What interesting facts can you tell about yourself

1. I am an owl. I love surfing the Internet at night, drinking coffee or just looking out the window. I fall asleep quickly and early only in gentle embraces: *)
2. In general, I like to sleep. Once I fell asleep on Saturday evening, and woke up on Monday morning, and all was surprised that I jumped up at 7 in the morning and did not want to sleep anymore = D
3. I am married. And this is great!
4. I don't understand at all why people watch football.
5. I love roller skating.
6. I love walking in the rain.
7. Once she knew how to weave baubles.
8. Mine favorite time of the year - early spring, when the snow is already melting and leaves just appear on the trees, they are of such a milky-emerald color)))
9. My favorite color is bright orange.
10. Favorite number 8, it looks like infinity 8-)
11. In total, I spent 9 months in China. And I fell in love with this mysterious country.
12. I understand Chinese quite well, and I also speak, it seems.
13. As a child, my mother dragged me to all sorts of circles: I intensively studied English, studied music, karate, choreography. None of these activities really came out of any sense, but I fell in love with learning.
14. It is quite easy to infect me with some stupid idea, be it cutting jeans, traveling 100 km to look at a tree from my childhood, etc.
15. I am very lucky with people. I love my friends - they are all very talented and interesting!
16. My musical preferences: Chizh and So, Umka, Zemfira, DDT, Chinese pop music (刘德华 , 周迅 and many others, who I don’t know their names), classics (Bach, Beethoven, Mozart).
17. I have no idea New Year without snow, although I would like to someday meet it by the sea (as you meet a year, you will spend it;)
18. I fell in love three times unrequited. I still blush when I meet my unfulfilled loves *)
19. I can be unfair towards loved ones, sometimes I grumble if something is not my way, especially when I am hungry.
20. You can eat not much, but beautiful!
21. I tried oysters - I didn't like it. I also tried frogs - it's delicious, really.
22. I don't smoke. Although before I even liked the smell of cigarettes, but during pregnancy I stopped tolerating it, I still really do not like it when people smoke with me.
23. I have 2 brothers.
24. My most disliked subject at school was history - everything is so confusing there ... My favorite one is computer science. And with the entrance exam to the university, I passed history.
25. Once I painted myself black. It was terrible.
26. Now I want to have a haircut one day. I know it won't suit me, but I really want to try!
27. I also dream of African braids.
28. I don't like discos. I don't understand what's the catch.
29. I admire people with an absolute ear for music.
30. The first time I was at sea was 11 years old. On the Black Sea. The last one was last year. On the yellow sea. I was also in the Baltic. I can't wait to see you again!
31. I like to start something new and interesting, but I rarely finish what I started.
32. I'm a bad organizer.
33. I went to a driving school, I have a license, but I'm afraid to drive a car.
34. I had about 10 various works: I worked at McDonald's, in a travel agency, cleaned the hotel, bought "Italian" bags in China, translated at various negotiations and meetings. I stayed the longest at a Chinese restaurant and Japanese food"Turandot" because they were well fed there; D.
35. I really like to read, but I quickly forget the content of the books.
36. The same thing happens with films, I can watch the same film several times and only towards the end remember that I have already watched it.
37. But I remember numbers well, especially phone numbers, and foreign words.
38. The number over 10,000 is something abstract for me.
39. I believe in fairy tales.
40. I love taking pictures.
41. I have 2 most beloved men: husband and son.
42. I am completely spoiled by civilization: it is very difficult for me to do without hot water, electricity, heating, mobile phone and internet.
43. The most important room in the house is the bathroom.
44. I dream of hanging a bookshelf in the restroom.
45. My first mobile phone appeared closer to the second year of college, I really did not want to acquire one. Now I can't imagine myself without a mobile phone, I immediately feel somehow lost.
46. ​​I don't like TV.
47. At one time I was very fond of hippie culture.
48. Sometimes it is so tempting to drop everything and go somewhere in a warm and sunny place.
49. I taught a 10 year old boy English language... The boy loved to draw monsters, so, drawing multi-colored one-eyed and five-legged creatures, we learned with him body parts and colors. The rest went much worse. I was especially lost from conversations: "Well, why do I need all this ??? I am going to live in Russia. Those who come here, let them learn Russian!" I could not explain to him why.
50. After that I decided that I would never become a teacher, and now I am tutoring again.
51. I was born in Moscow.
52. I know Moscow very poorly, although I translated a guide to Moscow and worked as a guide for the whole summer.
53. For example, my husband took me to Victory Park for the first time, but then he really was not my husband yet, 5 years ago.
54. I know the geography of China quite well, I have been to many cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Jinan, Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Qingdao, Xian, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi, Zhouzhuang, Wenzhou. It would be necessary to write about each of them somehow.
