians Reliable and wealthy men from Italy

1. A huge number of users. Romantic lazy people and ambitious businessmen, talented musicians and extravagant artists, first-class chefs and fashion connoisseurs, car connoisseurs and sports fans - the most different representatives the stronger sex. You can choose the most attractive Italian, acquaintance with whom will make your heart flutter.

2. Advanced search system. It includes at least 100 parameters: nuances appearance, features of worldview, character traits, hobbies. You will be able to choose the desired criteria and make acquaintance with the most attractive an italian man.

3. Amazing statistics. A lot of our users turn on successful acquaintances: find pleasant companions, loyal friends, loyal lovers.

How to meet an Italian on LovePlanet?

An Italian is a man who will never wear short socks and will not give up appetizing pasta. Elegant and charming, he knows how to enjoy culinary delights and female beauty... Dream to receive every day gorgeous compliments? Dating with Italians For you!

On LovePlanet you can find ideal man... Register on the site, create a personal profile, add photos, and new acquaintances will not be long in coming.

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1. A huge number of users. Romantic lazy people and ambitious businessmen, talented musicians and extravagant artists, first-class chefs and fashion connoisseurs, car connoisseurs and sports fans - a wide variety of representatives of the stronger sex are registered on the site. You can choose the most attractive Italian, acquaintance with whom will make your heart flutter.

2. Advanced search system. It includes at least 100 parameters: nuances of appearance, peculiarities of worldview, character traits, hobbies. You can choose the criteria you want and meet the most attractive Italian man.

3. Amazing statistics. Many of our users make successful acquaintances: they find pleasant companions, loyal friends, loyal lovers.

How to meet an Italian on LovePlanet?

An Italian is a man who will never wear short socks and will not give up appetizing pasta. Elegant and charming, he knows how to enjoy culinary delights and feminine beauty. Do you dream of receiving gorgeous compliments every day? Dating with Italians For you!

On LovePlanet you can find the perfect man. Register on the site, create a personal profile, add photos, and new acquaintances will not be long in coming.

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If your goal is, then welcome to our. And below, an article about what it can bring you.

Finding love in Italy is just as difficult as anywhere else. Many are attracted here as lovers, representatives of the Romance peoples, especially in the southern part of the country, where men are still cheeky and women are passionate. Before looking for dating in Italy for marriage, learn these 6 features that come with meeting Italian men while you are at home.

1. You may receive ambiguous signals

Italians from the southern part of the country are flirtatious from the very early age, from nature. This is part of their charm and this is what keeps people coming back to Italy again and again and again. look for Italians through... Good flirting, after all, can make the other person feel attractive! And who doesn't want to feel attractive over and over again? But when you tie meeting Italian men, it is important to understand the main intentions of the man in relation to you.

Sometimes Italians flirt with you just to flirt and nothing more. Sometimes, flirting happens when they need you to do something. Sometimes, they haunt you. If you are looking for dating in Italy for marriage then the good news for you is that when they really want to get to know you, they say bluntly that you should go on a date with them. Or, in the case of my husband, on the first day we met, they will ask you if you would like to do something. In addition, our dating site with Italian men is designed just for those who are looking for a serious relationship.

2. Chivalry still exists

Italy is a country where men are still men and women are women. Meeting Italian men suggests that in southern Italy, a man will open the door for a woman, move a chair in a restaurant, and on a date tell a woman how beautiful she looks. Of course, men always pay for women. In fact, even if a group of friends go to a restaurant for dinner, the men tend to pay for all the women invited. In this way, meeting Italian men will give you a positive experience.

3. If chivalry exists, then so does patriarchy

The next point will be of interest to those women who looking for dating in Italy for marriage. Back side what your man will pay for you in a restaurant is that he will feel in charge. Italian men, from time to time, can cook themselves to treat their girlfriend and even guests, but most of the household chores fall on the shoulders of the woman. What will bring acquaintance with Italian men? from the southern part of the country to single young women? Probably, the man will expect that you will wash the dishes and floors - he is not going to help you or even offer help. If you spend more time at home (for example, if he stays with you for the night), he will expect you to prepare bed, linen and, as a rule, whatever is needed. Over time, this trend may change slightly, but too many Italian mothers treat their sons like kings, which makes them believe that they can sit on their throne all day, while the fairy does everything according to home.

4. Young people like to get to know each other in a company

Teenagers in Italy, of course, meet and spend time together. They usually get to know each other and start new relationships with friends. You can see this in our country too. A group of guys meet a group of girls and go to the movies or the beach, for example. They all spend time together, but some of them are couples. This good way"To test the waters." And if Giovanni did not inspire confidence, then Francesca can switch to her friends, who will be on her side, and not communicate with him. It's also a good way to get rid of the attention of Italian fathers who tend to overprotect their daughters: "Dad, he's not really my boyfriend, because we are hanging out with a company." For you in a suitable way"To test the waters" may be our dating site with italian men(and not only with men from Italy). Here you can get to know the person (to a certain extent) at a safe distance before meeting him.

