What is shea butter made from. Useful properties of shea butter. Oil from the fruit of a sacred African tree

organic oils, which contain only plant substances and vitamins, today have become irreplaceable means for regular care for skin and curls. One of the most valuable cosmetic oils is a shea, which has an amazing rejuvenating, healing, moisturizing and regenerating complex. If you want to have flawless skin and thick, silky hair, then this product ideal for these purposes. Consider the features of its application in the article.

How oil is obtained in industry

Shea butter is obtained from the tree of the same name. The fruit of the tree looks very similar to an avocado, only it is smaller. In its middle is a bone, from the pulp of which the product is obtained.

Did you know? The homeland of the shea tree, the Latin name of which sounds like Butyrospermum parkii (Amazing Vitellaria), is considered African country Sudan. It is also common in Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali. The plant can grow for several centuries, while maintaining a high yield.

There are two ways to get funds:

  • traditional method of pressing seeds with their simultaneous heating;
  • an industrial solvent extraction method, where hexane acts as the latter.

The oil, which is used in the cosmetology field, is additionally purified and deodorized with steam to remove the characteristic specific smell of the plant.
Karite is also distinguished by lowest point its melting:

  • liquid, or fractional, pulp oil. At a temperature of + 20-22 ° C, it retains a liquid state, begins to solidify at temperature range+5-10°С. The product is different high content oleic acid and reduced - stearic;
  • hard, or fat. It has a plastic, elastic, homogeneous consistency, and begins to melt at temperatures above + 26 ° C, that is, when it comes into contact with human skin. Such a tool is obtained by pressing, without the use of solvents and preservatives. It is he who is most often used in cosmetology.

Chemical composition

Shea butter has a pleasant, slightly nutty aroma with subtle hints of coconut. Its composition is unique, because almost 80% of the product is, among which 40-55% is stearic and 3% palmitic.

The rest, approximately 17%, are the so-called unsaponifiable fats (), which include alpha-spinasterol, parkol, lupeol, butyrospermol.

also in chemical composition shea butter contains the following vitamins:

  • : slows down the aging process, takes an active part in protein synthesis, participates in oxidative and healing processes, promotes the growth of new cells, increases barrier functions mucous membranes;
  • : powerful antioxidant, rejuvenates cells, accelerates their regeneration, has anti-aging properties, supports the normal functioning of all body systems;
  • : has an anti-allergic effect, takes part in the synthesis of fats, stimulates immune system, promotes the absorption of many minerals and vitamins, has healing properties.

Beneficial features

The unique rich chemical composition of the product determines its high healing properties, makes it an effective and indispensable component for skin and curls care.

In particular, shea:

  • softens, helps to eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, including elbows, knees, feet, heels;
  • perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. The anti-allergic composition of the product makes it possible to use it for the care of all skin types, including children's. It will be indispensable for the fight against diaper rash, skin inflammations, irritations;
  • rejuvenates and tones. Thanks to vitamins that can affect the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the oil is able to fight against early signs aging, make the skin more elastic and firm, smooth wrinkles, improve facial contours, restore skin natural color and blush;
  • protects. The tool is an excellent protector from the harmful effects ultraviolet rays, aggressive external factors- temperature changes, frost, wind, etc.
In addition, shea has excellent medicinal properties, which are widely used in the fight against diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, burns.

Video: beneficial properties of shea butter The oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with joint pain, muscle spasms, sprains and ligament injuries, improves blood circulation.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial and healing properties of shea butter can be maximized with its correct and dosed use. As a cosmetic product, the product is used in melted or natural form, raw or in combination with other ingredients.

For hair

The shea product has a positive effect on the hair and scalp. It helps to get rid of dryness, brittleness and hair loss, eliminate seborrhea and dandruff, restore hair structure, strengthen bulbs, give curls a radiant and shiny well-groomed appearance.

From hair loss

For those who are faced with the problem of hair loss and brittleness, cosmetologists advise using a firming mask based on shea butter.
For its preparation, the following ingredients are needed:

  • essential oil rosemary - 3 drops;
  • shea butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.

To prepare the product, you need to mix all the ingredients, rub the mass into the roots with massaging movements, and then distribute over the entire length. It is recommended to wrap hair cling film and cover with a towel.

Keep the mask on your head for at least 3 hours. Wash curls traditional method. For achievement maximum effect 2 procedures should be carried out in 7-10 days for a month, then as needed. Video: Using Shea Butter to Nourish the Scalp and Hair Growth

From dandruff

Shea butter remarkably nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, gently removes keratinized particles of the epidermis, normalizes metabolic processes in cells, which allows you to get rid of dandruff and maintain skin in a healthy state.

You need to take: oils - 2 tbsp. l. shea and 4-5 drops tea tree or lavender, which have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The mixture should be gently rubbed into the scalp, hold for about 1 hour. Course - 2-3 masks for 1 month.

Important! This tool should not be applied to all hair, as it can dry them out.

Against split ends

This product has an excellent property to “solder” (glue) split ends, as well as eliminate their fragility and dryness. To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to apply slightly warmed oil to the tips with your fingers before each shampooing, hold for 20-25 minutes, then wash your hair in the traditional way.
There is also a recipe for a mask that will help get rid of split ends: mix one in a glass container egg yolk and 2 tbsp. l. shea and almond oils. The mixture is distributed over all hair, starting from the roots, wrapped with a film and covered with a towel. After 2-3 hours, the mask is washed off.

For face

Shea butter is simply indispensable in skin care. It has a number of excellent properties, it allows you to moisturize and nourish the skin well, get rid of inflammation, acne and blackheads, tighten the skin, make it more elastic and elastic, smooth out wrinkles, and remove signs of aging. Based on it, you can prepare various masks, creams, balms, lotions and tonics.

