Beautiful love statuses for a girl. Quotes and phrases about love for a man, boyfriend, girl, woman at a distance for statuses: list. Beautiful quotes with meaning are short

Many guys do not know how to simply express their love. Perhaps you need to tell your friend how you feel, but you don't know how to tell her. You will be able to find Right words when you read our short, beautiful statuses about loving a girl. After reading your sad status, the beloved will hear you, and her heart will melt. We hope that our VK statuses about love for a girl will help you.

Why so many pretty girls, and you fall in love with one, the most ordinary, so sweet, beautiful, the best, with such eyes, a nose ... I want to hug, kiss and not let go!

Girls are like stars - they become especially charming at night.

I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love.

You are the most beautiful girl, which has not yet met on his way. You, like an angel, descended from heaven and gave a fiery kiss. I want to stay next to you, admire your smile and your beautiful eyes. You are my Angel ...

You are not mine and not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

And you know ... you are very similar to spring ... she has the same Blue eyes, cheerful look and she, just like you ... makes the heart beat ...

It's really unreal without you.

You are my muse, you are my angel, you are always by my side!

Sun, please forgive me! I am very sorry that I lost you. I miss you terribly! I am crazy in love with you! Come back, please!

Love is looking into the eyes of your beloved, you see only your reflection there ...

Girls do not think at first, and then they think why they did not think when they should have thought.

I love her so much that my heart is torn to pieces! No one has ever hurt me as much as she did. But I still love her...

With every day that I spend with her, I understand how much I love her and I will never give her to anyone.

Statuses about love for a girl - Love is when you look at her, it doesn’t matter who she is, what she is, what others think about her, she is the only one for you, she is the one with whom you will feel better. BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!

Love is when you want to take a person not into your bed, but into your life.

I look at the sky, one star burns there, it burns so brightly, it reminds me of you that you are such a beauty I have one and I am very glad that you are mine.

Telling a girl you like her is like giving terrorists codes to launch nuclear missiles.

When I met you my heart was broken ex-girlfriend on small pieces. No, it was even just torn to shreds by her ruthless claws. But thanks to your patience and care, I, step by step, put all the pieces together and now I give my heart safe and sound to you - my beloved.

You are like a star in my window, What gives me a ray of light! I love a star! I love you even though you are far from me!

The sun is shining, I feel good, all because you are next to me, my heart beats, only for you, all because you are mine.

Love is like air: when you have it, you don’t notice it, when it doesn’t, you suffocate, and when it’s too pure, you feel dizzy…

Is your girlfriend the most beautiful girl in the world? Agree, and we know how to help you express all your sincere feelings in the unusual shape. Now it's a little easier to surprise a girl with your romantic habits. Why? And because we bring to your attention a whole selection of the most different statuses dedicated to the beloved girl. Of course, you can safely modify our options, because the main objective- to make something pleasant for your beloved, and the right words are one of the means to achieve the goal. Be sure that your beloved will be pleasantly surprised and will be very grateful to you. Do not be afraid to reveal your feelings, because love is beautiful, and everything that is beautiful deserves respect and appropriate appreciation.

Girls are like stars - they become especially charming at night.

Girl with green eyes... Dreamy, beautiful, she is so sincere, playful. She loves coffee, vanilla dreams, rain, spring and the romance that HE gives her...

Two things should be beautiful in a girl: eyes and lips. With the help of her eyes, she can fall in love with herself, and with the help of her lips, she can prove her love.

A woman must be loved in such a way that it would never occur to her that someone else could love her even more.

Love the one before whom you can kneel, not the one who kneels before you...

The taste of your lips, the smell of your hair, the sound of your heartbeat - these are a few things I love about you!

I love it when you hold my hand, hug my waist and whisper "baby" in my ear)

There is a common sky above us, which means I am near, wherever you are.

You know... you are very similar to spring... she has the same blue eyes, a cheerful look, and she, just like you... makes her heart beat...

I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love.

Telling a girl you like her is like giving terrorists codes to launch nuclear missiles.

He asked: "Do you love me?" She proudly replied: "No." He hugged her, smiled and whispered: "I'll have to :)"...

Each of us has his own person who holds his hand and does not let you fall when you are standing on the edge of a cliff.

Love a girl with all her "no's", then you will have access to her many "yes"!

