Congratulations on Easter to the rector. Resurrection of Christ. How to congratulate correctly on Easter. Congratulations on patronal holidays. Festive meal

Christ is Risen - is distributed throughout the world,
Christ is Risen - the bells are ringing
May we all be given what we deserve
And happiness, and care, and kindness.

Our dear priest, congratulations!
Such joy, because Christ is Risen!
We wish you all the best
Let the huge forest surround you.

May the Mother of God with her strength
Protects from any trouble
Let adversity all pass by
Let the soul reach a new height.

Priest, congratulations, accept
Happy Resurrection of Christ now!
Let the Lord's grace thread
They will wrap themselves up rather than you.

May health be strong
May the Lord give strength,
With light faith and hope
Let your flock live.

With all my heart, I congratulate you on the bright holiday of Easter! Let it bright sunday will become for you, your family and all those close to you the beginning of a new, joyful and happy life! May good news, hope and love enter your home with this good news! Christ is risen!

Congratulations, relatives,
Happy Easter,
Let nature not spare
On a holiday of bright colors!
Let them pleasantly surprise
Dear people,
Round dance of Easter eggs
And cake on a platter!

We sincerely wish you Happy Easter,
Christ is risen - these are the main words today!
May the Lord protect you from troubles,
And he will reward for good deeds!

It is no coincidence that Easter greetings to the godfathers are included in this section. I really want our godparents to give their little godchildren and godchildren the most important thing - personal example decency and piety.

I catch myself thinking that I also have a godson And I also promise to improve :-)!

Happy Easter to you, Holy Father,
Peace to you, I wish you well,
I rejoice with you today
And I glorify Christ.

With a feeling of deep joy and from the bottom of my heart
We congratulate you on the Bright Resurrection of Christ - the Lord's Easter!
We wish you fulfillment of all your hopes and
good beginnings, peace, kindness and love.

Shine gold on the domes of the temples,
All the bells are ringing in the morning
We wish God's warmth, kindness and light,
Happy Easter, happy spring greetings!

Today the sun is pouring down
And the day is good and the day is clear
Because our Christ
He brought the truth to this world,
And for joy he rose again.
And reached the Holy heavens.
Easter has come
Joy seized:
Jesus beloved
Having suffered, he was resurrected.
Congratulations on the caress
Happy Easter -
A wonderful holiday
Miracle from Miracles.

Orthodox holiday today at the gate,
The candles are shining brightly, the people are praying.
With a festive censer, in a golden robe
The priest is waiting for the arrival, like a father

Happy Easter to you, dear, believe in Christ,
The Almighty writes us from scratch.
Don't be afraid to open your soul to the light of the sky,
It's easier for us to live with a part of God in our hearts

We wish you strong health,
We wish you peace for the soul
May God keep with his love
Let him fulfill his dreams.

Christ is risen!
I congratulate you.
Light, pleasant at heart.
I wish you grace
The Lord has already protected us.
He suffered so much for us all,
He gave us salvation.
We wish you to serve him
And do not forget us in prayer.

And in this Holy holiday orthodox
Please accept my sincere bow to earth
For praying in churches and temples
For our souls and for our peace!

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
Truly Risen!
I congratulate you on Easter
You, Holy Father.
Bell ringing
V heavenly blue melts,
God's grace
Let it fill the soul.
I wish you love
Humility, kindness,
Lord bless
For good deeds.

We sincerely wish you a happy Easter! The most important words today are Christ is Risen! May the Lord save from evil tongues and troubles, but peace, goodness and peace reign in the church!

Dear priest, congratulations
After all, today Christ is Risen again!
We wish God's welfare
And a little bit of earthly miracles for you.

For the soul, we wish you salvation,
And we wish you health for the body.
Let inspiration surround you,
May your temple flourish.

I sincerely, sincerely greet you,
I wish you peace and blessings at a light hour!
May this light from Easter day
The path will illuminate yours forever.

Sincerely, sincerely and cordially
Happy Easter, I congratulate you,
Righteous ways, eternal hope,
May the Lord reward you for your deeds -
There will be happiness, joy and health
Always prosper in your life,
Respect, any attention
Will bring you all the best for years.

