Synopsis on the logic of the preparatory group. Summary of a lesson in logic in the preparatory group. Game "Flowers in the flower beds"

Topic: Comparison of items on two grounds

Goals: to form the ability to highlight the signs of objects, analyze, compare, reason; develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, imagination.

Material: tablets with geometric shapes.

Course of the lesson

1. Updating knowledge and experience

In the fall, the guys go to school. The mouse helps them to study well. What do you think children learn in school? Why do you need to study? (Answers of children.)

2. Game "Guess the shape and color"

The mouse showed the children what color and shape the figures are. And I will show you different figures... Whoever quickly and correctly names the color and shape will receive a shape, for example, a red square. From the resulting shapes, you will together have to make a picture. (This can be done on a tablet.) Let's see what happens.

3. Work in a notebook

Task 1. Name the items and say what they are for. Color them in.

Task 2. Put in the backpack only what is needed at school: connect these objects with a line with the backpack. Color in the backpack.

4. Physical education

Petya is joyful, cheerful.

He goes to school today.

He will write at school,

Jump, run, dance.

Draw a triangle

And then the oval.

He jumps with happiness -

He got to school!

5. Work in a notebook

Task 3. The mouse came up with a game for the children. He cut the circles into pieces. Play this game. Help me find parts of each circle. Connect them with lines and paint in any color.

Task 4. The guys asked the Mouse a riddle. Guess it.

The cockerel is in a hurry to school. And towards him - a mouse-louse, a frog-frog, a bunny-bunny and a fox-sister. How many heroes go to school? (One cockerel.)


Shubina Kristina Vyacheslavovna

Target: develop the ability to reveal regular relationships in the placement of abstract geometric figures on the material of the table, Bottom part which consists of 12 squares.


Methodological support:

Warm up

Physical education

Pinocchio stretched.

Once - bent down,

Two - bent down,

Three - bent down.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently, he didn’t find the key.

To get us the key

You need to stand on your toes.

Game "Different is the same"



Summary of a lesson in logic in preparatory group under the program "Merry Logic"


1 qualification category

Shubina Kristina Vyacheslavovna

Purpose: to develop the ability to reveal regular relationships in the placement of abstract geometric figures on the material of a table, the lower part of which consists of 12 squares.


Train in finding the same and different elements among seven similar images;

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, make logical conclusions.

Methodological support:

Demo table 29 ( workbook № 2);

Tasks 78, 79 in an individual notebook (workbook number 2).

Warm up

1. What drink can you get ready-made from a herbivore pet? (Milk.)

2. What can be done useful for a person from bricks, lime, clay, wood and straw? (Building.)

3. What is the name of a herbivore pet with a beard? (Goat.)

4. The cook needs a herbivore that does not run, but gallops. (Hare.)

5. Flies through the air, without feathers, but with wings. (Fly, mosquito, bee.)

6. What fruit trees are called by the same name as their fruit? (Pear, plum, cherry, etc.)

7. - Name the four-legged herbivorous wild animal, which Long neck... (Giraffe.)

Performance logical tasks on the material of abstract geometric patterns

Demo table 29 (workbook No. 2).

Physical education

Pinocchio stretched.

Once - bent down,

Two - bent down,

Three - bent down.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently, he didn’t find the key.

To get us the key

You need to stand on your toes.

Game "Different is the same"

Individual tasks 78, 79 (workbook No. 2).

Task 78, correct answers: the same under No. 1,6, 7, different No. 2,3,5.

Task 79, correct answers: the same under No. 1, 2, 7, different No. 3,4, 5,6, 8.

Margarita Kozyreva
Development lesson summary logical thinking for children of the preparatory group "It happens - it does not happen"

Summary of a developmental lesson« It happens - it does not happen» .

Integration educational areas "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization".

Target: Development of logical thinking, speech


Educational: teach ways of knowing items: abstraction, comparison, generalization, classification.

Developing: develop logical thinking, cognitive activity, communication skills, skills of joint activities.