55. I traveled much less in Russia. In addition to Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg, I have been to Orel, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Tarusa, Novgorod and the Black Sea. And I want to see more.
56. I love giving gifts, it's much more interesting than receiving them.
57. I do not like it when they give me flowers - they are no longer living ...
58. I don't like flowers in pots either, firstly, because I'm terribly lazy to take care of them; secondly, there is no return from them.
59. But I love pets very much. I had many different ones: cats and dogs, hamsters, parrots, turtles, fish and even a snake.
60. Once I was bitten by a hedgehog, it hurt, to the point of blood. At the dacha, we liked to bring hedgehogs into the house and feed them milk and apples, and then let them go. One of them didn't appreciate it.
61. When I was little and my parents were against having another pet, I used to say: “I’ll grow up and get myself a horse, a dog and a husband,” and in this sequence ...
62. My husband says that I am very naive.
63. I started to learn to play the guitar 15 times. I learned only a few basic chords.
64. I really like to sing, but those around me do not like it very much. Strange; p
65. When I came to enroll in a music circle, the teacher, after listening, said: "The girl has no hearing, no voice, no sense of rhythm, but I will take her, because she has a great desire in her eyes," so I studied almost 5 years, but neither hearing, nor voice, let alone a sense of rhythm, never appeared (
66. All my dolls in childhood were called Natasha.
67. Oddly enough, 3 of my close friends are now called Natasha.
68. Mom says that she named me Julia, because Julia met her in life was lucky in family life... I sincerely believe her;)
69. It is very difficult with children, but a child's smile is the best thing that can be in life.
70. As a child, my favorite clothes were things of my older brother. Now I love my husband's T-shirts)
71. I don't like heels and skirts.
72. As a child, I was always called a boy, even when I had 2 huge white bows on my head.
73. Until the 11th grade, I raised my braid, it was very long, and then I got tired of it and I cut my hair very short. This is about the fact that I am constantly thrown to extremes.
74. I can get upset because of some trifle, but I can not react to something global.
75. I participated in the Work & Travel USA program. I did not like.
76. My favorite car is Daewoo Matiz, it looks so much like a toy and its headlights are so round. 8th
77. I starred in a girls magazine, where they showed how to paint. When I saw myself without makeup, I was horrified. True, the way I was painted I also did not like it at all.
78. I hardly paint. Only my eyes are a bit low usually.
79. I love swing very much.
80. I can cook ... scrambled eggs and store dumplings;) but in general I cook terribly.
81. Since childhood, I dreamed that my husband would cook well. It turned out that dreams come true.)))
82. I love to receive letters.
83. But my relationship with the phone did not develop for a long time. Well, I don't like the fact that at any moment someone can invade my life and he needs to be paid attention, forgetting about what you were doing. Probably, the point here is that both my grandmothers love to discuss the same thing over the phone for 3 hours in a row ... And calls at 8 in the morning with offers to connect to the cheap Internet are annoying. Often I just don't answer my home phone. Mobile is another matter.
84. My husband and I constantly drive each other away from the computer ...
85. Usually in a new team I easily find friends.
86. At one time I was terribly fond of origami, I even made a huge number of happiness cranes. It turned out that this is very quickly forgotten.
87. I can't draw at all. Once I tried to portray a crocodile. "Which scary dog you do it, "the husband commented. (((
88. I have very bright wallpapers in my room, they are painted with roses, Japanese women with umbrellas and samurai on horseback. My mother calls them "Tatar-Mongol invasion".
89. I love my mother very dearly.
90. Recently I discovered baby slings, it's so nice to wrap up with a baby in huge scarf and walk-show him everything that comes along the way.
91. The specialty in which I graduated from the university is international relations. However, it is difficult to find a person farther from politics than me.
92. As a child, I loved filmstrips. It is so magical when a whole fairy tale looms from a small box on the wall.
93. My brothers and I loved to stage performances for parents, painted with colors like clowns, painted tickets, arranged chairs like in a theater and performed some tricks.
94. Before all my friends, we had a computer, I was 10 or 12 years old, I don't remember. First appeared "Mikrosha", then "Nafanya". It was a huge keyboard, monitor, and cassette recorder. On cassettes were recorded different programs and games like the ones on mobile phones- "boa constrictor", "arkanoid", etc. The cassette was inserted into the tape recorder, it squeaked and buzzed for a long time, probably half an hour, and they ran on the monitor multicolored stripes and the inscription loading, and the three of us waited with trepidation, and then drunkenly played with these simple toys.
95. Yesterday I found in the applications in the contact the game "Well, wait!" and spent about an hour on it)
96. I dream of living near the sea.
97. I still don't know what I would like to do in life.
98. I am seriously thinking about getting a second higher education.
99. I used to dream of twin children. After Antoshka was born, I was very happy that he was alone. I want another child, but not now.
100. I really hope to be a good mom.

