Music festival in england in summer. English music festivals

Glastonbury Festival. This music festival is traditionally held in Britain in late June and lasts 4 days. The event is usually accompanied by downpours, so visitors knead the mud with their boots and floods are not excluded.

Festival T in the park continues to roast musical summer in the United Kingdom. It takes place over three days in Balado Park. The audience is going to listen to music in the open air, all guests are accommodated in a tent camp with increased comfort. World-class stars perform at the festival, and the visitors themselves choose the performers through a vote.

The Isle of Wight Festival is also musical in nature, with such stars as Jefferson Airplane and Bob Marley performing here. Performers are carefully selected, and guests must bring a sleeping tent with them to the event. If you still haven't got a tent, you can use the services of the organizers.

Fringe Festival

Fringe Festival - held in August, in the city of Edinburgh. The scope of the event is overwhelming, for three weeks, while the festival lasts, viewers have time to show more than 30 thousand performances of a very different nature: from opera and musicals to shows and comedies. Anyone can perform on the stage.

Great Beer Festival in London. The name of the event speaks for itself, it usually takes place at the Olympia exhibition center, visitors are presented with about 350 sorts of true English ale, 60 sorts of cider, and also treated with beer products from Belgium and Germany. The time of the event is August.

Perterborough. Another beer festival in Britain. Festivities do not subside until early morning. Well-known manufacturers from all over the world bring their products to the festival, and in addition to tasting alcoholic beverages, lotteries, live music and entertainment.

Carnival in Notting Hill

Carnival in Notting Hill. The event is comparable in scale to the famous Brazilian carnivals, a riot of colors and dances cheers up the participants and spectators. The event takes place in August and gathers about a million participants.

Halloween. One of favorite holidays residents of Great Britain, celebrated on the night of November 1. During it, all the celebrants dress up in costumes of evil spirits and walk the streets in this form. An invariable attribute of the holiday is a pumpkin lamp.

Samhain. An ancient Celtic holiday, which in our time is already celebrated as violently as before, but some traditions still remain. For example, baking bread in the form of horns, jumping over a fire. The holiday is celebrated on November 1 and marks the end of one agricultural year and the beginning of another.

Guy Fawkes Night. On the night of November 5, the inhabitants of Great Britain celebrate the failure of Guy Fawkes, who on this day in 1605 tried to smuggle barrels of gunpowder into the parliament building and kill the king with their help during a speech. It was this event that marked the beginning of the use in English language the word guy, which means "guy".

Christmas. The world-famous holiday is celebrated by the British on December 25 and has a family character. The kingdom's cities are enveloped in a magical holiday atmosphere throughout the Christmas holidays.

New Year. This holiday is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, and is posed as a counterbalance to the relatively calm Christmas. The British celebrate the New Year very violently.

Rochester Chimney Sweep Festival. Every year on May 1, bright processions accompanied by dances take place across Britain. The procession is necessarily headed by "my lord", who is accompanied by a procession with boys performing various tricks, lords and ladies.

Queen of Great Britain's birthday

Birthday of the Queen of Great Britain. Even if this day does not coincide with the real date of birth of the Queen (it is celebrated on the first, second or third Saturday of June), the residents of the United Kingdom celebrate it on a grand scale, the celebration is accompanied by a parade in honor of Her Majesty.

UK Holidays and Events 2019: the most important festivals and highlights, national holidays and events in the UK. Photos and videos, descriptions, reviews and time of the event.

  • Last Minute Tours to UK
  • Tours for May around the world

17 - 21 February 2019 London Fashion Week

More than 200 British fashion designers present their new collections here every year. Among them are both world-class and aspiring artists. Applications are accepted for the general exhibition and two special sections: the first is devoted to clothes made from exotic materials, the second - to the works of novice designers.

