Rules for communicating with your girlfriend. How and what to talk to a girl about if shyness interferes. Special attitude is a sure sign

With everyone there was such a situation - you met a girl who you really like, but you do not know what to talk about with her. In this article, we will talk about how to choose the right suitable topic for communication, find with a girl common interests and interest her.

Inappropriate topics for communication with a girl

Obviously, you shouldn't talk to a girl about topics that she is not interested in. For example:

  • Racing cars and motorcycles - if she doesn't like speed, but prefers safe driving;
  • Horror or action movies, if she prefers romantic comedies;
  • Computers and their components, unless of course your girlfriend is a hacker.

There are also a number of topics to exclude:

  • politics;
  • nationalism;
  • religion.

Your views may differ significantly, and then your romantic date may end in a quarrel.

Besides, you can't tell girls about your "ex" girlfriends. Remember! Never! Make it your rule.

We start communication. Getting to know a girl closer

The only thing any person can talk about endlessly is about himself. If you do not know where to start a conversation with a woman - ask her tell about yourself... Here are the pertinent topics:

  • What is her hobby and what is her hobby;
  • What pastime does she like better - quiet, calm atmosphere at home with a mug of coffee or night out in clubs with friends;
  • What does her name mean, who is she according to the horoscope;
  • Does he believe in love at first sight and does he trust dream books;
  • What does she do in free time where he likes to go;
  • Pay special attention to her plans for the future;
  • Favorite drink, aroma, movie, book, season, color;
  • Separately, you should inquire about her favorite colors. Be sure to remember them. When you come to your next date with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, it will definitely make a strong impression on her;
  • Ask if she ever committed crazy and rash acts, for what?

We continue to communicate. We are looking for points of contact.

So, the exploration is over. You already have a rough idea of ​​what kind of person is sitting in front of you. Then the conversation should be continued on general, interesting topics for both of you. You have already formed a general opinion about the range of her interests. Well, and you know your circle of interests like the back of your hand. Where your interests intersect - there and you should look for the most interesting topics for conversations.

If there are no points of contact (this also happens), do not despair. You can always find topics that one way or another concern both... For example:

  • Favorite places in your city;
  • Weather;
  • Common acquaintances (if any);
  • Significant events and activities.

Additional win-win themes


All women on the planet are insanely romantic creatures. Tell me how you would like to meet the sunrises and see the sunsets with her, look at the stars on the coast of the azure coast and admire its outlines in the moonlight.


Not all girls are athletes. But each of them is always trying to follow their figure. If you are athletic man then this is your topic. Here she will listen to you very carefully.

Tell her about the pros healthy way life and proper nutrition maybe she's trying to stick with it. Ask if she goes to the gym, or any sections - fitness, shaping, yoga, etc. If not, but will say that she has always dreamed about it, offer her a joint visit to the gym or pool.


Find out what kind of music she likes to listen to, what movies to watch. She may be good at drawing or dancing, singing or playing some musical instrument. If you are doing the same, then you will have something to talk about.

Her family and relatives

All girls love to tell how they love their mom and dad. What they are to her perfect couple and that, following their example, she would like to build her love.

If a girl has brothers or sisters, do not cheat them with an extra question. Ask their names, how old they are, what they love, where they study and who they would like to become in the future. If they are already adults, find out if they have their own families and how often they go to common holidays or on weekends.

If your girlfriend has neither a brother nor a sister, you can talk with her about whether she ever wanted to have them and why. Find out more about her childhood. Did she go to the kindergarten, did she like it there. Let it relax a little and plunge into the atmosphere of carefree years.


Also, it is worth talking with a girl about love for our smaller brothers. Every girl loves animals. Find out if she has pet, ask, be sure, his name and how old he is. Ask to see a photo! (for you it will play a plus). And if you yourself love animals, then you can talk about this topic endlessly.


An additional plus in communication can be humor. Laughter, as you know, prolongs life. Therefore, joke more, especially if you are great at it, it turns out, tell me some interesting and funny joke or an incident from life. Just in case, you must always have in your arsenal 7-8 jokes for all occasions in life. If you can cheer her up, consider it in the bag.


The main thing is not to overdo it! Throw a couple of phrases about how wonderful she looks, how this dress and perfectly matched lipstick suits her (after all, she spent a lot of time on it before your date and it will be a pity if you do not appreciate it) this article.


You need to be careful with this topic. Go to it only if you are sure that you already have a complete understanding. Wherein, shouldn't touch her past lovers... But, for example, you can talk about your favorite poses.

It is better to bring up the topic of sex towards the end of the date. Talking about sex early on can scare her away.