1. My name is Sabina. But all my childhood I did not like the name and in adulthood wanted to change it.

2. I grew up among boys, perhaps that's why I find it easy with them mutual language, but with girls it’s not very good.

3. As a child, there were many different toys, but I loved cars and pistols more. I dreamed of a machine gun with Velcro arrows.

4. At school I was such an ugly duckling of class up to 5. Due to the fact that Mom raised me alone and we are not from a wealthy family.

5. Since she was often ill, my mother forced me to wear jeans on tights and gomashi. At our school we had uniforms, skirts and blouses, and all the teachers, including the principal, scolded me. From all over the school I was alone in pants, and even in jeans. (For some reason they didn't say anything to my mother) it was very hard for me to listen to this. But I didn't tell my mother.

6.From the age of three, my mother did chemistry for me and now I have mmm Thick hair... I probably did 15 times. Maybe more.

7. But I hated chemistry as a child. Because combing out the curly girls every day ... This is a kick-ass kick.

8. At the age of 18, she left home.

9. Since I was a first-year student, I tried and passed almost all the exams automatically, but my mother said that I was skipping. And that I am so and so. To which I replied, she's a fool. Mom said either ask for forgiveness or go out. I left.

10. For three months she worked as a waitress and paid for her accommodation, meals, and so on. Until the parents arrived and made up.

11. I do not like it when my mother screams. It becomes uncomfortable and I want to get out of the house.

12. As a child, I often imagined that I would die and my mother would cry and regret that she beat me and screamed ...

13. I love my mother's dumplings with raw potatoes and pasties with sweet tea.

14. By the age of 17, I knew a lot about sex in theory. I wanted to get to practice.

16. Only 16, but I don't know what to write already.

17. I have an eternal guilt complex and constantly ask for forgiveness even if it is not my fault. Or maybe it's not at all to blame, but someone has to ask ...

18. Constantly prove to myself that I am good and that I will not be like my mother.

19. But more and more often I am convinced of the opposite.

20. Due to the fact that my mother beat me up to the age of 19, she gave her word that I would not beat my children. Because I know how it feels. Especially when you get it because you just got into the mood and on someone you need to vent your anger.

