New Year's crafts do it yourself a bird. From paper rolls. Christmas toys do it yourself - decorated

Natalia Plakhteeva

In one of the recent self Publications I told about how in our kindergarten there is a preparation for the holiday New Year. We, educators, conducted a meeting with parents who showed master classes for making Christmas tree toys and decorations do it yourself. Materials for creativity were the most different - from traditional paper, fabric, thread, wool, natural material to the so-called cast material.

One of these Christmas tree toys was toys made from light bulbs. I offer my own version of the manufacture of the original Christmas tree toy.

To me we needed:

Light bulb;

PVA glue;

- plant branch;

White napkin.

Preparation method

Light bulb Claire paper napkin In several layers. Then, after it dried, I blocked her fine cloth (batiste). It will be breast birds. Again left to dry.

For the manufacture of tail, backrest and painting head birds I took a strip of tissue of another color and glued to the back of the body and head birds. To make a tail, I turned the fabric strip and tied up thin thread. The eyes and beak were glued on the head.

He took a sprig of the plant and wrapped it with a white napkin, cut from one edge to thin strips.

When the fabric on the light dried well, I glued the resulting bird to a branch

And this Christmas Toy "Funny Snowman" Also made from the light bulb, which pasted with a paper napkin and painted with paints. On the head of the snowman put on the cap!

Publications on the topic:

In our group it became traditional holding Competitions of the joint creativity of children and their parents. By the new year we decided to organize.

The symbol of the coming, 2017 - the rooster. Although the new year is still enough time, practice in the manufacture of souvenirs for the closest.

Hello, dear Colleagues, friends and guests of my page. On the eve of the new year, the son of brought homework, the school passes.

NOD on the applique of the "bird on the branch" in the second youngest group Topic: "Bird on the branch". Education area: "Artistic and aesthetic development." Purpose: Development of children's artistic creativity.

The best and most cheerful holiday is a new year! Because a lot of laughter, many joys carries. And in the challenches of this holiday in our childhood.

Dear colleagues! Kindergarten is a special institution, almost this is the second home for his employees and children. And your home is always.

New Year's Miracle of the New Year is not far from around the corner, he will like, and the green branch of the tree in the fairy tale will behave. We will believe in this miracle and, closing the eye,.

A very simple master class, thanks to which even a newcomer can sew a cute new Year's toy do it yourself ("Visulka" on the Christmas tree). In fact and not necessarily on the Christmas tree, just so funny christmas decoration for home. Design options as always a lot, who has enough fantasy: different fabrics, different stripes-wings, different legs, the tail of the other, etc.

It is very easy and you can even manually. Pattern new Year's toys .

1. What will take:
beautiful fabric For the Body of the New Year toys (birds) and a wing fabric (I have artificial leather for the wing in this MK);
- rope (or ribbon) for legs and beads for foot;
- Buttons are small for the eyes (in principle, eyes can even draw or embroider);
- scissors (I have "Zig-Zag");
- wand for packing;
- Threads, needles, a ribbon, on which the bird will hang;
- the disappearing marker (or something else than you will translate the pattern);
— .

3. We flash and cut out:

4. Soak. I turn with the sushi sticks in a similar way:

5. Then begin to fill our future Christmas toy. Usually I use Hollofiber, but I recently discovered the artificial Swan Pooh and this, I tell you, wung! Ideally, exactly fills the space, does not roll and very easily, literally "slides" to the toy. I'm squeezing quite tightly so that the filler filled the entire toy, but not tight:

6. Sewing the hole through which they were stuffed:

7. Seer heart-wing and eye-butt glasses:

8. Fake legs and tape for hanging. Achtung !! Find it on the site - there is still a lot of interesting and real! The legs, like the tape, are attached very simple: insert the rope / tape into a needle with a big ear and picked up where it is necessary :) This is new Year's pallet It turns out in the end.

This bird in warm winter hat Can decorate the window, locker or handle on the door. And such a bird can become a Christmas tree.

To make the winter suspension "Bird" we need the following materials:

  • - soft-pink felt, red, lilac and white colors (if there is no felt, you can take a fleece);
  • - pink ribbon;
  • - white beads;
  • - black beads;
  • - lilac sequins;
  • - red sequins;
  • - pearl bead;
  • - Sinypron;
  • - pink, white and red threads for sewing;
  • - red thick thread or lace;
  • - needle bead and usual;
  • - scissors;
  • - sheet of paper into the cell for the manufacture of parts of the pattern;
  • - Pencil.

The order of work on the winter suspension "Bird"

1. As always, we start work from the pattern. Redraw on paper all the details necessary to create a "bird" suspension. We should have five parts - the hat, the edge for the cap, keyboard, body and wing. Cut these details from paper.

