Where to find a normal man for a serious relationship. Where to meet a serious man: "fish" places and tips for a successful acquaintance. Where to meet a rich man

It doesn't matter why you want to meet a girl. Knowing fishing spots and showing elementary male initiative, you can set any goals. To help you - the experience of experienced men and my constructive advice. Take some time to find out the answer to the question that every second man asks - where to meet a girl. Enjoy reading!

dating statistics

Three life hacks for dating

All women do it

Where to meet for sex

Habitat: good and not so good places to meet a girl

The question “where to meet” sounds almost more often than the topical “how”. Actually, it doesn't happen right places and fail-safe phrases for acquaintance. But there is a theory of probability and practice common sense, according to which the club, cafe and street are not the best places for dating.

Where not to meet girls

Most of the guys are sure that the club, cafe and street are fishing places. I will say this - banal, boring and inefficient.

  • To meet a girl on the street, you need eggs, and meanwhile, the street has low efficiency. People are in a hurry, in a hurry, thinking about their own things - it is difficult to take a person out of context and focus on himself.
  • In cafes, people eat or meet on business. Believe me, a rare girl will like it when a boyfriend from nowhere looks into her plate or mouth. And... Such an awkward moment, who to pay the bill to.
  • Night club- the place is good. Its owners did their best for you - they caught up with the girls and put them into a drunken condition. However, competition will be fierce, investments will be above average, and the chances of long term relationship- almost zero.

Now let's talk about the geography of a successful hunt - where it is easier to meet a girl.

TOP 5 places for effective dating

Psychologists call the most profitable places for dating: transport, a library, a fitness room, a supermarket and the sea.

  • Transport. Convenient from the point of view of the closure of space - at least up to next stop the girl will be forced to listen to your tirades. The main thing is to quickly and accurately take the number. Her stop might be next. Yours, by the way, too, even if it's not.
  • Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall, etc.). Psychologically mature girls come here who are ready for both serious relationships and flirting without obligations. The main thing is that these girls (praise to the intellect) quickly indicate where and where the wind is blowing. If only your IQ did not let us down.
  • Fitness room (yoga courses, swimming pool, dancing, etc.). You already have something in common. This common, multiplied by the pheromones of a half-naked sweaty body, is an excellent springboard for unrestrained communication. In the end, it's just nice to know that your chosen one is watching her figure. By the way, if you like a girl, but there are questions about the figure, remember, she is on the way to perfection.
  • Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, and you use this little female weakness. Specify the calorie content of the product, take an interest in the nuances of cooking. Don't forget to pick up the phone for some more nutritional advice.
  • Sea. The environment itself is conducive to behave a little immorally. Morality is where home and work are. Here - the sun, sand and flirting. And you get what you see, not a pig in a poke. The flaws are obvious. No makeup and oversized clothes.

I remind you where I met the girl - there and get acquainted. Do not wait until the beauty enters the transport, shop or buys a ticket to the sea.

For the future: where to meet a girl for a serious relationship

Places for dating should be calibrated with an eye to the goal. Clearly, for the young ladies family type you shouldn't hunt in a club, and you don't need to look for a girl to break away in a museum. Although everything happens in life, and there are devils in the still waters. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and first-order probabilities. So where to meet a girl for serious relationship?

dating statistics

Let us turn to the statistics on acquaintances with the final in the registry office (“Without statistics, there is no life at all, but some kind of hard labor”, film “Office Romance”).

  • 27% married people met in in public places like parks, cafes and cinemas (a small percentage is owned by clubs);
  • 21% married through work, either through co-workers or off-the-shelf acquaintances professional activity;
  • 17% of the spouses have known each other since school or student years, and some even, as they say, from the sandbox;
  • 16% learned about the existence of each other thanks to friends or relatives, that is, in narrow circle loved ones.

The rest met in other circumstances. We draw the following conclusion - in principle, you can meet your "half" everywhere except the sofa (if you have a laptop in your hands, it's another matter).

Three life hacks for dating

By the way, do you know what qualities girls value most in a man? Get started with this.

