Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers. Systemic elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in game situations. Stage III. Muscle and Emotional Relaxation Suggestion

Olga Kolomiets
Methodology for correcting stuttering in preschoolers

Manifestations stuttering in preschool children

In modern speech therapy stuttering is defined as a violation of the tempo, rhythm and fluency of speech, due to the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus.

Start stuttering usually falls during the period of intensive formation of speech function (from 2 to 6 years old)... Characterizing stuttering children, he divides them into two groups. To the first group (such stuttering majority) he carries children who have started stutter"Suddenly and violently" as a result of acute psychotrauma. For the same group of children, premature speech development, an extensive vocabulary that does not correspond to age, and the correct syntactic formulation of the expressed thought are characteristic. To the second group, he included children who began stutter due to a skull injury or infectious diseases... They differ late development speech and slow gradual onset stuttering.

Thus, stuttering Is a complex speech disorder that requires further in-depth study. Among the numerous speech disorders, it is one of the few, the mechanisms of which are not fully disclosed, not explained to such an extent that it would be possible, based on them, to develop a highly effective methodology elimination of this defect. It is precisely the insufficient development of the problem of mechanisms stuttering currently determines the multidimensional impact on stuttering child.

1.2. Behavior stuttering children of different ages in games

Have stuttering children of different ages have an ambiguous attitude towards the team of those who play. A detailed study of this problem is presented in the work of G. A. Volkova "Game activity in the elimination stuttering in preschoolers» .

Stuttering children 4-5 years old prefer games in subgroups of 2-3 people, but each plays in his own way, forgetting about his comrades. They have play behaviors similar to well-speaking young children. In collective games, they perform secondary roles with the same type actions: the driver drives the car, the cashier silently tears off the ticket, the nanny feeds the children. Children rarely conflict over roles and do not assign them themselves. Usually stutter a child of this age is offered a role that he, in their opinion, should cope with. They play for a short time and not to the end.

Among stuttering of children 5-6 years old, about one third can participate in group play, one third - in games in subgroups of one or two people, and slightly more than one third of children like to play alone, which indicates a significant influence stuttering... Well-speaking children play for 50-60 minutes, the game develops with a rather complex plot, they take part in it a large number of children. Stuttering children can play one game from several to 20 minutes, the procedural side prevails in their game, children do not separate well the rules of the game from game situations.

Attitude towards the team of playing peers among stuttering children 6-7 years old is determined by the accumulation of life experience, the emergence of new and relatively stable interests, the development of imagination and thinking. Their games are more meaningful, varied in plot and form of performance. Most children participate in collective play and games in subgroups, but almost a fifth of children prefer to play alone. They are closed, somewhat passive children, they do not withstand a long stay in a team and in general games, they work better in one way different conditions, quickly assimilating the stereotypes of movements and speech accompaniment.

In general for stuttering children 4-7 years old are indicative of the lack of formation of the skill of collective communication and attitude to the team of playing peers. These features determine the underdevelopment of social behavior. stuttering children... It is known that social behavior is already inherent in children preschool age in the so-called games near. And this early stage of social behavior is characteristic of stuttering children 4-7 years old... Among them there are few associations by interests, stable playing groups based on friendship and sympathy for each other are uncharacteristic. Stuttering children are distinguished by the poverty of play ideas, the diffuseness of the playing groups, and the lack of formation of play skills.

As "Experience" stuttering in children with stuttering a peculiar attitude towards one's speech and defect appears. Some people acutely feel speech deficiency, especially due to adverse environmental influences. Others are afraid of the manifestation of seizures in speech, they are not indifferent to the assessment of their speech and behavior by others. Still others are critical of stuttering experience after an unsuccessful speech attempt or after failures in any activity. Due to this stuttering begins to influence the nature of the sociability of children. Despite the fact that most children 4-5 years old easily enter into communication with peers and adults, they nevertheless stand out preschoolers with unstable forms of communication, as well as having negative or autistic behavior

2.1. The value of the game in development preschooler and its types

Play is a leading type of child's activity that is used by adults for educational purposes preschoolers, teaching them various actions with objects, methods and means of communication. The problem of teaching the game, the formation of it as an activity, stood out and was most clearly formulated in the works of D. V. Menzheritskaya, A. P. Usova, A. V. Zaporozhets and others.

In their works, the above authors argue that it is through play that the child learns the world, prepares for adulthood... One of the first to connect the development of play with the peculiarities of children's imagination was KD Ushinsky. He drew attention to the educational value of images imaginations: the child sincerely believes in them, therefore, while playing, he experiences strong genuine feelings. According to N.K.Krupskaya, the game is "A serious form of teaching" and acts as a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults. At the same time, play is the basis of the child's creative development, the formation of his ability to correlate play skills and real life, and the expression of his basic needs. First of all, the child is characterized by the desire for independence, active participation in the life of adults; in play, the child takes on the role of an adult, seeking to imitate the image that has been preserved in his experience. Therefore, play, by virtue of its characteristics, is the best way to achieve the development of a child's creative abilities without using methods of coercion.

Didactic games. These games, which carry a hidden pedagogical goal - to form correct speech in children and at the same time to give them certain knowledge - enrich vocabulary, improve grammatical structure, cognitive processes. So, in games with folk didactic toys the perception of color, size, shape of an object develops. Whole line games is aimed at developing ingenuity. In games with pictures, children classify objects, phenomena, which develops related mental actions, analysis, synthesis, and generalization operations. All this contributes to the development of visual-figurative thinking.

Singing games. In games with singing - round dances, staging games - dance, round dance melodies with a bright melodic beginning and a simple song-rhythmic basis are widely used. In them, children develop the ability to control their body, correlate the tempo and rhythm of movements with the tempo and rhythm of music, the expressiveness of movements with the nature of the musical accompaniment. In addition, singing games improve prosodic components (tempo and rhythm of speech, pause, intonational expressiveness, phonetic and logical stress).

Outdoor games. In games with simple movements - with a ball, hoop, ribbon, flag - children convey the general nature of the movement, react to some signals and keep from others, coordinate the movements of the arms, legs, combine movements with speech. Outdoor games with a plot can be with equal participants and with relations of control-subordination; in the first case, each child contributes to the overall game, in the second, the requirements for the behavior of each player increase, revealing organizational qualities in children. Sports and recreational outdoor games (pins, balls, balls) held to consolidate active behavior and speech, contribute to the communication of children and outside of play activities.

Dramatization games. In dramatization games (poetic text, prose, tabletop, finger theater) the word is associated with the actions of the character, with drawing, the construction of scenery. They develop children's fantasies, creative amateur performances, organizational and directing abilities. The attention of children, visual orienting reaction to the interlocutor, imitativeness as the basis of independence are improved. These games prepare children for a detailed, coherent and consistent presentation of thoughts, streamline their speech activity.

Creative games. The main point of creative play is the fulfillment of the role. The child creates an image, reinforcing it with actions, words in the process of communicating with other participants in the game. Therefore, this type of game forms in children the ability to follow the rules, comply with the requirements of partnership, and resolve conflicts that arise. Creative play enriches social experience children, contributes to the upbringing of their active behavior and self-organization in any activity, primarily in speech.

Summarizing the theoretical concepts of the essence of children's play, developed in Russian psychology, we can say that play is a special activity, social in origin, content and structure. The development of play does not occur spontaneously, but depends on the conditions of the child's upbringing, that is, social phenomena.

2.2. Methodology for correcting stuttering in preschoolers

in the game by I. G. Vygodskaya, E. L. Pellinger, L. I. Uspenskaya

MethodologyElimination stuttering in preschoolers at play» I. G. Vygodskaya, E. L. Pellinger, L. I. Uspenskaya includes a system of games and relaxing exercises, which are systematized by periods speech correction of stuttering children... The authors believe that the creation of purposeful play situations forms in children the skills of independent speech and helps them to move from communication in words at the first stage of work to detailed statements at the end of the course.

Section 1. "Relaxing Exercises (relaxation)»Includes exercises for muscle relaxation and emotional stress relief. Stuttering children are characterized by increased emotional excitability, motor restlessness, instability and exhaustion of nervous processes. With difficulties in speech, increased muscle tension occurs, both in all organs of articulation, and throughout the body. The system of relaxing exercises is presented in a playful way, accompanied by rhymed phrases.

Relaxation « Magical dream»

The cilia descend ...

Eyes are closing ...

We are resting calmly ... (2 times)

We fall asleep magically ...

Breathing easily ... evenly ... deeply ...

Our hands are resting ...

Legs are also resting ...

Resting ... falling asleep (2 times)

Neck is not tense

And ras-sla-a-ab-le-na ...

The lips are slightly parted ...

Everyone relaxes wonderfully (2 times)

Breathing easily ... evenly ... deeply ...

The tension flew away ...

And the whole body is relaxed (2 times)

The sun is warming now ...

Our hands are warm ...

The sun is hotter now ...

Our legs are warm ...

Breathing easily ... evenly ... deeply ...

Lips are warm and flaccid

But not at all tired ...

The lips are slightly parted ...

Everything relaxes wonderfully (2 times)

We understand what it is ...

Resting state (2 times)»

Imagination is a good helper for relaxation. Children are happy to do these exercises.

The teacher suggests: “Let's pretend we are the candles on the cake. We multicolored: orange, yellow, green, red, blue, purple, white. We stand tall, straight, and look like wooden soldiers. Our bodies are strong. The fire overhead is getting hotter and hotter. You start to melt. First the head falls ... Now the shoulders ... the arms ... The wax you are made of slowly melts. Your feet sink ... and slowly ... slowly ... you become a pool of wax on the floor. And now a cold wind rises and blows on you: f - f - u ... f - f - f - u - u - u, and you become slender and beautiful again. "

Section 2. "Relative silence mode" includes game techniques for organizing a sparing regimen in special speech therapy classes and at home. To facilitate the formation of a new speech skill, it is necessary to reduce speech activity in the initial period of work. stuttering, specifically limit the scope of their statements. This is usually difficult to accomplish; in the game, the child will be more willing to observe the mode of relative silence and speak in one word or short phrases... These games for children are called "Silent".

The length of these games is different - from 10 to 40 minutes, depending on the plot. Before starting the game, you should talk about its content, explain that the main condition is to be silent. Silently you can draw, embroider, make appliques, play scout, diving. The main task should be encouraged. This is either a sun drawn in a specially created album, or receiving an asterisk, etc. Sometimes children are offered "Keys", with the help of which they close their mouths with a lock or, conversely, open them. Every 2-3 days it is picked up new game.

Games for a period of relative silence

"Silent woman".

An adult puts the clock in a conspicuous place (sand is better) and announces: “The tongue chattered for a long time, he was tired and fell silent, and whoever speaks first - from that fant.” For a certain time, the children are invited to quietly quietly engage in drawing. Further, forfeits are played out.

"Scuba diver".

This silent game starts with a story an adult: “In the seas, at different depths, it is very interesting, amazing fish swim there, beautiful algae, corals grow on the rocks, and huge crabs are hiding under the stones ... Brave scuba divers in masks sink to the bottom of the sea, silently studying its inhabitants. You can't talk under water - you can drown ... " props: shells, pebbles, you can make a mask and flippers. After a series "Dives" on "Shore" you can consider seafood. Children call them concisely and clearly. At the end of the game, the child receives the title "Best scuba diver", to his album "The goldfish is swimming".

"Pendulum"... Children sit in Turkish, hands on the back of the head. Inhale calmly, pause for three seconds, bend forward - exhale. Return to starting position - inhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Let's play the accordion"... Children stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the waist. Inhale, pause for three seconds. Tilt to the left - exhale slowly. The right side stretches like an accordion. In the starting position - inhale. A pause of three seconds. Likewise - with the left side.

"Horses"... Children-horses stand for a long time in the cold, they need to warm up. Children hold their hands in front of the chest somewhat tensely, stand on one leg. The second leg, bent at the knee, touches the floor with the toe. They drop their relaxed arms, change their legs. Return to original position. Repeat 3-4 times.

"Hear the sound - show the direction"... Children sit with their eyes closed, the speech therapist gives a quiet signal with a rattle or bell. Opening their eyes, the children look at the speech therapist, one of them shows the direction of the sound heard on a signal.

"Cosmonauts"... The speech therapist reminds how restrained, calm, and collected the astronauts should be, and invites children not to do anything without a signal "Do"... The speech therapist invites the children to get up, they are sitting. Then he pronounces: "Do it"- the children get up. Other movements are performed similarly.

Silent games can be played by plot literary works that an adult reads. The child listens in silence, depicts the actions of the character or pronounces individual words, then silently draws or makes crafts on the topic.

Examples of literary games- silent: the fable of I. Krylov "A Crow and a fox": "While the crow was silent, she had a piece of cheese, and as she croaked, the cheese fell out of its beak ...". Or the tale of G. H. Andersen "Wild swan": "Eliza was silent until she weaved 11 shirts from nettles to save the brothers from the evil sorceress." Garshin's fairy tale can also be plots for games. "Frog traveler", and the tale of K. Ushinsky "Crow and Cancer", and cartoons with a similar plot.

Section 3. "Speech breathing" includes techniques for normalizing speech breathing, which in stuttering often violated. It is important not only to encourage the child to calm communication, but also to provide him with the opportunity to speak clearly, fluently, expressively, as he exhales. Playing techniques allow you to unobtrusively teach him to calm speech breathing.

The authors believe that the most convenient for speech is diaphragmatic-costal breathing, when inhalation and exhalation are performed with the participation of the diaphragm and movable ribs. The upper chest, as well as the shoulders, remain practically motionless. When setting speech breathing, it is advisable to teach children to always inhale through their mouths, through slightly parted lips. A light half smile relieves muscle tension and is the natural beginning of free speech. The child's palm will help to control the correct speech breathing, if it is placed on the diaphragm area. Since breathing, voice formation and articulation are single interdependent processes, voice improvement and articulation refinement are carried out simultaneously

"The tire was punctured".

Take a light breath (feel with your palm how "Inflated the tire") and, exhaling, show how slowly air comes out through a puncture in the tire (with the sound ШШШ ...).


Children are sitting. The arms are lowered along the body. The speech therapist invites them to raise their arms to the sides and take them back a little, take a breath. Exhaling, show how long the big beetle has been buzzing (with the sound of LJJ ..., at the same time, the hands go down.

Section 4. "Communication in short phrases" includes games and playing techniques for the initial period of work on the elimination stuttering... They help teach the child the correct technique. speeches: the ability to speak as you exhale, relying on stressed vowels; to pronounce words together in a semantic segment; use pauses and logical stress. For children, this period of classes is called "In the land of short answers"... Here are some examples of exercise games.

"Find the main sound".

On the table are pictures with different accents in their names. The children take turns taking any of them, showing it to the whole group and calling the stressed vowel, highlighting it with their voice. Then this sound is pronounced separately. The winner is the one who receives the most cards with the corresponding letters.

"Whoever comes up with an end will be a fine fellow.".

The speech therapist reads a poem without finishing the poetic lines. The child picks up the missing rhymes.

Our goat was galloping, and a little knife ... (broke).

But I'll tell you in honor:

After all, you can't sit on ... (location).

Everyone has known this for a long time -

Without a game ... (not interested).

Our goat will cry

And he will recover - ... (gallop).

(Y. Tuvim)

Section 5. "Enhanced speech activation" contains game techniques for training correct speech skills with a gradual expansion of the volume of the utterance. The games in this section help the child to clearly formulate a thought not only in short, but also in simple common sentences. The play name of this period is in "The Land of Complete Answers"... Here are some examples of exercise games.

"Look, tell me in more detail".

The speech therapist takes out two object pictures from the picture, shows them to the children and is talking: “Here are two pictures, a hedgehog and an apple. And you need to come up with one proposal with them, for example "The hedgehog has apples on pins and needles"... And who will come up with more interesting? ”The winner is the one who collects more pictures.

"Masha the confused".

