Evil doll robert. Legends of Cursed Things

People, and even today, very strange things happen in her presence.

Doll Robert in a glass case.

Almost all vintage dolls look creepy, but Robert doll is especially scary. She is the size of real baby and dressed in real baby clothes. She has absolutely empty eyes in the form of two black buttons that look nowhere, and on Robert's lap sits a dog with huge, bulging eyes and a strange mouth. They also say that a certain creature lives in Robert.

The Robert doll was once brand new and shiny, made 115 years ago at the Steiff factory. By the way, the representatives of the company themselves said that Robert was not a doll - initially it was a mannequin for a shop window. However, a long time ago the doll ended up in the possession of a boy named Robert Otto, and this story has two versions. Those who believe in supernatural abilities the dolls stick to the more cryptic option. So, the maid of the Otto family, a young girl from the Bahamas, performed voodoo rituals on the doll and gave it to the boy as a punishment for his pranks. Skeptics are more inclined to believe in the "official" version of events: the doll was given to the boy by his grandfather.

Robert "Gene" Otto.

In any case, the boy Robert (in the family he was called by his middle name Jean) literally fell in love with the doll and even dressed her up in his childhood clothes, a sailor suit, from which he grew. The boy carried the toy with him everywhere and treated the doll like a living being. Soon strange things began to happen in Otto's house. Things moved on their own, and the boy began to complain to his parents, saying that the Robert doll was doing all this. At first, the parents laughed at the children's fiction, but then they also began to notice oddities. And the plumber who was renovating Otto's house claimed to hear children's laughter and even saw the Robert doll move from one place to another.

House of Artists, where Robert "Gene" Otto lived as an adult. The upper window of the rotunda is where the Robert doll sat.

When Gene Otto grew up, he moved to the "House of Artists" in the city of Key West. Now his doll was sitting on a chair near the window, and it was perfectly visible from the street. People began to avoid passing by this house. They literally swore that they saw the doll move from place to place and carefully follow them with their eyes. Guests who came to the House of Artists said that they heard footsteps from the room above them, where Robert was sitting, as if the doll moved there on its own. Even Gene's wife Otto was frightened by the doll and ended up putting it in the attic.

Letter for Robert's doll received by the museum.

After the death of Gene Otto and his wife in 1974, a woman named Myrtle Reiter moved into their apartment, inheriting furniture and, of course, a doll. For 20 years she lived in the house with the doll Robert and constantly heard inexplicable movements and sounds from the attic where she was kept. Finally, Myrtle broke down and gave the doll to the Fort East Martello Museum, citing only one reason - the doll was possessed by some entity. Museum workers took away the doll, deciding that it was only the fantasy of an elderly woman, and put it in storage. However, after hearing about the possessed doll, numerous visitors began to demand that the exhibit be put on display. Not only that, people began to write letters to the Robert doll with all sorts of requests, as if she was an almighty psychic.

In the end, the museum staff gave up and put the mystical exhibit in the hall. Now the Robert doll sits in a glass case, from where it is practically not taken out. And visitors circle around the doll in droves, hoping to catch her glance or at least some movement. By the way, many people claim that cameras and electronic devices fail near Robert's doll.

aging doll

One fine day, a family decided to clean up the attic and found a frightening find there. A baby doll that people left in the attic 11 years ago, terribly changed from the day it was last seen. The doll had real wrinkles, and somehow she was human. Look at the photo of this doll. Look into her eyes. They seem to look into the soul:

We, for example, are afraid to look at her. Where this doll is now is not exactly known, but, according to rumors, it was sold for a very high price. What kind of person should be who wants to buy it? Having acquired an owner, do you think the doll has become younger again?