Christ is risen! Invisibly, He is with us, -

Christ is risen! We all feel in our hearts -

He is resurrected in the heart of each of us,

We are in this bright and blessed hour.

Christ is risen! Beloved brothers

Opening to each other sincerely hugs.

Christ is Risen - Truly is Risen!

Zadonsk, 2008 From letters to spiritual children)

The great event in the middle of the night took place:

Christ is Risen, rose from the dead by the power of the Divine!

The heavenly abode was opened to the righteous -

Congratulations on the Great Holiday -

The Easter day is permeated with a blessed light,

Which the Lord himself shed on us.

May the heart be warmed with joy -

Christ is risen!
We wish you well
Great miracles!
So that with God in your heart
Life was brighter
He is with us again -
Christ is risen!
We wish you
Always love:
Where love melts -
The soul is empty.

Happy Easter of Christ!
Rejoice, admire, live!
Let every word now -
About the eternal love of the Lord!

May this spring embody
The immeasurable goodness of heaven!
And God transforms your life

"Christian greetings on the Easter of Christ"

Temple solemn and austere
Ascended up to heaven.
And rushes over the road
The voice of the jubilant: Risen!
We were informed about it
Birds in the blue heights.
I wish that happiness or
Do I see it as in a dream?
Congratulations on Happy Easter,
Which is more wonderful than all miracles.
Every day will be wonderful
Indeed, He is truly Risen!

"Orthodox greetings on Easter"

Happy Easter, holy and pure day,
Happy salvation from evil!
Let it be radiant
Full of happiness and warmth!

The beauty of spring is lovely
Inspires to wait for miracles
May all hopes rise
After all, Christ has risen for us!

And the Easter feast
For family and friends
Sanctify the soul with love
The holiday will make it brighter!

"Orthodox greetings on Easter"

"Christ is risen!" - wonderful words!
Today the street is full of them.
I congratulate you on Easter
I wish you love, hope, joy!

May the house overflow with happiness
And bad weather will pass by!
Live and hello for many years
And let the sun always shine on people!

Anthems fly to the skies -
Our Lord has truly risen!
Holy joy rules us:
There is Truth under the heavens!

Who lives in the world with faith -
Everyone is happy today, like children!
On Easter we celebrate salvation
Inspiration of the Lord's love!

People are immensely happy:
Life will be bright from now on!
We will sing glory to Christ
For sacrifice and purity!

God forgive you all your sins,
May he cover with his grace
To make your days easy
So that they lead you to peace and happiness!

With the blessing of His Grace Simon, Bishop of Murmansk and Monchegorsk

But the years of atheism that reigned in our country for so many years interrupted many traditions, erased from the memory of people what each person used to know from childhood, which was natural and self-evident.

The rules of conduct that have been taking shape in the church environment for centuries have been lost and are now hardly being restored.

Ignorance of seemingly simple things - how to properly address a priest, how to say hello and how to say goodbye, how believers - brothers and sisters in Christ - should greet each other - all this sometimes becomes a serious problem for beginners.

How to congratulate correctly on a particular Christian holiday? How to properly format a letter or written congratulations, especially if it is addressed to a clergyman?

In the sea of ​​Orthodox literature published today, there is practically nothing on this topic.

In Orthodoxy, there are three degrees of priesthood: deacon, priest, bishop. The deacon is the priest's assistant. He does not have that grace-filled power that is given in the Sacrament of ordination to the priest, but you can turn to him for advice and prayer.

There are several forms of appeal. In the Russian Orthodox community, there is a long-standing custom to affectionately call a priest a priest. They often turn to him like this: "Father, can I talk to you?" or, if about him, they say: "Father is now performing services", "Father is back from a trip."

In what form - to "you" or to "you" - you need to address in the church environment, it is decided unambiguously: to "you". Even if the relationship is already close, in front of outsiders, the manifestation of this excessive familiarity in the church looks unethical.

According to church ethics, it is not customary for a priest to say "Hello" or "Good afternoon." They say to the priest: "Father, bless" or "Father Michael, bless!" and ask for a blessing.

The dean, first assistant and deputy governor, are addressed with the indication of the position: “Father Dean” or with the addition of the name “Father John”.