Speech: develop coherent speech(develop in children the ability to answer questions with full answers, give reasons for your answers); expand the speech range.

Educational: to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, curiosity.

Demo material: TV model, and in it images of Baba Yaga, Leshy, Snake Gorynych, large envelopes, a card with a plate, glass, pyramid, cabinet, Christmas tree, hedgehog, a picture with fables, images of a Christmas tree, New Year's Christmas tree decorations on which are written the words: fruits, vegetables, flowers, trees, furniture, the image of a nonexistent animal.

Equipment: ball.

Methodical techniques: game situation, conversation-dialogue, viewing illustrations, productive activity children, summarizing.

Course of the lesson

1. Communication of the topic and purpose classes.

Tell me guys, if you throw this piece of paper into the fire, what will happen to it? (the teacher shows a sheet of paper)

Why did you decide that, you didn’t see that this particular leaf was on fire? (answers children)

Yes, that's right, the paper is on fire.

We made this conclusion using our thinking... We think about to all: about trees, about each other and many other things. Here, today we will be develop and train your thinking. We need thinking in order to learn, gain knowledge about the objects around us, things

2. The main part.

Tell me guys, what holiday is coming? (New Year) And what happens on New Year's Eve? (answers children) ... That's right, on New Year's Eve, various miracles happen, come to life fairy-tale heroes... Fairy-tale characters will watch how we are going to work today (there is a model of a TV on the board, and in it Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych, Leshy). They will watch us through this magic TV. In addition, they sent us assignments (the teacher shows large letters in envelopes that we must complete, otherwise they will enchant all the trees in the forest and we will not have a holiday.

How are we guys going to cope? Then go ahead!

The first task was sent to us Goblin:

The game "What's Like What". Target: teach children search common features at items develop the ability to compare. The teacher shows a card with a picture of an object, and the children should name the objects that he looks like (i.e. name the feature)... First, disassemble with the guys poem:

The spruce looks like a hedgehog.

Hedgehog in needles

Christmas tree too.

How does a tree look like a hedgehog? What else does the tree look like?

Well done, guys, did a good job.

The second task from Baba- Yagi:

The game "Who flies?". Target: develop a child's thinking, the ability to highlight the main, essential features of objects.

All children stand in a circle.

Now, we will find out who can fly and who cannot. I will ask, and you answer right away. If I name, for example, a dragonfly, answer: "Flies", - show how she does it, spreading arms to the sides like wings. If I am you ask: "Does the piglet fly?"- keep silent and do not raise your hands.

So, answer. Does the eagle fly? Does the sparrow fly? Does the dog fly? Is the plane flying? Etc.

Guys, Baba Yaga did not study at school and does not know the meaning of the words book, umbrella, notebook. Explain to her what these items are. (children explain the meaning of words).

Here, again, the signal came from the forest. Serpent Gorynych invented something. After all, he is smart, because how many heads does he have? (three)

Each head asked us assignment:

The first head of the Serpent gives us such a task game « It happens, it does not happen» . Target: develop the child's ideas about the world around them, about logical connections between objects.

I will call sentences, whoever I throw the ball to must answer it happens in life or not.

The sun shines at night;

The wolf roams in the forest;

The bunny went to school;

The house draws a girl;

Flowers bloom in summer:

Berries ripen in winter.

And now I will show you a picture, and you tell me what the artist mixed up and painted wrong (a picture with fables is hung on the board).

The second head came up with this for us exercise:

I will ask the question "By whom (how) was there before? ”, and the one I touch must answer. Who used to be the chicken (egg, who used to be a horse, apple tree fish, cow, shirt, etc.)

Guys, look, what is this Miracle Yudo? (an animal made up of several different animals is hung on the board. For example, a peacock's tail, a tiger's body, a giraffe's neck, chicken legs).

The third head invites us to play the game "Speak in chorus". Target: acquaintance with opposing concepts.

I will speak poems to you, and you will be to finish it in chorus.

I'll say a word high

And you will answer -…. (low).