Bylo Baby

She was "born" in 1922 in the small American town of Keywest (Florida) in the house of a certain Charles Wincox. This “doctor of puppet sciences” was, they say, a member of the well-known occult order “Golden Dawn”, which was headed by nothing less than the “beast of the Apocalypse”, the legendary sorcerer and alchemist of the 20th century Aleister Crowley. The order also included writers Bram Stoker (who wrote Dracula) and Howard Lovecraft, the odious character, the father of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard, and many other celebrities who observed strict secrecy. Wincox worked for some time at Madame Tussauds, and, apparently, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a basement of horrors there belongs to him. There were rumors that the dolls made by Wincox were able to scare away the spirits of death, and therefore, save the life of even a doomed person.

Once, the parents of Rosie McNee, who was suffering from anemia, turned to him, desperate to run to the doctors, with a request to make such a life-giving doll for the girl. And Charles Wincox tried. The master turned out a pretty young lady in luxurious dress from Chinese silk, decorated with the finest lace. She even had petticoat and smart shoes. Soft body, wax hands, legs and head…

Her new mistress died in terrible agony two days after her parents gave her this miracle. The girl lay in bed, tightly squeezing her new girlfriend, whom she had not had time to name. Parents accused Wincox of poisoning their daughter with a doll. He had to hide, and no one heard anything more about the amazing master (although there are newspaper clippings that Wincox opened a store in Prague). Rosie McNee was buried with a doll that they couldn't get out of her hands. But when, some time later, the police exhumed the body in order to search for traces of poison, there was no doll in the coffin.

12 years after these events, Rosie's mother, Mary Vanessa McNee, bought a doll in an antique store, very similar to the ill-fated one. Since then, a series of misfortunes began in the house, culminating in the suicide of a completely distraught Mrs. McNee, who threw herself out of a window in 1952, clutching a doll to her chest, like her daughter thirty years ago. The neighbors who found her said that before her death, the woman lamented: “Oh, Bailo Baby, Bailo Baby ...” This is how the doll got its name.

In 1969, with the beginning of the occult boom in the United States, a museum opened in the reputedly cursed McNee house, where the main exhibit, of course, was an ominous, ageless girl with a rag body and a dress made of frayed Chinese silk. Unknown people tried to burn her twice, but she still “survived”. And in 1995, Bailo Baby was kidnapped, and the owner of the museum promised $10,000 to the one who found her. But Bailo Baby never returned home. Not so long ago (in 1998), the doll was bought from the satanic sect "Number of the Beast" in New York by an American journalist, who, in turn, resold it to Vlad Taupesh. The doll was brought to Moscow, where it was on display at the Moscow Museum of Magic, Occultism and Superstition (the museum did not last long in Moscow, and was closed due to the crisis, all the exhibits were safely sent to Prague, where they are to this day). Perhaps this is just a coincidence, but soon, the journalist who presented Taupesh with a doll died under very strange circumstances.

The doll was tested in the Expert-Prof Bureau, which specializes in the examination of antiques. Specialist Sergey Lazarev confirmed the age of Bailo Baby. An x-ray of the old woman's wax skull showed that there was a piece of parchment with incomprehensible signs - this could be the master's autograph or magic spell. The body of the doll was stuffed human hair and rags with traces of blood. So the legend that Wincox created his toys in the images of dead children from the orphanage of St. Augustine, using their hair and scraps of clothing, received confirmation.


The story began in the 1970s when a nursing student named Donna received a used rag doll as a gift from her mother. Donna took the doll with her to her apartment, which she shared with her friend Angie. But soon strange things began to happen. It seemed that the doll moved around the apartment by itself. The girls left her in one place, but found her in another and in a different position. They also found messages written on paper. On scraps of parchment was: "Help us," but there was no such paper in the house! When these messages began to appear, Donna and Angie suspected that someone had sneaked into their apartment and wrote all this to scare the girls. They examined all the windows and doors, but there was nothing that indicated that they were opened without the knowledge of the hostesses.