  • Girls love to be taken care of. If you help to bring packages from the supermarket, pour oil into the car, or simply open the door and let you go ahead, consider that the acquaintance has taken place.
  • Girls love confident. Confidence equals sexy. But being confident doesn't mean jumping right into your underpants. This means to enter into a state of drive before dating and get maximum pleasure in the process.
  • Girls love compliments. True, giving compliments is an art. And don't turn it into an arthouse like this: "You're so beautiful that I'm ready to crawl 15 kilometers on broken glass just to jerk off in your shadow."

For the night: where to meet a girl for sex

All ages are submissive to love, and a stable and strong erection is temporary. Before love suddenly strikes, have sex.

All women do it

Everyone appreciates good sex. Many people prefer to meet in the “no obligation” format, and girls are no exception. Each has its own reasons. Someone wants to try themselves in the role of a sophisticated vamp, changing men like gloves. Another simply yearned without tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice principles. Third... Listen, what's the difference to you? Just write it down in the subcortex: women want, and more than you think. And one-time sex is preferred by many of them. The question is where to find one?

Where to meet for sex

It is easy for a professional pick-up artist to take a girl to bed even from the library. The rest go to the club or dating sites for comfort. The efficiency is high both there and there. Check out the link for a list of the best dating sites. And don't be shy. You have the right to any whim. In addition to the usual dating portals, there are thematic ones: do not waste time on Mamba when there is “black”, if you like it harder, and so on. Let's talk about web dating in more detail, since this particular way of gender communication is becoming a leader today.

Online girls: where to meet online

It doesn't matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that pen pals existed during her youth. Well, today everyone hangs out in the Internet space - they work, communicate and, of course, get to know each other.

The benefits of online dating

  • You can get acquainted and communicate without interruption from current affairs. Very convenient in conditions of total lack of time.
  • The choice is not limited by anything - this is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
  • A godsend for introverts - people "in themselves", which you can’t pull out with a stick or a carrot into public places.
  • It's easy to take the first step. If on the street there are sometimes not enough eggs to approach a girl, make contact on the Internet - put two fingers on the keyboard.
  • virtual communication gives you the opportunity to think about your own words. AT real life we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.

If for you the Internet until now was a place where you can download music or watch pornography, it's time to expand your horizons.

Social networks as a dating resource

Social networks are a godsend for a guy who wants to meet a girl. An account on a social network is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhooks that easily turn into openers. Any photo, video or even a like can be used to your advantage. And don't forget to clean up your page. Remove posts about women being stupid and other compromising evidence. Your account must be exemplary.

Pitfalls of dating sites

The main advantage of dating sites is their specialized profile. On a dating site, girls want, oddly enough, to get acquainted. Grab some popcorn, choose a dating site, and see for yourself. But don't count on easy prey and 100% return, because ...

  • Lots of competitors. The Internet underestimates the value of the guy and overestimates the importance of the girl. Even the "ugly ones" get a bunch of offers a day. In order not to get lost in the masses, present yourself to the public from the very better side. How to fill out a questionnaire for a guy in order to impress a girl, we said - click and read.
  • Lots of virtuals. A large number of women different ages will never meet you. They seduce, seduce and assert themselves without personal contact. Someone is married, someone is afraid, and someone has nothing to do. A lot of time can be wasted. Therefore, don't get carried away. Slowly but inevitably move the conversation into a real meeting.
  • Lots of illusions. Communication on the Internet is communication mainly with a virtual image. This is how the brain works: having a minimum of information, it thinks out the rest. Therefore, see paragraph above. Take communication to the next level as quickly as possible.

I'm not talking about scammers, fools, prostitutes and other categories of ladies who are sure to meet on your way. But the one who walks will master the road. Go!

About light bulbs: Thomas Edison's secret to success

I repeat, like a mantra: where a girl likes it, there is a place for dating. Street, concert hall, dating site - not the place determines the outcome, but your ability to act. And misfires happen to everyone, even the pickup guru. Accept it as a fact - they will send it off. And this is not a reason to return to the comfort zone. It's an incentive to bookmark our site and read expert advice on how to improve your personal communication skills.