21. I hope I will keep my word not to raise my hand against children. Moreover, the man is growing. And I think that a woman should not raise a hand to a man.

22. Man on woman too.

23. I love communication. Both virtual and real. The real is, of course, more.

24. I have never had friends. And friends too. Close acquaintances yes. A lot of. But on each life stage someone left, someone came.

25. In connection with pregnancy and childbirth, there were no acquaintances left. Everything is in business, worries and interests.

26. My man is married. (Was when we began to live together and a son was born)

27. I wasn't going to beat him off, and I didn't think to be with him for a long time either. So. For a couple of meetings.

28. A son was born and our Dad took us to him. To your country, to your city. The wife already knows about us.

29. Am I a bastard? Rather yes. But if We were given a Son, it means that it was necessary ...

30. I've had a lot of men. And if not for our Dad, I don't know how my life would have developed further.

31. I love to walk. On foot. Although I also like other `modes of transport`. Bicycle, car, bus, train, plane.

32. I saw the sea. It is salty and the water is clear)) I wanted to see it after the film - to knock up to heaven.

33. My dream is to see the cherry blossoms in Japan.

34. I would love to taste the cuisine of the peoples of the world. Well, except for fried cockroaches and the like.

35. I hate spiders / cockroaches in general like insects.

36. Another two-thirds write. Mama mia))

37. I have no tattoos.

38. And piercing - 1 hole in the ear.

39. I don't paint. I don't like to paint. No, I don't even know how to paint.

40. When there was a pretty figure, I liked to walk in a mini skirt and heels ... That was a long time ago.

41. I love to go shopping. Not just walking, but buying. Moreover, there are more utensils in the house than things for yourself. Well, now my son also likes to buy everything.

42. If there was a million dollars, I would buy several apartments, rent them out, put the rest in the bank for interest, and live in a house by the sea in some suburb in a warm country.

43. I saw a brownie as a child. Not once. And in general, I periodically see someone, but I'm very afraid of them, so I don't get in touch.

44. I want more children. Three for sure.

45. Exactly treat other people's children. Even somehow skeptical or something.

46. ​​I want to learn to swim. Tired of feeling like a frog.

47. I'm lazy. No. I am very lazy.

48. I can't even cook. I only learned borscht a couple of years ago.

49. But I love to eat. I love it very much. Especially sweet.

50. By the way, I would learn to cook sweet things if I had modern kitchen utensils at hand and all the ingredients. Although it may be an excuse not to learn. After all, people cook without all these show-off.

51. oh you. I got to half. I didn't think my brain could do that.

52. I love to look at the sky. Into the clouds, come up with and bring shapes to life. To the stars. The sight really does not allow you to admire the races.

53. I have poor eyesight. Well, not just disgusting. But minus 4 seems to be already. In general, a box of matches underfoot is already a little hard to see.

54. But I talk to myself a lot.

55. And I dream of better life... Draw different variants occurring event.

56. I noticed that the less I think about a dream, the more real it becomes.

57. I like to sleep. But I go to bed forever late.

58. I want to eat. This eternal zhor. It's good that now Guards. Even the weight goes away.

59. I'm afraid not to give love to my children. I want them to smile when they remember me, and not flinch.

60. I constantly prove that I` better than a dog`yourself, your man.

61. I stopped loving sex. To me, He is generally up to the lantern. As soon as she got pregnant.

62. But after giving birth, I became more sensitive. But I don’t want to. Maybe it's guilty))

63. I want to feed my son to self-excommunication, or almost to that. I enjoy breastfeeding and admiring my son.

64. I weigh 47kg

65. I nifiga do not want to deal with myself. I don't like charging and the like at all. Enough for a maximum of a week.

67. I like pets. I even got a cat myself, but after giving birth, I gave it away. had to move. And somehow I began to treat them evenly. Maybe later, in his own home.