Girls do not think at first, and then they think why they did not think when they should have thought.

Sun, please forgive me! I am very sorry that I lost you. I miss you terribly! I am crazy in love with you! Come back, please!

The most glamorous decoration of a girl is a guy who is madly in love with her.

I look at the sky, one star burns there, it burns so brightly, it reminds me of you that you are such a beauty I have one and I am very glad that you are mine.

The sun is shining, I feel good, all because you are next to me, my heart beats, only for you, all because you are mine.

When I met you, my heart was broken into small pieces by an ex-girlfriend. No, it was even just torn to shreds by her ruthless claws. But thanks to your patience and care, I, step by step, put all the pieces together and now I give my heart safe and sound to you - my beloved.

When you move your mouse over my page, you do not know that you are moving a thin blade over my heart ... so that's why it constantly hurts!

Why are there so many pretty girls, but you fall in love with one, the most ordinary, so sweet, beautiful, the best, with such eyes, a nose ... I want to hug, kiss and not let go!

You are like a star in my window, What gives me a ray of light! I love a star! I love you even though you are far from me!

You can't drink the whole cup of happiness in life ... But we still need two sips ... One sip, LOVE someone! Another sip, someone to be LOVED!

I dream about you every day, I wake up happy that we were just next to each other, 10 seconds pass, I understand that this is just a dream ...

It's hard to love a girl when she thinks you're friends!

Nobody thinks of me, nobody like you. And only you, always you, make me live.

Affectionate, sweetheart, you are very beautiful. Tender, principled, very sexy. Passionate, playful, very patient. You are my beloved one!

My girlfriend is the one who loves me, not the one I am!

Kitty!!! When you are sad - I suffer, when you are happy - I laugh, when you are near - I melt all over, a little more and I will fall in love!

A man who was able to put his pride at the feet of his beloved deserves the most devoted love.

Love is when you look into the eyes of your beloved and see your reflection there!

Let's just be with each other, shall we? Please... I need it, don't lose me completely. No need…

I love her so much that my heart is torn to pieces! No one has ever hurt me as much as she did. But I still love her...

Perhaps I rarely give you flowers. I rarely indulge in cakes and chocolates. I rarely take you to restaurants and interesting places. But I'll try to fix it! Because I love only you, one.

Think, is it not happiness when you have one beloved girl who waits and loves, believes, dreams ... Small miracle in your life. And you're just a fool if you traded her for a herd of shabby girls far from the first freshness.

It is necessary to love a girl so that she feels every second that she is needed.

You are not mine, not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

Luckily, he and she never met. Now they are very happy...

Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got.

Hug her... let her scream and cry.. let her hit her fists and say nasty things... and you just... hug

A look and a touch... Burning and tender... A fraction of a second... And I dissolve in her eyes...

It is impossible to find out anything from a woman at any age: maiden memory smoothly transitions women's secrets, and they, in turn - in senile sclerosis.

If I steal your heart then you'll steal my last name!

It is difficult to pretend that you do not notice the one that you used to constantly look for in the crowd.

Favorite girl, looks best in the kitchen - barefoot, in his shirt, pouring him coffee.

We have not been together for a long time, but she is recorded on the phone as "Beloved".

You are like a drug for me, I feel good with you, I feel bad without you ...

You can love the soul, not knowing the body, and then go crazy, touching the body of your beloved soul!

No matter how many bitches moan on you, the hand of your beloved girl on the cheek is always more pleasant ...

You are my muse, my air, my soul! Only your eyes bring me to my senses! Only your breath keeps me warm in winter! Dear, I want to stay forever with you!

How much human happiness has been shattered to pieces just because one of the two did not say in a timely manner - I'm sorry!

The trouble is when you shaved in the evening, and got up in the morning and you have stubble again, and she asks you to kiss!

Favorite girl looks best in the kitchen. Barefoot, in his shirt, pouring him coffee.

I hate everything about you, so why do I love you?

My beloved, I adore you, I don’t see you for an hour, I already miss you very much, I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile ...

You can always look at three things, at the stars, at how others work and at you, dear!

She is for someone the whole world and happiness in the morning.

Dance only for me. Look only into my eyes. You know you are the only one for me. All lines about love for you!!!

The main thing is not what I say out loud, but about what I am silent about.

