A quick homework assignment. Attentive parents help their child learn. Doing homework

A study led by American researcher Fernandez-Alonso suggests that e if student high school spends more than 90-100 minutes a day on homework, his grades are creeping downward.

This applies to grades in mathematics and science. Although, maybe that's why the guys are sitting more than an hour over the equation, because they will not understand in any way what is generally happening with this "X". In any case, if you see that the work is delayed for two hours, threaten the child with deuces and send him to rest.

4. Attentive parents help their child learn

Researchers Walker, Hoover-Dempsey and others are convinced of this. These are the parents who respond to difficult questions, support in alarming situations, encourage Russian poets to read poetry in public and even call the school: "Natalya Nikolaevna, did you really ask to do experiments at home with the fire of the fleecy part of the carpet?"

In general, from such assistants, according to the scientific opinion, there is a continuous benefit: the creation of a connection between the family and the school, comprehensive support and motivation of the child. Only mom and dad can popularly explain why you need to study and what threatens in case of failure in the quarter.

5. No, parents are better off going out the door.

Other scientists, Patall, Robinson and the already mentioned Professor Cooper, in a 2008 study insist that dad, mom and grandmother behind the child's back are capable of breaking wood. Children, it turns out, learn worse if they feel pressure from the left shoulder: “Come on, Senya! Smoother line! Write "five" here. I forgot the comma again! "

This kind of persistent help will kill any remnants of motivation. Therefore, the correct strategy is support, but not control. Even if it is difficult for adults to keep a smile on their face when it comes to verb conjugation, it is worth remembering that the child's inner attitude is most important.

Photo source: istockphoto.com

6. How much is it? How many lessons can you do?

The American National Education Association supports rule of ten minutes. Those 10 minutes for all lessons in the first grade turn into 20 in the second, and so on. However, in graduation class homework should not exceed two hours.

How to teach a child to prepare homework on time so that he does not have problems at school? An article for independent children, responsible parents and caring teachers.

Time management - or the ability to manage your time - has long been one of the leading competencies modern man... Planning is the hardest part for a child, especially when parents lose control of every step.

Preparation homeworkheadache and a child, and parents, and teachers. The child does not have time or forgets everything, the parents learn that it is necessary to prepare the craft for tomorrow's technology lesson at 10 pm, and the teachers may simply have nothing to check in the next lesson.

We've prepared a resource for you on planning and homework. And at the end of the article, you can download two bright weekly planners that will help the children distribute the load and do their homework efficiently and without panic.

We plan and set the time for homework

Determine how long it takes to complete homework your child has after school.

For example: 2 hours on Monday, 3 hours on Tuesday, one hour on Wednesday.

Recall! The Ministry of Education has determined the amount of time a child should spend on homework. In the first grade, there should be no homework, at 2-3 it is an hour and a half, in grades 4-5 - two hours, at 6-8 - two and a half hours, and from the 9th to the 11th grade, the student should spend on homework no more than 3.5 hours a day.

The schedule will help you understand exactly when and what you can schedule. On those days when the student has additional activities, for example, music school, English or wrestling, there will definitely be less time, and this should be taken into account.

A large scale planner can be downloaded at the end of the article.

Think: Could you use the morning?

If the child is very tired at the end of the day, then you should definitely not force him to do everything in the "did not do - you will not lie down" mode. Reschedule the task from evening to morning. With high school students, such a system works with a bang, as well as with students: let the child go to bed, but set the alarm an hour or a half earlier. In the morning, thoughts will be fresh, and there will be enough energy for conscious reading of the chapter and even solving problems.

Travel time

If a child gets to school on public transport, which means that he will have additional time to prepare. But this point can in no way be called obligatory or even positive, only a reserve one. It is absolutely impossible to write in a notebook while in a swinging minibus or tram, but to read the necessary paragraph again is quite.

Magic Friday

On Friday, I especially want to do nothing after the end of the lessons. But this is a truly magical time that is worth making the most of. Ahead are the weekend and the opportunity to sleep, which will add a few points to the piggy bank of good mood.

You don't have to wait until Sunday evening to get down to your homework in sorrow. Better to try to do it all Friday night. So the child will free himself all the weekend, and instead of two days loaded with examples, reading and drawing up tables, he will receive two days of free time for hobbies and favorite books.

Finding out what needs to be done and what resources are needed for this

Make a list

The first step is to make a list of everything to do this week. Essays, tasks, soccer game on Thursday, Additional tasks from foreign language courses - absolutely everything. So it will be easier to learn how best to "scatter" everything you need in the day. If you have a relatively free day, it is better to plan for it the preparation of a non-urgent (for example, from Monday to Thursday) assignment so that you do not go to bed after midnight on Wednesday.

