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Pink deprived (deprived of the Zibra) is a skin disease in which pink peeling spots appear on the body. It has infectious, possibly viral, nature.

Causes of pink deprived of a person

The factors contributing to the development of the disease are supercooling, cold, weakened immunity, as well as activation of infection, hidden in the body. Often this disease occurs on the background of ARVI.

Symptoms of pink losing a fat

1. A small plaque appears on the man's skin ("Maternal spot"), which then reaches size up to 3-5 cm in diameter, bright pink color, then it starts wrinkled and peeling into the center. 7-10 days after the appearance of the "Mother Spot", the skin is covered with small stains oval or less rounded form. Such rashes are rapidly increasing in size, reaching 1-2 cm in diameter. These stains begin to peel in the center. From the maternal bleach, the disease begins in 50% of patients, the remaining half of the symptoms are more lubricated. First, the rash is localized on the chest, then the process extends to the belly, inguinal folds, hips, neck, shoulders. It lasts this ailment no longer than 2 months, after this period passes.
2. General raising temperatures
3. Itching
4. Increased lymph nodes

Recurrent pink linga In a person, unlike a bored, do not arise - in the body a persistent immunity is produced. Only with very weak immunitete It is possible to get this disease again.

Are the pink deprived?

Pink deprived is not very infectious, but still can be transmitted through personal belongings (towel, comb, urine, etc.) of a sick person.

How to treat pink deprive in humans at home

Often, Pink Lishe Zibrah passes without treating about 6-9 weeks. But for this it is necessary to comply with the following recommendations:
1. Do not take a bath - wash only under the shower and not very often
2. Avoid sunlight
3. Do not wear synthetic clothing.
4. Try not to sweat, protect the affected places from sweat

People's Treatment of Pink Legging Zibera can accelerate recovery. Here are some recipes folk Medicine:


You can treat pink deprived vinegar: 5-7 times a day lubricate the affected parts of the body with undivided apple vinegar.

Oil treatment.

Accelerates recovery with a pink delay the use of sea buckthorn, riding, hypers and peach oils.

Treatment of licorice at home.

Reception of drugs from licorice root noticeably accelerates recovery in the treatment of pink deprivation of fat in humans. It is necessary to take a decoction or the infusion of the root of licorice. Also you can use pharmacy syrup licorice

Zinc oxide.

Take 1 tbsp. l. zinc oxide, glycerin, water. Mix well and treat the affected skin with this mixture, then sprinkle with a zinc oxide powder and talca in equal amounts. Do this procedure once a day. Remains from the previous procedure to remove tampons moistened in apple vinegar.

Also pink deprive of a fat for his faster disappearance is recommended to be treated, lubricating the tincture of cleanliness or pharmacy alcohol tincture Salicylic acid.

Treatment of pink depriving folk remedies - newspaper recipes Vestnik zozh

Konsky sorrel in the treatment of pink depriving folk remedies.

1 tbsp. l. The roots of horse sorrel pour 1 tbsp. Water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Making compresses from this brave. (Herald of Zozhe 2006, №2, p. 32)

Treatment of herbs.

Take a broom from the Kuril tea, separating one twig and set fire, then lean the burning side to the knife. On the knife will remain an oily track from the soot. This coal need to smear the stain of pink deprivation. (2005, №20, p. 32)

Pink deprived is an infectious allergic skin disease.

Appears due to transferred infections, supercooling. Often diagnosed in people with weakened immunity.

Accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, delivers a person discomfort. You can get rid of the disease with the help of medicine and therapeutic diet.

Diagnosis of the disease

Carried out in the hospital. First, the patient examines the doctor. After visual inspection, apply:

  • Dermatoscopy..
  • Skin biopsy.
  • Blood test.

There is a disease in adults aged from 20 to 40 years. Children and older generation is extremely rare.

For diagnosis is often used differential diagnosis. Zibra's disease must be distinguished from severe skin diseases.

From seborine eczema Pink deprived is distinguished by the presence of plaques on the surface of the skin, localization of rashes.

With a pink delay, the rash does not appear on the face and in the scalp, unlike seborrheic eczema.