69. It turns out I can grow plants from seeds. And pretty good. It is a pity that I had to distribute everything.

70. Hoping for a warmer climate in Ukraine, I can grow Giant Passionflower to flowers and fruits.

71. I believe in God. I believe that it is the same for everyone. And that, first of all, God should be in the soul, not in words, in buildings ...

72. I would like to see the countries. You can half. Not even cities anymore, but nature. Mountains, forests, rivers, seas, fields

73. See the storm from the lighthouse.

74. I love clean White color in things. But they are very easily soiled ...

75. I don't wear bodices. Generally. I choke and get sick. Wear sports tops or t-shirts. Up to half of the berry went without anything at all, until colostrum appeared.

76. Alcohol began to be treated exactly after pregnancy and childbirth. Sometimes even disgust ...

77. I got drunk to unconsciousness only several times. But the autopilot is my friend. 20-23 years old

78. I have bad memory on geographical routes or topographic cretinism. To remember the road, you have to go back and forth several times.

79. I want my own house or apartment, but with a large balcony and light. I love big windows... It is possible on the whole wall))

80. Time is 00:51 and I am writing. Tomorrow, no Today, I will scold myself and want to sleep.

81. I play online farm. For five years already, probably. Not that he is an ardent player, but bounces once a month or two ... And poker. I like poker)) True for Last year never went either there or there ...

82. I want a scooter or a bicycle. I can ride myself, walk with headphones in my ears while Dad learns to find a common language with his son.

83. I am a scorpion. And scorpions always create problems for themselves out of nothing, bring them to a climax and rush to solve them.

84. I'm impressionable. I can cry because of beautiful picture, movie or book.

85. I love to pull out splinters. That's right if there are a lot and small straight trudge. I'll bury it and pull it out.

86. I'm a frostbite. I'm always cold. Even in summer I sleep under a thick 2-bed blanket.

87. I love to lie in the bathroom. The shower is good in hot weather, But the bath is still cooler.

88. I consider myself not beautiful. Maybe a little cute. Perhaps it was my mother who did her best ...

89.26 years old I could not forgive my mother for beating me and calling me names forever. I couldn’t hurt. A watched mom's movie and there was a 5Min video at the end. After him, I forgave. I do not know why.

90. A month or two later I found out that she was pregnant. Maybe because of offenses they didn’t give me a child for so long?

91. I don't feel like a mom. I do not have that mad love about which they often write, as soon as I gave birth and saw my child, I fell in love with him to goose bumps. I am worried about him, happy, worried, but there is no fountain of emotion. Maybe this is far-fetched?

92. I love push-button phones, because I write t9 and look not at the keyboard a at the text.

93. I don't like to clean up. I don't like household chores at all. There would be a robot.))

94. And I don't like to work. Because I don't even know who I would like to be. (Some kind of person is amoeba). I really like helping mothers to establish guards ...

95. I'm afraid to be alone. Maybe that's why I forgot with others.

96. Didn't use drugs. Never. And I don't understand the people who do it. After all, you can find so many pleasant things without them.

97. I'm gullible. I often make excuses in front of others and prove that people (one or another) are good. And these people (one or another) are deceiving me. I'm upset, but apparently they need more and forgive.

98. I want three children. And at least one daughter. Although the boys are fine with me))

99. I hope that in old age the children will love and respect me and think only good things. And I try to work on my behavior.

