To the bathhouse with a girl or a guy. Rest with family and friends is a recreation center for a large company. Relaxation with friends in a sauna with a pool

A Finnish, Turkish or Russian bath is a guarantee of health, beauty, and also great way distract from all the problems, worries and worries. Where are the best saunas and baths in St. Petersburg? And why are these places worth visiting right now?

Health is ok... O useful properties baths and saunas did not speak only lazy. This is an improvement in blood circulation, metabolism, regeneration processes in your body, and also a great way to restore your psychological health... Moreover, the sauna is considered one of the most effective species recreation. Just imagine that instead of the traditional sitting at the computer or lying near the TV, you are having fun gatherings with friends and, plus, increase your vitality.

Guarding beauty... Bath or sauna is the simplest and efficient way maintain your weight at an optimal level, your skin in perfect order and monitor the condition of your muscles. It is known that bath procedures make your skin more toned, muscles elastic, and a set excess weight threatened by. Weekly sauna trips will change you into better side and will prove that beauty and health do not require titanic efforts and maximum spending.

Chat with friends... Going to a sauna or a bath is a great occasion to meet friends and chat in a warm, friendly and relaxed atmosphere. True, in order for communication to pass without unpleasant consequences, it is not recommended to get involved in alcoholic beverages. Prefer green tea or black tea with honey, or useful mixture honey, lemon and ginger.

We are tempered according to all the rules... Going to the bathhouse or sauna is The best way go through the hardening stage according to all the rules. There is a lovely thermae and an ice-cold pool at your disposal. This contrast will help you train your body to sharp drops temperatures and increase your immunity.

Diverse leisure activities... You should visit a sauna or bathhouse for the sake of variety and the desire to try something new. Do not miss this unique chance, visit such institutions as: "Black Pearl", "Seal", "Vasilyevsky Island", "On Obvodny", "Kalevalka", "Shukalovka" high level service, great interior and magnificent steam rooms and recreation areas, equipped according to all the rules.

Many women often face this difficult question, in which the issues of trust in one's own partner intersect at the same time, and healthy jealousy, and precaution. Not all friends married man surely married too. On the contrary, the young married man there are usually a lot of friends who do not yet plan to grow out of youth and become responsible people starting up serious relationship... They are interested in a variety of ways to have fun, which most often (since we are talking about men), to one degree or another, are tied to sex. And women, for obvious reasons, do not want to let their husbands go to such "walking" guys, fearing betrayal. How likely is it that your husband will cheat on you by being in a sauna with his friends? Well, it depends on a lot of different facts.

First, you need to answer yourself honestly when asked how really strong your relationship is, and whether you should be afraid of betrayal. After all, the temptation will not work for one, even if it is great - he will remain faithful to his wife. But the one who himself has long been looking for options to go to the left does not even really need temptations, he will arrange for himself both an excuse and a reason. So, in case your relationship is in this moment are not worried better times, then the likelihood of betrayal will, of course, be higher.

Secondly, you need to consider attitude to your spouse's alcohol. If he is a serious person, drinks a little and during drunkenness he usually keeps himself in control - this is good, it is easier to trust him. But if you know that in alcohol matters he is weak, does not know the measure and drinks while pouring, then the matter is much worse. Having drunk drunk, he can cheat on you, not really realizing even his own actions. Letting go to the bathhouse, but forbidding at the same time to drink, for the majority of Russian people is tantamount to fishing without a rod. However, for many "fishermen", fishing alcohol is more important than tackle and fish, but today we are not talking about them.

Third, you need to define degree possible threat ... They quite exist, and even "groups of comrades" in the circle of which the Russian bath is in no way associated with the representatives of the ancient profession. They never take women who provide sexual services for money to the bathhouse. Bath for them means compulsory cold beer with fish, games like "who will sit out who in the steam room", pouring over each other ice water from a tub, jumping into the pool with a bomb and all other childishness. Well, and of course, talk about life and being. Opposing this kind of rest, for fear of possible betrayal, you fight the mills. Unless, perhaps, you admit that your husband can cheat on you with his old classmate Vanka Erokhin, but this is a completely different story.

