Astrology Summer Solstice in the year. Tarotaro wishes you success and prosperity. It is believed that during this period the sun rises to heaven, sits on his throne, and all the fairies sing to him the songs that there were a lot of children's laughter and less children's tears

Every year brings us a lot of significant days - these are secular and religious holidays, days of important astronomical events (eclipses, equinoxies, solstice).

And yet in each month there are special, key from an esoteric point of view, the days to which special attention should be paid.

In June, the most important day in this sense is definitely day Summer Solstice.

In 2016, the summer solstice itself will occur on June 20 at 22h.34m. According to Greenwich, and in Moscow - June 21 in 1. 34m.

Astronically summer solstice occurs at the moment when the inclination of the axis of the rotation of the Earth in the direction from the Sun accepts the smallest value.

Depending on this, the summer solstice takes place on 20 or 21 June. This moment of brief, but the summer solstice itself falls on the longest day of the year, so this day is called the "Day of the Summer Sunstream".

On the day of summer solstice enhances solar energy And the potential for magic, rituals and meditations increases sharply.

At this time, very well spend rite thanks. It can be done at dawn, at noon or at sunset. Since this day is associated with the cult of the Sun, an important element in the rite of gratitude is the fire.

It may be a fire, if you are in nature, or flame candles if the rite is held at home. In the rite of gratitude the number of candles does not matter. You can ignite one, you can - at least twelve, at your request.

Looking face to fire, please your gratitude to all - the Universe, the Creator, the Guardian Angel, his holy, the keeper of a kind, ancestors and even descendants. In a word, thank everyone who remember at that moment. Gratitude should not be pronounced, not sharply, but there is no tax! And your gratitude, expressed at the peak of the year, will go to the universe, and will return to you as goodbye energy.

Winter solstice is the time of meager food and at the same time lifting spiritual energies, and the summer solstice is the peak of growth energies, fertility. Therefore, on the day of the summer solstice, arrange yourself a feast.

Make a pleasant bathing in the reservoir, or in the bathroom - using your loved ones aromatic oils, Bath foam. Dress bright, light clothes - white, or other blonde flowers. If you spend the day of solstice at the cottage, in country house, or just on a picnic in nature, break to feel the feet of summer, warm and affectionate, earth and grass.

Cover chic summer tableUsing for its decoration to the tablecloth, napkins and dishes of bright, joyful colors, beautiful glass or crystal wine glasses, color, or decorated with gold. Table necessarily decorate with birch branches, field or forest colors and herbs. This should not be just a delicious summer meal - during her, again, bring the gratitude to everything and everything - from the forces of nature and the gods to the ancestors and family.

Since the energies of this period are extremely strong, after gratefulness, be sure to ask the highest forces of the universe well-being, health, happiness. You also say your wishes. Send into universe all the positive gusts coming from the soul: you can generally arrange pleasant and beautiful chants, to negone the dance around the fire, using the cleaning and creative power of the fire.

To clean and charge positive energy This period, prepare dead I. live water .

It is necessary to create this polar water at dawn. The fact is that the right hand right hand carries a positive charge, the left hand is negative. So negatively charged water is called dead, it gives sharp negative processes In the body, levels the energy, soothes the biopol.

Living water charges positive energies, includes creative processes, harmonizes the aura.

First prepare dead water. If you are right, put a glass of water on right hand (If left-handed to the left), cover the left hand with the palm and count to seven, and at this time laid the cleansing program, ask the water to clean your body and level the cell power. Drinking dead water You will pay off all negative processes in your body.

Next prepare live water. If you are right, put a glass of water on left, charging positively, cover it right and take up to seven (left-handed, respectively, the other way around). With pleasure drink water with small sips, chargeing yourself with light and love. Drinking live water, you fill yourself with positive energies.

Live water should be drunk after the dead - first you calm the body, then enhance it. All rites conducted during this period should be made from the soul, with joyful and positive attitude.

Varvara Preobrazhenskaya

Solstice - one of two days a year, when the sun is located on the largest angular distance from the heavenly equator, i.e. When the height of the sun over the horizon at noon is minimal or maximum. This leads to the longest day and short night (summer solstice) in one hemisphere of the earth and to the very short day And the longest night (winter solstice) - in another.

The day of summer solstice is the day of the summer in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere, that is, if the inhabitants of the northern part of the earth have been at the beginning of the astronomical summer, the astronomical winter will begin for the residents of the Southern Hemisphere.

In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice takes place 20, 21 or June 22. In the southern hemisphere on the specified dates there is a winter solstice. Due to the various inequalities in the movement of the Earth, the epoch of the solstice fluctuates for 1-2 days.