26 - 30 June 2019 Glastonbury Festival

8 - 10 July 2019 T in the Park Festival

21 - 24 July 2019 Isle of Wight Festival

2 august 2019 Fringe Festival

3 - 7 August 2019 Peterborough Beer Festival

19 - 26 August 2019 Glyndebourne Festival

31 october 2019 Halloween

5 november 2019 Guy Fawkes Night

10 - 20 November 2019 Pirate Week

November 21, 2019 - January 4, 2020German Christmas market in Hyde Park

  • Next page Track.
When Russians celebrate May Day, UK residents host the Rochester Chimney Sweep Festival. Yes Yes, modern systems heating still has not eradicated this profession, rather, on the contrary, raised its prestige.

The British love May, this month has many holidays and festivals: in May they honor chimney sweeps, hold a whiskey festival or simply celebrate May Day, choosing the king and queen of the month.

So, on the first of May in England there is a colorful procession with dances in honor of grimy, but never discouraged people with stairs, ropes and brooms. Leading the procession is "my lord", followed by Jack-in-the-Green, a boy adorned with leaves and branches, teenage clowns tumbling in front of him, followed by lords and ladies. At the end comes "my lady" who collects the "treasury". Jack-in-the-Greens embodies the spirit of spring and forest.

Apart from Easter, Christmas and New Years, all holidays in the UK fall on Mondays. This is how the British diplomatically solved the problem of the "hard day".

In May, a whiskey festival is held in Scotland: the doors of factories open in front of ordinary people, which, of course, usually cannot be reached. And most importantly, during the festival, tastings of the drink are held, which the Scots are so proud of. In May Day, a medieval carnival is held on the streets, ruled by the king and queen - they are chosen by the inhabitants themselves. On the last Monday in May, residents of Great Britain have a spring day off: everything around is decorated with fresh flowers, people are dancing and singing in the streets. Every year for three weeks in August, the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, welcomes guests and participants of the world's largest arts festival, the Fringe.

At the Fringe festival, 32 thousand performances and more than 2 thousand different shows are played out, for which more than 250 venues are equipped throughout the city.

Another curious holiday celebrated in the UK is Apple Day. It is celebrated on October 21 or next weekend. On this day, you can taste hundreds of different varieties of apples, some of which are not sold in regular stores. Also among the festive dishes are apple pies, fruit and vegetable spices, and cider. And, of course, the holiday is not complete without games and contests. For example, you can shoot a bow at apples or try your hand at the competition for the longest strip of peel.

The longest apple peel is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. American Katie Wolfer peeled an apple for 11 hours and 30 minutes and received a peel 52 meters 51 centimeters long. The record was set on October 16, 1976 in New York.

Learn English and not know English holidays? it nonsense, besides, it is shortsighted: once in Britain in August, it would be a shame not to see the largest carnival in Europe, in November - amazing fireworks of Guy Fawkes Nights, in June - a celebration official Day birth of the queen.

And by congratulating your British colleague on the holiday, you will not only please him (or her), but also strengthen your professional relationship. But enough about business ("Work done, have your fun"): today we are talking about how the British spend their free time from work, namely - about the holidays!

The English word holiday comes from the phrase "holy day", which in the past was dedicated to worship. In our time, there are both religious and secular holidays.

In addition, there is whole line strange holidays, weird holidays - one or more for every day of the year. For example, the UK hosts the Straw Bear Festival and Scarecrow Festival, Kissing Friday and Blessing of the Throats Day, Cheese Rolling Championships ) and swim in a diving mask in a swamp (Bog Snorkelling Championships) - and the like.

So the holidays in the United Kingdom are many and varied. But unfortunately for the British, There are not so many official holidays (official holidays) (calendar of holidays for 2015):

New Year's Day - New Year

Public Holiday


St Patrick's Day - St. Patrick's Day

Northern Ireland

Good Friday - Easter

Public Holiday


Easter Monday - Monday Easter week


Early May Bank Holiday - Bank holiday in early May

Public Holiday


Spring Bank Holiday - Spring Bank Holiday

Public Holiday


Battle of the Boyne (Orangemen "s Day) (Substitute Day) -
Battle of the Boyne (Protestant Day)

Northern Ireland




Summer Bank Holiday - Summer Bank Holiday

Public holiday (except Scotland)


St. Andrew "s Day - St. Andrew's Day


Christmas Day - Christmas

Public Holiday

Boxing Day - Boxing Day

Public Holiday


Boxing Day (Substitute Day) - Boxing Day
(the holiday falls on the weekend, so holiday postponed to Monday)

Public Holiday

As you can see from the table, not all holidays in England, Ireland and Scotland are the same. But each of the members of the Commonwealth can boast of a number of their own "holy days." In this article, we provide a list of the most basic and popular holidays in the United Kingdom, from January to December.