Unfortunately, to find out exactly, whether there will be "ladies" in the bath, where your husband is going, is quite difficult. It is clear that he may well lie that they will not be. He may say so, not in order to go fornicating, but simply so as not to upset you. "Well, yes, the guys are going to call the girls, but I'm not going to be lecherous. I am a family man, I will decorously sit on the sofa with a beer, and let my friends have fun." Maybe it really will be that way, or maybe not. As already mentioned, where the temptation is, there is the risk of treason.

If you succeed ask husband during frank conversation about his past trips to the bathhouse, then maybe it will be possible to learn something that sheds some light on their culture of relaxation in the bathhouse. If earlier they and their friends ordered prostitutes to the bathhouse, then you can be sure - most likely, it will be so this time as well. And not your husband, so his friends, will definitely order entertainment for themselves, and there it is not far away from trouble.

But if it isn't, if sex and bath for your husband and his friends - things are not identical, then, most likely, there is nothing to fear. In this case, it is really worth letting the faithful go free, let him drink his beer and steam his bones.

In general, staging the question how "letting go" is rather inconvenient in itself. It is clear that a woman can often deliver an ultimatum or any other demand, forcing a man to do as she wants. But each such action damages your relationship, sometimes very painful. It painfully presses on the collar, reminding the man of the freedom that he has lost. And at such moments, she seems to him especially sweet and desirable.

Will not forget to add oils into this fire and friends themselves. It makes no sense to offer to lie that he will not be able to go to the sauna because he is sick or he has urgent business. No one will believe in this, and the label henpecked will immediately be handed over to him by ruthless bachelors who laugh at the helplessness of their friend in front of their woman. The words that "friends must understand that their friend simply does not want to upset his woman, therefore he sometimes has to make concessions to her" - are understandable to women, but not to men. Most men consider such requirements to be the most ordinary stupid whims, a stupid jealous woman, and a man who indulges such stupid whims - henpecked. So they will laugh at him, even in a kind and friendly way, in again forcing your man to think about the correctness of the relationship with you. Even if your man hugs you, kisses you and says: "I understand everything, dear. It's okay, we'll sit at home or go somewhere together" - the sediment will still remain, even though it will seem to you that this party is yours.

Try " take revenge"arranging similar spree with your girlfriends is also a rather dangerous activity. Do not notice both of how you end up in other people's beds, playing with your attempts to make your spouse jealous. Such things rarely end well.

The bottom line is disappointing conclusions: It is almost impossible to resist the desire of your husband to go to the sauna with friends without harming your relationship. And the sauna itself can indeed pose a danger of treason. We can only hope for the responsibility of your partner, the power of love, and his understanding of the fact that in some establishments married people simply do not belong.

Ksenia Petrovich

06.10.2015 | 1707

I will tell you what you need to remember if you are going to the bathhouse with your friends.

My friends and I have a tradition: every week we go to the bathhouse. it great option pastime, moreover, good for health. We communicate, relax and do not "steam" about anything.

Seat selection

Often public baths overwhelmed, moreover, they have a division into male and female parts. This is extremely inconvenient if your company consists of girls and guys.
We usually shoot a small vip area that can accommodate up to 10 people. It is very convenient, and strangers do not bother us.

Bath stuff

When going to the bath, remember the must-have things. Be sure to warn your friends that they should take with them:

  • 3 towels: large (they can be dried off), medium (put on the head) and small (used as a bedding on which you can sit so as not to burn yourself);
  • rubber slippers;
  • swimsuit or swimming trunks;
  • shampoo, shower gel, or soap;
  • loofah.

Be sure to take a broom with you, because without it it is impossible to get the maximum benefit while in the steam room. Here are the best brooms:

1. Birch- improves the condition of the skin, strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.
2. Oak- useful for people with oily skin, prone to acne, has a calming effect.
3. Linden- it is useful to steam with this broom for people suffering from headaches and having problem skin.

Food and drink

I strongly oppose to arrange feasts in the bath: lean on food and alcohol. This is an additional load that is harmful to the body. My friends support me - it is interesting for us to communicate without a full table and beer.

But you can't bathe on an empty stomach either. Tell your friends to eat something light two hours before picking: salad, chicken and rice, soup.