I'll say a word far away

And you will answer -…. (close).

I'll tell you the word coward,

You will answer -…. (brave man).

Now the beginning I will say

Well, answer…. (the end).

It is light outside during the day, and at night ....? (dark)

The sky is blue and the grass is ....? (green)

Lemons are sour and sugar ....? (sweet).

The dog barks, and the cat ....? (meows).

Well, guys, we completed all the tasks. Now it remains to dress up a Christmas tree for the holiday (a picture of a Christmas tree is hung on the board)... I have toys on my table (visual aids) ... I will speak words to you, and you will call them in one word. In turn you will be come out to my table and choose christmas toy with this word and will hang it on the tree.

Pear, apple, orange are…. (fruit).

Cabbage, potatoes, carrots are…. (vegetables).

Rose, cornflower, lily of the valley are…. (flowers).

Spruce, oak, birch - these are…. (trees).

Wardrobe, bed, chair - this is…. (furniture).

We've got a beautiful tree!

Well done boys! Well done today! What are we on classes were doing? What do we need thinking? What can we think about?

Lesson with the pupils of the preparatory group

"We develop logical thinking"

Target: Development of logical thinking in pupils.


  1. Continue to shape the thinking operations of analysis and synthesis.
  2. Introduce children to the Tangram puzzle. Teach children to solve puzzles.
  3. Develop speech skills and abilities. Exercise children in the selection of antonyms.
  4. Develop imagination, ingenuity.
  5. To develop the ability to classify objects according to essential characteristics.
  6. To develop the ability of pupils to divide objects into groups according to three criteria: shape, color, weight.
  7. To develop pupils' interest, curiosity, cognitive motivation, purposefulness.
  8. To cultivate the ability to interact in a group, to come to a common decision.

Game material and visual aids:interactive board, game "Tangram", a set of pictures, electronic game"4th extra", chips, prepared forms of three competitions, pencils, pieces of paper with 6 and 8 circles drawn on them for each participant, the game "Tangram" for each participant in an envelope, samples for the game Tangram on the slide.

Greetings: - Good afternoon guys. I invite you to greet each other with the pulse of friendship. Nastya N. will start the pulse.

Guys, when I came to work today, I found in e-mail kindergarten letter. It came from the children of the preparatory group of the kindergarten Kolosok, do you want to know what they are writing about? (open, a letter appears on the screen) The children agree.

The teacher reads: "Hello friends!

We invite you to take part in three math competitions. We are sending you the forms for the competition tasks.

Guys, look, here really for each of you there are tasks for math competitions. Maybe any of you have already participated in competitions and knows what you did?

Children speak out about which different tasks they did.

Was it difficult for you?

Look here on the forms, too, different tasks.

But in order to participate in the competition "The Journey of Why Checks" you have to collect 5 chips, in the competition "Little Genius - Mathematician" 4 chips, and in the competition "Little Genius" - 3 chips (the teacher shows the forms with the number of chips pasted on)

Competition projects can be difficult. To complete them, you need to know a lot and be able to. I suggest you practice completing the competition tasks. Do you agree?

I have prepared training tasks for you, are we going to carry them out?


And the tasks are as follows: you need to divide objects into groups, paint over circles, solve a puzzle, identify an extra object, and find opposite words by meaning.

Let's practice?

And for the correct answers you will receive chips and put them in your boxes. (The teacher distributes boxes to the children).

Tell me what you can get the chip for?

Children list tasks.

Guys, I suggest you choose an envelope with a task that we will complete first? One child takes an envelope of their choice. He takes out an assignment, reads it or offers to read it to the teacher.

And the task here is, "Say the other way around."

There are 2 sentences for each child.

The teacher offers to take the chips to those children who chose the right words.

(The box with chips is in the middle of the circle)

Outcome: we now know many words with opposite meanings.

The teacher asks one child to choose the next task.

Yes, here is a puzzle. What is a puzzle? Children's answers.

