Who is a friend and who can be called a true friend? How to be a good friend? Friends in a person's life

Who is a true friend and how to recognize him? Here are a few qualities that will help you distinguish it from the rest:

1. Honesty. No matter the situation, true friends should always remain honest with each other. Trust is very important factor in a relationship. If people cannot be frank with each other and they have something to hide, true friendship will never arise between them.

2. Devotion. Loyalty is hard work. It needs to be proven day by day. Only devoted person can be good friend.

3. Humor. Humor is one of essential elements our life. It happens that he brings together completely different, at first glance, people and long years connects them with strong friendship. Such friends will always find how to cheer each other up, and at the right moment - to support.

4. Forgiveness. The human mind is strange. Often people offend the closest of those they have. It is necessary to learn to forgive, because friendship is a very expensive gift, which is a shame to lose because of stubbornness and excessive pride.

6. Support. Support is exactly what we all need friends for. If the relationship is devoid of it, it is not friendship. Moreover, support should be present in everything - both in misfortune and in joy.

7. Ability to listen. If two people speak at the same time without hearing each other, they will never reach an understanding. True friends should be able not only to talk about their problems, but also to listen to strangers.

8. Care. A friend is not only a person with whom it is pleasant and fun to spend time, it is also the person who can provide care when needed.

9. Acceptance of shortcomings. Every person has flaws that can be hard to accept, but if you value relationships, you should. Remember that your friend, just like you, is half pluses and half minuses.

10. Respect. No matter how close you are with your friend, you should never be familiar with him. Maintain mutual respect. Only with its presence, friendship can last a long time.

“Loneliness is the worst kind of suffering! Didn't God create the world because he felt alone?

We are all secretly or openly afraid of loneliness, surround ourselves noisy companies We spend more time with family and friends. But why do many feel lonely even among a cheerful crowd? It is not difficult to answer when you realize that there are no real friends next to you. How to meet and make friends with exactly those people who will never give, will not deceive and will not leave in difficult moments?

Here the banal commandments of faithful comrades immediately come to mind:

But how do you recognize a true friend in modern world, And what qualities should he have? ?

Among the many people around you, you can always name those who are the most attractive to you. To understand whether a person can become a friend to you, analyze your feelings next to him.

  1. I am sure that the whole city will not know about your problems.
  2. You understand that time flies unnoticed.
  3. You do not feel discomfort and do not want to hide somewhere.
  4. You know that he (she) is always interested in listening to you.
  5. You enjoy listening to and understanding a friend.
  6. Bored after a long separation.
  7. Do you want to do something nice for him/her?
  8. You go through all the troubles together.
  9. You feel involved and cared for.

Well, are there such people in your environment? Yes, maybe they are not as close to you as you would like, but this is fixable.

What kind of friends surround us? In fact, on the path of life you may meet different categories friends .

You are very lucky if in your life there is some kind of Tanya or some kind of Vanya, whom you have known since the "sand-pot" age.

childhood friends - practically perfect option comrades for all occasions. Such a friend knows everything about you: what to give you for your birthday, what habits you have, your favorite songs, films, etc. The children's friend suffered with you all the failures and partings with guys, quarrels with parents and other "charms" transitional age. In a word, you can’t have such a friend anymore, so friendship from childhood should be especially valued.

School is the place where we spend no less than 10 years! Of course, during this period the whole class becomes native.

school friend - also a very valuable kind of friends. School friendship begins with a neighborhood at the desk, joint walks, school evenings, hikes. And ends - prom night. Yes, unfortunately, school friends in 90% of cases remain only in cool photos.

Institute friends are always bright, as are memories of student life. They appear, as in school, and disappear in almost the same way. School and college comrades are that category of friends where you don’t have to look for them especially, because they are already there.

institute friend will share with you all the difficulties of studying, console you after an unsuccessful exam, scold all the strict teachers with you and will not let you die of longing at a boring lecture on statistics.

Colleagues at the institute are reliable friends, but after graduation, as a rule, they go home. The first few years you meet, correspond, go to visit each other. After a while, your circle of interests changes, and you are limited to social communication. networks.

In a team, there are always people with similar interests. Making friends at work is not only possible, but also useful. A friendly colleague will definitely cover for the authorities, dispel thoughts during a break and discuss with you any office gossip.

You need to be friends with your neighbors! And if without jokes, the lucky one is the one whose neighbor becomes his friend. The friend next door will always feed your cat and water the flowers when you go on vacation. He will definitely have salt, sugar and even coffee with cognac, if necessary. Oh, and then, how convenient it is when a friend lives next door - because he does not have to go through the whole city to console you after a quarrel with a loved one or failures at work.