What's with the light bulbs? Thomas Edison is said to have performed 10,000 failed experiments to create the electric light bulb. The great scientist perceived every failure as an experience that moves him closer to success. Take note. Any obstacle lends itself to stubborn and persistent assault. Good luck!

We offer you to watch the video on the topic of the article:

Life is not about waiting for the downpour to subside. It's for learning to dance in the rain...

Times are changing and the style of communication is changing. men and women. In our time to P about meet with worthy man , you need to be not just beautiful, smart and successful - for this you also need to have a number of certain skills, abilities that allow you to distinguish yourself from the crowd, attract a man, draw his attention to yourself.

How to find normal man? Start getting to know the men at work, taking an interest in them, talking to them about themselves. Often we are focused on fulfilling our official duties so much so that we can’t say anything about colleagues working side by side with us.

Someone thinks that getting acquainted on the street is indecent and wrong. In fact, this type of dating can be put in first place in terms of simplicity. That's why how to meet a man on the street very likely. All people walk the streets, and men who may be interesting also come out on the street at some time. Of course, successful busy men they spend most of their time at work, drive in cars for negotiations, on business trips, but in the evenings, finishing their working day, they appear on the streets, and in expensive supermarkets, expensive elite food stores where they can be found.

Where else can you look for a successful interesting man?

In places where men generally like to spend their leisure time, not women. Best Places to meet men:

  • Restaurants and cafes especially the ones with good food meat dishes preferred by most men .
  • Real men love sports, drive, extreme. Therefore, if you have at least some degree of courage, visit fitness clubs, but do not group lessons woman GYM's where the best and handsome men looking after their appearance, health and body.
  • men love cars. They are willing to car exhibitions, exhibitions of beautiful yachts, in yacht clubs. Naturally, men know about female tricks used for dating. But if you manage to please him, then why not use this method?
  • Sports such as golf, tennis, bowling are also very popular with men. Can be played bowling alley with men by getting to know them. This wonderful game can be played all year round, in any weather, and is not as expensive as, for example, bowling. Billiards- also a game adored by many men. Also a great opportunity to meet a man - on the rink.
  • Men love men's toys and generally love to play.. Many follow all the novelties in mobile telephony. Come into these specialized stores and offices of mobile phone providers.
  • In libraries, especially in the halls of periodicals, you can talk and get acquainted with smart interesting a man. Also bookstores attract men who like to choose books on professional topics or a good fiction. From them you can learn new modern literature, or you can ask yourself where to pick up books on cooking, on caring for flowers, which may be a reason to get to know each other.
  • Men walk for exhibitions, auctions. Sometimes museums arrange very interesting exhibitions, willingly visited by classy men.
  • Meet to interesting men can travel, it is better to travel in a group.
  • Many e men study but different foreign language courses, driving courses, all kinds business training.
  • visit stores selling household and computer equipment, tobacco products, menswear and shoes.
  • Dating in expensive country clubs where the male elite gathers - an expensive kind of acquaintance. If you use the services of this club for some of your purposes, it will be more natural and effective.
  • sports matches collect a huge number of men. If you can be imbued with the excitement that men rooting for their team are filled with, feel the buzz of the process itself, it will not be difficult for you to get to know men. You will unwittingly attract attention, since women are not often found at such events.
  • And, of course, the Internet. This is the most common nowadays way of dating, but here there are nuances and subtleties. I recommend that you try to make acquaintances not only on dating sites, but more in in social networks . On dating sites, there is very little information about a person, or it is completely absent, or it is unreliable. As a rule, in social networks people are "friends" for some reason. common interests: someone is fond of photography, someone is poetry, someone is art and literature. Here you can find not just a friend, but a like-minded person who is easier to recognize in the process of practicing a common hobby.

I have listed the places where you can get acquainted with interesting men. But the most difficult thing is how to do it right, so that there is no pain of disappointment, resentment, prolonged depression as a result of a failed relationship.

How can you meet a man?

It is known that the most beautiful woman- the one who is dressed in happiness!