The speech therapist hides things in advance in different places... Then he is talking: “Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha. She did not put her things in their place and always looked for them for a long time. For this Masha was called confused. And you are neat guys, let's help Masha find her things. Anyone who finds something, let him bring it to me and tell me in detail where he found this thing. "

Section 6. "Parsley Dolls"... Animated dolls (hand operated or bibabo) help to quickly achieve the goals of speech therapy and captivate children. When controlling the doll, the child's motor restlessness disappears, all his movements become purposeful. All this soothes children, contributes to the ordering and relaxed speech.

"Tell me about the doll".

The dolls serve as a visual aid. The guys examine and describe their appearance, clothes, define their character, and transform their actions. Relying on direct visual perception contributes to the correct speech of the child. Speech material should correspond to the level of speech therapy work (individual words in the initial period; short sentences; complex sentences; stories). For example, in the initial period, a one-word description of the doll is carried out using the questions of an adult. The child pronounces individual words on exhalation and with lengthening of the stressed vowel. In this case, the child's articulating doll opens its mouth in accordance with the stressed vowel sound: “This is Pinocchio. He was a log. Then he became a boy. He has a cap on his head. "

Section 7 "Staging" and section 8 "Role-playing games" are devoted to games-dramatizations, which use the ability of children to creative transformation to consolidate the skill of correct speech and the acquisition of freedom of speech communication. In dramatizations, child artists learn to speak and act at ease, playing the roles they have learned. In role-playing games, when playing out various models of life situations (for example, "In the shop", "At the hairdresser's", "Birthday") children have a natural need for initiative speech. Becoming "Adults" while playing, they gain the confidence of verbal communication.

Staging "Our theater".

Typically, games begin with acting out dialogues. At the first stage of mastering the correct speech, dialogues in verses are more accessible. When staging them, each actor must know his text by heart, he communicates with only one partner. At first, these can be short verse dialogues, where each speaks with several remarks.

Visiting the Queen

Where was the pussy today?

The Queen of England!

What did you see in the palace?

I saw a mouse on the carpet.

(S. Marshak)

Role-playing game "Studio".

Tailor: Opened atelier for dolls and animals. Please come in. What

do you want to sew?

Customer: My bunny Tishka needs panties.

Tailor: Do you have the material?

Customer: Here you are.

Tailor: Wait, Tishka, calm down. We need to take a measurement.

Customer: Thanks!

Tailor: Come to order tomorrow afternoon.

(He takes scissors and depicts how he cuts. is talking: “Now I will hide the panties for Tishka. Now I will sew. So the panties are ready ")

Section 9. "Final lessons" includes tips for organizing and conducting children's parties. The task of a speech therapist is not only to correct speech stuttering, but also prepare him psychologically for communication in any conditions. A kind of exam for children is performances at children's parties, where there are guests: other children, parents, service personnel.

The main goal of the experience is to justify the need to use gaming technologies to improve the efficiency of the process of eliminating stuttering in preschool children.

Tasks solved in experience:

1. Conduct a theoretical analysis of the nature of stuttering, its types, causes.
2. Consider the role of play in stuttering elimination.
3. Creation of a set of relaxation lessons in a playful way.
4. Selection of the most effective methods, techniques, means in a playful way, contributing to the creation of interest, motivation for speech activity among pupils.
5. Elimination of speech defects (reeducation of incorrect speech) and psychological characteristics of stuttering, as well as the simultaneous acquisition of certain knowledge by them, enrichment of vocabulary, improvement of the grammatical structure of speech, the formation of cognitive processes.

This experience has been accumulating over three years.

In terms of the degree of novelty, the experience is a search-and-electoral one, since When developing author's lessons, I use new combinations of well-known methods, I consider in a new way the degree of their influence on the creation of interest in speech activity in the process of specially organized training, as well as effective influence on the development of speech in general.

The breadth of the content of the experience is based on the assumption that play is effective in eliminating stuttering in children when the following conditions are met:
- play can be transformed into a pedagogical phenomenon only in those conditions when it is consciously, purposefully communicated to a pedagogical purpose, when it is specially used in a special way to achieve certain goals and objectives of upbringing;
- a speech therapy lesson with the use of game technology is based on the program material, taking into account the speech therapy tasks of each stage of correction work: silence mode, whispering, etc .;
- speech therapy goals are realized through a series of interrelated games.

The experience has been observed since 2010.

Targeted focus: specialists preschool institutions working with stuttering children.

Prospects and opportunities for using experience.

The experience is designed for specialists working with stuttering children (speech therapists, educators, music leaders, physical education instructors, psychologists) in order to coordinate their activities in solving reactionary developmental and educational tasks.

When using experience or supplementing experience with other methods and techniques, the following rules must be observed:
1. It is necessary to ensure that children are not tired or distracted. Therefore, each lesson must necessarily include procedures that contribute to the self-regulation of children, namely:
- exercises for muscle relaxation (reducing the level of excitement, tension),
- breathing exercises(has a calming effect on the nervous system),
- mimic gymnastics (aimed at relieving general stress, plays a large role in the formation of the expressive speech of children),
- motor exercises, which include alternating or simultaneous execution of movements with different hands for any text (contributes to interhemispheric interaction).
2. Correctional work should be aimed not only at the development of speech skills and the elimination of stuttering in children, but also at the formation of certain character traits and skills of active behavior in children.

Theoretical and practical foundations of experience.

Modeling and debugging the technology of work according to the need to use gaming technologies to increase the efficiency of the process of eliminating stuttering in preschool children, I relied on the following achievements of pedagogical science and pedagogical experience:
1. Volkova G.A. Play activities in eliminating stuttering in preschoolers. - M., 1983.
2. Volkova G.A. Methodology of psychological and speech therapy examination of children with speech disorders. - SPb .: Childhood - Press, 2003.
3. Raising children in the game: A guide for children educator. garden / Comp. A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik. - M .: Education, 1983.
4. Vygodskaya I.G. and other Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in game situations. - M .: Education, 1993.
5. Kalyagin V. If the child stutters. - SPb., Moscow, Kharkov, Minsk, 1998.
6. Speech therapy / Ed. L.S. Volkova. - M .: Education, 1989.
7. Mironova S.A. The development of speech of preschoolers in speech therapy classes. - M .: Education, 1991.
8. Obukhova L.F. Child (developmental) psychology. Textbook. - M., 1996.
9. Odintsova T.S. Stuttering in children. - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2000.
10. Paramonova L.G. On stuttering: prevention and overcoming of the disease. - SPb .: Childhood-Press, 2007.
11. Pidkasisty P.I. Game technology in learning - M .: Education, 1992.
12. Povarova I.A. Correction of stuttering in games and trainings. - SPb .: Soyuz, 2001.
13. Rau E.F., Sinyak V.A. Speech therapy. - M .: Education, 1969.
14. Reznichenko T.S. So that the child does not stutter. - M., 2000.
15. Seliverstov V.I. Stuttering in children. - M .: Vlados, 2001.
16. Stepanov O.A., Weiner M.E., Chutko N.Ya. The method of playing with correctional - developmental technologies / Ed. G.F. Kumarina. - M .: Academy, 2003.
17. Filicheva T.B., Cheveleva N.A. Speech therapy work in a special kindergarten. - M., 1987.
18. Tsvyntarniy V. Joy to speak correctly. - M .: Tsentrpoligraf, 2002.
19. Cheveleva N.A. Overcoming stuttering in children. - M., 2001.
20. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game. - M., 1978.
21. Ushakova O., Strunina E. Methods for identifying the level of speech development in older preschool children // Preschool education. - No. 9. - 1998.

Speech therapy goals are realized through a number of interrelated games (didactic, outdoor games with rules, games with singing, etc.), reflecting the topic of the lesson and making up a single scenario.

In speech therapy classes, a speech therapist creates various game situations in such a way as to realize the set goals of each stage of correctional work.

The method of gaming activity is applied to different stages learning is different.
During the examination, the speech therapist uses various games to clarify the structure of the defect, psychophysical and personal characteristics of children, to determine the nature of their play activity.

During the period of maximum speech limitation (silence and whispering mode), purposefully selected games help the speech therapist and educator to slow down incorrect speech manifestations and create conditions for the education of lightweight forms of speech - conjugate and reflected.

Further, the transition to question-answer speech is carried out, which is also brought up gradually - from complete answers to a question to the ability to conduct dialogues of varying complexity. This creates the basis for the transition to independent speech - prepared (retelling, story) and unprepared (speech in creative games as conceived by the children themselves). Strengthening skills active communication carried out in games - performances, creative games with speech material of any complexity, in the classroom on program material, in the free play and non-play activities of children.

Parents are offered one of the most effective forms work - correspondence and full-time counseling, where, in addition to general recommendations on the development of children's speech includes the "Game Library" - a selection of practical games and exercises for enrichment and development of the vocabulary at home, as well as compliance with the regime moments.


The vital purpose of speech is to serve as a means of communication between people and the expression of our feelings, thoughts, attitude. The formation and development of personality, which occurs throughout a person's life, is closely related to the successful mastery of the culture of native speech, the ability to use linguistic wealth in all its dynamics and completeness.

Stuttering is known to man, apparently, as long as it exists. human speech... Stuttering is one of the most common speech disorders. It usually occurs in early childhood and, in the absence of the necessary assistance, can persist for many years. Stuttering is manifested in a violation of the rhythm and fluency of speech, which arise due to various kinds of interruption, prolongation or repetition of individual sounds and syllables.

Stuttering as a whole and its individual symptoms are variable: they intensify, then weaken for several days, weeks and even months.

Frequent speech difficulties and failures lead to increased expenditure of nervous energy, and sometimes to serious mental trauma, which can cause feelings of inferiority, frustration, helplessness and other negative emotions. The consequence is the limitation of social contacts, withdrawal into one's own world, and a decrease in social activity.

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive impact on a stuttering child, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of a differentiated approach in the development, re-education of the personality and speech of the stutter. The most promising in this regard is the use of the leading activity of preschool children - play. It is in this activity that the development of the child most actively occurs - his speech, thinking, voluntary memory, independence, activity, motor skills, the ability to control his behavior is formed. In play, children master the social experience of human relations, it allows them to independently create various interacting groups.

Any game is an activity. With this understanding, open ample opportunities application of the game in corrective purposes.

Play is one of the phenomena that accompany a person throughout his life. As a multidimensional and complex phenomenon, the game constantly attracts the attention of researchers.

The theory of upbringing education that emerged in the domestic education system has intensified the use of games in the didactics of preschool systems. Games begin to enter didactics more actively. In Russia, the didactic significance of the game was proved by K.D. Ushinsky. In recent years, questions of the theory and practice of didactic play have been and are being developed by many researchers: A.P. Usova, E.I. Radina, F.N. Bleher, B.I. Khachapuridze, 3.M. Boguslavskaya, E.F. Ivanitskaya, A.I. Sorokina, E.I. Udaltsova, V.N. Avanesova, A.K. Bondarenko, L.A. Wenger. The method of playing activity has been tested in the work of speech therapists and received a positive assessment.

Analysis of scientific and theoretical provisions (Z.I. Kalmykova, 1981; P.Ya. Galperin, V.Ya.Danilova, 1980; G.S. Altshuller, 1979) allows us to conclude that the issues of play activity of preschool children deep enough in theoretical and practical terms, however, it is of interest to develop the problem of the role of play in eliminating stuttering in preschool children. Thus, the topic of my work is relevant.

The relevance of the pedagogical experience lies in the fact that it allows you to organize at a high level corrective and developmental work with children with severe speech impairments in a preschool educational institution. The material presented in this experiment allows children to develop speech-thinking activity, form the motor-motor sphere, improve communication skills, exercise in the formation of the skill of competent coherent speech.

Pedagogical technology of experience.

Practitioners working on this problem are of the opinion about the need for a comprehensive method of stuttering treatment. Experience has shown that when stuttering, first of all, it is necessary to “heal the soul” of the patient, help him get rid of the “inferiority complex”, make him believe in his strength again.

Having faced in practice with children suffering from stuttering, I studied many methods and systems of working with them.

I stopped my choice and tested it on several methods, as well as I myself developed a set of relaxation lessons in a playful way.

Methodology Vygodskaya I.G., Pellinger E.L. and Uspenskaya L.P. "Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in game situations."

In the methodology of these outstanding scientists and defectologists, various games and play techniques are collected and systematized according to the periods of speech correction of stuttering children. Purposeful play situations form children's independent speech skills, help them to move from communication in words at the first stage of work to detailed statements at the end of the course.

Stuttering children are characterized by increased emotional excitability, motor restlessness, instability and exhaustion of nervous processes. With difficulties in speech, the child develops increased muscle tension, both in the organs of articulation and throughout the body. To help himself, he clenches his fists or squeezes his mouth with his palm forcibly, since he does not know what he needs to do in this situation. For this, scientists I. G. Vygodskaya, E. L. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskaya have developed systems of relaxing exercises specifically for preschoolers, which help relieve excessive stress in a child. All exercises are carried out in a playful way, accompanied by rhyming phrases that are accessible and interesting to children. These relaxation exercises are conventionally named "Magic dream"... Also for stuttering children, play techniques are used to organize a sparing regimen in special speech therapy classes and at home. In order to facilitate the formation of a new speech skill, it is necessary in the initial period of work to reduce the speech activity of stuttering, especially to limit the volume of their statements. This is usually difficult to accomplish, and play will help put the child into relative silence. These games are conventionally called "Silent women".

To normalize speech breathing, which is often impaired in stuttering. It is important not only to encourage the child to calm communication, but also to provide him with the opportunity to speak clearly, fluently, expressively, as he exhales. Playing techniques allow you to unobtrusively teach him to calm speech breathing.

For the initial period of work on eliminating stuttering, games and play techniques help to teach the child correct speech: the ability to speak on the exhale, relying on stressed vowels, to pronounce words together in a semantic segment, to use pauses and logical stress. These games are called "In the Land of Short Answers".

To train the skills of correct speech with a gradual expansion of the volume of the utterance. Such games help the child to clearly formulate ideas not only in short, but also in simple common sentences. The game name of such games is "In the Land of Complete Answers".

Toys such as hand-operated dolls, or bibabo help speech therapists from the first to the final lesson. Revived dolls help to quickly fulfill the goals of speech therapy work and captivate children. When controlling the doll, the child's motor restlessness disappears, all his movements become purposeful. All this soothes children, contributes to the ordering and relaxed speech.

Ira "Staging" and "Plot role-playing" are devoted to games - dramatizations, which use the ability of children to reincarnate creativity to consolidate the skill of correct speech and the acquisition of freedom of speech communication. In dramatizations, children - “artists” - learn to speak and act freely, playing the roles they have learned. In narrative role-playing games, when playing out various models of life situations (for example, “In a store”, “In a hairdresser's”, “Birthday”, etc.), children have a natural need for initiative speech. As they become “adults” while playing, they gain the confidence of verbal communication.

Plays an important role in eliminating stuttering in preschoolers - "Final Lessons"- organization and holding of holidays. The task of the speech therapist is not only to correct the speech of the stutter, but also to prepare him psychologically for communication in any conditions. A kind of exam for children is performances at children's parties where guests are present: other children, parents, service personnel, etc.

I. G. Vygodskaya, E. L. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskaya, in their methodology, propose forms of work with parents of stuttering children, where they tell parents how important it is that correct communication with a stuttering child is observed at home.

L.N.Smirnov's technique "Speech therapy for stuttering" represents a system of game exercises, speech material that are closely related to any movements: manipulations with pictures, a ball, a pencil, objects, toys, etc. These movements are a kind of speech synchronizers that facilitate the speech process and provide favorable speech dynamics. In the process of numerous play exercises, the child stops stuttering, he develops a smooth speech reflex. He makes sure he can speak without stuttering. The child's fixation on the act of speech gradually decreases, additional connections are established in the brain, and healthy speech dynamics is restored.

The presented system of game exercises is designed for academic year and has a multifunctional character:

Provides speech and personality correction;
develops a sense of tempo and rhythm;
activates attention and memory;
disinhibits muscle tone;
develops speech and motor coordination;
develops fine motor skills;
forms the skill of competent, coherent speech.

