How to be smart in subjects at school. Read in different ways. Genius food and lifestyle

The efficiency of a business directly depends on the brains of the leader. Once I thought deeply and seriously why sometimes I manage to easily decide the most difficult tasks, and even in urgent mode, and sometimes, on the contrary, I’m dumbfounded for half a day over some problem and I can’t concentrate. In general, this is a multifaceted problem, and I decided to research the issue and collect everything I can on this issue.

Getting Smarter: 11 Secrets to Developing Intelligence

In general, if a person considers himself more or less smart, but at the same time his performance is zero, then the result is exactly the same as that of a fool. Those. working capacity is like the power of the brain.

But even in the case when both logic and performance are at their best, it is still possible to improve the result using special psychological techniques.


We have already written about the importance of sleep, so I will repeat only the main points: it is absolutely necessary for a person to sleep enough hours every day.

In the case of regular lack of sleep, thinking ability is sharply reduced. According to some studies, up to two times. So you need to sleep well. And the extra short daytime sleep(half an hour) increases the efficiency of the brain by 30% (this has been proven by NASA experts). Coffee in in this case will not help.

According to the latest research, amazing things happen during sleep:

  1. "Digestion" of information received during the day;
  2. monitoring and tuning the work of internal organs;
  3. processes that change the composition of blood, etc.

In general, normal sleep is absolutely essential and irreplaceable.

Rest and breaks

Thinking and working without interruption at all is ineffective. I need to rest sometimes.

In particular, rest is critical to memory. A person is not able to remember a lot of information in one sitting. The brain needs time to "shove" everything on the shelves.

For example, if you need to learn a poem, it is much more effective to study it with rest breaks than 20 times in a row. It takes less time to memorize.

You can't drive yourself like a horse at work. The simple principle of "tired - get some rest" can do wonders for productivity.


To think effectively, you need to know a lot. Remember a lot of information. Understand how things work.

Let me give you an example: for example, software is being developed, which is very complex and multifaceted. So, an average programmer who has been working in a company for a couple of years, who knows where and how what works there and is interconnected, will be more valuable than a genius programmer who just got a job. He will make smarter and smarter decisions, at least for a while.

Therefore, study the information, improve your qualifications, research your business, measure key indicators. To have something to think about.


Intuition is good for generating ideas as well as accepting quick decisions when there is no time to think. However, in order to make informed decisions, you need to rely on facts and logic. If you have a hypothesis, check it out. Perhaps your intuition has deceived you. I also do not advise you to act according to signs and superstitions. It won't help you.

Concentration of attention

When a person thinks about something, he first remembers all the details and bits of information necessary for pondering, i.e. as it were, it loads the necessary context into RAM, and only then begins to apply the logic.

If something distracts from thinking, then there is a risk of "losing the thread of reasoning." In order to find this "thread" again and continue the work of thought, it is necessary to load the context again. This requires, firstly, time, and secondly, energy. Therefore, if you are distracted all day long, for example, by Skype and VKontakte messages, then you, firstly, will not do anything in a day, and secondly, you will get tired at the same time as if you were deciding the fate of the world.

There is a so-called state of flow, when you start doing something, and fully concentrating on it, you just cannot even stop.

For programmers, this happens when learning an interesting new technology.

For gamers, this is the passage of the next level of the game.

The writers call this inspiration, etc.

If you learn to enter the flow, then you will move mountains, because the efficiency of work in this state is colossal.

Typical distractions in a typical office:

  • uncomfortable chair
  • uncomfortable table
  • music
  • colleagues who pull all the time
  • messages in skype and other programs
  • slowed down computer or internet
  • when something hurts or itches
  • hunger

Correct extrinsic motivation

Those. so that the motivation is, but not too stressful.

Intrinsic motivation

Those who had the good fortune to own own business, knows that motivation is absolutely not comparable to the motivation of an employee.

You work 24/7 and don't get particularly tired, because it becomes not just your job, but a part of life. Those who have not tried to open their own business yet, give it a try. It's such a thrill to do what he himself decided to do.

