Do-it-yourself decorative napkins on the table. Napkins for table setting for a holiday, dinner party, dinner: types and options for folding paper and linen napkins, napkin decorations, photos. How to fold paper napkins in the form of a boat, rose, flower

New Year's holiday is approaching. When setting the table, the hostess thinks through every detail, trying to embody her creative ideas and ideas not only in the preparation of dishes, but also in decoration.

Napkins are an invariable attribute of table setting: dining, Christmas, anniversary, wedding ... They can be folded in modest squares, or work as a decorative element.

I propose to consider several options for how to fold a napkin on festive table... Agree, beautifully folded napkins make an indelible impression on guests, cheer up.

  • And from this article you will learn:

Origami technique makes guests remember their childhood, which makes the event unforgettable.

There are many options, one better than the other. It will take a little effort and time to master them. But if you yourself learned the origami technique as a child, then it will be easy and simple.

Of the invented variations, the following stand out:

How to fold paper napkins beautifully

The technique of folding napkins is mastered from simple figures to the most difficult.

How to make a napkin fan

The fan on the table is a classic decoration. But still, this simple and quick way there are several variations. It is used for both paper and tissue napkins.

A single fan can be quickly laid out from napkins folded in a triangle. Place them loosely in the napkin holder. So that you can freely pull out any. Or fill the napkin holder with two fans facing each other.

Fan-tailed bird

A very simple solution, but if you use handkerchiefs different color, it turns out bright and beautiful.

Make a trapezoid from a square blank. You just need to bend one corner of the paper handkerchief. Fold the blanks as shown in the photo. This will be the tail of the bird. Make the head and neck by folding the second napkin into a tube.

Watch the video: How to fold napkins beautifully and quickly on the table (2 ways).


Bright colored napkins folded in the shape of a peacock with an open tail. Paper handkerchiefs are placed in a glass or glass.

How to fold, see the diagram.

Fan of fabric on a plate

The option is diverse. Suitable for table setting and for children's party, and for a warm romantic dinner.

By changing the color of the fabric, you can give either solemnity or brightness.

Fan in a glass

Expand large square napkin to make a rectangle.

Along along, collect it in folds (no more than 2 cm wide) - an accordion. Fold the accordion in half and put it in a glass (see photo). Both tissue and paper napkins are folded according to the same principle.

Fan in a ring

Another version of the fan, using a ring.


Paper napkins folded in the shape of a Christmas tree are suitable for New Year... To see all the details of the fold, it is better to use paper of one color. Looks beautiful green, look at the photo.

Fold a paper handkerchief in 4 layers (below the folding diagram step by step)

Bend the upper corner of the workpiece diagonally to the opposite corner, departing from the outer edge by 1 cm.

Fold the second layer of the napkin and the third one. Indenting 1 cm each time.

Turn the workpiece over. Fold the right and left sides towards the middle. Turn the workpiece over again. Hide the corners (turn each one down).

How to make bunnies

Cute funny bunnies will delight both children and adults at any holiday. A good option they will be for Easter, Valentine's Day, birthdays and home gatherings.

Such a cheerful paper family is quite suitable for children.

And these hares are made of fabric, they look more solemn. How to fold, see diagram:

If something is not clear in the diagram, watch a short video:

Showy roses

These flowers leave no one indifferent. Even when they are made of paper or fabric. Pink colour pieces of paper simply rolled into tubes look like a bouquet of roses. If you put them in a salad bowl and decorate with sprigs of greenery.

Rose on a plate

To make a flower it is necessary to use a square napkin. Connecting two edges between itself diagonally, it is necessary to create a groove triangle. We place the sharp side of the figure away from ourselves - at the end it will serve as a leaf for a rose. Further, we will work only with a foundation.

Observing the parallelism of the long side, we begin to twist the base of the triangle in the following way: from the bottom edge to the top. This must be done until the fabric is wrapped up to 4-5 centimeters towards the end of the sharp side.

Then we begin to twist the left end of the resulting shape. In this case, make sure that the fabric takes on the shape of a rose. Bend the sharp ends of the former triangle in the opposite direction.

Rose in a glass

You can decorate a glass or glass with a flower

How to make a rose using a glass

Another option awesome gorgeous rose made from napkins using a glass. Making such flowers is quick and easy.

