Where they give service housing. Working for an apartment: three surefire strategies for getting free housing

MOSCOW, October 2 - RIA Novosti, Marina Malkova. The older generation Russians still remember how apartments in the USSR were not bought, but received in turn for free, but in modern Russia, which has long been on the market rails, only some categories of citizens can count on free housing. Who to go to work to get an apartment, the site "RIA Real Estate" will tell.

Even in Soviet time When housing, it would seem, was supposed to be for everyone, without exception, in anticipation of the product of industrial housing construction, sometimes it was necessary to work for a penny, move to other cities and regions, get a job on a construction site and give birth to children. The larger the family was, the more square meters it could get.

Today, in our country, municipal apartments are reserved only for certain categories of citizens, and among them there are extraordinary ones. First of all, the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, orphans, displaced persons from dilapidated and dilapidated houses, as well as people suffering from a severe form of any chronic illness... You cannot deliberately choose such a fate for the sake of an apartment. But, having set a goal to get free housing by all means, you can get on the waiting list and count on the support of the state in solving the housing problem.

Pogorelskaya cites as an example Moscow and the Moscow Region, which, despite the active construction of housing, still belong to the problematic subjects of Russia: the time spent in a queue in the capital region can be 10 or more years.

General Director of Metrium Group Maria Litinetskaya recalls even more sad facts. According to her, there are a lot of those on the waiting list who have been languishing in anticipation of housing for more than 20 years. “Unfortunately, municipal housing in our country is being built at a very slow pace and in small volumes, while there are more and more people on the waiting list. Therefore, many people have to wait for the promised apartments for years,” Litinetskaya complains.

Indeed, the waiting lists not included in any of the preferential categories, stay in line for a long time, they confirm in the Department of Housing Policy and housing stock Moscow. Now, for example, free of charge, under contracts social recruitment, apartments are received by people registered with housing in 1989-1990.

Meanwhile, 10-20 years is a period comparable to that during which other citizens are forced to pay mortgage spending hard-earned money to pay off it every month.

At the same time, those on the waiting list have the opportunity to decide housing problem with partial assistance from the state. If they are willing to invest personal funds, then the process of obtaining housing can be accelerated with the help of reimbursable methods - subsidies or social mortgages. By social science, for example, one-room apartment in Nekrasovka, a family registered for housing more than 10 years ago can purchase for about 1 million rubles, according to the Department of Housing Policy. But this option is only suitable for those who are ready to pay extra for housing, which means that with very likely can no longer be considered poor.

By the way, the same people on the waiting list who wish to receive gratuitous government assistance in improving housing conditions, your status will have to be confirmed for the entire waiting period. Otherwise, you can lose your right to free housing. “My mother and I have been queuing for an apartment for more than ten years,” says Dmitry Gorin from Moscow.

I'd go to the military, give me an apartment!

This provision is regulated by a separate federal law No. 73-FZ "On the status of servicemen". By general rule, the military can expect to receive an apartment in a chosen place of residence when total duration military service for over 20 years. Or, with a total length of service of more than 10 years, if the soldier was dismissed on the so-called preferential grounds - for health reasons, upon reaching age limit stay on military service or in connection with organizational and staff activities, specifies Pogorelskaya.

She also adds that in addition to the military, judges, prosecutors and rescuers of professional emergency services have a similar right to provide housing under a social rent agreement.

It is important that servicemen, when serving in cities where they do not have their own housing, have the right to receive service apartments in mandatory... Therefore, unlike ordinary people on the waiting list, servicemen have a significant advantage: while waiting for free living space, they can live in a separate apartment with enough square meters for each family member.

In addition, the servicemen also have the option to use a reimbursable way of improving their living conditions - the accumulative mortgage system, which has been operating in the country for the fifth year already. It gives servicemen, after 3 years of service, the opportunity to exercise their right to permanent housing using a targeted housing loan. In this case, the system participant himself can choose the location of his apartment and its characteristics.

By 2024, according to Sergei Pirogov, Director of the Department of Housing of the Ministry of Defense, NIS wants to make the only way providing housing for military personnel. However, so far not all servicemen are striving to get housing in this way.

"I, like most of the servicemen, refused at one time from military mortgage... Because to receive from the state an apartment worth 10 million rubles or a subsidy of 2.5 million - a big difference... And we will get housing anyway, I have no doubt about that, "says Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Morozov.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation promises to provide permanent housing for more than 40 thousand people on the waiting list by the end of this year, Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov said back in the summer. Thus, housing should be received by all servicemen who entered the queue before January 1, 2012. In general, the authorities plan to end the queue for permanent housing for the military by mid-2015.

Apartment for a deputy

The circle of applicants for service apartments is much wider. V Russian legislation According to Pogorelskaya, it is possible to provide office housing for almost any employee of the public sector, if, of course, the employer has enough funds for that.

At the same time, some categories of citizens, in the absence of housing at their place of work or service, are provided with official living quarters on a mandatory basis. These include deputies The State Duma and members of the Federation Council, citizens in elected office, police and other law enforcement officials and the aforementioned judges and military personnel.

And yet, service housing, even temporary, is still better than nothing. Even if the future prospects for obtaining housing are rather vague, during the time that you live for free in a service apartment, you can significantly save money on buying your own living space. For example, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, who, judging by their income declarations, earn from 100 thousand rubles a month, can easily buy an apartment on credit, for example, by borrowing more than 4 million from a bank for up to 15 years.

Of course, the idea of ​​applying for a military or civil service for the sake of the prospect of getting free housing can hardly be taken seriously. After all, no matter how complicated the housing issue is, the end does not always justify the means, and you need to work where it is interesting. However, if you have been drawn to the civil service before, the likelihood of getting housing will undoubtedly help strengthen your decision.