In the first lessons, it is advisable to use lightweight forms of speech: conjugate (the adult pronounces phrases with the child) and reflected (the child repeats the text after the adult). Then, as the speech act of children improves, the speech therapist introduces a question-and-answer form of speech. In the second half of the year, preschoolers already independently retell what they have heard, describe what they see or a picture, talk with adults and other children.

The main thing I was striving for was that the classes were very interesting and the system of their conduct consistently covered all aspects of restoring correct speech.

These techniques interested me very much and served as the basis for using their systems in working with children suffering from stuttering in correctional classes.

Taking into account the problem of stuttering, the age of children, the program content for correcting the speech of children, a system was developed based on the above methods. Classes are held 5 times a week for 1 hour with each subgroup, the number of classes can be changed at the discretion of the speech therapist, and the elimination of certain defects in sound pronunciation is carried out in advance in individual lessons. The developed step-by-step system for stuttering correction proved to be effective. At each stage, all classes with preschoolers were conducted in a playful way, which made it possible to most effectively correct the speech of stuttering children, without coercion, in a favorable environment, without fatigue, with positive emotions.

Play is the main activity of a child. This is the source of his moral and mental development, a condition for the formation of personality, his speech and communication skills. It is in the game that you can most effectively carry out a corrective effect on the speech and personality of the stutter. Organizing the lesson (or its separate parts), the speech therapist communicates with him “on equal terms” in this form of activity familiar and accessible to the child, wins his love and trust, overcomes his constraint and shyness. Various play situations, skillfully created by a speech therapist, induce the child to free speech communication, distract his attention from the speech defect, and provide rich opportunities for the implementation of targeted psychotherapy. The game itself has a beneficial effect on the overall mental condition stuttering, causes him to counter activity, affecting his interests, fantasy, imagination. All this increases the efficiency of correctional work. At the same time, play techniques free children from tiring, unnatural for their age, prolonged immobility in a speech therapy lesson and help to alternate types speech work.

Many stuttering children talk without hesitation with toys, books, animals, etc. This must be used and all means to maintain a calm speech of the child, building speech therapy work not in the form of classes, but in the form interesting game based on pictures, toys, objects, rhymes, movements. In the process of playing, the child develops the qualities and skills necessary to overcome stuttering. The game, based on positive emotions, helps the child develop an algorithm for non-convulsive speech.

Before the start of classes, a conversation is held with the parents, during which the causes of stuttering in children are established, then I introduce the parents to the rules and conditions under which it is possible to overcome the ailment and correct the speech of stuttering. Parents are told what stuttering is and what it comes from, and they are also told about the general improvement of the nervous system of children with stuttering, the conditions under which this system will help, and each stage of work with children according to the proposed system and plan is told, why and for what you have to go through these steps.

The effectiveness of the experience.

In an experimental study of the role of play in eliminating stuttering in preschool children, 10 preschoolers with stuttering took part - pupils of the senior group of kindergarten No. 114 in Lipetsk. The conducted primary diagnosis of children made it possible to come to the conclusion that 60% of the studied children with stuttering had an insufficient level of development of communication skills.

The observation also revealed that these children, in a situation of interpersonal interaction, are afraid to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, have habits such as biting nails, involuntary twitching of their heads, shoulders, or other parts of the body, and sometimes react painfully to the words of others.

Before proceeding to determine the main methods and forms of using game technologies in eliminating stuttering in children of senior preschool age, I conducted a statement experiment aimed at identifying the level of development of speech skills in children using the semantic method developed by O. Ushakova and E. Strunina .

Using this technique, the following speech skills of preschoolers with stuttering who took part in the experiment were diagnosed:
the exact use of words (tasks 3, 4, 5) in various grammatical forms and meanings;
understanding of different meanings of a polysemantic word;
independent selection of synonyms and antonyms (tasks 3, 7, 8);
the level of awareness of semantic relationships between words (task 9);
smoothness and fluency of presentation, the absence of discontinuity and repetition, hesitation, pauses in coherent speech (task 12);
the ability to isolate sounds in words (task 6);
the level of development of speech skills - evidence (task 1);
the level of orientation on the semantic side of the word (task 2) and expression (task 2, 4, 5).

The level of speech skills was assessed according to the following criteria:

High level. The child composes a sentence of three to four (or more) words. Correctly selects synonyms and antonyms in proverbs, in a speech situation (nursery rhyme - task 8) selects two or three words of different parts of speech (adjectives and verbs). The preschooler notices inaccuracies in fiction (“They don’t say so”, “Wrong”). Correctly determines the meaning of the word by the function of the object ("Forest - they go there for mushrooms, berries") or by the generic concept ("A forest is a place where many trees, mushrooms, berries grow, where there are many animals, birds"). Correctly explains the meaning of a proverb and can come up with a story. Knows how to prove the answer. In addition, he knows a lot of proverbs, sayings, counting rhymes, etc.

Average level. The child makes up a sentence or a phrase of two or three words. Correctly selects synonyms and antonyms by meaning, but not in the required grammatical form. In a speech situation, he calls one word at a time. Gives his options, correcting inaccuracies in fiction. Instead of defining the meaning of a word, he gives a description of the subject, talks about something specific (“I was in the forest”, “And I know where the forest is”). Can explain the meaning of the proverb, but not entirely accurate. Composes a story using individual words from a proverb. He guesses the riddle correctly, but does not use all the signs in the proof. Names one - two examples for each suggested genre.

Low level. The preschooler does not make a sentence, but repeats the presented word. He cannot find synonyms, but when choosing antonyms he uses the particle “not” (“A person is sick from laziness, but from work he does not get sick”). In a speech situation, he selects words that are inaccurate in meaning, or also uses the "not" particle. Doesn't notice the inaccuracy in the fable. The child cannot determine the meaning of the word and proverb. He guesses the riddle incorrectly and does not prove the answer. Composes a story without taking into account the task. He practically does not know proverbs, riddles, counting rhymes, etc.

The results of diagnostics of the level of speech development, obtained using the semantic method developed by O. Ushakova and E. Strunina, indicate that the level of development of speech skills is 40% - low and in 60% of children who took part in the experiment - the average level of development of speech skills.

Analyzing the methodological aspects of stuttering correction in preschool children with the help of game technologies, for the experiment, I conditionally identified two stages of work:
1. Preparatory stage.
2. The main stage (directly training):
in the classroom;
v Everyday life.

The experiment was carried out during the 2009-2010 academic year.

At the preparatory stage, I studied the methodology of play activities with stuttering children of preschoolers, made didactic aids for further games and held a conversation with parents, during which I told parents of stuttering children how important it is to maintain proper communication with a stuttering child at home.

At the second stage, work was organized in the classroom and in everyday life. Correctional work was aimed not only at developing speech skills and eliminating stuttering in children, but also at forming certain character traits and skills of active behavior in children.

Thus, the correction program included a number of stages.

The task of the first stage is to overcome the alienated position in relation to peers, to destroy the protective barriers that separate the stuttering child from others. The fear that you are underestimated, rejected, generates the desire to assert yourself in any way through an aggressive demonstration of your strength, or withdrawal and complete ignorance of others. Emphasized attention and peer friendliness can defeat this fear. To do this, they arrange games in which children must say something positive to each other, give affectionate names, emphasize only good qualities in the other, try to do something pleasant for friends. For example, looking into the eyes of a neighbor, you need to tell him a few kind words, for something to praise, promise or wish something good, choose a gift and give it. You can offer the child by wearing " pink glasses”, Try to see as many advantages as possible in a peer. It will be especially pleasant when someone later sees these perfections in him as well. the main task of such games - to show "difficult" children that everyone else treats them well and is ready to say and do something pleasant for them. However, not all introverted kids are ready to praise others, tell them pleasant words or make gifts. In no case should you force them to do this or scold them for not following the rules! Let them first watch from the sidelines, joke or just keep silent. Experience shows that when unpopular children hear words of praise addressed to them, receive gifts, they stop playing around and ignore others and get undisguised pleasure from such manifestations of friendliness. Such attention and recognition of peers sooner or later provokes a response.

The next stage of work is aimed at teaching children to correctly perceive their peers - their movements, actions, statements. Oddly enough, preschoolers often do not notice them. If a child is focused on himself, he pays attention to other children only when they interfere or threaten him, or when he sees interesting toys in their hands. The task of the adult in these cases is to draw the child's attention to other children, teach them to listen and look closely at them. The best way for this - the reproduction of other people's words or actions. The ability to such "assimilation" - important step to the formation of a sense of community and belonging to another. Many children's games are aimed at the formation of this ability. For example, "Broken phone", "Echo", "Mirror", "Where we were, we will not tell, but what we did - we will show", etc.

Further, correctional work is to give the stuttering child the opportunity to express support to others himself, to help them in difficult play circumstances. Such support and assistance to peers, even if it is stimulated only by the rules of the game, allows the child to receive satisfaction from his own good deed. Mutual caring and participation in the needs of their partners brings children together and creates a sense of belonging to each other. This support does not require special sacrifices from the child, since it consists in simple play actions: to save a helpless “doll” or “old grandmother” in the game, to give way to someone on a narrow bridge. But all these actions are performed by children themselves, without instructions and calls from an adult.

At the last stage of correctional work, it is possible to organize joint activities of children when they need to coordinate their actions and negotiate with each other. Often, the formation of interpersonal relations among children is proposed to begin with their joint activities. However, with a hostile, alienated attitude towards another, when a child “does not see a peer”, tries to demonstrate his advantages, does not want to take into account his interests, the activities of the kids will not become truly joint and will not be able to unite them. Experience shows that general studies are possible only with the prevailing interpersonal relationships. Stuttering children with communication difficulties, self-centered (both aggressive and withdrawn) are not ready to join. Joint activities at first it is better to organize in pairs, where two children create their own work on their own, "in secret" from the rest. This promotes unification, encourages kids to negotiate and coordinate their efforts. Moreover, such tasks should not be of a competitive, but of a productive nature.

This correctional program included speech therapy games aimed at developing children's independent speech skills, helping them to move from communicating with words at the first stage of work to detailed statements at the end of the course.

Thus, the use of gaming technologies in the correction of stuttering in children is carried out by a combination of various means and forms of influence on them.
So, play forms in upbringing and educational work with stuttering children of older preschool age were used in an integrated form both in the classroom and in the process of independent activity (separate educational moments).

I built my work on the following basic principles:

First, on a thorough, conditioned age opportunities children, material selection;
secondly, the integration of work with various areas of educational work and types of activities of children (development of speech, acquaintance with nature, various games);
third, active inclusion of children;
fourth, maximum use of the developmental potential game forms work in creating a speech environment.

To make sure of the effectiveness of the work done, at the end of the course, I carried out control diagnostics using the observation method, as well as the experimental method using the Semantic method for diagnosing the speech skills of older preschool children O. Ushakova and E. Strunina.

The study revealed an increase in the level of communication skills in children; they learned to negotiate when disagreements arise. The conducted game program not only helped the children to change personally, but also contributed to their intellectual and speech development.

So, at the end of the study, one child received the highest score (there were none), the average score was seven children, and children with a low score were two (there were four).

The data of the control experiment indicate that the level of development of speech skills in 20% is low, in 70% of children - an average level of development of speech skills and in 10% - high.

The use of play activities in the correctional program to eliminate stuttering made it possible to achieve a higher level of speech development of children, as indicated by the results of not only control diagnostics, but also the results of assignments during the educational work in the kindergarten. The educators of the group noted changes in children not only in speech, but also in personal terms - fear disappeared in preschoolers when answering; speech has become smoother; children have become more sociable. Thus, corrective work with children gave visible results.

The creation of purposeful play situations forms the skills of independent speech in children, helping them to move from communication in words at the first stage of work to detailed statements at the end of the course.

Games have the following corrective meaning for stuttering children:

There is a training and consolidation of the skills of correct speech and behavior in children in different types of activities;
these games serve as a necessary bridge for transferring new speech skills from special conditions (place of study) to familiar and everyday conditions;
in games, the child acquires the skill to properly behave in various speech situations for his activity, he develops the correct attitude towards others and his place in the team, forms the ability of adequate behavior in the society of peers and adults.

The methodology of play activity contributes to the creation of a unified approach to children, a close connection between speech therapy and educational work, which provides conditions for consolidating initiative behavior and correct speech of children outside of special classes. In the system of various games, children learn the rules of behavior in playful and imaginary situations that reflect real, life phenomena and people's relationships. The mastered forms of relationships contribute to the restructuring of the behavior and speech of stuttering children and the elimination of the defect.

Of course, the problem I am investigating has further prospects, since the orientation of the psychological and pedagogical process towards the development of the child, the realization of the potential of each child becomes in modern conditions, in the period of humanization of preschool education, especially relevant and significant.

teacher-speech therapist of the highest category, MDOU No. 114, Lipetsk, Lipetsk region., Russia

Lyudmila Ankudinova
The role of play in the process of getting rid of children from stuttering

Stuttering is considered severe, a difficult to treat disease. Stuttering children are characterized by such behavioral features as anxiety, suspiciousness, fearfulness. With age, self-doubt appears, and later low self-esteem and fear of verbal communication develop, so the problem getting rid of stuttering in children as relevant as possible.

Our preschool educational institution has a special the role in the process of getting rid of stuttering is given to game activity as a leading children's activities preschool age. Play is used as a means of education stuttering children and correction of personality deviations.

While playing, children learn to overcome psychological difficulties in communication, develop memory, imagination and thinking, learn to speak beautifully. Development play activity of stuttering children, behavior correction, speech education in general, elimination stuttering carried out through a system of various games.

Leading role in eliminating stuttering we devote to singing games, silent games, didactic games. Role-playing, mobile, dramatization games are of great importance. The nature of the game, role distribution, speech activity children, the degree of independence depends on age, psychophysical capabilities and stages of the work being done.

At the first stage of work with stuttering children when carried out "Sparing speech mode", we use games aimed at developing non-verbal forms of communication. At this stage, monosyllabic answers are allowed ( "Yes", "No", and after a while a whisper speech is introduced. During the period of maximum speech restriction (the mode of whispering speech and silence, games are selected that help to slow down incorrect speech manifestations and create conditions for the education of endowed forms of speech - conjugate and reflected. game plot, in which children take part, completing the corresponding plot role with movement, gestures and facial expressions. When conducting such games, the teacher's attention is directed to the development of the expressiveness of movements and facial expressions. Games are gradually introduced that include communication between characters.

V the process of play activities in children with stuttering emotional stress is removed, fixation on the defect decreases. Enriched and freer opportunities non-verbal communication... Children are happy to imitate the behavior of different animals and their communication with each other.

Non-verbal games that we conduct at this stage contribute to the formation of a collective children's activities, the ability to subordinate their behavior to the common goals of the team.

When switching to lightweight forms of speech (conjugate, reflected, question-answer) educational the role of the game gets more complicated... With the help of play, the possibility of voluntary behavior is brought up. Children learn to fulfill requirements that come not only from an adult, but also from a peer. But at this stage, the driver is selected in the games with the help of counters. (rhythmic speech combined with hand movement)... During this period, we use dramatization games, table and puppet theater, etc., in which independent speech is used.

Thus, the child's brain is consistently "Learns" to the correct speech, which makes it possible to say goodbye to stuttering.

In conclusion, it is important to note that despite the seriousness of the task ridding children of stuttering the guys live in a full-fledged kindergarten life: they are happy to study in the classroom, play, sing, draw, join the matinees.

As practice shows, as a result of this approach, the graduates of our kindergarten are perfectly prepared for school, speak well, and study successfully.



Stuttering in children. Develops in close interaction with a person< ностными и поведенческими нарушениями и во многом зависит от нервно-психического состояния ребенка, что обусловливает сложную симптоматику и собственно речевых нарушений. Изме­нения в нервно-психическом состоянии детей часто связаны not only, and sometimes not so much with the emerging stuttering, as with the peculiarities of the development of the individual. Speech impairment, as a rule, only aggravates the manifestation of those developmental abnormalities that the child has already had or has been outlined.