From syphilitic roseola The brightness of the rashes, the unequal form of spots.

From multicolored depriving is characterized by the character of peeling. In pink depriving peeling ring-shaped, and in multicolored diffuse.

More about the causes of the disease and characteristic symptoms Read by reference.


Prevent the occurrence of the ailment possible for this you need to know about preventive measures.

Is it possible to sunbathe?

Doctors prohibit patients to sunbathe with pink lichen. Ultraviolet provocates complications. Allergic reaction Enharged. Even if the patient recovered, the rash disappeared, she may appear again, so about visiting the beach, solarium needs to be forgotten.

Is it possible to wash?

Patients are prohibited during the treatment of taking baths.

In contact with water, rash are becoming more in the amount, merge into a single spot.

It is a complex treatment that is most effective. This approach will allow the patient to recover extremely quickly.

How long is the pink deprive?

In general, on the treatment of pink deprivation two weeks required. However, there are cases when patients recovered only a month later.

If applying medicinesThe recovery process will leave 10 to 15 days.

But if you apply not only pharmacy, and also a diet, recovery will turn out for 8-10 days.

Treatment process will be very longIf the patient refuses to apply ointments and tablets, limiting the diet and folk remedies. Then the recovery will require 3-4 weeks.

Accuracy determine how much the disease will not be done, because it individual process . It all depends on the state of the person. Someone for recovery is enough one week, and someone can recover only four weeks later.

It is easy to understand that the deprived is very simple - the peeling of the skin is reduced, stops disturbing itching. Pink spots gradually disappear.

Is it possible to smear the affected sections with iodine?

Doctors prohibit lubricity affected by iodine-affected sickness. This tool will not lead to recovery, but on the contrary, hurts. Red spots will increase in size, there may be swelling and itching.

It is impossible to be treated with iodine.

What if the disease does not pass for a long time?

In some cases, the disease does not pass by weeks and months. This happens if:

  • Immunity strongly weakened. The body cannot recover.
  • Penetration infection in the body.
  • Stress. Unstable mental condition It affects negative on human health.
  • Incorrect nutrition.
  • Ignoring the recommendations of the doctor, unregular reception of medicines.

If two weeks have passed, and improvements are not observed, you must be worried. During this time, rash should be less noticeable, pale, itching should stop.

Independently start receiving antibiotics. You need to consult a doctor, talk about the applied treatment. In the hospital will be made repeated analyzes, specialist will prompt next steps. Perhaps treatment in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

The task of the patient is not to ignore your own state and seek help to a doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies

Effective tool at home is boltushka.

For its preparation, 50 ml of tar is mixed, 50 g of glycerin and the same number of 70% ethyl alcohol.

Components better to mix B. plastic bottle . After stirring, the bottle shake well.

One of oldest money is an garlic. Several cloves of garlic are crushed to Cashitz, then juice squeezed out of it. The resulting liquid lubricates the affected areas of the skin twice a day.

Struggles with pink deprived sheet cabbage. It must be fresh. It must be slightly smashed, lubricate kefir and attach to a painful area for ten minutes. The compress is then cleaned, and the skin is slightly wiped with a napkin. The procedure is performed twice a day.

Such gentle treatment of folk medicine is well suited for pregnancy. But what medicines can be used to not harm the child, find out in this article.

What to do with recurrence?

Repeated manifestations of the disease of the ZhiBER arise extremely rarely, with incorrect leaving Behind the skin. If the disease appeared again, you need follow some rules:

  • It is necessary to abandon cosmetics.
  • You can not rub the skin, scratch, hypother.
  • In the case of relapse, we must follow the medical diet.
  • You can use medicines and folk remedies, as well as when the first disease occurs.
  • Experts advise you to start receiving vitamins.

In the case of relapse, it is necessary to refuse to carry out clothes from synthetic tissues, replacing clothing from natural fibers. They do not cause irritation.

What complications may cause a disease?

In the absence of treatment or incorrect approach to the elimination of the disease, pink deprived can lead to the following complications:

  • Follyculite.
  • Eczema.
  • Streptococcal impetigo.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Chronic shape of skin diseases.