One day, Donna found a liquid that looked like blood on the hands and dress of the doll. In the end, the girls turned to a medium. During the session, contact was made with a certain spirit, who called himself Annabelle Higgins. He said that he died during his lifetime in seven years old on the spot where Donna and Angie's house stands. The spirit admitted that he would like to stay with the girls, he liked them so much that he moved into the doll for this. Despite the incident with the blood, Donna and Angie did not see any danger in this and allowed the spirit to stay with them: they took great pity on poor Annabelle.

Annabelle, however, never liked Donna's friend Liu. The doll began to appear to him in nightmares. And one night he woke up because someone was choking him. It was an indescribably realistic dream, and after that, Liu pondered for a long time whether everything could be real.

The next day, Liu was visiting Donna and Angie. Suddenly, a strange sound came from Donna's room. All three were frightened, thinking that they were robbers. When Liu burst into the room, he found no one there but Annabelle lying on the floor. Liu felt the unpleasant feeling of someone's presence, and that this someone was standing behind him. He turned around, and at the same moment his chest was pierced sharp pain. He saw blood on his sweater. Upon closer examination, it was possible to discern traces, as if claws, left on the skin. The marks from these claws disappeared very quickly, but Liu, Donna and Angie were terrified to death.

They contacted the priest, and he, in turn, realizing the complexity of this case, told the spouses Ed and Lorraine Warren, specialists in the paranormal, about this. Both were famous exorcists capable of dealing with the most serious cases, founded the Society for Psychical Research in New England in the fifties and wrote books about the other world. After listening to the whole story, Ed and Lorraine realized that the exorcism rite should be carried out immediately, which was done that same evening by the priest.

The Warrens said the doll was actually possessed by a demon whose target was Donna. He intended to get close to her, using the kind and compassionate heart of the girl. The demon was not at all interested in the doll, he wanted to get a real valuable booty- the human soul! Ed and Lorraine said that allowing the doll to stay given by girls, served as the very trigger that accelerated the development of events and put friends in great danger.

After cleaning the house, the couple took the doll away, to which Donna, Angie and Liu were frankly delighted - they could not see her anymore. The presence of Annabelle in the car was dangerous: the brakes, engine and power steering refused to obey. A miracle, caution and sprinkling of the doll with holy water saved people from death. The rite of exorcism was performed again directly at the Warren house after some time, as Annabelle again began to show all signs of possession.
In the end, a special transparent showcase was built for the doll, where it is kept to this day, waiting for the opportunity to break free.

In the photo: Annabelle in the arms of Lorraine Warren:

Pictured: Ed and Lorraine Warren next to Annabelle, locked in a display case.
Caption: "Warning, definitely do not open!"

Doll named Robert

Robert's strange mystical doll appeared in 1906 in Key West, Florida, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Otto. The doll was personally made by a Bahamian servant, who presented it to the owner's son, Robert Eugene Otto. At first glance, the doll appeared to be a symbol of appreciation and gratitude, but it was quite the opposite. The Thomas Otto couple were notorious for their cruelty to servants. The doll thus acted as a kind of Trojan horse filled with black magic.

The son, whom everyone in the family called Jean, very quickly became attached to the doll, named her Robert and carried it with him almost always and everywhere. Soon, unusual events began in the house. Neighbors and residents of the estate itself claimed to have seen the doll moving and heard its malicious giggles. Jin's other toys were spoiled and torn in the most cruel and incomprehensible way. From Jin's room, you could hear him talking to the doll, but the creepiest thing was that you could hear her answer. At first, this was explained by the fact that the boy himself changed his voice, but the tone of the second voice was so different that those who heard the "voice" of the doll could not believe that it was a child and a person in general.

He justified the actions that Gene was accused of by saying that it was not him, but Robert. Jin saw regularly nightmares and felt bad. One day, when he screamed especially loudly at night, the parents, unable to stand it, burst into their son's room. The furniture was overturned, Robert was sitting on Gene's bed at his feet, turning to face him. The pale boy was pointing at him, repeating, “It's Robert! Robert did it! A visiting relative saw the doll and said that it was dangerous and should be destroyed. The next night, the woman was found dead in her bed.

