How to reply to comments in. How to effectively respond to comments on social media. Reasons for the wrong reaction

If you recently started using social network Instagram, you should figure out how to respond to a comment on Instagram. Firstly, everyone will be pleased that his message did not go unnoticed. And secondly, sometimes you may be asked about something really important or interesting.

Ways to reply to comments on Instagram

When someone leaves a comment under your post, you will see it in the notification feed, and a corresponding system message will also come (unless this function is disabled for you). It's one thing if someone wrote to you that doesn't require any response. It's another matter if it's a question, a compliment, or something else that you want to respond to.

How can you respond to a comment on Instagram? There are two main ways.

  1. You can reply to a comment without pointing to a specific person. Why can you use this method? Imagine that you have posted a beautiful selfie, to which many have written words of approval. Say thank you to everyone, even a thumbs up emoticon? This is stupid, you must admit. But under all the entries, leaving your comment with the text "thank you all" is another matter. To do this, you just need to click on the bubble (comment icon) below the post. In the line that opens at the bottom, enter the text of your message and click "send". Ready! But it should be borne in mind that notifications about your answer will not be displayed to people. They will only see it if they open your photo again.
  2. Also in your comment you can refer to specific person... To do this, you need to put such a sign "@", and then, without a space, his nickname on Instagram. After sending this "introduction" will turn into an active link, and the user will receive a message that someone mentioned it. By the way, using this method, you can mark several people at once. To do this, list their nicknames as described above, without commas, but separated by a space.

How can you respond to a comment from a specific person now?

V latest versions there were some updates to the application. How to reply on Instagram to comments of a specific person on this stage? Previously, there were no special devices for this, but now the developers have automated the process.

If presented in the form step by step instructions how to respond to a comment on Instagram, it will look like this:

  1. Open the post to which you want to reply.
  2. Click on the icon that denotes commenting (looks like a bubble, which is usually used as a sign of dialogue).
  3. You will see the word "reply" under each other people's post. This is exactly what you need! We boldly click.
  4. Previously, the nickname had to be entered manually, now it happens automatically. The @ sign and the person's nickname appear at the beginning of the line. Do not wash anything! Otherwise, the recipient will not see your message.

What else can you do with comments?

We have already described how to respond to a comment in the Instragram, now we will show you what else you can do with them.

Continuing the theme of attractiveness. The attractiveness of a girl can be created from the smallest details, and even by reacting to a compliment, a girl can show how low or, on the contrary, how high her self-esteem is.

And in this article we will talk about how to respond to men's compliments correctly and with dignity.

We have already talked about how important it is to demonstrate to men that you value and respect yourself (I advise you to read the articles "" and "").

Why is it important to be able to respond correctly to men's compliments?

A girl who refuses compliments and begins to assure a man that she is not worthy of such words demonstrates her low self-esteem:

- You have such beautiful smile!

- What? I have? I don’t need to flatter, my teeth are crooked, and the smile is the most ordinary ...

(And the man looks: "Oh, and the teeth are really uneven ... And since she says that the smile is ordinary ... I guess it really seemed to me ...")

- You look amazing!

- I AM? Yes, well, I look awful, I don’t get dressed, bags under my eyes ... Don't embarrass me, that's not true ...

(And let the man answer: "No, you're wrong, you're beautiful!" , since she is so insecure ").

It turns out that even if a girl with self-esteem is all right, and in response to a compliment she simply begins to "flirt" (as it seems to her), showing embarrassment and awkwardness, the response thoughts in the man's head will not be what she expects (although response words will certainly be pleasant).

Remember one important thing: your reaction to compliments also causes one or another response in the man's head .

Therefore, it is important to keep in mind the possible reactions of a man. And you don't need to think that if a girl starts belittling herself in response to a compliment, then the man thinks: "Oh, she is so beautiful and sweet!" - No, this will not happen.

In fact, a man will have a reaction (conscious or subconscious) of searching and evaluating the shortcomings named by the girl (although with a different response from the girl to the compliment, he would not notice these shortcomings at all), as well as a reaction of overestimating his vision of the girl, because the brain will ask quite reasonable question: "Hmm, maybe I was really wrong? .."

Another huge disadvantage of responding incorrectly to compliments is that the girl demonstrates her habit of compliments .

And any man, even if he doesn't admit it to you, wants such a girl so that others envy him: there, they say, what an amazing girl he got! And if a girl is not used to compliments, it means that other men do not think she is amazing.

Therefore, stop responding to compliments by not accepting them and belittling yourself!

But there is another side: when a girl demonstrates her excessive self-confidence, casually throwing in response to a compliment: "And without you I know that I am beautiful ..." or "It was possible not to say, it's obvious!"

Such a reaction is equally unacceptable, because such a reaction shows that the words of a man for a girl mean absolutely nothing, and also demonstrates the girl's bad manners, her rudeness and the very same excessive self-confidence that men do not like in girls.