Sbiten for a bath

To prepare sbitnya I take 2 liters of water, 200 g of honey, 2 tsp. St. John's wort, some cloves, peppercorns, ginger and cinnamon. I dilute the honey in a glass and boil for 6-7 minutes, add spices, boil for about half an hour. I give it to brew - that's it, the sbiten is ready.

Rules of behavior

Before entering the steam room, my friends and I take warm shower... In the steam room we all sit as much as we can: some - 5-7, others - 10-15 minutes. After that, we bathe in cool water and swim in the pool. Then back to the steam room.

I advise not to sit out in the steam room out of habit and not try to break any records that are unnecessary to anyone. In this matter, it is important to remember about moderation and take care of your own health.

Between the sauna and the pool, we play

That's all! You are now ready to visit the bathhouse. Have a nice couple and have a great time.

Why is it considered that pregnant women should not cut their hair? There are two approaches to banning haircuts: folk and scientific. Let's consider both.

Folk omen: why shouldn't pregnant women cut their hair?

It is believed that by cutting hair, a woman shortens the life of her child. For example, he may be born dead or live for a short time after birth. People believed that it was in the hair that the vitality of the mother and child was gathered. Moreover, it was not allowed to cut a child up to a year: from this vitality diminished or "the mind was cut off."

Many ancient rituals are associated with hair. For example, at baptism, a lock of hair is rolled up in wax, at a wedding, the bride's braids are braided, at the funeral of her husband, the widow loosened her hair. These and other signs about hair are associated with life and death. It was also believed that having human hair, any sorcerer could harm him.

There are other explanations why a pregnant woman should not have her hair cut. For example, a woman's hair is considered hers better protection, something like a scarf or cape. To lose them is to lose protection. And even earlier, in ancient times, it was believed that hair can partially warm a woman and her child in severe frosts.

Scientific evidence for superstition

Why some doctors also do not advise pregnant women on certain timeframes cutting hair? Are they superstitious too? Not at all. It turns out that there is a perfectly logical explanation why pregnant women should not have their hair cut... The fact is that after a haircut, the hair begins to grow even more intensively, they will have to be cut more often. And a lot of hair leaves the body nutrients: vitamins, minerals, proteins, which are needed more by the fetus.

Of course, if you are in enough use these same vitamins, proteins and minerals, then there will be no problems. And if you do not have enough of them in your body, and even the child takes everything that is, then at the end of pregnancy you run the risk of being left without hair and without teeth, with sore muscles.

Signs: what shouldn't be done to pregnant women?

Folk omens did not evolve by accident. For centuries, people have watched pregnant women, childbirth, the growth of the child, its character, etc. All this takes a long period, therefore, it will be associated with future mother and a child a lot. And all these signs predicted some kind of danger warning a woman and a child.

    Why can't a pregnant woman look at terrible animals, dead people, freaks? It was believed that the child would be born ugly. And how can this fact be explained with medical point vision?

    The mother's mood and condition affects the hormones that are passed through the placenta to the fetus. The child usually experiences the same emotions as the mother. And he from the very early term begins to make grimaces. Therefore, various shocks and experiences can affect not only the character of the child, but also the appearance.

    Pregnant women should not step over products grown in the ground, for example, potatoes, beets, etc. This is rather just a tribute to the land, its fruits.

    There should be no knots on a woman's clothes: they do not let the child into external world... You cannot sew, knit, weave, etc. All this is somehow connected with the umbilical cord, which can be wrapped around the child.

    Most likely, the fact is that a woman in labor cannot long time sit in one position, she should walk more, lie down, but not sit, because this increases the load on the fetus. And on long term the head sinks into the pelvis, so the woman's seat can harm the baby.

    The sign of not showing the newborn to strangers until forty days is also understandable. It's not just the "evil eye". It's just that the child is still very weak, his immunity has not yet been formed, and strangers can bring infection into the house. Yes and unnecessary excitement, a lot of new impressions for a child can send a heavy load.

    Do not kiss newborns: they can become dumb. The explanation is quite simple: you should not expose your child to infections, you need to follow the rules of hygiene so as not to infect the baby.