It is worth calling only those who share the joy of the Resurrection of Christ

On Sunday, April 8, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Feast of Easter. The head of the Department of Biblical Studies of the Theological Faculty of the St. Tikhon Orthodox Humanitarian University, Archpriest Alexei Yemelyanov, told us how to properly congratulate each other on Easter.

- How to congratulate each other correctly? Is it enough to simply say “Christ is Risen!”?

As for congratulations, from time immemorial there has been a simple familiar algorithm: we share our empathy for the miracle of the Resurrection, therefore we say to each other "Christ is Risen!" and we answer to this "Truly He is Risen!" This is a testament to our shared faith. This is the most important thing, the most joyful of this day. Nothing else has been invented.

You can exchange eggs and some other gifts for Easter: treat each other with cakes, bought or baked, give something pleasant and necessary. At this point, how can anyone do it.

Pre-revolutionary books often describe how children were given chocolate or candy eggs, and among aristocrats - Faberge. Is this tradition gone?

In fact it is strange tradition... Still, the symbol of the egg is the beginning of life, and by chocolate egg this is of little use. It turns out that there is no question of revival, only the shell remains.

- Where did the tradition of three kissing on Easter come from? Is it still relevant?

This is very ancient tradition: even the apostle Paul wrote "Kiss one another", however, then it was not specifically about the holiday of Easter, but the essence remained. This is a manifestation of mutual enthusiasm, love, it cheers people up. Let's remember that before the revolution, even the Emperor on Easter kissed his escort, with serving people - in our opinion, maybe this is grotesque, but then it made people very happy.

We live in megalopolises, it can be difficult to see each other to kiss ... Is it necessary to have time to call all relatives and friends on Easter morning?

You need to call those who will respond adequately, who will take the congratulations as they should. Still, it's not the same day as New Year when we are ready to congratulate the police guard or the cashier in the subway. It is not necessary to congratulate just anyone.

How to react an Orthodox person if in response to "Christ is Risen!" does he suddenly get silence, or worse, a joke or a scoffing?

I think, first of all, you need to choose who exactly you congratulate. If you admit wrong reaction- it is better not to say "Christ is Risen!" to this person, since it’s not a joy for him. If this happened, the most reasonable thing is to remain silent. Trying to reason with the other person is not the best tactic.

- Nowadays it is customary to send each other pictures and holiday poems by phone. Is this allowed for Easter?

In my experience, it looks rather strained and not very sincere: every time you catch yourself thinking that this is something like a mailing list, and has nothing to do with you personally. In fact, this is a formality. By itself use modern means in order to congratulate each other on the most important and intimate thing that is for the Orthodox, it is not so bad. It just doesn't have to be so dry and impersonal. Therefore, I personally avoid such mailings: I answer if such a message comes to me, but I never send it myself.

It is one of the most important Christian holidays, congratulations on this day should also have a special character and special meaning. Each word here should be filled with warmth, love, light and your personal respect for those people whom you honor to be congratulated. You should choose your words carefully and be as sincere as possible in your emotions. Only then can it be called truly Christian.

If you doubt that you correctly understood the meaning of the words we said, then it is better not to take risks and not to improvise, but to take one of finished works published on our website and use it in such a way that all your loved ones, friends and relatives were pleasantly surprised by your initiative and pressure. Vlio will give you all these opportunities, and absolutely free. On your part, you just need to spend a little time choosing a specific congratulation.

Christian Easter greetings are exactly what you need and what you were looking for. Check out the collection presented here, and you will be convinced of it on your own experience!

A loud voice rushes from heaven -
Christ is truly risen!
Spilled blood for us to a drop,
After all, He is mercy and love.

Open your heart to the Lord,
And He will always be with you.
Forgive, support and understand.
Whoever is with Him will never die!

Congratulations on your mobile

I congratulate everyone on Christ's Sunday,
What the people call Easter as a holiday
I want to wish you health and patience
Near those who will always understand you.

Treat them with a slice of sweet Easter,
Smash the Krashanka sitting at the table
Wish any problems
They walked around their house.

Christ was resurrected on this great day!
May pleasant excitement come to you,
Easter divine shadow
Let it touch this Sunday!

We wish you that the Lord would give everything -
Health, prosperity, prosperity!
In business, so that nothing interferes,
Let it be only sweet in this life!

