How to treat chronic diseases? Lyme disease: symptoms and treatment, consequences, drugs

Diet for gastritis is a balance between the most gentle and nutritious food. In this case, food intake should be regular - you need to eat often and little by little, because it is easier for a sick stomach to cope with a small amount of food.

  1. Massotherapy with radiculitis, it can be both general and local (local). In the acute phase of sciatica, massage is categorically contraindicated. The following techniques are used: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration.

  2. Massage can significantly shorten recovery time motor functions... The sooner you respond to soft tissue trauma and sprain and seek massage, the better.

  3. In secondary and tertiary hypothyroidism, symptoms are usually less pronounced than in primary hypothyroidism, but signs of failure of other endocrine glands may develop.

  4. Standardized, commercially available tests are used to evaluate assays for dyslipidemia. available methods... Rapid methods using tests to determine the level of total cholesterol (CS) and other lipids and lipoproteins of the blood can be widely used.

  5. So, you have been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and prescribed surgery... What do you need to know while doing this?

  6. People often assume that hemorrhoids are the main source of anal pain. However, pain in the anus can occur for other reasons.

  7. It happens that a person gets sick, began to take various medications, maybe even went on a drip. But even after a complete cure, not the most pleasant consequences may occur, one of them may be anemia.

  8. Diagnosis of hemolytic anemia is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, hemolysis is directly diagnosed, which occurs in the vascular bed or in the spleen. At the second stage, numerous additional studies are carried out to determine the cause of the destruction of red blood cells.

  9. Statins are the main group medicines for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.

  10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease is the presence of typical complaints, or damage to the esophageal mucosa caused by abnormal regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus, due to dysfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter.

  11. It is strictly forbidden to cut off the corns with anything. The skin at the cut site may fester and then appear real wound... So, if you have a flat and soft corn that has not yet had time to dry, you need ...

  12. Proper nutrition and a properly composed diet is main factor, due to which hemorrhoids appear. Usually this is the fault digestive system, in which the imbalance is violated.

  13. The most important rehabilitation measure is good mood, after all, only with an optimistic mood is it possible to restore all the lost functions.

  14. It is known that most cases of venous thrombosis do not appear. This is primarily due to the fact that this process is usually asymptomatic.

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Lyme disease symptoms

Immediately after being hit by a tick, redness appears on the body, which gradually reaches ten centimeters in diameter. Over time, its shape changes to oval or irregular. After a while, the center turns into paler colors, and cyanosis may appear. At the very site of the bite, a crust forms, then a scar. In the absence of special treatment, the stain disappears after a month. And forty to fifty days after the bite, serious symptoms of Lyme disease are observed, which is expressed in the defeat musculoskeletal system as well as cardiovascular and nervous systems.

The very first symptoms of the lesion develop in the patient in the first month after the lesion. They are represented by a flu-like condition: fever, sometimes nausea. The fever can last up to twelve days. In this case, cough and runny nose are extremely rare. It is worth considering that flu-like symptoms do not always develop. The only one early symptom globular redness may remain.

The second stage of the disease is accompanied by damage to the nervous system, skin over a large area, the liver, visual apparatus and kidneys also suffer. The patient has urticaria. The symptoms of this stage are headache, photophobia, nausea and vomiting. The affected person has increased tone occipital muscles, he is worried about sleep disturbances and different kinds emotional disorders... Inflammatory lesions of the meninges may develop. Memory and attention are lost, heart rhythm is disturbed.

Three months after the first couple of stages (and sometimes a year later), the third stage begins. The disease becomes chronic and recurs constantly. The patient is worried increased fatigue, depressive states and disruption of normal nighttime rest. In addition, his body suffers from negative changes in the activity of organs and systems.

What can be done to eliminate Lyme disease? Treatment

If you suspect Lyme disease, the patient is immediately hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. All therapeutic measures in this case are designed to eliminate the causative agent of the disease - borrelia, which makes it possible to stop the progress of the disease, as well as prevent its transition to the chronic stage. If this is not done, the disease will affect all vital systems and cause disability.

Today, there are methods of treating Lyme disease using antibacterial effects. In this case, the drugs are selected exclusively on an individual basis. The doctor selects the most optimal remedy and selects the appropriate duration of therapy.

How is Lyme disease treated? Drugs

On the most early stages development of the disease, it is customary to use tetracycline or doxycycline, while the duration of admission does not exceed two weeks. V childhood the disease is stopped by tablets or by injection of amoxicillin.

If Lyme disease struck nervous system, then such antibiotics will no longer help. In this case, the use of high dosages of penicillin, ampicillin, as well as ceftriaxone or erythromycin is practiced.

In addition to the drugs already listed, you can also cope with the disease with the help of antibiotic compounds from the group of third-generation cephalosporins. It can be benzylpenicillin or cephobid. In especially severe cases, the drug must be administered intravenously.