Did you know? Shea contains triterpene alcohols in its composition, which allow others to medicinal components penetrate deeply into cells, and also have increased antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Toning and nourishing mask

To restore skin tone, improve blood circulation in cells, deeply saturate them with nutrients, relieve dryness and flaking, the following mask is designed: mix one yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp shea butter product melted in a water bath and ½ tsp. orange peel.
Apply the resulting slurry to the face, rinse after 20 minutes. It is recommended to use the product once a week.

For acne

The use of the product not only improves general state skin, but also allows you to cure the skin from inflammation, acne, blackheads and acne.

The antimicrobial and healing effect of the product makes it possible to use it to remove acne and blackheads. Suitable for this natural mask: 1 tsp melted butter mixed with 1.5 tsp. liquid honey, add 12 drops of cashew oil and 5 drops of salicylic acid.

Mix the product thoroughly, apply with circular, rubbing movements on the skin. After half an hour, wash off the mask with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. The frequency of use of the product is 2 times a week.

Lip balm

To make sponges soft, smooth, without signs of peeling and dryness, a homemade shea-based balm will help.

The technique of its preparation is simple:

  • melt 15 g of shea butter in a water bath;
  • while gradually stirring, add 10 g of jojoba oil, 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil and 7 ml rose water;
  • mix the ingredients, remove from the bath, wait until completely cooled.

Transfer the balm to a sterile glass container, use daily until dryness disappears.

Nourishing hand mask

Shea suitable for solving aesthetic problems not only on the skin of the face or hair, but also on the hands. It perfectly softens, moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness, peeling, heals small cracks and wounds, improves cell regeneration, while being perfectly absorbed without leaving greasy marks.
Cosmetologists recommend applying shea butter on your hands daily. massage movements. Also, such a mask will help from dry skin: mix shea butter in equal proportions, walnuts(can be replaced with olive) and calendula. Every day, the product is rubbed into the skin of the hands, after 10 minutes, the remnants are removed with a napkin.

The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic properties of shea butter allow it to be used to care for the sensitive, delicate and smooth skin of babies. The product has a special effect in the treatment of diaper rash and irritation from diapers, it has a healing effect, relieves redness.

To minimise inflammatory processes, a little oil should be applied to problem areas child daily. During the morning or evening dress, and also after water procedures it is recommended to wipe the baby's skin with clean oil. Remove the remaining funds after 15-20 minutes with a napkin.

Shea butter during pregnancy: benefit or harm

Karite is in the top five best oils used for skin care during pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, a woman's skin changes and stretches. Stretch marks often appear in the thighs, chest, and abdomen.

Daily use of shea will prevent the appearance of stretch marks or reduce their manifestation. It improves cell regeneration, restores the lipid barrier, promotes deep nutrition and moisturizing, reduces dryness and tightness, improves skin elasticity and turgor.

As for contraindications, no adverse reactions were found when using the product. However, before use, it is recommended to test for skin sensitivity by applying a small amount on the wrist.

Important! Do not use the product for pregnant women who have previously experienced allergic reactions to any nuts.

How to choose a quality product when buying

Shea butter is an organic fat that has certain properties. Quality product has a pleasant, slightly nutty aroma and the same nutty, slightly beige color.

If the product does not have a characteristic odor and is absolutely white in color, it is better to refrain from buying it, since solvents and other inorganic components are most likely added to its composition.

It is strictly forbidden to buy a product that has an unpleasant odor: not only has it lost all its healing properties, but it can also cause serious allergic reactions when used.
When choosing a product in pharmacies or stores, it is recommended to give preference to products from trusted manufacturers. When buying oil, you need to pay attention to the information indicated on the packaging: in the description of the composition, shea should be placed in the first place.

How to store at home

Shea butter is a natural product that shows all its medicinal properties only if it is proper storage. It is not necessary to store the product in the refrigerator - for it it is better to find a dry, dark, cool place away from direct sun rays. Expiry date natural remedy is 1-2 years, depending on the manufacturer.


Karite has practically no contraindications. It is ideal for any type of skin, hair, used for children's skin. However, people suffering from various skin ailments (eg eczema, dermatitis) should consult a physician before use.
Better to stay away from shea butter when available allergic reactions for nuts. The oil should be dosed and regularly applied to people with bold type skin, because frequent use can lead to clogged pores.

Did you know? Unsaponifiable fractions consist of vitamins and various nutrients - complexes nutrients that are not synthesized human body but come through food. Such fractions have increased healing functions, therefore they are called healing, while saponifiable fractions contain a large number of moisturizing components, which is why they are called moisturizing.

Shea butter - unique natural product, which with regular use will allow you to get a healthy, radiant, smooth skin and thick, silky hair. It will help to preserve youth and beautiful appearance for many years without the use of any radical methods.

Shea butter refers to herbal products perfectly moisturizing and restoring the skin. Possessing an exotic smell, it has a solid texture, retaining its shape when room temperature, and when applied to the skin gently melts and is perfectly absorbed.

Shea butter is a herbal product that perfectly moisturizes and regenerates the skin.

Production and general characteristics

The plant from which this remedy is obtained grows in western Africa. The shea tree is a long-lived Vitellaria amazing plant, which in Latin sounds like Vitellaria paradoxa. This plant has English title shea or shea battertree, hence the common name. The second name is karite, which is the name of the tree in local dialects.

Outwardly, the fruits of the shea tree (karite) resemble avocados, but have smaller sizes. In the tender pulp is a small bone, which contains almost 50% shea butter.

The fruits of the tree and the wood from which the burial bed of the king is made are considered sacred in Africa, therefore only women can collect the fruits of shea.

