How to check the credit history. Bureau of credit stories - Check for free by name Credit report

As you know, the credit history of any borrower is maintained in the BKI (credit bureaus). In it, all information is made up of information that are transmitted by banks and other finuclearities. In Russia, there were registered several dozen of such a bureau, so they independently find ki, especially if a person is credited in different banks, it is quite difficult.
Consider in this article step-by-step actionwho will tell me how to check the borrowing credit rating for free by the credit stories. And also learn how to get full financial information in 15 minutes.

First step. Get information in the TsKKI by last name

Every citizen of Russia has the right to request data on its credit rating in BKA for free. At the same time, for all subsequent requests, he will have to pay.

Information from all BKKs focused in the central catalog of credit stories (TsKKI). Therefore, contacting the official website of the Bank of the Russian Federation, you can make a request for receiving interests of interest.

When creating a request, personal data of the borrower and its code as a loan recipient are introduced. Answer with all Data from BKA will enter the applicant on his email.

It should be noted that the TsKKI provides only information for the applicant only in which BKIs on this name Key is stored. At this stage, the procedure does not end.

The second step. Getting your credit rating

This procedure is possible in several ways:
- contact the Bureau with Personal Documents;
- Send an application to the telegram through the post office;
- send a request by mail in the form of a letter;
- send an appeal to the partners of the BKA.
Considering all the ways to receive a bank rating, it can be noted that the Bureau of Credit Stories Check for Free Credit Rating allows only one way - this is the direct appeal of a citizen in BKA. In other cases, the cost of the service will be refined in place.

On all official resources of the BKA, information contains information that the borrower will be able to learn the data on its bank reputation.

How to make a credit history online order

By contacting the service ↪ BKI24, each person will be able to receive a credit report from the Bureau for 15 minutes.
To the server can form a credit report to the applicant, you will need to go through several stages:
1. Leave the request on the site and pay it.
2. The server will issue a credit report to the applicant on the basis of the credit stories of all BKIs.
3. After 15 minutes the applicant receives electronic drawer Credit report.

What information is included in the credit report?

In the loan report of the borrower obtained at ↪, the following facts will be contained:

✒ Information about whether there is a given passport in the "black list".
✒ All information about the loans of the borrower are provided:
- indicate all the loans received;
- amounts and dates of lending;
- the size monthly pay;
- information about the fulfilled and unfulfilled obligations;
- delay in paying loan;
- Sources are indicated, from where data on liabilities and their implementation are obtained.
✒ Information about common size Loan, taking into account interest and fines. Indicates the amount paid and the one to which it is to be paid.
✒ Calculate scoring points and the causes that have influenced the scoring test.
✒ recommendations on the history of cooperation with banking institutions, on the possibilities of obtaining a loan, its type, and also indicates maximum size Amount of borrowing.

Sometimes there are cases when financial institutions refuse loan due to unsatisfactory credit report. Starting from 2015, banks reported in the BKI causes due to which they denied the borrower in obtaining a loan. This information is contained in the report information section.

In cases where inaccuracies are found in the information, they can be corrected. So, there are cases where such errors were found as the fact of making a credit card and a loan obtaining, although it was not possible. Sometimes there are erroneous records for the admission of overdue in loan repayment. After the challenge process, the credit history is adjusted, errors are removed.

The history of the credit operations of a certain physical or legal person is saved in a specialized service, which is referred to as a bureau of credit stories (BKI). Data structuring is formed on the basis of information transmitted by banks and other financial structures, including credit organizations that carry out the issuance of a loan or loan.

To date, a huge number of BKA organs has been fixed. In this regard, the independent search for credit stories is significantly complicated. Particularly unfavorable is the case when the subject is not credited, and in different banks. In this situation, the history of its loans can be placed in different BKA bases.