What does the right reaction to compliments from men give?

By responding correctly to a compliment, you can show:

  • that you value yourself highly,
  • that you are used to compliments (which means that other men also find you attractive),
  • that you can't get through in ordinary words, because you deserve much more (unlike girls who melt from any compliments).

How to respond to a man's compliment?

And the correct answer to a compliment is very simple: you just need to smile warmly in response, nod your head slightly and say softly something like “Yes, thank you)” or better just “Thank you!”, As if completely agreeing with the words of the interlocutor, but still showing that you are pleased in again hear a compliment like that.

Thus, you must show that you have known about your dignity for a long time (about which a man speaks in a compliment), and other men also know about it, i.e. you are used to both your dignity and compliments about it .

None: “Oh gods, right? And say something else nice! "," Nobody ever told me this! " Are you deceiving me? "," Don't flatter me "and none:" Well, dyk or that! "," I know! "," You are not the first, you are not the last to tell me this! "

Let the man see that you know your worth and will not melt from his words alone. To conquer standing girl, you need more than nice words.

And something else important about compliments:

Let me remind you again that men also love compliments. And compliments to men are good at any stage of a relationship ( and especially in marriage ):

  • to speed up falling in love with you
  • to express that you appreciate it
  • to motivate men for new achievements
  • for "stroking" the male ego
  • to create a pleasant anchor on you

Do not underestimate the importance of compliments in our lives: they can further strengthen relationships, open us, breathe strength into us, make us happier ... And it works both ways.

But what's funny is that we girls are mostly stupid when you need to say a compliment to a man. And compliments like "you are so handsome" or "this jacket suits you very much!" do not roll because these compliments are not a recognition of him male power, his personal qualities or achievements (and if recognition of our attractiveness is important for us, girls, then recognition of their own merits is much more important for men).

If you are as dumb with compliments as I was, I can recommend a cool thing. There is a very inexpensive audio recording "compliments to men"- it is quite long and consists entirely of ... compliments to men)

So: I downloaded it, rewrote it in words on a tablet, and since then, at the moments when I want to say something very pleasant to my husband, express my gratitude or breathe a charge of motivation into him for new victories, I resort to this record every time : I take suitable pieces from it, reshape it, add something of my own.

And this is very cool, because it also allows me to express with the right words what I feel (despite the fact that I write well, I had a complete gag with compliments, and no matter what I felt, for some reason it was difficult for me to advance beyond the banal “you are so smart”), and my husband -recognition makes you even happier and more inspired to accomplishments for the sake of the one who recognizes these accomplishments.

So do not forget to please your loved ones with compliments)

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Mikhail Karavaev

Russian teacher and English languages... He has worked in the education system for over 10 years.

It's not enough just to write an article and put it on the Internet. After publication, she begins to live her online life. I'm talking about the public reaction and primarily about the comments. You will have to get acquainted not only with fame and recognition, but also with negativity.

  • Discussions draw attention to the story, which increases traffic.
  • Engaging with your audience will keep you on track.
  • Other people's opinions, like their behavior, can give you new ideas.
  • You, as the author, are responsible to the readers.
  • It is necessary to maintain an image in the eyes of readers. To do this, you need to work out negative comments and, ideally, benefit from them.

Things to remember before responding to comments

  • Try to understand why the person thinks this way. It often happens that the material contains ambiguities and reasons for condemnation and indignation.
  • Determine if the commentator understood what the article is about. Often, a comment is a reaction not to the content, but to the headline, which is often clickbait. The excess of information has made us lazy, and not everyone is ready to read the article to express their opinion.
  • Watch yours and don't let them rule you. If a comment offended, outraged or humiliated you, and you are ready to throw thunder and lightning, this sure sign that you need to cool down. Never make public statements when you are overwhelmed with emotion. Then you will regret it. Readers will like the witty and calm author more than the touchy nutcase.
  • Separate people from their ideas and thoughts. You may disagree with the opinion of the commentator, but this does not mean that he is a villain. Don't deprive people of the right to be different.

What commentators are there and how to answer them

1. Consonants

Nice but boring. Thank you for the material and agree: "I agree", "Thanks for the article."


There is not much to answer, so you can just be happy or for gratitude.

2. Petty

Find fault with minor bugs. Passed by, pointed out a defect, went on.


Thank you for your valuable input and promise to improve.

3. Haters

Most toxic commentators. For some reason, we are convinced that it is you or your position that is to blame for their troubles, as well as the problems of the country and humanity. Previously, life was difficult for them, but the ability to throw out their aggression on the Internet on other people with impunity breathed life into them.

Haters are the most attentive readers. They will study your text inside and out for errors and inaccuracies and will sort it out in molecules.

