The use of maternal capital to repay a mortgage loan. Documents for repayment of mortgage maternal capital: what are necessary. Conditions of mortgage under the mat Capital

Last changes: July 2018.

If the family is already using a loan, the maternity capital can be directed on therepayment of a mortgage or housing loan or part of it. How to repay mortgage maternal capital correctly? It usually allows you to cover from 10 to 40 percent of debt, depending on the cost of housing. Organizational problems with the procedure for the direction of maternal capital of mortgage at certificate owners rarely occur.

  • The underlying condition - a loan must improve the housing conditions family and acquired housing should be in Russia.
  • At the same time, the borrower can act as a child's mother and her husband with whom she lives in an officially registered marriage.

Maternal capital is the property of the whole family. Directing it to improve housing conditionsThe person who received the certificate assumes the obligation to issue an acquired residential premises in the total share ownership of all family members. At the same time B. legislative order The proportion of children is not established: this question remains for the consideration of the parents. It can be purely symbolic. A notarized share of housing for a child will continue to protect the numerous problems of lodge-related housing, acquired using maternal capital.

Stages of maternal mortgage on maternity capital

At the first stage, you need to notify the creditor - the bank who has granted a loan, about its desire to direct the means of maternal capital to repay the mortgage. The bank must provide a certificate of the balance of the amount of the principal and interest, as well as the right-expanding documents for the acquired residential premises in the bank pledge.

In the territorial department of the Federal Republic of Russia, the owner of the certificate writes a statement by the established form of the order by means of maternal capital. In addition, the following documents will be required: a certificate script, credit (mortgage) agreement received in the Bank of a certificate of debt remnants and, of course, a copy of the certificate owner's passport.

If there is no one from the family members of the apartment acquired on the mortgage of the apartment (including children), the borrower must submit a written commitment certified in the notary to issue acquired housing into total share ownership with specific shares within six months after the mortgage repayment. If the loan agreement is issued for her husband, then its documents and a copy of the marriage certificate will also be required.

Some of the maternal capital, requested to repay a housing loan, should not exceed the amount of the balance of the principal and accrued interest, without penalties and fines accrued by the banking institution for violating contractual obligations.

Pension Fund And the maternity capital interact for a long time. Specialists will check the submitted documents within one month. In the case of a positive solution, the funds allocated by the state to support the family, within two months will be listed on the account of the credit institution.

Terms of use of maternal capital for a mortgage

It provides for the redemption of the total amount of maternal capital or part of it can be at any time after the conclusion of the contract.

Practically, this can be done even a few days after the loan was decorated. At the same time, this banking operation will act as early repayment of the loan.

In a number of banks, there is a moratorium on the possibility of early repayment of the mortgage loan during certain period. There are also programs according to which the loan interest on the loan can be significantly reduced in exchange for a refusal of early repayment.

In case of early repayment part of the mortgage part, there are two possibilities for recalculating payments:

  1. preservation of the loan period with a decrease in monthly payments;
  2. reducing credit period with a constant monthly payment.

Is it profitable to repay early mortgage loan

One standard formula says that a person can give 40% of his income for a loan. For the remaining amount, he must reside comfortably. Is it really? Moreover, the majority wishes as soon as they will get better with such a mortgage like a mortgage.

Most of the borrowers make a big amount every month, is it only any benefit? It is the opinion that with such a strategy you can lose more than to purchase.

The main reason is that people try to quickly pay debt, is the amount of interest. Any bank worker will tell you that overpayment for 20 years will be equal to the amount of the initial loan. Only at the same time does not take into account inflation and term cost. Therefore, customers sometimes fall into a stupor when they see the payment plan and the amount of interest that they will have to give. Therefore, they try to attach all the forces to pay off their debt as soon as possible.

Almost all banks offer a mortgage in a single scheme, when the borrower pays interest at first. Only by the middle of the period will be paid payment over the amount of the principal debt. Every month you need to pay the loan the same amount that does not change, but its constituent fluctuating the year from year to year.

You can find a bank that have a different system for taking a loan. Suppose payments can be differentiated. It is worth noting that the possibility of early repayment of the loan without fines and restrictions will pleasant bonus. Many immediately look at this factorSince it is difficult to find someone who gives a loan on such conditions.