  • Naturally, the appearance of a woman is very important for attracting men, but it is necessary to evaluate yourself not from the position of a woman, but to know the criteria for the beauty of men, and they often do not match. Happy smiling positive and emotional woman, even if she is not a beauty, she will attract attention faster than a strict and inaccessible beauty queen with longing for loneliness in her eyes.
  • It is important to consider the image you create. If you need sexual partner- Your appearance, clothes, make-up should be alluring, teasing, bright. And if you want to find a man for a serious relationship and marriage, emphasize your femininity, softness, tenderness, sociability, understanding, acceptance. And, accordingly, your appearance should be softer, more modest, sexuality should only be slightly guessed.
  • If you feel that a man is interested, but at the same time does not take any action, start provoking him like a woman. A woman begins to communicate with a man with body language, a deep look, with the connection of breathing, causing his further interest.
  • How to keep a man's attention? A man reacts not to static, but to moving objects, so turn on the micromovements of the body, while you can play with an earring, pendant, hair, smiling sweetly at the same time. In a good way, a man can be compared to a dinosaur that perceives moving objects, so this secret weapon works at all stages of communication, especially at the first.
  • The best move is to ask a man for help: open the door, show the way somewhere, pick up something, explain something. How to ask a man for help? It's very simple - don't be shy. Men are very fond of being asked for help. In their hearts, they are just happy that a woman asked them for something, especially if she is beautiful.
  • There is such a technique: "Phrase in the air." If it's in a supermarket, then: "How beautifully decorated sweets!" If on the street, then: "Oh, what an amazing sunset today!" or “What an amazing car! Truth? Do you like it?" The focus of attention at this moment is directed to the man.
  • Compliment men! Each thank you should be followed by a compliment: “Thank you very much! You made it so wonderful! No one else could do it, but you did. I'm very grateful to you!" - speak and leave.
  • You can use the legend for dating. For example: “I have an assignment, I work as a journalist. I'm conducting a survey ... "Remember the book" 50 Shades of Grey ", and how Anna easily managed to fall in love with even an unusual man.
  • Apply the "Photohunting" technique. Ask a man to take a picture of you. Any man will do it with great pleasure. And in the process, keep the conversation going, smile, say how great he is doing it.

Lovely women! Remember that your potential prince can be found everywhere: anywhere and at any time. Therefore, be always ready to meet fate, always look like a “five plus”, smile, watch your posture, gait and feel like a queen! You must vibrate with feminine vibes ringing in space !

I teach all these and other methods, techniques, exercises and within the framework of . Women become absolutely relaxed, courageous, enterprising, resourceful, easy to communicate, beautiful and attractive. Men cannot remain indifferent at the sight of such a woman. And most importantly, you get thanks to a new feminine condition, alternative. You yourself easily create a flow of men, getting the opportunity to choose the most worthy.

I wish you, my dear readers, fateful happy meetings!!!

Many guys are interested in the question: how to meet a girl if it seems that the relationship will not continue? In fact, you can get acquainted almost everywhere: at school, in a cafe, on the street, in mall, only the approach and self-confidence is important. Let's talk about this in more detail.

If an acquaintance begins with a compliment, it has every chance of turning into a lasting friendship.
Oscar Wilde. Ideal husband

Dating girls - what's important?

The first thing worth mentioning is that you need to try to please a girl even before you decide to talk to her.

Acquaintance with a girl for a serious relationship - where is it possible?

Most couples that get tied up long term relationship, admit that they met:
  • At work or school;
  • In the circle of mutual acquaintances;
  • In interest clubs;
  • At corporate parties, weddings, birthdays of friends;
  • In a store or transport;
  • At parties, discos and nightclubs;
  • On the street.
As you can see, everything is pretty normal. One of the best options where you can meet is study, work, various courses and interest clubs. Everything is simple here - you know what the girl is interested in, you have common topics for conversation, so communication has every chance to go easily and naturally.

Look around – perhaps there are girls in your language courses, at school or in a photography club, just like in your dreams. Develop, work on yourself, do not think only about where you can meet a girl, because your hobbies only contribute to a serious relationship - it is much easier to communicate with a like-minded person!