In 2016, the astronomical summer in the northern hemisphere will come on June 20 at 22.34 for worldwide coordinated time (UTC, June 21 at 01.34 Moscow time).

On the day of the summer solstice on the latitude of Moscow, the sun rises above the horizon at a height of more than 57 degrees, and in the territories located above the latitude of 66.5 degrees (the north polar circle), it does not go beyond the horizon at all, and the day lasts the clock. In the North Pole of the Earth, the sun is moving around the sky at the same height of the clock. In the South Pole at this time there is a polar night.

For several neighboring days of solstice, the midday heights of the sun in the sky are almost unchanged; Hence the name of the solstice. After the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, the day decreases, and the night gradually begins to increase. In the southern hemisphere - on the contrary.

Through the Millennium, the Day of the Summer Solstice had great value For our ancient ancestors, submitted to natural cycles. In the time of pagans, the Sun had the divine power over all alive, and the summer solstice meant the highest flourishing of all the forces of nature.

In the old days, even before the arrival of Christianity, the Day of the Summer Solstice was timed to the holiday of the joy, dedicated to the ancient pagan god of the juggles.

On this day and night, the wreaths were peeling, saw Surius (honey drink), jumped through fires, brought victims of water and fire, collected healing herbs, made rituals, calling the harvest, and "cleaning soul and body" of ablution in rivers, lakes and streams. The central place among the vegetation on this night was served fern. It was believed that the Fern Flower, which flourishing only for a moment at midnight, would definitely indicate where the treasure was buried.

The people said: "On the purchase - the sun for the winter, and the summer in the heat", "who will not come to the swim - he will be a stump deck, and who will come to the swim - he will be Bel-Berez."

Holiday has many names. Depending on the terrain and time, he was called Kupala, the Castle (Old Russian), Ivan Good, Love, Ivan-Kupala, Ivan Travnik, Yarilin Day (in Yaroslavl and Tver Province), Soncecres (Ukrainian), Spirit-Day (Bulgarian) And others. In Ukraine, he is also known as Kupalo, in Belarus - Kupalya.

With the adoption of Christianity, people did not reject the holiday of the joys, and on the contrary, this day was timed to the day of John the Baptist, who is on the old style fall on June 24. But on the new style of the calendar, the day of John the Baptist falls on July 7th. To date, the celebration does not correspond to astronomical solar equinox.

The celebration of the Day of the summer solstice was present in all ancient pagan systems, many nations and to this day celebrate it, who is in the original form, and who are in simplified, leaving only the basic ritualness and translating the ancient rituals of ancestors in a bright holiday.

Summer solstice in all Celtic peoples was considered the time of fairies, elves and others supernatural Being. At the Celtic peoples of Britain, the holiday was called Lita and was closely connected with the pagan cult of the Sun.

Scandinavian and Baltic nations pisnically coped the day and night of the summer solstice. Subsequently, these holidays in different countries They got the name of Ivanov Day or Ivanov Night (from the national version of Ivan).

In Latvia, the holiday is called Ligo, or Yanov day, he has state status and celebrates 23 and 24 June, which are official weekends. He is also called Yanov Day, in Lithuania - Jonines (Jonines) or Rasos (Rasos, dew holiday). In both countries, it is celebrated on June 24 and is public holiday and weekend day.

In Norway, the holiday, named after John the Baptist, is called Jonsok (Ivanov Night). Another name of the holiday is Jonsvaka (Jonsvoko) - formed on behalf of Johan and Vake Vake - "awake". It was believed that in Ivanov night it is impossible to sleep until the dawn - not only because you can hear the singing of elves, but first of all, for the purpose of the overall for the whole coming year. Another holiday name, more "official" - Sankthansnatt or Sankthansaften (St. Hans Night).

In Sweden, the holiday is called Midssammar. Until 1953, he was celebrated on the same day when christian church Celebrated the day of John the Baptist. But now usually the holiday falls on the penultimate Saturday of June, that is, it is usually celebrated from June 20 to 26. In Sweden, the celebration begins on the eve, on Friday, which is also a non-working holiday.

In Finland, in the time of paganism, the holiday was called in honor of God Fire - Ukon Yukhla (Ukon Juhla), but now he is called Yuhannus (Juhannus) - an outdated form of pronunciation of John the Baptist. Since 1954, Yuhannus has been noted on Saturday, which falls out between the 20th and 26th of June. Since 1934, this day is official holiday - Day of the national flag of the country.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Winter Solstice is a day when darkness is owned over the light, for this date is the longest one in this year. Very often people are confused, because the solstice can be both 21 and December 22.