People have come up with puzzles to train their mental capacity... The teacher distributes envelopes to the children with the Tangram game. Sit down at your tables, open your envelopes. This wonderful game is called Tangram. It was invented in China many years ago. (a square appears on the screen)

Slide 1. - Look at how many parts the square is divided into?

The square is divided into 7 parts.

They are the same?

No they different shapes and magnitudes.

Slide 2. - See how many different subjects and animal figures can be assembled from 7 parts. Who do you recognize here?

Slide 3. Children fold animals.

What figure do you want to collect? If you collect this piece, it will be considered that you have solved the puzzle. Do you want me to teach you?

See which animal figure is shown in the diagram?


How did you guess?

Children answer.

See how I'm going to solve this puzzle. First, I'll look at what shape the ears, head, legs look like and start rearranging the shapes.

I managed?

Children answer "No."

And now it works?


Something is happening to my head. Children answer. This is why the puzzle is called. There is no need to hope the first time that it will work out right away, you need to think a lot. Look closely at the figures and parts of the tangram.

So I solved the puzzle.

And now each of you at the tables will try to solve your puzzle.

- Take a close look at your schema. Think, remember with which figures I began to lay out the diagram, and proceed.

Outcome: Guys, what have you learned to do?

Solve puzzles.

Guys, what is the next task? The teacher invites the child to choose the next envelope.

What is the interesting task here? And here is a game where you need to find an extra item. You will do everything in turn on the interactive whiteboard. Who will tell the rules of the game?

The child tells. A slide with the depicted objects appears on the screen.

Why do you think this particular item is superfluous? Children take turns taking part in the game.

Outcome: Well done, you have coped with the third task. You are wonderful at finding an extra item. And now the one who correctly found the extra item will take the chip.

The teacher invites the child to choose the next envelope.

- Often in contests there are creative tasks but they are not simple.For example, paint something. Want to exercise too.

“Paint over the circles so that there are equal parts of the filled and non-filled circles. Variants should not be repeated "

And now everyone will take a task with the same badge as on his clothes and sit down at the table to carry it out. Track the time for the task by wall clock when the big arrow reaches the red bar you finish the job. And the teacher sticks a strip on the watch - a time limiter.

The teacher approaches the pupils and observes the assignment.

Now check again if you have completed the task correctly. Take the tokens of those who performed 6 or more options correctly in the task. Take them to your boxes.

And so the guys stayedone envelope with the last assignment. The teacher invites the children to open the envelope. Shall we carry it out? Yes.

Children carry out the task.

Guys, what kind of items did you bring?

We brought all the items big, brown, heavy.

Yes, there is a bear, a wardrobe, etc. And the image of what objects did you bring?

These are what items?

Chicken, sock, etc.

Now let's see how the second team coped with the task? There should be pictures with objects, which are what?

Small, yellow and light.

These are what items?

Wardrobe, bag, suitcase, etc.

Children draw conclusions about who was more successful.

The chip will be taken by the one who brought two or more pictures correctly.

Bottom line. What good fellows you are. Both teams completed the task. You have correctly divided the pictures into groups according to three criteria.


Guys, do you think you are ready to participate in contests?

Why do you think so?

Yes, we know how to divide objects into groups, we know words of the opposite meaning, we know how to identify an extra object, solve a puzzle. Therefore, we can participate in competitions. Now sort out the forms for the contests in accordance with the number of chips you have collected.

Participants in the contests sort out the home bid forms.

Who has three chips that you didn't succeed today?

What else do you need to learn to participate in the first two contests?

What new things have you learned? What was difficult for you? Guys, who was praised more today? Why? Did you complete all the tasks together? Do you all agree?

Are you satisfied with yourself?

- Goodbye, guys!

Children go to the group.

"Say the opposite."

The cake is big, and the cake ... The birch is tall, and the currant bush ...

The rod is long, and the match ... The keg is thick, and the glass ...

Grandfather Ivan is elderly, and grandson Kolya ... The girl has long hair, and the boy ...