The severity of stuttering is usually determined by the state of speech of the stutter. This is not enough. It is necessary4 to take into account the nature of communication, peculiarities of behavior in activity and consider the severity of the defect as follows. Easy degree - children freely enter into communication in any situations with strangers, participate in a collective game, in all types of activities, perform assignments related to the need for verbal communication. Convulsions are observed only in! independent speech. Average degree - children experience difficulties in communicating in new, as well as significant for them, situations, in the presence of ‘unfamiliar people, they refuse to participate in collective games with their peers. Convulsions are observed in various parts of the speech apparatus during independent, question-answer and reflected speech. Severe degree - stuttering is expressed in all communication situations, complicates speech communication skills and collective activity of children, distorts the manifestation of behavioral reactions.

According to our data, in the speech of children 4-7 years old, in general, clonic seizures prevail. medium severity. ... But there are features of the manifestation of stuttering by age groups. So, stuttering children 4-5 years old are characterized by tonic and mixed (clonic-tono) seizures of moderate severity with predominant localization in the respiratory and vocal parts of the peripheral speech apparatus; stuttering children 5-6 years old - clonic seizures of moderate severity with predominant localization in the respiratory and articulatory parts of speech; in stuttering children 6-7 years old, clonic and tonic seizures of moderate and severe degrees are detected in almost equal numbers in all parts of the peripheral speech apparatus.

The speech of stuttering children in preschool age becomes arrhythmic. Convulsive, arrhythmic movement disorders cause disorders of the prosodic side of speech? smoothness, intonational expressiveness, pause, logical, stress. The rhythm of speech is also disturbed due to embolophrasia, which occurs in conditions of increased nervous excitement. Embolophrasia can be considered as a result of the underdevelopment of the motor functions of the stutter and his inability to quickly and clearly formulate his thought.

It is in preschool age that stuttering children are characterized by an abundance of accompanying movements (in 47% of cases). They arise as a result of the spread (irradiation) of seizures from the speech section to other muscles of the body: first of all, to the muscles of the face, neck, forearm, and then to the muscles of the trunk, back, upper and lower extremities. Children fiddle with buttons, the edges of clothes, a handkerchief, wiggle their torso, hand, twitch their shoulders, stamp their feet, often blink or close their eyes at the time of a convulsion, tilt their head forward with effort, etc.


The flow of stuttering and its manifestations largely depend on osobeneness of psychophysical the state of the child and his personality.

The history of stuttering children reveals the impact on the body of various exogenous and endogenous hazards, as well as the inferiority of the neuropsychic sphere of the child himself. The neuropathic burden of children is expressed in anxiety, crying in infancy, in disturbances in sleep, nutrition, and later in nighttime fears, fear of being alone in a room, in whims, hysterical reactions, enuresis, chorea, etc.

Already at an early age, a delay in speech development, disorders of the dynamic side of speech, and disturbances in sound pronunciation are detected. In preschool age, stuttering children in 34% of cases are characterized by violations of sound pronunciation of various origins, elements of speech underdevelopment, and sometimes the lack of formation of the entire speech functional system.

Gradually, children develop a peculiar attitude towards their speech and defect. Some people acutely feel speech deficiency, especially due to adverse environmental influences. Others are afraid of the manifestation of seizures in speech, they are not indifferent to the assessment of their speech and behavior by others. Still others are critical of stuttering, experiencing after an unsuccessful speech attempt or after failures in any activity.

And stuttering begins to influence the nature of the sociability of children. Despite the fact that among children 4-7 years old, most easily enter into communication with peers and adults, stand out

children with unstable forms of communication and children with negative and autistic behavior.

Children with unstable sociability at first willingly come into contact, show interest in the task and activity, but then they show passivity, indifference, inattention to the adult's requests to complete this or that task. They can hardly enter problem situation, require stimulation of their activities and, after repeated promptings, refuse to complete the desired task.

Children with a negative attitude towards the interlocutor are withdrawn, shy, sometimes with aggressive behavioral traits. The need to fulfill a request, a task, especially in a new environment, causes neurotic reactions in them, sometimes almost autistic behavior. Children do not seem to need a group of peers or an adult. Communication is strictly selective. Involvement of children in collective activity meets with passive or active resistance from the IR side.

The quality characteristic of preschool children - immobility - is not sufficiently developed in most stuttering children. In about a third of children, the character and level of imitation are the same as those of normally speaking peers. Among the rest of the stutterers, four degrees of formed imitation can be distinguished: complete imitation, incomplete, creative, refusal to imitate.

Imitation is different in different age groups. For example, in children 4-5 years old, incomplete imitation is more often observed (children do not completely fulfill the task they see and heard and release the speech part) and refusal from it. Children with unstable attention poorly perceive the pattern given by an adult, do not follow the sequence of movements during repetition, and cannot complete the action. Children are passive, inhibited for a long time examining the sample, hesitantly proceeding to the task and repeating the actions in a random order.

Children 5-6 years old also have incomplete imitation, but it often manifests itself when repeating a verbal pattern. Children skip words, supplement the text of the sample with new ones, trying not to violate the logic of the plot. 'The following variants of the modified story stand out: clarification of the details of the story; expanding the outline of the story; deepening of a particular image of the story.

With age, creative imitation increases and the number of refusals to imitate decreases.

Taking into account the degree of sociability, imitativeness of stuttering children is necessary for a speech therapist, especially at the beginning of the correctional course: the organization of the team and the activities of children is carried out more effectively if the rules of behavior and tasks are learned by children not only from an adult, but also from peers with a high level of sociability and imitation.

Stuttering affects the formation of motor functions

tion, although the possibility of underdevelopment of the child's motor sphere is not excluded even before the appearance of stuttering, which contributes to the occurrence of a defect. With the appearance of stuttering, the lack of formation of motor skills manifests itself more sharply and is even more aggravated. However, due to the development process, which always has both positive and negative aspects, as well as in connection with the enormous potential capabilities of the child's body, motor functions are preserved in 40% of stuttering preschoolers. In 60% of cases, they are impaired, and movement disorders are expressed either in the form of increased motor tension, stiffness, impaired smoothness, switching of movements, high tone muscles, or in the form of motor disinhibition, anxiety, chaos of movements.

These violations are clearly revealed in special tasks for static and dynamic coordination of movements, and especially in independent voluntary activity.

The study of the symptom complex of stuttering in preschool children, some psychophysical features of their ontogenesis, makes it possible to distinguish four groups of children.

Igroup- children with predominantly clonic or clonotonic stuttering of moderate and severe degrees. Excitable, noisy, outgoing - established leaders in different types activities, including gaming. They are characterized by the ability to use speech in all communication situations. They make up for a speech defect with great motor activity in behavior, persistently and energetically subordinating their peers to themselves.

    group- children with mild to moderate clonic stuttering. Sociable, disciplined, collected in behavior. They are devoid of organizational skills, although they willingly enter common games. In the process of collective activity, they develop organizational skills.

    group- children with mild to moderate tonic or clonotonic stuttering. Uncommunicative, (not able to play independently. They almost do not participate in collective games, occasionally in general training To the game. They are distinguished by indecision, insufficient sociability, pronounced inhibition, passive obedience.

    group- children with predominantly tonic severe or moderate stuttering, which significantly influenced their speech and behavior. They are silent, shy, sometimes fearful, inhibited. They prefer to play alone, less often together. They have pronounced defensive reactions, they quickly get tired and are prone to negativistic manifestations.

The study of a stuttering child in order to determine his speech and behavioral activity and referring him to one of the indicated clinical groups will help the speech therapist to differentiate the correction and educational process. Next, we will show how to take into account the identified features of stuttering children when using play activities.



Play as a leading activity of children has a number of features. Having arisen in early childhood on the basis of imitation and manipulative actions with objects, during the preschool period it becomes for the child a form of active creative reflection of the life around him. Play, like any other human activity, has a social character. It is carried out through complex actions, which include speech. Reproducing the life of adults in actions and speech, the child responds emotionally to it, he operates with knowledge, clarifies and enriches them, by virtue of which play contributes to the development of his cognitive and moral forces.

In expanded form, the game is collective activity, in which children master the social experience of human relations. The assimilation of this experience occurs through the development of their independence, activity, initiative, and organizational skills. The use of play for pedagogical purposes only enhances the social aspect of this activity.

In play, some of the individual typological characteristics of children are early manifested. This is evidenced by the appearance of leaders in the children's environment, the specific behavior of shy, uncommunicative children. It is known that different children develop not only at different rates, but also go through individual different stages of development. Play activity allows one to take into account these features of ontogenesis.

i In playing activity, the ability to control one's own behavior is formed through the development of rules developed by adults in the process of games. Consequently, play becomes a means of raising children under the influence of purposeful, deliberate guidance. This property of play activity makes it possible to use it in corrective work with stuttering children. In the process of playing activity, the behavior of stuttering children is naturally, subtly and unobtrusively brought up and their speech function is corrected. It is not a speech disorder in itself that is corrected, but speech activity is brought up in the structure of play activity and in connection with it. Speech activity as a set of processes of speaking and understanding is the basis, the essence of communicative-social activity, which includes all forms of mediated mutual

human actions - verbal form, gestures, facial expressions, pantomimic movements, voice reactions, etc.

To use play activity for corrective purposes, it is necessary to differentiate the study of the behavior of stuttering children in play.


Stuttering children of different ages have an ambiguous attitude towards the team of those who play.

Stuttering children 4-5 years old prefer games in subgroups of 2-3 people, but each plays in his own way, forgetting about his comrades. They have play behaviors similar to well-speaking young children. In collective games, they perform secondary roles with the same type of actions: the driver drives the car, the cashier silently rips off tickets, the nanny feeds the children, etc. Children rarely enter into conflicts over roles and do not assign them themselves. Usually a stuttering child of this age is offered by peers a role that he, in their opinion, should cope with. Stuttering children, playing alone, next to a group of normally speaking children, involved v their game may not always be played continuously to the end.

Among stuttering children 5-6 years old, about one third may participate in collective play, one third - in subgroup games v one or two people and slightly more than one third of children enjoy playing alone, indicating a significant impact of stuttering. Well-speaking children of this age play for 50-60 minutes, the game develops according to rather complex plots, a large number of children take part in it. Stuttering children can play one game from several minutes to 20 minutes, the procedural side prevails in their game, children do not separate well the rules of the game from specific game situations.

The attitude to the team of playing peers in stuttering children of 6-7 years old is determined by the accumulation of life experience, the emergence of new and relatively more stable interests, the development of imagination and thinking. Their games are more meaningful, varied in plot and form of performance. The vast majority of children participate in collective play and games in subgroups, but almost a fifth of children prefer to play alone. These are closed, somewhat passive children, they do not withstand a long stay in a team and in general games, they work better in monotonous conditions, quickly assimilating stereotypes of movements and speech accompaniment.

In general, for stuttering children 4-7 years old, the lack of formation of the skill of collective communication and the attitude to the team of playing peers is indicative. These features cause underdevelopment public behavior stuttering children.

It is known that social behavior is already inherent in pre-preschool children in the so-called side-by-side games. And this early stage of social behavior is characteristic of stuttering children 4-7 years old. Among them, there are few associations based on gaming interests, stable playing groups based on friendship and sympathy for each other are uncharacteristic. Stuttering children are distinguished by the poverty of play ideas, the diffuseness of the playing groups, and the lack of development of play skills.

Since stuttering children have difficulties in assimilating various forms of social behavior, the appropriate age does not appear in their environment. gaming assetness. The study of the play activity of a stuttering child is carried out in dynamics by both a speech therapist and an educator. In addition, the peculiarities of children's games at home are being clarified. And if at the beginning of correctional education the speech therapist determines the belonging of each child to one of the four clinical groups, then as a result of dynamic psychological and pedagogical research he establishes the degree of play activity of the stutter. The clinical picture of stuttering is being clarified, replenished, and taking into account the degree of play activity allows the speech therapist to purposefully create stable playing groups of stuttering children. This contributes to the education of their social behavior and social rehabilitation in general.

As a result of the study of the play activity of a stuttering child, it is determined that he belongs to one of the following groups:

Group A- children are able to propose a theme of the game themselves and accept it from their peers, assign roles and agree to the role proposed by a friend. They actively participate in the preparation of the play area, make suggestions for the plot, coordinate their plans with the actions of their peers, follow the rules and require them to be followed by the participants in the game.

Group B- children are able to suggest a theme of the game, distribute roles, give instructions during the preparation of a play area, sometimes in conflict with children. In the course of the game, they impose their plot on the players, they do not know how and do not want to coordinate their actions with the intentions of other participants in the game, violate its rules.

Group B- children accept the theme of the game and the role from their comrades, actively prepare a playground with everyone, rarely speak out during the game, coordinate their activities with the plans of their comrades, listening to their wishes regarding the performance of the role. Children follow the rules of the game, their own rules not establish and do not require the implementation of the rules from the playing teammates.

Group D- children are able to play only by accepting the theme and role from their peers or an adult; the play area is prepared at the direction of more active participants in the game or with the help of an adult; plot suggestions are voiced, actions with by design

children convey the general nature of movements, react to some signals and keep from others, coordinate the movements of arms, legs, combine movements with speech. Action games with a plot can be with equal participants and with relations of control-subordination. In the first case, each stutter makes a feasible share in the overall game, in the second, the requirements for the behavior of each player increase, revealing organizational qualities in children. Outdoor games of a sports and entertainment nature (bowling pins, grandmothers, ball games, balls) are held to consolidate active behavior and speech, they contribute to the free communication of children outside of playing activities. All outdoor games with rules educate children in organizing behavior, independence, initiative, endurance, determination, and a sense of camaraderie. Under the influence of a speech therapist, noting who plays how, who helps another, and who seeks to win only himself, children gain an understanding of the role of the organizer of games, a desire to increase their play activity. Children observe the rules of the game, deliberately change them, supplement them, try to fairly distribute roles, be self-possessed and objective in assessing the results of the game and the playing behavior of their comrades. Due to this, outdoor games with rules have a positive effect on the personality of the stutter, contributing to a soft correction of its deviations.

Dramatization games

In dramatization games (poetic text, prose, tabletop, finger theater), the word is associated with the actions of the characters, with drawing, design of scenery, with purposeful stage attributes.

In these games, ready-made texts are played. Therefore, the speech therapist selects from the works of children's literature texts that have an educational value, characterized by dynamism, richness, verbal vocabulary, a clear sequence of events and actions, artistic expressiveness of the language, and the simplicity of constructing a phrase. Children first participate in choral dramatization, then move on to individually articulating the role with the help of a speech therapist and on their own.

Dramatization games educate children in the expressiveness of movements and speech, imagination, fantasy, creative amateur performance, organizational, directorial qualities. They contribute to the correction of the personality traits of stuttering, have a positive effect on children of the III and IV clinical groups, increasing their play activity. The attention of children, visual orienting reaction to the interlocutor, imitativeness as the basis of independence are improved.

Games-dramatization of poems and prose provide subjects for games of tabletop, puppetry and finger theaters. They are cooking

children to a detailed, coherent and sequential presentation of thoughts, streamline their speech activity, contribute to the emergence of creative games on their basis.

Creative games

Creative games reflect a high level of independence and self-organization of children in their activities. In stuttering children, these qualities are brought up first in creative games at the suggestion of a speech therapist (adult), then according to the intention of the children themselves.

The main point of creative play is the fulfillment of the role. The child creates an image by actions, in a word, in the process of communicating with other participants in the game. Therefore, creative games form in stuttering children the ability to follow the rules of behavior in one or another assumed role and outside it, to comply with the requirements of partnership, and to resolve conflicts that arise.

Creative games enrich the social experience of stuttering children, contribute to the upbringing and development of their active behavior, self-organization in any activity, and above all in speech.


In correctional and educational work with stuttering children, all games are used taking into account a number of principles.

    First of all, the principle of activity is implemented. Each game should be considered an activity, and the system of games should be considered as a set of different activities related to each other. Hence, play always presupposes the choice of a topic, the collusion of children for play, the distribution of roles, the beginning, development, completion of the game and the assessment of the behavior of children. Such an understanding of the game will allow speech therapists not to confuse a game exercise (with a ball, with reciting a poem under movement, etc.) and play as an activity.

