What does a husband want from his wife? With minor misunderstandings, sometimes it’s worth “succumbing” to a man. Just don't argue, just agree. In this way, family scandals and trifle troubles can be avoided. And the man thereby feels like the head of the family and the owner

The question "" is of great interest to the fair sex. Let's talk about what kind of woman does a man want to see

Information on this topic has already been partially presented in the article "". And in this article I will continue to write about male views what a woman should be.


Any man wants to be met at home by his beloved woman. How should she look? Washed-combed-tinted. None of the men wants his woman to meet him disheveled and unwashed. You also need to be dressed in normal clothes, not a filthy, faded robe. When you meet him “at the parade”, he immediately gets the impression that you were waiting for him. You will well reinforce this impression with sincere joy at the meeting. Try to make a man see you always beautiful. By this you will focus his attention on yourself, and not on other women.

Another man wants his woman to take care of him. If you take care of your man, then he will always strive home to his beloved and caring woman.


Any man is genetically ready to compete with other men. Including his image of a man who has a soulmate. Therefore, if you go to visit with him, or guests are invited to you, he will definitely compete with other men in the nomination "whose woman is better." And if he considers you the best, then this is his indisputable victory! But how to become best woman among all? I will repeat about the make-up and hair. Take the beautiful one here elegant outfit(Approximately 95% of men like women in dresses and skirts, and only 5% - in trousers and jeans). Don't forget about well-groomed hands. But this is only part of the success. The second part is that you have to be nice and cheerful. In no case do not arrange any public showdown. Don't flirt with other men. Don't be vulgar. Don't be harsh and angry. Don't be nervous.


It is very important that a woman be like-minded to her man. Any person, including a man, wants to be surrounded by like-minded people. Show a sincere, genuine interest in his affairs, and he will be grateful to you, even if outwardly everything looks like he “does not want to burden you with his problems” and so on. Believe me, the man is still glad of your care! In this case, do not go into details, limiting yourself to a question and a monosyllabic answer received. In addition, it is very important to share the hobbies and hobbies of your man. Or at least not to consider them something unnecessary or useless, but to treat them with respect. If you always support your man, even if he is wrong, then you will be simply priceless in his eyes! If you want to point out his wrong, in the event that your man really wrong, then do it gently and without reproach. Well, give your man the right to be the main, leading in your relationship! Feed his self-confidence with your admiration and support in any life situations.

In the bed

It just so happened that for women the concept of “he takes care of me” includes such a spectrum as: meet, see off, help with shopping and with household chores, give gifts, pay attention, etc. But for a man, the concept that “he is taken care of” most often refers to the field of sex: she has sex with me with pleasure, does not refuse, referring to employment and headache, makes (with pleasure) a blowjob and, most importantly, enjoys sex with me. Many men like sexual games. So if you like to play with your man in them - it's great for both of you!

What else does a man want to see his beloved woman?

In any environment - at home, at a party, in a cafe - feminine, charming and kind. But at the same time, she is emotional (not an “amoeba”), willing and able to please men. A woman should be tactful and sincere.

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Boy, youth, man. At any age, there is a woman next to them who serves them. First it is a mother, then a girlfriend or wife. A man is subconsciously looking for a woman who can lead household. This will allow him not to solve everyday problems.

A wife should know how to cook delicious food. At the same time, the man compares the dishes prepared by his potential wife with the dishes prepared by his mother. If the result is close to the established measure, the woman in the eyes of the man will have an additional positive characteristic.

The future wife is obliged to clean the house in a timely manner. At the same time, it is important for a man that she does not climb into his personal space (garage, office, desktop, etc.). Along with this, a man’s clothes should always be prepared, things should lie in one place. This will correspond to the man's idea of ​​​​comfort.

When a man is looking for a woman for the home, one of the conditions will be that the wife must give up work. A housewife, in the mind of a man, should solve domestic problems and wait for her husband.

A man wants to find a woman, taking into account that she becomes the mother of his children. In other words, she must be relatively healthy and capable of bearing a child. In the future, the wife should be engaged in his upbringing and training.

money earner

Modern men pay attention to financial position women. Incapable of large earnings, such men arrange their lives at the expense of their chosen ones.

Sometimes husbands are not at all opposed to their wives earning more from themselves. This justifies in their eyes the failure, as. By not taking on this role, they relieve themselves of responsibility for solving important family problems.