Very stupid omens

And there are also very stupid signs associated with pregnant women. Of course, at first glance, these signs seem very funny, but often some of them can be reasonably explained. Perhaps it is worth listening to them.

  • The bath should not be taken by a pregnant woman;
  • You can't tell anyone about pregnancy;
  • You cannot eat eggs with two yolks;
  • You cannot eat in secret;
  • The name of the unborn child must be kept secret;
  • You can not play with the cat and touch it;
  • You can't sit on the porch;
  • A pregnant woman should not touch her face;
  • You cannot sit cross-legged;
  • You cannot refuse a woman when she asks for food;
  • You cannot raise your hands above your head;
  • It is impossible to take an interest in the sex of the unborn child before giving birth;
  • You cannot buy things for a baby before giving birth;
  • Pregnant women should not swear;
  • You can not get seasick crying baby in a cradle or stroller, only on hands;
  • Pregnant women should not wear gold or silver jewelry;
  • You cannot photograph a pregnant woman or paint her portrait.

Superstition or Scientific Fact?

So to cut or not cut the hair of pregnant women? In most cases, all the signs are prejudices. If a woman fulfills all the conditions of doctors, takes vitamins, leads healthy image life, does not get upset and does not undergo stress, then everything is possible for her, but in moderation. An exception is the use of harmful products, smoking, alcohol, great physical activity.

On vacation with friends, you can go to the sea or to the forest. It is interesting to spend time at the recreation center or just in a cafe, playing billiards. Parkour, go-karting, roofing - all this is also exciting!

Relaxing with friends is a great opportunity to have fun and have a heart-to-heart talk. Recreation options are selected depending on the number of people in the company. Anything interesting for two or three people will not like a company of five or ten people. The age of people also matters. Young people like leisure, and for older people, lunch in a cafe or quiet rest Outdoors. Each company should select a vacation, taking into account the interests of everyone, otherwise a good pastime will turn into a boring activity.

Rest with friends - where to go?

Modern young boys and girls prefer to spend free time outdoors or in clubs. Nowadays, no one likes gatherings at home, as they did several decades ago. Moreover, currently there is huge selection entertainment that will appeal to all friends. So, where can you go on vacation with friends? Young people choose such places and entertainment:

  • Club vacation... Dances, loud music, new acquaintances and flirting. The companies go to nightclubs to have fun. Single friends will be able to find a partner here, and couples will dance and listen to the music of famous DJs. If it seems that the clubs are no longer in their city interesting occupation, and fashionable DJs have not come for a long time and have not organized parties, then you can go to any other city. New companies, new faces and acquaintances. What could be more interesting? It will be a bright and dynamic party, as well as endless fun and expression.
  • Parkour... Do you want to open up, show yourself, improve yourself and expand the boundaries of your own capabilities? Then you can devote your free time to parkour. This special kind of urban recreation is based on philosophy: there are no boundaries, and any obstacles on the way can be overcome. But such a vacation should be considered if all friends in the company have certain sports skills.

  • Roofing... Such an industrial vacation can be both extreme and romantic. Lovers of walking on the rooftops call themselves "roofers" or "roofers". When choosing such a vacation, it should be borne in mind that the roofs of houses are not always equipped for walking, so it can be dangerous and risky.
  • Karting with friends... Fascinating and will please everyone young guy or a girl. You can arrange a real competition. This type of recreation will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. It can serve as a great pastime for several families at the same time.
  • Roller skating or skating with friends... People can choose such a vacation of different ages... In summer - rollerblades, in winter - skates. Big cities have entertainment centers with indoor ice rinks where you can skate all year round... This is a safe and fun way to relax. Useful exercise stress and a great way to prove yourself
  • Billiards with friends... It is chosen by companies that want to have a good time with work colleagues, partners, or just good friends. Beautiful game will allow you to escape from daily worries and relieve nervous tension

The best vacation with friends - how to spend it?

Nowadays, creative recreation is becoming more and more popular. It's fun and helps you see your old friends from a new perspective, revealing their talents. Such a pastime helps to disconnect from the everyday hustle and bustle and tune in to something positive and good. Creativity to rest is crazy ideas that will delight every guy or girl.