Acquaintance at holidays and in clubs

Another option is student parties, holidays, corporate parties at work. How to meet girls in such an atmosphere? Very simple: you can watch the girl in the process of communicating with her, perhaps learn something about her among friends. In an atmosphere of general fun, acquaintances that develop into serious relationships start up easily and quickly.

Nightclubs are too noisy for dating, but the atmosphere is so relaxed that you can easily offer a cocktail or invite a girl you like to dance. chat long time and it’s unlikely that you will be able to find out a lot about each other, but it’s quite possible to get to know a woman, take contacts and arrange a meeting the next day.

Acquaintance in transport

Surprisingly, but the acquaintance with the girls, which had a continuation, could be tied up during joint trips. Of course, long trips are more conducive to conversations and frankness, as in the same train.

How to meet girls in public transport

There are also advantages here: regular trips will allow you to notice some features of the girl who travels with you to work every day. For example, yesterday you saw what book she was reading, last week she was discussing the schedule of language courses with a friend, and you know that she loves apples! Here, the initial information for dating is ready!

At first it may be casual conversations on general topics, it’s hardly worth it right away to dazzle with information from the category “I’ll get acquainted with a woman for consciousness”, but friendly relations may lead to something more in the future.

Video: How to meet a girl in a car

Acquaintance in a shopping center or supermarket

There is a good option: ask the girl you like for advice on choosing a product. Moreover, it is easy to determine what she prefers by the contents of packages from stores. sporty style in clothes, loves indoor plants and reads design magazines.

A supermarket trolley can also tell a lot - that a girl is an adherent healthy lifestyle life, or that she likes to cook, or that she has a sweet tooth - and the topic of conversation is ready! Now it's easy to meet a woman!

It is worth mentioning that it is not necessary to unceremoniously examine the contents of the packages or the girl's cart - this can cause irritation.

How to meet a girl on the street?

The answer is simple - you need to look good. Do you like well-groomed girls who know their worth? So, they also like neat, looking after themselves guys. A neat appearance, appropriate clothing (and it does not have to be expensive) - and you have every chance to meet a girl or woman (see below) and like her even before your initiative.

Meeting on the street

Here it is important to attract attention and win over the girl so much that she will immediately be ready to continue the acquaintance! It may be some kind of non-trivial situation, but in familiar terrain. You can help a girl with a broken car, a heavy bag, or vice versa, ask for help after learning how to get to a certain place. The main thing is to establish contact, after it will be easier to continue the relationship with the girl.

How to meet a girl on the Internet

How to get to know beautiful girl on the street - more or less clear, but what about online communication?

If you spend most of your time at home, then you can safely use the Internet for dating. The best option– communication on thematic forums or sites.

You always have common topic for conversation, similar beliefs and ideas about a number of things are excellent foundation for possible relationships. Do not be afraid to expand your social circle, even if you fail to start a relationship, you can find a great friend.

How to meet a girl on the Internet on dating sites

Many guys and girls really aim to find their other half, but some just try to kill time or have fun in this way, there are also scammers (extortionists, gigolos, etc.).

It is certainly worth considering the option of dating sites, especially if it is a site with an impeccable reputation and reliable clientele. It is possible and recommended to meet a girl, a woman for a serious relationship on such reputable sites as Mamba, LovePlanet, eDarling, etc. The bonus of these dating sites is that the girl is already aimed at acquaintance and relationships, which greatly simplifies the task of finding and further communication.

In the profile of a dating site, it is worth mentioning: "I will meet a girl to create a family." Remember that here you also need to attract attention, stand out, carefully study the girl’s profile, and not just write on duty: “Hi, how are you?”. Chat with a girl from the countryside - many of them are very modest, kind and aimed at a serious relationship.

How to find a girl on VKontakte

Social networks today have become a whole world where it is also possible to find your soul mate. Undoubted advantages social networks - you can see the profile of a potential girl, her hobbies, places where she likes to spend her free time.