Girlfriend for life

Sometimes men find a wife based on common interests. This allows them to be together free time. Such spouses do not have problems when choosing a family vacation.

A wife-friend is never against her husband's friends. She is a full member of the general company. Such a wife understands and accepts all the hobbies of her husband.

The community of interests and hobbies of the spouses will positive influence for distribution family budget. This will not cause a dispute over what to spend the money on.

mistress wife

When choosing a wife for a man, their compatibility in bed is important. A woman should let her partner feel that he is the best. The ability to do this is highly valued by the future husband.

On the long term relationship diversity has a big impact intimate life spouses. Early termination sex appeal partners have a negative impact on Cohabitation and can lead to the destruction of the family.

Next to the woman of his dreams, a man blossoms, but he always has a rather big list of wishes for this very woman. A man is even more demanding of the one with whom he is going to live his whole life. Of course, each young person has his own wish list, but there is feminine qualities, which are liked by everyone and everyone, therefore it is their man who wants to see in his future or real wife.


Most men have an increased need to be in control compared to women, even if this feeling of control is only nominal. Therefore, it is not necessary to deceive a man even over trifles, it is better to tell him everything as it is, even if this is something that is not at all interesting. Try to somehow tell him in detail the whole routine day at the office or a trip to his mother: what did you eat, with whom did you talk, who was dressed like. Next time, he himself will not want to listen to all this, but will worry about really important things.


Men love it when girls demonstrate their sexuality - of course, if it is directed at them. It is desirable for a woman not only to take care of herself (which everyone already knows), but also not to be shy to behave playfully with her husband. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to pretend to be a porn star or diligently study the Kama Sutra in search of unusual poses.

Enough not to drive the sexual schedule into strict framework, do not demonstrate your indifference to the process (even if for some reason it really arose) and be ready to diversify sex life at least slightly. Prepare dinner in just one short apron or put on fishnet stockings for a walk - and the man will be sure that for his sake you are ready for any erotic experiments.


A good wife always supports her husband in public, even if he is wrong. All disagreements can always be discussed in private. But the concept of loyalty includes not only behavior with other people. Men really need support and understanding, but they, as a rule, cannot express this need. Encourage your man, praise and support from the bottom of your heart - and he will move mountains for you.


Schemers and jealous girls, arranging noisy showdowns, are popular only with heroes of comedy series. In reality, men are not ready to get involved with women who always suspect their husband of all sins, read his correspondence, check the phone and arrange an interrogation with an addiction. Be patient and do not try to catch a man in a lie. Perhaps he refuses to tell something simply because he is tired, or because he does not consider it important or interesting.

Sense of humor

A girl does not have to be able to joke like a real stand-up comedian, but she must have a sense of humor. With your beloved wife, you can always laugh at a good comedy, come up with some of your own intra-family gags, and she should laugh at her husband’s jokes in without fail. And in general, any man is pleased with a woman's smile.


A girl who is like an emotional "volcano" is not easy to live with. Even if she doesn't have mood swings that she never has the opportunity to prepare for, it's still not easy. Try to imagine a cheerful laughter girl who just sprinkles with fun. It's good and nice image, however, if such intensity continues for several hours, or even days, then from such a person you just get tired. Emotional storms are tiring and exhausting - men are not ready to endure them on an ongoing basis, but only as an emergency measure.


An unobvious fact: men are just as romantic as we are, and sometimes even more than that. But romantic moments of affection for a woman are shown very often, and romance falls much less for men. It is possible that this is one of the manifestations gender stereotypes: a man, they say, should be brutal and gloomy. However, any husband will be happy when his wife is affectionate with him and is ready to give him a small but pleasant romantic surprise.

Ability to cook

The playful (and somewhat offensive) “Woman, your place is in the kitchen” has a real and very strong need under it. Even if your family is financially able to eat out every day and is doing it successfully, every now and then a man will be pleased to try something that you have prepared. And not always after a long time labor day there is a desire to go somewhere out of the house or contact the delivery of food. In this case, a woman should be able to cook at least the simplest, but hearty lunch or dinner.


A beloved wife is not always an ideal housewife, whose whole house shines like a needle. However, the general organization of everyday life and trifles, as a rule, exists in the family under female control. It is the wife who decides when spring-cleaning where clean socks are, what kind of rug you need in the bathroom, and in what order the spices are in the kitchen. A man at this time will solve more global issues.