Physical activity

V healthy body healthy mind... This is not just a saying, it is proven. Rather, it has been proven that lack of physical activity impairs thought processes.

You need to do some kind of sports / fitness (if there are no contraindications), or at least walk more often on fresh air... Sit in one place less.

Normal sleep and physical activity Is something that everyone can afford. I guarantee + 50% to intelligence.

Change your surroundings more often

A change of scenery, for example, a trip to another country, activates the neurons of the brain, makes those corners of memory work that you did not even know about.

This is all useful for generating new ideas and solving problems. Those. everything that is called "to evaluate with a fresh eye". Start doing things that you've never done, and you'll see things from a slightly different angle.

Avoid the pitfalls of thinking

A person is used to making decisions outright. Even if he thinks about something carefully, usually these are 2-3 solutions to the problem that immediately occurred to him. This is the property of human intelligence.

Try an experiment: First, come up with a dozen options (and usually there are), and only THEN think about each of them. You will be amazed at how versatile the world around you is.

In particular, various techniques, such as " brainstorm”Are aimed exactly at this: many people come up with many ideas, and then thoughtfully leave the best of them.

Another pitfall is bias. Our own opinions are often more important than facts... Moreover, usually people are looking for only those facts that support the opinion and ignore the opposite. This can and should be fought. One way is to ask other people what they think of your idea. You can learn interesting and useful things. Yet again, " a fresh look»Can smooth out your obsession with a fixed idea.

Interaction with other people

There are many things you may not know. But if you have someone to ask, then half the job is done. It could be your co-workers or friends or expert advisors, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that more people means more knowledge.

It's not for nothing that sociability is one of the main traits of any entrepreneur. Just look at Richard Branson or Oleg Tinkov. They have an incredible amount of useful acquaintances that they constantly exploit. Do you think one person can be smart enough to organize new bank? To at least find the right personnel for this? I think no. This is the result of the joint intelligence of many people freely exchanging ideas.

Day 1. Add turmeric to your food and drink pomegranate juice

The brain needs at least regular and healthy diet than the stomach, but do not rush to buy supplements. According to scientists from the Institute of the Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) and many other researchers, curry seasoning, which contains turmeric, strengthens memory and is a good prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Turmeric has an incredible amount of natural antioxidants - just like pomegranate juice. The latter, by the way, is even able to prevent brain damage in infants caused by fetal hypoxia. Rosemary, cinnamon, basil, oregano, thyme and sage are all great brain spices too. There are many useful antioxidants in blueberries, grapes, prunes, strawberries, spinach, broccoli, artichokes, fish, turkey, olive oil and apples.

Day 2. Stretch the pleasure

There is a theory that the hormone dopamine, which is necessary for attention and concentration, is released during the anticipation of pleasure. Children who could resist the temptation to eat the candy that was placed in front of them turned out to be more intellectually developed years later than those who immediately ate it - because they learned to control their attention by focusing on something else. Follow their example. Leave the cake you were going to eat for dinner until tomorrow's lunch - and you will not only maintain your figure and exercise willpower, but also increase your concentration.

Day 3. Memorize the phones of your close friends

What for? For training short-term memory, which scientists call "the lever that can raise all intelligence." There was such an experiment: volunteers were asked to simultaneously listen to a sequence of letters and observe the appearance of figures in different places monitor. The participants had to determine when the spoken letter and the position of the square were repeated several times. The more they practiced these tasks, the higher their agile intelligence became - the ability to solve problems regardless of their knowledge. If phone numbers are not easy to remember, play memory (these are games to train your memory - there is a good selection at, make a list of purchases and urgent tasks in your mind, hide the calculator away, or memorize chapters from “ Eugene Onegin ".