The exact wording of the assignment

Another “Sasha, hello! And what did they ask us in mathematics, otherwise I didn't write it down? " means only one thing: waste of precious time. Teach your child to always write everything down.

Also, when planning your homework, it is better to use the following table (you can download it on a large scale at the end of the material):

    Subject (Russian or Algebra)

    Assignment (specific teacher text)

    Format (essay, presentation, project)

    Special details (which you can use, double sheet or single, in what colors)

    Deadlines (when you need to pass)

Time to complete

Estimate how long it will take to complete each individual task. Better to be realistic and lay more than less. If the child coped with the task earlier, you can reward yourself with a break or start doing next part to finish early. This kind of gamification - “fighting” with oneself - is a great motivator.


If you know for sure that the composition will take longer to tinker with than with examples, then it is better to start with examples. Yes, experienced time managers advise first to "eat the frog", that is, to do the most unpleasant thing, but this will not work with the lessons. The child will be upset, exhausted and all desire to do anything else will disappear.

We propose such a plan: first, we write the structure of the essay, that is, the pivot points of the narrative, while the thought is fresh. Then we solve examples or problems (algebra, physics, chemistry - what is included in the list of favorite subjects). And then, with a sense of pride in ourselves, we start writing an essay, the scheme of which is already ready.


It is best to hang the schedule in a conspicuous place, and put reminders on the time of completion of the most important tasks... Every time you want to flip through the VKontakte feed or play with the computer, it is better to check the schedule. Having a schedule, but a complete reluctance to follow it - will nullify all efforts.

Today we will talk with you about how to quickly make homework. After all, it is this question that worries many schoolchildren, if not all students at all. Now in many schools so many homework assignments are given that the children do not have time either for rest or for self-development. Let's try to help them.

Preparation is the key to success

Well, if you want to figure out how to get homework done quickly, you have to prepare a lot for this lesson... To begin with, before starting to solve problems, it is recommended to eat and relax. At least 30-40 minutes. In this case, the brains will receive a slight discharge, which contributes to a good assimilation of the material.

In addition, if you want to know how to get your homework done quickly, you will need to find a quiet, secluded and comfortable place where no one will "pull" or interfere. Usually this is the place in your room, at the table. Warn everyone not to touch you, and then start solving problems. This is how you can handle any homework very quickly. Especially if you've really prepared yourself correctly. But there are also quite a few interesting ways, which will help answer the question of how to quickly make the lessons. And now we will get to know them.

Ask for help

Well, the next scenario is no longer entirely fair. However, like all future ones. After all, the speed depends on your knowledge and preparation. In the absence of these, you will have to resort to tricks.

Do you want to know how to do the lessons quickly and correctly? Then ask for help with your homework. These can be older family members, friends, parents - anyone. Teachers, after all. In the worst case, they will re-explain the material necessary for the solution, and in the best case, they will help you quickly solve and write everything.

True, now a fairly common move that helps to learn how to do lessons in mathematics or any other subject is ordering homework online. You pay small amount, and you quickly decide everything. Nobody will know who is doing the work. And you won't be familiar with the so-called performer. True, this move will not add knowledge to you. This technique can only be used in extreme cases. For example, if the teacher is very strict, and you, for health reasons or family reasons, did not have the opportunity to do your homework. But there are also a number of rather interesting approaches to our today's question. Which ones? Let's get to know him soon.

Cheating at recess

How to do homework in 5 minutes? Of course, the fastest and most accurate answer here is a banal copying of the decision from a classmate friend, and right at recess. Or before lessons.

It is this technique that allows students to "solve" tasks very quickly. In a hurry, you should rewrite everything that only your friend has in his notebook regarding homework. It will be possible to deal with everything right in the lesson or during the answers of other students.

Yes, this is also far from the most honest and good scenario. However, cheating is very frequent occurrence in schools. If you have time, then arrange your homework the way you do it yourself - make sure that the "homework" does not look copied one to one. After all, you may simply be suspected of cheating. Not a very pleasant result, right?

Reshebniks to help

And here is another good answer that can be given to the question: "How to do the lessons in 5 minutes?" This is nothing more than the use of Reshebniks. Actually, this way not as bad as it might seem at first glance. It has a number of significant advantages that the previous methods do not have.

The first thing worth paying attention to is that in the Reshebniks, as a rule, all the material is "chewed". That is, if this is a solution to a problem, then it is mandatory with all intermediate actions. So, after cheating several times, the student will understand how to solve similar problems, and will be able to cope with them on their own.

The second point is choosing the right decision maker. Now there is an assistant for each year and even the publication. As a rule, if you choose the wrong option, then you will not have a solution. Or it will be different from what is actually required.