Well, in general, in a conversation with a girl, act according to the circumstances. Do not worry, do not be nervous and do not fuss. On the first date, you shouldn't force things. Imagine that she is your friend whom you have not seen in 10 years. Don't be afraid to talk about what you like and try to learn more about her.

Words don't have to be his forte.

At first glance, it seems pretty easy to say, "I love you." After all, these are just three short words and uttering them will definitely not summon earthquakes and fire-breathing dragons, will it?

But why, then, is it so hard for some men to utter these words cherished for many women?

This is because women place too much weight on these words. “I love you” should express a feeling that means much more than ordinary words used in communication. So instead of asking the question, “Does he love me?” Maybe it's just time for you to realize that in many cases, actions are much more important than words.

A man may say “I love you” ten times a day, but that doesn't mean anything if he doesn't take good care of you.

This is how in many cases men say "I love you" without saying these three small words:

1. In the morning he brings you coffee in bed.

2. He sends you a cat meme.

3. He smiles at you while you are silent.

4. He gives you an affectionate nickname.

5. He tells you what he fears the most in the world.

6. He's happy to just sit with you and not say anything.

7. He doesn't take you for granted.

8. He tells you that you are his best friend.

9. He hugs you in the middle of a stupid fight and everything becomes all right.

10. He agrees to go to dance classes with you.

11. It allows you to select a radio station during a long trip.

12. He doesn't know how to cook, but he still makes dinner for you.

13. He talks to you in a dream.

14. He tells you that you look great even without makeup.

15. He shows you embarrassing childhood photos.

16. He wakes you up early in the morning because he wants to be with you.

17. He lets you sleep because he knows that when you wake up, you have to leave.

18. He agrees to go to the cinema to watch some new melodrama there.

19. He doesn't say a word when you have PMS.

20. He changes the light bulbs in the house that you cannot reach.

21. He hates fish, but goes on sushi with you because he knows you like them.

22. He plays with your dog.

23. He pretends that the child is yours best friend does not scare him.

24. He tolerates your cat (and the cat tolerates him in return).

25. He kisses you on the head.

26. He makes you perfect massage legs.

27. He makes you laugh so hard that you seem to be about to burst.

28. For no particular reason he looks at you with a smile in his eyes.

29. He pushes you out of your comfort zone.

30. It allows you to retreat when your comfort zone is much more enjoyable than walking in 30-degree heat.


Hello everyone. I returned from vacation, visited the sea, rested normally, bathed, burned the fuck 🙁 got pissed, got drunk, got drunk (in good sense, without alcohol, etc.), walked up, in general, kaeef ..

On the agenda, interesting topic how to understand what a man loves? That is, in love with a girl / woman, he really feels very serious feelings... Interesting? Then make yourself comfortable.

Very often it is the girls / women who ANSWER such questions and give advice. Those. whether a man loves or not. That is, they are responsible for men. Think about it. Female. A creature from another planet. Responsible for the man. From another planet. Ahaha. I will tell with male point view 🙂 and not with women, which for the most part, on the Internet, almost everywhere. Compare female love with male = not correct. Not correct at all. She's sooooo different, just take my word for it.

What I mean is that all these women’s snot written, emotions, scribbling, and so on. Shit is bespontovaya, in reality, to be honest, it doesn’t display real situation things associated with a man.

I will talk about real things = which reflect the real position of love in men.

What is love?

Love is an instinct. That's all. Point. And nothing else. Most of them sculpt what kind of shit in style, love is something beautiful, this is a heartfelt affection, this is a strong sympathy that simply cannot be described in words, this is something incredible, love is from above, etc. etc. in that spirit ...

In fact, you will not be able to explain, from the point of view of a reasonable component = what is this love, do you understand? because LOVE IS an unconscious animal instinct. These are emotions. And logic (reason) = it is not possible to explain it, that's all. Why it's so hard to understand - hell knows ...

I mean, the choice of a partner, the process of reproduction and love = it is unconscious, you may not understand why you love, why you are with her = but you are with her. This is the work of INSTINCT (love).

I talked about this in more detail in the main article:

But! There are certain signs, pronounced, always present if you LOVE! About them, I'll tell you now, so that you roughly understand whether you really love the girl or not. This issue will be very relevant for girls / women, so you can understand whether your chosen one has serious feelings for you, whether he loves you or "nothing serious", love, passion, etc.

# 1. You constantly (a lot) think about her ...

If you really, truly, love a girl / woman, then you will think a lot, almost constantly, about her. Thoughts about her - in general, will arise and appear as if nowhere.

