Test for a guy and a girl on knowing each other. Dark side of his wife. Test "How well your couple knows each other

His favorite figure - 3, her favorite color is red. She adores to play tennis, he can not tolerate football.
When you know each other's addiction, be it trifling oddities or important things that can cause disagreements, it helps to preserve a solid marriage. The more you know about your spouse, up to the way he or she loves to smear the sandwich, the more show how much knows for you with him (with her). The process of recognition of each other himself creates a feeling of proximity that can only arise between two people, sincerely care about each other.
Try to make a fresh stream in your relationship, answering the questions of this test. Thanks to him, you can open something in your partner something that another would not know for many years.
Calculate how many questions you can answer correctly. Check the correctness of the answers from the spouse, and then ask him (her) answer the questions of this test. I wonder how he (she) will cope with this?
1. Where did he (she) born (las)?
2.Cax maiden name His (her) mother?
3. How is it (her) called in childhood? Was he (her) nickname?
4. What pets were she (His) in young years?
5. What musical instruments she (he) learned to play?
6. Name one of her (his) children's hobby? What did he (she) collect (a)?
7. Did it (a) he (a) windmill?
8. In some institute, he (she) studied (las)?
9. What is the subject of him (she) did not like the most at the Institute (School)?
10.And called him (her) best friend (best girlfriend) childhood?
11. Name him (her) first place of work.

Personal addiction
12. What is the spectacular sport to her (Him) most like?
13. What kind of sport to her (Him) most like to do?
14.What would she (His) liked the dessert most?
15. What is the cool drink he (she) prefers?
16. Name him (her) favorite restaurant, favorite cafe.
17. What does her pizza like her (Him)?
18. What actress her (him) does not like most?
19. What actress does it (her) like most?
20.The breakfast, lunch, dinner - what does she (Him) like best?
21. Name him (her) favorite movie.
22. How does a television advertising call him the greatest irritation?
23. How her (his) favorite television program?
24. Name her (his) favorite singer or group?
25.Wh (his) Favorite holiday?
26. The most unloved holiday?
27. What time of year does he (her) like best?
28. How does he have a favorite color?
29. What is the headdress most of all (she) loves to wear?
30. What do I like to read more (her)?
31. What section in newspapers he (she) reads first?
32.Oh (her) favorite magazine.

Practical questions
33. Name his number (her) passport.
34. Name its size (it) shoes?
35. What is his name (her) chief?
36. How does he have a phone number at work?
37. How much does he have (her) postponed money on a savings account?
38. Did he (her) have ever fractures of bones?
39. Is he (it) allergic to anything?
40. What does he have a blood type (it)?
41. What is he (her) height?
42. How does he have a salary?

Plan and dreams
43. How many children (him) would like to have?
44. How would he (she) wanted to call your first child?
45. Where does he (she) wanted to go on vacation?
46. \u200b\u200bWhat kind of sport is he (she) wanted (a) to learn?
47. What animal to her (him) would like to start at home?
48. What car he (she) dreams?
49. Would it be (her) to build or have his own home?
50. Does he dream of changing jobs?

Starting from the first date with the person liked, we try not to touch some questions that can destroy everything.

Unfortunately, in serious relationship This may be an obstacle to the openness and sincerity of relationships. After time, you risk to face the person to the details that would not like to know.

To avoid unpleasant and, most importantly, sudden discoveries, you should familiarize yourself with potential difficulties in advance. Each of these 30 questions will help you find out. important information About your second half, as well as your chances for a happy collaborative future. Specify and discuss them together - it may even bring you closer.

  1. How often should we make love?
  2. Is there anything in me that you would like to change?
  3. When you look at a woman, what do you first pay attention to?
  4. Have you ever checked my phone or computer?
  5. When, in your opinion, we had the most best sex?
  6. Is there a difference between loving and sex?
  7. How do you describe me to your friends (appearance, character)?
  8. What can you not remember without paint an embarrassment? Tell me about the most shameful situation in which you visited.
  9. If we were not met, what would you do today?
  10. Is physical appeal important for strong relationships?
  11. Are you masturbating?
  12. What do you think when you do not think about sex?
  13. What were you especially worried about when we were first going to make love?
  14. What makes you in bed?
  15. How many years have you kissed yourself for the first time or have sex?
  16. Share your erotic fantasy, which you never mentioned me before.
  17. What is sexy, in your opinion, can we do in bed?
  18. If you found out that your friend deceives his wife, would you tell her about it?
  19. Would you go with me to a nudist beach? You would have bothered what others look at me?
  20. How would you prefer to spend your vacation: in a lounger on the beach or in climbing gear in the mountains?
  21. Can you read my thoughts?
  22. What can we do yet to get close as a couple?
  23. Why can partners deceive each other?
  24. Would you like us to bring a cat or a dog together?
  25. Marriage in the future enters your life plans?
  26. Your parents have strong marriage? Would you like to have the same relationship?
  27. Do you believe in God?
  28. Thanks to whom you have formed, as a person?
  29. If you had enough money with an excess, and did not need to earn them, what would you do before the end of life?
  30. Do you believe in love at first sight?