It should also be borne in mind that some tasks are now written and composed in such a language that sometimes even an adult is not able to understand them. The Reshebnik will help you figure out what's what, and also allow you to answer the question of how to quickly do the lessons.


Homework can be annoying and take too long to devote to something more fun. When you have a lot of homework to do, it can be difficult to be effective. Focus, organization, planning, and motivation can help you get through your homework quickly and switch to more exciting activities.


1 Stay focused

  1. 1 Work in a comfortable, well-lit area. Sit comfortably at your desk, soft stool... Do not work on the floor or bed, as these areas can make you drowsy and distracted. Be sure to study in a room with good lighting so that you don't have to strain your eyes while reading.
  2. 2 Eliminate distractions, retreat, and put your electronic devices aside. Turn off your phone, computer (unless, of course, you need it for work), TV and close the door. Tell your family and friends not to be disturbed when you do your homework.
    • Download apps that block websites so you don't get distracted while using your computer.
  3. 3 Set a timer. At the beginning of each activity or topic, start the timer for as many minutes as you need to get the job done. Check the timer periodically to keep track of the passage of time. This will help you understand that you are spending too much time on one task (if so), as well as focus again when you are distracted.
    • If one activity or topic takes a lot longer than others, it may be worth asking a parent or teacher for help.

2 Organization and planning

  1. 1 Get your school supplies in order. To avoid wasting time looking for the things you want, keep your books, papers, writing kits, and other materials in an accessible place. To stay organized, clean up your folders and backpack every week or every month.
    • Consider combining many different folders into one and separating them with tabs. This will keep all your school assignments in one place.
  2. 2 Make a homework plan for the evening. Instead of grabbing the first book you see and doing your homework, plan ahead. There are several ways to help you plan your homework:
    • decide how much time you want to spend on your homework in general;
    • make a list of all the tasks you need to complete;
    • determine how long it will take you for each task to complete the work on the desired date;
    • follow the list strictly, crossing out tasks as you complete them.
  3. 3 Start doing your homework right after school. If you put it off until late at night, it can happen that you work late, which is not very good, since it is more difficult for a person to work quickly when he is tired. Likewise, you should not postpone lessons until the morning - either you will not have time to complete all the tasks, or you will make mistakes in a hurry.
  4. 4 Arrange tasks according to their importance and due dates. As you jot down tasks in your diary throughout the week, put A next to priority tasks, C next to tasks that don't require much attention, and B for tasks that fall somewhere in between. An assignment that needs to be completed the next day takes precedence over an assignment that needs to be completed by next Tuesday. Also, first of all, perform more voluminous tasks, and then tackle small ones.
    • A 10-page essay that you haven't started yet and needs to be completed in a week should be labeled A or B, while a small 5-question assignment that should be ready in 3 days can be labeled B.
    • Don't pull up last moment to finish the job.

3 Motivate yourself

  1. 1 Take breaks. You can't get it done any faster if you sit at it for hours without rest. Take a break of 5 minutes approximately every 25 minutes to walk a little, stretch, and give your brain and body a little rest.
  2. 2 Snack and drink water. Snack light, healthy, tasty foods and drink plenty of water as you work on assignments to boost memory and energize your brain and body. Stay away from soda, sweet, junk food and energy drinks, so as not to lose strength halfway.
    • Try celery and apple slices with peanut butter.
  3. 3 After you finish your homework, do something interesting. This will serve you as a reward. Plan to go to a friend's house, play your favorite video game or play basketball in the yard, and treat yourself to sweets when you finish your homework. Remembering that there is fun to do after completing your homework will motivate you to focus and work more effectively.
  • Wear comfortable clothes for homework.
  • Submit all assigned work on time.
  • Use your planner to keep track of tasks that need to be completed.
  • When working on one lesson, it is very easy to lose concentration and start thinking about other tasks that you have to complete. Better focus on the task at hand.
  • Don't fall asleep. Set an alarm every 5-10 minutes to remind you of your homework if you're afraid you'll fall asleep.
  • If you're a procrastinator, grab a calendar and plan every step for all big projects.
  • Classical music while you work will help improve your concentration.
  • Start with the hardest tasks, working your way up to the easiest, this will greatly facilitate the process.
  • Complete assignments while still at school, if you have free time(for example, during a break or lunch, even during lessons, if you have a free minute)
  • When finished, check it out.


  • Do not hurry. If you rush through your homework and don’t try, you may end up with a bad grade.