Submitting an appeal to any formation of the BKA, every citizen has full right to familiarize themselves with personal credit operations, this is enshrined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. This feature free check Information is carried out no more than once a year. In case of subsequent requests, the subject will be obliged to pay.

How to calculate the necessary BKA in which your individual data is stored?

Going to the directory, you will need to fill out the questionnaire for further data provision. After entering your personal information and individual code, the message, with the listing of your data, will come to the specified email.

How is the individual code determined?

The appropriation of code is carried out with the immediate design of lending or loan. If the subject has ordered an individual code, it can be created or restored in any financial organization (including credit bureaus).

Exist additional ways Mastering information from the TsKKI without codes. For example, a request is sent to a cooperative or any other organization engaged in financial transactions. You are also entitled to take advantage of notarial services or contact the post office at the place of residence. In the post office using telegrams, you must send a request to the relevant authorities. The signature must necessarily be witnessed by the operator. Payment for the service of the register of the signature is carried out according to the postal tariffs.

It is impossible to master information about credit history from the Central Committee on the surname free. Data is limited to information exclusively about BKA.

Mastering information of individual credit history

To obtain data on personal credit operations in several ways:

  • Self-appeal to the organization with the relevant identity documents;
  • Request via telegrams via postal service (where mandatory procedure is the reinforcement of the mail operator);
  • A request by writing through the same postal service (in this situation the signature is certified by a notary);
  • Appeal to Partnership BKA. Possible as a personal visit and online recording.

Based on all the above methodsThe most alternative option is the individual appeal to the Bureau. In addition, this way is free, unlike the rest. In the case of contacting other organizations, payment will be carried out at the place in accordance with the relevant tariffs.

Pre-on the official website of the organization of credit stories you can find out detailed information regarding all permissible methods Mastering information that is stored in the Unified Registry. To protect yourself from scammers scrupulously check the sources used.

  • The number of ever made lending;
  • Duration and amount of loans;
  • Payments for each month;
  • Information on closed executive processes;
  • Data on weighty delay in lending or loans;
  • Also, the report indicates the source that provided all the information.

Moreover, detailed reporting includes recommendations based on bank lending analysis.

In the evaluation criteria includes:

  • The degree of probability of obtaining lending;
  • Type of permissible loan;
  • Maximum loan amount that is available to you.

A common cause of recovery of credit history is unreasonable bank failures. Recently, lenders are notified by the BKA on the reasons for the refusal that are entered into an information report. In case of detecting incorrect information in the reporting, it can be appealed.

Common bugs that are found are:

  • Unreliable credit card information that you have not issued;
  • Credit data that you did not take;
  • Information about the delay that you did not allow.

If you bring the indisputable evidence and confirmation of documents, errors made in the report are corrected or removed at all.

We advise you to pre-check credit historyTo protect yourself from trouble. Such insight will help you avoid unreasonable failures and improve crediting history to obtain the necessary financial volume.

How to Check Credit Study - Video Instructions

Credit history of the borrower ( individual - Subject) is stored in the Bureau of credit stories (BKI). Information is formed on the basis of information that banks, microfinance and other credit organizations are transmitted in the event of a loan (loan). Several dozen BKI are registered, which creates some inconvenience in independent search for credit history. If the subject is leaving many times and not in one bank, then the credit history can be stored in different BKIs.

The first step is to find out the names of your data in BKA.

Any subject has the right to learn its credit history for free by name through the request to the corresponding BKA. Free law Check information in all BKIs that store data on the subject's loans is provided once a year. For all other requests during the current year will have to pay.

What kind of BKA is your credit story stored?

Information about all BKIs is collected in the CCCI (central credit stories catalog). To avoid communicating with fraudsters, go to the directory on the link from the official website of the Bank of Russia ( There, on the site, you should fill out a request for information. To transfer the request, you must enter personal data and code of the subject of credit history. The answer with the list of your data from the BKA will come to the specified email address.

Where to take the subject code?