1 - New Year's Day

On the night of December 31 to January 1, residents of the United Kingdom celebrate the coming of the new year. This holiday is traditionally celebrated with family and friends, greeting the first minutes of the new year with an old song ‘Auld lang syne’ to the words of the Scottish poet Robert Burns. The party can go on well after midnight, until the very beginning of the new year. It is customary to give yourself New Year's resolutions, for example, to achieve a goal or quit a bad habit.

In Scotland, New Years are celebrated as Hogmanay [ˌhɔɡməˈneː].

January 25 - Burns' Night

On Burns Night, many Scots have a special dinner in honor of Robert Burns, with the reading of poetry by this poet. Men can put on a kilt, bagpipes sound, and almost always on the table there is haggis (traditional Scottish pudding made from mutton entrails: heart, liver and lungs) with turnips (neeps - turnips) and potatoes (tatties - potatoes).

January 31 - Chinese New Year

Outside of Asia, London has the most lavish New Years celebrations. Chinatown (West End) hosts a parade with music, acrobats and dancers, as well as a food fair and fireworks. But the holiday is not limited to this: celebrations are held throughout the country. Lush street parades are staged in other cities, including Manchester, Nottingham, Liverpool and Birmingham.


January 14 - Valentine's Day

Love is in the air! The historic Valentine's Day is nowadays a celebration of love. Many residents of the United Kingdom dine in restaurants with their sweethearts, give them Valentine's cards, chocolates, sweets. If you are single, you can get an anonymous valentine from your secret admirer!


Shrove Tuesday or "Pancake Day"

Lent is a traditional Christian period of abstinence that lasts 40 days. Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday) is the day before the start of fasting, Ash Wednesday, when housewives prepare hearty meals with lots of eggs, milk and sugar.

Nowadays, even non-religious people cook and eat pancakes on this day. Pancakes in England are made thin (unlike American ones) and are most often served with lemon and sugar or with corn syrup (golden syrup).

In some towns in the UK, there are also pancake races, in which participants try to run a distance with a frying pan in their hands, tossing a pancake on the run. One of the most famous races is held in Olney, Buckinghamshire, where the first "pancake race" is believed to have taken place in the distant 1445.

"Ash Wednesday" - the exact date is set according to the solar and lunar calendars

Christian holiday marking the beginning of Lent (Lent).

March 8 - International Women's Day

On International Women's Day, very popular in the UK and Europe, it is customary to honor all women, and sometimes - to give the fair sex small gifts(like flowers).

Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday

Mother's Day in England is almost always celebrated in March, three weeks before Easter Sunday. On this day, mothers are honored and thanked for everything they do for us. It is customary to give mothers postcards, gifts, invite them to a restaurant or prepare a festive dinner for them.

March 17 - St. Patrick's Day - North. Ireland

St. Patrick's Day - National holiday of ireland, revered by all Irish communities around the world. In the UK, this day is marked by festive events in many cities including Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester and London, as well as Belfast.

Crowds take to the streets wearing green clothing or adorned with the symbol of the three-leaf clover (shamrock), which is believed to bring good luck.


April 1 - April Fool's Day

One day a year is possible - and even necessary! - "joke jokes" and arrange pranks(to play a prank / practical joke / trick on smb.).

Even in newspapers, on television and radio on April 1, comic news is often published and broadcast. The rally is accompanied by the exclamation “ April fool! " (so called the one who "comes across"). At noon, however, the time for jokes ends.

Palm Sunday

Christian holiday that marks the beginning Holy Week(Holy Week).

Maundy Thursday

Thursday of Holy Week, Christian holiday commemoration of the Last Supper.