If you don’t have that, you remember or think about her there, I don’t know, rarely, either there on holidays or there only after work, when you don’t have anyone to stay / walk / fuck with, etc. or there on the weekend, etc., then this is not love. Believe me. If we say it is for love, real, for serious feelings, then - you will think about your girlfriend / woman - almost constantly.

There will be a bunch of thoughts in your head, you will be curious, wondering that she is where she is, with whom she is there, what she is doing, how is she doing, is everything okay, is she thinking about you and kuuuuche the fuck of everything. You will have a bunch of thoughts in your head about her. An important point. It will take a very long time 🙂

If it has been there for a day, two, three, a week, two = then this is not love, these are not serious feelings; if you think about her long time, on an ongoing basis = it speaks of the seriousness of your feelings.

There is still such a moment. If you are alone - you do not have other girls / women, there is no competition for you, then perhaps you just grabbed this girl - so that you have at least some kind of girl, as it were better than dr * ch alone at all. Well, something like this. You understand the point, I'm sure 😀

Here it is important not to deceive yourself if you are really in demand among many girls / women, but you still think and want the very one (others are not interesting) - this really means that you have serious feelings for her, really , do not even hesitate, not for a second.

In my life I had serious feelings for only one young lady. How did I even know that I was serious? It is on this point. Thoughts about her did not leave me, I woke up thinking about her, fell asleep f * ck thinking about her, even f * ck dreams dreamed, in general, well, in general, my head was full of hey.

And this despite the fact that there were already other girls / women with whom he could easily stir up. But, bitch, thoughts about that young lady, for some fucking incomprehensible reason, did not leave me ...

When you have other options (girls), but you still think about that one, constantly (you think a lot about her), = this suggests that you have serious feelings for her (love).

One more important point... If you haven't had a bitch with a young lady = it's not love)). It all starts after * ksa. This is a priori, otherwise 100% in any way. Believe me. I warn you right away, young Padawans, who by any means just to get into a woman's panties = are ready for anything. This is not love)) when you want to chp * whip the young lady you need - the brain works in much the same way as when you are truly in love, that is, you think a lot only about her. But! This should not be confused with love.

No. 2. You invest resources in it (it is important to you / dear)

If the feelings are serious, if you love, really, really, you will invest in this girl / woman. Invest your time, your strength, your energy, your money, etc., etc., you understand?

Because I had feelings only for one thing - I, of course, invested in it in full.

Now it will be hard for anyone to believe in this, but in my heart I am just a complete romantic.

I used to have a lot of pictures (I would have thrown them off, showed them, but they are no longer there), where I was there, surprises, gifts, romance, a lot of things weird. I was on a high, really, I tried for her, and did a lot of things.

On the roof of the building, I remember, I drove and made a surprise, flowers, I unsuccessfully chose a galimo wine)) there were still fruits, candles like they put in the cemetery ahaha = in short, I skolkhoz normally like this)) I remember it still rained there, it was really just that day epic fail ... I didn't always succeed the way I wanted.

He gave a bear, flowers are different, quite often, I even remember myself sculpted tulips with candies inside, I killed a lot of time to create them, and it also turned out so-so ... I remember placing candles in the form of a heart, near her door to the house, I remember how sweat poured on these candles and thereby extinguished them, on the asphalt with a stone at night he wrote something there)) I also remember the phone was Sony Ericsson, without backlighting, I didn't see a damn thing, wrote crookedly)) romantic x * ev bl *; I remember giving mittens in winter, a gold pendant in the shape of a heart, that in general, I don't remember everything, I did a lot, tried, invested, first of all, with my inner sincere desire, your time, energy, energy and only at the very end fucking money (they are nothing special for me).

I wanted to make hey nice, to evoke positive emotions, a smile, joy, happiness in her ... that's why I invested with all my soul, heart, sincere, from just sincere, not even expecting anything in return.

Now, I don't do this anymore, because, firstly, you need to be able to do it (so that there is a so-called, otherwise you can play with one goal, as I played - and end badly), and secondly, simply and no one to do. No one in terms of feelings. There is no person for whom I have serious feelings.

And if you have no feelings for anyone, don't give a shit at everyone and everything = then there's no need to invest. Well, because the fuck? Question? Meaning? If you are not going to build a relationship with anyone, there are no feelings for any of the girls = what the hell is there to invest in her / in them? What for? It’s not logical ... I understand why men invest in women = because they don’t know how to seduce, but I want to fuck them, so they kind of buy ...

But, if we speak for a pumped man, very experienced, who understands the topic with women, he will not invest in anyone, I give an absolute 100% guarantee! Experienced man will invest only in the young lady with whom he wants to build a relationship. Point.