Shea butter is made in stages. First, the fruit is harvested during the rainy season. It's interesting that african women gather not only fruits from this tree, but also all other crops. Fallen fruits are collected in large areas, because no more than 20 kg can be collected from one tree per season. The processing method is unusual: the fruits, folded in huge baskets, are buried in the ground for 12 days so that the pulp rots during this time and it is easier to remove the stone. To avoid germination of seeds in favorable conditions of the tropics, they are thoroughly boiled. The treated seeds are continuously roasted for four days, thereby increasing the shelf life of the final product up to 9 months.

After pre-treatment, the bones are split, and the core is continuously fried for a day and manually crushed with stones. The resulting mass is pounded in mortars until a homogeneous brown paste is obtained, which is intensively kneaded by women with their own hands until it is absolutely homogeneous. Then the plastic mixture is washed with a large amount of water, as a result of these actions, foam is obtained, and heavy residues are washed out. The foam is subjected to many hours of boiling, upper layer it is removed and cooled, this is the final product.

Externally, the fruits of the shea tree (karite) resemble an avocado, but are smaller.

Composition and main qualities

Shea butter belongs to the category of butters - vegetable fats, mostly composed of fatty acids and retaining a solid consistency when normal temperature. Shea butter has pleasant aroma with nutty notes and white-cream color, begins to melt at a temperature of 42 degrees. It is used in Food Industry, in pharmacology and cosmetology. For the people of Africa themselves, this is not only a food source of nutrients, but also an important export item that ensures the well-being of the local population.

Shea butter (karite) contains a significant (from 8 to 17%) amount of unsaponifiable fats that do not enter into chemical reactions with alkalis, unlike fatty acids. Unsaponifiable lipids (fats) are the fat-free fraction consisting of:

  • phenols;
  • triterpenes - butirospermol, alpha-amirin, parkol, lupeol;
  • tocopherols;
  • steroids - beta-sitosterol, campesterol, alpha-spinasterol, etc.

The presence of unsaponifiable substances that activate the processes of collagen synthesis and provide tissue regeneration largely determines the properties of shea butter. It is noticed that these substances exhibit the properties of UV filters and can significantly slow down the aging of the skin.

Shea butter also contains terpene alcohols. Basically, this butter consists of triglycerides of fatty acids, which are represented by:

  • oleic monounsaturated fatty acid - from 40 to 55%;
  • stearic monobasic acid - from 35 to 45%;
  • palmitic monobasic saturated acid - from 3 to 7%;
  • linoleic monobasic acid - from 3 to 8%;
  • linolenic essential fatty acid - 1%.

Fatty acid triglycerides, which form the basis of shea butter (shea butter), have the properties of plasticizers, which is useful for increasing protective functions epidermis, in addition, these substances will protect the upper skin layers from drying out. The lack of stearic, linoleic and palmitic acids in the body affects the peeling of the skin and dullness of the hair. Stearic acid, which is a significant part of the shea butter, has the properties of an emollient, penetrates well through the layer of horny cells and ensures the smoothness and softness of the skin surface.

Shea butter belongs to the category of butters - vegetable fats, mostly composed of fatty acids and retaining a solid consistency at ordinary temperatures.

Useful qualities and features

The properties that this vegetable fat possesses have long been noticed by Africans, who practically do not suffer skin diseases through continued use of this tool. The benefits of its use were noticed by scientists more than 70 years ago, which served as an impetus for research.

Shea butter has been used as a cosmetic product for more than 20 years, during which time an entire institute was created in America that studies its properties and benefits for the body. Thanks to a comprehensive study, a classification was introduced:

  • class A - unrefined or raw;
  • class B - refined product;
  • class C - solvent-extracted, high purity;
  • class D - contains a small percentage of impurities;
  • class E - contains a significant amount of impurities.

Shea Butter Grade C has a pure White color, and products of class A, B, D can have a color spectrum from creamy white to gray-yellow. Only class A butter has a characteristic nutty aroma, which has best properties and used in the most effective and expensive creams.

It is quite simple for a beginner to decide whether shea (shea) essential oil or base oil is quite simple, because essential oil does not have a solid consistency and has a chemical composition that is completely different from the base (transport) one.

Shea butter has been used as a cosmetic product for over 20 years.

Cosmetic qualities

Shea Butter, undoubted benefit which is determined by the presence of a fatty acid complex and the presence of unsaponifiable fats, a very popular remedy in modern cosmetology. Through systematic use, you can:

  • protect the skin from solar exposure and the adverse effects of the weather;
  • accelerate regenerative processes;
  • relieve irritation, peeling, get rid of acne and other problems;
  • stimulate the synthesis of collagen, which contributes to the elasticity and rejuvenation of the skin.

Shea butter or shea butter penetrates deep into the skin layers, so it can be used as a vehicle (base). The essential oil added to it will only enhance cosmetic effect and penetrate deep into the skin.

At home, with your own hands, you can make wonderful whipped shea butter. This delicate product with a light creamy texture will have more wide opportunities thanks to the addition additional ingredients. Preparing it is quite simple, for this you need to warm up the butter until soft, to which you should add the essential oil corresponding to the expected result. You can add other bases and cornstarch for "velvety", after which the mixture is beaten with a mixer until creamy. Whipped butter has a very delicate texture and can be stored for a long time due to the presence of natural antioxidants in the main product.

Shea butter is an easy solution for those who want to look flawless with minimal effort. The easiest way is to use this remedy in pure form. Shea butter perfectly softens and moisturizes, thus preventing thinning and premature aging skin, smoothes the network small wrinkles and slow down aging.

With the help of shea butter, you can relieve irritation, peeling, get rid of acne and other skin problems.