In the end, Robert still settled in the attic. Years later, Jean, who became an artist and writer, returned with his wife to the master's house after the death of his father. The first thing Gene did was get Robert out of the attic, and things started to get weird again. Jin's wife noticed that he felt an incomprehensible affection for the doll and treated her like a living person. She herself found Robert extremely disgusting and condemned her husband for returning the doll. Gradually, the wife became more and more worried, she understood that there was something supernatural and evil in Robert. Seizing the moment, she returned the doll to the attic. Soon, strange footsteps and giggles began to be heard from above. Gene got nervous and immediately took Robert downstairs, talking about the importance of Robert being with him all the time. Soon Robert was given a separate room. Rumors spread around the house among the employees that the doll was moving around the room.

As time went on, and Jean died in 1972, his widow rushed out of the house, quickly selling it. Robert was left alone and was waiting for the next victim, who would rise to the attic. The new owner moved into the house and his ten-year-old daughter found Robert. Everything started over. At night, she screamed and said that Robert was coming to life and trying to kill her. She, already a mature lady, claims exactly the same thing now.

Robert is currently at the Martello Museum in Key West. For those who wish to see him, it is quite possible: the museum is open to the public. Museum workers claim that the doll is still active and is the cause of mystical incidents. But the medium invited to Robert said that the soul of the doll is slowly dying.


Alice doll lives in Washington DC with her owner Marie Ford. Alice has been in the Marie family for three generations. According to her grandmother, the doll contains the soul of her dead friend Alice. Marie says that the doll's eyes and facial expressions change, and if you put your ear to Alice's face, you can hear a whisper uttered by an inhuman voice.


The Mandy doll is kept in the Quisnel Museum in England. She is about ninety years old. She was donated to the museum in 1991 by a woman who could no longer tolerate this doll in her home. She said that she woke up at night from a sound reminiscent of a child's cry, and when she got out of bed, she saw an open window, which she always closed, and a doll sitting next to it. Similar cases repeated more and more often until Mandy was sent to the museum.


The doll has been examined by many paranormal experts, and all have come to the same conclusion: the doll is possessed. According to their conclusion, three different spirits are trapped in Caroline, who are fighting each other for control of the doll.


The doll is over one hundred and fifty years old and originally belonged to King Umberto I of Italy. The doll survived the First and Second World Wars, but lost both arms and upper part heads from an explosion during World War II. Emilia was seen speaking and, moreover, opening and closing her eyes.


The doll was sold, like many other vintage dolls, on the Internet. The previous owner says that, in her opinion, the doll is not so much possessed as cursed. From the day Harald appeared in the house, the woman faced huge problems in her life: the wedding was upset, she was struck serious illness, invasion of insects and other troubles. After she sold Harald, her luck returned to her. An even earlier owner of the doll claims that the doll moves and voices are heard from it.


This doll moves not only by itself, but also moves other things in the apartment. Sometimes you can even hear it knocking from the depths of its glass box where it is stored. She was made around 1920 and she stayed with her first mistress all her life - from the age of five until 2005. With the mistress of Pupa, she traveled far and wide across Europe and the USA.

In general, something like that! The most interesting thing in my opinion...

Do you believe that objects can carry negative energy, injure and even lead to the death of their owners?

Our selection contains real-life items that are associated with mystical events and are shrouded in dark legends.

Doll Robert

This doll named Robert is kept in a museum in Key West, Florida. It is believed that Robert is enchanted and can bring bad luck.

It all started in 1906. On the island of Key West lived a rich and cruel planter named Otto. He treated his servants very badly, did not spare them. One of them, who owns voodoo magic, harbored a grudge against the owner and decided to take revenge on him. From straw, he made a doll one meter tall, bewitched it and presented it to the master's son Robert. The boy was so enamored with the gift that he named the doll after himself.