Good afternoon, dear parents! A little more, a little more ... Back to school! Again in the evenings we will stubbornly sit at textbooks and notebooks, trying to gnaw the granite of science together with the child. Of course, every parent would like to spend as little time as possible on this process in order to do ordinary household chores or just take a break after a working day. But, alas, this is not always the case.

Time after time we immerse ourselves in the process of doing homework with our heads, unbending our backs, when the clock is already far beyond ...

Are there practical advice, how quickly to do homework, or is it basically impossible, and you need to set yourself up to spend endless hours at your desk? Will seek!

Lesson plan:

Invaluable parental help

If a high school student who has become accustomed for several years already independently copes with the tasks assigned to him by the school, planning his time, then for children elementary grades parenting input into homework is invaluable.

The position of the household may be different. So, some parents are always and everywhere next to the child, ready to help at any time, including when it comes to lessons. Others categorically refuse to help in the process of daily preparation for school, arguing that the child should cope with his work himself.

Both behavioral approaches are dubious if such principles are followed consistently, without allowing for exceptions.

In the case when the parents are always “on the alert”, the student loses, getting used to the constant presence of a firm parental shoulder and desperately hoping for help, which he begins to resort to even when it seems that there are no special problems. In a situation when they are thrown "into the pool with their heads", the little student is left one-on-one with his school problems without the possibility of getting help or advice in the right time.

Of course, maybe he will come out, but what will it cost him! There are times when, without the help of their parents, children simply drown in the river of knowledge without a life ring thrown in time.

Teachers strongly recommend that you do not let the process go by itself to do your homework efficiently and quickly, but also do not stand over the child's soul, breathing down the back every second. Be close to a willingness to clarify misunderstandings, alternating joint work with individual, - the best way for the development of school events.

What can affect the speed of completing lessons?

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is mental capacity child. There is certainly some truth in this. Excellent students do their homework much easier and faster - they just sat down, everything is ready. But not everyone can be excellent students, and such hardworking bees also have a drop of laziness that can negate the entire process of completing the assignment.

"On time" the TV turned on, an open tab in the computer, the inviting sounds of incoming messages - all this knocks out even those who "half-kick" with their lessons. So what can get in the way of your training speed?

The first in line are written disciplines, and mathematics always takes the lead, occupying an honorable pedestal, as it requires more attention and brainstorming.

Further behind it is the Russian language, and it is important to first learn the rules, and then write in a notebook. Believe me, there are those who do the opposite, increasing the time for "homework", as they correct the mistakes made and rewrite the final one ten times. Oral objects remain for "dessert".

Of course, there are those children who like to start with their favorite subjects, leaving difficult ones for later, so that, as they say, "the fuse is not lost." Whether this is correct, to judge the parents. If the child copes with difficult tasks "with a bang" on the last exhalation, then so be it. If the completion of the last tasks is a stretch, the discipline schedule needs to be revised.

Little tricks for big parents

In order for children to learn quickly, and most importantly, do their homework efficiently, parents can use little tricks that children will use on their own as they grow up, reducing the time for lessons and receiving precious hours for rest as a gift.

How to make a person, and especially a child, do something sometimes "I don’t want to go through?" That's right - to motivate! To interest the student in educational process- a step towards making it faster.

Your student doesn't like to write on drafts? Let the car become not only a friend for entertainment, but also a learning assistant. Sometimes doing such tasks as possible and with the help modern technology using it as an electronic draft. Children are great at speed typing with the keyboard, the computer allows you to make corrections.

What not rational distribution time? Reread it ten times, fix it again, and voila! Everything is clean in a notebook! Just agree in advance that all unnecessary tabs will be closed. Otherwise, you will have to return to the old good times when they write exclusively on paper.

Not all children are happy owners, and teaching in primary school there are a lot. What are they worth! And so the child toils all evening, and the rhymes do not add up. Read with expression a poem for memorization on a voice recorder and turn it on throughout the evening, when the student is eating, when he is just sitting on the couch, when he is washing, and especially before going to bed.

Psychologists say that information received just before a night's rest remains in the subcortex of the brain and emerges at the right time. Proven by experience! It remains only to repeat in the morning before school, and the "five" is provided.

In order for the children to sit down for their lessons on time, which is important, take on an alarm clock, which will remind you with persistent sobering that it is time. It can also be connected to limit the time allotted for completing one lesson or for a break, so as not to forget.

These are the little tips for big work exist on the Internet pages of parents who have gone through "fire, water and copper pipes." It turns out that homework can be done quickly, efficiently, and with pleasure.

Well, we discussed it) And now maybe a portion of "Yeralash"? A?

Do you have your own tricks on how to reduce the time for lessons? Share your secrets, maybe someone is missing your zest.

With wishes, do everything to the maximum, spending as little time as possible!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.