In addition to antibiotic therapy, Lyme disease is also treated with symptomatic drugs, including detoxification solutions, dehydration agents, various non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory type, analgesics, desensitizing compounds. Various physiotherapy procedures are also highly useful.

What is the risk of Lyme disease? Effects

With absence timely treatment the causative agent of the disease penetrates through the blood or lymph into all organs of our body. This leads to the development of a number of complications.

The most serious of them appear when the disease affects the central nervous system. In this case, the patient may develop inflammation of the meninges, as well as problems with the cranial or peripheral nerves. The most dangerous neurological complication is considered to be chronic inflammation of the brain, which can be accompanied by paralysis of the muscular system and irreversible damage to the cranial nerve.

Lyme disease can also affect the cardiovascular system, injuring the heart muscle, resulting in endocarditis or pericarditis.
TO possible consequences also include inflammatory joint ailments, for example, arthritis.

In order to prevent complications, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor in a timely manner if you experience initial symptoms Lyme disease.

It is a consequence of serious disorders in the human brain. It develops rather slowly, but inevitably leads to lethal outcome... Unfortunately, as of today, no effective ways to cure this disease, however, it is quite possible to suspend its development.

Alzheimer's disease treatment

The choice of a treatment method should be preceded by a detailed assessment of the patient's condition with the identification of the causes of the development of mental disorders. The therapy is carried out in close cooperation with the loved ones of the patient.

Besides treatment general condition, it is necessary to eliminate psychiatric problems that can cause the progression of the disease.

Regular monitoring and evaluation of symptoms, as well as analysis of the effectiveness of the selected treatment, is of no small importance.

It is very important to correctly assess all aspects of the patient's life - the threat of the development of suicidal attempts, the danger to others, the aggressiveness of his behavior. Great importance has a definition of the adequacy of care and living conditions.

Medicines are prescribed with caution, since the absorption of many substances and metabolic processes can be impaired with age.

As a result, people become more sensitive to drug components, which multiplies the threat. side effects... Therefore, when using drugs, a small dosage is first prescribed, and then it is gradually increased.

How and how to treat Alzheimer's disease can only be decided by a specialist.

Drug treatment

Is Alzheimer's Disease Treated? More likely no than yes. It is impossible to completely eliminate the pathology. However, there are medications that can slow down its development.

1.Preparations with cholinesterase inhibitors. These funds are used on early stage development of the disease. The use of these medicines allows you to smooth out the symptoms of pathology.

These funds include:

  • donepezil;
  • galantamine;
  • rivastigmine;
  • tacrine.

2. The drug is memantine.

This tool is used at the middle or severe stage. Thanks to this drug, it is possible to slow down the progression of the main ones. Because of this, a person has the opportunity to carry out his daily activities much longer.

Also sometimes used and donepezil... It is combined with pills against depression, hyperexcitability.

New treatments

New methods of treating the disease include the use of stem cells.

This is a fairly popular method that allows stem cells to replace damaged ones. Thanks to this, it is possible to restore the impaired brain functions.

Healthy cells produce substances that activate regenerative processes. As a result, blood vessels appear and nerve cells are regenerated. The brain resumes its work, and the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease disappear.

Another method is to use statins. The fact is that there is a relationship between an increase in blood cholesterol and the appearance of Alzheimer's disease.

Statins are also prescribed to lower cholesterol. Scientists believe that this will help reduce the threat of dementia. However, the technique is still under development.

Folk remedies

Usage folk recipes allows you to slow down the progression of pathology, but it is impossible to completely recover from it.

Enough effective means the following are considered:

  • Drink one cup of tea every day. Perfectly green will do or black tea.
  • You need to mix the ginseng root and lemongrass berries in equal proportions. Add 1 liter of boiling water to 10 g of the mixture. Cook for 10 minutes. Take the broth throughout the day in small portions.
  • Take 1 tsp. whitening root, pour a cup of water and boil for 10 minutes. Drink twice a day for a cup.

Exercises to improve brain function

To prevent or halt the progression of the disease, you must always keep your brain active.

Mental stress

There is evidence that connections between brain cells can form in old age. To do this, you need to constantly engage in mental activity: reading, solving puzzles, studying a computer, etc.


Several times a week it is necessary to perform walk... This will increase the number of beneficial compounds in the brain, which will help maintain normal emotional condition... For people with this disease, this is very important, because depressive conditions lead to memory impairment.

Respiratory gymnastics, stretching

Through such exercises, attention and all other brain functions can be improved. You need to straighten your back, inhale slowly, bending back slightly. Then exhale slowly, gradually bending your back.


This method treatment is aimed at correcting psychological problems person and includes:

  • supportive psychotherapy;
  • treatment with memories;
  • validation therapy;
  • sensory integration;
  • simulation of presence.

To improve the patient's life, doctors suggest using methods:

  • cognitive retraining;
  • orientation in space;
  • music therapy;
  • art therapy;
  • animal therapy.

One of the most painful neurological disorders counts