Watch the video: Roses in a glass of paper napkins

Aster flower

Here's another option for decorating the table with napkins. This time you can make a beautiful aster flower to decorate it.

For what: Place a paper or cloth square on a table and fold its bottom half in half. Fold the top in half. Flip the rectangle right-side down and fold the top half towards you.

Fold the bottom half in half. Unfold.

Take a rectangle at the bottom edge and bend to the nearest horizontal line.

Fold the entire workpiece "accordion".

Taking her left top edge tuck the folds inside the ribs one by one, so that you get triangles.

Connect the outermost triangles on both sides.

Place aster on a plate.

Royal lily

Festive table decoration is always different beautiful tablecloth and crockery, sparkling cutlery. Brightly decorated dishes, cold cuts compositions. But beautifully folded napkins transform the table.

Put a napkin in front of you, face side down. Bend all four corners alternately towards the center. Flip it over with the other side and again bend all corners to the middle.

While holding the middle of the folds with your fingers, twist each petal, pulling a corner from the center to the outside.

Folded napkin in the shape of a heart

Refers to romantic decor... There is a sense of sophistication in it. Will fit to festive dinner for two. How to fold:

French lily

Fold the napkin in half with the wrong side of the inside. Align the left and right corners with the top of the triangle.

Then gradually turn the lower corner upward - first by a quarter of the height of the rim, then to the middle and finally - by two-thirds of the figure.

Fold the top corners down and fill them tightly, you will have petals. It remains to "plant" the lily on the plate. To do this, connect the right and left corners of the back, nesting them one in the other.

Simple solutions not devoid of sophistication

Sometimes even simple schemes look more elegant when setting the table than expensive materials and accessories.

A simple rolled napkin with a tube, decorated with a flower, a ribbon, a green twig looks amazingly cute.

Beautifully folded napkins add aesthetic appeal to the table setting. This is an opportunity to surprise and delight your guests.

Flower stand:

It is important to select napkins according to their texture and tone.

They should be consistent with the general style of the table or the items you have chosen.

It is possible to make such paper decorations quickly, without additional efforts.

Envelope for devices

Therefore, in any situation you can show your skill.
And in conclusion, one more video.

Video on how to fold cloth napkins for table setting, 12 options:

How to use napkins

A folded cloth napkin that lies on a table or plate is unrolled and placed on your lap. It is designed to protect clothing from stains and splashes while eating. At the end of the meal, it is used to wipe your hands and lips (if necessary). The used cloth is left on the table, next to the plate.

Lips get wet with paper napkins while eating. Used ones are folded on a small plate that stands next to the instruments.

All the best to you, dear readers!

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Here are some popular folding patterns for a cloth napkin:

  • Megaphone is a very simple way to design a paper or tissue napkin. First of all, you need to fold the product in half and once again repeat this action in the same direction, as shown in figure number 2. Bend the corners of the resulting narrow rectangle down and twist the figure in the form of a "bag". Finally, connect the two parts of the "bags" with each other.
  • The southern cross is an interesting and very simple layout of a cloth napkin that will perfectly fit into the decor dining table... Turn the product seamy side and bend all corners to the center, observing the sequence. Then turn the canvas over and do the same. Repeat the action one more time and pull out first the upper right corner, and then all the other corners.

  • Jonka - unusual shape serving napkin, which is also sometimes called "swan". Fold the product in half so that the fold is on the right. Then fold the rectangle again and fold the bottom half diagonally upward. Fold the left and right corners up, and remove the protruding parts down. Next, you need to roll the fabric back along the longitudinal axis, alternately pulling out its edges.


If you want to get the "Twisted Tent", then roll the resulting figure in a tube, then put it on the table without straightening the edges.

If you want a simple "Tent" for two, then just in a napkin folded in half, we wind the upper left corner down to the middle, then the right one, then fold it in half and you're done.