When a guy apologizes and doesn't make eye contact, he's not apologizing, he's just getting rid of you.

Neither the difference in views, nor the difference in age, nor anything else can be the cause of a break in love. Nothing but her absence...

Women are made to be loved, not to be understood.

She cursed quite often, she apologized by calling at night, she liked thin cigarettes. I must have loved you very much!

So explosive and unbalanced. A little strange, a little fickle, with a jasmine scent and emerald brown eyes. She loved beautiful words!

They say that when you dream of someone, it means that the soul of this person, wanting to see you, leaves the body and comes into your dreams. Come to me, my love!

Come closer to me, I want to smell your body, hear the silence of your thoughts, how your heart beats. Honey, I'm sad without you.

Today I was asked if I miss you. I didn't answer, I just closed my eyes tightly so as not to cry, turned away and whispered - crazy!

Damp bench in the park. One. Far from everyone. Cigarette after cigarette, breath after breath, thought after thought. I miss you, my love.

It's a shame and very painful, do I really deserve it ((But I will be glad if you find the one that you need and will not interfere (( 150

Now someone is born, dies, laughs, enjoys life, catches snow with his palms, falls in love, lives, gets sick, loves, cries, and I just listen to music, to tears about you. 161

This is not the end, my boy, this is only the beginning of a brighter future without you! 121

I sit and draw on a sheet of paper with a brush - I draw love ... That's just for some reason with dark colors ... 120

After all, you're not mine, I know it!
Why then do I suffer, suffer?
Why do I ruin my love?
After all, you are not mine, why fate
Am I destined to know you?
Why did I meet you?
Just to suffer?
Why did you force in vain
love you so much?
Oh if you knew
How terrible
To be unloved and LOVE. 303

The main thing for you is to have fun, it would be more beautiful to find,
An hour as we know each other, you scream that you love a lot,
Stroking your hands, kissing your neck,
Love, smoke nervously and forget. 95

You are alien to me, but also dear, I don’t need you, but it hurts to lose you, I seem to understand you, but it’s unrealistic, you don’t seem to be a mirage, but not real ...
Some nonsense this love! 75

You said - love, I believed you. You said - one, only, dear. And again I naively believed you. But you were only playing a game, a ridiculous game that you made up, and hurt me like hell. 125

I like rain. You can hide your tears in it... 185

How bad it is when you love your loved one, you cannot live without him, and he knows this very well and uses it! 138

I don't need much - I just want you to be by my side... Here and now. 142

Still, it is very painful to be disappointed in those people whom you let too close to you ... 175 - Sad statuses

Do you feel that?
- What?
- That our game has been played...
- In terms of?
- It's all over in short.
- I will not let you go!
- It's all over, goodbye!
With these words, everyone can leave, take care of your love ... 84

How to remove our relationship file from memory? No way! I am not a computer! It's a pity... After all, they don't have hearts. 106

Yes, it hurts, but I keep my back straight and do not show pain! 151

The highest happiness of life is the confidence that you are loved: loved for your own sake, or rather, loved in spite of you ... And you really are loved! 32

I feel very good with you ... When you are around, I want these moments to last forever, I have very little of the time we spend together, I want more ... I love you like no one else ever. 92

Love is like spam :) Sometimes you need it, but more often it's a complete mess. 52

What is love? For someone, iron chains, for someone, freedom and a dream ... My advice to you, if you want to save a relationship, then don't tell anyone about them. 64 (2)

It doesn't matter how much you know each other - a week, a month, a year or a lifetime ... If you miss a person, then he managed to touch your heart, then he has become dear to you. 85

I love everything, and I don't care who you're with now! 100

It's easier to drive out the darkness of the night than you out of your head... 86

I want him to call and say: “In short, baby, I don’t care who you are with now and who your boyfriend is. Tell him that you are only mine and this is not discussed! 426

"Call me back in 289 minutes" ... In his language - it meant "Never" ... And she counted. 338 (5)

"This status is for all those who once stupidly lost their other half and because of pride missed the moment when they could return it" 377 (2)

They quarreled... She cried into the pillow, and he smashed his fists against the wall... 516

They write on cigarettes: they cause lung cancer, on alcohol: it is harmful to health, why don’t they write on guys - dangerous for the nervous system? 274

"I heal wounds" - said Time. "I inspire" - said Happiness. "And I hurt, raise to the skies, and then throw to the ground" - Lyubov chuckled. 234

Why are there so many pretty girls, but you fall in love with one, the most ordinary, so sweet, beautiful, the best, with such eyes, a nose ... I want to hug, kiss and not let go!