2. Translated to the gently pink felt the pattern of the body and cut the two identical details.

On the lilac felt we will transfer the pattern of the wing and also cut two details.

From the red felt, cut on one piece of caps and kelp.

The edge for the cap cut out of a white felt or fleece.

When all the details are cut, let's start sewing our bird.

3. Mix together the details of the body, and in the front part insert the keyboard. Let's start sewing the torso with pink looped seam, while in the same time sewing. In the head of the head, leave a small unimpressed area.

4. Make the body torso with Sinyprun. Burn will not be too tight.

5. We engage an unimposed hole in the head area.

6. Apply to the bottom of the head of the head of the floor, detail. Solify these details of the seam "Kozlik" - we will succeed decorative seam in the form of crosses.

7. Moving the resulting part of the cap is twice as well as a fuel seam. Where there will be a section of a red felt - we will be sewed with red threads, and where there will be a white section of the edges - we will sew white threads.

8. A little fill with a cap Sinyproton.

9. Secret seam White threads are sewing a hat to the head of the bird.

10. On the sides of the body of the birds, the sequence of the wing of a lilac felt. To each wing, we enjoy a lilac sequence with a white beerkin in the middle, in addition, along the edge of each wing, you seen some white beads. Sending beads and sequins, we will use a bead needle.

11. Under the hat on both sides, we have sequence our birds from black beads.

12. Let's make the legs legs. To do this take a segment pink ribbon 18 cm long. At the ends of the ribbon we will cover the nodules. Moving the ribbon twice and sew to the tummy of birds. To the nodules at the ends of the paws are sewing red sequins and white bispers.

Additionally, we decorate the hat - you will be killed on it two brushes from a white bead.

On the edge of the figure of the birds, we also enjoy white beads, trying to sew them at an equal distance from each other.

13. We will make a loop so that our bird can be suspended somewhere. To do this, take a thick red thread or lace with a length of 20 cm. Moving this segment is twice and cover the ends of the knot. Send this loop to the top corner of the cap. In the same corner, we enjoy a white pearl bead.

Winter suspension "Bird" is ready. This suspension is well suitable for decorating a bedroom or children's room. It will be nice to look at the New Year tree. Such a bird can be sewed in another color gamma, pick up the color so that they harmonize with your interior.

For preschool, it is also a great way to develop small Motoriki and speech. Let the child work more with the plasticine, even if it leads to a small disorder in the house - such a pastime is unusually useful for the development of crumbs.

Prepare a simple pine chieper, litter for modeling, a few pieces bright plasticine and stack. Take the ball-head (need bright yellow plasticine), as well as orange wings and stand, red keyboard and blue eye balls. Secure all the billets on the shishke, and then the cones itself waters onto the plasticine stand. Here is also ready for a wonderful bird - an excellent "masterlider" for kids for 3 years!

Plastic bottle

You will need to prepare a large white tight plastic bottle with a handle, scissors, marker. First, well wash the container so that there are no traces of content. Be sure to delete all the labels. Apply on the plastic surface of the line with a marker - measure the couple-triple centimeters from the bottom to remove the bottom. Next, on the side opposite to the handle, swipe along the seam. Near the neck, draw the arch.

Please note that when cutting out the bottle, it is necessary to put it on a stable surface, for example, a table or floor. First do Cut low partAnd then move along the seam line. To cut the beak should be moved from the cutting suture to the neck along the curve. Stop it up to the thread line.

For the manufacture of the beak, the sliced \u200b\u200bpiece should be turned into the neck of the bottle. Return 2 cm from the handle and cut two arches on the sides for the wings.

Billet put a handle down. Hold and gradually remove the sidewall inside, now you just need to work out a little over the giving shape and a wonderful bird is ready!

Nutritional care

Such an exercise also refers to pretty simple and can be done with the child three-year-old age. At first, you should cut the cardboard rectangle with the sides of 20 and 14 cm. Make it on the long side of about 60 turns of black yarn, it should be volumetric and dense. Cut in half and put the threads to the side.

Now wound out short side The rectangle is about 40 turns of red yarn, just do it with gray.

Now proceed to the formation of a bullfinch body. Mix the red blank across the black and crossbow. Gray threads just plug in half.

Form the ball with a diameter of 5 cm from watt or syntheps and graze it with gray threads. On top to put in black threads, which will play the role of head and backrest, and form the sides from red threads. On the bottom, fix the thread.

Loosen the strings and form your head, while tightening not very tight. The beak can make it possible to use beads for the eyes. The child probably will like to do