But it happens not often. When strengthening immunity, the risk of developing complications should not be.

Thus, pink deprived delivers a lot of discomfort to a person. It causes pain, itching, redness of the skin. Cereal the disease can beBy applying medicines, diet and folk remedies.

If you start the treatment on time, it will be possible to avoid unpleasant consequences. The main thing is to seek your doctor for helpwhich will pick up a suitable medicine and find the cause of the disease.

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In contact with

Pink deprive of Zibra (Rooseola Peeling) is sharp inflammatory disease Skin of presumptive infectious nature.

Most often, children are sick older than 2 years old, teenagers and young people. It is extremely rarely found in babies and people older than 40 years old. Spring I. autumn periods are the most dangerous in terms of damage to the disease.

The incidence of pink deprived of the low and is less than 1% of the population globe in year. The main danger of the disease is the irritation and attachment of the allergic component with inadequate therapy or improper skin care. Experts believe that the disease has a viral nature, and it is called by a type of viral herpes.

In this material we will talk about pink deprived, let's see detailed photos, as well as learn the first signs of the disease and current treatments depriving at home.

Causes of occurrence

Why does pink deprive arise, and what is it? The zibra disease is considered an infectious disease, but the dermotosis pathogen has not yet been detected. Most researchers adhere to the opinion that it viral diseasePerhaps the causative agent is the herpes virus VII or VI type.

Usually the disease occurs in the sedition of colds and infections, often provoked recent or, the theory is put forward that pink deprived calls one of herpes viruses. Provocosed pink lichen strong stress, hypovitaminosis, skin injuries, colds, chronic diseases, allergies.

Also definitely answering the question whether the pink deprived is infected, it is impossible. Theoretically, this is a contagious disease, which is transmitted during physical contact or air-droplet. However, in practice, this dermatosis is distinguished by low contagiousness (degree of contagious) in order for the disease of the ZhiBER to develop healthy manThe presence of provoking factors is necessary.

Symptoms of pink depriving a person

In the event of pink, depriving symptoms in humans make themselves felt in the form of characteristic spindles on the skin. In this regard, the overwhelming majority of sick pink deprived of the Reds begins with 1-3 maternal plaques of bright pink, with a flake surface and up to 4-5 cm with a diameter.

Part of the patients with pink deprived can be celebrated in places of formation of a small itching or discomfort, but mostly there are no spots on the skin, there are no other complaints. Often B. active period The rash can be a slight rise in temperature, malaise and reaction of cervical or submandibular lymph nodes.

After 7-10 days in patients on the chest, the back and limbs are poured small spots "Kids" pinkish or pinkish yellow. The most abundant rash on the side surfaces of the body, back, shoulders and hips. For the elements, a peculiar peeling in the center of spots, reminiscent of the crumpled cigarette paper, which creates the impression of the decoration - "medallion".

On average, new elements can be attached about 2-3 weeks, then their reverse development occurs with a gradual pale, disappearance and sections of reduced pigmentation in places where it was originally a plaque, although hyperpigmented fragments may be.

The average duration of the disease is pink deprive 6-9 weeks, and it is even without active treatmentRecurrements usually do not give. Sometimes atypical manifestations of pink deprivation with bubble or tubercoux can occur, they will last a little longer.

What does pink deprive in humans look like: photo

On the detailed photos The following can be seen as rash looks like a pink lisp on the skin of a person.

During pregnancy

Transferred pink deprived on early timing Pregnancy raises the risk spontaneous abortion And renders negative influence on the development of the fetus. Often, future mothers suffering from pitiriasis complain about unusual symptoms for this disease:

  • strong headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • deterioration of appetite;
  • increased fatigue.


Pink deprived diagnose visually, appearance Skin cover. At the same time, the disease is difficult to distinguish from manifestations, syphilitic roseola. To clarify the diagnosis, urine is prescribed, take the scraping, serve the serological test.