That's just there is a reservation, you can get more pleasant conditions if you provide a certificate of official income. It was then that the interest rate may be lower for you.

Banks and other credit organizations do not like early repayment of debt. Such behavior of the borrower entails losses, as the organization is not paid to the percentage on which they counted. Moreover, in advertising and other marketing things have already been folded tools, and the return turned out less. It should be noted that if possible, banks would simply banned their loans ahead of schedule. But, in conditions of tough competition, they cannot come to this form of behavior. By the way, the borrowers should be remembered that today's money, in a couple of years will become a "smaller amount" due to inflation and other conditions. Therefore, deciding to send maternity capital to repay mortgages, be sure to act quickly, and always specify in the bank whether the main debt or interest on the loan will be reduced.

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Only units of young families manage to independently acquire their housing, which would fit the desires, for cash, postponed from salary. Of course, it may be the help of relatives, their clustered money, but the most common means of funds is mortgage lending. The state is interested in young families receive a separate accommodation, so developed a whole system of supporting young families.

Maternal certificate for improving housing conditions

To date, material capital is essential for families with two or more children. The program has been operating since 2007. It can be spent on the expansion of the living space, including to pay off part of mortgage lending, spend on pay for the services of a higher educational institution or a mother's pension. The most common way to use such assistance for russian families is the first option. After signing by the president in May 2015, FZ-131 mat. Capital as an initial mortgage fee can be used regardless of the age of birth or adoption of the second child. From the moment of this type of state. Support rules for using such assistance are increasingly expanding. Earlier, without waiting for the execution of 3 years to the child, it was possible to use only limited features Such a certificate.

Is it possible to use the maternal certificate today as the initial year?

Considered view state support It involves obtaining a non-cash certificate that cannot be exchanged and can only be used in some cases. Since 2016, the right to make maternity capital as the initial contribution of the mortgage is legal. The basis is FZ No. 131 from May 23, 2015 .

If we talk about general rules, the maternal capital can be used as an initial contribution and as repayment of the main credit duty. This is a wonderful opportunity for a young family to reduce the amount of financial burden and pay a mortgage slightly faster than it implies this payment schedule.

Unfortunately, it is impossible here without difficulties. Not every banking organization easily draws up mortgages with maternal capital. But there are banks that make up such transactions by providing profitable programs. As a rule, today in many organizations maximum size is 14%.

How to arrange?

In the event that the family plans to use maternity capital as an initial mortgage fee, borrowers must meet all the requirements of the banking organization. In most cases, the requirements for the design of such a loan are practically no different from the usual consumer loan:

1. The candidates must have a permanent place of work and seniority at least six months. Some banks are presented as a mandatory requirement - at least a year over the past 5 years.

2. Earlier, for calculating the mortgage supply, bank organizations took into account only the legal, confirmed borrower's income. The "gray" salary could only act as a minor earnings, but most often they did not pay attention to it. And so far large organizations work according to such a scheme. But big competition among financial organizations Can play benefit borrowers. Some banks take into account any income of the potential borrower, including unofficial. On the peculiarities of these conditions it is necessary to learn from the employees of the organization in the process of consultation. Sometimes the indication of this amount becomes decisive when approving mortgages.

3. Lack of properties in property. This condition is valid only for those who want to issue a mortgage preferential programsSubsided state.

4. When the repayment of mortgage maternal capital is used, the allocation of children is necessarily.

5. In order to be able to become the owner of the mortgage social ProgramThe borrower must have a positive credit history.

How to take a mortgage with maternal capital?

Before initiated by the procedure for transferring a family certificate to pay off the housing loan, it is necessary to go to the Pension Fund and receive this very certificate that will be the official confirmation of this right.

When the certificate is in hand, future borrowers must decide which bank organization will cooperate and where the documents should be submitted. It is best to visit several banking organizations and calculate mortgage with maternal capital for all available programs. Only after a thorough analysis of the proposed lending conditions (interest rate, pre-approved amount, additional insurance, etc.) can be applied for registration.