100. I did it))

I'm so bored that I can even try to do it, although I understand that it was a mock question.
1. never ate jellied meat
2.graduated from art school
3.Love pink and purple colors
4. often go to the cinema alone
5.I have few friends
6.people bore me quickly, or I bore them quickly
7.went to school at the age of six
8. once lost 10 kg in a month
9. my favorite TV show is "Breaking Bad"
10.First time got on a plane this summer
11.I don't want to move to live abroad
12.feel like a 16 year old even though I'm 19
13. and as a child I generally thought that at the age of 19 I would already have a husband and a child
14.I don't like children too much and don't know how to communicate with them
15.for the first time dyed her hair in eighth grade
16.I have no pierced ears
17.I don't like tattoos
18.I am a very lazy person
19.I want to write a book or make a film, but good ideas don't want to come to my head
20.It is more convenient for me to read books in in electronic format
21.I am insanely afraid of insects, absolutely everyone
22. love big dogs
23. I still don't know what I want from life
24.Sometimes I imagine that I am a rapper and record on a dictaphone as I read tracks (not my own, of course)
25. fell in love several times on the internet
26. I don't like my big cheeks and small teeth
27. used to faint from the sight of blood
28. often lay in hospitals until 15 years old
29. I rarely have good mood i'm melancholic
30. love jackets
31.Sometimes I talk with characters from books / films / TV series in my head (or with people I know personally, but there is no way to see each other)
32. I can listen to the same songs for a year, they do not bother me
33.Somewhere in my heart I believe in reincarnation, but I realize that after death there will be nothing (most likely)
34. I love poetry, read poetry to someone out loud
35. I want to change my name to the name Alice
36. first I do, then I think
37. I would very much like to fly into space, I like to read about it
38. I used to think that Schweppes is alcoholic beverage
39. I don’t like alcohol, because it’s not tasty for me, I can’t drink more than a half beer bottles
40. I do not like big companies, it's easier for me to communicate one-on-one
41. was in the club only once and I didn't like it
42. I can't dance
43.Shaved off half of her eyebrow at school
44.I love gummies
45. a lot and for a long time I can close my eyes to the shoals of people dear to me, at some point my patience overflows, I get disappointed in them and slowly stop communicating
46. ​​I love the smell of coconut and all food with coconut flakes (bounty, rafaello - that's all)
47. I like to talk more than listen (although it depends on who you listen to, of course)
48. I can't play sport games, the school was constantly exempt from physical education
49.Sometimes I make an appointment myself, and after a couple of minutes I realize that I don't want to go anywhere, but I need to overcome
50. didn’t go to graduation in school, I’ll write a continuation soon. I wonder if anyone will read this in full? 😄

Now another nonsense has appeared on the network. Submit X facts about yourself. And I was persuaded to do it. I don’t know what came of it (and why did I do it at all ???), but I did it.