Day 4. Sleep and feel the difference

A study by scientists at Harvard University showed that memory continues to work in a dream, so the next morning it is easier to remember what did not come to mind the night before. Place a bouquet of roses in your bedroom or light an aroma lamp when preparing for an exam or a challenging performance, and your chances of success will increase - the smell of roses and geraniums has a beneficial effect on memory and soothes the nerves. Mint, cypress and lemon are considered aroma-energetic for the brain.

Day 5. Get moving

Physical activity promotes the growth of new cells in the hippocampus (the area of ​​the brain responsible for the formation of emotions and the consolidation of memory) and protects the existing ones. German researchers from the University of Ulm have proved that after a 30-minute run, concentration of attention increases, information is better remembered, and you make fewer mistakes in your work. And in old age, people who lead active image life with a lot of aerobic activity, they are 40% better oriented in space, which also correlates with the size of their hippocampus. In addition, when the body spends more kilojoules to work the muscles, the brain has to make do with less energy. As a result, special substances are produced that have a beneficial effect on the activity of neurons.

Day 6. Learn the language

It doesn't matter which one, all are equally useful. When the brain of a person who speaks French and English chooses which language to use, the cortical connections responsible for both languages ​​are activated. Then the "management" zone is connected in the subfrontal cortex of the brain, which selects the right word... This zone is responsible for the higher functions of thinking, so when you learn new languages, other areas of the brain are activated, raising your IQ. If you are not ready to enroll in courses right away, start with small steps. Learn the lyrics to a French song you like. Find the original audio version of your favorite Shakespeare sonnet and listen to it several times throughout the day. Try watching a familiar movie without translation. Place in a prominent place the written in large letters Latin aphorism. And if you decide to practice the old fashioned way - by memorizing nouns and verbs - you will be rewarded: after an hour of such exercises, you will feel how your head is freed from unnecessary thoughts.

Day 7. Solve puzzles

Rebus and crossword puzzles reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and senile dementia, so don't scold yourself for spending an hour and a half a day solving Sudoku on your phone. It is also useful to collect jigsaw puzzles - this simple exercise trains individual parts of the brain without loading it 100%, allowing you to think about pressing matters as well. But for this method to work for sure, get a permanent partner - for playing scrabble and not only! According to numerous studies, those who had a couple in midlife are 50% less likely to get stupid in old age than those who lived alone.

Day 8. Listen smart people

The best minds in the world regularly gather at international TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conferences, where they discuss latest news sciences and cultures - such as brain mapping and prenatal intelligence. Their extremely entertaining and often sensational lectures can be listened to by downloading the TED app to your phone or via the website, where you can install subtitles in any language, including Russian.

Day 9. Meditate

The brain is capable of recharging when it works as if in standby mode. This happens when you are daydreaming or just sitting without thinking about anything. Using MRI, Japanese scientists measure changes cerebral blood flow in 63 volunteers who were asked to try to deliberately stop the flow of thoughts. Those who had the most active circulation in the white matter connecting the neurons were the best at generating new ideas. Suitable for neophytes classic way meditation: close your eyes, relax, take your mind off everything, and focus on your breath. If done correctly, within ten minutes you will feel that your brain is rested.

Day 10. Eat dark chocolate, drink red wine and water

Bitter chocolate and red wine contain flavonoids that improve memory. Also try to drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Dehydration forces the brain to work hard, which reduces mental activity.

Day 11. Go to the exhibition

British doctors from Oxford Royal University examined 5,350 people from different social backgrounds. In one group there were lovers of intellectual leisure who regularly attend performances and exhibitions, in the second - couch potatoes spending the weekend in front of the TV. It turned out that the memory, attention and intelligence of the representatives of the first group were much less affected by age-related changes... Conclusion: the brain rests much better when we comprehend something, analyze, compare, and at the same time we also get aesthetic pleasure. When contemplating works of art, blood flow increases in that part of the brain that is responsible for pleasures and desires. When the participants in the experiment admired the pictures, the MRI recorded feelings similar to those that a person usually experiences when looking at a loved one.