The basic shea base can be used daily for absolutely all skin types, the benefits are especially pronounced when caring for problematic and dry thin skin. The hypoallergenicity of the product makes it possible to use it in the care of the skin of young children.

In conditions modern life the condition of the hair often leaves much to be desired, and shea butter can restore shine and beauty to the hair. It can be applied as independent remedy, can also be used as part of homemade masks by adding various ingredients. In view of the unsaponifiable fats present in the composition, shea butters have a high bioactivity and perfectly restore the hair structure. Essential additives, selected according to the type of hair and added to the melted shea butter, will enhance the effect and make the hair lighter and more manageable.

Greetings to all my readers. Shea butter or shea butter, what is known about it? In this article, you will learn about unique properties and how to use it. Read to the end - there are many recipes in the article for yourself different applications shea butter.

Information about the valuable properties of Shea butter

The most valuable properties of this product are used primarily in cosmetology. It is endowed with moisturizing, softening, powerful protective and regenerating qualities. It contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins.

Its excellent penetrating qualities are noted. Thanks to triterpene alcohols, all useful material penetrate deep into the skin and hair. Moreover, the oil does not leave oily sheen on hair and face.

The product is extracted from the pulp of the fruits of the Shea tree. It has a wonderful nutty aroma with a subtle coconut note. The oil is solid, but when the temperature rises above 27 degrees, it begins to melt quickly. Cosmetologists began to take this property as a basis in the care of the epidermis.

The softening and restoring ability has found application in bringing excessively roughened or stretched skin areas into normal condition. And the anti-aging qualities of the product fight skin aging, clear signs its aging, increase firmness, elasticity, improves complexion, removes wrinkles.

Shea butter can lubricate diaper rash in babies, soothe the skin after an insect bite. Pregnant women save their bodies from stretch marks by lubricating it with this natural healer. If you apply the oil immediately after childbirth, you can quickly get rid of stretch marks.

There are practically no contraindications, only individual intolerance to this product.

Its medicinal properties have not gone unnoticed. Ether is used in the treatment of:

  • Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis,
  • Edema, sprains,
  • cuts, cracks,
  • joints.

Pure shea butter perfectly tolerates the delicate area around the eyes, and the cracked and overdried skin of the lips becomes moist, healthy again, the cracks in the corners of the lips heal quickly.

cook nutritional composition for lips :

  • Take 0.5 teaspoon of shea butter, beeswax.
  • Dissolve in a water bath.
  • Enter 0.5 tsp. honey and cocoa butter.
  • When you get a liquid mass, remove from heat.
  • Drop 1 drop of cinnamon ether and 2 drops of peppermint oil. ready mix put in a cold place.
  • Lubricate your lips at night.

In its purest form, this cosmetic product It is recommended to apply on the face 30 minutes before going outside. It is well absorbed, and the remains can simply be blotted. paper napkin. Many women prepare face masks based on this product or add it to their regular cream, enhancing its caring properties.

At night, simply lubricate the face, removing the remnants with a paper towel. Wrinkles are great natural remedy.

How to use shea butter

Natural remedy used to treat acne. To prepare the medicinal composition you will need:

  • Melt shea butter and honey - 100 ml each,
  • Pour in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil walnut,
  • Inject 1 ml of salicylic acid.

Apply the mass on the face, bypassing the area around the eyes, and leave for 20 minutes, then wash warm water.

If you want to revive tired, aging skin, use shea. Quickly penetrating through the layers of the epidermis, the product saturates it light fats, vitamins, straightens wrinkles, relieves inflammation. Positive reviews is the result of using this product.

From personal experience. Anyone who has at least once used a unique homemade cream, experienced a real delight. How to cook it? Take 1 banana, mash well, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil, enter 1 tsp. honey, stir. Keep it on your face for 20 minutes.

After 4-5 such procedures, you will see a completely renewed appearance in the mirror! Each time prepare a new cream, it does not take long!

To soften the skin of the hands, prepare a great cream: mix 1 tbsp. l. shea butter and walnut. Grease your hands like regular cream, you will soon be convinced of the effectiveness of this composition. The cream can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

Rejuvenating products based on shea

For facial skin rejuvenation prepare an amazing composition:

  • In a water bath, dissolve 1 tsp. shea,
  • Add 2 tsp. avocado and jojoba oils.
  • In the cooling mixture, drop 2 drops of rosemary ether and 3 rosewood ether.
  • In the refrigerator, this composition can be stored for 12-14 days.

Apply to face, keep for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A great night cream Based on Shea ether, it is prepared for too dry, sensitive dermis:

  • To 1 tbsp. spoon of rose water, pour in 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel.
  • In another bowl, dissolve 1 teaspoon of beeswax, 2 teaspoons of shea butter.
  • Then pour in 1.5 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil.
  • Hold the whole mass in a water bath.
  • Squeeze out vitamin E from 1 capsule.
  • Add a pinch of lecithin.
  • Pour in aloe with rose water.

Apply the mass whipped with a mixer on the face, hold for 20-25 minutes, then wash with warm water.

Shea butter around the eyes. We are saddened to notice how the skin around the eyes is aging. To correct this situation, melted Shea butter in its pure form will help. With light movements, apply it to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids, easily “drive” into places “ crow's feet". With constant use, swelling will soon disappear, the complexion will improve.

Shea butter face masks

Shea butter for dry skin

  • Shea butter - 4 g;
  • Ripe apricots - 2 pcs.;
  • Ether of oregano - 2 drops.

Grind unpeeled apricots in a blender, add warm oil and ether, stir. Apply to face for 30 minutes.

