Happy family day. Happy family day to mom. Unusual congratulations on Family Day


Short sms congratulations on the day of family, love and fidelity

"Short poems on the day of family, love and fidelity"

What is family?
It's you, it's me
This is our warm home -
There is a lot of joy in it.

This is our love
And I'll tell you again
That I love you
AND native family.

"Short congratulations on the day of family, love and fidelity"

Happy family day!
A lot of joy, love,
Strong, warm relations
Only correct decisions
Happiness of the river and the sea
Let the family be near!

"SMS congratulations on the day of family, love and fidelity"

July day of love, family and fidelity
I wish you happiness and warmth,
Mutual respect and tenderness,
So that love only blooms over the years!

"SMS poems with the day of family, love and fidelity"

Happy family day! Eternal love to you,
Gentle, warm, flawless,
Happiness, good relations,
Unexpected solutions!
Great mood,
Complete, not partial!

"SMS for the day of family, love and fidelity"

Family is friendship, stability, comfort.
The family is a place where people believe and wait.
Where anyone will be accepted, understood and forgiven,
Where the smile reigns and loving look.
The family always shares everything for everyone:
problems, good luck and joyful laughter.
So be a strong, happy family,
Then sadness will bypass you.

"Short congratulations happy family day, love and fidelity "

On the July day of Fevronia and Peter
I wish you health and good
Keep each other carefully
And give love every day!

"Briefly congratulate on the day of family, love and fidelity"

That family can be strong
Where the cross stands on the word "I"
Where only the word "WE" rules,
Where there are shared dreams.
Where there is wealth and comfort,
Where children scurry merrily
Where it eternally flashes again
Such passionate love!!!

"SMS with the day of family, love and fidelity"

Happy family, love and eternity,
Life, happiness, infinity!
Happy day to everything that is dear
With what is fabulous, with what is young!

You can congratulate loved ones, dear and loved ones on Family Day twice: May 15 when International Day of the Family is celebrated and July 8 when the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is celebrated. Previously, according to the old calendar, it fell on June 25 and was called the Day of Peter and Fevronia - in honor of the patrons of family and love. The symbol of this holiday is chamomile.
Here you will find beautiful postcards, original congratulations, good wishes in poetry and prose, toasts.

The whole family is together - and the soul is in place!

Love, family and loyalty -
Three values ​​in destiny ...
Let jealousy disappear in an instant
May peace reign in the family!
May everything be fine
Let them shine joyfully
Children's eyes with happiness:
Boys and girls!

Family, in love and fidelity,
Live from year to year:
And in sorrow, and in joy,
And not being afraid of adversity!
May there be happiness in the family
Always in everything - luck!
And happy holiday

Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in the family.
What could be more expensive than her
On this fabulous land!

You are in a hurry to celebrate Family Day
And our wishes to accept:
So that there are children, a house, a hearth, warmth,
In all your endeavors to be lucky!

I am all my friends without exception

Let your mood be bright!
I wish you happiness, peace and love!

On International Family Day
The nightingales chirp louder
Because the nightingale
They also have their own family.
And you and I are like nightingales
We live in the harmony of love.
We have been living as a family for many years ...
Let her fate keep her from troubles!
May happiness be in our house
Let the blizzard not cool the heart!
I thank my family for everything
I give her love and loyalty!

May the house be strong
The hearth will be bright
Love - will be stronger than the wall!
The bed will be tender
And passion is constant
Let there be no winter in my soul!

V family circle we have been growing since childhood.

In the family circle - all your roots,
And in life you leave your own family.
In the family circle, we create life.
The basis of the basics is the parental home.

Family is one of the masterpieces of our Creator!