Today there is no need to wait until the child after the appearance of which the family received the right to the maternal certificate will be 3 years old. If it is necessary to use the certificate of the owner (i.e., the mother of children) it is necessary to contact the territorial separation of the PF of the Russian Federation with the relevant statement and package of documents.

Documents for repayment of mortgage maternal capital

In order to use the certificate tools for the execution of their debt obligations, a certain package of documents will be required. Depending on the selected organization, additional requirements may be presented. But, as a rule, most banks are asking the following documents to repay mortgage maternal capital:

  1. Passports of citizens of the Russian Federation and copies of documents. This is: TIN, SNILS, certified copy from the workshop work. It will not be superfluous to provide an overseas passport or a driver's license or PTS.
  2. Certificate confirming the right to receive maternal capital.
  3. A set of documents that officially confirms the earnings of the borrower: a document confirming the absence of debt on obligatory payments, a certificate in the form of an bank on income, or a standard form 2-NDFL can be used.
  4. Apartment purchase and sale agreement.
  5. Information about the acquired facility: It is required to require information about the state of the BTI object, an extract from the housebook, a passport with a technical status assessment.
  6. Official confirmation from the Pension Fund, which in the account of a potential borrower really has money.
  7. Application for registration in equity property.

What should be attributed to the Pension Fund?

It is important to understand that the mortgage using maternal capital is not a fast procedure. Especially since the buyer does not use the services of real estate agencies and draws a deal independently.

After the bank was provided with all documents, extracts and other requested documents, it is necessary to go to the pension fund and provide them with some papers. As a rule, this is:

  1. Official paper from the bank, testifying that the borrower really intends to conclude an agreement for the acquisition of a mortgage. As a rule, this document is issued by the Bank on the usual form.
  2. All general information About the housing object, which will become the subject of mortgage lending.
  3. All documents, as in the case of a bank owned by the borrower (passport, SNILS, INN).
  4. May be required to write an application for translation money indicating the details of the bank.

Mortgage conditions from the most popular banks

Any financial institution is interested in making as possible more contracts on major loans. This includes mortgage to the maternity capital. Banks, as practice shows, in different ways refer to the design of a loan, involving the accounting of family capital. Therefore, before making a decision to use the mat. Capital as an initial mortgage fee is to explore the terms of financial institutions. Specialists recommend first of all to address major organizations that are very popular among borrowers.

Mortgage with Sberbank

Perhaps this is the same bank that is ready to provide a mortgage on housing, regardless of its category. So, each borrower may make an agreement for the purchase of secondary housing, a private house or apartment in a new building. Mortgage for maternity capital is also possible here. The main requirement of the bank is the mandatory translation of the certificate of certificate for six months after the conclusion of the transaction.

Official conditions:

  1. The loan is provided only in national currency.
  2. Mortgage lending rate is 14.5%.
  3. The maximum loan period is thirty years.
  4. The amount of the initial contribution should be at least 20 percent.
  5. The cost of the transaction is not more than 40,000,000 rubles.

"VTB 24"

The second in popularity of the bank, with which borrowers cooperate, making up a mortgage. The contract can be concluded absolutely on any housing, regardless of its category. That is, it can be private ownership, secondary accommodation, new building. For the bank, this factor is not determining. Mortgage for maternity capital here is also available. The main conditions for the conclusion of the contract in VTB 24:

  1. Operations for the acquisition of mortgage dwellings are made only in national currency;
  2. The average interest rate is 15.95%;
  3. The maximum term for the conclusion of the mortgage is 30 years;
  4. The minimum contribution of the transaction is 20%;
  5. The cost of housing should not exceed 30,000,000 rubles.


If you wish to make a mortgage in "Delta Credit Bank" you need to remember that the design is possible only for primary and secondary housing. The transfer of funds from the moment of the conclusion of the Agreement is possible during the year from the date of signing.

The conditions on which the mortgage can be issued using family capital:

  1. All operations and enumerations are possible only in national currency - rubles.
  2. The average credit rate is 15.25%.
  3. Starting fee 30%.
  4. Maximum purified time Lending should not exceed 25 years.