They will find fault with thoughts, find information about you, turn everything upside down and write about it in the comments. Haters threaten to stuff their faces and offer to score an arrow. At the same time, they are extremely cowardly and hide under pseudonyms. They can breed bots and arrange discussions between them. They write outrageous nastiness and are rude, but they show a subtle mental organization and take offense, as soon as you walk through them a little.


If you are not confident in your strengths and wit, then it is better to ban immediately. But for starters, you can annoy, wittily and humorously reacting to attacks. The ban to which you sooner or later send a hater will look like the only and inevitable way to protect readers from an inadequate boor.

If there is no way to ban or delete other people's comments, make sure that the moderators delete them. To do this, provoke the hater to checkmate. You can also present him as an uninteresting and useless participant in the discussion.

V ordinary life a hater can be an intelligent and sane person, but in a fit of righteous anger, he becomes very limited and controlled. Yes, it is manipulation, but if it is the only way save the discussion, why not use it?

4. Writers

Heavy artillery. They read the title or the first lines of the article, and then hastily write a response, the content of which, as a rule, is very indirectly related to the original post. Comments in length may not be inferior to the original text.


Thanks for the comment, parse the arguments. If you are tired - suggest making an article based on what you have written. For some reason, they are not ready for this and rather quickly become silent.

5. Advertisers

Use the ability to comment for PR. There is a subgroup of narcissists who advertise themselves, and some of them do it very elegantly: "You said right here, read my article about this, and about this - my other article."


6. Connoisseurs

They comment in order to declare themselves and their exceptional knowledge. They do not need to understand the topic, because they know everything. They consider themselves to be great specialists in everything and despise those who say something contrary to their ideas. They will, as a senior in rank, explain what a fool you are. In fact, they are not self-sufficient and unhappy, who need you to realize their own complexes, since no one from the inner circle is already suitable for this.

Experts with regalia may also meet, who will tell how smart and experienced they are, confirming the words with numerous fictional or real regalia. Among them there are "staked out". They have certain merit in some narrow area and consider themselves the first and only in it. Such people perceive the attempt of strangers to penetrate their sphere as aggression and an attempt on private property... Unfortunately, there are some really talented people among them.


Non-constructive commentator type. It is better to arrange a self-exposure session and catch on ignorance of the material. It also helps to gently provoke rudeness and pulling out regalia. First, they cannot be angry for a long time. Secondly, after this they will have no arguments left. And in the eyes of readers, a person who boasts of their achievements without asking looks rather ridiculous, which gives you extra points.

In ethical terms, the regalia becomes an aggravating circumstance: what is allowed to the plumber Vasya from the third entrance is unacceptable for a teacher with 20 years of experience. If such a connoisseur is mistaken in important things you should know, point to unprofessionalism and demand admission of your own wrong. Remember how ridiculous Alexander Nevzorov looked (though he didn’t show it) when Yuri Dud noted that he didn’t distinguish between the words “put on” and “put on”.

In general, connoisseurs have a bad sense of humor when it comes to their field. Therefore, good irony will give you a huge advantage and will be appreciated by other readers.

There are people who know nothing or almost nothing, but at the same time like to give advice and take patronage over everyone. That being said, no matter what you do, they will always be right. Their favorite words: "You need to do this and that", "And I said, but he did not listen."


It is best to thank you ironically for the advice. Readers will appreciate your humor, and the advisor will be pleased that he helped.

8. Critics

The most useful type of commentator, as the critic is committed to the cause. The topic that you raised is important for him, and he offers his own vision of the issue, because he wants to figure it out. The critic's reaction is a desire to do even better.

Often, such comments are more useful and deeper than the article itself. In addition, the critic can push you to new thoughts and discoveries.


Appreciate your critics. Be sure to thank for the comment and note the concern for the topic. Listen to the recommendations. Offer cooperation.

Remember that one commentator can combine several types.

It may seem that it is too difficult to communicate with the commentators. Think of it as a challenge. I assure you that this new activity will take you headlong.

"You are adorable today!" "How does this dress suit you!" "The work has been done beyond praise!" - all this can be listened to like music - endlessly. Compliments make your heart beat faster surrounding reality colored in rainbow colors, and the mood improves. But why do we often mutter in response: “Yes, this is an old dress, I hardly wear it” or “There was nothing complicated about it, a report as a report”, embarrassed and internally shrinking into a ball?

And this happens very often. In response to pleasant words in our address with crimson cheeks we mutter something inarticulate! Meanwhile, it is not so difficult to answer a compliment correctly. You just need to learn how to properly respond to compliments. And since our plans are to hear pleasantries in our address often and regularly, we need to learn the art of responding to them immediately. So let's get started.
What prevents you from celebrating a compliment?
There may be several reasons. One of them is excessive shyness. We were taught from childhood that a hero should be modest: “If I were in my place, everyone would do this” - and that's it.