Most best rest in the company - these are competitions. Naturally, someone must take on the responsibility of the entertainer and pick up Interesting games... The Internet will help you find games and contests that are suitable for a particular company.

The best time to hang out with friends is to have an event together. How to spend it is decided together with friends, sitting at the table. It is necessary to think over all the details.

For example, for an evening under the motto "Culinary masterpiece with your own hands!", A special recipe is selected in advance. Someone buys products, others think through each stage step by step recipe, and still others offer their own presentation and presentation options.

Travel around the world can be organized. A country is selected, its culture is studied, National clothes and meals that you need to prepare yourself. Some people from the company will prepare food, while others will think about where to get National costumes... Then they all get together, and the holiday itself begins with cheerful music and the presentation of their knowledge about this country. You can talk about the traditions and implement the most interesting ones right there.

Active rest with friends, a large company in nature

Big company - what could be more interesting and exciting? Some of the friends know a lot of jokes, and some amuse their friends with stories about their travels. But the most impressive thing is an active vacation with friends in a large company in nature. A group of friends of 7-10 people or more wants to go to a place where no one will interfere with their communication and relaxation.

Tip: Rent Vacation home... This will help you to have a great rest, fry kebabs and have an interesting time in the company.

If there is a river nearby, then it is worth taking with you or renting a boat to ride with the stream, enjoying positive emotions and amazing views of nature. An extreme water adventure is a little adventure that cannot be forgotten.

The forest is considered a wonderful resting place. You need to take such things with you:

  • brazier
  • tents
  • warm clothes
  • blankets, sunbathing mattresses
  • cauldron for cooking, water
  • sun and mosquito protection products

Tip: Be sure to take badminton, ball and other things and items for outdoor games.

Hiking and relaxing with friends is a great tourist getaway

If friends are friendly and courageous, will never leave in trouble and share the last piece of bread, then you can go on an excellent tourist vacation. It can be a hike for a couple of days or longer, to a pond or to a forest. Camping tourism and recreation with friends in the conditions of survival unites the company even more.

Tip: If you are going on a long hike and friendly company, and enthusiasm and energy overwhelm you, then arrange yourself in nature team competitions... For example, who will quickly make a good hut out of improvised means, or who will cook the fish soup from just caught fish the most delicious of all.

You can go on a hiking trip on your own if you know the suitable places for this, or you can turn to a tour operator for help. In any case, you will need money, personal equipment, clothing and insect repellent.

What should be considered when packing for a hike when contacting a tour operator? Instructions:

1. Study all offers of tour operators in your region and choose the most suitable one. When choosing another region, consider saving on the road (group discounts)

2. Determine expectations in relation to the organization tourist trip... When is the best time to go and which hike to choose: walking, water, equestrian or combined

3. Voice your wishes to the tour operator and listen to what he has to offer. Discuss which is appropriate and which options you will not consider

4. After final decision, book seats for a trip and make a partial or full payment for organizing a trip

6. When everything is decided and all the nuances are clarified, arrive at the starting point at the appointed time to start the route

Holidays by the sea with a company - what to take with you?

The sea is always fun and an unforgettable vacation. But in order for this vacation to go well, you need to take things, clothes and other useful things with you, which you cannot do without. A company vacation at sea should be organized by one person - responsible and serious. He usually makes hotel reservations, buys tickets, or orders travel packages. Otherwise, each person thinks for himself. So, what to take with you when traveling to the sea:

  • clothing... You don't need to collect a lot of things to make your vacation carefree and easy. If you and your friends go on a car trip, then you can take whatever you want. Feel free to put a variety of shorts, tops, swimwear, jeans, pants, T-shirts, T-shirts, dresses, shoes in your suitcase. Don't forget hats, especially for children
  • Creams, ointments... Be sure to bring mosquito and sunscreen cream, toothpaste and shaving cream

  • First aid kit... Just in case, collect a mini-first-aid kit: cotton wool, bandage, green stuff, adhesive plaster, mezim, Activated carbon and rubbing alcohol
  • Electronic devices... Don't take all your gadgets from home. It will be enough mobile phone, photo and video cameras, as well as a charger
  • The documents... Passport, international passport, printout of hotel reservation, visa, money and plastic debit cards
  • Other useful things... Cosmetics, Sunglasses, a small umbrella and small board games

Rest with family and friends - recreation center for a large company

Often in the company of one of the friends gets married, ahead of others, but you still want to go on vacation together. After all, this is the only way to have fun and remember past hikes and exciting joint weekends.