Calculation of the initial contribution

As a rule, not every bank provides information on which the size of the initial contribution will be. Each family wants to know what conditions it can pull, therefore wants to calculate the size of the initial contribution independently. In fact, it turns out not so difficult. To do this, it is necessary to know the exact cost of housing and part expressed as a percentage that the bank requires as an initial contribution. For example, if the apartment or house is 3,000,000 rubles, and the bank requires a minimum of 20%, it turns out 600,000 rubles. In the event that the family plans to use the mat. Capital as an initial contribution of the mortgage, it is quite logical that in any case it is necessary to pay extra cash.

If the family expects to help the certificate, then it is possible to calculate the cost of housing to which it can claim. Formula is simple: size mat. Capital X 100 / An indicator of the initial contribution.

It is important to understand that the maternity capital is a type of state support, therefore the amount that is issued, it can only be used for specific needs. It is impossible to go and spend when he wants. If you plan to use mat. Capital as an initial contribution of mortgage or in the form of payment to repay the principal debt, it is necessary to prevent the pension fund for six months before the conclusion of the transaction. The state budget and payments are planned every six months.

In the event that part of the maternal capital has already been used, it will not work as an initial contribution. The only thing that can be done is to reduce the debt on the already current mortgage agreement.


Before contacting the bank, it is necessary to decide for yourself which construction program to give preference. And although with participation in the equity construction, the risk is several times more, the family can win a considerable number of meters, as well as arrange a mortgage at a more favorable price in terms of monthly payments.

Maternal capital is one of the forms of state support for families where two and more children are brought up. The most common direction of using these funds is to improve housing conditions. Many families buy an apartment or a house in a mortgage. The article will deal with how to use the maternal capital to repay the mortgage.

Methods for using maternal capital when repaying mortgages

Maternal capital is allowed to use at the mortgage design stage. The initial contribution may be reduced to its size. In order to take advantage of such an opportunity, it is necessary to find a bank in which such loans are issued (not all financial institutions draw up a mortgage using maternal capital as an initial contribution).

The potential borrower should provide a certificate to the bank. After that, the standard consideration of the application and, with a positive decision, a loan agreement is concluded. Next, the borrower must be submitted to the Pension Fund to transfer funds (after registering the sales contract in Rosreestre). Also, maternal capital can be used in the form of the first contribution only when it has not yet been paid.

Maternal capital can be repayed and the active mortgage, which was obtained before the borrower had the right to him. It is worth noting that the mortgage can be framed and on a husband's husband who has a certificate. A significant advantage of such use is that there is no need to wait for the child's execution a three-year.

The first step to repay is the receipt of a certificate in the bank where the loan balance will be indicated. It is also advisable to write a statement about your intention early to pay a mortgage.

  • documents that confirm the identity of the certificate owner (child's mother, official guardian, etc.);
  • passport spouse / spouse and certificate of marriage registration, if the loan is issued on it;
  • certificate for receiving capital (also possible by the provision of duplicate);
  • a loan agreement and a certificate from the bank, where the amount of debt is currently specified;
  • treaty of the sale and purchase of real estate (equity participation);
  • power of Attorney, if the documents applies a trustee;
  • written commitment of the mortgageard after repaying the loan and reliating the burden to issue housing on all family members within six months (certified notarized);
  • other documents that are associated with the rights to get maternity capital.

In the fact of obtaining documents, the pension fund issues the applicant receipt. The term of consideration of documents cannot exceed thirty days. During this period, the payment of maternal capital should be agreed or the applicant is issued a written reasonable decree.

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Why can the Pension Fund refuse?

The reasons for refusal are the following:

  1. providing an incomplete package of documents;
  2. specifying in a statement of knowingly false information;
  3. deprivation parental rights on a child;
  4. the owner of the certificate of the offense aimed against the identity of the child;
  5. the presence of limited rights to the maternity capital of the guardian (the restriction can be removed, and then the application is submitted again).

This list is exhaustive.

Actions after repaying a mortgage

If there is no reason for failure, then within two months after the approval of the statement of the PF lists the funds on the borrower's loan account. It is worth noting that the means cannot be redeemed with the available fines or penalties. In the case of these penalties, the borrower will have to pay them due to own funds. If this money is not enough for full repaymentThe borrower can do as follows:

  1. write a statement in order to recalculate the schedule. Thus, the mandatory payment will decrease.
  2. do not recalculate the schedule, which will significantly reduce the final overpayment of the loan.