Day 12. Play a video game

Numerous studies prove that video games can activate the latent potential of the brain and teach you to better navigate not only in virtual, but also in real space. Scientists from the University of Rochester have found that people who play action games several times a week can simultaneously monitor a large number of objects and more efficiently process rapidly changing visual information.

Day 13. Learn Salsa

Dancing is generally an excellent therapy, "unloading" the body and brain. Any rhythmic movement accompanied by music will enhance cerebral circulation and will release the hormone oxytocin, which activates neurons. And some dances - especially those requiring developed coordination - teach quick reactions, help to concentrate and tune in to decision-making.

Day 14. Have a siesta

Participants in the experiment who slept for 90 minutes during the day. after completing a task involving the hippocampus (memorizing the names of 120 strangers), they remembered more names than those who did not take a nap. It is even more surprising that in the evening they managed to remember even more names than the first time, and again get ahead of their awake comrades. If you can't take an hour and a half nap, lie down with closed eyes at least five to ten minutes. This mini siesta also invigorates the mind and boosts energy levels.

Day 15. Sign up for a massage

Make it a rule to do at least once every two weeks general massage body. Touching the skin activates great amount nerve endings- intermediaries between the skin and the brain. The brain responds by ordering the body to produce endorphins, the hormone of happiness. This the oldest way impact on nervous system can be more beneficial than experimenting with medications - especially if you do the massage as a course. Sex is also useful - at least once a week, and, as studies show, having an orgasm does not affect the work of the brain. The main thing is the process, not the result!

Day 16. Do something with your own hands

Wave the needles and tie beautiful scarf... Make a bracelet from multicolored beads... Embroider your initials in satin stitch on the pillow of your beloved man. At worst, sew on the buttons that have fallen off. Any workout fine motor skills activates intelligence. Better yet, try doing it in a completely new way — for example, trying to sew on a button with your left hand.

Day 17. Buy a yellow blouse or scarf

It is proved that yellow stimulates brain activity. Also, mental activity is toned up by red and orange colors, and green and blue, on the contrary, soothe.

Day 18. Get an ultrasound of the cervical arteries

Check your blood vessels once a year to make sure your brain is not on a starvation diet. In case of microcirculation disorders or vasospasm, the brain lacks oxygen and glucose. From this you may get a headache and you will literally start to "slow down". But resorting to Ritalin, kogitum and other drugs to stimulate the brain without serious medical indications not worth it. This is "health on credit" - nootropics help, but they are addictive and a lot of side effects. In terms of vitamins, E, C and folic acid are good for the brain.

Day 19. Build the "Palace of Memory"

This is the name of a technique that helps to remember faster. Associate what you want to remember with some bright picture. Even if you don't have the patience to build a "palace", at least familiarize yourself with this technique by reading Dominic O'Brien's book How to Develop Absolute Memory.

Day 20. Try not to smile.

Experiments have proven that by simply frowning, you start to think more skeptically and analytically. Perhaps this American experiment in Russia is not indicative - everyone here frowns as usual. But on the whole, this is true: laughter is a rest for the brain, and melancholy provokes serious work of thought and reflection.

Day 21. Listen to Mozart

Psychologists made a discovery ten years ago: Mozart's musical works improve mathematical thinking... Even the rats, after listening to Mozart, passed the mazes faster and more accurately than after the noise or, for example, Philip Glass.

Day 22. Reread Shakespeare

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have proven that Shakespeare's language can make us smarter. Yes, in principle, any artistic language, especially if it is poetry. The linguistic "method of functional shift", in which, for example, a noun is used as a verb, makes the brain understand what a word means, even before its function in a sentence is realized. This makes the head work hard. If Shakespeare makes you sleepy, read any classics. Even if it will be 15 minutes a day. Reading stimulates the imagination: the plot of the book turns in the head into visual imagery that stimulates brain activity. The more you read throughout your life, the less you will be bothered by "cognitive impairments" (read "stupidity").

Day 23. Try it differently.