On the day of Christ Sunday
Let the fun come to your house
The smell of fresh cakes,
Church bells, laughter of children.

At a wide table
All guests will be welcomed by your house.
Grace will descend from heaven.
Happy Easter to you! Christ is risen!

Mom, mommy, dear,
My dearest in life.
I wish you miracles on Easter day,
I will ask them from heaven.

May the Lord protect you,
And in life, it helps.
Let the Guardian Angel be near
He keeps you with his gaze.

Mom, you are like a miracle to me
Without you, it will be bad for me.
After all, you, for me, support
In this, there is not even a dispute.

Happy Easter, my friends!
Rejoice, glorify the Lord!
We can no longer live as before,
Forget all your sins in the past!

Fill your hearts with holiness
Share your love with your neighbors.
Let there be no joy of the end!
Laugh, smile, have fun!

Easter day. Pure nature.
And every moment is sweet today!
Among the Orthodox people
The great holiday has arrived.

Happy Easter to you
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Wish fewer days sad,
More happiness and love!

I am in a hurry to congratulate you on Easter!
Let the sadness disappear from the heart,
Hope will inspire the soul
The Lord will bless on the way.

May the joy last without end
A tear does not roll from my face
Eyes shine with happiness
And there will be miracles in life!

I want to wish you happiness
And bloom this Easter,
Like a sunny spring
Violet tender under the moon.

I wish you good luck and good
WITH Happy Easter Congratulations.
May your dreams come true!
Love, health, beauty!

May bright Easter
Brings to your home
Love and hope
Consent in everything.

Let faith cover
From troubles and hardships,
May eternal joy
He will come to your family.

May in your life
There will be more miracles.
Be happy.
Our Christ is Risen!

The most important Christian holiday- Orthodox believers celebrate Easter with jubilation right after the strictest Lent of the year. The history of the holiday dates back to the days of paganism. Then Easter was associated with the appearance of the dead into the world of the living. It was believed that they descend from heaven and come that day to their burial places.

With the birth of Christianity, the Great Resurrection began to personify the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Passover began to be celebrated a week later than the Jewish one. Orthodox holiday overgrown with its own customs and symbols, the main of which is a decorated egg.

Happy Easter, congratulations
I wish you well-being.
May your soul be warm
And in the house - happiness and goodness.

I wish you prosperity, peace,
The trouble is to pass by.
And were there always
Relatives, loved ones, friends.

May bright Easter
Brings to your home
Love and hope
Agree on everything.

Let faith cover
From troubles and hardships,
May eternal joy
He will come to your family.

May in your life
There will be more miracles.
Be happy.
Our Christ is Risen!

Christ is risen. On this bright holiday, one can wish only health, happiness, love, peace and peace of mind. May your home always be warm and cozy. Let understanding, love and care reign in him!

Christ is risen! Happy Easter!
Let there be kindness in the house.
Let there be no bad weather
Love always lives in hearts.

Let the sun warm, hug
Fills with warmth and light.
May God always keep from troubles,
Let no trouble come to you.

Happy Easter, Happy Easter!
And from my heart I wish
Good, humane life,
Strong and heartfelt friendship,
A piece of God's bread,
A sip of spring water,
Deeds according to conscience and honor,
Happiness to the house! Christ is Risen!

A miracle of miracles happened -
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
And on this holiday, at light hour
Let each one give praise.
May the house be full of happiness
May everyone be healthy in it.
Smile, generosity and fun
Let Sunday give you.
Let the message that came down from heaven
Will announce: "Christ is risen!"

Bright, pure Easter has come
Spring brought renewal with itself.
I wish you today from the bottom of my heart,
Great health, happiness, love.
Faith, patience, warmth in hearts,
To make all your dreams come true.

I want to wish for Easter
I am the warmth of dear hearts,
Great joy, comfort,
Happiness, because Christ is risen!

Let the angel protect you
Shelters from adversity.
May everything that you dream of
It will come to life very soon.

Happy Easter!
I wish you always
Warmth, love and peace,
Health, happiness for centuries.

I wish you the best of the highest
And peace of mind in the family.
May your house flourish
In friendship, loyalty, kindness.