Shea butter for oily skin

Reduce redundancy sebaceous glands, to narrow the enlarged pores will help the following composition:

  • Shea - 14 drops;
  • Yeast -12 g

Preparation: dissolve the yeast in the infusion of black tea, pour in the heated oil. Steam the dermis over linden decoction, apply the mixture. After 15 minutes, wash your face in a contrasting way.

Revitalizing mask

Restores firmness, elasticity of the dermis, removes wrinkles:

  • Shea -7 g;
  • Starch - 17 g;
  • Dill ether.

Cooking: mix shea butter with starch until a viscous mass is obtained, add ether, if necessary, pour in distilled water. First you need to do, then apply the mass, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with chamomile infusion.

Moisturizing mask

  • Shea - 3 g;
  • Gooseberries - 7 pcs.;
  • Cassia ether.

Preparation: chop the berries with a blender, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply to face, hold for 7-8 minutes. Wash with rosehip decoction.

Shea butter for body youth

For the body, prepare the original cream. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of shea butter, almond ether, juice, drip 2 drops of lavender and chamomile extracts. Lubricate the entire body with the resulting composition, especially the elbows, you will soon notice that your skin is recovering, acquiring healthy color.

On the basis of shea butter, many companies produce body gel, which has proven itself well. Buy it only in a pharmacy to avoid fakes.

If the dermis of the legs is coarsened, then apply the above composition to make the heels soft.

best heel cream

  • Coconut oil - 50 g
  • Shea butter - 150 g
  • Calendula - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Althea root - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Lavender ether - 8 drops
  • Peppermint ether - 8 drops

Cooking: solid oils melt in a water bath or microwave. Add calendula powder and marshmallow root, wrap with a towel.
Strain, beat with a mixer, add the rest of the ingredients. Lubricate the heels at night, cover with polyethylene, put on socks.

Help for dry hair

Based masks oil product put on the head, withstand the night. Rub gently medicinal composition in hair follicles, spread over the entire length of the hair. In order for all the nutrients to penetrate the bulbs and the entire structure of the hair, wrap your head first with polyethylene and then with a towel.

If you often use a hair dryer, curling irons, irons, then this procedure will help your hair stay healthy and beautiful. For greater effect, take 2 tbsp. spoons burdock oil and shea butter, apply to hair, leave overnight. This mask will help your hair grow fast.

The nutrients of this amazing product, penetrating deep into the scalp, bring hair tangible benefits. At regular use such a mask, you will soon notice an amazing result.

Whipped Shea Butter

  1. Heat Shea in microwave oven until softened. You need the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Beat with a mixer and add watermelon seed oil and vanilla extract, beat.
  3. Add starch, beat.
  4. Lastly, add the essential oil, beat and transfer to a dry, clean jar.

Whipped shea butter is stored at room temperature. Shelf life corresponds minimum term shelf life of the ingredients used (for example, if oils have a shelf life of another 1 year, and starch has 1 month left, then the shelf life of the product is 1 month)

Rarely did not admire luxurious curls Oriental beauties. How do they achieve this? One of the secrets unique oil Shi.

Care for your hair competently, then your curls will also become delightfully shiny, elastic, dryness and brittleness will disappear. Apply masks to wet hair, cover with foil and a towel. Wash them off with warm water and shampoo. Restoring mixtures are used 2 times a week.

Hair Blend Recipes

  1. For beautiful shine take a course of procedures with the following composition: 50 g Shea, plus 2 tbsp. olive oils.

Shea butter, also known as shea butter, rich in fatty acids, making it ideal remedy to solve problems with the skin and the health of the whole organism. It is extracted from the seeds of the African shea tree. More recently, oil has gained immense popularity in the West, and now it is invariably added to the range. cosmetic products such as lotions, balms, shampoos, creams, conditioners. In this article, we want to give you a detailed answer about the beneficial properties of shea butter for skin, face, hair and health, history of origin, composition, how to choose and store, home care recipes.

If you are still looking for a natural remedy for the beauty of the skin or hair, opt for shea butter! And to understand why it is on it, read the article to the end.

Description of shea butter

Shea tree ( lat. Vitellaria paradoxa) is predominantly found in Africa. Its fruits contain a seed saturated with fats, from which a healing oil is extracted.

The manufacturing process is quite laborious: first, the peel is removed, the contents of the seed are fried for 24 hours, then crushed until a brown mass is formed. After that, water is added and the mixture is boiled until a light composition is obtained, which is shea butter.

The main components included in the composition: oleic, stearic and linoleic acids. They are quickly absorbed into the skin, as they melt at a temperature human body. With its moisturizers and healing properties have a beneficial effect on problematic skin. The oil is also an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drug that can be beneficial in the treatment of various ailments. And the similarity with vegetable oils makes it suitable for ingestion.

For many centuries, the tree has been growing in West Africa, from Senegal to Sudan and the foothills of Ethiopia. In historical documents, there are references to jars of oil that were transported during the reign of Cleopatra. Even the Queen of Sheba, the epitome of youth and beauty, used it!

The shea tree was also considered sacred by many African tribes. Its trunks were used to make royal coffins, and the oil is still a valuable skin care product. It is used to protect the skin and hair from the scorching sun and dry winds. Some tribes, mainly in northern Nigeria, mix shea butter with palm oil and use it for cooking.

Why is shea butter so famous for its health benefits and is a part of countless chemical formulas along with other vegetable oils? Let's figure it out.

What is the secret of shea butter?

Shea butter is often used in moisturizers, lotions, and other skin and hair emulsions. It is rich in fats, which makes it an excellent emollient and moisturizer. Numerous studies prove its anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect. The most powerful antioxidant normalizes the barrier functions of the skin and activates cellular respiration.

Vitamins A and E support normal nutrition skin, protect it from damage caused by ultraviolet radiation. These components are a priority sun protection factor (SPF). Vitamin E also has a calming effect on the skin, improves its elasticity, and prevents aging.