Personally, I will only invest in the young lady with whom I want to build serious relationship... And I'm in no hurry. Relationships are very serious things, I know what a relationship is, who can / cannot build it, what a huge responsibility it is for a man, etc. etc. and I take it seriously.

In general, something brought me in. What is the point. If you love a girl / woman, you will invest in her. Invest your resources. Time, money, strength, energy = all for the sake of her dear. Because you're going to want to make her HAPPY. Sincere, attention, inside, sincere !!! Understand?

Well, come on, a few examples ...

You will want hey to help, if necessary, solve her problems, questions, affairs, as needed, you will want to protect her and protect her from everything and everyone, as much as you can.

A trivial example, if you do not live together yet, you will accompany her home, because you will be worried that nothing will happen to her ... you know? I've always had it!

If something doesn't work out for her or any problems arise, etc. = you will try to solve her problem, you will want to help hey, if someone offends her / runs into her = also, well, in general.

The bottom line is that a person is dear to you, important - you want her to be happy and you do everything in order to make her happy. That's all.

You will call, write, come, be interested, etc. etc. you will initiate communication with her, you will want to see her, be with her, spend all your free time, etc. etc. understand? Interest in her and in spending time together clearly indicates that you definitely have feelings for her. Serious feelings, real, love. Understand?

If all this is not there - these are not serious feelings, this is not love. If she is "interesting" to you once a week, a month, for fr * khushki, when there is no one else with anyone, or do not dick = this is not love.

If she gets sick, you will come to her, yourself, she will not call, even if there is no time - at night, but you will come, buy fruit hey, medications, you will visit, you will stay with her, you will want it, on your own, inside yourself, well in short - I don't know how to explain it in words, you will have a wild desire to be with her ...

I had it all, so I describe my own examples from my life. You will SACRIFICE YOUR INTERESTS - FOR HER. You will reckon with her. Have this in mind.

You will invest in her, all of yourself - because she is important to you / dear, she is a part of you, and you want to make her the happiest in the world, you know? If you don’t put in shit, you don’t give a damn about her = what are the serious feelings? If you live the way you feel comfortable - and you don't give a damn about it - this is not love ... I give you a 100% guarantee. You will invest in it, it is a 100% guarantee.

You will sincerely worry and care about her, you will not be indifferent to how her day went, how she was doing, what she did, how she felt, etc. etc. understand? If you think exclusively about yourself, if you are not particularly concerned about her life, personal experiences, affairs, problems, etc., then this is not love.

If she is sick, for example, = and you threw a smsku CHOOSE "D" A "RAGAYA" = what are these feelings?

If you leave her at night = with a show-off you will reach and yourself = what are these serious feelings? Patsyki? Youmae.

If someone offends her, runs into her = and you stupidly give a fuck = what feelings are there? If you loved, you had serious feelings, = you would have stood up, defended her and, above all, your honor, because the girl is yours, with you, do you understand? What kind of man are you if you cannot defend your honor, the honor of your woman?

Briefly speaking. There are many examples, but this is not the point. The bottom line is that if a person is dear to you, very important, you need = you will protect her, protect, care, invest in her, and make her happy. If this is not there, then there are no serious feelings (love). That's all, actually.

Girl / woman, here's the main criterion for you - to understand, loves / does not, words like this, many "men" blurt out from their language, worse than women from the bazaar, just to get what they want / something else there, but in fact " no shit. " Therefore, watch and evaluate his actions and deeds, what he does for you and whether he does at all, you will feel his "feelings" through his actions, actions, behavior ... do you understand?

No. 3. You will change and become better ...

If this is LOVE (serious feelings) then you will want to be the best man for her.

You will change, in many ways for her sake. You will get better, pump yourself, I don't know gym, take care of your figure, your body, beauty, appearance, health, you will start earning more, reach heights, improve, in short, you will start to become the best in many areas / industries (in many respects, for the sake of her). Understand?

How to explain that .. you will want to be worthy of this girl, you will want her to be only next to you and no one else, you will want her to be proud of you, that next to her, the most the best man you will want to move fucking mountains for her, you will want to make her yourself happy girl on planet earth ... you know?

These are serious feelings (love). And if this is not there, not a damn thing has changed with her appearance, you don't give a damn, how passive you were, how you were lying on the couch, not doing a damn thing - you just lie there, in general, ala style “I am what I am - I don’t like it goodbye ", then this is not love ...

No. 4. You will declare that it is yours!

If a man, especially, attention, worthy, high-ranking and at the same time demonstrates to all SURROUNDING people, relatives, friends, acquaintances, I do not know someone else there that you, dear, him, with him, you are his companion, woman = be I'm sure it says a lot, really, about a lot.