And then strange things began to happen to the child. He spent hours talking with a new toy, screaming at night and suffering from nightmares. Households claimed to have heard shrill laughter new doll and saw her running around the house. In the end, the boy became afraid of Robert, and the creepy toy was thrown into the attic. The doll lay there until the death of its owner in 1972. The house was then sold to another family. The little daughter of the new owners quickly found the toy and began to play with it. But very soon Robert made her life hell. According to the girl, he mocked her and even wanted to kill her ...

Phone number 359 888 888 888

This phone number belonged to the Bulgarian telecommunications company "Mobitel". At first, it was used by the owner of this company, Vladimir Grishanov, who died suddenly of cancer at the age of 48. Then the number went to the crime boss Konstantin Dimitrov. In 2003, Dimitrov was shot dead by a hitman in the Netherlands.

The next owner of the number was Konstantin Dishlev, who was involved in drug trafficking. He was also killed.

In the future, the owners of the ill-fated number were several more people whose lives ended tragically. As a result, the cellular company decided to block the number.

Annabelle doll

This Ragdoll, purchased from a hand-made store, was given to nurse Donna by her mother. The doll settled in the apartment that Donna rented with her friend Angie.

Soon the girls began to notice strange things. When they returned home, the doll was not at all in the place where they left it, and sometimes there was blood on her hands. A little later, Donna and Angie began to discover strange notes in the apartment with pleas for help, written in children's handwriting. The invited medium said that a long time ago a girl named Annabelle lived in these places, who died at the age of 7 years. It was her spirit that moved into the doll.

After the spirit pounced on Donna's friend and inflicted bloody wounds on him, the girl turned to famous paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. After the exorcism, the Warrens took the doll with them and placed it in their museum of the occult, where it is still kept.

Anna Baker's wedding dress

In 1849, Anna Baker, the daughter of a wealthy industrialist from Pennsylvania, fell in love with a simple worker and wanted to marry him. But the girl's father did not want to hear about it and the young man survived from the city. Then the unfortunate Anna swore that she would never marry and kept her promise, dying in 1914 as an old maid. Anna's two brothers left no descendants, and the Baker mansion was turned into a museum. In Anna's former bedroom, behind glass, her Wedding Dress, which she acquired in the hope of marrying her lover, but never put it on ...

Museum staff claim that during the full moon, the dress begins to move on its own, swaying from side to side, as if wanting to get out of captivity and reunite with its unfortunate mistress ...

Mirror from Myrtles Plantation

The Myrtle Plantation in Louisiana is said to be a haunted place that is overrun with ghosts. One of the scariest items here is a mirror brought in in 1980. Eyewitnesses claim that people often appear in the mirror in vintage clothes, as well as prints of children's hands.

According to legend, terrible events took place here in the 20s of the 19th century. The plantation owner had a maid named Chloe, who was once caught eavesdropping on the owner's conversations. The owner was angry, he ordered to cut off the unfortunate maid's ear and sent her to work in the field. Chloe decided to take revenge on the offender and baked a poisoned cake for his daughter's birthday, mixing poisonous oleander flowers into the dough. The owner refused the delicacy, but his wife and two little daughters ate a piece of poison each and died in agony the same day. The servants, fearing the wrath of their master, seized Chloe and hung her from a tree. Since then, the ghosts of Chloe and her three victims have been walking around the house and often appear in the mirror...

Bailo doll

In 1922, the parents of a little girl, Rosie McNee, approached puppeteer Charles Wincox with a request to make a doll for their daughter. There were rumors that the dolls created by Wincox were able to scare away death itself, and little Rosie was very sickly, and the parents hoped with the help new toy save her life.

Wincox made a magnificent doll for Rosie, but the baby died just two days after she received it as a gift ... The girl was buried along with new girlfriend, which she never let go of her arms. Some time later, Rosie's body was exhumed, as the police suspected that the child might have been poisoned. When the coffin was opened, there was no doll next to the girl ...