Neuroscience professor Lawrence Katz calls this "neurobics" - exercise for the brain. These exercises prevent the dendrites (outgrowths of nerve cells) from atrophying because they involve different areas of the brain. The point is to change the flow of things and make the brain work in a new way in new circumstances. For example, take a completely different route to work. Shower with the lights off, using touch instead of sight. Go to the restaurant "In the Dark" with blind waiters, where they eat by touch. Try to hold the spoon with your left hand all day (if you are right-handed). Unexpected breakfast food new way warm-ups before training, a crossword puzzle instead of a detective at night - everything counts! With a little practice, you can easily come up with neurobic exercises yourself. New every day, this is important.

Day 24. Enjoy the stress

Academician N.P. Ankylosing spondylitis, during years supervising superpowers research human brain, received evidence that insights are visited not only by geniuses. Intellectual and creative breakthroughs in ordinary people occur when they have to solve super-tasks. From which the conclusion follows: difficulties are necessary, and problems that at first glance seem insoluble may turn out to be the best that life can offer us.

Day 25. Play the piano

Pull out old notes and dust off the lid. No one else stands over you with a pointer, as in school years and you can play for your pleasure. Anything you want - from dog waltz to avant-garde plays own composition... Didn't study music? You're in luck - you don't have to overcome your own negative experience! Take lessons from a professional musician, a gifted neighbor, or your own second grade son. It doesn't matter if you play the pipe, hit the strings, or bang the sticks, playing any instrument raises your IQ level because it uses the part of your brain that is responsible for memory and coordination.

Day 26. Start writing with a pen.

Write a letter to a loved one on the paper. Try to rewrite the text you like, changing the handwriting several times beyond recognition. Practice writing with your left hand if you are right-handed. Do the Morning Pages exercise recommended by Julia Cameron in The Artist's Way: get up half an hour early, grab a pen, and just jot down whatever comes to your mind without editing or criticizing. You might even want to take up calligraphy. Brain scans show that with successive movements that the hand performs during writing, the parts of the brain that are responsible for thinking, speech, memory are activated, that is, the entire system of temporary storage and processing of information. By the way, it has been proven that junior and middle-aged schoolchildren use more words, write faster, and express themselves better when handwriting rather than typing on a keyboard.

Day 27. Indulge in coffee

You can have a second cup or a third. It has been found that women who drink up to four cups of coffee a day are less likely to experience depression than those who allow themselves one cup a week. Other studies have shown that coffee improves short-term memory... In 2011, the journal Nature Neuroscience published a study confirming that caffeine stimulated neural connections in laboratory rats. And the more connections between neurons, the higher the ability to learn and memorize.

Day 28. Start a blog or write a review on the internet

On the Internet, anyone has the right to be a critic. Write about what you like or dislike on sites where non-professional reviews are welcome (,, Stating your opinion will help you better understand your own image thoughts. Analysis and critical thinking - effective vitamins for your brain.

Day 29. Do the Pythagorean exercise before bed.

Scroll the events in your mind bygone day remembering the smallest details. Ask yourself, “What did I do today? What important did you not do? What am I ashamed of? What should be happy about? " Once you have mastered the “mind exam” technique for what happened in the day, begin to slowly dive into the past. Remember what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, trying to recover any more or less important details. "Exam of Consciousness" perfectly trains memory and attention. And conscience - it is no coincidence that they prepare for confession in about the same way.

Day 30. Play with the kids

Their spontaneity awakens in adults creative energy... Plus, it's a great workout for the amygdala, the part of the brain that controls emotions. (Crying with emotion is also good for the brain.) Development emotional intelligence(self-awareness, self-control, motivation, empathy and sociability) is no less a worthy task than the struggle for a high IQ score. Plus the eternal childhood habit of asking "why?" good for adults too. If you allow yourself to be curious and ask yourself and others this question many times a day, they will start answering you. Imagine how many interesting things you will learn!