And if we also speak for a media personality, a well-known personality, popular, with a high social status- then this is generally a 100% manifestation of sincere serious feelings. Love. Because just anyone - such men will not show you to everyone! 100% guarantee.

Just keep it in mind, pay attention to whether he introduces you to anyone or not. And it is also important how he does it, if firmly declaring that you are his woman - then all hurt yourself, congratulations 🙂

No. 5. You will want to start living "together" with her ...

When a man is already ready to build a serious relationship with a girl / woman, build a family with her, be with her, he is ready to live with her, in the same house / apartment. But! This does not happen immediately, but over time the relationship develops. So keep this in mind, on initial stage it will not happen.

It will be over time, and it will definitely be, because if you have serious feelings, love, you will want to be with her, with this girl / woman, on a permanent basis, spend a lot of time with her, live together, incl. falling asleep and waking up together, having breakfast and dinner, etc. etc..

You will start and plan your future with her, where you will live, how you will live, etc. etc.

Well, of course, you will invest resources in it. In this part, to take care, provide, feed, dress, protect, and she, in turn, will do a lot of things, well, in general, it's all interconnected ..

No. 6. Separation as a way of checking ...

Also very good way understand if there are serious feelings for a girl / woman or not.

If there is no point # 1. during separation = you don't think much about her = these are not serious feelings, not love.

With a person who was dear / important to me = this point was, and it lasted exactly 5 months. I will not describe anything, it's just a 100% way that can understand whether everything is serious or so-so ...

No. 7. You will be loyal (loyal) hey ...

You understand, when a girl / woman is dear / important to you = you love her, you have very serious real feelings for her, and you want to build a serious relationship with her (life, family, etc.) = then, without this point (loyalty) not enough. He will!

This item will be even in case of separation (for example, due to quarrels, scandals) and this may be the case.

If this is not there, there is no devotion (fidelity), this is not love, these are not serious feelings.

No. 8. In s * kse you will think not only about yourself, but also about her ...

Again, if you have serious feelings for a young lady, love, = you will want to make her happy (in everything). Do not forget. Including s * kse. You will think not only about yourself, about your satisfaction, but also about her and her s * ks * al satisfaction.

No. 9. You share your life with her ...

When a girl is dear to you and is not indifferent, important, you have serious feelings for her, then you let her into your life. I think, without further ado, everyone perfectly understands what is at stake.

You share your life, fragments, pieces, you talk about yourself, about your childhood, there, your family, oh important things, moments, etc. etc. maybe even something that no one knew or does not know, in general, you open up to the girl, let her into your life, into yourself, you know? And all this is sincere from the heart.

That says a lot, take my word for it. Without serious intentions it makes no sense to do it.

No. 10. Everything. End. Item purely for women (not for men)

Girls / women are guided by FEELINGS, INTUITION, EMOTIONS.

We have developed men left hemisphere- responsible for logic. You women have the right - emotions. I mean that nature has endowed you with the ability to read human states, so that you can understand your child without any words, why he is crying (for example), etc. But also a man!

You have unique opportunity read men, FEEL THEM! Loves or dislikes. Lies does not lie. Etc. etc. Understand? These feelings, feeling true love, well, it is simply impossible to fake and play, and why not do it, you know? You should feel it inside yourself, and not even doubt it, because if you have doubts, and the stronger they are = the more likely it is that your man does not love you. We men are much more straightforward creatures than you women, so if we love a girl, then everyone possible ways let us tell you about this - with all these points that I described in this article. Take my word for it, honey, just believe it and that's it, you will feel it 🙂


1) You constantly think about her (think a lot)

2) You invest resources in it (time, effort, money, energy) (it is important to you / dear to you)

2.1. right there: provision, protection, protect, take care, attention, etc. everything for her happiness

2.2. You will SACRIFICE YOUR INTERESTS - FOR HER. You will reckon with her.

3) You change and become better (in many ways, for her sake)

4) You declare to the whole world that it is yours, belongs to you.

5) Over time, you will want to live with her "together" ... (build a life together, plans, etc.)

6) Parting - as a way of checking ... (during separation, there should be points # 1 and # 7)

7) You will be faithful (faithful) only hey ... (even during separation, if there is such a thing)

8) In s * cs you will think not only about yourself, but also about her (and her c * cs. Satisfaction) ... (this can be attributed to point number 2, namely 2.2. Reckon with her, sacrifice your interests for her sake ).

9) You will share your life with her ... (open up, let in, etc.)