In order not to confuse, it is advisable to find out in advance when the solstice will be. The shortest day and the most long night Will be in 2016 not December 22, but 21. The sun will take up the horizon at about 9 am in the European part of the country, but will go to 4 pm. Thus, the day will last only 7 hours. After that, the night is slowly, but it will go to a waning, going around for a few minutes every day.

Astronomical meaning of solstice

In total, there are two equinox - autumn and spring. There are also two solstice - winter and summer. In our northern hemisphere, the winter solstice falls almost every time on December 21, but due to the fact that the calendar has leap yearThis date is sometimes shifted for one day. In 2015, for example, the solstice was just December 22.

If the calendar did not have this displacement, the solstice was constantly moved in one direction, coming before and earlier. As for the astronomical meaning of this event, it personifies the Earth's orbit point. When earth Moves around the Sun, then it substitutes the sunny rays, then another part. When the rays are heated more southern Hemisphere, Summer comes there, and we have winter. Have you noticed that in winter the sun never rises above the horizon? That is why it is cold in winter: the rays seem to be casually falling on the surface of the earth. The sun barely looks out of the horizon. From this, the temperature of the earth's surface is directly dependent.

On December 21, 2016, the Earth will pass a special point of the orbit, when the Sun will substitute exactly our hemisphere, and the southern will be even stronger than the sunny "attention." This point is called the beginning of an astronomical winter. In fact, winter on December 21 comes to his climax, just the higher we are to north Pole, the winter is more pronounced and tightened. In theory, from December 21 should be all warmer and warmer, and in reality it is still cold at least two or a half months.

Astrologers and psychics about solstice in 2016

December 21 is very important dateFull mystical secrets. In many cultures, she was taken as a reference point for the new year. Celts New Year began just a day of solstice - at 21 or 22 December. 2017 would have come from them, respectively, the 21st numbers. In general, many experts agree with the stammer, which is one of the most logical dates for a temporary reference, but this method did not go to the fly along with celtic traditionsSince the Chinese and many other eastern peoples build their calendar, leaning on the solstice. They celebrate New Year On the second new moon after the horizon of the astronomical winter - that is, after December 21. They will only come on January 28, 2017.

In astrological terms, the solstice is most negatively affecting people, if it falls on Sunday - the day of the maximum influence of the sun. Our luminaire is a patron saint of recreation, tranquility and peace, so in the solstice that fell on the Sunday, it is not recommended to load yourself to work, because it may not be possible to rest. December 21, 2016 is a medium, so everything will be fine. This day can be quite productive, because the sun will be the least active for the entire year.

Psychics say that on December 21, in 2016, meditation and spiritual practices will be especially useful. Many connoisseurs esoteric have the versions of Tom, in the winter solstice, you can experience your past lives and see the future, as well as change fate. This means that you can guess at this day in any way convenient for you - on tarot cards, on water or other methods. This is the day of wisdom, so psychics recommend studying. Preparation for coming exams and credits should be very successful.

The time of the centuries of the seams and magicians believed that the sun is always on the side of people, giving us only all the best. 21 or 22 December from year to year this faith is strengthened pOSITIVE ENERGY Sun. Be kind to others and in no case are there no envy or revenge.

The moon on December 21 will be in the third quarter, that is, at the decrease stage. Will be a day also under the auspices of the scales that astrologers call the main problem For people hardworking. Energy of this sign may violate your plans and make collapse from the road leading to success.

So, this year the solstice will not be December 22, but 21. Only you decide how to spend this important day. You should not wait for something special from him, but it is also impossible to underestimate its strength. Meditation by the sign of the zodiac will help you find a mental balance and attract good luck to your life by making energy more stable. Successes to you, and do not forget to press buttons and

20.12.2016 02:11

Every year, humanity predicts a complete extinction and end of the world. In 2019, our civilization can ...

Each person has the sun. Just let him shine. Socrates

Winter solstice time can be called the beginning of the new year. December 21, 2016 the shortest day, and the longest night in the year on December 20th. December 21, the day does not decrease and does not come, this is the time of winter solstice. From December 22, the day starts to arrive again.

These days, the "old" sun "dies" to reborn and start a new cycle with new forces. The Sun symbolizes the life forces of a person, his personality, mind and spiritual component symbolizes. Each person is a reflection of the processes occurring in space - these days our own energy updated, so this day (December 21) is important for some uncomplicated rituals that will help you "recharge" new energy on next year.

So, period winter Solstice - This is the end of the old, period of summing up and forming a program for the next year. December 22 (when the sun starts to arrive) - can be used to draw up plans for the future and the formation of intentions that will be implemented during the next year.