    The principles of systematicity, consistency and accounting for age allow you to distribute games in a certain system, highlighting the most significant types of games for each age. The sequence of the development of play in speech therapy classes in stuttering children is different than in their correctly speaking peers. If for well-speaking children an adult, using play as a means of education, relies primarily on the creative games of children, then in the correctional course the game takes a different path: from games with ready-made content and the rules given in them to creative games. Such a sequence in the use of games allows one to take into account the clinical picture of stuttering, the behavior of children and creates conditions for the development of

stuttering children self-organization and activity in behavior and speech.

The leading place in work with stuttering children 4-5 years old throughout the entire correctional course is occupied by games with neby(round dances). They are held in every class and have a beneficial effect on indecisive, withdrawn children. III and IV groups (see p. 8): they allow you to get used to a speech therapist, to classmates, to collective requirements, since active behavior is not required from children in these games. Children of groups I and II (see p. 8) faster than others, having mastered the skills of facilitated forms of speech (conjugated and reflected), become leading. Excessive incontinence of their behavior, motor restlessness are inhibited by the general calm nature of the game and the movements necessary during the song, such as walking, smooth turns of the body, bending forward and to the sides, raising the arms up, lowering them down or on the belt, etc. n. After the speech therapist explains about helping each other in joint games children of groups I and II try not to rush, to wait for a slower playmate. In turn, children of groups III and IV become more active in movements, more courageous in performance, roles, since they see their equal position with everyone.

The development of gaming activity continues in the process undervision games with rules, which in terms of their importance for stuttering children 4-5 years old are in second place. Children of this age find it difficult to play ball, therefore, in games for the development of movements, mites, flags, flowers, hoops are recommended. Outdoor games with a plot are carried out already with the upbringing of conjugate-reflected pronunciation. Having explained the rules of the game, the speech therapist himself appoints the presenter and, together with him, pronounces the text, the children perform movements. Changing the presenters, the speech therapist speaks the material of the game with all the children in turn. At this time, one outdoor game is carried out for two classes, since the majority of children of groups III and IV cannot yet actively participate in them, and children of groups I and II sharply increase their physical activity. Their behavior is disciplined by the fact that the speech therapist, together with them, chooses the presenter or leader in the games with a counting rhyme: whoever comes out first, he drives, and an excitable, overly demanding child has to obey the rules of the game. Compliance with the rules with the help of a speech therapist curbs the selfish desire of child leaders to always be the first and encourages less active children.

Didactic games in the system of classes with stuttering children of 4-5 years old take the third place and are used “not only to educate play behavior, but also to correct violations of sound pronunciation. Sometimes, with the elimination of disturbances in sound reproduction, the child's speech as a whole is normalized.

Most didactic games are carried out at the table: children sit quietly, perform small movements with their fingers, a hand, talk with a speech therapist about the activity being performed.

The role of play in eliminating stuttering in preschool children

Stuttering is a common speech disorder. It occurs in children early age during the period of the most active formation of their speech and personality as a whole, and further impedes the development of many characteristics of the child, complicates his social adaptation.

The mechanism of stuttering is still not clear enough. Understanding the mechanisms of stuttering and knowledge of the various features of its manifestation determine the need for an integrated approach to overcoming it. Comprehensive work to overcome stuttering can be conditionally divided into two components: medical and recreational and correctional and educational. With a complex impact on a stuttering child, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of a differentiated approach in the development, re-education of the personality and speech of the stutter.

The leading activity of preschool children is play. It is in this activity that speech, thinking, memory, independence, activity, motor skills are actively developed, the ability to control one's behavior is formed. Any game is an activity. With this understanding of it, there are wide possibilities for using the game for correctional purposes. In Russia, the didactic significance of the game was proved by K.D. Ushinsky. In recent years, questions of the theory and practice of didactic play have been and are being developed by many researchers: A.P. Usova, E.I. Radina, F.N. Bleher, B.I. Khachapuridze, 3.M. Boguslavskaya, E.F. Ivanitskaya, A.I. Sorokina, E.I. Udaltsova, V.N. Avanesova, A.K. Bondarenko, L.A. Wenger. The method of playing activity has been tested in the work of speech therapists and received a positive assessment.

The purpose of this work is to study the role of the game activity methodology for eliminating stuttering in preschool children and to develop a set of speech therapy classes based on it.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider theoretical basis methods of playing activity;

Determine the basic didactic principles on which this technique is based.

Describe species diversity games.

To develop a set of speech therapy classes for stuttering children using this technique.

The subject of the research is the method of play activity to eliminate stuttering in preschool children.

The object of the research is the role of the methodology of play activity in the elimination of stuttering.

Hypothesis: it is assumed that the use of the method of play activity in eliminating stuttering will provide opportunities for correcting speech function, developing correct speech skills, and encouraging children to free speech communication.

Russia has accumulated sufficient experience in working with stuttering children in preschool educational institutions... The issues of the game activity of preschool children have been investigated and developed quite deeply in theoretical and practical terms. An example is such sources as “Play activity in eliminating stuttering in preschoolers” by GA Volkov, “Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in play situations” Methodology of Vygodskaya IG, Pellinger EL. and Uspenskaya LP. However, it is of interest to develop the problem of the role of play in eliminating stuttering in preschool children.

The novelty of the chosen topic lies in the development and use of a complex of speech therapy classes using this technique for preschool children of the structural unit of MBOU "Kylasovskaya secondary school".

The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the developed complex of speech therapy classes for work with stuttering children, speech therapists, teachers, students.

The research method was a theoretical and practical analysis of the sources of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

Educational and reference literature, Internet sites were used as sources of information.

The method of play activity is used depending on the age of children, the characteristics of their behavior, the degree of manifestation of stuttering, stages of correctional work. This technique is aimed at educating preschoolers with stuttering the correct forms of social behavior and such aspects of personality as imitativeness, independence, sociability, activity necessary for the social rehabilitation of the stutter.

In correctional education, games and play techniques contribute to the formation of the skills of correct speech and behavior of the child and, at the same time, his mental and physical development... At the same time, correctional and educational influence is carried out on the formation of social and personal qualities that determine correct attitude the child to the people around him and interaction with them.

The development of the play activity of stuttering children, the correction of personality defects, the correction of behavior, the education of speech and, in general, the elimination of stuttering, is carried out through a system of various games that make up the methodology of play.

Didactic games for the development of hearing, breathing, voice, onomatopoeia, playing with toys - develop visual and auditory perception, attention, finger motor skills, arbitrary memory and using simple speech material, they acquaint children with different speech patterns given by a speech therapist. The purpose of didactic games is to form correct speech in children and give them certain knowledge.

Singing games are useful - round dances and staging games. They improve the prosodic components of speech (tempo and rhythm of speech, pause, intonational expressiveness, phonetic and logical stress).

In games with simple movements, children coordinate the movements of their arms, legs, and combine movements with speech.

In dramatization games, children are taught the expressiveness of movements and speech, imagination, fantasy, creative amateur performance. They also prepare children for a detailed, coherent and consistent presentation of thoughts, streamline their speech activity.

Creative games enrich the social experience of stuttering children, contribute to the upbringing and development of their active behavior, self-organization in any activity and, above all, speech.

The use of play activities in eliminating stuttering is based on didactic principles such as accessibility speech material, the sequence of games - from simple ones, with ready-made rules, to the creative. The implementation of the principles allows you to consistently complicate speech material, plots and methods of conducting games.

Speech material is assimilated in the process of passing through the stages of silence, types of whispering, conjugate, reflected speech, when a speech therapist, educator, and parents serve as a model of behavior and speech.

Organizing the lesson (or its separate parts), the speech therapist communicates with him “on equal terms” in this form of activity familiar and accessible to the child, wins his love and trust, overcomes his constraint and shyness. Various play situations, skillfully created by a speech therapist, induce the child to free speech communication, distract his attention from the speech defect, and provide rich opportunities for the implementation of targeted psychotherapy. The game itself has a beneficial effect on the general mental state of the stutter, causes him to counter activity, affecting his interests, fantasy, imagination. All this increases the efficiency of correctional work. At the same time, play techniques free children from tiring, unnatural for their age, prolonged immobility in a speech therapy lesson and help to alternate types of speech work.

Many stuttering children talk without hesitation with toys, books, animals, etc. This must be used and all means to maintain a calm speech of the child, building speech therapy work not in the form of classes, but in the form of an interesting game based on pictures, toys, objects, rhymes, movements. In the process of playing, the child develops the qualities and skills necessary to overcome stuttering. The game, based on positive emotions, helps the child develop an algorithm for non-convulsive speech.

Summing up the above, it should be noted that successful overcoming of stuttering requires systematic, meticulous and rather lengthy work, involving the joint work of specialists and children. The organization of this work in play creates favorable conditions for the child, in which the elimination of speech impairment occurs.


Vlasova N.A. Speech therapy work with stuttering preschoolers. - M .: State educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1955.-83p.

Volkova G.A. Game activity in the elimination of stuttering in preschoolers.-M., 1983.

Vygodskaya I.G., Pellinger E.L., Uspenskaya L.P. Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in game situations. - M .: Education, 1993.

Speech therapy: A textbook for students defectol. fac. ped. universities / Ed. by Volkova L.S., Shakhovskaya S.N. - M .: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 1998.-680s.

Mastyukova E.M. Curative pedagogy (early and preschool age: Advice to teachers and parents on preparation for teaching children with special developmental problems. - M .: Humanit. Publishing center VLADOS, 1997.-304s.

Mironova S.A. The content and methods of speech therapy classes with stuttering children of senior preschool age: Author's abstract of the thesis. for a fellow scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. - M., 1971.-18s. / APN USSR Nauchn.-issled. Institute of defectology.

Basics of speech therapy work with children: A textbook for speech therapists, kindergarten teachers, teachers primary grades, students of pedagogical schools / Under the general editorship of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor G.V. Chirkina.-M .: Arkti, 2002.- 240 p.

Seliverstov V.I. Stuttering in children. M., "Education", 1972.-160s.

Seliverstov V.I. Speech games with children.- M .: VLADOS, 1994.-344s.

Seliverstov V.I. Stuttering in children. Psychocorrectional and didactic foundations of speech therapy classes. - M .: VLADOS, -1994.-200s.

In correctional and educational work with stuttering children, all games are used taking into account a number of principles. Primarily implemented principle of activity. Each game should be considered an activity, and the system of games should be considered as a set of different types of activity related to each other. Hence, play always presupposes the choice of a topic, collusion of play, the distribution of roles, the beginning, development, completion of the play, and assessment of the behavior of children. Such an understanding of the game will allow speech therapists not to confuse a game exercise (with a ball, with reciting a poem under movement, etc.) with play as a form of activity.

Principles of consistency, consistency and age accounting allow you to distribute games in a specific system, highlighting the types of games that are most important for children of each age. The sequence of the development of the game in speech therapy classes in stuttering children is different than in their correctly speaking peers. So, if for well-speaking children an adult, using play as a means of education, relies primarily on the creative games of children, then in the correctional course the game takes a different path: from games with ready-made content and the rules given in them to creative games. This sequence of using games allows us to take into account the clinical picture of stuttering, the behavior of children and creates conditions for the development of self-organization and activity in behavior and speech in stuttering children.

Leading place in working with stuttering children 4-5 years during the entire correctional course take singing games(round dances). They are held in every class and have a beneficial effect on indecisive, withdrawn children. III and IV groups: they allow you to get used to a speech therapist, to classmates, to collective requirements, since active behavior is not required from children in these games. Children I and II groups faster than others, having mastered the skills of lightweight forms of speech (conjugate and reflected), they become leading. Excessive incontinence of their behavior, motor restlessness are inhibited by the general calm nature of the game and by the necessary movements during the song such as walking, smooth turns of the torso, bending forward and to the sides, raising the arms up, lowering them down or on the belt, etc. After the explanation speech therapist about helping each other in joint games children I and II groups try to take their time, wait for a slower playmate. In turn, children III and IV groups become more active in movements, bolder in the performance of a role, since they see their equal position with everyone.






Rehabilitation system for stuttering schoolchildrenI. G. Vygodskaya, E. L. Pellinger, L. P. Uspenskaya

"Elimination of stuttering in preschoolers in game situations"

Izhevsk, 2015

Introduction ………………………………………………………………. ……… 3

Relaxation exercises (relaxation) …………………………………… .5

Relative silence mode ………………………………………… ..13

Speech breathing …………………………………………………………… ..17

Communication in short phrases ……………………………………………… .19

Activation of detailed speech …………………………………………… ..21

Bibabo dolls ……………………………………………………………… ... 23

Performances ………………………………………………………………… ..24

Role-playing games ……………………………………………………… ... 26

Final lessons ……………………………………………………… .28

For parents ……………………………………………………………… ... 30

Appendix ………………………………………………………………… ... 32


As you know, speech therapy work is carried out in the process of the child's main activity - play. When organizing a lesson, a speech therapist communicates with him “on equal terms” in this form of activity that is familiar and accessible to the child, wins his love and trust, overcomes his constraint and shyness. Various play situations encourage the child to free speech communication, distract his attention from the speech defect. The game itself has a beneficial effect on the general mental state of the stutter, causes him to counter activity, affecting his interests, fantasy, imagination. At the same time, play techniques free children from tiring, unnatural for their age, prolonged immobility in a speech therapy lesson and help to alternate types of speech work.

In the methodology of Vygodskaya I.G., Pellinger E.L. and Uspenskaya L.P. various games and play techniques are collected and systematized according to the periods of speech correction of stuttering children; a system of relaxing exercises is also proposed. Many of them have already been used in speech therapy practice, some have been compiled by the authors.

The methodology assumes that the duration of the course of classes with stutters is 2-3 months (36 classes). The proposed detailed diagrams of each stage of speech therapy work show how a speech therapist and parents can use the proposed material to organize a gentle regimen, conduct relaxation classes and speech games to eliminate stuttering. Correction of individual defects in sound pronunciation in these children is carried out in advance in individual lessons.

The work is carried out in the following areas:

Muscle relaxation and release of emotional stress (relaxation).

Organization of a sparing regimen in special speech therapy classes and at home.

Normalization of speech breathing.

Communication in short phrases.

Enhanced speech activation.

Development of speech through interaction with toys (hand puppets, or bibabo)

Strengthening the skill of correct speech through dramatization.

Strengthening the skill of correct speech through role-playing games.

Final lessons

The authors give advice on organizing and conducting children's parties, as well as recommendations for parents. In the application you can find pictures for decorating a toy book (album) and for greater clarity, a variety of home speech training.

Relaxing exercises (relaxation)

Observing a child during an attack of stuttering, one can see how the muscles of his lips, tongue, neck, as well as the organs of voice and respiration are tense. The child's strenuous attempts to overcome this condition lead to the tension of new muscle groups (the whole face, body, arms, legs). All this aggravates stuttering, as tense muscles are "disobedient", poorly controlled. In order to be able to freely and accurately control them (i.e. speak without hesitation), it is necessary to relax the muscles, relieve their tension.

Children who stutter need to be made to feel that muscle tension at their will can be replaced by pleasant relaxation and calmness, and teach them some relaxation techniques. In the proposed complex of relaxing exercises, the generally accepted technique of muscle relaxation of Professor Jacobson (USA) is used, who proposed teaching relaxation using preliminary exercises for tensioning certain muscles. For example, children will be able to feel relaxation of the arm muscles only when at first the speech therapist invites them to clench their fists with force and hold them in this state for a long time. And then offer to unclench them (relax) and let them feel this state. At the same time, one should not forget that stress should be short-term, and relaxation should be long-term. Explain that only relaxed hands can easily perform any action we wish.

Teaching children to relax, the speech therapist shows the appropriate movements and explains them so that each child has a peculiar idea of ​​the relaxation of this muscle group. For example, make your hands "flabby, like jelly", "like noodles." A relaxed body is compared to a rag doll. To feel the relaxation of the abdominal muscles, a comparison with a ball, from which air came out, etc., will help.