Take care of the relationship, and then you will take care of the memories ..

Shout - everyone will hear, whisper - the nearest one will hear, and only I will hear what you are silent about

You are not mine and not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

"Me too" - there is no such feeling.

You are my muse, you are my angel, you are always by my side!

I will never ask people to come back. Yes, I will miss you. Yes, I will miss them. But they have already made their choice.

Love is looking into the eyes of your beloved, you see only your reflection there ...

Petty is love, which is not afraid of the appearance of charity for the beloved.

I love her so much that my heart is torn to pieces! No one has ever hurt me as much as she did. But I still love her...

A girl is a sweet and harmless creature that can break your heart.

Perhaps I rarely give you flowers. I rarely indulge in cakes and chocolates. I rarely take you to restaurants and interesting places. But I'll try to fix it! Because I love only you, one.

A guy will never look stupid if he makes the first move. It's a pity that many people forget about it.

Statuses about love for a girl - Love is when you look at her, it doesn’t matter who she is, what she is, what others think about her, she is the only one for you, she is the one with whom you will feel better. BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!

In your eyes the whole sky is blue, oh how I love you ...

You are my girl that I'm crazy about... thanks to my parents for raising you this way... I adore you and your shyness... my little me will be there for eternity...

And I love her, more than anything in the world, and I don’t care who is there and what they say about us ... The main thing is that I love her!

I look at the sky, one star burns there, it burns so brightly, it reminds me of you that you are such a beauty I have one and I am very glad that you are mine!

I fell in love with you, like the stars, they love their night distance. It hurts me to see your tears, and it's scary to feel sadness.

The sun is shining, I feel good, all because you are next to me, my heart beats, only for you, all because you are mine!

Girls, be beautiful ... So that the real ones are not disappointed, so that the future ones want the former to bite their elbows.

When I met you, my heart was broken into small pieces by an ex-girlfriend. No, it was even just torn to shreds by her ruthless claws. But thanks to your patience and care, I, step by step, put all the pieces together and now I give my heart safe and sound to you - my beloved.

The hostess abandoned the bunny. The bitch deceived the bunny. I played and forgot, I broke the heart of a zaykino. He took revenge on her cruelly, chopped her into cabbage. Because it was necessary to respect other people's feelings!

When I first met you, I thought that you are my dream... And now I know for sure that dreams come true!

A girl is like a rose, even after pricking we continue to love her.

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I love, dear, I miss you only !!!

Love is when they send you 200 times, and you call to apologize (although not guilty) ... Because you want you to be together!!!

Dance only for me. Look only into my eyes. You know you are the only one for me. All lines about love for you!!!

He remembers every breath, the smell of her hair... beautiful eyes and still in love with her...

The sun misses the sky, the sky misses the moon. And I'm beloved, dear, I miss only you!

Think about it, isn't it happiness when you have one beloved girl who waits and loves, believes, dreams ... A small miracle in your life. And you're just a fool if you traded her for a herd of shabby girls far from the first freshness.

They don’t remember the beloved girl, they think about her constantly.

It is necessary to love a girl so that she feels every second that she is needed.

And even though she is not perfect, I know that she is real, sincere, that she loves me. As do I her!

Hug her... let her scream and cry... let her punch her and say bad things... and you just... hug her.

You are not mine, not with me ... I would give everything to hear your voice again, my angel ...

Beloved, you light up the whole world with beauty!

Everyone breathes oxygen, and I breathe you.

There is a common sky above us, which means I am near, wherever you are.

Love is when you look into the eyes of your beloved and see your reflection there!

You know... you are very similar to spring... she has the same blue eyes, a cheerful look, and she, just like you... makes her heart beat...

A man who was able to put his pride at the feet of his beloved deserves the most devoted love.

I checked myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love!

I miss. I love. Kiss. Thinking of you. Mentally, I draw meetings in you in a dream ..

Loving a girl and not telling her about it is like smelling flowers through a gas mask.

Let's move on to "WE" shall we?