Your best friend tells you from time to time that your husband loves her for her gentle nature, your mother claims that the most important thing for a man is breakfast, lunch and dinner, cooked by you with great trepidation and, of course, according to your spouse’s favorite recipes, and a work colleague sure: the main thing is amazing appearance. But some psychologists say that a woman should have big set qualities in order to build ideal relationship with your loved one, including those that we have listed, and not only.
Representatives of the male sex increasingly began to make it clear to their opposites that in a pair one of the partners should be on a par with the other. What could this mean? Do the guys really think that we, the weak half of humanity, should be able to perform men's work on one's own?

No, of course it's not all that bad. The main misconception of women is that they take all of the above "at face value." Men do not want us to fix the crane or hang the cornices ourselves. And especially, they do not like it when we defend our opinion to the end, no matter what.

Logically, it turns out that they themselves do not know what they specifically want, right? But, in fact, all the problems are due to the fact that when receiving information from another person, the perception of reality is often distorted.

It is unlikely that an intelligent man will turn his attention to an uneducated acquaintance, and young man with a creative mindset, a girl who loves to sleep for a long time and watch TV shows will definitely not like it.

The interest of a man will be aroused by a woman who is similar to him in the main things for him. life positions. Therefore, if you dream of becoming ideal for your only one, match him, look in the same direction with him, and do not play the relay race "who wins."

However, in modern world quite a bit of strong women who do not know how to behave if the desire to achieve everything on their own burns inside. Only in the depths of their souls, each of these persons has a secret that none of them is ready to admit even to herself: I want a man to pick her up after work, cover her with a blanket at night, pay the bill in a cafe and admire her like a woman.

And you don’t want to work like a man, putting too much on yourself, even if you are strong. And most importantly, for a woman it is important reverent attitude loved one and his respect. And in order to get it, it’s not at all necessary to aggressively insist on your own, showing that you would also make a good guy if you were one.

In order to be a happy married woman, you must remember that no man likes to be required to adapt to women's desires. Instead, pay attention to yourself and engage in self-improvement.

And here is a set of qualities, the presence in you, which, for sure, will have a favorable effect on your marriage:the presence of sexuality and femininity (Do not get hung up on a career, be a muse for him, which will inspire exploits even after a long day at work);

Often we think that it is not necessary to complicate and invent difficulties in the school of life where the obvious lies on the surface. If we are in search of our future husband, then we almost certainly imagine what he should be like. Similarly, men. They, in most cases, are more accurate and specific in their ideas about the chosen wife. Enough to ask suitable candidates into husbands: what kind of wife they want to see next to them - and the answers are found.

Another thing is that we all can only imagine what is happening in the soul of another person, she, as everyone knows, is dark. At least that's how it used to be before the advent of systems-vector psychology Yuri Burlan. Now we have a choice: go the "old" way of trial and error, or choose a partner with sight, understanding him from the inside.

Guide to action

To help girls who want to find a mate, women's magazines regularly conduct all kinds of surveys among men, interview the most eligible suitors. It would seem that take and absorb valuable information, then you will definitely marry successfully. AT real life everything turns out to be far from being so easy and simple. Otherwise, where would the shocking divorce statistics come from? unmarried women, single mothers?

For example, let's take the results of a sociological survey conducted on a popular social network.

So, here are the questions asked of single men between the ages of 20 and 40:

1. How do you imagine your future wife? Describe the external and internal qualities.

2. How should a girl behave in order for you to take her seriously?

3. What in the behavior of a girl will surely scare you away from creating a family with her?

Let's leave aside the discussions and debates that have flared up on the sidelines, and emphasize the main thing, as pointed out by numerous magazines:

Most unmarried representatives of the stronger sex want to see a slim, sociable, sociable, cheerful, economic, pretty girl next to them (accordingly, fat women should run to fitness clubs, go on trendy diets. This is necessarily written in detail on the following pages of the magazine);

In order for a girl to be taken seriously, she must behave naturally, modestly, not be vulgar, loose (and then a note about glamorous outfits, aphrodisiacs that guarantee male attention all girls)

Very many men expressed compliance as a criterion healthy lifestyle life (although a couple of men noted that if a woman does not drink alcohol at all, then there is a suspicion that she does not know how to control herself or is sick);

Some men talk about "zest", a strong personality, high intelligence future wife, who, in the presence of presentable external data, can give male representatives interesting communication, understanding and support;

For men, especially high-status ones, who choose their own wife, the reputation of the bride is significant. How can one not recall the old testament here: "cherish honor from an early age." And if up to thirty years, many suitors want a relationship with a girl to bring them a lot of adrenaline, then at an older age they dream of peace, home comfort and warm.