5. Sex happens

There was a time in southern Italy when it was necessary to get married in order to have sex. Not everyone, of course, observed this. People had to follow these rules in order not to earn themselves a bad reputation and shame for the whole family (especially women). Nowadays, everyone can have sex before marriage - men, women and strangers from another planet who visit this country. It's kind of like a "bloated" sexual revolution. With no sex education in school and living in a Catholic country (where the church expects you to abstain from sex until marriage, no matter what actually happens), many Italians are not very knowledgeable about contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted diseases by, and unwanted pregnancy. So if you decide to date an Italian that you found through a dating site with Italian men, insist on using a condom!

6. Dating in Italy for marriage

Italians love sex. And Italians love love. But they don't give that of great importance marriage, as it was before. If you are looking for dating in Italy for marriage then you better bear this in mind. Young people meet, but it ends with the end of the relationship, not marriage. Many young people go well into college in their 30s. This makes them unable to take financial responsibility for their families. Thus, they postpone marriage indefinitely. Many couples can be together for many years and have a child, but not get married. Some young people in southern Italy already have a reputation for being "married to mom", and this reputation often leads to the destruction of relationships and eternal childhood... All these young people do nothing for the people and the economy of the country. However, the reputation of Italians from the southern part of the country is ahead of them - they are great lovers and funny friends. Meeting Italian men gave many girls a positive experience.(these lines are written by a girl who married an Italian young man and lived with him for almost five years).

Here are just some of the profiles of Italians that can offer you. On the site you will find serious dating in Italy for marriage. In order to see the photo albums of men and get to know each other, you need to register on the site.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated: as soon as you come to Italy, you are attacked by slender Italian beauties who want to meet (this happens especially often in those resorts where there are always a lot of Russian girls, for example, in Rimini). Tall brunettes wink at you in a cafe, will gladly treat you to a cup of coffee and easily spin you in a romance full of love and passion. But, alas, most often such relationships remain resort romance and fade away after the girl returns home to Russia. Messages and calls are becoming more rare, and yours does not even talk about seeing each other again. How to find the same romantic and loving Italian handsome man, but for Serious relationships? And where to find them?

1. The most obvious way to meet Italians for a serious relationship is through dating sites.

Of course, most of the registered men are on "local" dating sites designed for dating Italians with Italians. Unlike French dating sites, where Russians, Ukrainian (in general, all girls with post-Soviet space) block, as soon as they see the Russian IP-address, the Italians will register you willingly. And they will quickly activate your profile, and they will also actively write to you. If you are up to, you have bright eyes (most Italians dream of a beauty with bright eyes), on the first day you will receive about fifty messages. But here's the trouble: on such dating sites, men most often do not understand that meeting a Russian girl is a separate story, and even for a first date, you need to make much more effort than to meet an Italian woman. You need to either get ready to Russia for the first meeting, or buy a ticket for the girl - few of us are ready to go to the meeting at our own expense. Therefore, most of the proposals on such dating sites sound something like this: "when you come on vacation in Italy, know that you can always stay on a visit at my house." That is, a man expects that you yourself will buy tickets for yourself, come to him, and then we'll figure it out. Not all girls are happy with this, let's face it.

2. It is best to meet on specialized dating sites

Where a man clearly understands that he wants to meet a Russian girl (or just a girl from the former USSR, for many it is still the same thing), and not with the Italian. Such a man has weighed all the risks, he understands that even if it will be a difficult and costly path, he is ready for such an acquaintance. And he takes the idea itself more seriously. Most likely, one of his acquaintances is married to a Russian, or maybe he just often met Russian-Italian couples - and there are many such couples, even in the smallest villages you can find a girl who speaks with a cute Russian accent. Therefore, the "client" on such dating sites is much more motivated than in the first option, dating on dating sites "for local".

There are not many serious, successful marriage agencies in Italy, but they exist. And surprisingly, despite high price requests (usually a search contract costs from a thousand euros and more), male clients in such agencies are not transferred. Most often these are men who do not want to waste time on lengthy preliminary correspondence, but are set for a quick personal meeting. Here, the entire organization of the first acquaintance is taken over by the marriage agency, and this can be very convenient.

4. Another working way to meet Italians is actually in Italy

There are various long-term programs for studying Italian for foreigners: for example, famous universities are located in Perugia - Università per stranieri di Perugia, in Rome and Florence: Accademia Italiana, in the noisy student Bolnier there is Università di Bologna, in Siena Università per stranieri di Siena. Having enrolled in one of these programs (the cost of a month of study starts from 1000 euros, plus you will need to pay for a visa, flight and accommodation), you will have enough time and opportunity to practice Italian directly with native speakers. Italians are generally open and sociable, and new acquaintances will be made quickly. But, perhaps, this is still an option for young people - it is students who willingly get to know each other in open cafes, at student parties, and so on.