You don't need to confess your love, to everyone in a row, to everyone you meet, etc. as do many boys, teenagers, boys, men, etc. = those who do this = very weak personalities. And they do this in order to get into the girl's panties and chp * whip her naive, frankly speaking, or because inexperienced guys confuse the so-called. love with love / passion, etc. do you understand?

Strong men = just about anyone will not confess their love. And generally speaking, strong men do not fall in love as easily as the weak. Believe me. I went through this and I know what I'm talking about.

So that I now say these words to someone - I love you, she don’t make me laugh. And this is taking into account that I am also a monogamous ... For me, this confession is an indicator of excessively serious intentions, that I am ready for a serious relationship with this young lady, that I am ready to build a family with her, prolong the lineage (create children), create a life together , take on all this responsibility, etc. etc.

I only once in my life = made a confession to one young lady. Nobody else. I was not experienced then, completely p * xiong, did not know a damn thing and did not know how, without knowledge, correct model behavior, etc. etc. but the feelings were real, very strong, and everything that I described in this article was from her (it was with her).

Now, I don’t make any confessions to anyone, because there are no feelings for anyone, and it’s difficult for me to fall in love, and the right person to find is even more difficult, and to go through fire and water with this person = even more difficult, and all this takes a lot of time, a lot of time, in general, only a special chosen young lady will receive a declaration of love from me personally, and only then, when I'm ready and sure that my feelings for her are real and real, otherwise, I don't have to say them ...

You need to be aware that you have really serious feelings for the girl. Not falling in love, not passion, etc., but serious feelings, for real. If this is really so, you already CONSCIOUSLY understand this that she is yours, a part of you, that you really love her and are ready to build a life with her, a family, everything, everything, everything, then act, say hey about it, just my friend, advice you)) do it somehow beautifully ..

I mean, it's not pretentious there, expensive, mega-mega, the restaurant, all this x * ynya, but just beautiful, you know better how and what, in the end, to each his own, just understand, girls are extremely emotional creatures, emotions are important to them ... If you do it beautifully, she will remember it for the rest of her life and it will be cool 🙂 Success!

With SW, administrator.

Starting any relationship with a man, a woman latently hopes that this is her life partner. Men, on the other hand, can clearly distinguish between mistresses and potential wives, while they apply the same methods of courtship to them. That is why it is quite difficult to understand the real attitude of a man to a woman.

How to understand the true attitude of a man to a woman

Signs that tell us that they are interested in us, love us and cannot live without us are very eloquent and every woman knows them from childhood. We recall the ironic teasers, attempts to constantly pull the pigtails, as well as the first timid courtship, when our gentlemen, blushing and turning pale, offered us to bring a portfolio home.

But with age, more and more confusion appears in the relationship between men and women, which forces us to ask a question that is very difficult to find an answer to. Because the question is “how to understand true attitude men?" sounds rhetorical.

Remember how in school years you managed to figure out your fans. By sight, by active participation in your life, by trying to spend as much time with you as possible. Believe me, years have passed, and the basic habits of men have not changed.

If a man with whom you communicate at work or, as it seems to you, is just friends, does any of the listed actions, then he is in love with you.

Manifestation of violent emotions

To understand a man's true relationship with a woman, pay attention to how he reacts to you. If a man is in love, he shows his emotions quite violently. His eye burns, even if he just mentions his chosen one in a conversation with friends. The man becomes more emotional and anxious. If a woman is perceived by a man as no more than a friend, then he always remains calm and indifferent.

Sexual attraction

If a man experiences a woman exclusively friendly feelings, then there is no sexual connotation between them. If a man perceives a woman as a mistress, he will openly make it clear that he does not mind at all. intimate relationships with her. People who love each other, who seriously intend to start a family and have children, will talk about sex in hints and leading questions.

Relatives and friends

When a man is not yet sure of his true feelings for a woman, at first he will hide his relationship from relatives and friends. He is unlikely to introduce his mistress to his parents. Although with such a girl, he can easily appear in the company of friends for bragging. If a man is confident in himself and in his feelings, he will introduce his chosen one first to his friends, then to his brothers and sisters, and only after that he will introduce her to his parents.

Stopping communication with other girls

How to understand the attitude of a man to a woman? Simple enough at this stage. If a man is seriously attracted by a girl, but minimizes all other contacts with representatives of the opposite sex. He is completely absorbed by the woman he loves, and even girl friends will experience a chill. friendly relations with his hand.


A man takes these promises more seriously. If a man is not at all interested in a woman, he will allow himself to be late for a meeting, forget to call back, etc. This means that a man is completely indifferent to a girl. A truly loving man is always gentle and attentive, shows flexibility and takes into account all the wishes of his chosen one.