Are you again accused of lack of intelligence and presence of stupidity? They laughed at your logical conclusions, classified your actions as stupid, gave you a two for an answer and kicked you out of the class? Then the question may arise in front of you with all directness and relentlessness: how to become smart in 1 day? After all, there is no physical and mental opportunity to wait longer. You immediately want to be known as smart and quick-witted, correct grades and gain credibility in the eyes of friends and enemies.

What to do? Think using the very organ that, in the opinion of your offenders, you have insufficiently developed. Collect information, analyze it, draw conclusions and apply them in practice. It is called logical thinking and, if you were able to go through all the stages of the process, then you can already consider yourself a completely intellectual person.

On the one hand, the concept of "mind" is objective, because there are tests to determine the degree of development intellectual abilities... On the other hand, on the vital side, it is very subjective.

A cat that has mastered the wisdom of sending natural needs in a strictly designated place can also be called smart. Although the mind has nothing to do with it, it is just a conditioned reflex.

Objectively, it is hardly possible to become smart in one day. But it is quite possible to be branded as smart in your social circle. Here are some tricks:

  1. Be silent and agree. Those you listen to probably think they are smart. You can't go wrong if you make that assumption. At least 99% of all individuals consider themselves smart. And since you agree with what they say, then they will consider you smart too.
  2. Seek advice from those you think are smart and those who think they are smart themselves. Do not think that by asking for help, you are belittling yourself and your intellectual capabilities. People are more likely to think you're smart if you ask smart people (them) for advice.
  3. Chat with smart and developed people. From them you will gain knowledge and understanding of a variety of things. Another bonus of this communication: you will be seen with people who enjoy recognition and you will automatically be considered the same.
  4. Chat with people who are intellectually lower than you. Against their background, you will definitely look like a superman of mental activity. But this recommendation must be applied with caution, as it is possible side effects: you get a lot of stupid thoughts, and you will be considered not very smart because of your surroundings. You can use this method occasionally, for training. You will feel smart, remember that sensation, and apply it in other situations and with other people.
  5. Repeat other people's clever thoughts and opinions. This advice should also be used with caution. If you do not know the premises that led to the conclusions that you repeat, you may find yourself in an awkward situation in the event of an argument or just discussion. Therefore, before repeating something, one should understand and realize it.
  6. Watch. Especially for those who are considered smart in the circle where you dream of becoming famous for the presence of intelligence. People who have life experience and simple common sense... Perhaps you also have these qualities, you just do not know how to apply them.
  7. Think before you do anything. Mind is not only about words or silence. Our actions are also smart and stupid. Before deciding what to do in a particular case, think about the consequences of each of possible options... You will only have to decide which consequences will be more beneficial for you and will cause the support and respect of others.

If you are concerned about the question: how to become smart at school in 1 day, read the following recommendations:

It is necessary to prepare for this day, the day of your intellectual triumph. Learn the topic given for the lesson. If you come across any incomprehensible words from the previous lessons that you do not know in the topic, find out what they mean. If you do not have the time and energy to revise the entire textbook, search for their meaning on the Internet. When the lesson you are ready for comes, reach out with all your might and respond.

Speak confidently. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be silent, start answering. If you don't know the answer to the question asked, start from afar. Say something close to the topic the teacher is asking the questions about. Seeing that you are not silent and that you know at least something, he will begin to help you, ask suggestive questions... As a result, you will get at least some answer. You may not get an A, but you won’t get an A either. And no one will consider you stupid: the person just did not finish teaching something.

Especially these recommendations apply to the humanities. Something you still know, because you attended the lessons, listened to the teacher, read the textbook, at least sometimes. You have some knowledge of the subject. Often the trouble with those who are reputed to be bad students is that they cannot use the knowledge that they have in their heads. And the reason for this is fear of the teacher, of the class and lack of self-confidence. It is possible and necessary to deal with these fears.

The best way is to accumulate successes. Prepare for the lesson, answer, get good mark- and you already feel more confident. Do this a few times and your self-esteem will skyrocket.

Children learn a foreign language playfully, in parallel overall development... Scientists associate this with the peculiarities of memory and psyche.