The most common example of neighborhood friends are mothers with children in the yard.

Family friends are more like relatives. It is not customary to quarrel with them, they meet everything with you family holidays, picnics, weekends and are close at all the bright moments of life.

It can be friendship "houses" when wives become best friends and husbands are friends.

Family friends can also appear "by inheritance". For example, couples make friends, their children grow up together and also begin to be friends with families.

Friends of friends is rather not a definition, but a way of getting to know each other. If your friends have friends, then they will soon make friends with you. Such comrades can be obtained at joint parties and outings. They will be just as fun, loyal and reliable as your joint friends.

Such friends are usually referred to as "one friend". They are remembered when you want to have fun, go to a club, or even “hunt” for guys.

You should not count on such comrades in serious situations, club friends are unlikely to share any negative moments with you, because they are used to seeing you ready only for fun.

It's very easy to start making friends. For example, friendship can be started from such moments:

  • to be there and lend a helping hand in some unforeseen situation;
  • invite to the cinema, cafe, club or birthday party;
  • call up, correspond more often;
  • ask for help in some important matter;
  • ask for advice or show your interest in the affairs of a friend.

But do not be too intrusive, friendship should begin mutually. It is impossible to force a person to be friends against their will, just like to love.

How to make friendship real? Begin with yourself. First, remember a few simple rules :

  1. Be able not only to express your problems to a friend, but also to listen and delve into his difficulties.
  2. Do not demand immediate help from a friend, she will offer it to you anyway.
  3. Take an interest in the problems of friends and offer your help.
  4. Don't bother a friend empty talk and endless chatter.
  5. Don't forget about your friends when you feel good, otherwise they will forget about you if you feel bad.
  6. Do not offend your friends with distrust, insults and dismissive attitude.
  7. Don't give out your friends' secrets.
  8. Do not discuss your friend with other people, do not gossip behind her back.
  9. Learn to forgive if a friend makes a mistake. In short, be a real friend!

You have friends, well, or almost already. So, you are definitely not in danger of being alone. Try to be the best for your friend, and he will definitely be the best for you! Take care of real friends, because they are such a rarity!

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How to find and recognize a true friend
Do you feel lonely and want to have the most faithful companion? Today we will tell you how to learn to be friends for real.

How to become a real friend?

Not a single person in the world can do without friendship, though if in some cases we are talking about disinterested relationships between people, then in others it means receiving any benefits. Last option friendship cannot be considered, since friendship, by definition, should not be something material. Friends can be considered only those people who enjoy spending time together, share with each other their experiences and thoughts, ordinary, not having of great importance information. It is this kind of friendship that most people dream of, asking themselves the question of how to become a true friend?

What do we expect from friendship, and what does it give us in reality? We associate with this word those with whom any important events in our life are connected, which played a big role in it. It can be school "classmates", colleagues, colleagues, relatives. All these friends have one thing in common - we encountered them predictably when we were forced to study or work somewhere, and the choice of environment did not depend on us in any way. It is hardly possible to say about such friends that they are the real ones.

So who are these real friends, and how to become a real friend yourself? It can be said with confidence that true friendship begins from the moment when one person helps another for free in any difficult situation. At the same time, it does not matter at all whether this assistance was provided to you, or vice versa, it was provided by you. The main thing is that from this moment we can say that real friendly relations.

Quite often, you may encounter the fact that we communicate with some people who exchange pleasantries with us, perhaps even show some interest in us, but in situations where you have difficulties, they will not come to your aid . Such friends will not visit you if you suddenly find yourself in the hospital, will not lend you money, will not support you in Hard time.

What should be the person who can be called true friend? The first thing that comes to mind is that such a person should help us in everything. However, is it right to call a friend someone who, in your opinion, is obliged to always help you? Moreover, he may have his own family, which he must pay attention to, and he, after all, is not obliged to constantly be near you. Therefore, we ourselves must live in such a way as not to rely on anyone else's help, otherwise we risk turning into infantile creatures, completely losing confidence in our abilities. Your friends will want to help you only when they are confident in your abilities and that you will not let them down in those moments when they need help.

Answering the question about how to become a real friend, try to put yourself in the place of another person, evaluate yourself from the outside, try to understand his thoughts and feelings. If you want a real strong friendship, then you must understand that such concepts as hypocrisy, insincerity, coercion are alien to this feeling.