I congratulate you on the Day of family, love and fidelity. I wish you will always be together. What a simple word: "together", and what deep meaning it is laid down! For you, being together means living on a sigh, appreciating and respecting each other, cherishing your happiness to be together. Love and appreciate this happiness! Family for you is also a responsibility loving people, constant mutual care and support. Symbol holiday chamomile is considered: simple and modest. If you decide to tell fortunes on her, then the answer will be only one - loves. He loves and cherishes, there is no other way for you. I am sure that the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia, in whose honor this day appeared, will always keep and protect your love and family happiness.

Family, Love and Fidelity are important for everyone!
The family is a home, a reliable rear!
Let your house be like a fortress to your enemies,
And for friends - he is cordial and pleasantly sweet!

On International Family Day
Congratulations to you!
In a strong union and in love
We wish you to live long!

The main thing in life is family.
Career is not waiting for you at home
money won't dry your tears
and glory will not embrace you at night.

Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day
Congratulations today!
The scent of wondrous tenderness
Let your home fill!
Let them sound words of confession,
And there will be no end to them!
May wishes come true
Hearts are beating in unison!

Raising this cup high,
On Family Day today I drink standing
For the basis of our glorious life -
A strong and friendly family!

Family is our support and protection,
A native lighthouse on the path of life!
Let all the bad things be forgotten
And only happiness awaits us ahead!

A big family is a great joy!

Be faithful no matter what
Don't fall for the sweet temptation!
Never harm your loved ones
Don't hurt them!
And on this holiday congratulations words
Let them sound for those who are next to you.
And let your head spin again with happiness -
It doesn't take too much for that!

You managed to create such a family
Which serves as an example for all of us.
You always love your dear wife,
Let the kids delight and adore you!

Saving a family is the most important science,
Carry your warmth to your dear hearts!
Let there never be a quarrel, no parting
They will not lead you to different shores!

Family is the warmest place on earth!

A family! How much of this word!
After all, this is friendship and love!
Everything in half: both laughter and grief ...
And the blood boils again!
I congratulate you today
I am with this Family holiday!
I wish you love and happiness!
Take care of your family!

You take care of each other
And do not offend in vain!
Happiness in the house and love to you,
Always have a happy day!

When dear heart nearby -
No gold lock needed.
And in life you don't need more,
What happiness is there to be with your family!

The family is the place where the beauty of human life is realized!

Family is what will keep us in the storm
After all, she is not afraid of the splashes of life waves,
It will shelter you from the cold and will protect you in the rain.
The family is our fortress and our faithful shield.
The family is children and marriage.
What could be stronger than such a strong bond?
Everyone here is understandable and very much loved,
In its own way, dear and irreplaceable.
We wish you to be a real family
It's great if your family is with you!
We wish you unity always and in everything,
May happiness fill your friendly home!

Family, love and fidelity - three in one.
What could be more reliable in this world?
Your home is on a solid foundation,
Until you forget about it.
Appreciate what you have today
Let your union grow stronger over the years!
Let the light of happy eyes not go out
And tenderness will remain between you!

Family is the foundation of every life
Love is the basis of all foundations
And loyalty is above all whims,
All together - better than any dreams!
Let them live in every house
Love and loyalty and family!
After all, everyone in the world knows for sure
That only the house will save me!

The family is the kingdom of the father, the world is the mother and the paradise of the child!

Let everything be okay in the family
And in my heart it is always gratifying!
May always accompany
Love, smile, kindness!
May the sky be clear above you
Let life be kindly bright!
Live surrounded by friends
And all the best to you, health and warmth!

Happy Family Day! Happy Day of Fidelity and Happiness!
Let misfortunes pass you by
And experience, son of difficult mistakes, -
Always leads to good, in an accessible way!

The family is the foundation of the state,
A hotbed of care and love!
Any kingdom will not resist
Without a strong, friendly family!

Everyone's family is the wings of his soul!

On Family Day, I wish the bird peace
Take up residence in your skies,
So that the apartment is cozy,
Good - a smile on our lips!
To children's laughter worn lively,
Reflecting sparks of stars
And health filled the veins,
Illuminating your blood with happiness!
So that luck often visits
So that money flows to you like a river,
So that sadness does not know the way to you,
So that peace reigned in the family of love!