Shea butter is available on the market in several varieties. Pure or crude oil It is the most natural product, usually has yellow or green color. May contain a small amount of impurities, since it is sold in an unrefined form, immediately after extraction from nuts. Further pure oil can go through several stages of processing different ways, which will be discussed below.

Refined and unrefined shea butter

Oil is unrefined and refined. The least processed after the pure composition is unrefined shea butter. Since it is mined by hand, vitamins, minerals and other natural properties are saved. Being subjected to the process of filtering through clay or gauze, it can slightly change color, smell, texture. The melted butter is poured into special molds, after which it goes on sale. The unrefined version is divided into classes from A to F, depending on the quality.

Refined shea butter is a fully processed oil. In addition to the filtration process, it is deodorized by ventilation or using chemical substances and then bleached. Flavors and preservatives are added at the end to increase shelf life. All these processes make the oil visually uniform and light, but significantly reduce its nutritional value.

The oil found in cosmetic products is an even more advanced version, involving additional processing processes. Such a composition is called "ultra-refined" or "highly refined."

Some companies specialize in supplying only natural oil shea that is grown and harvested exclusively natural way. This version retains all valuable properties. Therefore, it is positioned as a product enriched with a large amount nutrients. Let's look at them in a table.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of shea butter

Nutrients In 1/8 cup (30 ml) Per 100 g
calories 44 cal/kcal Kilojoules 185kJ
Energy 1.023 kJ (244 Cal) 3,700 kJ (884 Cal)
Protein 0 g 0 g
Fats (all) 28 g 99.9 g
Saturated 12.9 g 46.6 g
Trans fats <0.03 г (Макс.) <0,1 г (Макс.)
Polyunsaturated fats 1.4 g 5.2 g
Monounsaturated fats 12.2 g 44 g
0 mg 0 mg
Octanoic acid 0.06 g 0.2 g
capric acid 0.06 g 0.2 g
dodecanoic acid 0.36 g 1.3 g
Tetradecanoic acid 0.03 g 0.1 g
Hexadecanic acid 1.2 g 4.4 g
Octadecanic acid 10.7 g 38.8 g
Palmitoleic Acid 0.03 g 0.1 g
Octadecenoic Acid (Omega-9) 12.025 g 43.5 g
Octadecadienic acid (Omega-6) 1.355 g 4.9 g
Octadecatrienoic acid (Omega-6) 0.08 g 0.3 g
Phytosterols 99 mg 357 mg
Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0 g
Sakharov 0 g 0 g
Alimentary fiber 0 g 0 g
Water <0.028 г (Макс.) <0,1 г (Макс.)
Vitamins (All) 0 mg or mcg (micrograms) 0 mg or mcg (micrograms)
Folate (total) 0 µg (micrograms) 0 µg (micrograms)

Shea butter contains a high percentage of phytosterols, triterpenes and hydrocarbons. Triterpene esters such as cinnamic acid and tocopherols are responsible for the ability to absorb UV radiation and enhance collagen production.

The oil also contains:

  • Fatty acid. 5 essential fatty acids: palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and arachidic. A large proportion in the composition of the oil (85-90%) are stearic, providing a solid consistency, and oleic, affecting the degree of hardness or softness, acids.
  • Phenolic resins. Phenolic compounds are known for their antioxidant properties. Shea butter contains 10 phenolic compounds, 8 of which are catechins. Traditionally extracted oil has a higher level of phenols than extracted with hexane. In fact, the catechin content of shea butter is higher than the total amount of phenolic compounds in ripe olives. The overall concentration and relative percentage of shea nut butter varies from region to region, depending on the level of environmental stress in which the trees grow.
  • Vitamin E. Tocopherol is called vitamin E. In shea butter, the content of tocopherol is 1%, which is very high for vegetable oils.
  • Vitamin A and vitaminF. They help in the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis, slow down the aging process.

Shea butter is considered an indispensable product for the skin, as it is enriched with unsaturated fats (with a higher proportion of unsaponifiable components), fatty acids, vitamins E and D, phytosterols, provitamin A and allantoin. Since time immemorial, it has been used for skin care for children and adults, as well as in nutrition. Below are all the important benefits of shea butter.

27 Benefits of Shea Butter for Skin, Hair and Overall Health

Incorporating oil into your regular skin care diet works wonders! Don't believe? Then read on more.

  1. Moisturizes dry skin

    Shea butter is the best moisturizer for the face and whole body. The fats contained in it are responsible for softening and moisture-retaining properties, blocking water in the skin and nourishing for a long time. Dehydrated and dry skin is characterized by roughness and peeling, and cracks may even form in certain areas of the body. Shea butter eliminates all the unpleasant effects, making the skin softer and more elastic without clogging the pores. Its use is especially indispensable in the cold season.

  2. Shea butter fights acne and age spots

    Plant sterols such as oleic, palmitic, stearic and linoleic acids do not come into contact with alkali, i.e. are non-saponifiable. This gives shea butter special healing properties, unlike other vegetable oils and fats. Raw unrefined oil helps to get rid of many skin troubles: acne, age spots, stretch marks, insect bites, burns.

  3. Reduces inflammation in the skin

    Shea butter has several derivatives of cinnamic acid, which have anti-inflammatory properties, making it an indispensable helper for skin inflammation. Applying oil to the affected area will help to cope with the symptoms of generalized inflammation in dermatitis and rosacea. It is also used for sunburn, rashes, minor cuts and scrapes.

