Learn what it means. Modern pedagogy of illiteracy. Autocracy in the XXI century - a path to progress or a dead end

For many years in the spoken language one can often hear the word "materiel" and the phrase "teach materiel". In the age of technology, they can be found more often on the Internet.

Initially, the word is army. The material part (professional military jargon) is property. People came to the army with very different knowledge and training, but everyone had to deal with equipment. It was necessary to know its structure, application, maintenance. Of course, you had to know all this before using it.

In the USSR, most men served, so the "materiel" was used in conversations from time to time, if necessary. And after 1973 it gained even more popularity, as it was used in the movie "Only old men go to battle".

Now " materiel"Is the knowledge of something in a specific area. V computer game, for example, it can be various characteristics, combat mechanics, etc. What does character strength affect? Does this particular class need to improve this characteristic? What bonuses will he receive when improving his strength by 10? How does damage reduction work when attacking an enemy? Etc.

« Teach materiel"Is usually said to those who do not understand the topic or do something bad because they do not have sufficient knowledge in this matter. "Teach materiel" is an indication of the interlocutor's ignorance in the topic.

MCh material part MCh Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Compiled by A. A. Shchelokov. M .: OOO "AST Publishing House", ZAO "Geleos Publishing House", 2003. 318 p., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. PB ...

G. Material part. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

materiel- match part, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

materiel- match / st, and, pl. match / sti, f / d ... Together. Apart. Hyphened.

Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 read the instructions (1) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

teach (those) materiel Dictionary of Networking Vocabulary

teach (those) materiel- an appeal to an incompetent author who is not versed in the field about which he writes Teach materiel babe ... then, ... if you bush are able to talk. Delve deeper into the problem, baby ... then, if you are able, we will talk ... Dictionary of Networking Vocabulary

teach materiel- a call to the author with a request to expand his knowledge in any of the areas of knowledge he touched upon. Author Iblan, teach materiel. Internet meme, Slang bastards ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

MCH- MCH materiel MCH materiel Dictionaries: Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations of the army and special services. Compiled by A. A. Shchelokov. M .: OOO "AST Publishing House", ZAO "Geleos Publishing House", 2003. 318 p., S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language ... Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms

This term has other meanings, see Kuban (disambiguation). FC Kuban ... Wikipedia


  • , Kulikov Viktor Georgievich, Khairulin Marat Abdulkhadirovich. The book is devoted to the history of the emergence and formation of Russian fighter aircraft during the First World War. On the pages of the publication, the authors have successfully revealed the preconditions of a fierce ...
  • Russian fighter pilots of the First World War, Marat Khairulin, Viktor Kulikov. The book is devoted to the history of the emergence and formation of Russian fighter aircraft during the First World War. On the pages of the publication, the authors have successfully revealed the prerequisites of a fierce ...



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    ... Public consciousness began to awaken. Humiliated Russians are looking for information, but not on TV, but on the streets and on the Internet. The number of requests with searches for real situation in Russia. Is this good or bad? To answer this question, you need to ask someone else: is everything that we think and know about contemporary Russian politics?

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    Perhaps the number of people who will add me to their blacklists will increase significantly, but this will not make the truth any less convex than it really is. Throughout my adult life, I believed that a Russian person is an example of courage, organization, ingenuity, cheerfulness, loyalty, generosity, kindness, compassion, mutual respect, intercession, wisdom, forgiveness, brotherhood. Remember how it is sung ...

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    Teach materiel

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    Modern pedagogy of illiteracy

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- Well, sir, - Philip Philipovich thundered, - hack to death on your nose [...]
that you need to be silent and listen to what they tell you.
Learn and try to become at least some
an acceptable member of social society!
By the way, what scoundrel provided you with this book?

Bulgakov, "Heart of a Dog"

Question arising from some professional discussion - with what do you associate the expression "Learn materiel"? ()

Where did this phrase come from?

This phrase is used for the first time on the screen in the popular film about the war " Only "old men" go into battle "(1973 year).

“Comrade senior lieutenant, are we still going to fly today?” Asked the Dark-haired woman.
- There is enough firewood for today. Learn materiel, - Skvortsov answered angrily and left. "

In the Russian (and Soviet) army material part is called the technical device of weapons and other hardware.

BAYAN Indecent joke:

Great Patriotic War... The Germans attacked a Soviet airfield and caught one techie. The Gestapo tortured him: “Tell specifications IL-2! "
Techie: "Yes, I don't know, leave me alone!"
This continues for a day or two, and finally the techie manages to escape. It gets to its own. Those, naturally, begin to ask what is there, how is there.
He replies: "People, teach the materiel, there is so n @@@ dyat for it, so n @@@ dyat ..."