If you have not done this yet, then it's time to dress the Christmas tree! Green beauty is better decorated with yellow, golden, red balls or orange flowerssince they symbolize sun disc I have prosperity and prosperity in your home. After the 22nd, you can add toys of another shape and other color.

Sit down the year before December 22. To do this, you need to choose good time And remember all last year. What did you want to achieve in the outgoing year? What are the goals in front of them? Was it possible to implement the desired? You can write all the negative experiences and failures, and then burn the sheet, symbolically getting rid of all the old and unnecessary.

December 22, 2016, a day when the sun starts to grow again - you can "charge" with new energy and planning. What would you like to achieve this year? Write a list of desires! Perhaps you dream of meeting with your second half, why not! Form your intention and write a plan for the realization of the intended. The energy of solstice will necessarily help you fulfill the conceived. Perhaps you are a spiritual seeker and dream of meeting your teacher. Be sure to write your desire and put under the Christmas tree, and the 22 numbers burn the leaflet guiding prayer to Higher power With a request to execute it.

From December 20 to December 22, it is recommended to do general cleaning. Take a look into the cabinets and disassemble the clothes - give everything unnecessary, thereby freeing the space for the new one. To purify the body and psyche can practice the following exercise: ""

If you experienced unfavorable events this year and you have stuff reminders about it - photos, letters, little things - it's time to get rid of these things. Allow something new to come to your life.

December 21, even if the day is cloudy - be sure to venture the whole room inviting new energy. The ventilation must be carried out before sunset.

If you want to realize your desires in the new year - specify them. If you want to find a job, buy yourself new bag or a diary. Choining the renovated energy of the Sun - these items will work as "batteries". If you want to meet your beloved (only if you are still not married) - Buy trinkets in the shape of hearts and arrange them around the house, or decoration in the shape of a heart and carry it next year; Or buy your future sweetheart, a gift that you would like to give him under the New Year. If you want to learn - buy a handle that helps you pass the exams. If you want to travel - create a boards of desires and place photos of those places in which you would like to visit. In our life there is always a place little Miracle If we believe in it.

On December 21, it is possible to start the practice of "Surya-Namaskar" - it harmonizes the energy of the Sun in a thin and physical person to you.

These days you can start practicing to fall to harmonize the energy of the Sun. Prepare for your loved ones

Exercise "Sun Energy"

According to the belief, the sun in the evening darkness from the fact that he sees the sinful affairs of man. After sunset it goes down to the sea, where it is washed, placing everything is negative to next morning Again to take the sky clean and clear.

Perform an exercise either at dawn or at noon. After sunset it is not recommended to practice. Sit right in a convenient pose. Make three deep breaths and exhalations. You can run on your favorite mantra or read prayer. Close your eyes…

Imagine that you are sitting in the glade or in the park, or on the seaside of the sea with a pleasant sunlight. Feel the light and warmth. Relax. Make a slow breath on both nostrils. Hold the air inside, slowly exhale and hold your breath again. Try to feel how the solar energy of his rays with every breath impregnate everything our physical being, absorb vitality Sun. Continue the breath as much as it takes, folling with an updated energy.

If you practice visualization or have developed imagination Imagine how sun rays Impregnate, charge and update each of your cage, your thoughts, your feelings. Your intentions are charged with new energy. If you have chosen some item as consolidating your intention for the next year - performing an exercise to keep it nearby, filling with new energy.

There are many those who bring their arguments that only a few mantra can pronounce, and that the rest do not have rights to it. It is not right. This false conclusion was obtained due to the fact that they do not know the truths. It appeared due to erroneous beliefs. Gita does not mention this group or about that group. Krishna declares 'Any "(' Whover", Gita VIII - 12,13) \u200b\u200bwithout any defining words that limit it in relation to one class or sex.

Bhur Bhuva Swaha
Tat Savirts Jam
Bhargo Dawasya Dchimakhi
Dhyo yo na prachodaty

Oh. - Parabrahman
Bhur - Bhu Loka (physical plan). It also refers to the body made of 5 Pancha Bhutas (5 elements). These 5 elements make up Prakriti (nature).
Bhuva - Bhuva Loka - middle Mir. Also, Bhuva is Prana Shakti. Of course, in fact the presence of Prajnana allows Prana Shakti to revive the body. It is about this that the Vedas declare "Prachma Prachma" (continuous comprehensive awareness is Brahman).
MATCHMAKER - Svarga Loca (heaven - the earth of the gods)
TAT. - Paramatma, God or Brahman (letters. "That").
Savitour - then from which all this is born.
Jarem - Decent worship, desirable.
Bargo - radiance, spiritual beaming, light that gives wisdom.
Devasya - Divine reality.
Dchimakhi - We meditate.
Dhyo. - Buddhi, spiritual mind.
Yo - Which the.
Nah - Our.
Prazodaty - Enlighten.
Gayatri-mantra can have numerous transfers options. One such translation is given below:

We meditate on spiritual radiance. This delightful Higher Divine Reality. The source of the physical, astral and heavenly spheres of existence. Let that the Higher Divine Essence enlighten our mind so that we can realize the highest truth. Also, the last string may mean: the awakens of my distinction, about the Lord, and send me.

Materials about Gayatri Mantra from the book: "The strength and power of the Gayatri Mantra"

"Mahammajujai Mantra"

Mantras Surge (Sun)

If there is no possibility to meet the sunrise, then imagine it. Let this mantra becomes the same for you as morning ablution. This mantra mobilizes the protective forces of the body, increases immunity and contributes to rapid recovery.

If spring is the time of spirit and crops, when plant seeds are laid in the ground, and in our life - seeds of new undertakings, then summer is the time of growth, flourishing and cultivation. In the spring we wake up and intensify, and in the summer we want to enjoy all the colors of life, get new emotions, get yourself different tastes and impressions.

When summer solstice in 2016

This year, the summer solstice comes on the night of June 20. Therefore, it is possible to carry out rituals of the transition 20, and 21 June. This is a holiday of the maximum of light, the Sun is the time long Day and Samoa short night. It symbolizes the flowering of nature and the celebration of life.

Summer solstice Many nations have noted during the centuries and continue to celebrate so far. Even in the territories where this tradition was interrupted or "blocked" by other holidays, for example, the Orthodox, now again given the tribute to the forces of nature. Naturally, Russia, celebrating the Gruz and Lakes. This week was closely connected with the commencement of the ancestors because of the existing one with ancient times to start the stream of warriors in the ladies. Directly on the day of the solstice in Russia, the holiday of Ivan Kupala, symbolized the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Rituals Ivan Kupala are very similar to Ivanov's rituals and litas, which is quite natural, given the general historical roots of European peoples.

In antiquity on this day, the wreaths were spawned, drunk a honey drink, jumped through the fires, brought victims of water and fire, collected healing herbs, performed ablutions in rivers and lakes, cleansing the soul and body, and also conducted rituals for a good harvest. All residents Europe - Ivanov Day, Lita and Kupala - were the most joyful and magnificently marked by our ancestors during the centuries - for the Gentiles, the Sun had the Divine power over all living beings. IN Christian tradition main summer holiday - Christmas of John the Baptist - celebrated on June 24 (in Russia, julian calendar, - July 7).

Immediately after the day of the Solstice, the Sutscent came, who lasted 3 days and during which a whole cycle of the Mysteries of God Perun was celebrated - from birth to death, Magic Sunday and the upcoming victory over the Skiper-Zverem. Perun is one of the most important gods from the ancient Slavs, the patron of warriors, who made the forces of nature and heavenly fire. By the way, another 3 days after the solstice can be held own rituals To configure the summer season and more involvement in your life, its energies and opportunities.

Rituals for the festival of summer solstice

Summer bathing you can turn into your own purification rituals, exemption water. To do this, before plunge into the reservoir, talk with water as with the sacred natural elements, cleansing and refreshing, filling and rejuvenating. Ask for water support and adoption. And only after that plunge.

Our ancestors, referring to the water, said: "Water-driver, a red maiden" and, washing around in the river or lake, asked her to give beauty and health, to carry out all the sadness and sorrow. Therefore, if you defeated you with painful states - just beware (even with water from under the tap) with a request to wash the entire negative.

There is one more simple practiceWith water, which will come in hand in handy in any season, at any time, if you are experiencing strong emotional "swings". Fill the glass clean water. Take it in the hands and say, turning to the water: "I welcome you, water! You are as clean, healing and sacred, like water from sacred sources. Therefore, I appeal to you asking for help. Please water, calm my emotions, clarify my consciousness, give me soothing, harmonization and peace. " Say it 7 times and drink.

Very often the day before the summer solstice is raining. Go to the rain and ask him to wash away all the sadness with you, everything is worked out, all negative. And it's still good to sit at the fire - by the fire or candles, calmly browsing your current situation, releasing what the time has come to leave. On the day of summer solstice, go to nature, greet the earth, the sun, all the elements, ask them to give you strength and support for the implementation of your transition.