Happy Easter, congratulations
And I wish you to live all year
Without adversity and grief,
Without reproaches and doubts,
So that the house is a full bowl,
Peace and joy lived in him,
The table was full of food,
Laughter was heard everywhere
Faith, mercy, miracles
God give you.
Christ is risen!

There is no brighter holiday in the world.
Let's hug and congratulate you on Easter soon.
Light a candle, bless the cakes
Yes good deeds dedicate this day.
Meet your relatives and friends with Easter cakes,
And most importantly, you treat them generously.
You pray with pure faith today,
Do not accumulate grievances, do not be proud of yourself.
May your soul be beautiful,
Once the candle is lit, then it cannot be blown out.
Successfully on a new day, we wish to step.

Christ is risen! Hallelujah!

Dear friends!

“The resurrection of Jesus is the highest truth of our faith in Christ, the first Christian community believed in it and lived by it as the main truth. It is transmitted by Tradition as a fundamental truth, established by the texts of the New Testament, preached - along with the cross - as an essential part of the Easter mystery: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death and giving life to those in the grave."

The mystery of the resurrection of Christ is a real event that had historical confirmation, as evidenced by this New Testament... Already the Apostle Paul could write in the Epistle to the Corinthians around 56: “For I originally taught you that I myself received, that is, that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried and that He rose again on the third day , according to the Scriptures, and that Cepheus appeared, then twelve "( 1 Cor. 15.3-4). The apostle speaks here of the living tradition of the Resurrection, about which he learned after his conversion at the gates of Damascus.

“What are you looking for alive between the dead? He is not here: He is risen "( OK. 24.5-6). In the context of Easter events, the first element we encounter is an empty coffin. By itself, he does not represent direct evidence... The absence of the body of Christ in the tomb could have other explanations (see. Jn. 20,13; Mt. 28.11-15). Despite this, the empty coffin was an essential sign for everyone. When the disciples discovered him, it was the first step towards recognizing the very fact of the Resurrection. First it happened with the myrrh-bearing wives, then with Peter. The Disciple “Whom Jesus Loved” ( Jn. 20.6), claims that after entering the coffin and seeing "the sheets lying" ( Jn. 20.6), he “saw and believed” ( Jn. 20.8). This implies that from the state of the empty tomb, he understood that the absence of the body of Jesus could not be the work of human hands and that Jesus did not just return to earthly life, as was the case with Lazarus.

Indeed, the Resurrection of Christ was not a return to earthly life, as was the case with the resurrections performed by Him before Easter: the daughter of Jairus, the youth from Nain, Lazarus. These were miraculous events, but those who were given a miracle regained by the power of Jesus - the "ordinary" earthly life. Time will come and they will die again. The Resurrection of Christ is essentially different. In His resurrected flesh, He passes from the state of death to another life beyond time and space. The flesh of Jesus in the Resurrection is filled with the power of the Holy Spirit; He participates in Divine life in glory, so that the apostle Paul could call Christ a "heavenly" man.

"And if Christ has not been resurrected, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is also in vain" ( 1 Cor. 15.14). The resurrection is primarily a confirmation of everything that Christ Himself did and taught. All truths, even the most inaccessible to the human mind, find justification if, having resurrected, Christ gave the promised final proof of His divine authority ”( Catechism of the Catholic Church, 638-640, 646 and 651).

On this celebration, which nowadays Christians of all traditions celebrate on the same day, I wish everyone true joy, unity in good principles and peace of mind, because evil has been defeated and the last word- the word of love - belongs to God himself!

Christ is truly risen! Hallelujah!

In prayers and Christ's love,

father Mikhail Sivitsky,

dean of the Daugavpils dean's office

Rezekne-Aglona diocese of the Roman Catholic Church

Venerable spiritual fathers! Dear brothers and sisters!

Dear residents of Daugavpil!

O t of a pure and joyful heart, I congratulate you on the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ - the Lord's Easter!


Millennia have passed, separating us from the historical events described in the Holy Gospel by the apostles - the disciples of the Lord - about the Resurrection of Christ. Then the first Christians accepted this with joy. good news... But today we rejoice at this glorious and saving event. We sing, praise, magnify and glorify the Risen Christ. We share our joy with family members, with brothers in faith, we congratulate everyone on the great holiday.