A few years later, Rosie's mother saw a very similar doll in a junk shop and bought it. Some time later, Rosie's father died under mysterious circumstances. Left alone, the unfortunate mother fell into madness and one day threw herself out of the window, clutching her daughter's doll. Before dying, she whispered:

Oh Bailo Baby, Bailo Baby

Since then, the doll has changed many owners. Now she is in Prague, in the museum of the occult, which belongs to the artist Vlad Taupesh.

Painting with a crying boy

There is a whole series of portraits of crying children. All of them were painted by the Italian artist Giovanni Bragolin in the 1950s. Reproductions of these paintings were at one time popular with the British and adorned the interiors of many London mansions. And in 1985, reports suddenly began to appear that in houses where portraits of crying children hang, fires are especially frequent. At the same time, the reproductions always remained intact. It seemed that the paintings in some mystical way attract fire, but they themselves do not burn in it.

Mediums claimed that the paintings attracted the ghosts of orphans who died during World War II. In the end, the tabloid newspaper The Sun organized a huge bonfire in which everyone could burn the cursed paintings. Indeed, all reproductions from crying children burned very slowly...

Bassano vase

This antique silver vase was presented as a gift to a Neapolitan girl on the eve of her wedding. On the same day, the young bride was found dead with a gift vase in her hands.

The vase remained in the girl's family, and it was passed down from generation to generation, until they noticed that everyone who owned the sinister souvenir ended their lives tragically.

Then the family members put the vase in a box along with the note "Beware... This vase brings death" and hid it in a safe place. In 1988, the cache was found, and the vase was sold at auction, prudently keeping silent about the contents of the note. The man who bought the death vessel died three months after the purchase. Then the vase fell into the hands of several more art lovers, and they all soon died. The vessel's whereabouts are currently unknown.

Car "Little Bastard"

"Little Bastard" is the nickname American actor James Dean gave to his new Porsche 550 Spyder. It was in this car that the young actor died. During the accident, a mechanic was next to him, who later killed himself. In the future, all the people who became the owners of the "Bastard" or even individual parts from it, got into serious car accidents. Some of them died, others were seriously injured.

Painting "Martyr"

This painting belongs to a certain Sean Robinson. For 25 years she lay in the attic of his grandmother, who told her grandson scary story canvases. Allegedly, the author of the picture painted it with paints mixed with his own blood, and after finishing the work, he immediately committed suicide.

In 2010, the painting became the property of Robinson, and terrible things immediately began to happen to his family. Unfamiliar voices and crying were constantly heard in the house, the doors opened and closed by themselves, and one day an invisible force pushed Robinson's son down the stairs. Sometimes a mysterious smoke began to swirl around the picture.

It was once owned by artist and writer Robert Otto in Key West, Florida. It is assumed that the doll was bewitched and possessed by evil spirits.
The story begins at the Otto family's home in Florida, 1904. The master of the house was known to mistreat his servant and was not the kindest of people in his lifetime.
One strange black servant, who was assigned to the son of the owners, was said by many to be knowledgeable in matters of witchcraft, black magic and voodoo religion. As history shows, a servant gave young Robert a doll. The doll was three feet high (about a meter), and was filled with straw. The servant himself created the doll, and she charmed little boy.
The boy decided to name the doll Robert. The doll has become a constant companion to a small child. Relatives and servants began to notice oddities in the child. Often heard the conversations of a boy with a doll, which came from above. This in itself may not have been so bad as many children talk to their toys…. But the father was alarmed and frightened by the fact that he heard his son answer his own questions in a completely alien voice, not like his own. Those close to her began to worry. The parents claimed to have heard the doll's giggles and swore they caught a glimpse of the doll running through the house.
Many strange things began to happen in household the Otto family. Often neighbors could see Robert moving from window to window when the family was away. Local children even began to bypass the house. The father began to blame the Robert doll for the failures and troubles that occur. The parents claimed to have heard the doll's giggles and swore they caught a glimpse of the doll running through the house.
The boy began to suffer from nightmares and he screamed at night. When his parents ran to their son's cries, they often found the furniture overturned, and their child was frightened. As a rule, the doll sat quietly at the feet of the boy, on the bed, clearly gazing at the child, who loudly shouted "Robert Did It!". In addition, the guests swore that the expression on the face of Robert's doll changed before their eyes.
In 1974, the owner of the house died, and his wife sold the house, leaving the Robert doll in the attic forever.
The guests swore that the expression on the face of Robert's doll changed before their eyes.