Rest with family and friends can be spent at the recreation center. The right decision will rent several houses or cottages on the base for big company... Such rentals are usually offered at a low price, so the costs planned for the vacation will be small.

Such a vacation will be filled with new emotions and special impressions. None of the friends will get bored, as there is always entertainment on the territory of the base - rent of catamarans, boats, inflatable attractions, a bathhouse and a sauna, an indoor pool.

How to invite your wife with a friend on vacation so that she agrees?

Wives usually do not like to travel with their husbands and their friends. They do not like listening to men's conversations about fishing, cars or some kind of "piece of iron". But, if you do not want to leave your wife alone at home so that she will be bored, then you should take her with you. How to invite your wife with a friend on vacation so that she agrees? It is necessary to offer her something interesting. For example, you can suggest to a friend that he also invite his wife and go on vacation with a company.

Tip: Teach your wife to fish. Many women enjoy this activity, and they go fishing with their husbands with pleasure.

Tip: If you go hunting with a friend, then buy everything you need for your wife. It will be interesting for her to walk with you through the forest in search of game or a rabbit. Treat your wife on vacation as your own to the best friend, then it will be interesting for her to spend time with you.

Relaxation with friends in a sauna with a pool

A real sauna is a great place to relax, hold various events and meet friends. Free space, a swimming pool, lounges, a steam room and a cozy interior - all this disposes to have a good rest with friends in a sauna with a swimming pool. In addition to a great vacation, each of your friends will receive the following benefits:

  • beneficial effect on body systems
  • informal atmosphere for communication
  • exciting pastime
  • contrast water treatments

All this will help to relax and leave pleasant memories about relaxing with friends.

Relaxation with friends - Russian bath

A Russian wood-fired sauna with a steam room is favorite entertainment of many people. This is a great way to deal with fatigue, stress and rejuvenate yourself. Such a rest with friends in a Russian bath will definitely be remembered.

Currently, this kind of relaxation is offered by businessmen who build one-story or two-story premises with an antique interior. There are such baths in every, even the smallest city, as almost everyone loves to take a steam bath.

Rest with friends - fishing, hunting

All men and some women adore fishing and hunting.

Important: If in your company most guys or men like to sit with a fishing rod or walk in the forest in search of prey, then it is worth going fishing or hunting.

Such a vacation with friends will bring a lot of positive emotions, and relaxation away from the bustle of the city helps to forget about problems and various matters. Fresh air, virgin nature, an abundance of worthy trophies - all this delights.

Go out into nature with friends for the first time spring days or in the summer, what could be better. Bonfire, Fresh air, bathing - all this brings joy. But such a pastime can be fraught with health risks.

Tip: If you go on vacation with friends in nature with children, then watch your children so that they do not play and run away from you, especially if you are relaxing in the forest.

A bonfire is not only fun, but also a danger. After all, if you come close to the flame, then clothes can burst into flames. It is especially interesting to play near the fire for children who do not know about such a danger. The task of parents is to keep an eye on their children.

Tip: Be sure to take to nature warm clothes, since it is still cold in early spring and the warm afternoon sun does not warm for long. It will be cool by evening.

While swimming, it is also worth looking after babies who are trying to swim on their own.

Tip: Don't go into the water while you're drinking strong drinks... And do not let the child go to the water alone without supervision, since you just have to turn away, and he will already swim.

Before you go on any trip, you need to prepare for it, even if it is a carefree vacation with friends. It is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail so that the rest is not ruined.

Advice: On a hike, take only trusted people in whom you are confident.

Important: If you are going to drink alcohol in nature, there must be at least one sober person who will keep the situation under control.

Plan ahead so that your vacation doesn't come with surprises. Have a nice holiday with a company of friends at sea or in nature!

Video: Reviews about the rest in Crimea in the private sector of Nikolaevka