How to understand the attitude of a man to a woman by his behavior

In order to be firmly sure that all gestures and courtship addressed to you come from the heart and from pure heart, and not from the chronic behavior of a womanizer, it is worth taking a close look at the boyfriend.

If he calls everyone as affectionately as you, then you should think about it. If you give him green light and decide on further development relationship, then how good will you feel when he will answer the next call from work with you “yes, honey, glad to hear you!”.

If you are also a jealous person, then you should not get a fan in the form of a person to whom all women seem charming and attractive. In addition to nervous breakdown and the disappointment of such a relationship will not do you any good.

If his manifestations of tenderness concern only you, and all other ladies, he simply ignores and rejects, you should try to get to know him more closely. Ask him about his dreams, how he imagines perfect life and what he lacks for full of happiness.

In order to become an expert in the question of how to understand the attitude of a man to a woman, you need patience, understanding and Attentive attitude to every phrase that you trust. That is why all the information received during communication should not be immediately told in colors to girlfriends, because they do not need to know everything.

If you see that day by day the man's gaze towards you is becoming warmer, more interested and he is trying to help you in everything, you should go to new level relationship.

Because the first signs are change external behavior lead to the first awakening of feelings of heartfelt affection and sympathy. Now we need to support this formed attitude. Show your chosen one that he is very dear to you and reciprocate his care - this is a guarantee of a harmonious and successful development Your relationship.

How to understand the attitude of a man to a woman by his gestures

Remember that men are very rarely very emotional. Well, maybe if you have a first date in football, then yes. Otherwise, you should not think that he will begin to give you compliments in all excellent forms. When a man says you look good, that's a good sign.

To understand the true relationship of a man to a woman, follow it carefully. If young man like what he sees, his mouth involuntarily opens and his nostrils flare. I'll try to eat a tempting dessert, and you will see how it happens.

If a man in your company straightens his clothes, cufflinks or touches his face, then he wants to please and look good next to such beautiful woman... Pay attention to it and appreciate such compliments.

If a man lowers his tone, then he begins to trust you and may want to retire. Also watch to see if he is embarrassed. On the contrary, many feel in the company. new woman relaxed and this can be seen by the way he sits.

If a man touches your hand, then he clearly likes you. Follow his gaze. What is he? You will see in his eyes what you want, if you really like him. You’re a woman, and you’re able to feel such things intuitively.

When he decides to kiss you, pay attention to the kiss. If he is gentle, then the man does not want to rush, and he counts on long relationship with you. If the kiss is passionate, then he liked you more as a woman than as a person. However, do not despair, many relationships begin with this.

Using your mindfulness, you will very soon involuntarily already know how to understand a man's attitude towards himself.

A good relationship, be it friendly or romantic, always starts with communication. But how to learn how to communicate with girls and conduct a conversation so as not to seem boring is a whole art that is appreciated in an educated company.

Everyone knows that there is a certain number of rules on how to communicate with a girl, and how to appear before her in good light... Let's take a look at what these rules are and how best to keep the conversation going with the girl.

Positive attitude

Men who say, “I don’t know how to communicate with girls,” often make a common mistake. The girl who likes it, for sure, is a full-time student, or works, and often both. It is not surprising that by the evening she, like you, is tired both physically and mentally.

Mournful conversations about sad things, or constant complaints each other for boring work or study, everyday problems and their incessant fingering, which alternates with silence, is definitely not an option for how to properly communicate with a girl who is tired of all this just like you.

If your meetings are associated with you only with positive emotions, pleasant and easy communication, during which you forget about the difficulties of everyday life and bad emotions, communication with a girl on a walk will be pleasant and interesting.

A man must be a man

No matter how trite it may sound, but in order for her to fall in love, it will take a manifestation of masculinity. If it seems that there is no reason for this, you are mistaken. Masculinity means, first of all, education and responsibility for one's words.

Do not exaggerate your advantages and do not hide the shortcomings, since starting to communicate with a woman from a false note means dooming this communication to failure, because the truth sooner or later becomes known.

For example, ask what flowers she likes, and for the next meeting, present such a flower as a sign that you are listening carefully to your interlocutor. If you have promised something, and you know that you can forget, it is better to write it down. Otherwise, the promise was not worth it.

At the first meeting, behave with restraint, show knowledge of etiquette - hold the door or give a hand to the girl getting out of the car. A well-mannered lady will always thank for this in return and will not take it for granted, which is also a good evaluating factor for you whether it is worth continuing the conversation with her.

Don't chase the woman

There is one phrase often used by men: “I don't know how to communicate with girls, they quickly run away from me”. But why run after them? Leaving aside the theory of the right and wrong for you, it’s worth paying attention to whether you’re annoying?