Paranormal researchers at the Atlantic Paranormal Society's Convention recorded the doll's aura using a special camera.
The new family now lived with their own worries, and Robert's stories subsided ...
Robert waited patiently in the attic to be found again. The ten-year-old daughter of the new owners was delighted when she found big toy in the attic, and added it to her other favorites in the bedroom. But scary doll didn't have to wait long. The little girl began to scream at night, claiming that the doll moved around the room, climbed onto her bed and attacked her when she began to fall asleep. Even after more than thirty years later, that girl staunchly claims that "the doll was alive and wanted to kill her."
Robert, still dressed in his white sailor suit, lives comfortably in a shop window, and is well guarded in Key West at the Martello Museum. The workers of which still continue to make reports about the strange tricks of this frightening doll.

Doll Robert is an indispensable attribute of tourist tours around the island of Key West.
It was once owned by artist and writer Robert Otto in Key West, Florida. It is assumed that the doll was bewitched and possessed by evil spirits.
The story begins at the Otto family's home in Florida, 1904. The master of the house was known to mistreat his servant and was not the kindest of people in his lifetime.

One strange black servant who was assigned to the son of the masters was claimed by many to be knowledgeable in matters of witchcraft, black magic and Voodoo religion. As history shows, a servant gave young Robert a doll. The doll was three feet high (about a meter), and was filled with straw. The servant made the doll himself, and it charmed the little boy.
The boy decided to name the doll Robert. The doll has become a constant companion to a small child. Relatives and servants began to notice oddities in the child. Often heard the conversations of a boy with a doll, which came from above. This in itself may not have been so bad as many children talk to their toys…. But the father was alarmed and frightened by the fact that he heard his son answer his own questions in a completely alien voice, not like his own. Relatives began to worry.

The parents claimed to have heard the doll's giggles and swore they caught a glimpse of the doll running through the house.

Many strange things began to happen in the household of the Otto family. Often neighbors could see Robert moving from window to window when the family was away. Local children even began to bypass the house. The father began to blame the Robert doll for the failures and troubles that occur. The parents claimed to have heard the doll's giggles and swore they caught a glimpse of the doll running through the house.

The boy began to suffer from nightmares and he screamed at night. When his parents ran to their son's cries, they often found the furniture overturned, and their child was frightened. As a rule, the doll sat quietly at the feet of the boy, on the bed, clearly gazing at the child, who loudly shouted "Robert Did It!". In addition, the guests swore that the expression on the face of the Robert doll changed before their eyes. In 1974, the owner of the house died, and his wife sold the house, leaving the Robert doll in the attic forever. The guests swore that the expression on the face of the Robert doll changed on their eyes.

Paranormal researchers at the Atlantic Paranormal Society's Convention recorded the doll's aura using a special camera.

The new family now lived with its own worries, and Robert's stories subsided ... Robert waited patiently in the attic to be found again. The ten-year-old daughter of the new owners was delighted when she found a large toy in the attic and added it to her other bedroom favorites. But the scary doll was not long in coming. The little girl began to scream at night, claiming that the doll moved around the room, climbed onto her bed and attacked her when she began to fall asleep. Even more than thirty years later, that girl staunchly claims that "the doll was alive and wanted to kill her." Robert, still dressed in his white sailor suit, lives comfortably in a display case, and is well guarded in Key West at the Martello Museum. The workers of which still continue to make reports about the strange tricks of this frightening doll.