Answers on questions:
1. Do I really starch napkins (just like our grandmothers, in a tank, with starch)? No, I'm not starch (I'm still out of my mind), but I bought a wonderful thing 100 years ago - starch - aerosol (like hairspray, only starch). Enough for a long time. Sometimes I starch my husband's shirt collars. So "not a single napkin")))
2. Do I really do all this beauty on tissue napkins? No. Almost never. I always use paper ones.
3. And often it happens to me? No, not often. Only sometimes, when someone comes to visit, to whom I want to show off (for example, my husband's friends. My friends and family already know everything about me)))

An exquisite setting of the festive table will not do without napkins. If you planned gala evening or even simple gatherings with friends, the knowledge of beautiful folding napkins will come in handy. Napkins are needed not only to wipe hands and mouth with them, but also for decoration, giving a special atmosphere. Even a simple family dinner will turn into a holiday if you decorate the table with such elements.

The role of napkins on the festive table

Many may argue, but napkins are among the main ones on the set table. They immediately attract the attention of all guests and help to keep clean and tidy. Correctly selected and folded paper napkins will provide you with loyalty from the guests.

Napkins should be in harmony with the tablecloth and dishes according to the color and theme of the picture (if any). They also need to be folded based on the occasion of the celebration.

Agree, Christmas tree napkins at a wedding will look very inappropriate. You can arrange products directly on guests' plates or next to them. You can decorate your cutlery beautifully with folded napkins. Some figures can be inserted into special stands and positioned in different parts table so everyone can get to them.

Please note that there should be a lot of paper napkins on the table. You can play with shapes. Fold individual napkins in one way and general napkins in another. But you can also experiment with colors. For many patterns, you can use multi-colored products or just two products of different colors.

Wedding napkins

Festive paper napkins can be folded into a variety of shapes. There are so many options that even a book is not enough to describe everything. possible ways... It is quite easy to create such beauty, and clear instructions will help you not to get confused. If you want to make your evening really special, then start learning how to fold napkins now. Exercise will help you avoid mistakes in the future.


Quite a simple and common way. Such a figurine can be used to decorate a meal with relatives or friends. Making a fan-shaped figurine is a snap.

  1. Make a nice cardboard fan holder. It is important that the holder matches the color and texture. You can even make one from a suitable postcard or special cardboard for needlework. Cut out an oval 7-8 cm long.
  2. Using a hole punch (you can use a curly one), make holes on both edges. Pull through the holes thin tape... It also needs to be matched to match the napkin and holder.
  3. Start making an accordion out of a napkin. Move from the middle of the piece to the edge.
  4. Carefully insert the folded napkin into a cardboard stand. Place a napkin on the table or on a guest's plate.

Napkin pocket

This napkin shape allows you to hide cutlery inside. The pocket can be placed on or next to the guest's plate. Folding a napkin is easy:

  • flatten the product on the table;
  • fold the lower right corners to the upper edge on the left, each next fold should be larger than the previous one;
  • turn the product over in layers;
  • fold one edge so that all layers are on top again;
  • fold the second edge so that a pocket is formed;
  • flip again paper product;
  • you can now insert cutlery.

Peacock tail

Such a napkin looks especially luxurious on the guest's personal plate. It is very easy to make a peacock tail napkin:

  1. fold the product in half: when folding front side should be outside;
  2. fold most of the napkin (2/3) into an accordion;
  3. fold the product in half so that the accordion is on the left, and the unfolded part is on the right;
  4. fold the flat area of ​​the accordion with a corner and wrap it around its axis - this way, you get a stand;
  5. straighten the accordion so that the product resembles a peacock's tail and you can put the napkin in the chosen place.

Diplomat pocket

Christmas tree

This folding method is great for winter events, especially for New Years parties... If you use multi-colored products, you can get a very attractive decoration.

The process is very simple:

  1. lay the product on the table, fold it 2 times, the result will be 4 layers;
  2. Fold the first layer inside out, do not bring literally 1 cm to the edge;
  3. we repeat this procedure with two subsequent layers, alternating with the front and the wrong part;
  4. turn the product in folded layers to the table surface;
  5. bend the right and left edges to the middle alternately - the product is ready.

Lotus flower

It is very easy to fold the napkin in this way. The lotus product can be placed on a plate:

  • fold ¼ napkins in the middle on two opposite sides;
  • fold the other two ends in the same way: all corners should converge neatly;
  • the middle fold should be outside, and the lower and upper fold should be inside;
  • fold the product into an accordion, move strictly along the folds made earlier;
  • the edges of the accordion must be bent in triangles;
  • unfold the flower.