1. I don't like short form your name. I love the fat one more - Elena.
2. I used to love dogs, now I prefer cats.
3. Until the age of 7, I regularly believed in Santa Claus.
4. I love horses and the feline family.
5. I am a patriot of my hometown.
6. According to the horoscope I am Leo.
7. I do not believe in signs about black cats, empty buckets and ladders.
8. I love to read. If you give me a book and lag behind me, I will be happy.
9. Previously, my sociotype was Gaben, now - Maxim.
10. I like to practice fine literature, I can spend hours talking with my interlocutor on "you" and communicate in half hints.
11. I love masks. As a child, I wanted to make myself a feather, even collected pigeon feathers for this. Now I want a Venetian domino mask.
12. Before, I hated tea. Now I only drink green.
13. I used to hate coffee. Now I adore and every trip to the coffee maker is like a tea ceremony for me.
14. Absolutely not a sports animal.
15. I used to go to oriental dances.
16. Stretching or breaking each leg.
17. A brown-haired woman with a redhead, although she was once painted in a blonde.
18. I don't like pomegranates, prunes and figs.
19. I love strawberries, oranges, grapes and apple-pear.
20. For a long time I could not learn to swim.
21. I can't stomach human stupidity and stupid stubbornness.
22. If I am wrong, then I will always apologize.
23. If I do not agree with someone's opinion, then it is very difficult to convince me. Although I am a flexible person, if the arguments are sound and weighty, then I agree.
24. My favorite sin is Pride, but in most cases I am ready to yield in small things, although I will stand up for something important to the end.
25. I quickly become attached to people, although there are few people who are really close to me.
26. Mine favorite place- estate Sharovka, Kharkiv region.
27. I love history very much. And especially to find new information about your city.
28. I love wandering around old castles.
29. I am a fairly patient creature.
30. If a person is unfamiliar to me, then, most likely, I will be neutral and indifferent to him. I allow myself real emotions only in communication with close people.
31. I believe that politeness is the main weapon of a person.
32. Attentive.
33. I love and can analyze information.
34. And even more I like to look for this very information. If I am interested in something or someone, then by the evening I will know everything.
35. I love scientific activity.
36. It gives me great pleasure to speak to the public, prepare for this, and then answer questions.
37. My voice never lets me down, it always expresses the emotion I need.
38. Ironic, sarcastic, and sometimes even cynical. C`est la vie.
39. And that is why the right corner of the mouth is most often stretched out in a sarcastic grin.
40. I love languages. Now I know 3.5 of them.
41. I want to learn French, Chinese and a few more. Learn German.
42. I love mysticism and everything connected with it.
43. When I read information about a place, then, first of all, I will be attracted by the legends about it.
44. I want to complete the helicopter courses and get a license.
45. Well, I don't think it's worth talking about getting a regular driver's license?
46. ​​Pedantic.
47. I love children, but only “my own”. I'm afraid of strangers.
48. With a computer I work at the level of intuition. If something is not clear / cannot find, then, most likely, I will "accidentally" poke on the necessary button.
49. I consider myself a relatively literate person.
50. I hate it when they violate my personal space, so I try not to violate someone else's.
51. Introvert.
52. I cannot say that I have encyclopedic knowledge, but a large number of books read and good memory help to orientate well in many areas.
53. Yes, I have a very good memory.
54. At school, my favorite subjects were languages, literature, biology, physics and art culture.
55. Esthete.
56. That is why I love ballet, equestrian sports and synchronized swimming.
57. And architecture. I can look at buildings for hours.
58. Favorite styles: classicism and modern.
59. I don't watch TV at all.
60. As a child, I want to become a pony trainer. Did not work out.
61. I love plants, but I can never water them normally: I will forget, then I will fill it, then something else. That's how we live.
62. I do not like cut, "bouquet" flowers, a pot with a violet is better.
63. Yes, I have a lot of violets in my house.
64. I'm a frostbite. Even in summer I sleep under a warm blanket.
65. Anyway, I love the cold beauty of the North: dark paints, bright, bright green and wind.
66. I tolerate the city heat.
67. I have a very sensitive nose, so you understand why I don't like summer?)
68. Favorite season is autumn, both early and late.
69. Favorite colors: white, blue, silver, gold, black.
70. Technique, in my opinion, should be exclusively black. As Ford said, "A car can be any color as long as it is black."
71. If I choose between a noisy party and a quiet evening at home, I will choose the latter.
72. My eyes are blue-gray.
73. Most often I have long nails... This is convenient for me.
74. I don't have a favorite book. I think it is foolish to limit yourself. I can list a dozen books that impressed me.
75. I don't like answering personal surveys. I consider this a violation of my personal space.
76. One of the gifts dear to my heart is a small, sentiment 10, bear cub, which my parents gave me after the first Olympiad.
77. I do not like to walk in heels.
78. I want my portrait. Maybe even black and white.
79. I don't wear a watch on my wrist. Fundamentally.
80. Adherent of Android, I think the iPhone is a whim and an unjustified tart of money.
81. I prefer apartments in the style of minimalism, hi-tech or constructivism.
82. I want to build a self-designed house.
83. A devotee in clothes classic style, although wearing a business one is worse for me than death.
84. I love neat rings.
85. I don't like jewelry, but I wear bracelets made of natural stones.
86. It is very difficult for me to choose perfume, most of the scents are too sweet for me.
87. I love a good intellectual discussion, where the opponent can adequately respond to your every attack.
88. I think that hatred is too much strong feeling so you rarely hear from me that I hate something.
89. If I choose between poetry and prose, then I will choose prose.
90. It didn't work out for me with poetry, so I can single out only two favorite authors: Charles Baudelaire and Mikhail Lermontov.
91. If something is a matter of principle, then I will do everything possible and impossible, roll into a donut and jump over my head, but I will.
92. Responsible, and even a perfectionist. Lucky?)
93. I'm tall, 170.
94. According to the rhythm of life, I am an owl. Complete. Well, or a zombie as a last resort.
95. I have a sense of humor, but not everyone can understand it. Either the ignorant or unable to quickly draw parallels. Therefore, only black humor remains. Sadness.
96. I am rather squeamish and any visit to a state institution is torture for me.
97. I don't like jazz. Generally. At all. No way.
98. I used to be a music lover, but now it's less. I love English music, some German, Russian rock. In most cases, these are hits from the 70s and 80s. Or timeless classic: Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Mozart, Bach.
99. I hate vulgar and vulgar people.
100. Choosing between mind and heart, I will choose the first.