Each exercise is given a figurative name ("Deer", "Ship"). This captivates children and they perform relaxing exercises not just imitating a speech therapist, but, reincarnating, enter a given image. For example, a weightlifter is so diligently depicted lifting a heavy barbell over his head that they experience significant tension in the muscles of the arms. Drop the barbell - lower your relaxed hands.

The successful mastery of muscle relaxation by children makes it possible to move on to purposeful suggestion. For children, the suggestion session is presented as a special game - "Magic Dream". The purpose of this game is to help children get rid of emotional stress: to induce calmness, poise, confidence in their speech, as well as to reinforce in the minds of children the need to use muscle relaxation and the technique of correct speech when communicating in any situation. Suggestion is carried out in the form of short formulas with rhymed text, which are understandable for children and are easy to remember. Subsequently, many children use them on their own.

At each stage of speech therapy, you need to ensure that muscle tension does not arise in the respiratory and speech organs. With excitement or excitement, you can remind the children of the formulas known to them: "We are always calm!", "Breathing easily! .." - or calmly, but firmly remind: "The mouth opens slightly, everything in it relaxes ... and our obedient tongue is used to being relaxed."

The relaxation learning process is divided into three stages:

Stage I - muscle relaxation in contrast to tension;

Stage II - muscle relaxation by presentation. Suggestion of a state of rest and relaxation;

Stage III- suggestion of muscle and emotional relaxation. Introduction of correct speech formulas.

To facilitate the work on the proposed method, detailed plans for relaxation lessons are given. The material is planned on the basis of three lessons per week for three months.

With a long stay of children in a speech therapy institution, each stage of relaxation can be lengthened, since some children slowly acquire relaxation skills. One exercise for muscle relaxation is performed in three to five sessions. The number of classes for each stage can vary at the discretion of the speech therapist. The speech therapist conducts relaxation for 10 minutes at the beginning of each lesson. At home, it is recommended to induce relaxation at the first stage in the sitting position, and at the second and third - in the supine position.

At stage I, a speech therapist explains to children what a resting posture is. He invites them to sit down, slightly shifting forward on the seat of the chair, with their backs leaning against the backrest. Put your hands freely on your knees, palms down. Spread your legs, push forward a little so that an obtuse angle is formed in relation to the floor. Lower your shoulders gently. Gradually, this pose of rest and relaxation becomes a habit and helps children to concentrate faster, moving from outdoor games to speech classes. The explanation of the purpose of the new game is given to children in a short poetic form. In the following, all verses in which a description is given necessary actions, reads by an adult (speech therapist, parents, educator). Children do not repeat them aloud and do not specifically memorize them.

A speech therapist shows and explains in detail each muscle relaxation exercise in contrast to tension. Proceeding to the next exercise is possible if most of the children in the group do the previous ones well enough. Children who slowly give in to relaxation will be able to gradually master all the exercises, since each lesson begins with repetition.

On Stage II children learn to relax the muscles of the speech apparatus. The relaxation session at this stage is divided into two parts.

The first part is relaxation of the limbs, muscles of the neck and abdomen as directed by the speech therapist based on the past experience of the children. The comparison with the tension of these muscles is no longer carried out. Poetic texts are not readable. New exercises for relaxing the speech apparatus are given in contrast to tension and are accompanied by rhymed texts.

The second part is suggestion, which reinforces the feeling of relaxation and calmness. Children take a resting pose. It is suggested to close your eyes in order to focus more on the words of the presenter, in order to eliminate distracting visual perceptions and enhance the feeling of relaxation and peace. The intonation with which the speech therapist pronounces the suggestion formula (that is, a specially composed rhymed text) is very important. The voice should be quiet, soothing; speech - clear, unhurried. After each stanza, the semantic pauses are somewhat lengthened. Logical stresses in phrases sound clear. At each relaxation session, separate suggestion formulas should be repeated 2–4 times, changing the logical stress. The last phrases (removal from the state of relaxation) are pronounced loudly, cheerfully and a little faster. So that children are not excited, the exit from the state of relaxation should always be the same and gradual. Therefore, especially at first, children should be reminded: “Follow the commands exactly! You can't open your eyes before time! "

On Stage III relaxation in contrast to tension is completely excluded. Muscle relaxation is triggered only by suggestion. In addition to the formulas already known to children, new ones are introduced, aimed at correcting speech. The leader's voice should sound imperative. Perceiving speech formulas in a state of relaxation, children learn them well. In the future, many of them often remember these formulas themselves in a suitable situation and thus set up directed speech. Sometimes it is enough for adults to pronounce one of the speech formulas to remind children of calm speech (“We speak slowly, very clearly and beautifully”).

It is possible to successfully teach children relaxation only with the joint work of a speech therapist and parents who conduct home workouts, and in kindergartens - a speech therapist and teacher. It is desirable that the parents of all children be present at the classes in the speech therapy room and learn how to relax themselves. The same person always deals with the child at home. Only with regular relaxation will children be able to more fully feel its beneficial effects on speech and the nervous system. Homework should be done at the same time 2-3 times a day before speaking.

You should imitate the speech therapist in the manner of speaking clearly, slowly, especially accurately convey the correct intonation during the suggestion session. For greater strength It is recommended to repeat the influence of individual phrases from the rhymed text 2–4 times, each time changing the logical stress. The relaxation skills developed in children will help create favorable conditions for the normalization of speech. So, if the child finds it difficult to talk, the parents with a simple reminder: "Relax ... Do not strain ..." - will tell him a way to get rid of difficulties.

Stage I. Muscle relaxation versus tension

In an introductory conversation with parents, the speech therapist explains the need and purpose of conducting relaxation exercises when correcting the speech of stuttering. In a very abbreviated form, a conversation with parents can be as follows: “Today a new type of work begins - relaxation. This word means stress relief, i.e. relaxation. We know that during stuttering, there is often a strong tension in the organs of speech. Children cannot get rid of this tension on their own; are nervous and stuttering gets worse. In order for children to be able to speak freely, it is necessary to teach them how to overcome excess muscle tension. Emotional stress often arises when a child is strongly agitated, excited, or, conversely, depressed about something. The tense state of his nervous system also interferes with free speech. Relaxation exercises will help to create a calm mood in children, a relaxed state of the muscles, which is necessary for correcting speech. First, relaxation of the hands is caused, since from their life experience children feel well the muscles of the hands and it is easier for them to feel this relaxation. It will help even more to match the tension in the muscles of the arms with their relaxation. This contrast is used to teach relaxation of the muscles of the arms, legs, then the trunk, neck, abdominal muscles and speech apparatus. This is how the feeling of the muscle is developed, which is necessary for targeted relaxation.

Many children are easily excitable, restless in motion, and their attention is depleted. To learn how to relax, they must be able to focus on the proposed exercises. Therefore, relaxation classes always begin with a general rest formula, which will be the same for the first fifteen sessions. Each lesson lasts 10 minutes. In the classroom, together with the children, adults also relax in order to evoke appropriate sensations to help children better understand and feel the state of relaxation ”(Appendix 1).

A conversation is held with parents and about the peculiarities of breathing of stuttering children. “For calm and fluent speech, it is necessary to use calm speech breathing. During inhalation, the diaphragm bends downward, the volume of the lungs increases, and the anterior abdominal wall moves forward. Contraction of these same muscles ensures correct exhalation. This raises the diaphragm. In most stuttering, speech breathing is impaired: often during speech, excessively tense, convulsive contraction of the muscles involved in the act of breathing occurs. To relieve tension in the diaphragm, teach your child to relax the abdominal muscles. The relaxed state of the abdominal muscles favors free breathing, smooth exhalation during speech ... "(Appendix 2)

Stage II. Muscle relaxation by submission. Promoting a state of calm and relaxation

The speech therapist introduces parents to the fact that a relaxation lesson at this stage will consist of two parts.

First part- learning to relax the speech apparatus. For those who stutter, this is especially important to master, since during an attack of stuttering in children, the articulatory muscles tense convulsively. Feeling this obstacle in speech, the child tries to overcome it by strengthening the articulation of one or another sound. From this, the muscles of the lips, tongue, lower jaw are even more tense. This tension spreads to other muscle groups (face, neck, trunk, etc.). Tense muscles are disobedient, uncontrollable. In order to freely enter into speech, the articulatory apparatus must be naturally relaxed. When children learn to relax muscle groups, you can move on to relaxing the visible part of the speech apparatus (lips, lower jaw, tongue).

All relaxation exercises are done in contrast to tension. This principle also applies to relaxation of the articulatory muscles. Initially, muscle tension is caused during exaggerated silent articulation (y, u, uh ...), which is immediately replaced by relaxation. The tension should be short-term, and the relaxation should be long-term, so that it is precisely this that is fixed in the minds of children.

The relaxed state of the speech apparatus looks like this: the mouth is slightly open; the lips are soft, free, the tongue lies calmly at the bottom of the mouth. Sometimes, with deep relaxation, saliva can be released vigorously. In this case, you should invite the children to swallow it.

Each exercise must be especially carefully practiced in order to achieve relaxation of the muscles of the speech apparatus. The ability to relax these muscles in the right situation will help children speak more freely.

In second part classes, suggestion is carried out, which consists in influencing children only with a word.

It is necessary to help children get rid of emotional tension, instill in them a sense of confidence, calmness, consolidate in their minds the idea of ​​correct speech, of bold, uninhibited communication under any circumstances.

When children have sufficiently learned general muscle relaxation, it will be possible to move on to relieve emotional tension through suggestion, which is carried out as a game called "Magic Dream". Children are in a resting position, their eyes are closed, focused, listen carefully to the presenter and silently repeat "special" commands - special formulas of suggestion in verse.

Through suggestion, the state of calmness and muscle relaxation is deepened, which is evoked in children by imagination (based on previous experience) as a result of all previous exercises. In the future, formulas for correct speech and bold, confident behavior are introduced, which consolidate the successes achieved in speech therapy classes (Appendix 3, 4).

Stage III. Muscle and emotional relaxation suggestion.

Introduction of formulas of correct speech

The speech therapist asks the parents about the results of the relaxation classes at home. Gives advices. Then he explains the goals of the third stage of relaxation, sets out its content.

At the third stage, exercises for relaxation are excluded in contrast to tension, the instillation of calmness, relaxation is given. Throughout the lesson, children sit with their eyes closed, at rest.

New speech formulas are given in order to focus the attention of children on adherence to speech settings that will ensure correct speech, calmness in communication, confidence in the ability to always speak beautifully ... At home, suggestion should be carried out three times a day completely. Before daytime and nighttime sleep, relaxation is carried out without a formula for withdrawing from this state (Appendix 5).

Relative silence mode

With such a complex speech disorder as stuttering, various complex means of influence are used (medical, pedagogical). One of the links of such a complex is a gentle mode (general and speech), which will help to calm the child and create conditions for the fading of the wrong speech habit. The general sparing regime primarily depends on the way of life in the family. It:

1) the relationship between adult family members and their relationship to children;

2) the attitude of adults to the child's speech defect;

3) general daily routine;

4) restriction of communication with children and adults;

5) reduction to a minimum of all entertainment events;

6) organization of leisure time for a stuttering child.

Due to the peculiarities of their nervous system, stutters are very fatigued and therefore need a calm environment, especially in the evening, before going to bed.

So that the child does not be capricious and does not interfere with adults, it is necessary to keep him busy with quiet games: modeling, construction, drawing, that is, those that require patience and perseverance from the child. It is even more important in the future to teach the child to be able to occupy himself.

The mode of relative silence (sparing speech mode) will help relieve excessive excitability, eliminate for a while the habit of accelerated and incorrect speech and thereby prepare the child's nervous system for the formation of the correct speech skill.

A sparing speech mode is created:

1) limitation of speech communication of children;

2) an example of calm, clear speech of adults;

3) the manifestation of a subtle pedagogical tact (especially when correcting speech errors);

4) the organization of silent games.

During a period of relative silence, parents can organize such. games so that children speak as little as possible, and more listen to the correct speech of adults. To reduce the intensity of the speech of a stutter, it is appropriate to influence him in the natural conditions of a child's play, to interest him in the need to be silent. Games like Silent will certainly help exclude spoken language in this period. The duration of these games can be different - from 10 to 40 minutes, sometimes more than an hour, depending on how the silent story is played. Before starting the game, you should figuratively tell about its content and purpose, explain that the main condition is silence. Silently you can draw, cut, embroider, saw out, make appliques; play scout, hunting, scuba diving, etc.

For example, you can conduct a game "scuba diver": the game begins with the story of an adult: "... In the seas, at different depths, it is very interesting: amazing fish swim there, beautiful algae and corals grow on the rocks, and huge crabs hide under the stones ... Brave masked scuba divers descend to the bottom of the sea, silently studying its inhabitants. You cannot talk under water - otherwise you can drown... "It is good to choose game props for this plot: shells, pebbles, to mold algae, fish, underwater inhabitants with the child, or invite the child to draw and cut all this. After a series of "dives" "on the shore", you can view the collected seafood. Children should name them shortly and clearly, briefly answer questions from adults. At the end of the game, the child receives the title of "Best Scuba Diver".

The period of relative silence lasts from 15 days to 1 month, depending on the child's state of speech. It is very important that during this period the child uses speech “sparingly” and speaks briefly. He can ask and answer briefly, in one or two words.

Speech breathing

In those who stutter at the moment of emotional arousal, speech breathing and speech clarity are usually impaired. Therefore, when stuttering is eliminated, it becomes necessary to specifically set and develop speech breathing. The goal of training correct speech breathing is to develop a long, smooth exhalation.

When setting speech breathing, it is advisable to teach children to always inhale through their mouths, through slightly parted lips (light smile). At the same time, the tongue lies calmly at the bottom of the mouth, opening access to the air stream. Light smile allows you to relieve muscle tension and is the natural beginning of free speech. Controlling correct speech breathing will help your own palm, if you put it on the diaphragm area, that is, between chest and belly. It is very important to teach stuttering children not to hold their breath, but immediately after a speech inhalation to start speaking on a long, smooth exhalation in order to avoid "air leakage". A pause of 2 seconds must be maintained before the next inhalation.

Since breathing, voice formation and articulation are single interdependent processes, speech breathing training, voice improvement and articulation refinement are carried out simultaneously. Tasks become more complicated: first, training for a long speech exhalation is carried out on individual sounds, then on words, then on a short phrase, while reading poetry, etc.

In each exercise, the attention of children is directed to a calm, relaxed exhalation, to the duration and volume of the sounds pronounced. The speech therapist makes sure that when inhaling, the pose is free, the shoulders are lowered. The articulation of vowels and consonants in each exercise is specified. Tasks are performed 3-5 times with pauses.

With children, you can play the following game: "Teddy bear learns letters." The speech therapist has a set of letters denoting vowel sounds, on the right hand is a bibabo doll (Bear). Children sit freely on high chairs. The speech therapist shows the letters, explaining the articulation of each sound. The bear utters each sound in a low ("thick") voice, like a Bear, then in a high, thin, childish, like a little Mishutka. Children one at a time pronounce sounds like a Bear or like a Teddy bear. In this game, you can distribute and change roles so that the pronunciation of a particular sound is intonationally colored. For example, the Bear did not immediately understand how to pronounce the sound correctly, and asks again: Huh? and then learned: Ah! The pronunciation on the exhalation of two vowels at the same time is played out in a similar way. Two letters are presented at once: a - e, a - y, etc. A new requirement appears: the fusion of pronunciation.

The so-called "sketches without words" help to normalize speech breathing and improve articulation in the initial period. At this time, the speech therapist shows the children an example of calm expressive speech, therefore, at first, during classes, he speaks more himself. In "sketches without words" there are elements of pantomime, and speech material is specially reduced to a minimum in order to give the basics of speech technique and exclude incorrect speech. During these "performances" only interjections (Ah! Ah! Oh! Etc.), onomatopoeia (w, pf, y, etc.), individual words (names of people, animal nicknames) are used, later - short suggestions. Gradually, speech material becomes more complex: short or long (but rhythmic) phrases appear when speech begins to improve. Children who are shy, timid, with a pronounced fear of speech are given roles that require onomatopoeia or interjections (for example, the role of a kitten who never wanted to learn to speak and repeated: "Meow"). (Appendix 5).