Usually it is assigned when issuing an application or a loan agreement (loan). If you do not know your code, you can create or change it in any BKA or a credit organization.

There are other ways to get information from the CCCI without code. You can contact the request to any BKA, a credit institution / cooperative, a microfinance organization. Alternative options: Feed a request via a notary or post office service. In the mail, the request is sent to the telegram, your signature should assure the telecom operator (service certification service is paid for postal tariffs).

Information from the TsKKI is limited by the information about the BKA. You can not find your credit history online for free by last name here.

Step second - receiving credit history.

Provided different variants obtaining credit history from the BKK:

  • personal appeal to the Bureau with a document certifying the identity of the subject;
  • sending a telegram with a request through the post office (the signature of the subject assists the telecom operator);
  • sending a request by letter via the post office (the signature in the request is notarized);
  • appeal with the request to the partners of the BKA (personally to the office / online).

Of all the ways free is only personal appeal to BKA. In other cases, the cost is specified at the place of relevant service. On official sites of the BKA is located detailed information about all possible methods obtaining information stored about the subject. Again, not to get to the scammers, the list of partners of the BKA check through the official websites of the Bureau.

What information are contained in a loan report?

The credit report will remind you of the following facts:

  • the number of all loans received;
  • terms and amount of lending;
  • monthly payments;
  • data on executed and open liabilities;
  • significant delay in loans (loans);
  • sources that submitted information about liabilities and their execution.

Often the reason for checking credit history becomes incomprehensible refusals of banks in the issuance of a loan. Since 2015, the crediting side transfers the causes of refusal to the BKA. This information is entered into the information part of the report. If you find errors in the information stored about you, you can challenge incorrect entries. Maybe you did not make out credit card, did not take some loan, not allowed delay. After positive challenge, the errors are removed from the loan report.

Check your credit history before handling banks. Such prudency will help if necessary to improve the credit report, avoid failures and obtain the desired amount.

IN everyday life The overwhelming part of our country's population uses credit, borrowed funds. Many citizens resorted to services banking sector repeatedly.

To track the existing / closed loans and clarify the true bases of refusal to provide a loan, you can resort to the service.

By Russian legislation all financial institutions in obligatory must report (transmit) informative material about credit consumption at least in one breakoperating in our country. Currently there are about 30 diverse bureaus of credit stories. BKI multiply their income by providing paid services Banking organizations of information about potential loans.

The transfer of information on borrowed operations is possible exclusively with the client's personal permission, confirmed and fixed documented. During the signing of documentation for a loan (loan, loan), each person awards a peculiar personal code, which is a digital configuration. Actually, according to this personal cipher and identification and recognition of the credit history of a particular client.

The responsibilities of the Bureau specialists include collecting, studying, evaluating data related to credit operations of banking borrowers and other financial institutions. Credit initial data includes a sequence of payments made by loan, the balance of accrued interest (urgent and overdue), the balance of the loan body amounts, cases of delay in making interest and the division of the principal debt.

Thus, the Bureau of Credit Stories is the reference representatives that function as separately with the intentions of income extraction and on behavior of crediting organizations. Card file for loans formed and created on the basis of transmitted data financial organizations, publicly available materials, information and notifications, emphasized from fiscal bodies, judicial institutions and other information sources.

In the interaction of banks and BKA Clearly trace several consecutive stages, namely:

  • at the stage of visiting a potential borrower for borrowed resources, the credit inspector claims the consent of the client to transfer information on the transaction and receiving from the archive of the BKI chronicle of the Loan History. Consent is confirmed by bilateral signing of the relevant document. If a citizen first appealed for a loan, he is assigned Unique codeto create which the identification data is used - surname, year of birth, place of registration and others. In the future, only the code is used in requests in the BKA, the surname does not appear anywhere else;
  • in accordance with the concluded agreement on joint work, bank employee sends a request-requirement in the BKA;
  • bureau of credit stories creates a message about loan agreements (existing and repaid), based on archival data, and provides information to the appropriate institution;
  • the financial body, using the received credit case, decides on the issuance / credit refusal.