For an adult, learning a foreign language is always a challenge. And there is always tremendous benefit. It is an excellent brain training and prevention of memory deterioration in old age. You will also be able to communicate with people from different countries and expand your horizons.

Method 2. Read more

When our parents needed new information, they would open the book. Generations Y and Z are gaining new knowledge from the Internet. Reading may not have diminished, but quality often suffers. After all, books are read thoughtfully and consistently, and articles are usually just scrolled with their eyes.

Bring reading to plan: List books, categorize them by area of ​​expertise and genre. Services like or Livelib will help to make such a list. Then, methodically read the books one by one. Just do it right - use it.

Method 3. Turn to art

Art is not only contemplation. With its help, you can develop perception and thinking.

Choose for yourself some area of ​​the cultural activity of mankind and try to understand it. For example, art... Visit exhibitions, see documentaries, read the biographies of the artists. Gradually, you will begin to understand painting, and at the same time you will learn a lot and take a fresh look at social processes.

Method 4. Watch video lectures

Method 5. Watching smart TV programs

Users World wide web TV is often associated with evil. Today it is even fashionable to boast: "We don't have a TV at home!"

Indeed, the quality of content on many channels leaves much to be desired, but there are also alternatives. For example, Discovery. This TV channel produces very high-quality popular science programs that cannot be legally downloaded on the Internet.

Look scientific programs in the foreign language being studied is a double brain training.

Method 6. Play video games

Contrary to popular beliefs about harm, computer games develop reaction, imagination and logical thinking. Scientific studies have shown that children who play video games receive higher grades than their peers.

Playing challenging quests is like solving puzzles. The player has to make difficult decisions in a short time, choosing the lines of plot development. And it trains the brain powerfully.

Method 7. Solve puzzles

If video games are still not to your liking, buy a good old Rubik's cube, tangram or puzzle. Alternatively, download it.

Puzzles "rejuvenate" the brain, develop memory, thinking and perseverance. And they are also excellent time killers: if you get carried away, you can spend more than one hour solving the puzzle. What else do you need on a train or plane?

Method 8. Make new acquaintances

Networking not only helps build a career, but also develops a memory for names and faces.

Besides new person is always a source of new knowledge. Communication with an intelligent interlocutor, even virtual, enriches you spiritually and intellectually.

Method 9. Get enough sleep

The vast majority of studies have proven that a healthy adult needs 8 hours of sleep. And in the dark, comfort and without extraneous noise. These factors affect sleep quality.

Connection between good sleep and similar mental activity has also been proven. Read on to dispel your last doubts.

Lack of sleep is damaging to the brain.

Due to the inhibition of neuronal processes in the parietal lobe, problems arise with the speed of reaction, and when the work of the prefrontal cortex slows down, problems with vision and the formulation of thoughts begin.

Method 10. Go to a healthy diet

Avocados, salmon, blueberries, oatmeal - there are many that prevent memory impairment.

Enrich your diet with fruits, vegetables, herbs, grains and seafood, give up cholesterol snacks, and you will feel that your brain is going to new powers.

Intelligence front workers are encouraged to drink more fluids throughout the day. AND better coffee alternate with green tea and mineral water.

The development of intellectual abilities helps a person to become better and achieve more in life. There are several tips on how to become smart from teachers, psychologists and specialists in various fields. Regular training and work on yourself will help you move forward.

How to become smart - psychology

Analyzing abilities different people and through numerous experiments, psychologists have identified several tips that can be used to improve.

  1. It is important to define goals for yourself, in order to achieve which you need to develop and become smarter.
  2. Many psychologists, answering the question regarding how to become smart person, recommend reading books, and one should choose literature that is interesting for a particular individual.
  3. Feel free to ask questions to find out new information. You can contact both living people and the Internet. It is equally important to ask questions of yourself, trying to find the answer, since this is a sign of active thinking.
  4. When figuring out how to become smart, it is worth pointing out another effective advice- learn to focus on a specific task and do not get distracted. There are numerous psychological techniques and spiritual practices.
  5. Feel free to think out loud, as it has been proven that when a person speaks information, there is less distraction and he thinks more productively.