In a situation where the payment on the certificate fully repaid the debt, the borrower remains only to relieve the burden of real estate. If the maternity capital was not used, the borrower could further dispose of real estate on its consideration. In the same situation there is one an important nuance. An apartment or house must be reailed on all family members, including children. This requirement should be carried out regardless of whether the mortgage was fully repaid by maternal capital or not. The shares can be distributed by agreement, there are no clear requirements in the legislation on this score. If this is not done, there is a possibility that the PF claims tools back.

Is it possible to pay the maternal capital to the mortgage taken before the birth of a child? With this issue, young parents often appeal not only in lawyer consulting, but also banks, PF, other institutions. He is relevant for no accident. After all, with the birth of the second and subsequent child, families of families increase significantly and pay off the housing is increasingly harder. Especially this is important for those who have almost paid with a loan, and the amount of MK will be covered in time on the balance of debt.

In addition, a family support program with two and large number of children has been extended to 2020, but even after this period, it does not cease its effect, and the funds can be used on the formation of children, improvement of livelihoods and other directions provided for by the legislation of the direction.

How to get MK in 2019: Conditions, Documents

Due to some changes occurring during the program, they can receive:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation, who gave birth or adopted the second and subsequent children later than January 1, 2007;
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation, who is the only adoptive of the second and subsequent children, if the court decision was submitted later than January 1, 2007;
  • parent, in respect of whom the certificate was received, regardless of what his citizenship he had if his mother had ceased to raise children (died, deprived of parental rights);
  • child up to 18 years or student up to 23 years old if parents stopped supporting it or in other cases described by law in.

List of papers for obtaining a certificate:

  • filled in accordance with the sample;
  • a document confirming personality;
  • paper certifying the birth of children or their adoption;
  • paper confirming children's citizenship.

How can I pay MK Mortgage

Based on numerous changes in the child support program, the MK funds can be used until the child has been achieved for 3 years in such directions as:

  • pay the initial fee;
  • pay parts of debt or percentage;
  • in order to repay the loan of a member of the NIS member.

Based on the statement by M.Men, it may be possible to pay monthly payments for the bank on the loan in the near future, maternal capital will be paid. The only thing to know is some nuances of this issue:

  1. Monthly loan payments can only be used by working parents, one of which is on child care vacation;
  2. It is also not resolved the question of what child is given the right of such benefits (on the second or third).

The procedure for payment of loan on housing MK

If you, becoming the owner of the MK, decided to spend it on the loan propagation, then initially you need to go to Fin. Departure, where you need to write and provide several papers:

  • a document identifying the identity of the applicant;
  • certificate.

If the documents are all right, the banking specialist will issue a decision where all information on the loan is indicated.

After that, you need to visit the PF with all necessary documents. Everybody will take place there, provide a receipt. The decision on the application is accepted for about a month. After which a citizen who served a packet of papers will be informed decision taken. If it is positive, then the obtained certificate from the PF immediately needs to be attributed to the bank, where the amount can be translated at your discretion on:

  • closing the debt if funds are enough;
  • reducing the amount of monthly payments;
  • reducing the loan of the loan.

If the amount covers not all the debt, it is important to sign a document where new making money will be indicated. If you are fully extinguished the loan, it is entitled to demand a document to a document confirming the lack of debt to the bank.

Legislatives of the repayment of the loan MK

Thanks to the changes in 2017 in the Family Support Program on the basis and became possible use Maternal capital for repayment lived. loan. With this it became possible:

  1. When making a loan to pay the initial fee by the certificate.
  2. Paying an existing bank debt that arose before the birth of the second and subsequent children. You can pay the MC as the main amount and the percentage, but the penalties and penalties are impossible to pay for family capital.
  3. Investing money in the construction of personal housing, both with the involvement of third-party firms and their own. If this option is chosen, the state first gives 50% of the amount, the rest can be obtained no earlier than 6 months, subject to the confirmation of construction costs.