Tracking solvency (by archival information of the BKA) takes absolutely for all applicants for loans. The interchange between banks and the bureau is automated.

The credit manager on the web service enters in the special form data certifying the identity of the client, and in a few minutes you can get all the exhaustive information. The largest banks use special programs that autonomously send a request request to the NBKI and receive an answer. This tracked credit reputation is executed almost immediately.

How to track the credit history by the name, is it possible

Check from using the surname and identification code, one of the following methods can be:

  • advanced PC users in online mode can request and receive information via Internet banking "native" banking institution;
  • create a request from agents - MyCreditInfo, "";
  • take advantage of the service of the official companion and the representative of the NBKA - AKI ().

The choice of option is made by the borrower individually, relying on the current situation.

Please note: in the case of loan / loan in various financial institutions History of credit relations can be stored in different, multiple bureaus. To get full and true data on closed and current loans, it is initially to find out in the central catalog of Ki Central Bank, in which BKI credit history is stored.

Ki through the Internet bank

Most Combans provide regular visitors to their visitors to request real-time credit operations. In the personal account on-line is made by the report of the report. For the service provided, financial institutions may reconnect the remuneration (400 -850 rubles), which is made by writing off the plastic account directly in its own (personal) account. For several days will receive a notification of the provided report.

The advantages of Internet banking are:

  • remote realization of the request;
  • convenient payment order;
  • lack of identification and additional registration;
  • the usual "face" of the site.

Inssentual disadvantages are still present:

  • mandatory creation of a personal account and connection of the Bank-online service;
  • individual tariffs and timing of information.

Trusted representatives of the National Bureau

Reliable NBKI intermediaries are a bit. These include Equifax and Maycreditinfo, which interact with more than 600 banking and financial institutions.

Using Internet addresses, ONLINE.EQUIFAX.RU and making simple actions On registering and identity card, it is quite easy to request information on credit operations. The provision of a response occurs in a few minutes. With the cost of using the service.

Credit Information Service Service

The Joint-Stock Non-Public Society "AKI" has the ability to provide at the request of citizens of statements, a sequence of credit operations, an assessment of unpredictment of information to obtain borrowed funds. On the official website of the agency should be created personal Area and send request request. Help is delivered to the Subscriber for 30 minutes.

Appeal in BKA

One of the largest bureau in Russian Federation It is a law of credit stories that combines information and information on paid and functioning loans of virtually all credit consists living in small villages and major cities.

Learn information on credit history subject can with the help of a person certifying the personality, and specifically, on a passport.

Request requesting a history of borrowed operations, to deliver to the NBKI and receive a certificate by several main options:

  • exclusively for individuals - With the help of telegraph. A telegram with passport data and the number is sent to the Bureau cell phone For communication. Personal signature assures in this case Telegraph operating worker. Several working days are given to the preparation of BKA information - 3-and. Then the report refers to the specified address in the telegram. Maximum purrent time sending telegrams before delivery to the applicant's address is approximately 10 days;
  • through the service of Russian Post. Using postal ties can IP, physical and legal entities . This is filled with a request-appeal to receive a credit history or report indicating the information identifying the applicant (Passport details for an individual). The signature in this request is subject to compulsory notarization. Next, the appeal is sent to the BKA address. Answer to prepare the Bureau for 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request from the subject. The information will be sent to the mailing address specified in the request. Total time to obtain a report on KI lies within 14 days;
  • personally visit the office or office of the NBK. When visiting, a passport should be submitted or another document certifying. In this case, the time spent on acquisition of notifications about loan transaction operations is reduced to 1-3 days.

Important: BKIs are institutions, commercial. Only once for the calendar year you can use the services of the Bureau for free. Each following request in the same year will be carried out for a specific fee.