Nivit: Advise how best to proceed, otherwise, unfortunately, there is no one to tell

It is not realistic to receive. Alas, this is already a reality.
Can only be bought or rented.

How did we "get" ...
1. We have been waiting in line to improve housing conditions for 20 years. Given that we are real "Muscovites" and not "come in large numbers". Annually there was a "verification" of the lists, and it was necessary to run around the officials, and "stand" to them in queues for an appointment. Nobody cares if you work or on vacation - and for almost a week go and check in every day. And so for each piece of paper, which needs a whole bunch. And you also need to get it on time in order to take it to another official on the right day. Otherwise your turn will make you a pen
2. We are very lucky that at the end of the life of this whole system of "obtaining" housing, we finally waited for our turn. True, they could only get a subsidy for the purchase. How it was?

Hooray! We received a cherished letter from the housing department of the prefecture ...
It was still very early to rejoice. First, collect all the certificates and benefits again (they won't give it "simple" at all) - again running around among officials, "stoylovo" in queues and "asking for leave" from work.
Phew, collected! But it's too early to rejoice ...
Now everything is decided by the housing commission in the prefecture ... They knocked on any tree like crazy And it passed without loss ... But, before the housewarming is not yet one month!
The subsidy was allocated, but ... Details ...
1. The size of the subsidy is calculated on the basis of housing prices in the BTI - and this is too much of a difference from real prices in Moscow. It is simply unrealistic to buy an apartment in Moscow with this subsidy.
2. Then 75% is deducted from this amount. That is how much money will actually be allocated. Housing in the near Moscow region is also waving at us
3. The remaining amount is transferred to a closed bank account for a period of six months. If we do not find an apartment for ourselves during this period, the subsidy "burns out", and we can again wait 20 years ...
4. Money from the account cannot be cashed, only used for non-cash payment of the purchase. And everything that remains after the deal goes to the "state" (apparently, the "fee" to officials).

So, we received the coveted piece of paper with the account details, and set off in search of housing ... We borrowed a lot of money - we had to pay for the services of realtors, notaries, and we just had to live (you can forget about work during this period).

We lost a lot of options (and good ones) - we had a privilege that did not allow us to buy an "unfinished" new building. That is, such an apartment, where, after the builders leave, you need to install plumbing, glue wallpaper ... So really "gone" nice apartments in the desired areas of the Moscow region.

Another "ambush" awaited us in the secondary market - all sellers refused cashless payments. The money is transferred to their account only a month after the transaction is completed - these are the conditions for the operation of the subsidy (the commission must check the transaction and give the go-ahead). So we lost a large chunk of good options.

And in the meantime ... The time to look for housing was dramatically decreasing, but there was still no result. And we were already counting the last days when our hope could survive ... We were in for a fiasco called "Subsidy".

And then one day, when we were already counting the hours from the remaining period, our realtor called us and offered to look last option... We, almost without hope, went to Elektrostal.
Actually, we didn't care about "watching" - it was important that the seller agreed to the transaction by bank transfer.

"I am going to Vacha crying, and from there - laughing ..." (V. Vysotsky)
In general, the hope was justified! The deal took place, and we managed to complete it on time. Nobody even regretted the lost account balances - the main thing is that in general all this did not fly by!

This is how "Come in large numbers from Moscow" appeared at this forum of the unemployed. My relatives stayed to live in three apartments in Moscow - and I turned into a resident of the region. Good work in Moscow had to be left in the past - now you cannot go there for "tugriks". Well, maybe only for very large ...

Strelec: Since the topic has gone, tell me - where should I go to get on the line?

Department of registration and distribution of housing in the local administration.

Within the framework of the state housing program: Affordable Housing for Russians is a subsidiary, a fast-growing real estate agent, a large association construction companies in the Moscow region, due to the active expansion of its activities, it gives everyone the opportunity to quickly get an apartment, earning this opportunity with us, and recruits employees for vacancies:
- Specialist in working with customers;
- HR specialist.
Requirements for applicants: activity, efficiency, sociability, initiative, organization, high learning ability and efficiency, readiness for an irregular schedule. Experience with people is desirable. Nonresident and those in dire need of housing are welcome. The citizens of the CIS are considered.
Conditions: payment - high percentage. Training is provided. Comfortable office in the center of Moscow. All employees are provided with various discounts and programs of preferential installment plans for housing. The best ones, who have fulfilled the maximum volume, are registered in the ownership of a studio apartment (22 sq.m.) as a bonus based on the results of the work for the year. Career and financial growth is real.
Responsibilities: work with clients wishing to purchase real estate objects of the company. Strict office. No customer search and no traveling. (Search and traveling activities at will, for a higher percentage of payment) Also in the future work with personnel: training, organization of current activities.
The advantages of working with us:
- high percentage, guaranteed volumes for the company's advertising;
- within the state. of the Affordable Housing program, each of our employees, even a beginner, can, if desired, take 2 - 3.5 years! it is preferential to purchase a small studio apartment of 22 square meters, buying it into the ownership of 0.5 or 1 square meter per month. This is not a mortgage, not a loan, credit history not considered, there are no mandatory monthly payments, there are also no penalties for delays, each meter is redeemed whenever possible, when available necessary funds... The cost of 1 sq.m. 42 tr. (excluding art-ty communications) - 52 thousand rubles. (taking into account the article of all communications). Square meters can be purchased from 0.5 sq. m or by installments. The final cost of a studio apartment for employees is 1,100,000 rubles. It is unique new program for people in dire need of housing, only we are working on it!
- The best (and here everyone who is active and trained can become one, the main thing is not to mess around and not to waste time) is given according to the results of a studio apartment in the property.
The number of vacancies within the framework of the state housing program is limited. Recording for an interview is carried out by phone.