Features of the repayment of housing loan

When you decide what you want to pay off a mortgage of maternal capital immediately after the birth of a child, you need to take into account several nuances:

  1. An application for money can be canceled, but it is impossible if funds have already been translated into the bank. If there is a possibility of selling mortgage housing, then the means of MK is better not to use, as the permission of the Board of Trustees may be required.
  2. The child can help the funds of capital, if he is over 23 years old, but if parents have already lost the right to use the certificate.
  3. If you have fully extinguished the amount of the loan of the MK, you can return part of the money using the return of insurance payments.

What do banks think about such a debt repayment method

IN lately Many are used


The state is zealously monitors the targeted use of money allocated for the birth of the second and more child, so mortgage Mortgage Maternity Capital - this is perfect option Application of funds. Thus, the family gets the opportunity to buy real estate or expand, thereby improving the living conditions.

The certificate holder to choose from only 3 ways, exactly how to spend money on repayment of a mortgage loan:

  1. Pay down the initial contribution By issuing a housing loan as soon as the child is 3 years old. Previously, the banks reluctantly issued such loans, regarding young parents as unreliable borrowers who have small income due to maternity leave women. Today the attitude has become more loyal. But now the loan rates can be somewhat overestimated;
  2. Pay off the body of debt. The option is considered one of the most profitable from a financial point of view. Than more money The Bank's client makes an early repayment for the purpose of early repayment, the interest rate will be accrued to a smaller amount of debt. Thus, it turns out to competently dispose of finances and reduce the burden on the family budget. Overpayment will be minimal;
  3. Pay interest on the loan. This scheme Practically not used. Its essence, like the previous method, to reduce the amount of monthly payments, but only if the client does not plan to pay a long time.

Banks are required to take funds from maternal capital if the borrower desires thus pay part of the mortgage. In practice, bank organizations are often found in which there is simply no similar program. They publish conditions on sites without positioning them as a public offer. This means that the lender will be solved independently, who approve the application, and which category of borrowers does not issue money.

Therefore, if the family is interested in making a mortgage with the involvement of the Matkapalo, first need to choose a suitable program for yourself. This will make it possible to arrange a contract on more favorable terms, and monthly payments will not be an unbearable burden.

Question: What documents may be required to pay off debt on already available mortgage

To contact the bank, first will need to settle questions with the Pension Fund. For this, the parent of the child turns to the department of the Pension Fund at the place of registration. There will be required to fill out the application and pre-prepare such references:

  • Applicant's passport (required mandatory identity card addressed);
  • Marriage certificate (if a pair is divorced, it is necessary to have a certificate of divorce). When makataplae great importance Mother's surname, so if she changed it - evidence is needed;
  • The Russian Certificate of Birth of the Child (today it is possible to get maternity capital on a child only if both the mother and the baby have citizenship of the Russian Federation).

In more complex situations Do not do without a testimony about the deprivation of parental rights parents, adoption documents, etc. According to the results of the appeal, the parent receives a certificate.

Now you can contact the bank where to write an application for partial early repayment of debt. For this bank employee It will be necessary to present your passport and the certificate obtained in PF. The result of this appeal will be issuing a certificate to the applicant, which registed the current amount of debt.

Now they will be needed documents for repayment of mortgage maternal capital: A copy of the purchase and sale agreement or the contract of shared participation in construction - if it turns out that the house that the family wants to buy is not yet completed.

The pension fund needs to be transferred:

  1. Statement (personally or to make a power of attorney per person who will represent the interests of the owner);
  2. Passport turned;
  3. Certificate for the use of maternal capital;
  4. Mortgage lending contract obtained in the bank. It is allowed to use its copies, provided that it is certified by the creditor;
  5. Received after the previous appeal to the bank certificate about the current amount of debt and interest;
  6. For spouses, the original is the original certificate of marriage;
  7. For children who have not yet been 18 years old, you need birth certificates. If the parents died and the children in the care of a guardian or adopter - his passport.

The next step is to check the collected package of documents.

  • If not all are assembled required references or revealed that some of them contain false information;
  • If it is revealed that the purchased property object is not suitable for living in it, or parents did not allocate a stake in property for them;
  • If the certificate is obtained fraudulent or illegal way.