One of the most valuable human qualities is the ability to keep someone else's secret. If a person who considers you a friend entrusted you with some secret, you do not have to tell anyone about it, otherwise it will be regarded as a betrayal. The same can be said about intrigues, gossip, deceptions.

If your friend seems upset about something, you should not just formally sympathize with him, but find out the reason for his feelings without waiting for your friend to ask you about it. Being friends with someone just for the sake of getting some material benefits from it is, at the very least, not ethical.

Any person can be upset by ultimatums that if he does not help in something, then they will stop being friends with him. So one of the tips for becoming a good friend is to never use this technique.

The foundation of true friendship is mutual respect, not whims and whims.

Respect those whom you consider your friends, listen to their opinion and provide them with all possible disinterested support, and they will respond to you in the same way, and your friendship will stand any test with honor.

How to become a real friend?
How to become a real friend. What does a real friend mean. It's important to know!

Cosmoenergetics, Psychology, Rehabilitation

If you view others as good and trustworthy people, they will view you in the same way. Remember that a person can be the exact opposite of what you think of him. People feel when they are trusted and appreciate it. Trust people and they will be touched by your sincerity.

When giving advice, aim to help, not please your friend (Solon)

A true friend is not afraid to speak the truth, even if it is unpleasant. He cares too much about his loved ones to let them live wrong. Always consider the interests of others and be honest.

3. Know how to choose the right time

A true friend will always find right time in order to praise, in order to listen, and in order to make a remark. He knows when to come and help and when to leave. He skillfully masters the art of timing.

There can be no friendship without confidence, and there can be no confidence without sincerity (Samuel Johnson)

Honesty is the key to true friendship. Make sure what you do matches what you say. Be honest to others and to yourself and you can become a good and loyal friend.

Reproach a friend in private, praise in public (Solon)

People need appreciation. They need to know that you appreciate them. Often you are quick to criticize and slow to praise. Try to do the opposite. Sincerely praise friends when they deserve it, and better do it in public.

The best friend is the one who makes me better (Henry Ford)

A true friend wants loved ones to live up to their potential as much as possible. You can help your friends with this. Help them accept themselves and develop their personality.

A true friend is one who thinks that you are a strong tree, even knowing that you have a crack (Bernard Meltzer)

A true friend sees all the weaknesses and shortcomings, but continues to believe in the potential of a person. To become a true friend, you must learn to focus on positive qualities. Encourage your friends with your faith.

True friendship is about being there all the time, not when it's convenient.

This is a test true friendship. Insincere friends will be with you only when you are happy, to share your happiness with you. But you won't find them around when times are hard for you. Only true friends will not leave you in difficult times. Don't leave your friends when they're in trouble. Perhaps support is the most important thing in friendship.

We are all glad that we have friends. If you have a good friend, you probably want to be close to that person. You may be wondering what it takes to be a good friend. First of all, be a support for a friend, share his joys and sorrows. Spend time with your friend and keep in touch even when you are apart. Learn communication skills so you can avoid misunderstandings.


Part 1

Be supportive

    Rejoice in the achievements and successes of a friend. If you want to be a good friend, learn to celebrate his accomplishments. Become a fan of your friend's success. Praise him for progress made and avoid envy.

    • Envy prevents you from enjoying the success of a friend. To maintain friendships, it is extremely important to learn to be happy for the other. Everyone enjoys talking to positive people in whose company they feel comfortable. Even if a feeling of envy boils inside you, try to cope with negative feelings and say congratulations to your friend. Believe me, you will feel better if you do this. The ability to be happy for others gives more pleasant emotions than envy.
    • Don't just say congratulations. Praise your friend for his achievement. Say that you appreciate him very much for the qualities he possesses. For example, you can say: "I like that you are cheerful. You always have a smile on your face" or "You have an amazing memory. You remember when all your friends and family have a birthday."
  1. If a friend needs to be listened to, do it. Be a good listener. Listening is the hallmark of a good friend. If you know a friend has had a rough day, invite them to share their experiences and worries. However, do not rush to offer turnkey solution problems or give advice. Just listen to your friend by letting them express their feelings.

