Divine Laws: Svetlana Baranova read a book online, read for free. The Laws Brought into the World by Different Belief Systems

Divine Laws

The Great Creator comes to our World, Reality with His Divine Laws of Existence. 7 basic laws He brings to us:

1. Law of the Mirror- reflection of changes inside a person by changes outside.

2. Law of Change- development and improvement of Life.

3. Law of Development and Improvement- the movement from limitation to power.

4. Law of Justice- Rewarding everyone according to their merits.

5. Law of Retribution- Punishment for the doer of iniquity.

6. Law of Harmony and Beauty- achieving order in physical reality and reducing entropy.

7. Law of Love- Achieving balance between male and female energies.

Each Divine Law, penetrating a person, enhances his humanity, and through the strengthening of humanity, God builds a New Human Reality.

At the first stage, when a person learns to perceive and understand the Divine Laws, it is very important for him control your behaviour. When the humanity in the body becomes more than 50%, then the person will no longer be able to behave in a non-human way, that is, out of accordance with the Divine Laws. The 13th century is gradually becoming conductor Divine Will into the surrounding World, Reality.

It is beneficial to be a conductor of the Divine Will, even from the point of view of egoism, because the ability to find mutual understanding with all energies appears, which allows one to act harmoniously in Reality.

At the Conductor of the Divine Will, the boundary between the energy and physical body is erased, which is accompanied by the emerging ability to control not only the functions of the body, but also other phenomena that are considered supernatural.

Law of the Mirror says that a person himself creates his own reality - good or bad. Reality is created because the “man” system projects, radiates into the surrounding World, Reality, only those energies of which it consists. According to the same vibrations, people, situations, phenomena resonant to him are pulled up to him, creating similar realities and strengthening them due to synergy(general resonance).

As a result, a person constantly spins in the same energies - suffering, illness, shortages, etc., etc. He becomes a "hostage" of this "synergism". To change this situation, you need accept the Law of Change, which says that you should change Being, improve it, make it happier, happier, realize your wildest and brightest dreams. The law speaks of the possibility of human realization and achievement during a human life! The Law of Change gives a person courage and optimism.

Of course, the selfish person seeks to maintain his security, calmness and stability, frightening with the unknown. For her: “Let it be inferior, but its own ...” is the main motto. Wanting to stop the movement of Life, an egoistic person wants stability everywhere and in everything: “Let it be bad, if only it doesn’t get worse!” And where is it worse?

A person can neither accept nor realize the negative state in which he is. Denying her terrible situation, she completely deprives her body of life force.

If suddenly a person realizes that you can’t live like this anymore, that he’s still a man, and not cattle, trembling and clinging to who knows what, and something needs to be changed for the better, then it begins to act Law of Development and Improvement.

A person changes his behavior by increasing the amount of positive, human power in the body. The behavior of such a person becomes more adequate and correct. He himself becomes more accurate, punctual and disciplined. Vibrations of the Law of Development and Improvement change the structure and form of the physical body of a person, and also increase the range of possibilities and abilities.

The future of mankind is oriented towards the constant operation of this Law.

A person gradually realizes that for successful realization he needs to understand how to act in order to gain positive energy that will transform his own Reality in the right direction, and what needs to be removed from his life so that this something does not interfere with the realization of that what is important to a person.

He begins to understand that by wrong actions in the past he created a not very good future for himself, therefore he must change something in order to improve the future.

A person realizes that it is necessary to remove the negative that he and his reality consists of, that it is necessary to return this negative to where it came from and close the “holes” through which the negative spoils his life.

Turns on at the same time Law of Retribution realizing which developing person understands that he needs to atone for all the evil that he allowed due to his ignorance. And then all the problems and unpleasant situations he begins to perceive it not as a punishment, but as an opportunity to neutralize all the negativity that voluntarily or involuntarily passed through him into the World, Reality.

The main thing is that when implementing this Law, a person stops blaming anyone for his misfortunes and troubles, he stops making claims and showing dissatisfaction. He accepts his Fate and Karma as it is.

As a result of the implementation of the Laws of Justice and Retribution in one's own life, a person's dependence on the egoistic energies of both his own and other people disappears. Everything in him and around is changing - all egoists, swindlers, talkers, etc. gradually disappear from his life.

A person is happy with what happens to him. He is focused on the human in himself and finds The best decision any problem or situation. By reducing his negativism, a person improves his Destiny, his Reality, his future. He has an increase in individual strength, which allows him to comprehend Law of Harmony and Beauty. The Law of Harmony and Beauty embodies order, enhances Life and neutralizes entropy.

The Law of Harmony and Beauty heals and renews the physical body. It contributes to the achievement of a dynamic balance between the Forces.

At the level of achieving a balance between male and female energies, Law of Love.