Communication in short phrases

In the initial period of work to eliminate stuttering, a gentle speech mode is usually observed. At speech therapy classes at this time, the speech therapist mainly speaks. Independent speech to children is allowed only in the form of short answers and questions (one or two words) based on visual perception (toys, bibabo dolls, pictures, children's homemade products, etc.), then with the help of leading questions. Children learn to listen carefully to the speech addressed to them, to think over the answer, to respond briefly, imitating the clear correct speech of the speech therapist.

It is important to translate overly accelerated speech of children to a natural tempo, therefore, it is necessary to teach them to correctly and clearly articulate sounds, to rely on stressed vowels in words; continue to work on breathing.

Throughout the entire period, a game situation "In the Land of Short Answers" is created. Stay declared to children in this country can last from two weeks to one month. The general and speech state of children in a speech therapy group will show when it will be possible to move on to the next stage of speech correction.

Possible game situation: "Walking into the forest" (at various stages of speech work, different variants of this game).

Option I. Children hide behind chairs, randomly placed around the office ("scattered through the woods"). The presenter looks for and calls out to the players in turn. Each child, hearing his name, stands up, folds his hands with a megaphone and says: "Hey!" The speech therapist achieves the duration of the exhalation, the sonority of the voice, the accuracy of the articulation ("I can't hear you, Vova, answer again!").

Option II. The conditions of the game are the same. The game is played by the children themselves, in turn calling out to each other, using one word or a short phrase pronounced on one exhale: "Yura, ay!"; “Where are you, Olya?”; "I'm here".

Option III. Before the “walk into the forest”, the speech therapist lays out a set of objects on the table according to the number of children in the group: a basket, a bucket, a box, a mug, a jar, etc.

Speech therapist. We go to the forest. We will collect raspberries in ... (shows a mug).

Children (in chorus or one at a time). Into a mug. Etc.

Then the presenter (depending on the stage of speech work - a speech therapist or one of the children) asks each of the players a question: "What will you take with you to the forest?" Answers - one-word or short sentences, depending on the level of requirements for this stage and from the state of speech of the child.

When children “pick mushrooms”, “look for a hedgehog under the tree”, etc., the speech therapist guides the children’s play and speech with questions (“Where did you see the lizard?”, “What flowers did you collect?”, Etc.). Answers should be loud, clear; as varied as possible, a short phrase - on one exhale.

Expanded speech activation

To improve the skills of correct speech, games are held where children must use full common sentences.

At the beginning of the game, the speech therapist gives a sample of statements in the form of detailed sentences. Speech of a speech therapist should be clear, with logical stress, with sustained pauses, at a natural pace. The speech therapist reminds children of the need for continuous pronunciation of words in semantic segments (“Words go without breaking one another, they stretch like a thread”). This will help prevent children from stumbling.

Children learn to construct their statements using complete common sentences. They first rely on visual material, and then, in the process of special games, they switch to speech according to their own ideas.

You can play the game "Come up with a riddle": you know different riddles and know how to guess them. But can you come up with a riddle yourself? Let's try. You will describe a thing in such a way that those who are listening to you can guess which thing it is. Let's come up with the first riddle together.

Speech therapist. Ira, tell me, is this thing in our room?

Ira. This thing is in our room.

Speech therapist. How big is it?

Ira. She's small.

Speech therapist. What shape is it?

Ira. This thing is rectangular.

Speech therapist. What is it made of?

Ira. It is made of wood.

Speech therapist. How does she serve people?

Ira. They put pots of flowers on it, etc.

Speech therapist. Who knows what this is?

Vova. I know. This is a shelf for flowers.

Children compose their own riddles by analogy. The speech therapist helps them with questions.

Bibabo dolls

A child's active speech largely depends on the development of fine finger movements. The ordering and consistency of the speech motor skills of the stutter is facilitated by the various small movements of the fingers of the hand. This is the reason for the use of hand puppets to eliminate stuttering. The doll distracts the child's attention from speech difficulties.

During relaxation, you can use the dolls as a visual aid. When removed from the hand, it hangs, and then the expression “relax your muscles completely. Let your hands be like rags. " Dolls allow the speech therapist to quietly correct stuttering stutters, since the remark is not made to the child, but to his doll.

Hand puppets help evoke positive emotions or quietly ease nervous tension in children. A doll on the hand of an adult or the child himself (who is embarrassed to speak in a new environment) becomes an "interlocutor" for him. She concentrates his attention on herself and helps to freely enter into speech, makes it possible to feel relaxed, encourages active actions and speech.

A speech therapist with the help of a doll can vary his requirements for the speech and behavior of children in the classroom, which also contributes to the education of freedom of speech communication. For example, if a child finds it difficult to start a phrase, then he can be asked to say with Petrushka.

Adults can easily master the technique of driving a doll and teach it to children. The starting position of the hand is as follows: the thumb and middle fingers are apart, the straight index finger is raised high; the hand is turned with the palm towards the viewer. The speech therapist shows the children, explaining each of his movements, how the doll's head is sequentially put on the index finger, the right handle of the doll is on the middle finger, the left handle is on the thumb. The little and ring fingers are firmly pressed against the palm.


The opportunity for reincarnation is provided in various dramatization games, which can be carried out throughout the course of speech therapy classes, depending on the degree of complexity and volume of speech material. In these games, the skill of correct expressive speech and confident communication in a team is practiced. Then the performances are included in the program of the festive or final concert, where children have the opportunity to perform in more difficult conditions. When working with children on performances, the speech therapist does not pursue the goal of teaching them acting skills. It is important to create a relaxed, joyful environment in the classroom that will dispose children to creative play and free speech. Participation in dramatizations gives the opportunity to transform into various images and encourages to speak freely and expressively, to act uninhibited.

Any performances must unfold in the presence of spectators. This causes a certain responsibility in children, a desire to better play their role, speak clearly.

Preparatory work is necessary in order to familiarize children with the content of the text selected for the performance. The speech therapist transmits the text (if it is small) in faces. If it is large, then only a certain part. Children, following the speech therapist, repeat only the words of the characters. Then, in a question-and-answer conversation, it is revealed what character traits are inherent in each character, what should be his manner of speech, facial expressions, gestures, gait. This kind of preparation sets children up for creativity.

For performances, it is necessary to select and manufacture certain attributes. During work, the speech therapist asks each child to talk about how he makes this or that craft. Making costumes and decorations will help children to better feel like a certain character and transform into an appropriate image.

By distributing the roles in the dramatization game, the speech therapist can take into account what kind of speech load is possible for children during a certain period of speech therapy work. Sometimes it is important to allow the child to perform on an equal basis with others, at least with the smallest role, in order to thus give him the opportunity, by reincarnating, to escape from the speech defect.

In the course of the performance, the speech therapist constantly organizes the communication of children. During rehearsal, it is appropriate to remind the children to look at each other when they speak. They held themselves freely, evenly, did not lower their heads. They remembered that they were artists, so they should speak clearly and beautifully.

Role-playing games

In most cases, stuttering is situational, therefore, it is necessary to improve the skill of correct speech in different conditions. In speech therapy classes, such conditions arise during role-playing games, which are models of various life situations.

Role-playing games are a means of self-education. Each player must imagine how he will act and speak in a particular situation. The game also allows you to teach children how to manage their emotions. In the game, you can specifically create situations that will help the child to properly relate to their failures. The ability to overcome yourself - valuable quality for any person, but especially for a stutter.

Each role-playing game is organized according to a certain scheme.

Preparing to play... It is necessary to give a sufficient supply of knowledge on the topic of the game: to conduct a special conversation, to acquaint children with the words and phrases most often used in a given situation. On the topic of the game, excursions are held, which children talk about during speech therapy classes. Children compose stories based on a series of pictures, retell the texts they listened to, memorize poems on this topic.

Equipment... The game should be objectively visual and affect the child's sense organs. For this purpose, various parts of the scenery are used to designate a particular place of action (store, doctor's office). The game introduces pieces of clothing that add credibility to the situation (doctor's dressing gown). The props include toys (dolls, bears, items from the games "Hairdresser", "Aibolit"), objects-symbols (sticks - "hammer", matches - "nails"). The introduction of symbol objects gives a more creative direction to the game. To do this, it is necessary to teach children to find substitutes for the items they need (hoop - "steering wheel").

Roles. The speech therapist organizes the game in such a way that every child is a participant in it. When assigning roles, the wishes of the children are taken into account. For educational purposes, you can assign to the main role(foreman, doctor) shy child, so that he gains confidence in his abilities in the game. And it is better to lead the children to the fact that they themselves choose their timid, timid comrade for the leading role. Often the game is carried out in several classes, but each time the children play a new role for themselves. For example, a seller becomes a buyer, a doctor becomes a patient, a tailor, etc. In each game, the speech therapist asks its participants for a role for themselves, for example, an assistant cook, etc. This will allow you to tactfully manage the game activity, suggest new turns of speech, new actions to children. And the main thing is to constantly maintain natural speech of all participants.

The plot of the game... Each role-playing game begins with a brief description of the situation in which the children will act. When children play this game for the first time and are just getting to know the plot, the speech therapist can prompt them with leading questions about actions or exemplary dialogues. Children often fantasize, inventing new situations, and the speech therapist does not limit their initiative.

Role-playing games can be carried out throughout the course of speech therapy classes. At the very beginning, games are held to help children establish contact with each other, gain confidence. The child learns to communicate freely, learns to use facial expressions and certain gestures, to control his voice, breathing, and he does not have to speak much during such games. The same games can be organized using extended utterances during the period of speech activation.

Final lessons

It is very important that children make sure that they can speak easily in any environment, as in class, and gain experience of free speech in a psychologically difficult environment. Therefore, the final lessons in each of the periods of speech therapy work are held as festive concerts. This is a kind of school of public speaking, where in the presence of unfamiliar or unfamiliar people (children of other groups, parents, staff of this institution, etc.), children read poetry, act out small dramatizations, overcoming excitement, shyness, fear of speech.

A child needs a good performance to gain confidence. When preparing the program, the speech therapist takes into account speech capabilities, psychological characteristics each child and the degree of difficulty of the educational material at this stage of work.

Preparation for the final concert begins at the end of the first month of classes, the speech therapist invites children to learn short poems, short stories, consisting of short, simple, uncommon sentences. A kind of roll call type performance is being prepared ("Parade of Letters", "Parade of Numbers"). A game "Riddles" with parsley dolls is held. Performances should be short-lived.

At the end of the second month, the duration of the performances increases. Small dialogue scenes with masks and parsley dolls are played out. A whole puppet show is given.

At the end of the third month, children participate in dramatizing stories and fairy tales with many characters. They perform with a retelling or with stories and tales of their own composition.

Psychological preparation of children for performance in front of the public is carried out from the first lessons. A speech therapist not only teaches them how to speak correctly, but also how to hold on during speech (do not lower your head, look at a friend, do not make unnecessary movements with your hands).

In the classes preceding the holiday, the speech therapist discusses with the children what needs to be prepared to decorate the hall, what details of the costumes can be made by themselves, etc. Children do everything they need themselves with the help of adults, telling in detail how and why the corresponding work is done. Children communicate freely, consolidate new speech skills, when they prepare costumes, garlands, etc., when they decorate the hall, hang their crafts at the exhibition.

The festive atmosphere, participation in the concert, naturally, cause great emotional stress in children. A speech therapist reminds parents that on this day, full of impressions, there should be no additional stress on the nervous system of children. It is advisable to hold a relaxation session with the children after the holiday ("Magic Dream") so that they can rest and calm down.

For parents

Helping children will be more effective if parents and a speech therapist have the same requirements for their speech and behavior. This is quite achievable if parents regularly visit speech therapy classes(first of all, those where a new type of work is given). With regular contacts with parents, the speech therapist will be able to productively conduct conversations about the results of the passed stage and the tasks of the next one, give instructions for home exercises, exchange opinions about the state of speech and the child's success, about the peculiarities of working with him.

To organize a sparing regime and consolidate the skills of correct speech at home, it is useful to create play situations.

Nervous kids need special conditions, so it is necessary to create an environment for them that would exclude speech, physical or emotional overload. For this purpose, a general and speech sparing regime is introduced. The most important condition of the protective regime is compliance correct routine day.

To improve the health of young children with speech impairments, you can do daily exercises, take regular walks on fresh air with the inclusion of game techniques. While walking, try to keep the child from running very fast, there are fewer games with elements of competition. Sport exercises should contribute to the development of rhythmic smooth breathing. Therefore, it is better to go with your child to the pool, to rhythmic gymnastics, skiing without sticks.

It is important for a stuttering child to be calm, especially before going to bed at night. In the evening it is not recommended to watch TV, play noisy games. The most acceptable reading would be a fairy tale. When listening, the child should sit comfortably in a familiar resting posture. It is good to take a walk with him in the evening and have a peaceful conversation while walking. At this time, the room needs to be ventilated. This is done an hour and a half before bedtime.

Eliminating stuttering, it is necessary to slow down the fast pace of the child's speech. This can be achieved when the whole family is included in the speech mode. All adults speak clearly and unhurriedly, evenly and calmly.

In the classroom, work on diction, speech breathing is carried out in games. At home, these games can be repeated, modified, and new techniques added. Inflation of balloons will help to educate the duration and smoothness of exhalation, rubber toys, blowing on the boat in the pelvis, etc. A new way of speech breathing for a child must be constantly reinforced at home, not only in special play exercises, but also in everyday speech. Constantly make sure that the child has a light and long calm exhalation during speech. Then the inhalation will be involuntary.

During the period of communication in short phrases, the strengthening of the speech skill continues throughout the day.

If possible, you can record the child's speech, any of his "performance". This can be a reading of a poem, a story told, a congratulation or a wish for a birthday. And then listen to the recording on home holiday... The perception of one's own speech, as it were, from the outside will have a positive effect on the child.

To overcome the fear of speech in children at home, you can play out various scenes without words, with words; telling fables in faces, role-playing games (home theater).

As speech is restored, it is necessary to gradually move from a play situation to a real, life one. You can take your child with you to the store and interpret all your actions. Next time, already offer the child to transfer money to the seller and receive the purchase. If the child is shy, do not insist.

Annex 1 .

Sessions 4, 5, 6. Relaxation of the leg muscles

Speech therapist. Children, take a resting pose. Hands - on your knees ... Calmed down. Listen and do as I do. (Repeat the exercises "Fists", "Deer" under the command and showing the speech therapist.) They clenched their fists, harder so that the bones turned white - unclenched, relaxed. Now they raised their hands above their heads, like deer antlers - they lowered them, relaxed.

Also, in subsequent classes, the speech therapist repeats with the children the previous exercises with or without verses, at the end of the repeated exercises, the speech therapist draws the attention of the children to pleasant sensations from muscle relaxation, for example: "Hands are free, not tense, good!" At the discretion of the speech therapist, the repetition can be completed either with the words of the speech therapist, or with verses. For example:

Hands are not tense Our hands are trying so hard

And relax-a-ble-ny ... Let the legs relax too ...

Exercise "Springs". Imagine that we put our feet on the springs. These springs pop out of the floor and push the toes of our feet so that our feet lift off the floor and rise up, and the heels continue to rest on the floor. (Speech therapist shows the movements.) Again, press the feet to the floor. Stronger! Stronger! Oh, how hard it is! Legs are tense. They stopped pressing the springs. Legs relaxed! So glad! Resting ... Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale! (Twice.)

What strange springs

Are they bumping into your boots?

Children raise their socks, the heels at this moment are pressed to the floor.

Lower your socks, press harder, harder,

Press on the springs, No springs - rest!

(The exercise is repeated three times.)

Hands are not tense, - Know, girls and boys:

Legs are not tense. Rest your toes!

And blah blah blah ...