    • If you don't know what to say when a friend pours out his heart to you, try listening actively. Because of this, he will be more willing to share his experiences with you. Repeat the thoughts of the interlocutor. Ask questions if you want to clarify something. For example, you might say, "You must have really felt bad when your brother acted like that."
    • While it's important to listen to your friend when they need to speak up, remember that friendship is a two-way relationship. If your friend constantly expects you to listen to him, but at the same time he is not ready to listen to you, consider whether it is worth continuing such a friendship. Of course, being a good friend is very important, but there is no point in continuing a relationship with a person who constantly takes advantage of your kindness. If you listen to a friend, he should be ready to listen to you when you need it.
  2. Remember about important events. Friendship is built from small things. Remember important events in your friend's life. You must know significant dates, such as when your friend has a birthday, anniversary, and others.

    • Always remember your friend's birthday. If you find it difficult to remember dates, you can write a reminder on your phone. At the specified time given day your phone will remind you of this event. Don't give expensive gifts every year. You can always congratulate a friend by phone or give a postcard.
    • think about the important memorable events that happened in your friend's life. Even sad events worthy of attention. For example, if your friend has lost a loved one, the anniversary of the death can be a difficult day for them. Support a friend in this moment. He needs to know that you are there and ready to listen to him.
  3. Be committed. Loyalty is an important component of a strong friendship. Jealousy, envy, irritation and distrust are negative emotions that interfere with devotion. Strive for devotion. Try to avoid the manifestation of the above negative qualities.

    • Never talk about your friend behind his back. Even if you are angry or upset about what a friend did, do not share your grievances with other people. Instead, when you are very angry, write down your feelings on paper, and then, when you have calmed down, talk to a friend in an attempt to resolve the difference.
    • Not easy to deal with negative emotions that can undermine loyalty. However, be aware of the benefits you will get if you deal with these emotions. Think about what is better - to succumb to feelings of jealousy and say a lot of unkind words to a friend, or to cope with emotions and strengthen friendships?
    • However, remember that devotion must have reasonable limits. While you must be loyal to your friend and support his decisions, you must not do so blindly if your friend does something bad. If, for example, a friend hurt your feelings mutual friend, do not stand up for him without understanding the situation. If you are sure that your friend has acted badly towards you or another person, tell him about it.
  4. Follow the golden rule. Golden Rule says: "Do unto others as you would be done unto yourself." Think about how you behave with your friends. If you, after analyzing your attitude towards a friend, see that it leaves much to be desired, think about what it would be like for you if a friend treated you in this way. Change your attitude if necessary.

    Part 2

    spend time together
    1. Find common interests. The basis of friendly relations, as a rule, are common interests. Think about what attracted you to this person in the very beginning. Do something that you both enjoy doing. This will make your relationship stronger.

      • For example, if you met a friend at a bookstore, you might read the same book. After that, you can meet and discuss it. You will be able to exchange impressions, which will certainly strengthen your relationship.
      • You can also continue to do what you both enjoy. For example, if you met a friend in class Spanish, you can attend language courses together. Joint classes help you improve your communication skills.
    2. Give away friendships important place In my life. Unfortunately, sometimes due to circumstances, friendships can cool off. school, work, romantic relationship may leave us no time for friendship. However, if you want to be a good friend, give friendship a place in your life.

      • Look at things realistically. Sometimes, due to overwork, we simply do not have enough time and energy to meet with friends every day, and sometimes even every week. However, make an effort to meet up with your friends regularly. For example, you can have dinner together on the first Tuesday of every month.
      • However, only prioritize friendships if your friend does the same. Real friendship is a two-way process. If you notice that your friend is not interested in communicating with you, then it may be worth ending such a relationship. Build friendships with those who will appreciate them.
      • Even if you have absolutely no time to socialize, you can still find ways to keep the relationship going. For example, you can chat in in social networks when you can't meet in person. Also, you can call a friend when you don't have time to meet and chat with them in person.
    3. Laugh. Laughter connects people. Your friend will be drawn to you if you have fun. Find a reason to laugh when you're together.

      • Watch a funny movie or comedy show together.
      • Make each other laugh. Don't be afraid to look stupid or funny. A true friend will not judge you for this.
      • While laughter is very important in a relationship, don't make fun of others. You will not be able to build friendship on mutual contempt or hostility. A person who laughs at others along with you is unlikely to be a good friend.
    4. Keep communicating despite the distance separating you. Unfortunately, sometimes distance can separate friends. In this case, efforts must be made to continue maintaining the relationship. If your friend has traveled far away to study or work, you can communicate with him regularly via Skype. Set up a communication schedule, for example, by calling on Thursdays. In addition, you can chat with a friend on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

    Part 3

    1. Don't give advice. Perhaps you have the best of intentions to help your friend and therefore constantly give him advice. However, this may negatively affect your friendship. It may seem that your friend is constantly in trouble, and you are always ready to look for a solution. If your friend tells you about his problems, it does not mean that he wants to hear your advice. He probably just wants to talk. It is unlikely that in such circumstances he is waiting for your advice.