During the year, with secondary and further appeals with a request for ki, to the telegram, the letter is attached to the document proving the fact of payment of the service provided. It is presented with the personal handling of the office.

Information from history without registration?

Receiving reliable information on KI is the topic is relevant. The topical tracking of the loan dossier is very high and the inhabitants often use the first Internet resource that promises to provide information without registration and identification. The accuracy and veracity of such informative data should generate doubts. After all, even the firms with official, confirmed status are offered to register and identify the personality.

The most important and essential in the acquisition of ki through the World information network - make every effort to not get caught on the fishing rod rogue.

Consultation on video

Periodically, citizens face the need for obtaining and verifying their credit history. Such a request is filed with potential borrowers who are interested in obtaining bank services. Today, you can find out and check such data in several ways. Each of them will be described in detail below.

How to find out your credit history

Immediately we note that it is impossible to check the credit history without access to the borrower's passport. Nor by last name, nor for any other data, this information is not provided by any service. Otherwise, information on the written credit history will not be relevant.

Alone to do this manipulation of the borrower may be free, but only once during the calendar year. You can check it through the Internet - by requesting to the BKA or through the only official website of the Central Bank. Also, for each borrower there is a check by contacting the bank with which there is an existing agreement. With primary use, each of the designated methods allows you to check the credit history always free. In other cases, the Client's report will have to pay the established amount.

From offline methods there is only one relevant - contacting the bank. Each subject can realize its right to receive such information, submitting a special application to its bank, which indicate to receive a report. The bank in checking the borrower has no right to refuse. Information is also provided only by passport and you can check it on the day of contacting the bank. Through the Internet and any other online way (through the official website), the banks are obtained to exclude such a report.

Check credit history online by passport for free

If the Internet option is used, then the most relevant and rapid here is an independent receipt through any bureaus of credit stories. You can only see the data on your own passport, but first it will be necessary to find out, in which BKA is now being stored for a desired credit history. You can also find out for free by contacting the official website of the main catalog of credit stories. Check it in the name you can not. All information is provided strictly by passport. Its receipt for the borrower for free.

After the BKA name is received, you will need to make an online request to this bureau. This is done only through the Internet. On the official website of the Conditional Bureau, it is necessary to fill out the online form - here is the data on the passport, indicating the name and destination of the request. When the BKA receives an appropriate request, they will be sent a special Internet code by which the verification will be available. If the data be coincided, the report will be sent by an e-mail organization, where it can be checked independently.

In a separate bureau, there may be a time limit during which the verification will be available. But with the primary appeal via the Internet, it will not cost anything - you can find out for free. Any BKA must comply with this rule. Otherwise, the Central Bank will apply one of its sanctions articles to action. Online checking through the bureau should be accessible to everyone.

View credit history free online by last name

Anyone else can not see the credit history today. Such data is provided only by passport and always in the form of an official report. None of the site will simply see the credit history. There is another Internet method by which you can see an extract. It is in filling out the form on the official website of the Central Bank.

By surname it will not work, only by passport. You can find / see the desired indicators yourself and free only once. All other requests, as well as passport, will cost 350 rubles. The Bank also allows you to find out which bureau it works with this borrower. The service is provided only via the Internet.

How to find out online through the Nbki

Each BKA works only in the Internet. Independently here to contact real time will not work. Learn your credit history for free online through the official website of the NBKI will be only if it is stored in this office. Therefore, for a start, you need to clarify the requisites of the Bureau through the Federal Catalog (by last name and passport), after which the request is already in the desired Bureau.

If it is NKBI, then you can only find out through the Internet by filling in a special form. We are first done completely for the first time. All subsequent appeals within the 1st year will be 350 rubles here. This BKA allows you to view an extract within a few minutes after receiving and processing the circulation. After that, the applicant can simply download this form, or use any other purposes. Independent check Today should not cause special difficulties.