Jesus Christ was resurrected autocraticly, as the Almighty God who has power and strength. By the cross on which He was crucified voluntarily, being obedient to the Father's will to the end, He abolished the ancient oath. The oath that weighed upon our forefather Adam, when he transgressed the commandment given to him by God in Paradise. By His burial, He put to death the power of death, which until that time had ruled over the human race. The second Adam, the Savior of the world, freed the first Adam from hellish darkness and death.

By His Resurrection, Jesus Christ enlightened human race the shining light of gospel teaching. And this teaching leads believers from mortal life on earth to eternal life in the Heavenly Kingdom, where there is no place for suffering or sorrow. As evidenced Holy Bible"There will be no crying, no outcry, no sickness, for the past has passed." (Apoc. 21: 4). Let us give glory and honor to the Risen Lord from our unworthy lips!

I wish you to meet and spend these saints easter days in strengthening faith, joy, courage! I wish you bodily health and mental salvation! I wish you to be in prayer, prosperity and sacrificial love to your neighbors! I wish God's blessing for all good deeds and success in all good creative plans and undertakings!


With love in Christ O. Alexy Zhilko,

the chairman The Central Council DPTSL.

Daugavpils, Latvia, 2017, Easter of Christ.


Bishop of Daugavpils and Rezekne Alexander

Christ-loving pastors, honorable monasticism and all faithful children of the Daugavpils-Rezekne Diocese of the Latvian Orthodox Church

“Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death on death and giving life to those in the grave” (troparion of Easter).

Beloved in the Risen Savior, God-loving elders and deacons, honorable monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters, Christ is Risen!

With great spiritual joy I congratulate you on the holiday of the bright Christ's Resurrection from the dead!

Yesterday, the Holy Church, facing the life-giving tomb of the Savior, cried out with trepidation and fear: "My Lord, my God, I will sing the original singing and the funeral song for You, with Your burial of my life, who opened the doorways, and who killed death and hell with death" (1st troparion of the first song Canon of Great Saturday). During Great Lent, we took up the feat of cleansing our souls through repentance, the struggle with sinful passions, to the best of our modest strength - through co-crucifixion with Christ (Gal. 2:19). And today we hear the solemn and jubilant: “Heaven is worthy, let the earth rejoice, let the earth celebrate, all visible and invisible: Christ is God, everlasting joy” (2nd troparion of the first canon of Easter). Together with the risen Christ, our souls are also resurrected.

Indeed, the great and lasting significance of the event of the Resurrection of Christ lies in the fact that “today our Lord Christ“ broke down the brass doors and broke the iron locks ”(Isaiah 45: 2) and struck the very face of death. What am I saying - a face? He changed its very name, because it is no longer called death, but tranquility and sleep ”(word for Holy Easter by St. John Chrysostom). Thanks to Christ's victory over death on this holy night, we felt Eternal Life in its fullness, we saw the “Kingdom of God, which came in power” (Mark 9: 1), we became witnesses of the main truth of Christianity, for Christ is Risen!

While every day we are immersed in the vain concerns of our life, passing in the search and creation of temporary benefits and pleasures, now we have become partakers of eternity, the fullness of being and incorruption. Our sorrows, difficulties, diseases receded. Therefore, let us not rush to abandon the spiritual joy of the communion of Eternity in order to indulge in earthly joys! For the earthly is temporary and perishable, and the spiritual is eternal and imperishable. Let us abide in communion with God and prayer in our churches and houses, in communion with our loved ones, we will visit those in need and show mercy to them! Let us offer a fervent prayer for our God-protected country of Latvia, for the Church of God and its archpastors! Let us do deeds of love, so that people who see our good deeds glorify our Heavenly Father (Matt. 5:16)!

On the first day after His Resurrection, the Lord appears to the myrrh-bearing wives and greets them with the word "Rejoice!" (Matt. 28: 9). I wish all of you, beloved, to rejoice in these holy days with spiritual joy! May God's peace, intercession Holy Mother of God, the prayers of all saints and my archpastoral blessing will be with you and your family!

Truly Christ is Risen!

By the grace of God, humble Alexander,

Bishop of Daugavpils and Rezekne.

Easter of Christ,

2017, city of Daugavpils.