For improper treatment, its absence or immunodeficiency states pink deprived can go to more heavy forms, for example, ring-shaped dew. It is characterized by the appearance of spots large sizes and tends to transition to chronic form. Can recur in several years.

Treatment of pink depriving a person

When on the skin appeared rash pink deprivation, then specific treatment Not appointed. Most often, this kind of man deprived in humans itself, without the use of funds of traditional medicine or medicine. After recovery on the skin for some time, pale pigmented spots are preserved, but then they disappear.

In order for the stains to come quickly need to stick to the rank simple rules At home:

  1. During the disease, it is necessary to abandon the adoption of the bath, it is better to use the shower only, and use soft for washing detergentswho do not overcame the skin.
  2. Unacceptably expose skin Covers from explicit signs Development of pink depriving exposure to direct sunlight.
  3. It is advisable to refuse OT. synthetic clothing And linen, which can only aggravate the inflammatory process.
  4. Need to limit physical exercise, Avoid overheating.
  5. It is recommended to comply with a certain diet, eliminating sharp, smoked, pickled, alcohol and coffee. Allergenic products are also excluded, such as honey, eggs, fish, citrus fruits and juices, chocolate, nuts.

If the sick pink is deprived of itching, then he can be appointed, for example "Supratin", "Tuequil", "Loratadine", "Ksizal", "Erius". Also, with exacerbation of pink linging, antibiotic treatment is prescribed, for example "erythromycin".

To strengthen immunity, multivitamine complexes can be taken (complivitis, alphabet, vitruum, biomax) and natural immunostimulants (Echinacea, lemongrass). Do not forget about the general investment procedures, such as hardening, staying on fresh air And regular exercise.

Ointment from pink losing

As a rule, ointment in pink therapy is not used, since in most cases, rashes are on their own. But in case the disease occurs hard or there are constant exacerbations of the disease, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics in the form of ointments or corticosteroids.

  • Sinalar - a combined drug of antibacterial substance and glucocorticoid, relieving itching, inflammation and soloity. Ointment lightes and softens the skin.
  • Lorinden A is a steroid with salicylic acid, relieving itching and ethnicity. Reduces the peeling of lichen plaques, eliminates inflammation and slows down allergies.
  • Flutsinar - Hormonal Medication of Antiallergic Impact, Running Itchy and decisive problem Peeling foci Roseola. Ensures plaques from scales and improves the color of the cover.

In addition to ointments for the treatment of external manifestations, linghing is used by zinc-based cydol suspension. The tool sunsites the skin, reduces inflammation and itching, prevents the reproduction of microorganisms. Suspension wipe the affected skin 1-2 times a day.

A good effect gives the use of salicylic alcohol or a solution of a rizodcine. These funds have a pronounced antiseptic effect and prevent the development of complications. It is recommended to wipe the skin with solutions 3 times a day.

How to treat pink deprive folk remedies

Before you start using the recipes of traditional medicine, you should consult with a dermatologist. Independent treatment It may not bring relief, and pink deprived will be complicated by an attached infection.

Here are the recipes that can be applied with a pink deprive:

  1. It helps to remove the symptoms of the disease tincture chilli. For her preparation, flowers and leaves of cleanpiece are poured with vodka. Insist twenty days. Take up food, 0.5 teaspoon.
  2. Golden mustache . The tincture of this plant can be made at home, and you can buy in a pharmacy. Also for treatment are used fresh leaves Golden Osa, which is pre-triturated in Cashitz. Of the freshly prepared mixture or purchased tincture, you need to make daily bulls.
  3. Calendula ointment is considered a good tool. It can be prepared independently. For this, the calendula flower in the amount of 10 grams is triturated to a powder state and mixed with 50 grams of vaseline. The ointments obtained as a result of these manipulations are applied to the races three times a day.
  4. Aloe. Squeeze the juice from the plant or purchase ready. Use inside a spoon before eating for two weeks.
  5. Paper "Resin". From the sheet of white paper you need to turn the cone and put it on the saucer. Top Cones set fire and wait until the paper is completely frith. Flap formed on a plate use to lubricate spots with pink delay.