      • Give your friend a chance to speak. Show that you are listening carefully. Smile and nod as you listen. Show that you are interested in what he tells you. Ask questions to make sure you understand your friend correctly.
      • Help a friend come to right decision. You can ask the following questions: "What are you thinking of doing next?" or "Do you have any ideas on how to proceed?"
      • If it seems to you that a friend is making the wrong decision, be sure to tell him about it. If he is doing something dangerous or illegal, you can express your concern.
    2. Don't keep score. If you want to be a good friend, don't make others feel like they owe you. You don't have to keep track of which of your friends did best gift for your birthday or who did you a favor. Do good to your friend because you value that person, not because you want something from them in return.

      • Unfortunately, sometimes we destroy friendships with our actions. For example, maybe you don't feel like inviting a friend on Saturday night because you dated him last week. Your friend may do the same to you. He doesn't do this because he wants to offend you. Your friend doesn't have to invite you over just because you did it last time.
      • Remember that you and your friend have different strengths. Maybe you're great at hosting events while your friend is great at organizing the table and cleaning up.
    3. Don't be afraid to tell a friend about the mistake. Being a good friend means telling the truth, in some cases not always pleasant. You must do everything possible so that a friend does not repeat the mistake. If you see that he is on the wrong path, tell him about it. Although it may be difficult to do this, but believe me, over time, a friend will appreciate your act.

      • Avoid being rude when telling a friend that they are on the wrong path. Do it gently and with love. You can say, "I'm worried about how you talk about other people. I know you're very good man and I would like you not to speak badly of others."
      • When telling a person about his mistake, show that you are only doing this because you care about him. You can say, "I'm only saying this because I care about you and your behavior affects me."
    4. Resolve conflicts. Unfortunately, even the closest friends have conflicts. Therefore, from time to time you can annoy each other. If there is a misunderstanding, try to resolve it as soon as possible.

      • If you offended a friend, apologize. Even if you meant something completely different and didn’t want to hurt your friend’s feelings, but, unfortunately, you did, ask him for forgiveness.
      • If you are hurt by a friend's words or actions, tell him about it. Don't talk to others about him behind his back. This will not solve the problem, but it can destroy the relationship.

At present, the world dictates its own rules and norms of behavior not only in society, but in the company of people who are close to you. For many years, most of us have been striving to find in our environment a person who could not only understand, but also support. But not many people know what a true friend is. It is worth paying attention to the fact that such a person in given time very difficult to find. As a rule, people who have similar principles and outlooks on life are very rare. But strong friendship has its own distinctive features. First of all, people who are friends, respect their neighbor and get great pleasure from communication. They can clearly tell what a true friend is.

How is friendship born?

People who have been friends for many years have a history of their relationship. It's all about meeting faithful man you can at any time, and you do not need to choose a place for this.

Very often, strong friendships are born in childhood. Your soul mate, with which you have a similar worldview, you can meet while studying at school. In addition, a friend can be found at school, at work, in a club. To strengthen acquaintance, as a rule, it will be necessary to find certain points of contact. As a rule, this is a goal, a direct way of life, views or a field of activity.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it will be too difficult for two different individuals to find mutual language when communicating and understanding each other. And that means they can't become friends. Every person has a lot of friends throughout life. a large number of. But, despite this, only one is that neither is the most true friend.

Who is called a friend?

Modern youth is increasingly asking the question: who is a true friend? There are a lot of answers to this. But they all boil down to the fact that a true friend is the closest person with whom it is interesting, informative and pleasant to spend everything for a long time. free time. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that only such a comrade can listen and support in difficult times. In addition, they turn to him for life advice. Only he can sincerely rejoice at the achievements of a friend.

Quite often in the society of each person there are individuals who cannot empathize or help their comrade. Despite the fact that for a long time it is very pleasant to spend holidays with them, they cannot be called. They are just comrades or acquaintances. The thing is that, as a rule, a person can never entrust all his secrets to such people. In addition, such individuals very often envy successful people. And this means that this type of person cannot become a true friend.

Who is this friend?