1. Her name is Karina
2. She is 18 years old
3. Studying at Mechnikov
4. Loves cats
5. Hates when they call her "Karinka"
6. She has a lot of fans
7. But she loves one and only)
8. Favorite film of her "Irony of Fate"
9. Her favorite color is purple, blue
10. Loves white roses, daisies, dandelions)
11. She is very stubborn
12. Owner and insanely jealous
13. Believes in omens
14. Likes to watch "Masha and the Bear"
15. We quarrel often, but quickly make up
16. She has a wonderful family.
17. I love them all very much.
18. Her home, my home)
19. We see each other every day
20. We love to joke)
21. But no one understands our jokes: D
22. We have fun and always good together
23. She always take care of mine
24. Worries insanely, even if we are in a quarrel, still worries
25. Only she can stand me
26. Only she loves me for who I am
27. Only with her I feel comfortable
28. I trust only her as myself
29. Only he knows my soul and what worries me and worries
30. Only she can cheer me up
31. It was only with her that I realized that cleaning the house is fun)
32. We often go to the movies with her mom
33. With her I will spend all my winter holiday
34. She always supports and helps me
35. Yells often, but on business, because he wants only good for me
36. We cannot be without incident
37. She is the most sincere
38. Very kind
39. She is my poet: D
40. He does not want to tell what he will give for the New Year
41. But I know that this will be the best gift)
42. When something hurts me, she immediately makes us go to the doctor with her
43. Get angry when I communicate with someone other than her
44. She cooks very tasty, I just love when she cooks: 3
45. She is my personal chef)
46. ​​Loves sushi, every weekend we eat with it: 3
47. Spend all our money in one day
48. We always take pictures with her
49. We love to roll on the asphalt: D
50. We love to sing, we always sing
51. She always calls me and starts to sing into the phone)
52. We are always chasing each other
53. It's useless to argue with her
54. It's difficult with her, but it's impossible without her
55. I like the music she listens to
56. She gets together in 10 minutes
57. Understands me without words
58. She has an awesome figure
59. Likes me stroking her head while she falls asleep)
60. No one else is allowed to touch her hair)
61. You can just keep quiet with her
62. But I hate to be silent)
63. Only when I'm angry with her
64. She reads books to me aloud
65. She keeps all my gifts
66. Her favorite holiday is New Year: 3
67. We have a lot in common
68. Only to me she tells everything
69. And I am only her
70. Hates everyone who communicates with me)
71. But most of all, she hates when we get into a fight
72. Will not give me to anyone: 3
73. When she is scared immediately calls me)
74. She now loves mercy: 3
75. But he loves sweets more)
76. I always buy them for her
77. Never drink or smoke
78. We have no bad habits
79. Sits 40 minutes in the bathroom, last week: D
80. I like the way she dresses: 3
81. She has beautiful eyes
82. Likes to hug
83. Afraid of heights