In addition, we are often convinced that the praise is not deserved. For example, compliments to your business qualities we can accept quite favorably, but praise for outstanding external data causes internal indignation. Or vice versa. We are ready to accept only those approving reviews with the content of which we agree. So pay attention to which compliments confuse you the most, and work on your self-esteem in that area.

Another reason why praise may not be a joy: you feel that it obliges you to something, or you suspect that all this is being said for a reason: something is needed from you. Forget about it - more often than not, words of admiration are uttered completely sincerely, and they certainly do not oblige you to anything. The maximum is to praise in return.

What to say in response?
Sometimes enjoy kind words only the fact that we do not really know how to respond to a compliment interferes with our address. And since we don’t know, we are going all out: we refute the "unreliable" information, make excuses or even ignore what has been said. You don't need to do any of this, especially the last one: you can offend a person who from the bottom of his heart said pleasant words to you. Accept the compliment, or better yet, believe it.

Be sure to smile at the one who said something pleasant to you: he must see that his words have reached the goal. And thank you. The usual sincere "Thank you!" will be enough. If a specialist praised you on some issue (the make-up artist complimented the make-up, the friend whom you consider the standard of taste and style, noted how well the handbag was chosen, and the tax inspector was delighted with your reporting), say: “This is especially from you nice to hear!".

To the praise of your work from the chief we cheerfully answer: “Thank you! We are trying! " And if you are not trying to do it alone, it’s time to mention, in the order of corporate solidarity, those who, together with you, had a hand in the excellent result. Without belittling his own role, but also not ascribing to himself other people's merits.

Even if suddenly your cheeks are treacherously reddened and you are ready to sink into the ground, do not fall anywhere, but honestly say: "You even embarrassed me, but I am very pleased to hear that!" - and do not forget to smile at the same time.

Caution: flattery!
This is how we are made: a person who compliments us and shows sympathy seems to us very nice and deserves all attention and participation. But if, after a series of praises, "small requests" follow, which you would not like to fulfill, then do not. And if, due to duty or by force social status do you often hear praise addressed to you and some of them do not seem sincere to you? The recipe: “smile and thank” will be effective here too.

In order not to be arrogant from the abundance of compliments, sometimes remember the words of Martti Larni, who compared flattery with perfumes: you can revel in their aroma, but there is no need to drink them at all.

Many girls hear compliments in their address. But few people know how to react to them correctly. But the wrong reaction to pleasant words can offend the person or give him hope for a close relationship that you do not want to give. In the end, everyone should know how to respond to a compliment. Then you will not find yourself in awkward situations. And no one will catch you at your word.

Types of compliments

In general, compliments can be different. And the first of these is flattery. In such a situation, you are told what you want to hear. For example, you have a photo on the network where you are without makeup and in a silly pose. And if someone writes "you are beautiful", then this is hardly a pure impulse of the soul.

There are also compliments in the form of obligatory words. For example, if you bought a new dress, then your friends will say that you are beautiful just to show some decency.

Sincere compliments are less common. They are often not spoken openly. At the same time, you immediately feel warmth and special attitude to yourself.

How to respond to a compliment about beauty?

There are several forms of responding to the compliment “you are beautiful”. These include:

  • A reciprocal compliment. This is if you want to flirt with a guy;
  • Joy. Send an emoticon or smile live. This reaction is not binding;
  • Gratitude. Say "thank you" and that's it. This is the most versatile answer;
  • Joke. This is more suitable for companionship.

Compliments such as "you are beautiful" or "" must be answered carefully. Excessive politeness or shyness can be interpreted as mutual love... And if you do not want to build a relationship with someone who praises you, then it is better to refrain from violent reactions.

How not to respond to a compliment?

In order not to look awkward, you should figure out how best not to respond to pleasant words. Answers can be blacklisted:

  1. Excuses. I'm not pretty, it just happened ...;
  2. Negation. No, you cho! I am a witch in fact;
  3. Ignore. You are praised and ignored. This is fine!?
  4. Extra emotions. It just looks silly.

In any case, you need to chat a little with the one who said the compliment. Understand what he feels for you and why he says so. Only then, it is necessary to make any decisions.

Compliments are like weapons

Often, guys use compliments as a weapon against girls. For example, a guy might be praising you so that you give to write off, do something for him, or borrow money.

Compliments are used by womanizers to drag victims to bed. This means that you should not melt at the first beautiful phrase. Look at the person as a whole, not just what they say.

Especially careful should be those girls who do not have a bright appearance. Nobody praised you, and now you are being praised? This is a reason to be wary. Perhaps this is a joke or someone wants something from you.

"You are beautiful" is a commonplace compliment that can be given to all girls. Do not react violently to it. See what happens next. Try to assess the situation. Then you will not be deceived.