Please note that the PF should always motivate the refusal. This allows the certificate holder in case of disagreement with a similar decision to apply to appeal to refuse.

Actions upon receipt of the failure depends on the cause of such a decision. If simply lacks the necessary help or you need to make some adjustments - as soon as it is done, the documents can be submitted again to check. If the foundation is mistaken, it is best to solve the problem in court.

What will be required for the mortgage and repayment of the initial contribution through the use of the Matteripal

The list of documents may vary in different banks, depending on the terms of the program.

In the main package, always standard and includes:

  1. Borrowers passport;
  2. Certificate of marriage;
  3. SNILS (Green Book);
  4. Certificate of birth of a child;
  5. Some banks are ready to accept a certificate of income in the form of a bank, but most of the 2-NDFL certificate is required;
  6. Documents on human employment, it is important to have experience in the last place of work and on average 5 years of common experience;
  7. If the guarantor appears in the transaction, he will need to prepare all the same references as the main borrower.

Then it is time to choose a suitable object of real estate, which is tested by the creditor. After that, the borrower gets the opportunity to cover part of the compulsory initial contribution by using funds from maternal capital. The proposed lending conditions will be fully dependent on the binders' separation.

The process of repaying the initial contribution by way of using money from the account of the maternal capital:

  • Stage 1. - Appeal to the bank. At this stage, the client visits the Bank's branch where it clarifies what topical credit programs is whether the possibility of using maternal capital is allowed to pay for the mortgage. Specialist will tell what documents may be required;
  • Stage 2. - Searches for a suitable object. On average, the family has 3-4 months on these formalities. At first it will be necessary to apply (it is possible to do this, including remotely on the lender website) to get preliminary approval. This will save time and save from unnecessary problems. Then you should find out for what criteria the Bank estimates real estate. If the housing is checked, the time to conclude a contract;
  • Stage 3. - directly getting a mortgage. To do this, the potential borrower prepares the documents described above, then the buyer and the seller sign a preliminary sale contract. Please note that without a notarized consent, to highlight the child or children in a proportional share in the apartment of the PF simply will not allow the use of money from the account of maternal capital;
  • Stage 4. - PF transfers funds to the creditor account, after which the family begins to extinguish debt on the established schedule.

To fulfill the last item, the applicant in again It will be necessary to visit the PF office. The list of documents is no different from the package required for the early target repayment of the mortgage loan by means of maternal capital. If everything is fine - the fund for a month from the date of reception of papers translates funds to the creditor's account. It is very important that the bank is reliable: it checks the availability of accreditation and license.

A little bit about the nuances of using maternal capital

The transaction is mandatory executed legally, i.e. It is necessary to document that the funds were used for the purchase of housing. You can use money this way if the second child has already been 3 years old. Otherwise the family needs to accumulate a little personal fundsAnd the maternity capital is applied to pay a loan body.

453,026 rubles - this maximum amount The Matkapalo, which the state highlights the family for the birth of the second child. It is so much that you can spend the repayment of the initial contribution.

Application for the use of money in the account of paying loan on housing can be canceled. If the PF has already translated money, it will not be possible to cancel the application. Therefore, before adoption final solution family is important to weigh everything for and against a similar solution to use state assistance Maximum effectively.

Also dispose of capital stands carefully if used mortgage apartment Even before paying off debt on the loan. Otherwise, first it will be necessary to obtain consent from the guardianship. Also, the family has the opportunity to receive a tax deduction for registration of a loan at housing, if they are paying off all debt through the use of the Matkapali. This will save more funds.

An unequivocal recommendation, when it is better to use maternity capital - even before purchasing a house or then, when it is time to make monthly payments, no. Each family can choose for themselves the optimal option.

Specialists advise to give preference to repay the initial contribution, if the amount of maternal capital is small. More large amount It is logical to spend on repayment of debt, in this case the Bank further recalculates the amount of interest. Thus, the overpayment will be lower.

Sample application for transfer to the Pension Fund

The document is always filled with a typical form in which there are mandatory fields:

  1. Personal and passport details of the applicant who addresses money;
  2. Place of his registration;