Exercise "Sunbathe". Speech therapist. Imagine that your legs are tanning. (Speech therapist shows how to stretch your legs forward while sitting on a chair.) Raise your legs, hold them ... hold them ... Legs tensed! (A speech therapist approaches each of the children and checks the tension of the leg muscles.) Now let us lower our legs. Let's repeat the exercise. Our tense legs became hard, stone. And then the legs got tired and were resting, relaxed! .. How nice, it became pleasant, the legs were relaxed. Listen and do as I do. Inhale - exhale! ..

We sunbathe beautifully!

Raise our legs higher!

We are holding ... We are holding ... We are straining ...

Tanned! Omitting! (Legs sharply lower to the floor.)

Legs are not tense

And blah blah blah ...

The exercise is repeated three times. Hands are relaxed, lie on your knees. You can invite the children to feel the tension of the leg muscles with their hand, and then compare it with their relaxation.

Speech therapist. So our game is over. You rested a little, calmed down, understood how to relax your legs.

Home assignment.

1. Cause a feeling of general peace.

2. Teach relaxation of the arms and legs, fixing the children's attention on a pleasant state of relaxation after these exercises.

Appendix 2.

Sessions 10, 11, 12. Relaxing the abdominal muscles

Speech therapist. We start the game. Put your hands on your knees, calm down. (A formula for general rest is given, and after it exercises are repeated briefly three times to relax the arms, legs and body.)

The tension flew away

And the whole body is relaxed.

Exercise "Ball". Speech therapist. We start a new exercise. Let's imagine that we are inflating a balloon. Place your hand on your stomach. (Children put their hand on the diaphragm area.) Inflate the stomach as if it were a large balloon. Then the abdominal muscles tighten. (Speech therapist shows how the abdominal wall rises with exaggerated inhalation.) This is a strong tension, unpleasant! Let's not inflate a big balloon. We inflate the stomach calmly, as if we have a small balloon. Take a calm breath with your stomach so that you can feel a slight muscle tension with your hand. Shoulders must not be lifted!

The speech therapist bypasses all the children, checks if they are doing this task correctly. For clarity, you can stand side by side, put the child's hand on your stomach, on the diaphragm area, and offer to inhale and exhale simultaneously with the speech therapist. At the same time, the child continues to control the contraction of his own muscles during breathing with the second hand.

- Breathe in! Exhale! The abdominal muscles relaxed. Have become soft. It is now easy to take another breath. The air itself easily enters in! And the exhalation is free, unstressed! Do as I do.

That's how we inflate the balloon!

And we check it by hand. (A breath is taken.)

The ball burst - we breathe out,

We relax our muscles!

Breathes easily ... evenly ... deeply ... (Repeat three times.)

- Our game is over. You have rested a little, calmed down, your arms and legs have relaxed, you breathe easily and pleasantly.

Home assignment.

1. Induce relaxation of the arms, legs, body.

2. Teach relaxation of the abdominal muscles.

Appendix 3.

Lessons 16, 17, 18. Relaxation of the muscles of the speech apparatus (lips, lower jaw)

First part

Speech therapist. Children, let's start the game. Take a resting pose. (A formula for general rest is given.) Listen and do as I do: inhale - exhale! .. Hands and feet are relaxed, relaxed. The whole body is relaxed. (Exercises to relax the neck muscles are repeated.)

Exercise "Proboscis". Speech therapist (shows how to stretch the lips). Pull your lips out with a "proboscis". Lips tightened. And now they have become soft, relaxed. (The speech therapist shows a calm position of the lips. The mouth is slightly open, the lips are relaxed.) Listen and do as I do.

I imitate an elephant:

I pull my lips with a "proboscis".

Now letting them go

And I return to the place.

Lips are not tight

And blah blah blah ...

All subsequent exercises to relax the muscles of the speech apparatus are repeated three times. Children can feel tension and

relaxing the lips by touching them with a clean finger.

Exercise "Frogs". Speech therapist. Watch carefully as I do the next exercise. (The speech therapist shows the movement of the lips corresponding to the articulation of sound and. Fixes the children's attention on the tension and relaxation of the lips.) Now listen and do as I do. Here the frogs will love:

We pull our lips straight to the ears!

If I pull it, I’ll stop.

And I won't get tired at all!

Lips are not tight

And blah blah blah ...

Exercise "Nut". Speech therapist. Now imagine that you are crunching a tough nut. Grit your teeth tightly. Like this. (Speech therapist shows how to clench your teeth.) The jaws tightened, they became like stone. It is unpleasant. Unclench your jaws - it became easy, your mouth opened slightly, everything is relaxed. Listen and do as I do.

We will tighten our teeth, Lips open a little ...

And then we will unclench them. Everything relaxes wonderfully ...

- You learned to relax the speech apparatus.

Second part

Speech therapist. Guys, stay in a resting position. Now, when I read poetry, you will close your eyes. A new game begins - "Magic Dream". You will not really fall asleep, you will hear everything, but you will not move and open your eyes until I give you permission. Listen carefully and repeat my words to yourself. No need to whisper. Rest quietly with your eyes closed. The “magic dream” will end when I say out loud: “Open your eyes! Stand up! " Attention ... A "Magic dream" is coming ... (In a quiet voice, in slow motion, with long pauses, a new formula for general rest is given. Individual formulas of suggestion are repeated two or three times with a change in logical stress.)

The cilia descend ...

Eyes are closing ...

We are resting calmly ... (Twice.)

We fall asleep magically ...

Breathes easily ... evenly ... deeply ... 1

Our hands are resting ...

Legs are resting too ...

Resting ... falling asleep ... (Twice.)

Neck is not tense

And rassla-a-ble-na ...

The lips are slightly parted ...

Everything relaxes wonderfully. (Twice.)

Breathes easily ... evenly ... deeply ...

Long pause. Children are taken out of the "Magic Dream":

We were resting calmly

Sleep magically fell asleep ...

Louder, faster, more energetic:

It's good for us to rest! We raise them higher.

But it's time to get up! Stretch! Smile!

We squeeze our fists tighter, Everyone open their eyes and stand up!

The game is over. You rested a little, calmed down, relaxed your arms, legs, whole body, lips and lower jaw.

Home assignment.

1. Induce relaxation of the arms, legs, abdominal muscles, body, neck, lips, lower jaw.

2. Carry out the suggestion (with closed eyes during the day sitting, and in the evening before going to bed, the suggestion is carried out when the children are lying down).

Appendix 4.

Lessons 22, 23, 24. Relaxation of the speech apparatus.

Promoting a state of calm and relaxation

on presentation

First part

Speech therapist. Children, take a resting pose. Our arms and legs are relaxed. The whole body is not tense. Relaxed. (Exercises to relax the lips and lower jaw are repeated.) Pull the lips forward ("Proboscis") - relax. Stretch lips ("Frogs") - relax. We clench our teeth tightly ("Nut") - unclench - we relax. We rest our tongue on the upper teeth ("Angry tongue") - we relax. We rest our tongue on the lower teeth ("Hill") - we relax. Our speech apparatus is relaxed!

Second part

Speech therapist. Children! You already know how to rest. Your arms, legs, speech apparatus relaxed at your will. Stay in a resting position! Listen! Comes "Magic Dream" ... The tension flew away ...

And the whole body is relaxed ... (Twice.)

As if we are lying on the grass ...

On green soft grass ...

The sun is warming now ...

We have warm hands ...

The sun is hotter now ...

Our legs are warm ...

Breathes easily ... evenly ... deeply ...

Lips are warm and flaccid

But not at all tired.

Lips open slightly

Everything relaxes wonderfully ... (Twice.)

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed! (There is a long pause.)

We understand what is

Resting state ...

- The game is over. You are well rested, calmed down and relaxed.

Home assignment.

1. Conduct exercises to relax the speech apparatus.

2. To carry out the suggestion with closed eyes (during the day - completely, before going to bed - without the last lines): from the words "It's good for us to rest ...".

Appendix 5.

Lessons 25, 26, 27. Formulas of correct speech

and confident behavior

Speech therapist. You have learned to speak easily and beautifully. Always and everywhere, speak as you would in class. And so that everyone can remind themselves of the correct speech, I will introduce you to the special commands that the Ruler of the City of a beautiful speech likes to repeat. You will hear them when the "Magic Dream" comes. Remember them

and remember more often so that you always speak only beautifully. Take a resting pose. The "Magic Dream" is coming. The tension flew away ...

And the whole body is relaxed ...

The lips are slightly parted ...

Everything relaxes wonderfully ...

And our obedient tongue

I'm used to being relaxed!

A little louder, imperative:

We are always calm! (Twice.)

We always speak beautifully

Boldly and unhurriedly! (Twice.)

Be sure to remember

What was taught in the classroom! (Twice.)

Every day - always, everywhere,

In the classroom, in the game,

We speak loudly, clearly,

We are never in a hurry!

It's good for us to rest ...

Cheerful, we are cheerful again

And ready for classes!

- The "Magic Dream" is over. You relaxed well, rested. You will hear our special commands in the next lesson and remember them even better.

Home assignment.

Conduct a session of suggestion during the day completely, before going to bed - without the last lines. In the evening, the session should end with the words: “We are resting calmly, falling asleep magically ...” During relaxation, children should lie with their eyes closed.

Appendix 6.

"Hoop". Equipment. Hoop, pictures on the stressed vowel sound o - perch, vegetables, shoes, etc.

The course of the game.

Speech therapist (calls a boy and a girl). This is Olya (points to the girl), and this is Kolya (points to the boy). What were the names of the children?

(Children, controlling their speech exhalation, pronounce the names one at a time.)

- Olya and Kolya rolled a hoop on the banks of the Ob River. What did the children skate? (Children say: hoop.)

- What was the name of the river?

Children. Ob.

The speech therapist gives Olya a hoop. Olya pushes the hoop: "Op!", The hoop is straight

rolls towards Kolya. Kolya deftly catches the hoop: "Oops!"

Speech therapist. The children were very happy. Kolya rolls the hoop to Ole: "Op!" Olya waved her hands, missed the hoop. The hoop fell into the Ob. Olya stands on the shore and cries: "Oh, oh, oh!"

Kolya depicts how he jumps into the Ob, takes out a hoop and gives Olya: "Here!"

"Oh!" - Olya was delighted.

Children continue to play. Olya rolls the hoop and pronounces a word for a percussive sound about, for example, windows, perch, etc. Kolya returns the hoop to her and also pronounces a word for a sound about, etc. If the children cannot think of it, the speech therapist helps them by showing a picture, whose name begins with a shock about.

The Hoop game can be played with other sounds. Any vowel is declared on duty. Children remember words starting with a given sound.

Abstract: Gaming technologies are successfully applied at all stages of stuttering correction in childhood, aimed at increasing the child's motivation during the lesson, minimizing emotional stress, improving the perception of the child at work, assimilating the necessary material and exercises.

Key words: correction of stuttering in childhood, game technologies, child motivation, relaxation, relaxation.

Play is the leading activity for children. By playing, the child learns the world in an accessible and interesting form.

Game technologies and techniques are used not only in teaching modern children, but also in speech therapy correction.

Speech therapists working in the field of stuttering correction in childhood use play techniques with success. The speech of a stuttering child is dysrhythmic, the voice is weak, breathing is shallow (clavicular), coordination of movements and fine motor skills need to be developed. The emotional background is lowered or labile.

The game helps to liberate and relieve the emotional stress of a child with stuttering. Helps develop fluent, beautiful speech skills.

During the examination phase, a colorful didactic material, with the help of which the child adapts better in an unfamiliar environment, makes contact with a speech therapist. For this, cards, paintings, toys, fairy tales "on the palm", fairy tales made of wooden material ("Turnip", "Teremok", etc.) are used.

At the stage of correction in the process of speech therapy work to increase interest in articulatory gymnastics, To breathing exercises and training for a long speech exhalation, cotton balls are used (let's play a snowball, score a goal), fresh fruits, flowers, leaves, aromatic vanilla sugar (let's smell how it smells, let's say on the exhale a drawn-out “Ah!”, “Oh, what sweet sugar! "

When working on the bone-abdominal type of breathing, we include soft toys in the work, laying them on the child's stomach while lying on the carpet. With correct diaphragmatic breathing, the soft toy rises as you inhale and descends as you exhale. The soft assistant not only helps to control the correctness of breathing, but motivates to these exercises, helps to reduce emotional stress, which is typical for children with stuttering.

Game technologies are widely used in logorhythmic exercises, which are aimed at rhythmizing the speech of a stuttering child. Flags, balls are successfully used when performing exercises for coordination of movements general motor skills and poetic texts.

For example:

Play with flags

Flags in the hands, the movements with the arms, legs, body corresponding to the text are performed with the pronunciation of the text in a word-by-word rhythm:

Up down,
Up down,
To the sides, crosswise,
To the sides, down.
And etc.
Get up on your toes
Squat and straighten
Cams current, current, current.
Legs top, top, top.

Children's musical instruments are successfully applied to the quality of a noise orchestra (tambourines, drums, bells, etc.), thereby contributing to the work on the rhythm of the melody. For example, we sound "Turkish March" by Mozart.

Children's percussion instruments are also used in logorhythmic exercises for better coordination of the sequential rhythm and movements of general motor skills (claps to a tambourine, drum). Such exercises increase the emotional background of children, motivation for classes, and relieve emotional stress.

Various leaps from one leg to the other behind flags with the pronunciation of logorhythmic texts, walking on a string ("path") improve coordination of movement and the development of general motor skills in combination with parallel work on the rhythm and fluency of speech. For example,

Game "Forward behind the flag"

A child, jumping from foot to foot, overcomes the distance in seven jumps and chooses the flag he likes.

Jump, jump, jump, jump, here's my flag!

To work on the rhythm of speech and motor activity, various dramatizations are well used: "Bunnies", "Quietly, it snows quietly", "Playing with a train."

The speech of a stuttering child is characterized by meager expressiveness and poverty of intonation coloring. To work on the prosodic side of speech during stuttering, various dialogues are used: "Gray hare, where did he run?", "Grouse chicken", "Who lives under the ceiling?" and many others.

For the same purpose, one can and should use such game trick as a fairy tale therapy. These can be table fairy tales "on the palm", fairy tales made of wooden materials, etc. Thus, you can work on the reflected speech, and on the child's independent monologue.

When working on fluency of speech, apply board games: Lotto, Dominoes, Chips... Children are happy to play and sound the game, repeating the smooth speech of a speech therapist.

I put dominoes with a typewriter!

And I put dominoes with a typewriter!

Game technologies are also applicable in such a section of speech therapy work with stuttering children as music (singing). The speech therapist sets the children up not only for singing a song, but also for emotional inclusion in singing. This is to minimize emotional and muscle tension. Thus, the speech therapist and children creatively play up song being performed... You can use toys (Christmas tree, bunnies, horses, umbrellas) while singing. The guys, together with the speech therapist, perform dance and play movements to the music.

With children of primary school age, you can to learn a collective dance, for example, Sirtake. Collective dance movements contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, the ability to work and act in a team. Children perceive dance as a kind of fun game and an opportunity to express themselves in creativity.

Work on the development of fine motor skills is also not complete without game moments. Such speech exercises for fine motor skills as "We shared an orange", "Finger, finger, where have you been?", "Fish" and many others contribute not only to sensorimotor development, but also to the rhythm of speech.

The importance of gaming technology in working with stuttering children is great. With an integrated approach, they successfully help in the correction of children's logoneurosis.

List of sources used:

  1. Rozhdestvenskaya Vera Ivanovna, Pavlova Anna Illarionovna "Games and exercises to correct stuttering". - M., 1978, 64 p.
  2. Volkova Galina Anatolyevna "Logorhythmic Rhythm". - M., 1985, 291 p.
  3. Anischenkova Elena Stepanovna "Speech therapy rhythm for the development of speech in preschoolers." - M., 2006 - 60 pages.
  4. Arkhipova Elena Fedorovna "Speech therapy work with young children" M., 2007, 224 pages.
  5. Vizel Tatiana Grigorievna "Fundamentals of Neuropsychology". - M., 2005, 383 p.

Shchepina L.N.,
speech therapist