For successful acquaintance pay attention to your own VK page - even just a successful avatar will significantly increase the chances of meeting a girl on the Internet. Make sure that the page contains adequate content, it is better to avoid grammatical and spelling errors in posts and statuses, it is also better to post high-quality and unambiguous photos.

Often you can find a potential girl to build further relationships - if you have mutual acquaintances, then trust in you as an interlocutor will be higher. You can also find a girl in an interest group, in the comments to posts, conversations are often started, after which you can successfully go to private messages.

The main problem is the transition from online conversations to real communication. If a few years ago it was real problem, many were shy and worried, today it is so a large number of couples found each other on the internet that all doubts about such relationships long gone.

How to meet a girl on the phone

More typical situation- You have already seen the girl, you liked her and you have her phone number.

There are special dating sites on the network that provide for communication with a partner you like by phone. Pros - the girl knows where you got her number from, you know what she is on this moment free and in search.

Some advise starting communication with SMS messages at the phone number indicated in the questionnaire. Such communication will not embarrass the girl, besides, the answer can always be considered and postponed.

Video: How NOT to meet girls

First, take rejection lightly, perhaps the reluctance to communicate does not apply to you personally, maybe she Bad mood, troubles at work or school, she may feel unwell and not be in the mood for new acquaintances.

But all the same, your attention will please her. No need to get hung up on one thing: “I want to meet a girl”, be yourself, try to just communicate (which will be a natural acquaintance without too much pressure).

If you are shy, just try to practice your communication. The scheme is simple: you turn to any girl with some question, get an answer, thank you and leave. then ask for advice on which institution is better for preparing pasta or where it is better to relax in the evening; and after that you can safely ask for an opinion on a particular issue, discuss, argue. Girls do not bite and are condescending towards shy guys because they find them cute.

You can start trying to start communicating with modest people too, for example, with a girl from the countryside. Such people often feel “out of place” in a noisy city: and then communication with girls will become habitual and will no longer cause a feeling of embarrassment and fear.

There is win-win way- give flowers to the girl you like. It is extremely difficult for any girl to refuse such a gift, and it will be easy to continue acquaintance.

Offer help more often - again, it is important to carry heavy bags, help get out of the transport. This is an elementary courtesy that will find only a positive response in the heart of any girl. Even if you don’t get to know each other, you will still increase your “rating” and look better in women’s eyes.

Girls are different...

If you are interested in women who have long left student desks and cannot be found at student parties, but are still single, the approach is practically the same.

Older women value care, respect and reliability in men. Dating women is no secret: if you ask her for advice in the supermarket, help carry heavy packages, help with the car - it will be The best way make an acquaintance.

Women invariably appreciate humor, the non-triviality of acquaintance, but it is important to be honest with them - after all, they are unlikely to agree to a small affair, and a serious relationship is quite possible.

You can safely get acquainted at holidays, corporate parties, birthdays of mutual friends - usually if a woman wants to continue acquaintance, she herself will inform about it.

Honesty, directness and unambiguity of your intentions will help translate friendship into a serious relationship if the girl is also interested in them (this must be known in advance so as not to get into an awkward situation).

Dating for serious relationships with girls is not a superpower, but daily work on yourself. Develop, become an interesting person, expand your social circle, don't be afraid to try new things, watch your appearance- and you are guaranteed to begin to notice on yourself interested views!