So, teach materiel- an offer to the interlocutor to get acquainted with the technical side of the issue.

In theory, such a comment indicates gross factual errors of the author, who does not know basic things. It is usually used in holivars and other intellectual discussions to show that the interlocutor kettle and should shut up(STFUFTL - Shut the fuck up for the Lord - "Shut up for God's sake" is a relatively polite option ..)

This expression is especially well used in weapons, automotive, transport, photographic and other discussions. harsh men.

The phrase "Teach materiel!" some consider it to be the Russian-language analogue of RTFM.

RTFM- originally abbr. from English read the following manual, “refer to the accompanying manual” is a typical support response to a user question, usually accompanied by the number or title of this manual.

Subsequently, the phrase became popular in computer networks, already used in the meaning of read the fucking manual ("read, b ****, instructions" or "read (this) ё ****** instructions" depending on the context), as an invitation to study the FAQ, help or manual, instead of asking stupid or basic questions that everyone has long been tired of answering.

Replica "RTFM!" can cause many lulz ((English lulz, distorted "lol", jokes, laughs), especially if everyone knows that this very instruction does not exist in nature ... These lulz, basically, look like " Have you been banned from Google? "

"My colleague's husband said:" Can you imagine, such and such a uterus was removed, how her husband lives with her ... "She answered -" How have you been living with me for 5 years now? "The husband filed for divorce as a result.

"... there are 5 people in the room with a similar problem it was and from 3 husbands left as they learned that the wives had their uterus removed. "

"In case of amputation of the uterus ... the woman is pitied, respected, but they dream of a blooming sexual partner ..."

"Still, the removal of the uterus should affect the appearance. The closest analogy is castration. Would you and your castrate husband continue to live?"

"... the woman had complications during childbirth - she gave birth to a healthy one, but the uterus had to be removed.
The husband, who had previously visited his wife like a clock, did not even take her from the hospital after her frankness. "

"... I got married, and once a woman's sore happened to me, well, not fatal, but rather painful and unpleasant. While I writhed in pain, waiting for an ambulance, my husband made it clear to me that of course sorry for me, he will help, but he doesn’t want to KNOW the details and nuances of my illness as a woman. me, of course, but my husband is caring and loves me, we live. But now I am not surprised when women do not tell their husbands about such things. Not my only one, probably. "

"logically, after removing the uterus, a woman generally loses the opportunity to have an orgasm, because orgasm is a contraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus ..."

"I know two women who had their uterus removed and both husbands perceived this fact as horror-horror. When the uterus was in place, they were not interested in how it looked and where it was, but when it was gone," sorry, we do not want to immerse our precious penis, it is not clear what. "

"To summarize it is possible. Men are psychologically unpleasant that his wife was" there "someone was picking a knife. This thought causes disgust and disgust (de facto - involuntary and unconscious). As a result, the desire for intimacy leaves."

"Don't idealize the relationship.
It is a right and an adequate desire to want to be near a healthy, full-fledged person, and not with a sick and incapacitated person.
Nobody is obliged to babysit anyone. This is a right, but not an obligation. How did you decide that you are obliged to want, love or support? Don't have to. Even if you have been married for 10 years and have three children. No. Don't have to. It is foolish to wait for this. At the very least, this is naive.
Moreover: the higher a person's self-esteem, the more he respects himself, the less complexes he has, the more adequate he is,
the easier he breaks off non-communication relationships, the easier it is for him to leave a partner that does not meet the necessary parameters. "

These are comments to my text "Just don't tell your husband!" ... It talked about how men relate to the fact that their wife's uterus was removed.

I, of course, knew that everything is bad with education in our country, but to such an extent! All these - "I shove a penis into the uterus," "a woman gets an orgasm with the uterus" - suggest that a person has never opened a single book on physiology and psychology in his life, he has not even opened a school textbook.

Listen, people hand over their rights - they teach the theory to get behind the wheel, but you are building your life with a person and you don’t know anything about the peculiarities of this person. How many stories in my life have I listened to stories about the inept and rude behavior of men in the closest relationships, about the total disregard of features? female physiology.
Even daughters, perhaps such uncles are raising. Learn mat. part, boys, before it's too late!

As for moral side question, then I will allow myself to recall an episode from Daria Dontsova's autobiographical book, when she was waiting for an operation to remove her breast and, by the way, also the uterus. She asked her husband: "Won't you stop loving me like this?" And he replied: "The finger will remain alone, I will love the finger."
Like this.