I am all my friends without exception
Happy Family Day today!
May your mood be bright
I wish you happiness, peace and love!

Mommy, sweet mom,
You are dearer than all the treasures to me
I wish you well
To the best mom on Earth!

On a day so soulful, bright,
On the day of fidelity, family, love,
I wish you a lot of happiness
To make your dreams come true!

Mom, dear, dear,
Celebrates the whole country
All Russia congratulates
Happy warmth day!

Mommy, I congratulate you
Happy day of fidelity, family, love,
May they be happy, dear,
Your eyes are full!

Family is a tremendous value
You carefully keep it,
You always unite all of us,
You value our love.

Mom, I congratulate you on the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. I wish you to remain as wonderful, cheerful, kind, caring, sensitive, sweet and the best mother, wife and hostess in the world. May the cup of our family always be full of prosperity and joy, may everyone in our family be healthy and happy.

My low bow to my mother,
For loyalty, love and a kind heart,
For always giving us warmth,
And at home we could warm up with our souls.

I kiss your tired hands
As in childhood I look for your smile,
And again I confess to you in love,
Thank you, dear, that you are with me.

Happy family and fidelity day,
Mom, congratulations.
Peace and harmony
On a holiday, I wish.

You are the only one
The family keeps going.
And give up mommy
Honey, you can't.

Let the sparkles sparkle
In joyful eyes.
To keep us warm further
Everything is in your rays.

Congratulations mom
Happy family and fidelity day,
Happy holiday big love
And of great value.

I say thank you for everything,
For guardianship and warmth,
Let our hearth surround
Understanding and kindness.

Mommy, on the Day of Fidelity and Family
Let your eyes sparkle
Let be true love protects
An angel helps in a relationship.

Always be full of energy
Joyful, kind and cheerful,
Take care of yourself, my dear,
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

Mommy, today is Family Day,
I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart
That I appreciate your efforts
I will always love and respect!

You are the best mommy in the world
There is no more caring mommy than you!
Congratulations, mom, these,
I wish you long bright years!

I congratulate you, mom
Happy family day today
And I wish you good happiness
On the day of fidelity, love.
I know there is nothing in the world
Dearer to you
Than children, husband, beloved home,
In a word, family.
You keep in love and loyalty
You are home,
You catch with your heart
Every breath
And you hear every step.
Big family got together
For a holiday at the table,
Let it be warm with love
Always our home.

Mommy, you saved our family,
You brought comfort to our house,
You gave your love, loyalty to all of us,
You best mom in everything
I congratulate you today, of course,
Happy fidelity day and family day,
Always stay the same beautiful
And don't hide your feelings!

Mommy dear, you are my sun!
Only you can shine brightly for me
Sadness may never touch you
After all, I will always love you, mom!

I wish you only warmth and flowering
After all, you are my beautiful and sweet flower!
Let your mood be great
On this family and bright day!

The family, like a quiet haven, is tirelessly waiting for its inquisitive ship from long voyages. And he brings to her all the joys, hopes and worries. On Family Day, do not forget to congratulate your family with a beautiful poem or, hug and kiss your parents, because Your family, like a beacon in the ocean of life, will shed light even on the darkest night and will always show you the right path.

Short congratulations on Family Day

Let your house be a full bowl,
And from year to year life is more beautiful,
The soul is calm and light
The family is strong by consent!

Family Day in the world today -
how many are you in the family, four?
Let it be ten rather:
More noise, din, songs!
Let the family grow, grow stronger,
Never upsets!

Family is friendship, stability, comfort.
The family is a place where people believe and wait.
Where anyone will be accepted, understood and forgiven,
Where a smile and a loving look rule.
The family always shares everything for everyone:
Problems, good luck and joyful laughter.
So be strong happy family,
Then the sadness will bypass you.