For mental development it is not necessary to go to special courses, for days and solve problems, and for a start it is worth following a few simple recommendations:

  1. Try to break your habits regularly, for example, when doing housework, use left hand(for left-handers - right), periodically walk the other way to work, and so on. Thanks to this, new connections between neurons will be created in the brain.
  2. Figuring out how to become smart girl, it is worth giving one more effective advice - keep a diary, but you need not just make a banal list, but assess the events that have occurred, analyze information and describe your own emotions.
  3. Top up regularly vocabulary, and it doesn't matter what language. Especially valuable in this matter classic literature, in which there are many rare words and interesting phrases.
  4. If you are interested in how to develop and become smarter, then it is recommended to regularly go in for sports, since it has long been proven that exercise stress helps to effectively improve brain function. This is due to the fact that during training, he is actively supplied with oxygen.

How to Get Smarter - Exercise for the Brain

There are many exercises to develop your abilities:

  1. For attention. Turn on the TV and put the clock in front of you. Objective - follow the second hand without being distracted by what is on the screen. When you manage to concentrate only on the clock for 3-4 minutes, then you can complicate the task and you need not only to follow the arrow, but also to reproduce in your mind the odd numbers from 1 to 9.
  2. To become smarter and develop memory, it is recommended to carry out this exercise: write down 10 nouns that come to mind first. Memorize their order for a minute, and then turn the sheet over and try to reproduce them. Over time, the task can be complicated.

What games to play to get smarter?

You can also develop intellectual abilities in game form... If you are interested in how to become very smart, then use the following entertainment for your leisure time:

  1. Many will be surprised, but the favorite game in the 90s is considered a classic puzzle - "Tetris" or puzzles. During the drawing up of details, memory improves, critical thinking and the ability to learn large volumes information.
  2. Checkers, chess, "Monopoly" and so on. All these games make a person think ahead, calculating possible moves, memorize information and develop thinking.
  3. Describing ways to become smarter, one cannot but recall the popular crosswords for more than a dozen years. Solving words, a person develops, remembers new information and makes the memory work actively.

Books to help you get smarter

Reading various literature is the most accessible and one of the most effective ways how you can improve your intellectual abilities. It is recommended to read these books to become smarter:

  1. "Good to Great" by D. Collins... Tips suggested by the author teach how to properly highlight from general information the most valuable thing is how to understand business processes and quickly move towards your goal.
  2. "Self-Confidence" by E. Muir... This book describes tips on how to become smart, recognize in yourself strengths and become resistant to various life trials and troubles.
  3. "Emotional Intelligence" D. Goleman... A specialist in psychology gives good advice how to properly curb your feelings and emotions in order to easily achieve success in your career and personal life.

Prayer to get smarter

There is a special one in front of which they pray to choose the right way in life and achieve academic success. You can turn to the Mother of God in situations where you need enlightenment of thoughts and help in choosing correct decision... Parents are allowed to pray in front of the icon for their children who have learning problems. If you are interested in how to become smart woman with help Higher powers, then acquire the image of the Mother of God and pray before her every day.

Hypnosis to get smart

One of the trendiest ways to increase your own mental capacity and get motivated to learn is hypnosis. It is important to note that this method only speeds up the process of mastering information and skills, increases the ability to concentrate and improves memory. If you are interested in how to grow wiser with the help of hypnosis, then you need to go to a professional for help, since you independently introduce yourself into necessary condition very difficult and sometimes impossible.

How to become smart is magic

It is known a large number of rituals that are aimed at improving intellectual abilities. The presented spell can be used by students who want to quickly learn the material and get rid of the anxiety before exams to become smart. With its help, you can quickly and correctly perceive and analyze information. To carry out the ceremony, take any book, cross it three times and say the indicated conspiracy