January 11, 2011, 13:48

I saw a note on the Internet that analyzed an American article. I've highlighted the author's comments in italics. What do you think about this? Americans love to categorize, recently I came across an article on http://shine.yahoo.com/ titled: "10 Places You'll Guaranteed to Meet a Man". This is a prime example of how much easier life is for American women. Judging by the article, they have to walk around and choose the default line of handsome, rich, beefy men. Let's start and compare this with our harsh reality. 1. In a restaurant. Single men do not cook, so after work they can be taken warm. It is recommended to visit the new restaurant once a week. 2. In a fitness club. If you meet a man in a club, you will immediately see how he really looks. If he looks good in sportswear, then it will look good in clothes. (I am pleased with the confidence that the lady will, as it were, choose who better figure- not a word about, for example, investing in a beautiful sexy kit sportswear for themselves, because men look very attentively). At one time, I met a lot in a fitness club. From experience, I’ll say that you need to train in the free weight zone, and not go to group classes where there are only girls. Relief, taut buttocks are welcome. I went with loose hair and makeup - but what? The success rate is high. 3. Get a dog and walk it in the park. If you don't plan on getting a dog, borrow your friends too. Men are very fond of their dogs, and if they see a woman with a pretty dog, they will talk to her. Partially true. I've always said that you need to start beautiful dog and walk with her. However, often the case is limited to compliments to the dog.
4. Despite the fact that women can hardly stand the stores with goods for "home improvement" - where they sell tools, all sorts of electrical gadgets, screwdrivers and other rubbish. Gather your strength and go. Men are madly in love with such stores and there are plenty of them. There is nothing for me to say here. For example, I am not interested in handy men. 5. Fall in love with men's toys and start attending car and yacht shows. They are a magnet for single men. At the car dealership, choose the most beautiful car (Ferrari) and pretend that you are inspecting it and being interested. Here you will meet a rich man. It's funny in principle. Men in Russia know about these tricks of the provincials, and the maximum that you can count on is jokes about yourself in the men's company. 6. Wash your car. Men love to drive clean cars. Car washing (here we are talking about when you wash yourself with a brush that feeds soap suds and then rinse and dry. The sinks are full of men. It seems to me that in Russia it is not customary to wash the car yourself, but I could be wrong. The sight of a woman rubbing foam on wheels can give the impression that she is tight on money. 7. Men are always on the lookout for something new. mobile phone to be on the cutting edge. From time to time, visit the offices of mobile phone providers. It seems to me that there are mostly children under 18, or not? 8. Go in for sports. Golf courses and tennis courts are places where men go with friends. So it's easy to get to know each other. 9. Bookstore - a place where you can catch two birds with one stone - find the right book and a new man. Some men love to learn and are always looking for new material in a bookstore. In America, this is true. Quite often when I study cookbooks, young people ask me to help them find a book. When I start to help, it may sound: “I'm not looking for a book, this is just an opportunity to meet” and an invitation to drink coffee. 10. Go to a museum. New exhibitions are constantly appearing there and there are high chances to meet a culturally educated man. (Show me a Muscovite who will go to the museum in principle, especially to get acquainted with visitors there ...)

Back in 1962, the manual “Sex and unmarried girl". In him Chief Editor American Cosmo, which is rightfully considered the ancestor of the glamor style, Helen Gurley Brown talked about where to catch sultry handsome men, wealthy businessmen and others good men. "So what? you say. "It's so old!" Not at all. Since then, the geography of Homo Sexual has not changed at all. And you can verify this for yourself. For the first time in Russia, we publish the chapter "Where to find the one" from this legendary book. From it you will learn where to meet a man for a serious relationship.

Where to meet a serious man

Homeland smoke

The office is the most convenient place to get acquainted with real men. Let it not bother you that some gastro-concerned fifa has already managed to feed your dear colleague with Malaysian borscht and herbal soufflé. It is temporarily available from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. And if you are an appetizing little thing, at lunchtime he is guaranteed not to pass by such a tidbit. Are there no men in your company? Quite quite? So something is wrong with your company!

Friends of friends

Risky option. There is a high probability that a friend will commit fatal mistake. You will sit in a restaurant with her second cousin, a traveling salesman, and wonder if she is completely cuckoo or just wanted to avenge her boyfriend who was beaten off at school. But in general, refusing her services is also not an option. It is possible that the next candidate proposed by her will turn out to be a true diamond. And then, you can be sure, if the "find" is presented as a lonely architect, then your gentleman built at least a couple of buildings and does not pay alimony to anyone.

blind dates

According to an unspoken tradition, they are held near local attractions and are fundamentally different from friendship meetings. Here you need to keep your ears open. Every girl has a good hundred horror stories in stock. A predator that devours you with its eyes; a maniac who insists on changing his posture from sitting to lying down; a miser who drags sushi off your plate ...


sports interest

Men like to compete with each other, and you adore men, so you have to love sports too. Take, for example, skiing. Austria, Switzerland, France - wherever you go, you will find snow-white slopes strewn with smart handsome men in shiny glasses and colorful costumes. Even that handsome man, whom the orderlies carried past you a second ago, will one day return here. As soon as the bones grow together. If extreme sports are not for you, choose a safer activity for yourself: archery, ping-pong, badminton, roller skating, bowling, golf, fishing - all these guys are fond of who could later be carried away by you.