Law of Love embodies the Divine Magic of Creativity. Everything is possible for a person who realizes the Divine Will!

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divine law

♦ (ENG divine law)

a term that denotes the sovereignty of God in the universe. It is understood as a law given by God to people through the Divine revelation. The concept was developed by Thomas Aquinas (1225- 121 A). Divided into the law of Moses and the law given by Jesus, especially in his Sermon on the Mount.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms. - M.: "Republic". McKim Donald K.. 2004 .

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    Divine law... Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms

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    EUCHARIST. PART II- E. in Orthodox Church II millennium E. in Byzantium in the XI century. By the 11th century Byzantium worship has acquired almost the same form that it retained in Orthodoxy. Churches throughout the next millennium; it was based on an ancient Polish tradition, significantly ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

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  • Law of God, . When God and the Creator created this world, He laid His Divine Law, the Law of Love, at its foundation. By discovering and observing the Law of God, we enter into blessed communion with our… Buy for 2091 rubles
  • Law of God. , Grozov VV, responsible for the issue. When God and the Creator created this world, He laid His Divine Law - the Law of Love - at its foundation. By discovering and observing the Law of God, we enter into blessed communion with our…

Divine Laws

The Great Creator comes to our World, Reality with His Divine Laws of Existence. 7 basic laws He brings to us:

1. Law of the Mirror- reflection of changes inside a person by changes outside.

2. Law of Change- development and improvement of Life.

3. Law of Development and Improvement- the movement from limitation to power.

4. Law of Justice- Rewarding everyone according to their merits.

5. Law of Retribution- Punishment for the doer of iniquity.

6. Law of Harmony and Beauty- achieving order in physical reality and reducing entropy.

7. Law of Love- Achieving balance between male and female energies.

Each Divine Law, penetrating a person, enhances his humanity, and through the strengthening of humanity, God builds a New Human Reality.

At the first stage, when a person learns to perceive and understand the Divine Laws, it is very important for him control your behaviour. When the humanity in the body becomes more than 50%, then the person will no longer be able to behave in a non-human way, that is, out of accordance with the Divine Laws. The 13th century is gradually becoming conductor Divine Will into the surrounding World, Reality.

It is beneficial to be a conductor of the Divine Will, even from the point of view of egoism, because the ability to find mutual understanding with all energies appears, which allows one to act harmoniously in Reality.

At the Conductor of the Divine Will, the boundary between the energy and physical body is erased, which is accompanied by the emerging ability to control not only the functions of the body, but also other phenomena that are considered supernatural.

Law of the Mirror says that a person himself creates his own reality - good or bad. Reality is created because the “man” system projects, radiates into the surrounding World, Reality, only those energies of which it consists. According to the same vibrations, people, situations, phenomena resonant to him are pulled up to him, creating similar realities and strengthening them due to synergy(general resonance).

As a result, a person constantly spins in the same energies - suffering, illness, shortages, etc., etc. He becomes a "hostage" of this "synergism". To change this situation, you need accept the Law of Change, which says that you should change Being, improve it, make it happier, happier, realize your wildest and brightest dreams. The law speaks of the possibility of human realization and achievement during a human life! The Law of Change gives a person courage and optimism.

Of course, the selfish person seeks to maintain his security, calmness and stability, frightening with the unknown. For her: “Let it be inferior, but its own ...” is the main motto. Wanting to stop the movement of Life, an egoistic person wants stability everywhere and in everything: “Let it be bad, if only it doesn’t get worse!” And where is it worse?

A person can neither accept nor realize the negative state in which he is. Denying her terrible situation, she completely deprives the body of vitality.

If suddenly a person realizes that you can’t live like this anymore, that he’s still a man, and not cattle, trembling and clinging to who knows what, and something needs to be changed for the better, then it begins to act Law of Development and Improvement.

A person changes his behavior by increasing the amount of positive, human power in the body. The behavior of such a person becomes more adequate and correct. He himself becomes more accurate, punctual and disciplined. Vibrations of the Law of Development and Improvement change the structure and form of the physical body of a person, and also increase the range of possibilities and abilities.

The future of mankind is oriented towards the constant operation of this Law.

A person gradually realizes that for successful realization he needs to understand how to act in order to gain positive energy that will transform his own Reality in the right direction, and what needs to be removed from his life so that this something does not interfere with the realization of that what is important to a person.

He begins to understand that by wrong actions in the past he created a not very good future for himself, therefore he must change something in order to improve the future.

A person realizes that it is necessary to remove the negative that he and his reality consists of, that it is necessary to return this negative to where it came from and close the “holes” through which the negative spoils his life.