Happy family day, love and fidelity
We send congratulations to you.
The scent of wondrous tenderness
Let your home fill!
Let the words of recognition sound
And there will be no end to them!
May wishes come true
Hearts are beating in unison!

Touching congratulations on International Family Day in verse

Family is our wealth
And from above divine gift!
I wish you not to part
And always be together everywhere!
I wish you on a family holiday
Love and appreciate each other,
And tender feelings and affection,
Carrying through the years, save!

Year after year, from generation to generation,
The custom is very ancient,
Live together in love families creating,
Caring for them, warming each other.
Each one stands there with a solid mountain,
For those whom he called his family,
Raising children, parents are held in high esteem,
Always in business, trouble and work.
And there is no price for such a relationship to threads,
Which, like the sun at its zenith,
Caress everyone with rays of kindness,
Hope, affection, hearts of warmth.
For them today is the Day of Family and Happiness,
May their misfortunes not always pass
But everyone knows, without concealing faith,
Since ancient times, the family is the unbreakable stronghold!

On International Family Day,
Congratulations to you!
A strong union and in love
We wish you to live long!
May the children of the elders never
Do not upset in anything!
And dad and mom of kids
Surrounding with care!
For the heart - a holiday, warmth
And joy in communication!
We wish you with loved ones always
Be in the best relationship!

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Good dreams, excitement, thrill.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Sincere wishes on Family Day for mom and dad

Who will always warm your heart
Hands that are more tender than those there are none at all,
Who has the keys to the door
The one that is hidden in the soul.
Well of course it's mom
The best, true friend,
The one that is sincere and straightforward
Not afraid of fierce blizzards.
And her father is a match for her too,
I am always ready to help everyone,
Mom and dad are so alike
As we are on them, exactly.
We are their own children
And born in love
We hasten to congratulate them now
Happy family holiday!
We are proud of our home,
Feelings not melting at all,
Let's say straight to all our acquaintances,
We are a great family!

Only mom knows for sure -
The main thing in life is family
After all, it does not happen otherwise,
If happiness is at the helm.
I congratulate mummy
And I thank her
Only mom knows for sure
How to love your family!

Thank you dad I want to say
Indeed, among all family ideals
Only he once managed to make it clear -
Family is the main beginning in life.
Happy day of fidelity, family and happy day of love
Want to congratulate dad dear,
Let your dreams come true!
Nowhere else can you find such a daddy!

So be it:
There is love in the family
Respect in work.
Success, joy, work
And a little patience!
We wish you everything in the house,
We wish you have time for everything in life,
Maintain health, vigor
And live for many, many years!

Beautiful congratulations on Family Day in prose

There are many wonders and amazing places in the world, but no matter how interesting it is over the seven seas, a person will always strive to return to his homeland, to his family. All the treasures of the world cannot be compared with mother's affectionate hugs, a tender kiss of a wife and a happy smile of a child. I congratulate you on the International Day of the Family, be always healthy and happy, love and support each other - this will definitely make the world a little better!

There is a well-known proverb that it is easy to break one branch, but if they are collected in a bunch, it is hardly. So it is with the family. Together it is much easier to resist the hardships of life, to find ways out, to fight ... And how sweet it is to share victories with loved ones! Today, on Family Day, please accept my sincere congratulations and wishes that peace, harmony, love, mutual assistance and understanding always reign in your family!

The real value in life is family and friends. Happy Family Day and wish you mutual understanding, happiness, bright plans and many interesting activities. May the family always be a strong rock, protection from adversity and consolation in troubles. Love, beauty, bright future, prosperity and joint development!

Dear friend! On Family Day, I wish you home comfort and warmth, may family hearth shines with sparks of joy and kindness. Ruddy pies on the table, gentle embraces of relatives, affectionate words and beautiful deeds. May fidelity, love and understanding accompany your family for many years to come, and may your family photo album be full of frames of the best moments!

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important! Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,

I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family you are!