At the bar

There are also unique ones in nature who do not ski and do not drag catfish out of the water on weekends. However, regardless of the existing hobby (or its total absence) all the representatives of the stronger sex sometimes look into the bar to have a glass or two. But with regulars, it's the same story as with three-dollar merlot. You take such wine: it seems to look like an ordinary one, but it tastes ... mug. At first glance, bar patrons seem normal, but they behave in a strange way. They treat you like you're not you at all, but some kind of sex adventurer or stale product ready to give them a discount. You can try to convince them, but it is better not to look for crazy meetings, but to make appointments in advance. If you come to a bar in the company of a macho, they look at you differently. You send him to the manager to arrange a table by the window, and you yourself flirt with those who come into view.

Private parties

Men go to them and walk in high spirits - this is a plus. And a minus: if nature has not endowed you with a pretty face and breasts of the sixth size, the chances of serious acquaintance are equal to zero. A couple of years ago, I got into a conversation with a nice young man at a party. He worked as a shop assistant. Ten days later I was standing on the threshold of that boutique. Of course he recognized me. We even went to lunch together. And this is what he told me at the end: “Listen, I had no idea that it could be so interesting with you!”

Group trainings

Frankly, I myself did not visit any, but my bosom friend talked about her good friend ... She met her husband precisely in the classroom for the psychologically disadvantaged. She turned 43, she did not suffer from depression and other mental disorders, but, thank God, the doors of the center were open to everyone. And she really wanted to get acquainted with one notorious writer. whole year sat next to him, listening to stories about creative torments, treacherous women and high utility bills. Disgusting? And it seems to me that a man will stick to the woman he met under such circumstances. At least out of an instinctive fear of being publicly exposed.

Somewhere in the West

Another friend of mine, Carol, has never had a problem with fans on vacation because she knows how to reach out to foreigners. In six weeks she traveled half of Europe, with as much money in her pocket as exemplary fathers give their little ones on pocket money. She had no friends among the locals, but she developed an author's system for finding them. Before the trip, she called friends and girlfriends and asked: “Do you have anyone in Rome or Paris?” They gladly shared the addresses of former classmates, colleagues and distant relatives. People are proud of their connections in the West and are always willing to emphasize that they have their own person there. Arriving in the city, Carol first of all sent out welcome letters to everyone (the post office works properly abroad): “I'm Carol. Someone gave me your contact. I'd love to meet you in person." The next day, crowds of single men already stormed her room.

Business trips

I love business trips! You fly first class, stay at the best hotels in the city, eat at the most fancy restaurants, and the amount of money in your account only grows. In addition, even if you do not come across a single worthy representative of the opposite sex, you still will not die of boredom. You have a special mission here! But, from experience, you are unlikely to be able to maintain chaste loneliness. Girls who have something to do seem more attractive prey than those who roam the streets like, “Here I am. How would you entertain yourself?"

On the halfway

Do you know what the flight attendants have in notebook there is no free line. And they usually get married first. Nobody forbids civilians to scurry up and down the aisle and smile charmingly at beautiful strangers. There's something damn sexy about sitting like this next to each other at a height of several thousand kilometers, listening to the roar of engines and the beating of your hearts. You both have nothing to do with yourself, and this is already a good excuse to start small talk.

On the stairwell

Let's suppose that a moderately attractive individual lives on your floor. You are not strangers to each other. You know what products jump into his basket at the corner store, how late he comes home and who he recently broke up with. If he is not yet tired of your vigilant eye in the door peephole, then he will not mind trying experimental cupcakes at original recipe. Or have a glass of martini on the occasion of repainting the walls of your kitchen from pink to soft salmon.