Turns on at the same time Law of Retribution realizing that a developing person understands that he needs to atone for all the evil that he allowed due to his ignorance. And then he begins to perceive all problems and unpleasant situations not as a punishment, but as an opportunity to neutralize all the negativity that voluntarily or involuntarily passed through him into the World, Reality.

The main thing is that when implementing this Law, a person stops blaming anyone for his misfortunes and troubles, he stops making claims and showing dissatisfaction. He accepts his Fate and Karma as it is.

As a result of the implementation of the Laws of Justice and Retribution in one's own life, a person's dependence on the egoistic energies of both his own and other people disappears. Everything in him and around is changing - all egoists, swindlers, talkers, etc. gradually disappear from his life.

A person is happy with what happens to him. He is focused on the human in himself and finds the best solution to any problem and situation. By reducing his negativism, a person improves his Destiny, his Reality, his future. He has an increase in individual strength, which allows him to comprehend Law of Harmony and Beauty. The Law of Harmony and Beauty embodies order, enhances Life and neutralizes entropy.

The Law of Harmony and Beauty heals and renews the physical body. It contributes to the achievement of a dynamic balance between the Forces.

At the level of achieving a balance between male and female energies, Law of Love.

Law of Love embodies the Divine Magic of Creativity. Everything is possible for a person who realizes the Divine Will!

About interaction with the Divine

The Great Divine Powers are the Great Silent.

To contact the Divine Powers, one must cultivate Silence.

The Power of Life is with God. Life flows only through those places in the physical body where Divine structures are formed. In order to have a constant influx of vitality into the body, a person must have a constant connection (resonance) with the Divine Forces.

Constant connection (resonance) with the Divine strengthens the Spirit of a person, and a strong Spirit spiritualizes the physical body, corrects the genes of the body.

Divine energy neutralizes everything that prevents it from passing into Life, Reality, strengthening the human, spiritual energy of the individual.

To call on the Divine Powers, one must address them with reverence, respect and an emotionally open heart.

Conversion cannot be a habit. Each call is creative process. Silence is necessary for feel the resonance with the Great Divine.

God, Earth and the Future

At present, the Great Creator has come to Earth.

He began to restore order among the chaos caused by non-humanoid forces that imposed on the Earth technocracy.

The Great Creator brings Love, mutual understanding and cooperation to the earth, which transform hatred, aggression and other qualities of egoism.

The era of wars will be replaced by an era of prosperity and cooperation.

Humanity will increase in people, they realize the meaning of their Existence in Life, Reality, will begin to develop their human essence and fulfill their Divine destiny.

The convergence of people will increase. In the end, humanity will become a single organism that will develop harmoniously along with the planet and space.

The Great Creator will become the Great Ruler of mankind, because the true Ruler can only be the one who is able to maintain the balance of Forces.

The current rulers do not have the Spirit, therefore they are not capable of governing. In the energy of the planet, the current rulers look like the darkest and dirtiest spots.

In the future, of course, they are not!

1. The inhumanity of people in relation to each other and to the whole creation is expressed in the form natural disasters. It is not God who sends disasters, but man brings them on himself as retribution for his evil deeds.

2. There will be certain physical consequences due to the growth of human selfishness, small sorrows and cleansing. The world is the body of God. There is cancer in the body and it should be removed.

3. You reap in the present what you have sown in the past. And what you sow in the present, you will reap in the future. Indeed, both the past and the future are contained only in the present.

4. Grief and suffering are inevitable acts of the cosmic drama. It is not God who prescribes these disasters, it is man who attracts them as retribution for his evil deeds. This is the corrective punishment that causes mankind to leave not Right way and turn to the Right Path.

5. If righteousness reigns in the heart, character will be beautiful. If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in society. When there is order in society, there will be peace in the world.

6. The forces of evil will be destroyed by their own meanness, they dig a hole into which they themselves will fall, their actions cause a reaction that is destructive for themselves.

7. The enemy takes pleasure in insulting you, but in doing so, he shortens the list of your shortcomings, which you must overcome through suffering. The stronger and dirtier the insults, the sooner and brighter your light will manifest. The enemy absorbs your sins and their consequences.

8. Birth depends on how death occurs. Death comes first, birth comes later. It is commonly believed that people are born to die and die to be born again. This is not true. You are born to be able not to be born again.

9. A mature student does not suffer from the gusts of the wind of fate and changeable luck, only an immature person suffers damage from each breath.

10. Mankind is a single community; when you harm yourself, you harm everyone. And when you help someone straighten up, you straighten yourself up.

11. The touch of Divinity releases from all karmic fetters.

12. Everything that is born is destined to die, everything that is built will collapse.

13. Your nature and your inclinations are shaped by the way you have loved and worked, eaten and fought throughout many past lives.

14. When a person is combined with the Divine Law, then the offspring of this union will be an unshakable inner world and peace.