You can start communicating with a girl about any little things around you - talk about the weather, sensational current events, in the end, share the story of acquaintance with the person who introduced you, if there is one.

But if it seems to you that you said something wrong, you should not call and make excuses, twist the words and put yourself in an awkward position. The phrase could have been forgotten for a long time, and you will focus your attention on it.

Do not look for location every minute, distracting, in fact, a person from his affairs. Communicate easily and beautifully, and then the question will not arise how to communicate, since the girls themselves will look for your company to spend a pleasant and easy time.

Relax and enjoy the conversation in the company of your interlocutor, since it is impossible to start a pleasant acquaintance without this.

Confidence in your strength

Many men are simply ashamed of their manner of communication, and consider themselves initially not inclined to communicate. Shy man, starting a conversation, apologizes a thousand times, behaves outwardly pitifully and even funny.

You can increase your self-confidence by talking to several girls at once. There is nothing shameful in this, since no one has forbidden anyone to talk with several people yet.

First of all, it will add to your experience in terms of what you can communicate with women about. Then you will understand how to communicate and how not to, because, negative reaction on anything two girls already says that it is not worth doing this.

In addition, there is a certain spirit of competition, even if the girls do not know about each other. Female intuition works flawlessly in this matter and adds several points to your assessment by a woman.

Surprise her

This is one of the ways how to communicate with an introvert or just a girl who you like mutually and is embarrassed when you meet. Try to surprise her. It's not about expensive gifts from salons, no. It is about something that she has not seen in her life.

This will allow you to immediately find out what topics you can talk to her about. "Have you ever seen how flowers are made of paper?"

Give compliments

A compliment is a powerful weapon in your hand skillful man... Speaking them while communicating with a girl when meeting is practically vulgar, unforgivable on the part of a real woman.

The said compliment for a tick will also be quickly recognized by a woman. And here is a short mark that she came with a new hairstyle or beautiful manicure- the most successful hitting the target. Do not praise and focus on this.

Listen and hear

Consider how to communicate with a girl on the phone and how to conduct a conversation at a distance in general. There is only one here correct recipe- know how to listen and hear. There is no need to think about whether you can communicate and how to facilitate communication. It is enough to support the story with leading questions for her to tell more.

The more attentive you are, the better you will look in her eyes, as women naturally love to talk. Pick up topics you haven't talked about before, let her talk most of the time.

Such communication brings you very close to rank. loved one, since, opening her problems and experiences, a woman opens her soul to you and considers it a very intimate process, which only a grateful listener deserves.

Active communication

As much as you would like to end the meeting in half, cut it off. Women fall in love with men who give them pleasant and unforgettable memories... If the best emotional moment of your date has already passed and will continue to be the same, tactfully and carefully say goodbye.

In the evening, thank you for the meeting, and ask if she liked the rides / cinema / park and anything related to the past date. Talk about this with the girl on the phone and do not push yourself again until the next meeting. So she will look forward to her.

How to be interesting

With modest girl if she is well brought up, you should be interesting, and she will respond in kind. To achieve this, remember that finding a soul mate is not an end in itself in life. An end in itself is the development of oneself from all sides.

Improve your body, mind, read books, go to concerts and performances, collect jigsaw puzzles, in the end. Engage your body and mind, develop them, then you will interesting companion and a person in life.

In addition, a person who is constantly busy with his own affairs has a story to tell. When we communicate and fall in love with a person, we see something in him that is not in us, which means that you will be better than the chosen girl.

Regardless of whether you will be meeting in the park, texting or talking with a girl on the phone, before starting any communication, make sure you have time for idle communication. Or is it better spent on improving yourself?

Communication with your girlfriend

It so happens that there is no desire to communicate with your girlfriend. There may be several reasons for this. Perhaps in your life together there are few bright events that could be discussed - then go to the theater, go on a trip, to nature, to the cinema, spend your leisure time in some other way and a topic for conversation will appear.

Perhaps there is some kind of hidden resentment between you, try to talk seriously and heart to heart, without a noisy scandal. It also happens that a person is overcome by apathy and melancholy for other reasons, for example, when there is too much work or lack of sleep.

In this case, do not put pressure on the girl. Ask if you can somehow help her solve these problems, if she has these problems. Perhaps you have the same problems, and therefore, there is no desire to talk about something pleasant, all thoughts are busy with everyday life.

If none of this actually happens, try limiting your communication literally for a while. Let it be a day free from each other. She can spend time with her parents or girlfriends, you with friends. Change the company both, and then everything will definitely change if there are no more serious problems in the relationship.