These questions help identify the expectations and preferences of another person in relationships. This is not done so that the girl was able to adapt to the wishes of his beloved, and to appreciate the chances of lovers for a happy relationship.

If it can not open and answer too personal questions "So he does not trust you." If he begins to act aggressively, only submitting you naked on the beach - perhaps he is a pathological jealous. If he believes that the connection on the side can strengthen the relationship, then you should think about - of course, if only you do not hold the same point of view. His views on religion, family, finance can also tell a lot about the potential future of your relationship.

If, after finding out the answers to these questions, you still love each other much - you are great for each other, and nothing can separate you)

This test is not only beautiful way Find out that you really know about each other, but also a great pretext to know each other better!

Even if you with a partner together raised three children (by the way, whose is it?), It is not a fact that you know each other's habits well. But without this knowledge of the relationship will never be most productive and happy as possible, Dr. John Gottman, the author of the book "Seven Principles, thanks to which marriages work." From this book we borrowed a test that we recommend to go through all the pairs. Your girl believes that you are not interested in her life? Thanks to our test * You will have the opportunity to prove that this is true!

I think frankness in such tests is more expensive. I recommend unobtrusively to find out the answers of the girl in advance and only then offer her to pass the test. You will call the girl a sense of guilt that she does not know you as well, you can manipulate her, capture the world ...

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - he is superfluous - do paper boat. And pencils can be replaced and on the handles or, what the hell is not joking, on markers. Test you will pass in turn. One aloud asks a question, both silently write the answer, not peeping into pieces of each other. For example, you ask the girl: "What am I afraid most?" She writes its answer: "Giant spiders with tentacles and light music." Meanwhile, you write down your correct option: "Your mother." And so report on all twenty five issues. Then turn the paper and put aside.

Take the following two papers and spend the same procedure, but already with a girl as a defendant. She asks: "What am I afraid most?" You write silently: "Your mother." The girl silently writes: "My mother." And so on for all questions.

Having finished polling each other, turn the paper and deposit the results (but first, of course, horrible answers). Consider the number of accurate matches. Accurate in the semantic meaning, and not in the form of a statement. For example, if you answered the question about my hobby, "badminton", and the girl is "a ridiculous game with a grid, rackets and such funny balls in skirts" is still a coincidence. Passed. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert 2. What is my shoe size? 3. What am I afraid most? 4. How old is my mom? 5. What is my blood type? 6. What makes me in sex? 7. Name two closest friends 8. I have a hobby? What? 9. What will I post from the fire first, besides you, documents and pets? 10. My favorite movie 11. My most unpleasant child remembrance 12. At what time of day I most like to have sex? 13. How do I prefer to spend the evenings? 14. How do I want to be buried? 15. Dish without which I can not live 16. What gift would I like most? 17. What food I can't stand? 18. My favorite musical group 19. What coffee do I prefer? 20. What circle did I do in childhood? 21. What literary genre I love? 22. What do I want to do to do before you die? 23. My favorite weather? 24. Continue the phrase "You hate when I ..." 25. I have an allergy?

Psychological tests Based on obtaining information, its processing and analysis. The results are compiled on the basis of the previously identified features, patterns and certain "standards" relating to one or another sphere of science of psychology.

If you want to get reliable resultIt is important to answer the test questions honestly.

Today I suggest you go through a very simple, interesting test "How good you know your partner"who does not take you a lot of time. You will need a piece of paper and handle. Or good memory.

Read each statement and noted opposite in ("right") or N ("incorrectly"):

1. I can call the names of the best friends of my partner.

2. I can say with what difficulties my partner has encountered now.

3. I know the names of some people who for lately caused irritation at my partner.

4. I can call some of the dreams that my partner has.

5. I well known the religious beliefs of my partner.

6. I have an idea of \u200b\u200bmy partner's vital philosophy.

7. I can list the relatives, whom my partner loves the least.

8. I know what kind of music my partner loves.

9. I can name three favorite films of my partner.

10. My partner knows my today's problems.

11. I know what three events are the most important for my partner.

12. I can tell you how much the biggest difficulty my partner collided in childhood.

13. I know the main aspirations and hopes of my partner.

14. I know about what my partner is now experiencing most.

15. My partner knows who my friends.

16. I know that I would have done my half, if suddenly won the lottery.

17. I can tell you in detail about my first impressions about him / her.

18. Periodically, I am interested in my half of the state of his / her inner world.

19. I feel that the partner knows me quite well.

20. The partner knows my hopes and aspirations.

For each answer "True" put 1 point. Calculate the total number of points.