  4. Interferes with free radicals

    Shea butter is considered one of the best anti-aging products. It stimulates the production of collagen, the protein responsible for youthful skin. Vitamins A and E support elasticity, hydration and natural radiance. Regular use of the oil makes wrinkles less noticeable and prevents their premature appearance. Also one of the useful properties is the ability to increase blood circulation and cell renewal. And the mixture of vitamins, together with catechins, actively fights free radicals formed as a result of environmental pollution and external irritants that damage the skin. Cinnamic acid saturates the skin with antioxidants, preventing damage caused by UV radiation.

  5. Shea butter helps with dry skin

    Excessive dryness and flaking of the skin can lead to itching, which can also be helped by miraculous shea butter. Saturating the skin with the necessary amount of moisture, its use will bring significant relief. And the anti-inflammatory properties will help to cope even with psoriasis.

  6. Restores skin elasticity

    Unsaponifiables and vitamin E are vital ingredients for maintaining skin elasticity. Shea butter also improves collagen production. Thus, its use restores the natural elasticity of the skin, reduces wrinkles and stretch marks.

  7. Relieves irritation and swelling

    Epilation often causes irritation and itching, as a result of which bumps can even develop after shaving. Shea butter reduces irritation and soothes the skin. As a hair softener, it can be used the day before shaving for a quick and comfortable shave.

  8. Shea butter helps get rid of stretch marks during pregnancy

    Shea Butter is often used as the base of many cosmetic products aimed at preventing and reducing stretch marks that appear during pregnancy or weight loss. These marks are formed due to stretching of the skin beyond its normal state. The use of oil improves the production of collagen, a natural emollient, which restores skin elasticity. Daily oil massage visibly brightens and reduces stretch marks.

  9. Soothes the skin

    Unrefined shea butter, being chemical free, is a great natural source of hydration. Thus, it is ideal for baby care, adapting to his delicate and sensitive skin. Usually the oil is used after a bath. It is also effective in the treatment of eczema and diaper rash on the skin of newborns and toddlers.

  10. Shea butter is the ultimate lip care.

    In cold and windy weather, lips quickly lose moisture and become dry and damaged. Shea butter acts as a nourishing balm and heals even severely chapped lips. When applying a balm based on shea butter, a kind of protective barrier is formed, thereby retaining moisture in the skin.

  11. Repairs damaged hair

    Chemical treatments, whether straightening, curling or curling, take away natural moisture from the hair. Shea butter prevents this process. It actively protects the hair from harsh weather conditions and harmful environmental influences. With a low SPF factor, it eliminates the negative effects of UV radiation and restores already damaged areas. This is due to the fact that the oil completely envelops the hair structure and protects against high temperatures or staining. It can also be used in the pool or at the sea, saving hair from chlorine and salt.

    Here is a simple recipe for hair care:

    Take a tablespoon of raw or unrefined shea butter and melt it in the microwave for 30-60 seconds.

    Once the oil has cooled down a bit, add a few drops of lavender essential oil (this step is optional).

    Spread the mixture evenly from roots to ends.

    Leave for half an hour, then wash your hair using a mild shampoo.

  12. Prevents hair loss

    The fatty acids found in shea butter can significantly improve the health of the scalp, reduce hair loss and brittleness. The use of oil strengthens the follicles, which makes the hair stronger, thicker and full of natural shine.

  13. Eliminates dryness and soothes itchy scalp

    With anti-inflammatory properties, the oil fights psoriasis, removes dandruff and soothes dryness. Leaves no greasy residue and does not close pores after use.

  14. Treats split ends

    Shea butter has a moisturizing and regenerating effect on the hair and scalp, strengthens them and reduces brittleness. In addition, vitamins A and E nourish dry hair and treat split ends.

  15. natural conditioner

    The oil can be used as a natural conditioner after washing your hair. It acts like a lock, locking in moisture without weighing down the hair. The presence of all the same vitamins A and E makes the oil an excellent nutrient, moisturizing the hair from the roots to the tips.

  16. Reliable fixation of curly hair

    Shea butter is ideal for softening and regenerating hair. Due to its soft texture, it is evenly distributed over the entire scalp. Massaging your hair with a generous amount of shea butter will make it soft, silky and lock the curls. It's also great for frizzy and frizzy hair. Applying it twice a week, you will noticeably improve the structure of the hair.

  17. Soothes muscle pain

    Muscle pain is most often the result of inflammation in the affected area due to tension or the development of the disease. Traditionally, shea butter has been widely used in Africa to relieve soreness. Although there is no concrete evidence in medicine about its healing properties, people actively use the oil to massage painful areas.

  18. Treats rheumatism

    Rheumatism is characterized by joint pain, inflammation and swelling. To reduce symptoms, the oil can be used as an ointment that has anti-inflammatory properties.

  19. Helps with arthritis

    A chronic joint disorder that is often associated with age, obesity or injury causes arthritis, a very painful disease that affects a huge number of people. Constant pain disrupts habitual movements and worsens the quality of life of patients. Shea butter contains triterpenes that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The use of oil gives excellent results in patients with arthritis, eliminating swelling and pain. The exact mechanism of action is still unknown. However, it is triterpenes that are considered the main factor that determined these indicators.

  20. Inflammation and nasal congestion

    The next time you feel the first signs of nasal congestion, all you have to do is lubricate your nostrils with shea butter. Of course, it sounds strange, but believe me, the scheme works. Nasal congestion is often the result of inflammation of the lining of the nasal passages. Here again, the anti-inflammatory properties of shea butter come to the rescue! In a study conducted to monitor the effectiveness of this remedy, participants cleared signs of nasal congestion in as little as 90 seconds.