The soccer ball is big, and the tennis ball ... The ribbon is wide, and the lace ...

The river is wide, and the stream ... The hare is small, and the bear ...

A multi-storey building is high, but a one-story building ... The butterfly is light, and the dove ...

The book is thick, but the notebook ... The giraffe has a long neck, and the hippopotamus ...

The hare runs fast, and the turtle ... The sea is deep, and the puddle ...


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Abstract of GCD in the preparatory group

"Journey to the City of Logic"

Compiled by the teacher-defectologist SBEI SOSH 1155 Maryina T.N.

Correctional and developmental tasks:

To consolidate ideas about the properties of objects.

Continue teach to process information, draw conclusions: generalize, compare objects on a certain basis, isolate an unnecessary subject, the ability to express and argue your point of view.

Develop logical thinking (the ability to solve logical tasks), auditory memory, concentration and stability of attention, imagination.

Develop hand-eye coordination.

Educational tasks: To cultivate perseverance, ingenuity, ingenuity, the ability to work in pairs, to help each other in case of difficulty.


1. Picture "Railroad"

2. Dienesh blocks (3 sets)

3. Table for block description

4. Black and white circles, figures divided into parts

5. Names of streets, avenues

6. Table "Cages", colored magnets

7. Leaflets with ind. Assignments, tablets, pencils.


    Organizing time... "Logic train"

Today we will take a trip to the city of Logic.

V kindergarten you learn to count, read, learn a lot of new and interesting things. All this will come in handy at school. But in order to study well, you need to be able to reason, compare, draw conclusions, remember, be attentive. All this you can learn in this amazing city of Logic.

On our way there is a railway.

What will we go on railroad? (by train) That's right, on a logical train that we will build ourselves. Using the symbols, determine which block we will have a steam locomotive.

The trailers will differ from each other by only one feature-feature, be careful!

On the board, a card with symbols, a chip, show which property needs to be changed. Children pick up the trailers.

    Street "Approvals"

If you agree with the statement, raise the white circle; if you disagree, raise the black one.

We show 1 shape: a square divided into 4 equal parts.

    Is it true that this square is divided into 3 equal parts?

    Is it true that this square is divided into 4 unequal parts?

    Is it true that this square is divided into 4 equal parts?

We show a rectangle divided into 3 unequal parts.

    Is it true that this rectangle is divided into 3 equal parts?

    Is it true that this rectangle is divided into 3 unequal parts?

    Follow the route

And now I suggest you take a walk along the alleys of this amazing city.

On the board is a table with cells, at the intersection of cells there are various numbers.

We are where the blue point is, i.e. in the lower left corner. Now be careful and keep an eye on where we end up.

    Two cells up, one cell to the right, one cell up, and one cell to the left. Where are we, at what point?

    One square to the right, three squares up, one square diagonally downward to the right. Where are we, at what point?

It got dark while we were walking, we are nowclose our eyes and let's go by imagination.

    One cell to the right, one cell up, one cell to the left. Open your eyes and tell us where you are?

Dynamic pause "Reach for a hand"

    Reach out right hand to the left shoulder.

    Reach out left hand to the right knee.

    Reach out with your right hand to your right ear.


    Exceptions brochure

We lay out 2 sets of blocks: right and left.

We ended up on the Avenue of Exceptions. Find the "extra" house by some property first on the right of this avenue.

Options are heard, for example, this extra block, because it is yellow, and all the rest are red, etc.

And now on the left.

Options are being heard.

    "Confectionery factory"

As in any city, there are factories and factories here. Let's visit a confectionery factory and take part in the preparation of sweets. Today such sweets should come out here ... (show negated characters). Put your candies in boxes.

    Tasks from the mayor of the city of Logic (on individual sheets of paper)

He controls the city of Logic - Mer, and he has prepared interesting tasks for you.

    First task: logical square, find the missing element, draw a line.

    Second task: find the pattern and add the missing piece.

    The result of the lesson. Grade.

A surprise behind a block with the following properties: square, yellow, small, thin.