15. You sow seeds of bitterness and pray for a sweet harvest. You complain about bad soil, weeds, rain. But what do they have to do with it, if the seeds themselves are sick and mutilated?

16. Divine Law can harm those who seek to destroy it and protect those who follow its rules.

17. The essence of the Divine Law is formulated in the saying: "Do to others as you would like to be treated to you",

18. Avoid activities that harm other people. If you realize the immorality of some actions and still perform them, this is a violation of the Divine Law.

19. Religious precepts are based on love, and the whole system of moral laws and rules is based on love. In a world where the Divine Law is trampled and rejected everywhere, peace and tolerance are the roads leading to salvation.

20. When a beggar comes to your house and says, "Give me something to eat," don't drive him away like a mere beggar, but accept him as a messenger from God. When he asks for food, he indirectly conveys the message: "Today I ask for food, because in a previous life I did not give food to the one who asked for it. Bear in mind that if you do not feed me, then in next life you suffer the same fate."

21. holy, wise people steadfast in faith, whether they are praised or insulted. Insults are directed against those who inflict them.

22. The grief you inflict on others will choke you into hatred. It will fall on your own head with tenfold strength.


1 . The ability to control one's feelings is the measure spiritual perfection personality.

2. A heart full of compassion is the temple of God. Start early, move slowly, reach your destination on time.

3. You don't need anyone else to be happy, for you are happiness itself. The first sign of religiosity is manifested in joy.

4. Be happy. Give happiness to others. Everyone will be happy - God will be happy.

5. Be at peace, but don't let the world enter you.

6. Beauty is bliss. Bliss is the nectar of life.

7 . By taking responsibility for your own growth, you will feel a surge of new strength from the very first step; a new, pure joy will seize you; you will be granted a foretaste of complete bliss; a new holiness will revive you.

8. There is nothing unclean in the world. If the Lord is present everywhere and in everything, then how can anything be unclean? Even if something seems unclean to us, it is cleansed by the touch of the name of God.

9. Even the nectar of immortality (amrita) is life-threatening if drunk through the nose.

10. Various fats, oil get on the tongue, but it does not become greasy from this; eye color does not change from coal dust. The mind, too, must not yield to the senses.

11. Pain kills joy; joy is nothing but the absence of pain. And why should a man drag out his existence, being chained to the earth, consuming huge amounts of food year after year and not experiencing either joy or peace? So engage in spiritual practice, enlighten your mind, and share the light with those who are close to you.

12. If you are looking for profit, then prepare for losses. Give up desire for reward and you will be free. Desire it and you are bound.

13. True happiness lies in your own mind and resides in your thoughts. But if you do not know how to use your mind correctly, if you do not develop renunciation of carnal aspirations and faith in the Divine, you do not receive the fruits of your deeds.

14. The faults you find in others are your own, and when you correct yourself, the world will be corrected.

15. One of the first rules of righteous living is to remain silent. For the voice of God, who dwells in the heart of everyone, is discernible only when the tongue is inactive and the storms of thought have subsided, giving way to peace of mind.

16. If you start speaking in a low voice, then others will not raise their voices. You must set the tone. Speak so quietly that only those you are speaking to can hear you. Don't waste the energy of sound, store it; it is a treasure that belongs to the ether - the element, which is an emanation of the Holy Spirit itself.

17. Plant the tree of divine wisdom in your heart. Water it with love, fertilize it with faith and determination, and fight pests by such means as prayer and fellowship with the saints.

18. The mind was given to man so that he would nourish noble thoughts and utter only kind, useful and pleasant words.

19. Spread around you the atmosphere of the Higher World.

20. Look for the basis of the visible in the invisible. At high house foundation deep in the ground.

21. Healthy body- the best vessel for a healthy mind. A pure heart is the temple of God.

22. The ability to rejoice at all times is the fruit of good deeds done in previous lives. If a person doubts, worries, is depressed all the time, then he will never achieve bliss, no matter what spiritual practice he does.

23. Every sense organ is an outlet for internal energy person. Its expiration binds to the outside world. The mind is constantly prompting the senses to rush outward and become attached to objects. The mind must be subordinated to the discriminating consciousness, and then it will turn from a pest into a helper.

24. You have had some success in developing virtue in yourself. But be careful. It often happens that everything that has been achieved is wasted on trifles because of communication with the unrighteous, because of your slander and laziness.

25. The child cries at birth because the embodied soul does not want to be the widow of the material world again.

26. Learn to be comfortable everywhere. Wherever you are, live in joy - this is the right way. Enjoy in the realm of your mind the worship of the Lord whom you have chosen as your goal, and be independent of the shortcomings of the surrounding world. Then nowhere will you be bored, no place will seem disgusting to you.

27. To receive means to make a commitment to the giver.