In order for you in the future you did not have to look for a way to treat Pink deprived, take care of strengthening immunity, only he can help you avoid acquaintance with this disease. This is due to the fact that there are not yet developed methods that could prevent the development of the disease, since the nature of its occurrence has not yet been determined.


The outcome of treatment with pink lichen is almost always favorable. Difficulty may occur only if the disease led to serious complications.

- This is a skin disease that wears allergy-infectious character. The reasons and nature of its appearance have not yet been studied to the end. This disease is also found under the names of Roseola Peeling and Pitiriasis. Diverse, both with the help of ointments and using tablets.

Pink deprived manifest pink spots that appear on different parts Body. They have a different diameter, sometimes more than two centimeters. Spots strong itchy and peel. After some time, a stain acquires a yellowish tint.

Effective medication from this disease is not yet invented. Spots pass independently after some time. However, since they will strongly scratch and deliver discomfort, the ointment of the pink deprived in humans is widely used, the names of which will look further.

Than to treat pink deprive in humans - ointment

With pink delay assign corticosteroid ointmentThey help to remove itching and irritation. What ointment use with pink lichen?

Pink deprived of man treatment with ointment acrider

This ointment must be applied twice a dayBy applying it to damaged skin areas. The duration of treatment is individual. If after two weeks it does not occur, it is necessary to change the treatment scheme.

It is impossible to use the tool to children up to two years, with tuberculosis, skin manifestations of syphilis, wind SpapOpen wounds.

Sulfur ointment with pink lisp

This ointment prevents the development of microbes. In addition, she reduces inflammation. It is necessary to apply it 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts until complete elimination of lichen spots. Often sulfur Combined salicylic acid and birch tar.

Salicyl ointment from pink depriving on the body

This tool has antiseptic, drinking, as well as anti-inflammatory Property. It is applied twice a day for damaged skin areas. It is necessary to use it until complete cure. Usually, after a couple of days, the spots lingher pale and merge with the skin in color. Preparation, despite its effectiveness, is very accessible at a price.

This ointment cannot be used in the treatment of children up to 1 year, with renal failure and hypersensitivity.

Sinaflanian ointment with pink delay

It is used in the treatment of pink, as well as red flat deprived. This tool can be used. for the treatment of children from 2 years. Ointment is used by several courses 1 week.

Zinc ointment from pink losing

Ointment is rendered anti-inflammatory and drinking action. Promotes skin regeneration, quickly eliminates traces of deprivation. Her undoubted plus is low price. It is necessary to apply the tool on the skin quite often - up to 6 times a day.

Ointment unider with pink delay

The drug has anti-inflammatory and anti-face Property. It follows it once a day. You can apply this ointment for young children. Contraindication are next diseases: tuberculosis, syphilis, fungal and bacterial infection. It should not be used for this ointment during pregnancy and lactation.

Treatment of pink male clotrimazole

The principle of action of ointments in violation of the life of fungiThe destruction of their membrane. Apply this means to pre-cleaned skin. It is applied thin layer And rub twice a day. The course of treatment is enough long, it usually lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. Among side Effects There are swelling, formation of blisters, redness.

You can use Histan ointment when pink delay

Histan ointment is used to treat inflammation and itch in dermatosis. You can also use this ointment against pink deprivation. Apply the tool is necessary once a day. The course of treatment can be from week to month. If in two weeks it is not visible to improve, treatment is worth stopping.

Ointment from pink depriving for children

Pink deprived in children, the treatment of ointments is carried out preparations S. natural composition . Among the existing components should be iodine, sulfur, salicylic acid , tar, sulfur. These substances have antimicrobial and soothing effects as well do not cause serious allergic reactions.

Before you decide which ointment to smear pink deprived of the child, consult your doctor.

Do not use folk remedies or engage in self-medication, in childhood Such experiments are dangerous.

What ointment is needed from pink depriving during pregnancy

In case of disease, pink deprived during pregnancy is possible application comprehensive treatment . In addition to tablets, doctors are most often prescribed various ointments. Among them are the safest funds based on zinc: zinc ointment, salicyl zinc paste, Sudokra with zinc.