And the last thing: most of all, men appreciate sincerity in women. Playing roles, pretending is sometimes pointless. Life usually puts everything in its place, because you can’t hide an awl in a bag. I remember a bearded anecdote:

“Two friends meet.

- Vasya, why are you so sad, depressed, you have a honeymoon now?

- You know, Kolya, when I married Verochka, I thought that she would be like her mother - cook well, create comfort in the house, love children. how her sister looks beautiful, and after the wedding she became like her dad - she drinks, smokes, does not sleep at home, and like her brother - she spit and fights.

Have you read what men want? Armed with knowledge to perform cherished dream marry?

I, too, used to think that logical advice, given by surveys of men, was enough to arrange my own personal life. Then I read the story of girls who, with sniper accuracy, follow the advice and recommendations from glamorous magazines. This, it turns out, can lead to unpredictable consequences!

How do you like the idea (the story is taken from real life) to dance a private dance in front of potential groom and his friends? Jealousy and admiration were supposed to guarantee a marriage proposal after the last "pa". The guy turned out to be shy, shy - he ran away and no longer communicated with the “extreme bride”.

It remained to conclude that personal relationships are a delicate matter. Any man chooses his wife in accordance with his personality and the prevailing ideas about what the mother of his children should be like, what the family should be like. And the fateful choice should be purely individual. Both from the side of the groom and from the side of the bride. But no one knows exactly how their relationship will develop. No wonder they say: love is evil.

Help to find love for all your readers of the article with general recommendations, advice from glossy magazines cannot. Lottery. How lucky, since the content of light, unpretentious articles about everything and nothing at the same time. No specifics.

The girl who reads this information will continue to act on the touch, because she never found out own features and did not realize what kind of men are the heroes of her novel, how to distinguish them and how to attract the attention of the right candidate for husbands, in order not only to marry successfully, but also to live happily after that.

Fortunately, I got to the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, which not only lifts the veil of the mystery of love relationships and successful marriage, and easily unfolds various options relationships in a couple. System-vector psychology accurately differentiates people, including men, according to their innate vectors, their aspirations, desires.

Who is looking for whom

So, men with an anal vector want to see a slender, flexible, mobile wife next to them, who knows how to do several things at the same time, economical, with logical thinking, energetic - woman with skin vector. With her, anal men form a natural union.

It is he who appreciates comfort, order, by nature a homebody, an honest, faithful, devoted comrade who does not forgive treason. It is anal men who express a wish: to meet a modest, decent girl. She must like his mother. Be economic. For anal men, the opinion of the mother is paramount. In addition, the anal is a lover of friendly gatherings in nature, fishing, going to the bathhouse, slippers. He loves children, is a good family man, a professional in his field. Kind, gentle, sympathetic, diligently bringing the work begun to the end.

Most often skin ladies turn to the market of marriage services, anal ladies are uncomfortable, somehow ashamed. They make excuses for being taken to an online dating site. They are more accustomed to, as it was before - long courtship, acquaintance with families, a wedding according to the principle: “at least for a chicken, but on your own street”. Anal people do not like changes, changes in life, they are for constancy, stability in relationships.

Visual men want with future wife could talk, love romance, beautiful walks, love poems, it is important for them to create emotional connections with a partner. For them, it is significant how the chosen one will look, her style, figure, and on high level development of vision, they value sensuality and intelligence in a woman.

Sound men for whom favorite time night, silence is important, peace, a wife with whom you can be silent together, without being interrupted and pulled out of your thoughts by a sudden shout (screams, by the way, in family life with sound is contraindicated). The sound engineer may at some point forget to eat, for example - everything is in his thoughts and thoughts. The best way feed him - come up quietly and say in your ear: "dear, eat."

It must be borne in mind that modern man 3-4 vectors are combined and they must be taken into account when choosing a partner, as well as the level of their development and implementation.

It is important to be able to determine the state of the vector y specific person how it is implemented. For example, reverse side anal male is domestic sadism, overuse alcohol, morbid jealousy(fear that the wife will change, become a fallen, dirty woman), verbal dirtiness. And an undeveloped skin husband will not spend a penny on his wife, you will store old rags and get a reprimand for leaving the light on. You will learn more about vectors, their combination, life scenarios at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

To be continued…

The article is written based on the materials of trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.