Let's summarize. There are at least four dating options for a serious relationship with Italians, and if you have such a goal, you can try each of them. And more - start learning the language.

What is an Italian man in our minds? Temperamental, loving, very romantic, takes care of himself and always looks good - such a real Italian in the eyes of our women. When communicating with an Italian man, every girl will feel beautiful, desirable, unique and inimitable. Italians cannot imagine their life without love, so they use dating sites very actively. Italian rather than international sites are preferred, the list of the most popular is presented below.

Popular Italian dating sites

Meetic it

It is a major international dating site with 42 million users worldwide. Due to the fact that there is an interface on italian, this site has become very popular in Italy. Thousands of men and women who live in Italy and dream of meeting their love communicate here. Male to female ratio: 49% female, 51% male. Registration on the site is free. When registering, all profiles are checked for accuracy, so the quality of the questionnaires on high level... There is interesting opportunity create your own blacklist on the site to avoid chatting with users you don't like. You can upload up to 5 photos to the site in the main profile and an unlimited number in your personal folder. The uploaded photos are checked by the site administration, required condition- Your face must be visible in the photo. Exists mobile app for the phone, so it will be possible to communicate 24 hours a day. is a good quality site that offers many opportunities for dating and communication.


The Italian version of an international dating site, for last years has won great popularity all over the world. By creating your profile on the site, it will be displayed in the search not only in Italy, but all over the world. Registration on the site is free, after filling out the questionnaire, it is activated within 48 hours. Each user can upload not only their photos, but also videos. You can also specify who should be allowed to view and who should be denied. ItalianFriendFinder is one of the three most popular online dating sites due to its convenience, interesting design and great features.

Datingbox it

An interesting dating site for a wide variety of purposes. Great attention is paid to the safety of site users, any incorrect actions will lead to the deletion of your profile. Registration is simple and quick, you can upload photos and videos, as well as specify who can view your data. There is a function of sending a notification about all new users who have registered on the site.

it.lovepedia net

The site was founded in 2007 and quickly gained popularity due to the fact that it is completely free. There are slightly more men registered on the site than women, and the number of users is growing every day. Registration on the site is simple, you only need to have an address Email, with which you will confirm your registration. There is no selection on the site suitable partner by advanced search parameters, there are only standard filters by gender, place of residence, etc. You can upload no more than 6 photos to your profile, for which there are certain requirements. The images in the photo must not be vulgar or obscene, they must not contain any third parties, famous people, animals, children. There is a mobile version for smartphones and tablets.

FriendScout24 it

This is the Italian dating site of the popular German site FriendScout24. Unlike many dating sites, on, even in the free version, it is possible to send messages to other users and communicate with each other. The paid subscription of this site is more focused on search serious acquaintances, thanks to it, you get special opportunities for finding a partner and more confidentiality. Regardless of which subscription option you choose, you get a serious site with great functionality anyway. You can upload up to 25 photos to your profile, all of them must be approved by the site staff.

it.matсh com

The Italian version of the largest international dating site was launched in 2002. First of all, the site is aimed at finding a serious relationship, and not just flirting. According to matс, 80% of site users are registered in order to find their soul mate. The site has the functions of chat, communication through messages, you can view who visited your profile and who added it to your favorites. Much attention on the site is paid to the coincidence of the parameters of partners, all services are aimed at finding a profile that suits you. You can upload 5 main photos (face photos) and 20 additional (photos may be present general plan). Photos are also checked by moderators.

Zoosk it

Initially, Zoosk was developed as an application for Facebook, but today it is already an independent international popular site for dating and communication. The site has maintained close collaboration with social network The introduction to Zoosk can be easily transferred to Facebook. The site has its own zest - the ZSMS compatibility test, which compares user responses to 40 questions and finds the most likely partners for you. For fun communication, there are online games that allow you to accumulate points for which you can get additional features... There is a smartphone application that allows you to keep in touch with other users continuously.

Cipid it

The site has been developed with the help of sociologists and psychologists to help users find the person best suited to them and meet their love. If you want to meet for a long-term serious relationship with an Italian, is the best choice. More than 100 thousand people aged 20 to 50 are registered on the site. There are a lot of various functions and possibilities: communication via chat in real time, messaging (there are bright beautiful templates messages and pictures), there is "online blind dating", dating roulette and even a service psychological support... Registration on the site is free, you can upload 3 photos to your profile, and privately you can exchange 5 more photos with other users. There is age restrictions- the site is available only from the age of 18.

Also in Italy, the following sites are popular:

  • nirvam
  • adottaunragazzo
  • meeting
  • momsanddads
  • onedate
  • simpatizzo
  • speeddate
  • speedvacanze

Dating sites open up great opportunities for us to find a partner, not limited to one country. Today it is very convenient and easy to meet a representative of any country. Try, communicate, and find the one you need!