Good Friday

Christian holiday commemorating the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Easter Sunday - the exact date is set according to the solar and lunar calendars

V christian calendar, Easter is the most important holiday of the year. It was installed in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

People celebrate Easter in different ways, but many give each other chocolate eggs and bake Easter buns with a cross(hot cross buns).

April 23 - St George's Day

Legend has it that Saint George was a Roman soldier who killed a dragon to save the princess. He is now the patron saint of England, and on April 23rd - National holiday England. St. George's Cross can be seen on the flag of England (red cross on white).

Also on April 23rd, William Shakespeare was born. AND the best place spending this day is undoubtedly hometown the great writer, Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire, where a festival dedicated to this day is held. In 2014, the celebration was particularly lavish as it marked the 450th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth.


May 1 - May Day

May 1st welcomes the arrival of summer. And although summer officially begins only in June, on the first day of May they celebrate the end of cold weather and hope for a mild summer. The tradition of the celebration includes dancing around the maypole.

May 5 and 26 - bank holidays

Two Mondays in May are considered days off. The British can skip work or school and, with luck, spend the day in nature enjoying the first spring sun.


June 14th - The Queen's Official Birthday

Despite the fact that the real birthday is celebrated on April 21st, according to a tradition dating back to 1748, the birthdays of the king or queen are celebrated in June.

On this day, a traditional military parade called Trooping the Color is held in London, which is hosted by the Queen herself, surrounded by her family members.

3rd Sunday in June - Father's day

Fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, father-in-law and mother-in-law are honored on this Day. Many Britons give their older male relatives a postcard or a gift, arrange joint dinner or going to a restaurant.


Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr)

Marking the end of the Ramadan fast (month-long), Eid al-Adha is widely celebrated by Muslim communities in Great Britain. Typically, each community organizes its own festive events but cities such as London and Birmingham have larger celebrations.


Edinburgh Festival Fringe

The largest in the world arts festival, The Fringe has thousands of performances and performances across 250 theater venues. Any theater, comedy, music or dance performance can take part in the festival, and many theater students come to Edinburgh during this time to stage their first performances of their own.

August 25 - Notting Hill Carnival

Held in West London on a bank weekend this carnival is Europe's largest street party. Around 1 million people come to admire the colorful carnival platforms, dancers in brightly spectacular costumes, hear the sounds of salsa and reggae and enjoy Caribbean cuisine from street stalls. Take with you festive mood, grab enough cash and be patient - the carnival is quite crowded.


London Fashion Week

London Fashion Week(in 2014 it was held from 12 to 16 September) sets fashion guidelines- along with similar weeks in Paris, Milan and New York. This event is intended for professionals in the fashion industry, but anyone can purchase tickets for the Fashion Weekend, where they can feel the spirit fashion shows... Two fashion weeks are held annually in London, the first of which takes place in February.


October 23 - Diwali

Diwali (or Deepavali) - Festival of Lights celebrated by Hindu, Sikh and Jain religious communities.

Leicester (home to the largest Diwali celebrations outside India), London and Nottingham host vibrant street performances serving traditional Indian food. Indian music sounds, traditional Indian dances are performed. And of course, the streets are lit with a variety of lamps, lanterns, candles and fireworks.

October 31 - Halloween


In contact with

In the country a large number of festivals and celebrations, the vast majority of them musical or sports.

Celtic culture and music festivals open festival New Year , they take place from January 13th and last until the end of January in the city of Glasgow, this is in Scotland. As you imagine, the main actors there will be men in skirts - Celts playing the bagpipes. These days, more than two hundred cultural events will take place in Glasgow, in which both British performers and from the USA, Canada, France and Spain will take part.

Valentine's Day February 14th in the UK popular holiday, flowers, especially red roses and valentines with the obligatory inscription "To You, with Love from Valentine" required attributes this event. As we all know, valentines are just cards with hearts and words of love or friendship.

Valentine's Day is followed by St david's day the first of March is a cultural and patriotic holiday for all people in Wales. The holiday is celebrated in the city of Cardiff, on this day it is customary to wear national dress, traditional festive dish is the leek soup. Even the Empire State Building this day will be highlighted in green-red-white colors, but it will be already in New York.