Such an unusual figurine can be used to decorate a table not only for a holiday, but also on an ordinary day. To create an artichoke, follow the rules:

  1. put the product right side on the table - fold all corners to the middle;
  2. bend all corners to the center of the product again;
  3. expand the resulting square;
  4. fold the corners to the center again;
  5. pull one corner from the middle with a neat movement towards you, carry out the same manipulations with other corners;
  6. pull out the edges that are on the other side of the product.

South Cross

The stern figure resembles a cross. Suitable for serving the table with the family. For festive table setting this way of folding napkins is rather simple. Fold the napkin like this:

  • put the product on the table, seamy side up;
  • wrap the corners to the middle of the material;
  • expand the square reverse side
  • bend all the corners to the center again;
  • unfold the square with the back side again;
  • fold all the edges of the product to the center again;
  • place the napkin upward (diamond);
  • carefully pull out the right corner;
  • do the same with the other three corners;
  • smooth the resulting cross with your hand.


For this design, you need a napkin big size... From a product whose sides are less than 30 cm, it will not work to fold a shirt. The figurine is very simple:

  1. wrap the corners of the square product towards the center;
  2. fold the two sides of the figure to the central part of the figure;
  3. turn the product over, bend the upper edge 2 cm down, press the fold well with your finger;
  4. put the rectangular blank face up, bring the edges of the intended collar to each other;
  5. spread the lower halves of the workpiece to the sides;
  6. wrap the bottom edge halfway, then wrap it again; bring lower part to the shirt collar - the figurine is ready.

French envelope

This folding of napkins is suitable for classic table setting. The French envelope can be used to decorate both a gala dinner and a homemade dinner. The instruction is simple:

  • take an ordinary square paper product, do not unfold it;
  • gently, evenly bend the top three corners;
  • adjust the corners so that there are equal gaps between them;
  • fold left side workpieces and put the cutlery inside.

When arranging a dinner party or a festive family dinner, it will not be superfluous to know how to fold napkins beautifully, since it is precisely folded napkins that neatly and with imagination can give a table setting a special charm and charm.


On the eve of new year holidays learning how to create a herringbone shape for a napkin of the appropriate color is more relevant than ever. And making such a figure is not at all difficult.
First you need to fold the napkin in four. Then we bend it into a triangle free edge and bend the sides to the wrong rhombus. After that, we fold each corner and decorate it with a decorative bow that replaces the “top” of the tree.

And here is another version of the Christmas tree that I once saw in one of the expensive restaurants.

French envelope

This option of folding linen napkins is very popular for classic serving. It can be used both for dinner and for a big celebration.
Square napkin folds into a square the usual way, then the three upper corners are neatly and evenly bent. After that, you need to correct the bend of the corners, as shown in the diagram, with the same interval. And finally, you need to bend the left side and put the cutlery.

I really like this option in a pale pink color.


If you, like me, do not like to use complex patterns for folding napkins or there is simply no time for this, but surprise guests original serving I want to, you can implement this one simple scheme and focus on well-chosen colors.

This option is a great solution for a romantic dinner.


Fold, roll up, slightly loosen the top and slightly bend the "petals", and then put them in the glass. A clear photo is the best instructor! Look closely at the diagram and try to repeat it.

It is with such a red heart that you can arrange a festive table for Valentine's Day.

Asian fan

We put the napkin with the wrong side down, then bend down one fourth of the upper part. We turn the napkin over and bend a third of the bottom part up. After that, you need to fold the napkin from bottom to top in half. We fold the resulting figure with an "accordion" to get five even folds.
And finally, hold the open side in your hand, pull out the folds hidden in the depth at the top in opposite sides and fix them. And, of course, dissolve the "fan" itself.

I am delighted with the result!

And this is unusual and very beautiful way how to create a chrysanthemum flower from paper napkins. It is not so easy to make such a table decoration, but after some practice, you will definitely succeed, because such an amazing result is clearly worth it!

And a few more simple options... No complex schemes, just roll up the napkin and use different decorations.

Simply amazing, isn't it?