  21. Reduces cholesterol levels

    As we mentioned earlier, shea butter is edible and is used by many people in Africa for cooking. Adding butter to your diet is the way to lower blood cholesterol. It is rich in stearic acid (a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid), which reduces the amount of lipoproteins and cholesterol in the blood plasma, as evidenced by published research results in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

  22. Useful for treating diarrhea

    Diarrhea is a symptom of many diseases and can also occur on its own. It is treated with a wide range of medications and herbal decoctions. Today, there is a huge demand for shea butter diet products that are being developed to treat this unpleasant disease.

  23. Wound healing

    Wounds, cuts, abrasions heal easily if smeared with shea butter. It is quickly absorbed into the deep layers of the skin, supplying all the necessary fats and nutrients that enhance blood microcirculation, thereby accelerating the recovery process.

  24. Soothes skin after insect bites

    Thanks to its high vitamin A content, the oil disinfects and soothes skin allergies caused by poisonous plants or insect stings. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties speed up the healing process. The development of further infection on the vine is eliminated by the use of shea butter.

  25. Helps with dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema

    Diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema are caused by dry, flaky and irritated skin. The treatment requires an ingredient that works as a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory tool. Shea butter does the job perfectly! It has established itself as an excellent cream in the fight against eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil can be used to reduce swelling and itching. Doctors recommend shea butter for people suffering from these skin conditions as it is safe and non-allergic.

  26. UV protection

    Shea butter acts as a natural sunscreen, protecting against UV radiation. The level of protection in sun creams containing shea butter ranges from 6-10 depending on the quality of the oil. It is not recommended to use pure shea butter as a sunscreen, as the SPF level is considered insufficient to provide reliable protection from harmful rays. The oil is good to use after sun exposure to soothe the skin.

  27. Great alternative to coconut, butter and olive oil in cooking

    Healthy fats, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds all make shea butter a viable option for eating. It is a serious competitor to coconut, butter and even olive oil. It has an unusual taste, but you can get used to it in 1-2 days. Use oil for frying, add a scoop to your morning smoothie, or even substitute butter for your favorite toast, sandwiches, and pancakes. Of course, it is better to choose an unrefined option for cooking.

How many benefits! Are you still lost in choosing the best oil for health? The following section will help dispel all your doubts, in which I would like to talk about the choice and method of storing oil.

Keep these numbers handy so you can make the right choice.

When buying shea butter:

  • Look for raw or unrefined shea butter.
  • Make sure the oil is supplied to the market by a reliable company. Read the label, trade compliance and ingredients.
  • Check the smell of the oil. It should be nutty or earthy. Any shade of plastic or chemicals indicates that this is a refined version.
  • If possible, pour a small amount of oil on your hand. It should be soft and moisturize the skin.
  • As for color, the unrefined version excludes variety. The oil should be ivory in color, a lighter shade indicates that it has undergone a bleaching process.

How to store

The best way to store natural shea butter is to store it in a cool place in an airtight container. Quite often, vitamin E is added to the oil to increase the shelf life.

On average, a 100% shea butter formulation has a shelf life of 2 years. If you smell a sour, rancid smell, it means the product is out of date.

Here are some easy homemade skin care recipes using shea butter.

Shea butter body lotion recipe

You will need:

  • 1 cup raw shea butter;
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil;
  • 1/2 cup almond oil.


  • Melt the coconut oil and shea butter in a water bath.
  • Mix well and let cool for a few minutes.
  • Add almond oil and mix well again.
  • Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.
  • Once the natural crystallization process is over, using a mixer, beat the oil mixture until a thick, creamy consistency is obtained.
  • Pour the finished composition into an airtight container and place in a dry, dark place. Let it cool down.
  • Use as needed to hydrate the body.

You can also add essential oils along with almond oil.

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of raw shea butter;
  • 1 tablespoon beeswax;
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil;
  • 6-7 drops of lavender oil;
  • 6-7 drops of peppermint oil.


  • Melt shea butter, beeswax and coconut oil in a water bath.
  • Let them cool down a bit and then add the essential oils.
  • Mix thoroughly and pour the mixture into small jars or molds.
  • Leave aside until the contents thicken.
  • Use once or twice a day like a regular lip balm.

You have learned a lot of useful information about shea butter. Let us help you a little further, saving the information about possible side effects for the last.

These side effects may result from topical application or ingestion of shea butter:

  • itchy rashes;
  • hives;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • stomach ache.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, stop using shea butter immediately and consult your doctor. Allergies do not occur so often, but it is better to protect yourself. If you've never used shea butter before, it's best to do a patch test on a patch of skin around your forearm.

Answers to popular questions about shea butter

Expert answers to readers' questions.

Why is oil called "women's gold"?

In Africa, many women make their living by picking and processing shea by hand. The fact of the heavy proportion of black women and gave rise to the name "women's gold."

Is this oil edible?

Yes, the oil is safe to ingest.

What is the shelf life of shea butter?

The average shelf life of shea butter is two years, but this may vary depending on the brand.

Is shea butter a natural product?

Yes, shea butter comes from the nuts of the shea tree, which is native to West Africa.

What is the best shea butter?

Always choose raw, unrefined butter. It is considered the best for topical application and ingestion. This is because all the nutrients are stored in it.

What does shea butter smell like?

Unrefined shea butter has an earthy or nutty flavor.

Are all shea butters the same?

No and no again! Shea butter comes in a variety of grades, depending on the processing it has undergone. The most popular are refined and unrefined versions.

Vegan friendly shea butter?

If you buy 100% Shea Butter, it is vegan and is purely plant-based. Products containing shea butter may not be vegan friendly due to additional ingredients.

Is this oil safe for people with nut allergies?

Although the oil is extracted from the seeds of nuts, no side effects have been identified from its use by people who are allergic to nuts.

I hope you found this article on the benefits of shea butter helpful. Feel free to include it in your usual share your impressions with us!

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