One more saint's day, this time Patrick celebrated on the seventeenth of March. This irish holiday widely observed in many European countries, as well as in the USA and Canada. Costume parades with wind instruments are held in the cities of Great Britain. The symbol of this day is everywhere green color that is present everywhere and in everything from green clothes to green beer.

If we celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, then in the UK there is a similar analogue - mothers Day, it is usually celebrated on the eighteenth of March or on the next day off, namely on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent. On this day, all women, and especially mothers, rest, and all their hard work is done by their children or husbands. Families in the UK go to a restaurant or stay at home for a festive dinner with a traditional treat - simnel cake garnished with 12 marzipan balls. It is imperative to congratulate your mothers, wherever you are, if you are a foreign tourist, you can also congratulate your mothers at home, perhaps it will be an educational surprise for your mother.

pay attention to April 1st in UK, only the laziest can not make fun of friends and friends, jokes usually take place only in the morning, but in Scotland this holiday lasts two days. The second of April is called the Day of the Tail here, you can put buttons or devices that make obscene sounds in society, you can also imperceptibly stick a sticker to the poor guy's back with an appeal - Give me a kick. Remember that these days the most successful joke is the one at which the fool himself laughs.

Preceded Catholic Easter Good Friday, on this day many institutions and companies may not work, services and prayers are held in churches. Easter is widely celebrated in the UK on the first full moon Sunday after the vernal equinox between 22 March and 25 April. For all Britons, this is the most important holiday, festive table decorates an Easter cake (simnel cake) and dyes eggs, a more serious snack is a baked lamb with vegetables, and on Sunday morning you can always try hot cross buns for tea. Friends or relatives in the UK are given both real painted eggs and, for example, chocolate or souvenir, as well as other sweets. Easter eggs, a symbol of new life is a traditional attribute of Easter, for children it is a great entertainment. And it consists in finding these eggs, which the children themselves painted the day before. Children are absolutely sure that they left eggs somewhere along with a basket and other sweets at night Easter Bunny... Children's competition for finding eggs is fun, the one who finds the most eggs will receive Grand Prize holiday. But the main festive events take place, of course, in the churches and temples of Great Britain, services are held in the morning, and organ music concerts in the evening. Be sure to wear this day new clothes as a symbol of the end of the season bad weather and the approach of summer.

Queen Elizabeth II's birthday celebrated on April 21st both at Windsor Castle and throughout Britain.

Virgin London Marathon marathon in London city, in which all comers take part on April 22. The distance is quite serious 26.2 miles, after which street performances, festivities, snacks in pubs are held. The race is paid, you must first make a cash contribution, which is later transferred to charity. More than fifteen thousand participants take part in the marathon every year, other Londoners who do not want to run take part in street performances for which they prepare in advance.

Walpurgis Night Is a pagan holiday widely celebrated in Great Britain on the night of April 30 to May 1. According to the legend, the witches' Sabbath takes place on Mount Brocken, in Germany, and in the UK there should be wilderness and bonfires.

Beltane celebrated on the first of May, the holiday of pasture cattle on summer pastures. On the same day, England hosts the Rochester Chimney Sweep Festival, a colorful procession with dances. This profession is still in demand, since there are many old buildings in the country that require specific care. It is considered a great happiness to meet a chimney sweep, often chimney sweeps are invited to weddings.

Whiskey Festival takes place on 3rd May in the UK, especially the large-scale action takes place in the Speyside (Spirit of Speyside Whiskey Festival) in Scotland. And it is followed by other similar festivals throughout the summer, the final is the Autumn Speyside Whiskey Festival in September. Speyside is home to over a hundred whiskey distilleries. Of course, the most interesting part of the festival is the tasting of this exquisite drink, including especially seasoned and rare varieties. Collectors meet here, manufacturers exchange experience, but at the same time keep their secrets, you can visit national Scottish parties, dinners in distilleries, participate in competitions (quick construction of a barrel), visit exhibitions, whiskey museums and evenings folk music... By the way, St. Patrick is considered the inventor of whiskey.