Perhaps you are not my destiny ... perhaps you are not my dream ... Perhaps you are not my life ... but I love you ... But my heart hurts more and more ... But my heart beats more and more often .. But my heart is still yearning for you... only for you!

Love is like air: when you have it, you don’t notice it, when it doesn’t, you suffocate, and when it’s too pure, you feel dizzy…

With every day that I spend with her, I understand how much I love her and I will never give her to anyone!

If a guy loves - he will always look for another reason for a meeting, not an excuse why he can't meet...

I wanted to call you. But even more I wanted to hear a call from you. That's why we never talked.

My favorite...
- Tell me why you never call her by her first name?
- Well, what name can she have if she is everything!

How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love...

A girl is a harmless creature that can destroy your heart...

He who does not adore the shortcomings of the one he loves cannot say that he is really in love.

You are like a star in my window, What gives me a ray of light! I love a star! I love you even though you are far from me!

A girl is a sweet and harmless creature that can break your heart.

Often, it seems that we are loved because we are good. And we do not understand that they love us because those who love us are good.

A girl's dignity can be measured by the guy she's in love with.

Petty is love, which is not afraid of the appearance of charity for the beloved.

One morning you will wake up and begin to understand how much you need me- And I will wake up at the same time with the one who already understood this.

I'll put a password on my heart. Sit down, bastard, try to pick up.

I know that you are not permanent. But I realized that I'd rather doubt whether you love me than know for sure that you don't-

Love is looking into the eyes of your beloved, you see only your reflection there -

Everyone breathes air, and I breathe you

Once a man asked God a question: "That's why all the girls are so affectionate, sweet, gentle, and women are bitches and bitches?" And I heard the answer: “I create girls, and you yourself make women out of them!”

And I love her, more than anything in the world, and I don’t care who is there and what they say about us- Main that I love her!

So many reasons to leave. And only one to stay together - I love her -

I'm madly in love with a girl with very beautiful, bright blue eyes - Yes, I'm talking about you -

I love her .. And I meant your opinion.

I love her so much that my heart is torn to pieces! No one has ever hurt me as much as she did. But I still love her-

Girls! Be beautiful! So that the current ones would not be disappointed, so that the future would wish, and the former would bite their elbows.

Yes, I'm young and naive, but please, use it while I still allow it-

I clearly remember that day - It was snowing, and my mascara flowed - We kissed - And then I wiped it off your cheeks for a long time, so that SHE would not notice -

Do not trust the heart - it knocks -

We change hair, perfume, phone numbers, clothes, neighbors, place of residence, cities- We get pets, flowers in pots, male friends, cars-

Just because I'm smiling at you doesn't mean I'm very glad to see you- Maybe I just imagined a paver driving over you-

Occasionally, we cry with laughter, but now we often start laughing in order not to cry-

Happinnes exists!!! And I know her! I know her phone number, I know what color her eyes are and how she laughs-

Women's logic: say no and nod your head.

Men hang noodles on the girls' ears, and they carefully remove them and hang them on their horns.

Silence is perhaps the only thing made of gold that girls hate.

Passers-by see you as a beautiful, self-confident girl. But none of them even realizes that a defenseless little girl lives in it, who really wants to love-

When I saw her eyes, I couldn't forget them. And she looked at mine and scoffed -

Life has no meaning if your love is not in it -

Sometimes love can be without hope but without faith true love never happens.

A girl is like a cell phone, then out of range or not available, then not enough Money for communication or constantly busy.

A girl is like a rose - even after you have injected yourself, you continue to love her.

The more time I spend with her, the more I realize how much I love her and will never give her away to anyone.

The sweetness of your lips can replace chocolate for me, the bitterness of your words, coffee will replace me, and the tenderness of your hands - cigarettes ... And don't even think that you are irreplaceable ...

“I never noticed that while we are nearby, the sun is shining ..” - and she is right .. I thought that it only seems to me ... But it cannot seem to both. I hate the time of parting... When there is a reason to leave, then there is a reason to return.. And I will return... And I will turn around more than one... I love her, everything is short and clear...

It seems she is still so small, but already so brave. I am her first and she is my first, honestly, too. I'm a little frivolous, but she's loyal. I'm restless and she's quiet. A little jealous, but she can do it. If only someone knew how much I enjoy forgiving her. I'm sitting by the window and miss... After all, she loves me- And I constantly ask myself the question: "Why?"