Congratulations on the family day holiday

The family will support us everywhere
Will not give up in sorrow and trouble.
There is always a family in the rear
Will support and save by loving.

When no one can help
Your family will always help you.
So I wish only one thing -
May goodness reign in the family. (WITH)

Family day - congratulations

Family is our warm, tender hearth,
The family will support and understand.
May happiness be serene
Love, comfort always reigns.

Let the laughter sparkle in the house
Good times reign.
Let the dream turn into truth
Life will be full of joy.

Congratulations on the day of family and love

Happy Family Day
All of you, dear ones!
So that in happiness and love
You have lived all the time!
To a full bowl of the house
Was yours by all means,
And in order for you to live in it

Happy family day
Accept together amicably.
Celebrate whatever you say
This day you need.

Let misfortune escape
The family home is yours.
Let love shine on you
Life is a comfortable path. (WITH)

Happy family day

This day is lovely
Give love to your family.
In this moment of fate, wonderful
Appreciate loyalty.

May your luck be
A faithful companion in life,
Happiness, may not be forgotten
V family life long. (WITH)

Family Day Poems

Family means so much
Family is a simple word
Take the family road
Live in love and peace.

Family is happiness and friendship,
Cheerful and joyful laughter.
Family is eternal service -
Serving relatives is not a sin.

You love your kids
They are a continuation of you,
Honor family values,
And happiness awaits you, no doubt!

Happy family day

We're on the paths of our whole life
We meet a lot of people.
And each with a pure rush
We are taught to be always stronger.

But there is that circle, from the closest,
Which century protects us.
On life the tiers of all the low ones,
He gives us hope.

This is a family, a dear bowl,
That will be there every time.
And suddenly not immediately, but one day
We will understand the meaning of these phrases.

I congratulate you on Family Day
You keep your loved ones safe.
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
Start appreciating your family.

Family Day Greetings Poems

Postpone all your affairs today
Now it is important to celebrate the Day of the Family.
May parents and children be happy
I dedicate these small poems to them.

In a family we can rest our souls
She is our support and strong rear,
And let all over the earth, I so wish,
No one forgot to congratulate their families. (WITH)

Happy family day to mom

Only mom knows for sure -
The main thing in life is family
After all, it does not happen otherwise,
If happiness is at the helm.

I congratulate mummy
And I thank her
Only mom knows for sure
How to love your family!

Family Day in Russia

Let everyone in the world realize
That the main thing in life is family!
I congratulate you on this day,
I sincerely wish you

Happy family day to wife

Happy family day, love and fidelity,
My dear wife!
I need your tenderness
Be always faithful to me!

Happy holiday, beloved,
Let us honor faithfulness,
After all, a family kept by two
Will only prosper!

Happy family day greetings

Today we will celebrate the holiday
For all family members - Family Day.
Open the locks on all your doors
Give love and joy to your relatives.

Give gifts pleasant to the soul
And accept them with gratitude,
Be faithful, promise forever
Receive love from lovely household members. (WITH)

Congratulations on international family day

Family union for a very long time
Bonds the lives of mother, children, father,
And together they have to go through many roads
To be together, together until the very end.

On this glorious family day holiday
I would like to say a word of congratulations.
Make the family proud of their children
Wish you more happiness, love and kindness. (WITH)

Family Day and Fidelity Poems

On family day we wish
A full house of happiness
So that forever joy
She settled in it.

So that your children
Made you happy
Know in the whole world
There is no happier eye!

Family and love day holiday

So be it:
There is love in the family
Respect in work.
Success, joy, work
And a little patience!

We wish you everything in the house,
We wish you have time for everything in life,
Maintain health, vigor
And live for many, many years!

Happy family day to dad

Thank you dad I want to say
Indeed, among all family ideals
Only he once managed to make it clear -
Family is the main beginning in life.

Happy day of fidelity, family and happy day of love
I want to congratulate dad dear,
Let your dreams come true!
Nowhere else can you find such a daddy!