May holidays in the UK take place in cities with street processions and festivities, but May Day has a medieval bias.

Spring holiday in the UK celebrated on the last Monday in May. As usual, festivals or new exhibitions open on this day in many UK cities.

Birthday of the English monarch celebrated on the first, second Saturday of June. On this day, the state flag is hung on buildings, and a ceremonial parade is held at the residence of the British kings in Whitehall.

Scotland's Independence Day is celebrated on June 24th... On the same days, as usual, the Wimbledon tennis tournament starts, which becomes the main event in the country for two weeks.

Fringe Art Festival in Edinburgh held annually in early August. The festival features all kinds of arts - from musical to comedy, from opera to dance.

Peterborough Beer Festival takes place on the twentieth of August. More than forty thousand people visit the festival annually.

Trafalgar Day is celebrated in Great Britain on October 21 victories of the Royal Navy over the combined fleets of France and Spain in Battle of Trafalgar... Today you can admire the parade navy, a procession from London's Mall to Trafalgar Square.

All Saints Day in Great Britain It is celebrated, as elsewhere in the world, on the first of November, and Halloween is widely celebrated the night before.

Autumn is in full swing, and many of us can easily get discouraged and melancholy. Let's cheer up a bit and find out about the largest and noisiest festivals in the USA and Great Britain! Yes, most of them take place in the summer, but, on the other hand, you will have enough time to find out all the details and, possibly, plan an unforgettable trip.

Mardi Gras in New Orleans

Before the Mardi Gras carnival, you don't even need to wait for summer - in 2019 it will take place on Tuesday 5 March.
You can notice some similarities with our Shrovetide. This noisy carnival takes place in “ fat tuesday”Followed by Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent for Catholics. On this day, in the French Quarter of New Orleans, there is a noisy and bright procession led by the King and Queen of the Carnival and much, much more. Read more about the program atthe official website of the event ... The Mardi Gras Festival is rightfully considered the craziest and most incredible. Do you want to get truly unusual emotions? Plan your trip to Louisiana!

Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival

Many have heard about the noisy and vibrant Coachella fest. This music and arts festival attracts the attention of celebrities from all over the world. Coachella takes place in the spring, the start date of the next is already known - April 12.

The festival has invariably been held every year for about 20 years and is rightfully considered one of the largest and most profitable in the United States. As for music, here you will definitely find something to your taste: pop, rock, hip-hop, and electronic music are played here.

Sundance Film Festival

And one more interesting and unusual one can be noted "Sundance" - the national American film festival of independent films, which takes place annually in Park City, Utah at the end of January. This event will obviously be of interest to those who are an ardent fan of good cinema.

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

Albuquerque, the largest city in New Mexico, is known for this very event. By the way, this year we, alas, have already missed it. This festival takes place annually from 6 to 14 October. An unforgettable experience guaranteed: imagine over 500 vibrant balloons v blue sky... Even those who were lucky enough to be born and grow up in this city do not stop repeating that this event is a must-see and is unlikely to bore anyone.

Isle of Wight Festival

This music festival is held annually on the Isle of Wight in the UK in early June. A great way to welcome the long awaited summer!
An interesting fact is that for the first time the festival was held back in 1968, and after 1970 there was a break right up to 2002. Since then, the festival has been held invariably once a year. This year, the participating artists include such stars as Kasabian, Depeche Mode, The Killers, Hurts and many others. What awaits us in 2019? Follow the news onofficial website activity!


The BoomTown Festival was originally conceived as a small musical event for young people from Bristol. But now BoomTown lives up to its name beautifully.and is one of the brightest and most expressive open-air festivals in the UK. Here you will find both a musical program and a fantastic theatrical show. This festival is usually held in early August.

British Summer Time Hyde Park Festival

This popular music festival is held annually in London's Hyde Park. Since 2013, at the festival you can enjoy the performances of such musical giants as The Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi, The Who, Blur, The Strokes, Taylor Swift and many others. And this is another summer festival- It usually takes place in early July over several weekends.