Test results

10 or more points:this is strong side Your marriage. You are pretty more about each other in detail. IN everyday life You do not forget to be interested in hopes, fear, aspirations of our half. You know that they drive them / her. Judging by the number of points, you find options for how to use knowledge about inner world another for the benefit of your relationship, strengthening the spiritual relationship between you. Try not to take as if it is knowledge and understanding of each other. Continue as sensitive and carefully treat each other and you will be ready to cope with any problems that may arise.

Less than 10 points:your marriage would benefit some improvements. Perhaps you did not have time or the opportunity to know each other. Or your ideas about the second half have already been outdated, because Man could change over the years. If you try to learn more about your partner now, notice how the relationship becomes stronger.

This mini test of several simple questions Let you understand how well you are familiar with each other.

Answer the questions below, then set them to your partner.

P.S. These questions are intended for people who are quite a long period.

If your relationship has just begun, be indulgent to each other and do not require the correctness of the answers in each item.

Questions for knowledge of the partner

1. Name the least favorite part of your partner's body?

2. When your partner was a child, who he (she) would like (a) to become in the future?

3. What country would like to visit your second half?

4. Did your partner have a nickname in childhood? If so, what? Does it like this nickname?

5. Who of his relatives does your favorite communicate closest? (In the absence of those, lower the question).

How good you know each other

6. What disappointment from the past gives your partner so far?

7. What kind of achievements he (she) is proud of?

8. What is most of all your partner does not like to do at home?

9. What is your grandmother and grandfather of your partner. Can you call all grandparents and grandmothers?

10. What talents are your partner, in his own opinion?

11. Name him (her) Favorite smell?

12. What are the favorite taste of ice cream?

13. What line the character does your partner do not like in herself, and what does he look like his parents?

14. What death is your partner afraid?

Questions for a couple on knowing each other

15. What kind of music does it really like to listen to your partner? (Even if these musical preferences do not know others). Determine his musical taste.

16. What does he (she) wait from the approaching weekend?

17. Who does your partner consider to be their mentor, or those who had a strong positive influence On his (her) professional development?

Questions on the knowledge of the second half

18. How did your partner spent the summer in childhood?

19. What are your favorite and less favorite moments in your partner?

20. Does your partner consider themselves more like your mother or father in terms of character? If so, then what?

21. What purchase is your partner currently thinking about? What is in his list of desires?

Pay attention to the questions you answered wrong. Consider the shortcomings, as an opportunity for conversation and deepening your relationship.

When you analyze the received answers together, remember that it is your partner that decides whether you will earn a score for each correct answer.

For some issues, for example, such as the favorite taste of ice cream, there may be two or more answers, depending on the current mood of your partner.

Sometimes, it turns out that we know our second halves better than they know themselves.

When you view the answers, you can find that you remembered that once your partner told about my childhood and that I forgot, and you remember it.


If you (or your partner) scored 16 points and more:

You know your partner very well.

And if you scored 16 or more points, and you are with your partner less than six months, probably your relationship is developing too active.

If you (or your partner) scored 10-15 points:

You have studied our partner quite well.

Pay attention to what points you know each other least.

You may have talked a little about our experiences in childhood, or you shy away from conversations about the topics related to negative emotions.

Try to crash such moments.

If you scored 5-9 points:

This means the following:

1) You do not know each other so well.

2) You are in a relationship only a short period of time.

3) You talk a little with each other, or maybe your conversations are a certain character (for example, you are both one profession, and your conversations converge mainly at work.)

If you (or your partner) scored 0-4 points:

This suggests that you do not know each other at all, which means you have the opportunity to do it.

Questions for knowing each other

Why exactly such questions?

These issues are designed to use a number of positive and negative emotions.

Questions about negative emotions and fearsincluded because strong relationships They entail the willingness to be vulnerable to each other.

Questions about childhoodincluded because close people usually understand the experiences that have made each other as they are now.

After all, it is in childhood that a person is formed.

And lighter merry questions included, due to the fact that it is very important to conduct conversations not only on serious topicsbut also lighter.

Conversations related to your positive emotions make our lives easier.

Talk to each other on different topics. Then you will learn your partner better.