In the event that you have at least one friend whom you trust, then you are the most happy man. A faithful friend can be recognized by his behavior. He will not assert himself at someone else's expense. A true comrade won't let go different kind jokes on a topic that can bring pain to his opponent.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is a real friend who will be able to understand the reasons why you disagreed with him. In addition, he will never hide from you the truth about your character or shortcomings, but at the same time it will be easy for him to understand you. Finding a true friend today is very difficult. And this means that, starting to communicate with a person, it is worth taking a closer look at his habits and worldview. You should also pay attention to the fact that true friends in the first place:

  • Have respect for each other;
  • do not manipulate comrades;
  • cherish friends, appreciate them;
  • remember important dates comrade;
  • Don't forget about congratulations and surprises on a friend's birthday.

What not to do in friendship?

Many people are well aware of what a true friend should be. But despite this, they have no idea how to save good relations. It is worth noting that sometimes finding the right person is very difficult. And having, it is very easy to lose it. In order for friendship to last a lifetime, in the first place it is not worth:

  • use great attitude comrade for selfish purposes;
  • ask a lot from a friend;
  • create a lot of inconvenience for a friend;
  • don't spare his feelings.

Friends tend to try to bring to life loved one as much as possible positive emotions. A comrade will be able to help you find answers to the questions that torment you with his advice. It will allow you to understand where the mistakes were made. He will support you and rejoice when you are happy.


In the modern world, it is very difficult to find a true comrade who would share your opinion. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the environment of each person there are a large number of personalities who rejoice in their failures. It brings a lot of negativity to life. As a rule, true friends simply cannot be many. After all, all people are different, and there are very few similar in worldview. On top of that, in order to keep with a large number of comrades a good relationship, it will take a lot of effort, attention and time. The most is the support of any person throughout his life.

He will be able to tell you straight to your face that you were wrong in certain situation, and admire when you are actually right. It is such a comrade that will embark on any adventure with you, if only it brings joy. A friend lends his shoulder in a difficult situation. He won't lie to your face.

Do not forget that in the first place such a person will respect you and your opinion. Therefore, having true friend, you should not only be kind to the existing relationship, but also appreciate the person.

Over the years, faithful comrades have been sung in various ballads, poems and stories. Many poets have repeatedly dedicated their works. After all, they were there in moments of joy and grief. Only close comrades give this life more colors.

Appreciate, respect, love close people who accompany you through life. Only a comrade devoted to friendship will help you pass life path worthy. It will bring a lot of joy to everyday realities. It will help to understand all the values ​​of this life.

Friendship is something that no person on our planet can do without. Everyone wants to have real friends. And we are talking about friends, relations with which are based on equality and disinterestedness, and not about those who maintain relations with you only for their own benefits.

To begin with, you must realize that the planets and stars revolve not only around you, and you are not the center of the universe. Become simpler and understand that you are surrounded by exactly the same people as you. You must learn to talk to them without arrogance, prejudice, contempt.

It goes without saying that to completely avoid conflict situations no one can, but it is necessary to try to make sure that they are resolved as quickly as possible. If quarrels are a normal model of communication for you, then there is no need to talk about any friendship.

One of the main distinctive features a good friend is that he will never reveal other people's secrets to anyone.

If a person, right and left, tells the secrets that other people have entrusted to him, not a single person will want to have anything to do with him.

Mandatory quality of someone who is interested in how to become a good friend, should be the ability to provide support and sympathy to loved ones. If necessary, you should be the first to offer help from your side, and not wait until you are asked for it.

For those who want to learn how to make friends themselves and make good friends, we can recommend following tips :
1. The first thing you need to do is to accept yourself with all your features. If you can’t do this, how will others be able to accept you?
2. When you accept yourself, you realize that you are ready to accept others. Everyone has their own flaws, but don't be too hard on others and remember that you aren't perfect either.

3. Try to make time for people close to you and important to you. Very often this is difficult to do because of things that seem more important to you. However, if communication moves to the top of your list of life priorities, you will have time for everything.

4. Learn to listen to people. Despite its apparent simplicity, the art of listening to people is very complex. Very often we miss the information that the interlocutors tell us during the conversation. If you want to become a good friend, then you must pay attention to everything that others tell you.

6. Do not forget that for each issue, any individual person has his own own point vision, which seems to him the most correct. A true friend will always take this circumstance into account and, instead of trying to convince someone, will first try to understand his thoughts.

7. In order to become closer to someone, you need to find common ground and common interests with him. This will help you build friendships. To search common themes has not become something difficult and impossible for you, you must constantly work on yourself, constantly expanding your horizons.

8. The most important thing you should always remember is that if someone close to you needs help, you should not wait until you are asked for it. You simply must take the initiative in your own hands and do everything to help your friends in difficult situations for them.